Avatar of Zaphander
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    1. Zaphander 7 yrs ago


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Quiet just chuckled. It was a naturally subdue one due to the way her mouth made noises, thus sounding more like a stiffed cough. "The child will learn." She thought to herself. As they spoke another woman approached, but Sariel had already left to go speak to others. So Quiet turned to the woman, some sort of halfling, waving at her and handing the smaller woman her introduction card. Quiet would bow her head to the woman as she followed Sariel to the table of the knightly person. Apparently they are going to hunt a "Thextera", which Quiet presumed was a creature's name. Sariel wanted Quiet to tag along with her, so which the mute elf nods in agreement. "Lead the way." Quiet would motion with her hand.

As Sariel introduced herself, Quite handed out more of her introduction cards. She took note of the armored man, an orc from Sariel's observations, and a wolf beastkin also arrived to the table. It embarrassed Quiet somewhat that despite her age and magical talents, she actually isn't very well versed in magic at all. Her life style didn't really afford her time to stay in one place and receive a classical education in magical arts. So she looked to the armored warrior, motioning to his helm and armor. "Nice armor." She thought to herself, giving him a thumbs up as a sign of her approval. She was rather excited to go on her first quest.
Quiet looked over to the table making cloaks. She could use a hood and scarf, so she heads over and requests one via writing. "Scarf please. Warrior." Once she receives her scarf, she wraps it around her head and neck. She leaves a bit of fabric left over so she can pull it up into a hood when it gets too cold. As she walks back, she notices the other elf in the room. She was beautiful, but dressed scantily. It almost made Quiet embarrassed since she remembered back when she was young and dressed provocatively. And she has the scars to prove it. Still it was nice to see another proud elf woman roaming the lands too. So Quiet walked over to the other elf, Sariel, poking her arm with a smile and giving her a wave. She also handed her the usual business card Quiet has to introduce herself. "Quiet. The Thunderstriker. Swordsman. Scribe. Mute."
The clashing of steel echoed through the valley. There was panicked screaming, pained crying, and violent shouting as masked men fought against a small family of merchants. The father and his two sons, armed with simple spears, were outnumbered by the six robbers. They had swords, clubs, and axes, and weren't afraid to use them. One of the sons was already wounded in the leg by a sword and one of the girls were cut by a sword, crying in her mother's arms. The robbers made it clear that they were going to kill everyone present, and that's if they were lucky to get a quick death. The girls were fearful of what their fate would be if their brothers and father died. Not to mention the men weren't warriors, they were merchants. They were never even trained to fight.

The bandits swarmed the merchants and were quickly able to kill the defenders. Only one of the robbers were even wounded, and he only took a minor cut to the shoulder. The three men died, their heads decapitated and bodies taken as the women were captured, tied up, gagged, and tossed into the back of the wagon. The thieves would take the wagon and ride away to their lair. It was an abandoned fishing hamlet that they used to smuggle goods to their blackmarket contractors. Stolen goods, slaves, contraband, all under the guise of simple fishermen. The robbers congratulated themselves on a job well done as they moved their cargo to their store houses. The women were put into a barn with the other prisoners. Women and children who have been robbed by these men. As they spoke about indulging in their spoils there was a ringing in a distance. A signal that their contact was on it's way. No rest for the wicked.

The men went to do one final check on their loot. Most of it was food and other perishables, as well as things like smoked meats, butter, and even spices. In the barn there was also four older women, seven young women, and five young boys. All in all, quite a bounty for this small band of thieves. They made sure to prey on folk along a longer, more remote path. They even made sure to bring along the bodies of anyone who they killed, tossing them into the river so no one would find their corpses near where the bandits robbed others. They were through and made sure that the typical traveler or patrol wouldn't be able to trace them. But their time was up.

