Name: Quiet the Thunderstriker
Race: Elf
Age: 654

Bio: One day, a girl was born into slavery. In an land where the elves were often kidnapped from their homes to be made slaves, them and their children. This girl was no different. She was conditioned from birth to be silent, to follow orders and do as she was commanded. Taken away from her family, she was put to work as soon as she could walk to tend to the fields, the animals, and do any labor which her masters commanded her to do. If she ever tried to resist, even if she so much as flinches, she was punished by her masters. The first time she even spoke out she was punished by having her tongue removed.
Despite the harsh treatment this girl never wavered. She was like a tree in a gale; even as the winds tear at her bark, stripe her of her leaves, only the force of a hurricane and the power of a lightning bolt would topple her. When the elves and other slaves rebelled against their former masters, the nameless girl was one of the first to take up arms. Having never learned magic like other elves she simply took up the sword and fought with a ferocity and might one would expect of an orc. But years of hard labor had honed her body to become strong, and a lifetime of abuse has tempered her will to the cruelties of man. After a bloody battle that left many dead, the girl was finally free of her chains.
After she was freed the girl continued to fight. She never gave herself a name and instead she took up the ones other gave her: Quiet. A literal description that fit her perfectly, perhaps in contrast to the moniker she also gained through battle: Thunderstriker. With her sword her blows often clashed against the steel and blades of her enemies, creating a thunderous cacophony that was her warcry. Like the thunder that calls for a storm, the sound of her clash warned friend and foe alike of her arrival. For many ages after she was freed, the girl known as Quiet never set her blade down, and instead continued to hone her skills in combat. She traveled the land, seeking to hone her skill with the blade through training and war. She was a blade that stood against all tyrants in the service of the weak. Overtime her reputation faded into history, becoming nothing more than a folk hero of a dark land. But recently she has returned doing exactly as she's always been doing: finding new foes menacing the defenseless and slaying it.
Health: 7 (2+5)
Stamina: 5 (2+3)
PStr: 8 (2+6)
PDef: 6 (2+4)
MStr: 5 (2+1+2)
MDef: 5 (2+2+1)
Gear: Steel Targe, Plate Armor, Zweihander
Martial Arts:
Hardbuckle - Quiet jabs with the face or edge of her shield quickly, doing minimal damage but interrupting her enemy's momentum. This can leave them open for a devastating follow up.
Shattering Strike - Quiet cleaves her blade through the enemy, sundering weapons, armor, and anything else that gets in her sword's way. This technique is designed to destroy the enemy's equipment.
Execution - Focusing her might into a single blow, Quiet delivers a powerful attack with a high chance to hit something critical.
Cleave - If Quiet manages to kill something with one of her attacks, she can immediately redirect the force of her sword to strike another target, possibly killing them and chaining her swing into more enemies until there's no more left or her attack doesn't kill the enemy.
Piledriver - A heavy blow with a powerful impact. It can either send enemies flying or knock them to the ground.
Thunderous - Quiet channels all of her strength into her swing, creating a sonic boom that can hit her enemy from range as if she had slashed them.
Blood-Soaked Blade - An ability that causes Quiet's attack power and speed to increase either based off her health or the health of her enemy. The lower her health, the stronger her attack and speed. If her enemy is also wounded, ideally because of Quiet's attack, her attack against that enemy is also more powerful.
Storm of Swords - Quiet's ultimate technique. Her weapon echos with a cacophony as each swing creates an echo of herself, allowing her to culminate multiple attacks from various angles as long as she continues attacking. One swing becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, each attack creates an echo that exponentially increases the amount of attacks Quiet unleashes in a short time.
Mana Burst - Because Quiet doesn't have any formal training in magic, she doesn't know how to channel her magic into actual spells. What she can do however is cause her innate magic to surge outwards, increasing the damage of her blows. It also eats away any latent magic energy so anything she attacks with a Mana Burst also massively burns through their stamina. Quiet can also cause Mana Bursts from her body, damaging nearby enemies and propelling her across the battlefield.
Likes: Fighting, soup, alcohol, getting hurt, being with people
Dislikes: Abuse, solid food, being alone, cowards
Extras: Quiet is a mute and can't speak. To introduce herself she carries hand-written cards with her name, title, and skills. Her hair grows very fast.