Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Fenris Lorenson

Race: Elf

Age: 21

Fenris is a tan skinned young Elf. His body is lean but muscular and he stands at five foot seven. His hair is stark white which he usually wears in a bun with a strand of hair loose and his eyes are a light violet color. He has a large bite scar on the bottom half of his throat and has various other scars over his body. He then has a few tattoos one which is a full sleeve that mimics knight armor a on his hand is a violet magical crystal tattoo on then on his pointer and middle finger is a line to represent the number one and then on his ring finger is the letter R and finally on his pinky is the letter D. On his left hand is the guilds gunslinger identification symbol with the upward right wing being on his thumb. He usually wears a long sleeved dark green tunic with buckskin pants tucked into supple leather boots. For armor Fenris does not wear much just wearing a leather harness ment for carrying his rifle on his back . On his thigh is a pistol holster and his right boot is modified to carry a bootknife, he then wears the Angeli Pallidus cloak with the gunslinger identification Pallidus symbol and a necklace with a handle at the end.

Born in one of the many forests of Thorimir to Marcus Lorenson and Emilia Lorenson Fenris was one of the few elves who were born without naturally knowing a type of magic. Even though this was considered shameful in the elvish culture Fenris's parents loved him and cherished their chld. This allowed Fenris to live in relative comfort for thirteen years. That is until a tragic accident befall the young elf. Fenris's parents had sent him to get bread for their dinner later that night , so Fenris made the thirty minutes trek into the village. After buying bread Fenris then decided to stop by the local mage a man named Horen. Having a fairly lengthy conversation Fenris realized by the time they had finished it was dusk. Horen fearing for young Fenris's safety as the forest was known for being dangerous at night decided to walk the young elf home.

Upon arrival to Fenris's house the young elf noticed something was terribly wrong. The door to his house was ripped off its hinges and the frame was bloodstained. Running to the house ignoring the warnings of Horen Fenris was shown the sight of a pair of werewolves that were feasting on his parents. Fenris made a small sound of fear causing the wolves to look up at him. Running Fenris was able to make it a few feet before one of the werewolves lept on him and hit his neck. Luckily Horen was able to kill the beasts and use healing magic to save young Fenris. Fenris then grew up under Horens care until he turned seventeen in which he then traveled to Thaoswen and joined kingdoms army. In the army Fenris quickly found out that he had a nack for using guns especially rifles , from there he joined the 11th Rifle Division nicknamed "The Reapers" it was a special division made up of highly skilled or prodigal snipers who were taught sharpshooting skills and magic related to that.

Soon after joining the 11th RD Fenris was sent to battle to a rival kingdom overseas. Being in the division until he turned twenty one Fenris gained a reputation over seas and with the army. His reputation was just that of a prodigy at first until one battle in his second year of service. His squad had been trapped in a tower and had been killed leaving just him and he needed to hold out till morning until reinforcements arrived . When backup got there they saw the rival force which consisted of quite a few men all dead. Fenris had picked off each man almost killing himself from the amount of energy drained, but the feat had earned him the moniker of " Angel of Death" with both his enemies and allies for the amount of people he killed while waiting for reinforcements. Along his service it was never confirmed how many kills Fenris had but rumor has it it was in the hundreds though that is probably a military exaggeration.

Coming back home Fenris realized he couldn't step foot in his childhood home without thinking of his parents. Deciding instead of killing other men Fenris would kill monsters leaving the military Fenris was going to go solo until he read about the popularity of guilds. Maybe if he could create one then it would spread the word about the true danger of monsters and it seems like it would be pretty fun. His mind set Fenris decided to take all of his military earnings , buy a plot of land in Thaoswen and build his guild hall.

Pistol, Rifle-sniper variant, Silver Bootknife , silver push dagger


the Color green, hanging out with his guildmates, drinking, smoking his pipe when relaxing, and shooting his rifle and reading

Werewolves,monsters In general , overly confident people, and monster sympathizers

Fenris will rest his hand on his pistol when nervous , he also has a necklace that doubles as a push dagger.

Health: 5(2+3)

Stamina: 8(2+6)

PStr: 3(2+1)

PDef: 4(2+2)

MStr: 9(2+5+2)

MDef: 7 (2+4+1)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Malakaus Vorinclex
Race: Orc
Age: 27

Bio: Malakaus is a fairly typical orcish warrior, having been trained since youth to be a warrior. The only difference is that early into his training he found an interest in smithing and working metals, favoring the more complex and vastly more useful metal weapons and armor over his clan's traditional weapons of stone, wood, and bones. Thus he left his clan when he was about twelve years old, which by than he was already taller than most human men and a fair bit stronger as well. He took up an apprenticeship with an armorer for ten years, learning the secrets of smithing and molding metals into weapons, armors, and other useful gadgets. He didn't neglect his training as a warrior either, and often made money to support his education via things such as gladiatorial combat or dueling.