A boat would arrive to the docks of the fishing hamlet. It was a medium sized sailboat, suitable to be manned by a single person or a small crew. But something was wrong and the robbers knew it. There should be at least three people on the boat but they didn't see anyone. The robbers were immediately on guard and picked up their weapons to investigate. First they checked the ship and sure enough, there was no one on it. How it even managed to reach shore and for someone to ring it's bell was a mystery. They immediately suspected foul play when suddenly they hear the stomping of footsteps. The prisoners somehow managed to open the barn and were running away. Two of the bandits immediately left to go chase after them. That's when she struck.

As one of the brigands ran pass a hunt, a large sword appeared from around the corner, intercepting the man as he ran pass. The force of the swing and his own momentum bisected the bandit, cutting him in half. This surprised the other bandit who had ran passed but wasn't attacked; in that moment of surprise she struck again. She slammed the edge of her shield against his head, knocking him aside as she stabbed her sword through his body, causing him to scream in agony as he started to bleed to death from the sucking chest wound. This alerted the other four. They would arrive to see a lone elven woman, dressed in knightly armor and also soaking wet, with a blade stained red, and two of their allies dead on the ground. They could only ready their weapons as she charged right at the four of them.

The two with swords readied themselves as one with an axe and one with a club tried to move around to flank. But the knight moved faster, charging into the axe-wielding bandit and knocking him over with her shield. The club bandit swung his cudgel at the knight but his weapon simply bounced off her plate. The two swordsmen engaged her, aiming for her unarmored helmet. But all she needed to do was raise her shield and push, parrying their swing. By the time the axe wielding bandit stood up, the lone warrior had swung her sword into the one of the swordsmen, severing his arm. He roars of pain alarmed the bandits who were not dwindling to just the three of them. The club wielding bandit smashed his weapon into the back of the girl's head, causing her to finch forward. The other one tried to stab his sword through her face as she faltered, but she managed to stay on her feet and the blade bounced off her pauldron.

It was time for her counter attack. As the swordsman's blow was deflected by her armor, she slashed upwards and across the bandit's body, going from groin to shoulder. Carrying the momentum around she stepped around the club-wielding bandit and ended up behind him, pushing him forward with her shield to cause him to stumble as she brought her two-hander down across his back, grasping her blade with both hands for full power. She partially bisected him, with only bits of flesh around his stomach area remaining attached. Even his spine was severed. Finally there was the axe-wielding bandit. In a span of about twenty seconds, the six bandits were reduced to one. The elven woman looked to the final survivor. She had a small wound on the back of her head and a slight grass where the sword had missed her face deflecting off her armor, but she was otherwise perfectly healthy unlike the dismembered corpses around her. "P-Please! Have mercy! I surrender! I swear!"

His words fell on deaf ears. As soon as the man put his weapon down the quiet elf ran him through with her sword. Right through the neck. Then she twisted the blade, gripped it with both hands, and turned with the full force of her body, decapitating him and creating a small fountain of blood where his neck once connected to his skull. Letting the bodies fall where they were, the lone warrior wiped the blood off her blade and when to check on the prisoners. Many of the women were crying over their newfound freedom, as well as the lost of their close family members. Some were trying to find their belongings among the stolen goods. Others were just in a state of shock. Regardless, the elf knight stayed with them until they began to leave the fishing hamlet to return to their homes.

The women left, some on foot, most taking wagons or horses the bandits had. They took whatever they could from the storehouse. The knight asked for nothing. When asked who she was or where she was going, she didn't respond. Instead she simply pointed in a direction to the north; in the direction of a city. That's where she was going. If anyone wanted to follow her, they were welcomed. She would be walking. And walk she did. Stopping only once to rest, tending to her wounds and cleaning her equipment, the girl would arrive to the town of Thaoswen. She had escorted three women, the women who were suppose to get here with their brothers and father. Their bodies were still in the wagon. The bandits didn't get a chance to toss their corpses in the river. They were thankful for her help but the warrior didn't respond. She simply nodded her head and left them to mourn. She had business in this town.

