Padawan Jai Rennings

| {Full Name} |
Jai Carson Rennings
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
Human (Denon)
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
Yes. Jai leans Light as that has all he's been taught. The recent loss of his Master however has left him quite conflicted.
| {Appearance} |
Tall, dark, and handsome is the general first impression one gets from the young man. He stands at a respectable six foot one and has a very toned, lithe build. More often than not his aquamarine-colored eyes are the first real details one notices. Eyes that dislike being the center of attention and will shift rather than hold a heavy stare. His hair will sometimes hide those eyes, the dark-brown usually messy strands declaring a revolution of cooperation. Within the dark-brown patches of matte-blonde can be seen underneath, giving a two-toned look in the right light or when wet. His facial features seem to fit just right to the overall structure which is finished off with an easily distinguishable jawline that completes the 'handsome' part of first impressions. The dark comes from the healthy natural tan that only gets darker when exposed to the sun for long durations. Besides the color, his skin when observed up close is well maintained and seems to glow from health, and no hair is visible on his legs or arms.
He tends to smirk slightly when excited or anxious, narrows his eyes in a playful way while leaning his head back when challenged or sees something he likes, crosses his arms almost all the time, shifts from left leg to the right and seems always ready to draw his blade. He uses a rise/fall inflection pattern with pauses, will sigh very easily, will flare nostrils and clench his jaw while shooting his eyes to the right and then down when pressed, and will always look directly at someone when talking before then shooting his eyes away. He also tends to move one arm up to let his chin rest when in deep thought, will drum his fingers on a flat surface, likes to shrug, and when he is wearing jackets, coats, or robes his hands reflexively seem to hold on to the lappels.
He has the walk of a seasoned duelist. A confident, yet quiet stride. The sort you get when you’re sure of yourself yet have no reason to flaunt it. He seems like a ready fighter and used to the action of drawing his saber. His normal stance is a straight backed, and broad stance with arms either crossed in front of him or on his hips.
He tends to smirk slightly when excited or anxious, narrows his eyes in a playful way while leaning his head back when challenged or sees something he likes, crosses his arms almost all the time, shifts from left leg to the right and seems always ready to draw his blade. He uses a rise/fall inflection pattern with pauses, will sigh very easily, will flare nostrils and clench his jaw while shooting his eyes to the right and then down when pressed, and will always look directly at someone when talking before then shooting his eyes away. He also tends to move one arm up to let his chin rest when in deep thought, will drum his fingers on a flat surface, likes to shrug, and when he is wearing jackets, coats, or robes his hands reflexively seem to hold on to the lappels.
He has the walk of a seasoned duelist. A confident, yet quiet stride. The sort you get when you’re sure of yourself yet have no reason to flaunt it. He seems like a ready fighter and used to the action of drawing his saber. His normal stance is a straight backed, and broad stance with arms either crossed in front of him or on his hips.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
Jai lost almost all of his belongings when the war front he was assigned to collapsed. Not that he had a lot then anyway, as possessions were frowned upon by the Order. His current equipment, however, is his most prized and includes the following. One curved hilt Lightsaber with a teal blade, one ornate hilted saber with a blue blade, a heavy blaster pistol, loose-fit clothing, tight-fit leather clothing pieces, a set of Jedi Robes, an Astromech droid, a datapad, and a communication device.
| {Physical Abilities} |
Jai was trained from a young age and as such has decent athleticism, stamina, and breath control. In addition, he was trained in acrobatics, Art of Movement, economy of motion, and close-quarter hand-to-hand combat. He has studied the beginning of Forms of I, III, IV and the Shien variant of V while having a better grasp on Form II. His fighting style consists of almost pure form II, with some IV mixed within while able to swap to a much less refined but competent defensive style using III for melee, and V Shien for blaster bolts.
| {Force Abilities} |
Jai hasn't studied many Force powers, as his Master had been a swordsman but Jai picked up a few and is always looking to add to his repertoire. Currently, he is proficient in Push, Pull, Curato Salva, Tapas, Danger Sense, Mind Trick, and the very basics of tutamins. Beyond the force powers, Jai was never able to master passive meditation and instead utilized Alchaka and moving meditation to attune himself to the force.
| {Limitations} |
Jai is quite full of himself and considers himself a blade master even when there's so much more he needs to learn. He lacks fundamental knowledge of force powers, only knowing combat uses for each. He's completely and totally susceptible to teaching, being very impressionable when dealing with seasoned soldiers, or Jedi. Beyond all of this, he's only 18 and while he has clear strengths even those suffer from his overall lack of focus in scenarios. He's a handful to keep still, and lessons requiring any sort of 'calm' is going to end with a lot of fidgeting.
