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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

Menzai Isanami

The meeting proved to be unexpectedly short with the guild leader giving free roam of the guild hall and selecting a quest though not before pocketing one away as it seemed too difficult.

And within seconds some had already gathered together to talk as others made quick work in selecting a quest. His ears perked; catching the voices of the orc Malakus claiming a thextera hunt then shortly after the centaur and archer whose name he caught during their cape selection since they had arrived before him so he would not of known their names otherwise, but two had selected one concerning a bridge troll. Menzai glanced briefly at the two possible parties, working out which one would be more interesting and more important the better gain.

He tapped a clawed finger against his sleeved arm as he pondered.* A bridge troll certainly sounds troubling and makes traveling difficult though this also depends on how much traffic this bridge gets.* Tilting his head slightly as he thought.* Yet, the troll does not venture out and long as its avoided causes little trouble. These thextera, however actively attack live stock and could prove dangerous if left alone.* Hunting thextera would also gain him intel on these strange beast that his tribe knows little of and materials as a bonus. Lifting his head back up with a small nod, he strode over to the large orc and leaned over to read over the contract." I offer to assist in the hunt, great orc. Though, forgive me as I have not yet caught your name, having arrived after you. " Lifting his gaze up to the taller male who merely stated his role to the mage.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well that answers that question." Darc says as the group was told to just pick whatever bounty they wanted off the board and go for it. Everyone was still milling about, talking to each other or leaving for their own quest. No one seemed to pay him too much mind which made Darc feel lonely, so he should go look for a team to work with. Already two people had picked a contract and were going to look for a group. Either some wolf or some troll. Darc decided he would go after the troll; chances are they'll have the strength in numbers against the troll, which will make Darc's own unique magic talents more obvious. Not to mention the chances of Darc getting a troll as an undead servant was too tempting to pass up if they can slay it. So Darc goes over to the table with the two girls and smiles at them. "Hello hello! I'd like to join your hunt. Darc Riovas, at your service. My magic ought counter the troll's regeneration, so I'll leave it to you two to make sure he doesn't get too close to me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Cain Bellanaris

"Sorrui" Cain said sheepishly before putting his weapons on the rack, and continuing back to his seat. The man listened to the explanations of how the guild works, a simple hunt and gather type system that was easily understandable to him. Afterward, Cain stared at the various papers in each person's hands, the troll was a new enemy he had no experience in fighting. But by the description, it would be a worthy fight the giant of a man moved closer to the horsewoman and her companion. Pointing to the paper before himself, making his intention to join clear.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Cleverbird Bird on a keyboard

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zaphander@samreaper@Lucius Cypher

Sariel was still fidgeting with her cloak when she was poked by the other elf. Sariel flashed her a smile, before curiously quirking her eyebrow as she was handed a small piece of paper. "Ah, well that would certainly explain a lot." She chuckled in regards to the girl's silence thus far. "Sariel Siannodel, student of the Whistlewood Academy of the High Arts." She cooed, giving the girl a short bow of the head. "It is nice to see a fellow elf with a bit more..." She glanced over at Fenris as he argued with a human regarding the floor. "... Experience, in the team." She sighed.

People had barely even settled inside the guild before they were already running to and from, forming their own little groups and picking up quests in the progress. Sariel listened intently, curious to see what was on offer at the moment. "Hm... I dont know about you, but the idea of mucking around in the mud to try and fight some smelly troll is far from my idea of fun. Loathsome creatures, they are." Sariel spoke, making a disgusted face. "Now a Thextera on the other hand, there was a creature you didn't see that often." She said in an almost admiring tone, before turning back towards Quiet. "What say you, will you join me alongside that armored fellow over there? He does look awfully lonely."

Smiling and striding over towards Malakaus with an air of superiority, Sariel took a short bow before the armor clad man; still unaware of his true identity. "Sariel Siannodel, mage, if you would have me; I would gladly join this hunt~" She cooed in a sing song manner, before flashing a bright smile up at the orc's plate covered face. "Hmm... Orc, am I correct?" She cooed, knowing damn well she was correct; no human grew to such a size after all. Though what really caught her attention was the beastkin that apparently wanted to join the fight as well. "My, I hope you dont mind me being presumptuous, but I'm surprised to see your kind this far outside of your lands." She cooed, curiously looking Menzai up and down. "And a fellow student in the higher arts as well, I see!" She chuckled, tilting her head towards her own cloak with the mage symbol on it. "I have to admit, I'm woefully unfamiliar with your kind's magic and I'm looking forwards to learning more~" She spoke, giving the beastkin a nod of her head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quiet just chuckled. It was a naturally subdue one due to the way her mouth made noises, thus sounding more like a stiffed cough. "The child will learn." She thought to herself. As they spoke another woman approached, but Sariel had already left to go speak to others. So Quiet turned to the woman, some sort of halfling, waving at her and handing the smaller woman her introduction card. Quiet would bow her head to the woman as she followed Sariel to the table of the knightly person. Apparently they are going to hunt a "Thextera", which Quiet presumed was a creature's name. Sariel wanted Quiet to tag along with her, so which the mute elf nods in agreement. "Lead the way." Quiet would motion with her hand.

