Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@SimpleWriter @Heartfillia @Aerandir @Nyahahameha @Tenma Tendo @Pudding @Aviaire @pkken @OwO @Zaphander @Ryonara

Thankfully for the students, the week went by with no further event, allowing them to prepare for the task awaiting them the following Monday.

Chatter rose through the cool morning air as students gathered outside the training arena, lively banter mixed with moans and groans. The wide variety of participants, from all hero classes rather than just one, meant a range of attitudes towards the exam. One girl in particular bounced and whirled through the crowd.

"Rise and shine!" Momo squealed to Freya, who lay draped over a wall as she dozed. "Don't want to miss out on some REAL combat training, do you?" Dancing past her, Momo hurried towards the arena, bumping into a girl and making her spill soda on her bee costume. "Oops! Sorry there!"

The mishap didn't deter her from bounding on until she spotted a familiar pair of horns. "Omigosh can you believe it? Finally, team competitions!" She twirled in front of Erika, spotting Alex not far behind. "And if it's really three on three, this'll be the perfect opportunity for us to work together! It'll be like we're a hero team already! I wonder who we'll be up against?"

The time to put the skills Gabby had taught her to good use was almost here. For all the other girl's concerns about falling in with the wrong crowd, those training sessions had been fun, only resulting in a few wrecked items.

Freya Leander ~ Cait Sith

"Mrrrowwwrrr..." Freya grumbled, stirring awake and climbing down from the wall. How did some people have so much energy in the mornings? Traipsing over towards the others, she slouched and yawned. "Ugh, why do we have to do this so damn early?"

A shadow fell over her. She raised her head to see someone in the air, jumping much higher than she could. "Heh, nice enthusiasm there, bed head!" the guy jeered, smirking down at her before landing. He wasn't even wearing a hero costume, just a leather jacket and jeans combo with several punk style accessories, but he exuded cool confidence like victory was guaranteed. "Just try and catch up with me. Remember, you snooze, you lose!" A pair of springstilts extended from his feet, through slots in his boots, launching him into the air once again.

Freya sighed. Just when she thought she couldn't look forward to this exam any less. She really should have faked illness like she'd had a good mind to do. Oh well, too late to back out now. All she could do was try to make sure this challenge went better than the last one. Pulling up her hood and hunching her shoulders, she trudged into the crowd, hoping she wouldn't let anyone down.

She glanced around the gathering with a slight frown. It wasn't just the upcoming task that unsettled her... something was off. It took her a few moments to realise what it was. Someone who'd seemed sure to turn up on time was nowhere to be seen.

"That's weird..." she muttered. "Where's Keri?" There hadn't been another accident, had there? Kerianne hadn't pushed herself too much again?

Kerianne Morley ~ Nightwatch

Striding around the school grounds, Kerianne glared this way and that. "Dawn! The exam's about to start any moment now!" Still no sign of her. With a heavy sigh, Kerianne took her phone and typed yet another text message, not that Dawn was likely to take any notice.

She cast a glance towards the training hall in the distance, down at her hero costume, then back around the courtyard. It would look terrible if she missed the exam because of this, but Dawn had been moved into Class A for a reason - that reason being the scrutiny of her sister. An adopted sister, but family nonetheless. And right now, Kerianne had to fulfill that duty.

After another quick search brought no success, Kerianne headed back. For all she knew, Dawn could be out of grounds entirely, despite the important test - or because of it. After all, she couldn't claim not to understand that kind of behaviour...

"Excuse me." Heading over to some of her own class, she looked from student to student. "You wouldn't happen to have seen where Dawn went, would you? I took my eyes off her for a few moments, and well... Someone who glows really should be easier to find."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Breeze Porfirio || Arsenal

Breeze wished she could say the past week was uneventful for her. While there was nothing class-wise she had to worry over too much, the inevitable hero exam hung over her head since she'd gone home and relayed the information to her father. She was mostly indifferent to the idea of going against other students; word had gone around that they'd be able to work in teams. But with a chance to show her skills came her father's desperate attempts to push her even father than normal. The soreness from the extra training had gone away fortunately, so she'd a least be good for what's to come.

Currently, she was wandering past the crowd of students in search of her fellow classmates, hands clasped nervously in front of her. She was confident enough in her skills, but watching people get hurt especially if they didn't deserve it felt off to her. Yeah, it was for school purposes, but one wrong move could really mess someone up...

The green haired girl sighed before reaching up to adjust the ribbon keeping her hair from getting too much in her face. It was rather interesting seeing everyone in their hero outfits, though. While some could pass off as normal clothes like her own, others were really out there.

Before she could continue her train of thought, a familiar head of blonde hair grabbed her attention, bringing her closer to some other familiar faces as well. Once she was in earshot of Kerianne's inquiry, Breeze could only tilt her head in confusion. Dawn was missing?
"U-Um, I don't think I saw her around here, b-but she could just be someone in this crowd?" She tried to sound reassuring, but her comment came out more as a question as she looked out at the colorful group of kids huddled together outside.

Chisato "Chi" Yuuki || Elixir

While Chisato was physically present, his mind appeared to be elsewhere, thinking about nothing but also everything at the same time. Tired eyes stared at nothing in particular while he slurped on a sickly green colored smoothie, wanting to replace the iron he lost from the neon blue blood sloshing around in the container attached to his back. He wouldn't know what to expect, and if someone got seriously injured, he'd need to be on deck. He wouldn't fail on his duties; although it would've been nice if he counted as a special case among the other students. Well, it didn't matter now anyways. If his friends were gonna go through this exam, he'd right there along with them.

Looking over at Freya once she made herself present, Chi smiled around the straw in his mouth.
"You'll never know when someone needs a hero. This is good practice, don't you think?" The combat medic didn't bother pulling the straw away from his mouth even as he spoke, creating odd slurs with some of his words. Freya was right though, it was a bit early; he probably wouldn't have noticed it if she didn't say anything about it though.

When some guy bounced over and past them, the boy clad in white didn't seem to react that much, eyes half lidded and drinking down his smoothie like a well oiled machine. Whether he was too tired to react, still sorting out his thoughts, or something else entirely, Chi held indifference...for the most part.
"...He has good fashion sense." The pinkette nodded approvingly before walking beside Freya into the crowd, but not without giving her a quick side hug for comfort beforehand.