Soon the errant knight would appear at a guild. A crowd of people had formed here. A few elves, a few humans, and some more exotic races. A Centaur surprisingly enough, plus a beastkin and an orc. There was also a dwarf sitting with an elf, presumably the two guild leaders. The girl simply walked up to the group, nodding her head as she took a small card from her pocket and handed it to the elf smoking from a pipe. On it was all they needed to know about her.

"Quiet. The Thunderstriker. Swordsman. Scribe. Mute."
Name: Quiet the Thunderstriker
Race: Elf
Age: 654

Bio: One day, a girl was born into slavery. In an land where the elves were often kidnapped from their homes to be made slaves, them and their children. This girl was no different. She was conditioned from birth to be silent, to follow orders and do as she was commanded. Taken away from her family, she was put to work as soon as she could walk to tend to the fields, the animals, and do any labor which her masters commanded her to do. If she ever tried to resist, even if she so much as flinches, she was punished by her masters. The first time she even spoke out she was punished by having her tongue removed.

Despite the harsh treatment this girl never wavered. She was like a tree in a gale; even as the winds tear at her bark, stripe her of her leaves, only the force of a hurricane and the power of a lightning bolt would topple her. When the elves and other slaves rebelled against their former masters, the nameless girl was one of the first to take up arms. Having never learned magic like other elves she simply took up the sword and fought with a ferocity and might one would expect of an orc. But years of hard labor had honed her body to become strong, and a lifetime of abuse has tempered her will to the cruelties of man. After a bloody battle that left many dead, the girl was finally free of her chains.

After she was freed the girl continued to fight. She never gave herself a name and instead she took up the ones other gave her: Quiet. A literal description that fit her perfectly, perhaps in contrast to the moniker she also gained through battle: Thunderstriker. With her sword her blows often clashed against the steel and blades of her enemies, creating a thunderous cacophony that was her warcry. Like the thunder that calls for a storm, the sound of her clash warned friend and foe alike of her arrival. For many ages after she was freed, the girl known as Quiet never set her blade down, and instead continued to hone her skills in combat. She traveled the land, seeking to hone her skill with the blade through training and war. She was a blade that stood against all tyrants in the service of the weak. Overtime her reputation faded into history, becoming nothing more than a folk hero of a dark land. But recently she has returned doing exactly as she's always been doing: finding new foes menacing the defenseless and slaying it.

Health: 7 (2+5)
Stamina: 5 (2+3)
PStr: 8 (2+6)
PDef: 6 (2+4)
MStr: 5 (2+1+2)
MDef: 5 (2+2+1)

Gear: Steel Targe, Plate Armor, Zweihander
Martial Arts:
Hardbuckle - Quiet jabs with the face or edge of her shield quickly, doing minimal damage but interrupting her enemy's momentum. This can leave them open for a devastating follow up.

Shattering Strike - Quiet cleaves her blade through the enemy, sundering weapons, armor, and anything else that gets in her sword's way. This technique is designed to destroy the enemy's equipment.

Execution - Focusing her might into a single blow, Quiet delivers a powerful attack with a high chance to hit something critical.

Cleave - If Quiet manages to kill something with one of her attacks, she can immediately redirect the force of her sword to strike another target, possibly killing them and chaining her swing into more enemies until there's no more left or her attack doesn't kill the enemy.

Piledriver - A heavy blow with a powerful impact. It can either send enemies flying or knock them to the ground.

Thunderous - Quiet channels all of her strength into her swing, creating a sonic boom that can hit her enemy from range as if she had slashed them.

Blood-Soaked Blade - An ability that causes Quiet's attack power and speed to increase either based off her health or the health of her enemy. The lower her health, the stronger her attack and speed. If her enemy is also wounded, ideally because of Quiet's attack, her attack against that enemy is also more powerful.

Storm of Swords - Quiet's ultimate technique. Her weapon echos with a cacophony as each swing creates an echo of herself, allowing her to culminate multiple attacks from various angles as long as she continues attacking. One swing becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, each attack creates an echo that exponentially increases the amount of attacks Quiet unleashes in a short time.