By the time he had completed his training to become his own journeyman, Malakaus had already constructed his own full set of armor, as well as a unique shield and axe. He hopes to improve his skills so that one day he can create a true master piece, testing the effectiveness of his own equipment through practical usage in battle. Of course nothing in life is for free, and if he wants the funding to continue crafting his weapons and armor he needs an income. Thus when he heard about the Angeli Pallidus, a guild of monster hunters, he figured it would solve two issues if he joined them. Not only will they pay him to hunt monsters which he can use to fund his smithing career, but he can test his equipment by hunting said monsters.

    Health: 2+6 (8)
    Stamina: 2+2 (4)
    PStr: 2+4+2 (8)
    PDef: 2+3+1 (7)
    MStr: 2+1 (3)
    MDef: 2+5 (7)

Battle Axe - Malakaus's custom battle axe. It appears to be a simple, single-sided broad axe, but with a twist of it's handle Malakaus can extend the shaft and turn the axe into a halberd, opening him up to a different style of fighting as needed. It is made entirely of metal and has some issues with durability due to being made of moving, hollow parts, so Malakaus has specifically constructed his axe to be very sturdy, but at the same time it also makes the axe incredibly heavy. Were it not for his orcish strength it would be impractical to use. Malakaus hopes to discover a metal alloy that is lighter without compromising durability.

Shield - A medium sized shield bristling with spikes. Despite it's heavy metal appearance, it's actually quite light. Malakaus's shield is is designed to push his ability to craft a metal that is both light and durable, while also incorporating techniques to treat wood to give it similar light but durable properties. So far he's simply manage to make a fairly decent shield that is lighter than it's design would indicate, but otherwise standard to other metal shields.

Full Plate Armor "Regalia mk.3" - Malakaus' main focus and the only piece of equipment he has given a name. The Regalia mk.3 is a set of full plate armor which on it's own is worth double it's weight in gold for conventional knights and warriors, as it's designed to make the most use of an orc's strength and powerful build to increase it's defenses while being fairly light weight. Granted, it is still heavier than any plate armor sized for a human or dwarf, but proportionally speaking it is rather light. It's design was inspired by a gladiator who defeated Malakaus, who despite being even slower than Malakaus, utilized his armor to full effect to barely be phased by his attacks and unleash an onslaught of blows against him due to his implacability. Malakaus has not yet tested this armor against conventional firearms, mostly due to the fact it's hard for him to get his hands on a gun.

Martial Arts:
Fury - Tapping into his orcish rage, Malakaus doubles his health and stamina, as well as removing any magic effects that affects his mind such as fear. However he can only use his offensive abilities and cannot cast spells. After his fury ends Malakaus loses all of his stamina.

Juggernaught - Malakaus' signature martial arts technique that doubles his physical and magical defense for a short while, enabling him to tank through various attacks, however it constantly saps his stamina while active.

Switch Hit - A technique that utilizes Malakaus' unique axe. By casting away his shield Malakaus can turn his axe into a halberd, increasing his reach and power. This decreases his physical defense by half (Rounded-down) but doubles his physical strength. This ability ends whenever Malakaus has his shield.

Disarming Strike - A precise attack that allows Malakaus to simultaneously strike an enemy and disarm them of their current weapon or other object on their possession.

Armor Crash - Utilizing the weight of his body and his armor, Malakaus can quickly rush and plow through an enemy, doing massive damage as long as he's equipped with his armor. He can do additional damage if he has his shield and this also can knock an enemy down.

Interceptor - Malakaus can use this technique whenever an enemy he can hit tries to move away from him or attack another ally. Malakaus can choose to either intercept the attack himself, taking the attack instead of his ally, or he can attack the enemy instead, damaging them before they can hurt his allies.

Vital Spirit - Malakaus goes into a full defensive mode. While in this mode Malakaus can work up a fighting spirit to help restore his stamina while also increasing his physical defense. It immediately ends if he tries to attack. If Malakaus would take injuries or an attack that would normally kill or knock him out, he can remaining barely standing as long as he was in this mode when it happens, but it immediately ends shortly after.

Daredevil - A risky maneuver where the Malakaus takes on the full damage from an attack, but if he survive it he can immediately counter attack with a blow that causes as much damage to their attacker as their attack did to him.

Produce Flame - A basic fire spell Malakaus learned mostly for utility purposes. He conjures a small ball of fire to his hand, which he can throw at enemies to burn them, however he generally just uses it for illumination or to start a fire. Notable for being very effective at drying wet wood.