Placing his free hand on his hip, Chisato took a look around as well.
"Hm...I'm not sure. She can't not be here right?" Keri not being present sounded...weird. She was always punctual, on time, never late. Maybe she got caught up with something?

Luckily their worry for their friend didn't last for long, as the girl in question ended up approaching them.
"Dawn wandered off?" A frown pulled at the corners of Chi's mouth. Judging by his solemn expression alone, it was clear that he hadn't seen the other girl. Unfortunately, he hadn't been paying attention his surroundings much either, something he'd need to fix before this exam really got started.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn smiled brightly with a hint of mischievousness at the group of boys that surrounded her. Each of them were admiring her outfit. Exactly what she wanted. Most of the boys were from her old class C, And she had them wrapped around her fingers. Soon...their lunches would be hers!

The experience was lessened with the constant buzzing on her phone. Dangit Keri, she was being even more of a nag now that they were in the same class. But she guessed she should get going, or she was just going to get nagged even more so. So she motioned for the boys to follow her to the grounds...they were going as well so it worked out.

Soon enough they reached the grounds, each boy towered over her and easily covered her from the eyes of her new fellow students in class A. She was listening to one of the guys trying to impress her with the technical gadgets on his outfit. With something like he came up with it himself. But she quickly overheard Keri’s voice asking the others if they saw her.

Peeking out from behind one of the boys as the one continued to talk she saw she was right behind her. Her bright yet mischievous smile turned into a most evil grin. This was her chance, she had to take it. One of the only times she didn’t mind running was to get the jump on her sister.

Bolting out from behind the boys she sprinted right to Keri hopefully fast enough before the others would warn her. She pounced like a puma after its prey diving into a full tackle of her much taller sister., at the very last moment yelling a wordless yell to scare her. Wrapping her arms around Keri’s own arms and chest.

A large puff of dust exploded from the impact of them hitting ground. After a few grunts from the two from the impact there was silence for a moment before a maniacal laugh could be heard. Dawn was quick enough to get on top of her sister, straddling her and pinning her shoulders to the ground. Giving her biggest triumphant smile then saying in a clear heroic voice. “Don’t fret Kerri Dary! Because I. AM. HERE. Putting her hands on her hips and puffing up her chest in all to similar All might pose.

Renard sighed as he walked out of the locker rooms. Rotating his arms slowly and his wrists. Getting comfortable in his hero suit, it was a comfortable heavy weight upon his body. While it looked almost exactly like his fathers… it was made with more body armor. To absorb blows, and his gloves had consecutive metal on his gloves and bottom of his boots to and shins to allow electricity to pass through is clothes.

He looked up to see Chi wrapping his arm around Freya’s shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at that. What was she sad or… never mind...probably tired as he could tell from her tired eyes. Probably just woke up from a nap. That didn’t explain the hug though.

He was suddenly distracted as he was knocked forward. It wasn’t with great force but it was enough to trip him up slightly. But he caught himself. He then heard a soft grown from behind him. Looking back, he saw a Blonde haired girl kneeling on both knees with one hand on the ground and the other holding her forehead. “Owie..”

He smiled at the odds of the girl wearing what looked like an extremely intricate and detailed blue armor that looks massive on her tiny frame, would hit the one unprotected part of her body. He moved back over and asked, ”Are you ok?”

One shockingly electric blue eye peaked open at him . A moment of hesitation before her pearl white skin turned bright red with embarrassment.”I-I-I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going I didn't mean to walk into you... “ She said with a clear panic in her voice. But so softly Renard could barely hear her.

He offered his hand to her with a charming smile to calm her nerves. “Its ok. Really! Dont worry about it. My name is Renard Sparks, what is your’s?“

The girls voice caught in her throat as her red face somehow even turned even more so. She then took his hand gingerly and allowed him to help her up. “It’s Clara Vitrelle… once up she looked everywhere but at him, each time she did her face would blush again. ”Thank you…” Ande before he could ask anything else. Dawn had attacked her poor sister. Causing Clara to take that moment to quite suddenly move towards her friends without another word.

Slightly confused as to why she suddenly left, he hoped for a chance to speak to her again. But he moved onto his classmates at the moment Dawn hijacked All Mights line. Dawn was certainly one of the more interesting additions to their class this last week. He honestly didn’t see how Kerianne and Dawn actually got along when she was a wild woman and Kerianne was the calm voice of reason. But it kinda was hilarious how she tormented the poor girl.

. ”Gotta watch out for the small girls… They can be quite a handful. Specially the quiet ones.” He said as he stood next to Breeze and placed a hand on her head. “

@Tenma Tendo@LuckyBlackCat
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nyahahameha
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gabriella Gonzales
Repulsa Libre

"Now is not the time for our hands to be full of small girls."

Gabriella's heavily accented voice punctuated her arrival behind Dawn, clad in a costume even more revealing than that of the much shorter girl, yet garnering her much less attention from the opposite sex, for better or worse. Wanting to sort her goofball classmates out while they had time, Gabby reached down in an attempt to hook her hands under Dawn's triangular arms, and lift her up off of Kerianne. If successful, she'd set the girl down on her feet beside Keri, allowing Keri to stand as well if she had the energy.

"Heroes must be vigilant even on normal days. For days...like..."

Her attempt at getting her classmates to focus was interrupted by a long yawn, causing her eyes to water. Once it was finished, she tried to continue as if it hadn't happened, blinking the tears out of her vision. "...today, that applies two times."

Gabby tried not to think about her own fatigued state. She had to demonstrate she'd learned from her failure to be relevant during the rescue practice they'd done a couple weeks ago, as well as over the last week and weekend spending time with Momo. She trusted her adrenaline would kick in and wake her up once things started getting hectic. Still, it was hard not to feel bad about the decisions that had led to her being so run-down. She hoped nobody noticed and asked about it. She wasn't sure her classmates paid that much attention to her since she was typically pretty quiet, so they might not have realized that she was typically pretty energetic mornings, even on Mondays. With any luck, she'd get through this without having to embarrass herself with her explanation.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Freya Leander ~ Cait Sith

@Tenma Tendo @Heartfillia @Nyahahameha

As much as Freya appreciated the morale boost and hug from Chi, the word "hero" still didn't seem apt enough to resonate with her. Even so, she gave a weak smile back at him, blinking away the remaining bleariness. Since Chi had a reason to be tired, evidenced by the container on his back, she'd probably do best not to moan too much. At least Keri's arrival meant one less reason to worry. "Whew, speak of the devil, we were wondering where you were," she said, once Kerianne asked about Dawn. "As for Dawn..." She glanced from Breeze to Chi. "Ehh, I can't say I have, but we've still got a good few minutes before the test. And yeah, maybe she's just hanging out with guys."