As Sariel introduced herself, Quite handed out more of her introduction cards. She took note of the armored man, an orc from Sariel's observations, and a wolf beastkin also arrived to the table. It embarrassed Quiet somewhat that despite her age and magical talents, she actually isn't very well versed in magic at all. Her life style didn't really afford her time to stay in one place and receive a classical education in magical arts. So she looked to the armored warrior, motioning to his helm and armor. "Nice armor." She thought to herself, giving him a thumbs up as a sign of her approval. She was rather excited to go on her first quest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Malakaus Vorinclex
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Heading Out

It didn't take long before a group was assembled. The first to arrive was Menzai, the wolf beastkin. From the emblem on his cape, he was a mage. Magic is important and could be useful to clear out the wolves. He was quiet as two more arrived, both elves, Sariel and the quiet elf. Malakaus took her card and learned that she was literally named Quiet and was a mute. He supposed that wasn't necessarily a bad thing: at least he wouldn't have to listen to her blabber. Of course the only one that Malakaus had a problem with was Sariel herself. The haughty elven archmage... Malakaus wasn't even sure if he could call her an old flame, considering that there was never really a spark between them. But he had to put his past aside as much as it haunted him. He's not here to court her, he's here to kill monsters. "I am an orc. You can call me Hathol. Thextera leads his wolf pack around Lumbertown, a logging town a day's walk from Thaoswen. Gather your things, we leave now." Malakaus folds the bounty note into a small square and puts it into a pocket, hefting his axe and shield and turning away from the group. While they could head straight to Lumbertown via carriage and set up shop there, Malakaus figured it would be better if they simply traveled by foot. Thextera threaten the entire area around Lumbertown, including the road leading to Thaoswen. There's a chance they might just run into the beast as they traveled off-roads. "If you've any questions, ask them now." Malakaus says as he starts walking towards the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

Menzai Isanami

After finishing with his introduction, he took a moment to inspect the poster showcasing an image of a thextera though it was somewhat lacking in detail. Being a canine beastkin himself, had take it upon himself to study and read up on canine classed monsters but even his tribe's library information was lacking on such a creature, making this an opportune chance to gain intel on such beast and made a mental note to observe them closely once encountering this pack.

The soft clacking of footsteps soon reached his flicking ears; pulling him from his musings to turn his gaze onto the two elven females whom had decided to join in their quest. The elf named Sariel certainly seemed like a wise and possibly powerful mage though hardly surprising with elves affinity with magic albeit with an..less than ideal dressing fashion. Unlike her, the armored female gave off little mana uncommon to elf and stranger yet to even see one wearing such heavy armor when they pride themselves on their graceful stealthy movement. A peculiar elf indeed and upon receiving a card detailing her being mute and whose name was quiet had him intrigued to have met such an unorthodox elf.

" No offense taken. Your assumption is correct that most of my kind tend to avoid most races, humans in particular but those of my tribe are a...more bold group." Perusing the card over while answering the elf mage; ears twitching to the elegant voice matching her elven beauty." I look forward to demonstrating my skills and the chance to see an elven mage expertise in magic firsthand. There is much I wish to discuss at a later time." Keeping his mostly blank expression though a hint of excitement glittered in his eyes for the briefest moment as he gave a slight nod.

Rolling the card between his finger to check for more before offering to return it. A guildmate that is mute; both interesting and worrisome. This could make communicating with her difficult during battle or tense moments and figured it would be good to work something out with her later.

Slipping the arm used to hold the card back into the sleeve then gave another small to both ladies." Pleased to meet both of you. The name is Menzai Isanami and I greatly look forward to getting acquainted with each of you."

Shortly after, hearing the orc chime in with giving what seemed to be a name though in elven but it was less name and more a title in their dialect. How odd that the huge warrior refused to offer his proper name though it was hardly an issue as Hathol works for now as there would be plenty of time on the quest to talk. For now, he simply listened to the orc explain the details of regarding the thextera hunt which thankfully was only a day's trek.