| {Personality} |
A literal fireball of energy, Jai can't stop moving. It seems to be in his blood and he's constantly exercising, helping with something, or sparring, himself or a partner. He is a good natured young man, one who had the innocence of childhood killed at a young age but still manage dto hold onto some hope. He comes across in many different ways depending on who he's meeting for the first time, ranging from respectful and reverent to his superiors, to polite yet a tad full of himself when meeting other Padawans near his age. He has a deep respect for non-sensitive solders and clones and generally has a very good relationship with them. His affinity for the second form seems to come out in him at times, the almost aristocratic approach to life as a whole. He admires and hero worships Count Dooku and has spent LONG hours studying holo-recordings of the Count's fights.
Fellow Padawans would find it difficult to make friends with the young man, as he has been taught that friendships are to be ignored. It was never a rule Jai thought made sense but when it was ingrained into every day discussion for years it was a hard habit to break. However if one was able to take the time to get through the flimsy mask of arrogance, and aristocracy they would find a sarcastic, witty, jokster, and extremely loyal friend. It's unfortunate but soldiers and clones get that side of him without having to worry about the mask which is why the young man tends to stick close to them.
He has recently had a large emotional shock that he's still dealing with. He lost the Master that took him in when he was just twelve years old. He has been reassigned, the Enclave to which he belonged telling him that he would have a replacement sometime in the future. Until then the young man has to attempt to deal with the loss and his place in the galaxy himself.
Fellow Padawans would find it difficult to make friends with the young man, as he has been taught that friendships are to be ignored. It was never a rule Jai thought made sense but when it was ingrained into every day discussion for years it was a hard habit to break. However if one was able to take the time to get through the flimsy mask of arrogance, and aristocracy they would find a sarcastic, witty, jokster, and extremely loyal friend. It's unfortunate but soldiers and clones get that side of him without having to worry about the mask which is why the young man tends to stick close to them.
He has recently had a large emotional shock that he's still dealing with. He lost the Master that took him in when he was just twelve years old. He has been reassigned, the Enclave to which he belonged telling him that he would have a replacement sometime in the future. Until then the young man has to attempt to deal with the loss and his place in the galaxy himself.
| {Place of Origin} |
Jai was born on Denon, to a middle-class family. He was found to be force sensitive when he was one year old, during one of the yearly tests of all children.
| {Background} |
Instead of taking him to the Green Jedi on Corellia as would be protocol, the shuttle taking Jai and five other force-sensitive infants were stolen by a Mandalorian crew that had been privateering as pirates. Instead of Corellia, Jai was sent to one of the Enclaves within the GRM As a youngling, Jai took to the training saber extremely quickly and a note was made to watch this development closely. Other than his saber abilities the young man had a rather standard and boring childhood. It consisted of the usual Jedi activities such as meditation, studying, and training. Jai was a terrible student however in all aspects other than exercise and saber training. The boy just couldn't sit still and he had tested the serene patience of just about all of the temple Knights and Masters. Luckily for him, they couldn't remain frustrated at him for long, his ready and wide smile combined with good spirit just causing a roll of the eyes, ruffled hair, and half-hearted telling off.
The pattern of Jedi life continued until he was eleven years old where he was made the student-instructor assistant for the saber masters of the Temple. He was tasked with helping instruct the younger Jedi and it was then that Jai found himself introduced to Form II. He instantly fell in love and he became even more difficult to teach in a classroom setting as in addition to not being able to sit still, he had taken to watching every Form II holo-vid he could get his hands on. The boy practically lived in the training room, and the Masters decided that as young as he was, he needed to getaway.
Jai was made a Padawan to Master Shen Sar the day of his twelfth birthday and his true life as a Jedi began. The galaxy had been changed for some 14 years at this point and peace was never easy to find. Master Sar was a Major within a Special Forces brigade pledged to the GRM, in addition to his Jedi rank of Master. The Major used a Special Forces Brigade that had a 'history' of mercenary work and 'his' Enclave was never attached to any of the remaining Jedi orders. It gave the GRM plausible deniability and the Brigade was mostly used to assist the new Empire in their constant war with the CIS forces. The man was an innovative tactician, using Jedi in unorthodox formations or locations. His most notable victory was a complete slaughter of a CIS ground assault. The Master hid the Jedi under his command in the mud. Snipers forced the droid advance into one narrow formation and already zoned in artillery shattered said formation. As the droids were forced to advance, the Jedi sprung upwards and began what became known as the 'great scrapping'. For Jai it was perfect, his inability to stop allowing him to be used constantly as a runner, an attache, a commando, anything.