She looked this way and that, spinning round at a thud. "Ah! Both of you alright there?" She ran towards Renard and a girl in crystalline armour, the latter kneeling on the ground and wearing a mortified look. As Renard helped the girl up, giving that kindly smile, Freya cast her eyes down as her cheeks warmed. Relieved as she was to see him acting like himself again, why did she suddenly feel even more out of place?

Nonetheless, she smiled over at both him and the girl who'd introduced herself as Clara. "Good to see you both are." Her attention settled on Renard, on that hero costume she'd seen for the first time... or not. Something about the form-fitting outfit struck her as familiar. She thought over the heroes she knew of, but the connection still evaded her... Where had she seen it, then?

Her face heated again as she realised she was staring. Pulling her gaze away, she cringed and turned her head - only to spot a glowing blur rushing at the group. Eyes widening, she watched Dawn tackle Kerianne to the ground. Despite her less than enthusiastic state, Freya couldn't help but give a little chuckle.

"Well, that's the second mystery solved," she commented as Gabby made her heroic entrance, lifting Dawn off of Kerianne.
"And someone had to liven things up." She couldn't help but yawn as Gabby did. "Considering they just had to schedule this for stupid o'clock. Oh well, I guess the earlier it is, the sooner it'll be over."

Kerianne Morley ~ Nightwatch

@Tenma Tendo @Heartfillia @Nyahahameha

With a furrowed brow and another look around, Kerianne sighed. "Nothing to do but keep searching, the-" Right then, someone slammed into her back with an all too familiar yell. Both toppled forward with a thud, Kerianne pulling one arm free from the grip and reaching through the dust. Not that she could warp away, the cloud stinging her eyes and obscuring her vision, forcing her to endure the Dawn Gibbs version of All Might's line.

Luckily, as expected in a hero school, somebody ran to Kerianne's aid. The weight lessened, allowing her to stand and see Dawn in Gabby's ample arms. "Just as I should have expected," she grumbled at Dawn once she'd stopped spluttering. "And somehow I don't think this is what the teachers meant by combat training, so don't count that as a win."

Dusting off her costume, she raised her head to face Gabby. As the other girl yawned, Kerianne fought the urge to do the same. "Thanks," she said, before frowning a little. "Hey, are you ok?" She could relate, given the gruelling past week. Alexander and Elaine had even had to ban her from the training room one evening, after she'd almost overdone it again. Still, this kind of lethargy wasn't typical of Gabby. "And are you?" She cast a concerned glance towards Breeze, noting that particularly subdued air. "Just a busy week? If so, it'll all be worth it."

"Yep! Let's hope so!" someone called, bounding over and doing a full pirouette. Rather appropriate, considering her elaborate tutu-like costume. Kerianne stepped back from the whirl of energy that was Momo, who grinned up at Gabby. "In any case, all that training sure was fun! Just like this will be, no matter what the scores!"

Another girl sprinted over in a whirl of yellow and black stripes, dabbing her costume with a tissue. A bee themed outfit, featuring translucent fabric wings and gold-toned armlets. "Heyyyy! If anyone needs a little pick-me-up..." Warm brown eyes glittered behind goggles as they shifted from Gabby, to Freya, to Chisato, and everyone else who appeared even remotely fatigued. "How about a few warm-up exercises? Best way to shake off sleepiness!" Kerianne backed away further, raising an eyebrow as the girl launched into a series of star jumps.

It was only noticing the container on Chisato's back that stopped her. "Ohh! A substance-producing Quirk, that explains it. Not that we'll want to let on our exact Quirks before the team-ups, but whatever the fine details, once you've finished your beverage I've got others that are perfect for replacing fluids and nutrients! Same goes for anyone who needs a boost!" She pulled several bottles from her bag, filled with liquids that looked like something a mad scientist had brewed up. "Oh, and on the subject, it's ok," she reassured Momo. "That was just fortified lemonade earlier, nothing that'll stain too badly."

Out of sheer morbid curiosity, Kerianne had to ask. "Fortified?"

The bee girl held up a murky yellow-green bottle. "With cayenne pepper and coffee for energy, pureed spinach for iron, protein shake powder to get the most out of the training, and salt to retain fluid. I've got another one here if anyone wants to try, as well as several other types of homemade sports drinks, gotta be prepared after all! But I recommend this one to you." Picking up an identical beverage, she held it out to Chi and removed the lid. The soda, shaken from the star jumps, fizzed everywhere like a fountain. "Oops! Oh well, it'll taste the same, and be just as good for you. And feel free to take something else once it's all settled." She swept her arm towards the concoctions. "I'm Melissa, by the way."

All Kerianne could do was give a blank stare. "Uhh... I think I'm all good, thanks. And I'm Kerianne." At least somebody was taking this test seriously, that much couldn't be denied.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


It had felt like a thousand years had passed already for Chloe since the last she had seen her new found friends. But now there were even more to be maid on the field. So many new auras alongside several few familiar ones. She could spot Dawns from afar but she seemed to be interacting with some others that were unfamiliar to her.

"Oh my dearest Dawn, I don't wish to cause you trouble.." Chloe began to distance herself from everyone else. What was this feeling she had in her chest? It was radically different from what she had felt during her lunch expedition. Braiding her hair together she mumbled to her confidant Desmond whom was always there to listen. "I'm unsure, what to do, why do I feel so, unable to step closer to them all? What is it I'm supposed to do? I understand Desmond but its' not as the day before today, I feel somewhat overwhelmed."