Having traveled light due to scholars like him being taught that less was better; allowing them to move and escape easily from prejudiced individuals. He simply hunted and foraged from nature and a small flask tucked away in his sleeve. Having his things gathered already and with a nod to the elven ladies chose to quietly follow after, each step of his shoeless feet making nary a sound as he went.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Fenris smiled as he watched the new guild members form small teams , he was glad that these people would be the ones in his guild and watching his back.' Don't get sentimental you just met these people dumbass' he mentally chided himself and the smile fell from his face. Fenris then grabbed his rifle and put it in the holster on his back, he then grabbed his pistol and silver dagger and put the pistol in the holster on his thigh and the dagger in his boot sheath. Fenris began to walk out of his guild hall and put his cloak on and the hood up as he left. He had seen Tizryn sneak Alamir outside the dwarf wasn't exactly sneaky with a large Griffin walking along the edges of the guildhall. Chuckling to himself at his friends antics he jumped onto Alamir just as the Griffin began to fly off the ground. Making himself comfortable Fenris tapped his friends shoulder to alert him to his presence "Leaving ú- nin?" Fenris asked sarcastically as he made sure his crystals were charged.

Tizryn was having Alamir take off when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning his head he heard Fenris ask his question in blasted elvish and scowled as he faced forward. " Damnit Fenris you know I don't know your elvish bullshit " he grumbles and can hear Fenris laugh behind him. " barzûlegûr jok vanyali" he said in dwarvish and elbowed Fenris in the ribs. After flying for about an hour or two who knows as Tizryn loved getting lost in the feeling of wind in his hair and the sound of Alamirs wings beating through the air. " We're here " he said as Alamir began to descend.

Izzy was slightly miffed , the quiet elf whos named turned out to be quiet was nice enough and have her a business card. That elf that dressed like a prostitute though well she was just rude, she didn't even acknowledge Izzy's greeting then walked off and talked to everyone else like she was a princess. " Hmphh she'll get hers" she huffed then walked over to the group that was to the group that was about to hunt a troll. Standing next to the tall man she saved at the horse girl and the other girl " Hello I am the druid Isabella but you may call me Izzy and I would like to join your hunt" she said smiling and planted her feet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyra looks at the group with a satisfied smile. They had the big guy, the weirdo, and one of the newcomers, a halfling druid. She remember hearing their names except for the big guy, who never introduced himself. So he was just going to be big guy for Kyra. "Alright! This looks like a pretty solid group. Like I said before, my name is Kyra Shepard, and this is Sorna! I bet you're all curious about what we're going after but don't worry, I'll tell you everything you need to know as we walk. The troll's not that far away but he's a real good swimmer, so whatever you do don't let him get into the river! Okay let's go." Kyra hops onto Sorna's back as they ride out from the guild hall, expecting the others to catch up. Since Sorna was doing most of the moving Kyra could talk to the others without losing her breath.

"So basically this troll sticks around routes over rivers, because he's super fast in the water. He tries to trick you into answering his riddles for free passage or you can try and bribe him with a lot of money. If you pay him he'll leave you alone, but his riddles either don't have an answer or he'll kill you anyways, and he's done this way too many times! So once we find him, we'll just kill him. From the reports he appears to really smell and have a bunch of flies around him, so watch out for that. As you may or may not know, trolls have a natural regeneration which allows them to survive things even like decapitation and dismemberment, but if you use fire on his wounds, he can't heal from those. But that's probably also why he stays near the rivers so he can put out any fire on himself." It wouldn't be too long before the group would leave town and find a nearby bridge spanning over a river. The perfect place for the troll.

"So here's the plan: You guys hide nearby while me and Sorna lure the troll out. We'll do his riddles for a bit and than run away so he chases us away from the river. That's when you all spring out and we'll kill him. Any questions?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nox Nyctores "Barrel"
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Getting this party started

"Hey hey!" A voice called out to the groups as they were leaving. The voice came from a lone cat, sitting on the bar. "What sort of grand opening is this? Come in, get cloaks, and just get to work? Terrible I say, terrible. This place needs more... Flash! A more casual atmosphere. All work and no play makes you a dullard after all. So stay awhile, get to know one another, and more importantly," As Nox raised his palms into the air, from out behind the bar were six cat beastkin girls dressed in maid attire and carrying booze and snacks. "FEAST! Fill your bellies with good food and your eyes with beautiful people! Treat my girls nice and you'll have a great time!" Nox watches as the girls go up to the various new members, offering them food, drink, and a table to sit and chat at.
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