”Being blind doesn't mean I can't witness stupid.”Face Claim —
Chris Pine | Color —
Devin D'Artagnan Coal
Superhero Alias
The Blind Bat
Sexual Orientation
Hero Connection
Devin is currently a student of both Stick and Daredevil.
Standing at 5’11” and weighing in at 173 pounds. Devin has a slightly average build with a body that is clearly trained. He has a few scares on his chest and back from an unwise training session with Electra; however, most were earned due to his own stubbornness of not slowing down or listening.
One thing that is often noted when people describe Devin is that he is VERY put together. Were you to not know him you would think he was OCD at times? His outfits are therefore a product of needing to be very organized (a staple for many people who are blind). He is also a fan of several stores specifically because he likes the people that work there, and he can rely on them to present him with classic and traditional styles from the manikins.
Personality Traits
Stubborn /|\ Emotionally Distant /|\ Blunt /|\ Social /|\ Focused /|\ Dependable
Secret Origin
Devin was born an orphan. His father was never in the picture and his mother passed shortly after giving birth. No immediate family was discovered so he became the property of the state. His mother had given him a first and last name; however, a nurse gave him his middle name. Due to his young age it he was quickly adopted by a loving family in.
At 5 years old his family was killed in a drunk driving accident. The child car seat saved him; however, the accident took Devin's sight. Due to his age and recent disability adoption did not come quickly and he found his way to Saint Agnes Orphanage. By the time he was turned 11 he had started to find himself angry at everything. Father Paul decided to introduce him to one of the more famous benefactors of the orphanage – Matthew Murdock.
The two of course bonded quickly. Matt was impressed at the young man’s strength and began to visit regularly. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Matt his doting to Devin did not go unnoticed. Less than a year after Devin was approached by a man who called himself Stick and his life changed forever. In that meeting Stick only said two things. "You know who Daredevil is?" And when Devin said no Stick told him. "Murdock".
Devin's interest in Daredevil went from mild interest to near obsession. He confronted his mentor who denied it outright. Still Devin didn't stop. He began to study everything about Matt and Daredevil. Asking questions of the faculty some of whom remained insistently silent. Through the ones that talked he learned about the chemical accident that took Matt’s sight. Devin continued to seek out the old man and when he found him, demanded to know everything.
Instead of giving him answers Stick had another plan. Springing up and standing over Devin Stick dumped a jug of the very chemical that blinded Matt on Devin's face. The pain and burning of the chemical were like hellfire. He was visited several times by Matt while he was healing from the chemical burns.
After hearing Devin comment on a Doctors heartbeat, he realized the gifts the chemicals gave the hero had also been received by Devin. When Devin asked Matt what would happen next it was Daredevil that answered him. "Training"
From that day forward Devin's life was focused on training his new abilities and body. He eventually reunited with Stick as well, but hid this from Matt. Both gave him direction and guidance with two very different methods. Stick oversaw trial by fire and pain while Daredevil delivered practice and guidance.
These two different methods mirrored their expectations as well. Stick was insistent that Devin join The Chaste and their war against The Hand while Daredevil expected Devin to only use these abilities to better the world around him. Both agreed; however, that becoming a hero was not acceptable. Finally, Devin could be a normal teenager and rebel. His first act was enrolling in Mobius Academy.
Family Tree
- Matt Murdock – Idol
- Stick – Trainer
- Daredevil – Trainer
- Electra – Trainer
- Father Paul Lantom – Father Figure
- Sister Maggie – Mother Figure
- Superhuman senses
- Echolocation radar sense
- Skilled acrobat, martial artist, and stick fighter
- Utilization of specially designed billy-club
Devin has encountered small violent crimes and thwarted them he has yet to encounter a plan beyond robbing a bank. And even then he never openly engaged outside of slowing them down while being a civilian and calling the police with a phone he felt on a desk. [*]
At this point Devin is content with continuing to use a white cane to get around; however, Sister Maggie has been pushing him to look into and consider getting a seeing eye dog to help with companionship and his sometimes irrational focus.[*]
After ageing out of the orphanage Devin had been heavily pushed towards university by many of his parental figures including Matthew. The first person to actually point him in the direction of the Academy was a fellow student at school who was also applying.[*]
His favorite sport is Baseball which he believes is the best sport to listen to on the radio. This is of course his preferred method of consuming sports media and would almost never miss listening to a Mets Game.[*]
Simliar to his mentor David has a somewhat complicated relationship with his faith. He will bring it up often; however, deflects and attacks it when it is spoken to him. Something he got very good at growing up in the church orphanage. >/list]