Chloe did not realize it herself but she was beginning to feel anxious and worried as to what her fellow classmates would think of her. She suddenly transfers into a class of heroes that have already been acquainted and she was feeling the odd one out. Unable to take the steps to reach out to Dawn and held her place away from the majority of the group, braiding her hair. She was adorning her costume which gave her the appearance of a blind maid more than hero, but unbeknownst to the other students her costume was tailored to give her the appearance of a weakling whilst being able to strengthen her aura reading ability whilst her partner Desmond could attack from any angle. Regardless, Chloe attempted to wait out the moment and watch on for the activities to begin.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Raymond was as calm and collected as always but deep down he was secretly excited for what was to come. He would be able to see how he ranked up against the others in his grade, he was confident and rightfully so as he worked day in and day out refining his skills. He adorned his costume with a strong sense of pride behind it, the formal wear suited him quite nicely as he usually dressed extremely casually outside of school.

The boy adjusted his tie as he made his way from the locker rooms over to the area where the exercise would be held. He found a rather large crowd, luckily he found it easier to maneuver through the sea of students as he was much taller and larger then most. Even as he made his way through the crowd, Raymond took the chance to scout his potential enemies and allies and there was plenty of interesting people all around in all kind of shapes and sizes, some of which he hadn’t even seen yet.

Suddenly he heard a large ruckus coming from his right and immediately found his classmates enjoying themselves per usual. He approached the group undetected just in time to catch onto the last thing Freya had said. Raymond greeted the girl with a head rub and a smile.

“A Villain isn’t going to wait for you to get comfortable ya know.” He said before turning to his Rival. ”Lets hope we’re on opposite teams or else this wouldn’t be fair.” the boy said stretching his arms and neck.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Breeze Porfirio || Arsenal

Before any more worry could come to her blonde friend, the later was suddenly on the ground, earning a squeak from the easily startled Breeze. Depsite not being the one to get hurt, she was still trembling from the noise that came from the two colliding with the floor, eyes wide in horror. Deciding not to take much note of Dawn's impersonation of All Might, Breeze looked down at Kerianne, expression a bit stiff.
"A-Are you okay, Kerianne?" She practically whispered, voice shaking underneath her breathe. She'd rather not have Dawn turn her attention to herself and tackle her down or something... But what if Keri was really injured from that? They were about to take an exam of all things! It could serious jeopardize her chances of doing her very best!

Before her thoughts could spiral into the darker realms of possibility, a familiar hand landed atop her head, washing away most if not all of her negative thoughts. A small smile formed on her face as she unconsciously leaned into the touch a little bit before looking up at the owner of said hand.
"G-Good morning R-Renard. Are y-you ready for today?" Breeze spoke up, her smile brightening when they made eye contact. She wasn't sure how Renard was able to do it, but Breeze always felt a bit better when around the other. He was always nice to her like Kerianne was, but in a slightly different way. It was hard to explain, but what she did know was that she was okay with it.

As Keri's voice filtered into the young girl's brain, Breeze looked over only to see both Dawn and Keri were standing, as well as Gabby and Raymond's arrival. Relief managed to loosen her up a bit more, but all of it was in vain once Momo and a stranger in a bee costume started talking to them, making her tense up again. Strangers were always an iffy topic for her, even if they were students. Anything unfamiliar just made her...uncomfortable. Breeze scooted closer to Renard as if it were on instinct, weary eyes watching the two girls while her hands fidgeted with her hair.

Chisato "Chi" Yuuki || Elixir

Chi couldn't help but wince when the sisters hit the ground, but he did crouch down to get a full view of Dawn's heroic impersonation; if he hadn't been holding a cup, he would've given her a round of applause. At least Dawn came to them rather than the other way around. It was almost like they were summoning people with how quickly they'd appear after saying their name. Standing up as Gabby pulled Dawn off of the other girl, he had to agree with the former. This was some serious business...but then again, it was pretty early in the morning and if everyone was super serious, it'd just make everyone just as crabby too. It seemed like Freya was in the same mindset as her based on what she said, Chi only nodding dumbly along.

He was really tired, but it was something he needed to get use to if he was going to be helpful. So that he wouldn't let anyone down again...

Wholly unaware of the saddened and clearly confused look gracing his fatigued features, Chisato only really snapped out of it when a blur of black and yellow entered his line of vision making him look up from the ground. While he didn't quite recognize her, she felt very warm and appeared rather nice from what he could tell. Continuing to slurp his drink as the bee spoke, Chi remained idle, knowing that he didn't have enough energy to waste on exercising and the sound of his own blood sloshing around wasn't exactly pleasant to hear.
"Uh, I'll pass..." He slurred past his straw, the contents of his drink mostly finished at his point. It was then that the bee's attention landed solely on him, but more specifically the container strapped to him.

"You do?" The pinkette blinked, moving closer in contrast to Keri who sauntered away. The amount of bottles of vary sizes and shapes managed to get Chi's eyes to sparkle a little; the same sparkle he had before the incident. He'd been trying to work with what he had, making drinks from things he saw online and whatever he could find at home, but nothing seemed to match what he was use to drinking. Maybe this girl could help him out...she at least sounded like she knew what she was talking about. "Ooh! Ooh! I'll try! I'll try!" Chi chimed excitably as he raised a hand in the air. He did have to lean back when the drink fizzed out from the previous jumping around, but that didn't deter Chisato the slightest as he pulled the straw out of his original drink and put it into the new beverage.

"Chisato, but everyone just calls me Chi. Thanks for the drink Melissa!" As fearless as ever, the pink haired boy took a big swig. And almost immediately, he perked up, the tired look in his eyes slowly but surely disappearing the more he drank. "Hey, this tastes pretty good! Mind if I get the recipe?" He asked the girl before turning to look at the others. "You can't knock it 'til you try it." He added before offering his new drink to anyone willing to try, straw and all. He offered to Kerianne, Gabby, Dawn, and anyone willing to give it a taste.

@LuckyBlackCat @Heartfillia
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

”Heh Heh Heeeeh. Don’t be silly Keri, of course this is a win. I got the drop on you, no need to be angry about it. You really need to pay attention to your- Her speach was cut short suddenly as two muscular arms Slipped under hers.

”EEEHH?!?” Dawn tried squirming away her legs kicking as if such attempts would deter her assailant. Yet they didn’t even get close to Gabby, who was currently holding a little girl. Grumbling in a way that almost seemed like yowl. But her attention was snatched away when Momo came onto the scene.