In addition to his battlefield prowess, Jai continued to study the blade both by himself and with the many other Knights that served in Sar's unit. Having so many sparring partners made his already noticeable saber talents to grow even larger. He outclassed many of his fellow Padawans and instead focused on sparring Knight's or himself rather than his peers. He adopted a sort of 'better than you' air and spent most of his free time with the troopers. This went on for years and years and Jai developed from a happy go lucky Padawan to a war-tested and battle veteran young man. It took its toll but with meditation, and constant help wherever and whenever he needs Jai only got better instead of growing passive and slowly sinking.
That is until his Master was killed. It was a freak accident by all accounts, somehow an enemy artillery shell managed to land directly on Sar's and Jai's position. His master didn't waste any time when the Force screamed at him and raised a powerful barrier around Jai and then pushed him away. In doing so, Sar wasn't able to react for himself and the next artillery shell in the creeping barrage landed behind the Master, riddling his entire back with shrapnel, which pierced the armor and killed him instantly.
The condolences were nothing, as Jai found himself alone. The man who practically raised him having sacrificed his very life to save him. It was a hard thing to swallow, but Jai promised himself that he wouldn't let that stop him. Master Sar wouldn't want him to blow that sacrifice. Now armed with his Master's lightsaber Jai was sent back to the Enclave who would decide his fate going forward... The force would certainly need to be with him.
The pattern of Jedi life continued until he was eleven years old where he was made the student-instructor assistant for the saber masters of the Temple. He was tasked with helping instruct the younger Jedi and it was then that Jai found himself introduced to Form II. He instantly fell in love and he became even more difficult to teach in a classroom setting as in addition to not being able to sit still, he had taken to watching every Form II holo-vid he could get his hands on. The boy practically lived in the training room, and the Masters decided that as young as he was, he needed to getaway.
Jai was made a Padawan to Master Shen Sar the day of his twelfth birthday and his true life as a Jedi began. The galaxy had been changed for some 14 years at this point and peace was never easy to find. Master Sar was a Major within a Special Forces brigade pledged to the GRM, in addition to his Jedi rank of Master. The Major used a Special Forces Brigade that had a 'history' of mercenary work and 'his' Enclave was never attached to any of the remaining Jedi orders. It gave the GRM plausible deniability and the Brigade was mostly used to assist the new Empire in their constant war with the CIS forces. The man was an innovative tactician, using Jedi in unorthodox formations or locations. His most notable victory was a complete slaughter of a CIS ground assault. The Master hid the Jedi under his command in the mud. Snipers forced the droid advance into one narrow formation and already zoned in artillery shattered said formation. As the droids were forced to advance, the Jedi sprung upwards and began what became known as the 'great scrapping'. For Jai it was perfect, his inability to stop allowing him to be used constantly as a runner, an attache, a commando, anything.
In addition to his battlefield prowess, Jai continued to study the blade both by himself and with the many other Knights that served in Sar's unit. Having so many sparring partners made his already noticeable saber talents to grow even larger. He outclassed many of his fellow Padawans and instead focused on sparring Knight's or himself rather than his peers. He adopted a sort of 'better than you' air and spent most of his free time with the troopers. This went on for years and years and Jai developed from a happy go lucky Padawan to a war-tested and battle veteran young man. It took its toll but with meditation, and constant help wherever and whenever he needs Jai only got better instead of growing passive and slowly sinking.
That is until his Master was killed. It was a freak accident by all accounts, somehow an enemy artillery shell managed to land directly on Sar's and Jai's position. His master didn't waste any time when the Force screamed at him and raised a powerful barrier around Jai and then pushed him away. In doing so, Sar wasn't able to react for himself and the next artillery shell in the creeping barrage landed behind the Master, riddling his entire back with shrapnel, which pierced the armor and killed him instantly.
The condolences were nothing, as Jai found himself alone. The man who practically raised him having sacrificed his very life to save him. It was a hard thing to swallow, but Jai promised himself that he wouldn't let that stop him. Master Sar wouldn't want him to blow that sacrifice. Now armed with his Master's lightsaber Jai was sent back to the Enclave who would decide his fate going forward... The force would certainly need to be with him.
| {Other} |
This is an Album of Jai and his belongings!, character is willing to be Apprenticed to another PC!
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