Mana Burst - Because Quiet doesn't have any formal training in magic, she doesn't know how to channel her magic into actual spells. What she can do however is cause her innate magic to surge outwards, increasing the damage of her blows. It also eats away any latent magic energy so anything she attacks with a Mana Burst also massively burns through their stamina. Quiet can also cause Mana Bursts from her body, damaging nearby enemies and propelling her across the battlefield.

Likes: Fighting, soup, alcohol, getting hurt, being with people
Dislikes: Abuse, solid food, being alone, cowards
Extras: Quiet is a mute and can't speak. To introduce herself she carries hand-written cards with her name, title, and skills. Her hair grows very fast.
Maybe I could add a detail where she ends up frozen in time until very recently? I kind of want her to have been part of that war and somehow here in this age doing what she does best. Maybe be surprised at all the new things that's around here too.
Name: Quiet the Thunderstriker
Race: Elf
Age: 654

Bio: One day, a girl was born into slavery. In an land where the elves were often kidnapped from their homes to be made slaves, them and their children. This girl was no different. She was conditioned from birth to be silent, to follow orders and do as she was commanded. Taken away from her family, she was put to work as soon as she could walk to tend to the fields, the animals, and do any labor which her masters commanded her to do. If she ever tried to resist, even if she so much as flinches, she was punished by her masters. The first time she even spoke out she was punished by having her tongue removed.

Despite the harsh treatment this girl never wavered. She was like a tree in a gale; even as the winds tear at her bark, stripe her of her leaves, only the force of a hurricane and the power of a lightning bolt would topple her. When the elves and other slaves rebelled against their former masters, the nameless girl was one of the first to take up arms. Having never learned magic like other elves she simply took up the sword and fought with a ferocity and might one would expect of an orc. But years of hard labor had honed her body to become strong, and a lifetime of abuse has tempered her will to the cruelties of man. After a bloody battle that left many dead, the girl was finally free of her chains.

After she was freed the girl continued to fight. She never gave herself a name and instead she took up the ones other gave her: Quiet. A literal description that fit her perfectly, perhaps in contrast to the moniker she also gained through battle: Thunderstriker. With her sword her blows often clashed against the steel and blades of her enemies, creating a thunderous cacophony that was her warcry. Like the thunder that calls for a storm, the sound of her clash warned friend and foe alike of her arrival. For many ages after she was freed, the girl known as Quiet never set her blade down, and instead continued to hone her skills in combat. She traveled the land, seeking to hone her skill with the blade through training and war. She was a blade that stood against all tyrants in the service of the weak. Overtime her reputation faded into history, becoming nothing more than a folk hero of a dark land. But recently she has returned doing exactly as she's always been doing: finding new foes menacing the defenseless and slaying it.

Gear: Steel Targe, Plate Armor, Zweihander
Magic: None
Likes: Fighting, soup, alcohol, getting hurt, being with people
Dislikes: Abuse, solid food, being alone, cowards
Extras: Quiet is a mute and can't speak. To introduce herself she carries hand-written cards with her name, title, and skills. Her hair grows very fast.
"Smash Burger's is only like, three blocks away from school. Unless that's too far for you to walk, we can easily get in, get out in like, twenty minutes at most." Peter said plainly, hiding the fact he didn't have his own car. At least, not here. He could drive but the only car he could drive was way back on the east coast. "Cides, we'd have to deal with San Fran traffic if I did drive. No thanks! Been there, done that. I'd take my chances hoofing it than dealing with west coast drivers." Soon Raymond came over saying hi. Peter didn't know him too well, but he was alright. He just waved back. "Sup. Gunna go grab some smash burger, wanna tag along?" He says casually as he heads over towards the school's exit.
Chloe was an odd one to say the least. She must be from generals or support, since he can't imagine how aura vision would be too helpful with heroics. Still she was willing to help Peter with his quirk and he knows he could definitely use it. Much like him, Chloe knew she could improve. If they could help each other out and make things easier for the both of them, great. Another weird thing she did was say that Peter was going to be a lifelong friend. "Life longfriends huh? That's kinda heavy, but I can dig it. At least if we live long."