Folding her arms with a slight pout as it seemed like no one but Chi was interested in her All might impersonation. What was up with these idiots, Renard was patting Breeze on the head, Raymond was patting Freya on the head. WHERE WAS HER HEADPATS. She would have to up her game.

Her focus turned to Raymond who she quickly pounced on his back. Wrapping her arms and legs around his neck and waist. ”Hey Ray Ray. You got any food on you? Im STARVING She looked over to see Melissa trying to pawn off her concoction. Despite wanting some lemonade, her description of it made her gag a little. She honestly couldn’t believe Chi loved it. ”I knew you were odd… but I think your taste buds are screwed up there pinkie. She said with a giggle.

From this new height from Rays back, she looked over to see chloe staying back from the group. The odd girl was a handful...but she was adorable. Leaning back while holding one arm around Rays neck she used her free hand to wave to her. Stopping herself with an eh? How was a blind girl to see her waving?!? Redding in the face from the slight embarrassment she yelled over to her. Chloe Dolly! GET OVER HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE. You’re missing the funnnnn!”

Looking back down at Raymond she slapped his side. HYAH! LETS GO GET CHLOE. He didn’t move right away. ”COME ON CRYSTAL, HI HO CRYSTAL AWAAAAY.

He wondered what was up with Freya, he caught her staring at him. Blushing and turning her head away as their eyes connected. He looked at his outfit and wondered if something was on it. But he didn’t find anything.

Renard looked down at Breeze and smiled when she did. Poor girl was almost scared of everything. It was rare to get a real smile out of her. He smiled back at her with a warm comforting smile. ”Morning Breeze. Yeah I’ve been itching for a fight. But now armed with your smile I’m ready for anything.” He said with a wink.

Looking over to Gabby who mentioned now wasn't the time or holding little girls. He quickly quipped “Yet you’re literally holding one right now.” He said with a chuckle.

A whirlwind of activity happened, two beautiful girls from different classes came over to talk to them. Breeze getting a little nervous again as she moved closer to him. She reminded him of his little sister when she was younger. He wondered what he could do to help her.

His attention was pulled away again when Raymond came up, saying that it would be unfair if they were on the same team. ” It still wouldn’t be fair. For you that is.” he said with a grin.

Dawn then jumped onto Raymond like a horse and bugging the crap out of him. Looking from Dawn to Keri he couldn’t believe they were sisters. But even friends before that was incomprehensible to him. He laughed as Dawn starting telling Ray to gittyup. ”How the heck did you two become friends before becoming her sister?

@Tenma Tendo@pkken@Pudding@LuckyBlackCat@Nyahahameha
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yi walked into the arena, hands tucked behind his back as he quickly spotted his classmates. Just in time to see Dawn tackle her sister. He smiled at the sight, and slightly felt bad for Keri. Poor girl had so much on her shoulders. Now she had to deal with her polar opposite sibling. Though he did have to admire the ability of such a loud...and glowing girl to be able to sneak up on keri.

Yi then noticed Chloe standing farther away from the group. He didn’t speak too much to the girl, but he had quickly found out how observant she was, despite being blind. He had heard stories about how people could sense chi in china. Perhaps she had an ability similar to this? Either way, he must figure out how to get around that.

After watching her for a moment and noticing her fidgeting with her hair. It was clear that the girl was nervous. As she normally kept to herself and was clearly sheltered while growing up, this made sense.. Walking over to her he spoke up. ”One cannot live life by worrying about mistakes they might and will make.” He stopped next to her and looked towards everyone. Seeing Dawn being lifted off and making more of a racket. ” On the other hand, mistakes can often lead to our most fond memories… or so I heard in a movie...” He said in a warm tone.

”But we can't find out if we don't leave our comfort zone. So come on, our friends are waiting.” as if on que, Dawn yelled out to Chloe to come over...while strangling Raymond.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nyahahameha
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gabriella Gonzales
Repulsa Libre

Before she could respond favourably to Renard's quip about her arms being full of a little girl, Kerianne directed a question her way. It was an innocent enough question, asked by someone who probably didn't know how much it turned Gabby's insides trying to think of an answer. It would be a simple matter to simply say "I'm fine" and leave it at that, but there was a part of Gabby that wanted to admit to her folly, and Keri's concern for her deserved to be repaid with honesty.

Yet again before she could say anything, a whirlwind of blue blew in, and she was suddenly staring at the smile of the friend she'd made the week prior. Her enthusiasm was no less infectious now than it had been the several times they'd hung out and practiced together, so naturally Gabby's lips curled upward as well. A fun day of hero training...yes, that sounded quite nice.

Gabby attempted to bring herself back to the previous topic, but once again had her thoughts interrupted by the arrival of the bee-suit wearing girl offering them her help. When she began doing jumping jacks, Gabby instinctually joined in, bouncing in place next to Momo and being careful not to swat anyone while alternating raising her large arms with her legs spread, and keeping her legs together with her arms at her sides each jump. Soon, it appeared exercise time was over as the bee girl's attention was drawn to Chi.

Gabby turned to face Keri one more time, heaving a sigh as the burst of energy brought by Momo and Melissa started to wear off, but before she could speak, her attention was grabbed by Chi offering his drink to the group, looking and sounding exponentially more awake than he had moments ago. Without a word, Gabby reached forward and received it from him - the results spoke for themselves, in her opinion. Holding the used straw aside with her thumb, Gabby took a swig straight from the bottle, and instantly cringed when the tanginess of the drink touched her tongue. She forced herself to swallow it quickly as her face contorted and then, she took a gasp of air as her eyes shot wide open.

"I stayed up too late watching anime!" Gabby growled through her frustration with both herself and at the constant interruptions that prevented her from answering Keri's question until now. She then took another sip of the drink, her face twisting once more under her stylized wrestling cowl as she swallowed it down. "It is shameful, I know. I fell behind because I was spending more time with Momo. I decided to spend yesterday catching up and stayed awake far too late." After one more cringe-inducing sip of the drink, she finisehd, "I am sorry my stupidity caused you to worry!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kerianne Morley ~ Nightwatch

@Tenma Tendo @Heartfillia @Nyahahameha

"Breeze..." Brushing what she could of the dirt from her jacket, Kerianne approached her panicked friend. "I'm ok. Well, I'm not going to make a good impression on the teachers now..." She glared at Dawn, whose attention had switched to Raymond. "But I'm not hurt."

She considered what to say to put her friend at ease, but Renard beat her to it. Annoying as his cheesy jokes could be, at least he had this way of brightening the mood around him. "Seriously, though," Kerianne adressed Breeze once more, "I know exams are nerve-racking, but as long as we make good use of what we've learned so far, it'll be fine. I mean you did great in that sparring session..." She trailed off. It probably hadn't been a good idea to remind her of that.

When she continued, it was to answer Renard's question. "Well..." She paused. What could she say that wouldn't let on that she'd once been even more of a handful than Dawn? "It just happens sometimes," she replied, shrugging. "Funny isn't it, how good friends often either have a great deal in common or are polar opposites." Both cases, strange as it seemed, applied to her and Dawn.

Hearing a sudden gasp, she spun round to see Gabby braving one of Melissa's concoctions. The look on her face said it all. Kerianne frowned in concern - if something was already on Gabby's mind, that wouldn't help. A moment later, though, her classmate blurted out the reason for her exhaustion. Too much anime. Kerianne's tight shoulders relaxed. Having been no stranger to staying not just up but out late in the past, she couldn't exactly give any criticism, so instead she tried to cheer Gabby up. "Well... hopefully that'll help make up for it," she said, gesturing to the drink. "And you got plenty of training in, that's the most important thing."

Momo's grin turned strained. "Ehh, didn't mean to get in the way!" Instantly, she brightened. "Hope it was all worth it though, and hey, you caught up in the end!"

Kerianne gave a half-smile of her own. At least it hadn't been anything worse. Then again, she should have figured it would be something like that. Was stress getting to her already? Maybe she needed to take the advice she'd given Breeze.

Freya Leander ~ Cait Sith

@pkken @Tenma Tendo @Nyahahameha

Freya chirruped as someone rubbed her head, her hood falling around her shoulders. She looked up, smiling back at Raymond. A little unexpected, but a comforting gesture. "I guess I can see the logic, but still..." she replied to his comment. At least some people had no trouble fully waking up in the morning, these two girls in particular, one doing her best to liven everyone else up.

She struggled not to grimace at the description of the beverage, but surprisingly, Chi enjoyed the one shoved in his face. The bee girl, Melissa, grinned. "Sure, and no problem!" She pulled a notepad and pen from her bag, scribbling away and handing a page to Chi. "You can add garlic powder for extra flavour and nutrients, if you want." As Freya wondered whether she'd heard that right, Melissa beamed at Gabby, oblivious to the scrunched-up face as she tried the drink. "Glad you like it! Hey, since it sounds like you'll need it, you can drink the entire bottle, I've got plenty of the same here!" Freya stood up straight, trying to look alert as Melissa grabbed another bottle. Too late. The next moment, the brew was under her nose. "As others here can attest, this'll perk you up in no time!"

Freya hesitated, glancing at Chi and Gabby, then at Melissa. "Ehh... Thanks. I'm Freya, by the way." She didn't want to be rude, and if it worked, maybe she could ignore the taste. Bracing herself, she opened it slowly so it wouldn't fizz, and took a sip. Right away, she yowled and doubled over coughing, her mouth and throat searing from the spicy lump she'd swallowed.

"Ohh! The chilli powder must have clumped up again, sorry about that..." Melissa reached for another bottle. "Don't worry, this yoghurt drink will help! It's a little curdled from the vinegar, but it'll taste fine thanks to the licorice root!"

Eyes streaming, Freya staggered back. "T-That's ok, I'll be fine," she replied in between raw-throated splutters, before gulping from her own water bottle. Gasping for breath, she gave a weak smile. "Wow, a one-hit defeat already... Let's hope that doesn't bode for how the exam goes." Despite the joke, her cheeks burned almost as much as her tongue. Way to make a fool of herself before the test even started... in front of Renard, no less... Standing and wiping away tears, she blushed deeper and averted her eyes from him. Her attention settled on someone else dealing with embarrassment - Gabby.

"Hey, nothing wrong with that," Freya reassured her. "With the amount of work they pile onto us, you've got to take breaks when you can." She let out a raspy chuckle. "At least we can both safely say we've woken up a little now."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Metastability
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Metastability Agent Maine, Reporting for Duty

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Steven Rein

Steven cheerfully hummed a tune to himself as he walked out of the locker room, tugging on his plated glove that didn't feel like it fit right. Maybe it was just because he hadn't had the chance to break his hero costume in yet. The armored leggings and billowing red sashes felt ostentatious enough even without all the gold paint and him being completely bare from his waist and up was gone left unsaid. But as far as he was concerned, he had been a showman proper before an aspiring hero student so whatever first grabbed the attention of a crowd be it his heroics, costume or Quirk, they were all just tools to winning them over. “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”

He clicked his tongue after murmuring that last bit to himself out loud, having now arrived behind a group of his classmates. For someone with his... willingness to be the center of a crowd, he might as well have had an invisibility Quirk these past two weeks. If he was being honest, Steven hadn't exactly gotten to know anyone well at all, aside from putting names to faces. Now, today was going to be the day that would finally change– he'd throw himself into this group of people if it came down to it. In fact...

"Classmates! Yes, it is I, Steven Armani Rein! Whoever said that good things are to come in small doses obviously hadn't met me! How does the day find you all today?" Steven exclaims out loud as he waded into the middle of the gathered group, being fully determined to make up for two weeks of just keeping to himself in one day of combat training's worth of time.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chloes troubled has be ceased by a familiar voice speaking kind words. They provoked her to think of the still new yet ever lasting memories she has made with her colourful classmates over the past week at the academy. Perhaps she was just a little overwhelemed due to everyone being there at one. Letting go of her hair she turned to the forest green glow speaking to her,

"I'm still new to associating with people of my own age you know. But day by day I feel as if our bonds become stronger than iron cast chains forged in the local by the local smithy! Ahahaha!"

Chloe heartfully laughed, her worries put at ease after Yi had spoken to her, he encouraged her to go to their friends and Chloe did as such. "You're quite right Sir Helme, let us go onwards to forge stronger memories together. Oh, please remind me, later today, let us have some tea, I will prepare something really freshing after todays exercises."