She wanted to go get some hamburgers, but Dawn still had some verbal barbs for him. He just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Hey, take all the time you need Halo, when you're ready to confess your true feelings I'll be around. Probably. As for hamburgers, unless you like the taste of soggy gas station burgers, I doubt the cafeteria is going to have anything good right now. Fortunately there's a Smash Burger just a short trot from school. It's not exactly gourmet but it's legit. Plus I got coupons." Peter took said coupons from his wallet, two stubs for two classic burgers for the price of one. Good until next Friday. "Assuming the light of my life here isn't too bougie for free burgers, I'll even pay."

In hindsight Peter felt like a fool for trying so hard. He just got all flustered seeing some girl who likely also saw him freak out when the lizards started crawling all over him, and chances are she's the one who sent them over to him. Now she was sassing him and he wasn't sure if he should feel angry or more embarrassed. So instead he just laughed. He couldn't let himself get upset by this girl's prank. "Glowing like an angel, but with a sharp devil's tongue. I can dig it." Another girl came over, a stranger one at that. She had some sort of blindfold on that made Peter slightly worried if she was okay walking around by herself, but then again she was at a hero school. Even if she wasn't part of the hero course most students here had a solid grasp of both their qurik's strengths and drawbacks.

"Well, howdy. Name's Peter. The other girl, Dawn, didn't seem too interested in Peter anymore. Suited him just fine. As for your question, just doing some conditioning with my quirk. Transforming in and out of my stoneshape takes up my stamina, so I'm conditioning myself so it won't be as taxing. That and I'm trying to manipulate my form too. Different textures, different shapes, basically do anything more than just be a giant rock. Sure sure, you'd think I'd learn how to do that by now, but it was hard enough learning how to change size and moving around. Just means I have more potential." Dawn was curious about how the girl, Chloe, could see them. But Peter just figured it had to do with this girl's quirk, whatever it was. It usually is.

"By the way Sunshine," Peter walked up to look at Dawn, giving her a smirk. "I was minding my own business when you decided to come onto me. How could I possibly ignore you, especially when you were playing around with me? Of course if you're done, I suppose I could always hang out with Chloe too." He turned his attention back to the blindfolded girl. "You haven't seen nothing yet."

Shift, shape, cancel. Peter didn't do much else but that for a long time. Occasionally he might roll around if he was feeling restless, but he knew he had to keep up his training. He was slowly starting to get somewhere though, as he was able to start to form some misshapen rock forms intentionally. They weren't perfect, but the fact he could make them look so strange was a step in the right direction. Eventually Peter took a moment to rest next to a small pile of rubble he dug up during his rolling around. Just a couple of sand stones and a wooden plank, likely shrapnel from a target dummy off in the distance. He was going to toss them somewhere off the sand when he noticed a lizard running around him. "What the fuck?"

That's when he realized there was another lizard on his shoulder. How it managed to get there without him noticing surprised him as he started flailing around int he air trying to throw it off before they both vanished. Then he heard some girl behind him laugh and he quickly figured out that this was likely her quirk. Kneeling down into the sand Peter set up a crude little catapult using the rocks and stone. As he stood on the stick being held up by a sandstone, he dropped a sizable rock onto the stick just as he transformed into a small pebble, sending him flying roughly in the direction of the girl.

It wasn't as clean as he'd hoped, but with some spinning and rolling he'd end up pretty close to her. Once he came to a stop Peter came out of pebble form, standing just a few feet away from her. He seemed angry at first, but then he just smirked. "Didn't know heaven sent an angel to watch over me. Name's Peter."

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