Right towards her friend Dawn, guided by her aura reading skill, she dashed off to enjoy the equestrian fun.
"MY D E A R E S T F R I E N D D A W N !" Shouted Chloe, "I too wish to ride the horse as a grand equestian would at the Summertime Social Gala!" Pausing fot a moment Chloe remembered she had never rode a horse before, let alone even seen one, as she informed her friends of this she could sense surprise from their faces but also some were laughing at her quick witted joke.

"Yes, how could I SEE a horse when im BLIND, Ahahahaah" Chloe heartfully laughed at herself and her lame joke.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raymond simply smirked in response to Freya, she was still as timid as usual. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his body and a pair of legs around his lower abdomen. Instinctively he pulled the arms wrapped around wrapped around his throat forward in order to breath, the difference in strength causing Dawn to climb up higher along the boys back. "Who tha hell?" he said craning his head in which he met eye to eye with the one girl in his class who had an insatiable hunger, wouldn't you know the first thing she says to him if he has any food on him.

"Ask yourself why exactly I would bring food to a test?"

Raymond gave her the deepest death glare ever, Would I be wrong if I turned this girl into a large gemstone? he thought to himself. Soon the girl started yelling in his ear being the ultimate nuisance, the two were even beginning to garner attention because of Dawns shenanigans. "Mind the human ear 2 inches away from your mouth when your yelling, thanks" He then noticed whom she was calling for which had been Chloe, he gave her a strained grain as it was hard to be happy when he had this fly in his ear. Once again Dawn began screaming to the boy, completely omitting his first attempt to ask kindly once she started hitting him on the side with her legs was when he had enough in which Raymond reached across his body and placed his hand on the girls mouth.

"I'll give you one more chance before I freeze your mouth shut, I'm not one of your little fanboys alright?" he snipped quietly at her before taking his hand away and picking up the girls legs in order to give her a better secure grip before making his way over to Chloe. Once they made their way over Raymond looked over his shoulder at Dawn giving her a glare that said Either you get off or Ill take you off my self. Before turning to Chloe doing his best trying to seem agitated, "Hows your morning Chloe?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nyahahameha
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Marionetta Molly

The first to enter the warehouse through the small gap in the large sliding doors was Molly, the clicking of her heels echoing in the emptiness of the room. In her arms she carried a small wooden puppet - made up of a spherical head, conical torso with an opening in the bottom, and two arms - the bells on its jester hat jingling in time with the aforementioned clicking. Looking around, she saw three unfamiliar faces, all looking upon her in her billowing ballgown and ornate mask.

"Ah, I'm the first to arrive, then? Mmhmhm! Perhaps I have time to set up a prank. Perchance there is a blackboard eraser in here? Bucket of water? Anyone?"

She smiled between the three faces as she walked toward the center of the room, awaiting an answer while doing her best to gauge the level of humor on their faces from the distance created by the largeness of the warehouse.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When he asked why he would bring food with him to an exam. She gave him a queer look as she tilted her head to the side. "To eat?" clearly confused at his counter question. "what do you use food for something else?" she pulled a baggie full of pickles from her own pocket taking one out she popped it into her mouth. She looked down to put it away Humming a tune to herself as she did.

Dawn was having to much fun to hear the horse speaking under her. That is till he turned around and placed a hand on her mouth. Her eyes narrowed at the act. How rude. How dare he threaten to silence her. He must pay for being an idiot. He took her legs in his arms and went over to chloe.

A glow emmitted from her chest low enough that ray couldn't see it or anyone really for that matter. Tiny beads of light started gathering on the back of Ray's back.

Chloe then called out to her so she looked over at her. Saying she would love to ride the horse as well, using some odd terms. Dawn laughed "you're odd Chloe haha. I'm sure ray ray would love to give you a ride.

She looked down at him to see him glaring at him. Which only made her glare back athim. hmph

Shoving him away and plopping to the ground. I don't know if you want to ride that one. He's a bit grumpy. she said as she allowed the small beads of light slowly go down into Ray's pants.

Crossing her arms she looked away and saw the shirtless boy that came into their midst, announcing his presence like he was the center of attention. oh great. Stripper boi is here. Yaaaaay she said in a dead pan voice. pervert

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Breeze Porfirio || Arsenal

Despite Kerianne giving her reassurances that she would be fine, Breeze couldn't help but give a look of uncertainty. That fall really looked like it hurt...and she knew Keri was a tough girl, tougher than Breeze could ever be herself, but still... She made a noise somewhere between a whine and a sigh before pulling her attention up to Renard. It was odd how he knew just what to say to brighten the young girl's mood, but here she was, letting out a giggle at Renard's cheesy line. It was the pick-me-up she didn't quite know she needed.

Before she could give any kind of response to the taller blonde, Breeze's attention moved back to Keri, nodding slightly in thought. The sparring session was fun...for the most part, but now there's even more people. What if she ended up with strangers, or worse, had to fight her friends? An almost haunted expression pulled on the green haired girl's features as she nodded faster this time, hoping to quell her nerves. The new face didn't exactly help much either; Momo she'd at least seen a week ago and was familiar with her. Melissa was her name, but Breeze chose not to speak on her own. Instead she remained safely next to Renard, eyeing Gabby curiously but keeping all of her thoughts to herself.

Steven's introduction had especially caught the small girl off guard, earning a high-pitched squeak from Breeze before she fully hid behind Renard, fully believing that he'd be able to block off anything she thought may harm her. She almost looked like she was about to cry, head hung low as she listened tentatively to the other voices, some familiar other not so much.

Why couldn't this day just end already?

Chisato "Chi" Yuuki || Elixir

The pinkette took the slip of paper from Melissa as he passed off his drink to Gabby.
"Huh, I didn't think of Garlic powder before..." He mused before following the bee girl's gaze to Gabby, beaming just as widely at the muscular girl like everything was okay. Looking back over as Freya became Melissa's next victim taste tester, Chi gave a reassuring nod, the type of calm nod he managed to perfect for when he need to take care of other people. It never helped when the person helping someone else was also scared or worried about something, right?

Unfortunately, Chi couldn't keep his calm attitude up for much longer when Freya suddenly yelled out. Earning a small jump of surprise from him, the silver-blue eyed boy smiled wearily.
"Y-Yeah, if you could handle that, then this exam will be nothing!" He tried to reassure, even giving a thumbs up to not only Freya, but the rest of their class as well. They didn't know what would be thrown at them, but all that mattered as that they could take care of it, just like heroes should.

"Wait, you watch anime Gabby?" Chi pipped up, reaction a bit late since he was still eyeing Freya to make sure she was okay. It made him look a little sheepish, but still interested nonetheless. "Got any favorites?" He asked right after, holding a hand out for the drink she probably didn't want anymore.

It was then that Steven chose to make himself known, waddling right in the middle of their somewhat group conversation. Arching a slightly unammused brow, Chi placed his outstretched hand on his hip.
"Uh...right. Well it's morning and we're all here, so I guess it's been good?" The medic spoke in a questioning tone, not sure if he should omit Freya's...incident or not from how things were going.

@LuckyBlackCat @Heartfillia @Nyahahameha @Metastability
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Renard looked to Kerianne as she comforted Breeze as well, nodding with her advice. Before he could offer some more encouraging words, Kerianne then answered his question about Dawn. Giving the generic ‘opposites attract’ schtick. He hummed to himself, feeling there was something more to it. But she turned away suddenly to see gabby choking down the drink melissa gave her.

His attention turned to Freya however as she braved a sip. He winced at the thought of drinking that. Sure enough she choked on it and started coughing. Looking at him she looked embarrassed by the fact that she was hacking up a lung. Not that she should. Anyone who didn’t cough it up should have been examined, She then made mention that it might not bode well for later. He sighed softly. She was always putting herself down, or hinting that things would go bad.

When she then mentioned to Gabby about finally waking up he smiled. Wanting to cheer up Freya some more,and not feel embarrassed.”I never need energy drinks like that to wake up. Quite honestly no matter how ‘healthy they are, they are horrible for you.” He then said with a sly grin. ”I normally lick a live wire every morning. You know for sure you’re wide awake after that.” After a moment's hesitation. ”Helps with not having to mess with your hair as well. he said with a serious face.

Steven then decided to announce himself right then, kinda weird as the guy kept to himself usually. But it scared the crap out of Breeze. He knew she was normally scared of new people and situations. But he grew a little angry that Steven scared her. He had just gotten her to somewhat calm down.. ”You might want to dial it back a smidge. ” He said with his eyes narrowed at Steven. Renard never liked guys who acted like they were a gift from God. He saw that way too much in pro heros nowadays. It was one of his pet peeves, and honestly wanted to beat anyone who did act like that in front of him.

He looked behind him, then turned around while kneeling at the same time. His hard look at Steven suddenly changed to a warm smile as he was now eye level with Breeze. Others might have found it weird how protective he got over Breeze. But she reminded him so much of his little sister it was hard not to want to protect her as well. But he knew this was a hero course, he had to help her stand on her own two feet. Patting her head once again, he hesitated as a memory came to mind. He spoke in a low warm tone so the others won’t hear them. ”Take a breath Breeze.” He waited for her to take one as he took one with her. ”I’m going to let you in on my little secret. I used to be scared all the time as well till i was eight or so. So my mother taught me a trick to help calm myself. ‘Inhale Courage, Exhale fear.’ He let it sink in for a sec. ”Every time you feel scared, say that to yourself again and again with each breath. “

”unless i’m totally wrong and you just like staring at my back for some weird reason.” He said in a joking manner as he pulled his head back and narrowed his eyes with a skeptical look on his face.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nyahahameha
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gabriella Gonzales
Repulsa Libre

@LuckyBlackCat@Tenma Tendo@Heartfillia

Melissa had given her permission to keep the drink, so Gabby proceeded to take another swig of it. After gulping it down, she jerked her head back while grunting, pretending like she'd been punched in the face - even though she was acclimating to the taste, the tanginess was still a strong jab to the taste buds. Reacting to it in that manner was quicker than scrunching up her face every time, and frankly, was more amusing to her. She liked to do it with other strong drinks she'd ingest during workouts, too, it was fun, even the weird looks she got from other gym-goers.

Kerianne, Freya, and Momo proceeded to give her their reassurances after her outburst. She was sure their words would be plenty uplifting had she not already been on the energy high Melissa's drink was giving her. She returned a smile to all three of them, nodding in agreement. Momo, in particular, she wanted to respond to.

""Worth it" is not nearly strong enough of a phrase to describe how I feel about last week," Gabby said, bending her knees to lower herself so she could pull Momo in for a brief one-armed hug. As she rose back up, Renard jumped in with a quip about not needing energy drinks because of licking live wires, earning him a smile from Gabby as the mental image played out in her head.

"Licking live wires, eh? Gabby will be sure to try that sometime. Thank you for advice." She reached over and gave Renard a nudge on the shoulder, wearing a smile that she hoped conveyed her sarcasm better than her stilted English did.

After that, another thought occurred to her, and she turned her gaze back to Momo. "Speaking of, should I come by tonight to help you practice Jeice's poses some more? You said Alex told you she would not have much free time over the weekend, correct? So we have to be ready by Friday or we will have to wait until next week."

Before Momo could get her answer in, Chisato approached, expressing interest in her interest. Gabby took the straw out of her drink and placed it in Chi's outstretched hand, assuming he wanted it back since it had been his to begin with. As she thought about how to answer, she took another sip of it, punctuated by another grunt while she jerked her head backward. When she pulled her head forward to gaze down at the shorter Chi, her eyes were wide and shone despite the shadow cast over her face by tilting her head downward.

"...Nostalgia dictates that my answer be Dragon Ball Zed. I grew up watching it, and I was happy to find out that the Intertrack dub is fairly popular even among English-speakers for its performances and accuracy to the original Japanese. Though, if I had to go with my most recent favourite, I would choose Encyclopedia Encyclopedium-- it's kind of like Zatch Bell crossed with Inkheart, with a touch of Danganronpa with how each character has a specific subject's text book. The protagonist is a cynical guy who has the Encyclopedium of Marine Life who is out to destroy all the books because he does not believe humans will not misuse their power. The animation is like Trigger's in it's prime; stylized with low detail to make lots of motion easier, and the way they use that to animate both the creative fights and the subtle looks of the protagonist's eyes peeking out over his book to give you an idea of what he's thinking is so much fun. You should watch it if you are not."
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