Mending - A basic spell designed to help repair the damage to objects. It's not strong enough to heal wounds or injuries in living people, but it can repair the damage done to clothing, weapons, and other things that aren't specifically living. It can even repair magic items, though it doesn't restore magic energy.

Likes: Limes, fire, mountain climbing, and kittens.
Dislikes: Bell peppers, being cold, swimming, and snakes.
Extras: Has a pet cat named Barrel, because he found it in a barrel. Malakaus is pretty sure it's a magical cat, he just hasn't figured out what it can do.

Malakaus is also rather educated in magics for an orc, as he used to be sweet on an elf who tutored him. However they had a falling out due to Malakaus' growing romantic feelings for her, and now he shuns romance in general, especially with elves. He still tries to keep himself up-to-date about various magical lore, especially if they relate to ways to improve his crafting.

Doesn't get a lot of respect by both dwarves and orcs. Most dwarves he met see's Malakaus as a mere poser and could never match up to them in the arts, while orcs consider Malakaus incredibly cowardly for his reliance on weapons and armor, as well as his general friendliness around humans.

Malakaus hasn't seen his family in a long time. He isn't sure how they're doing either, and hopes to gain some honor and glory via his crafts before he returns to the clan. He doesn't want to see his family until he feels that he has done something great.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Cain Bellanaris
Race: Human
Age: 19

Bio: Cain was an orphan boy raised by a clan of Wood Elves. Having been just a mere toddler when his parents died after a boar rammed into their carriage. His adoptive parents being the ones who were hunting the wounded beast, found him crying in the wreckage.

From then on Cain Bellanaris was raised by the clan learning their ways, the young babe became a fearsome hunter, that denied the use of metal in favor of building weapons from what he could use for his fallen foes. Cain hunted various monsters in the forests of his home becoming an expert among even the long lived elves to the point he developed his own style of combat that was brutally efficient. Hearing a about the various Guilds solely dedicated to the hunt. Cain embarked on a journey in search of larger and more fearsome prey.


Femur Club: A club that was made from a monster's femur it has been indented with sharp stones in order to pierce through bones. It is Cain's main weapon of choice.

Martial Arts:

Uncrowned Martial Art Style: Cain's own martial art that was developed not from teachings or a rigorous training regiment. A style made from Cain's actual refined reflexes and instincts that were akin to an actual style of combat but not really. He knew stances, knew how to use weapons and how to handle the proper attacks and defenses against opponents of different styles but all of that was merely experience and nothing else. Refined, exploited, developed but ultimately created solely for himself by himself. This style allows Cain to use martial arts either armed or unarmed even with mundane objects without the much loss to it's effectiveness.

Uncrowned Martial Art: Crippling Blow- A simple concept that was honed and practiced by Cain at least 10,000 times throughout his life. To target an opponents vital point and deliver your strongest and most precise blow. Cain's monstrous strength and experience makes this all the more deadly as he can unleash such an attack as naturally as he can breath. This can leave the opponents either dead or crippled depending on which vital area Cain chooses to strike. Although the amount of focus and consecutive use can take it's toll.

Uncrowned Martial Art: Rear Naked Choke- A simple chokehold with many variations, the main and simple concept is to merely encircle the opponent's neck to cut of blood flow and render them immobile or unconscious. It was mainly used to subdue humans and beasts that did not require killing.

Uncrowned Martial Art: Iron Grasp Throw- Using his immense grip strength Cain grabs an ally or enemy and throws them away or to danger.

Uncrowned Martial Art: Presence Concealment- The ability to conceal one's presence from prey it allows Cain to surprise his enemy while simultaneously resting from fatigue. It ends the moment he attacks.

Uncrowned Martial Art: Nine Strikes- The culmination of Cain's experience and life. It is as simplistic as it is effective, a high speed series of nine strikes. Cain targets the opponent's vital areas such as a humanoid's upper arm, collarbone, windpipe, temple, diaphragm, rib, testicles, thighs, and heel. Unleashing consecutive blows on each target at 'godlike speed' that it appears like he struck all points simultaneously. It is highly stamina costly to use do to the amount of speed and power one puts into the attack. But it has always left Cain's prey either dead or heavily injured due to it's gruesome efficiency.

Bravery- Tapping into his indomitable will, Cain doubles his Physical Strength by focusing only on the offensive, as well as removing any magic effects that affects his mind such as fear. This makes Cain reckless though as he will trade blows with his opponent instead of avoiding them dealing more damage to himself and his opponent.

Instinct- To analyze and anticipate your opponents next move through honing ones instinct. Cain double his Physical Defense against one opponent, allowing the hunter to avoid his opponents attacks by reading their patterns. This only applies to his current prey as he can not anticipate the movements of others he isn't focused on.

Eye of The Mind- To be capable of calm analysis of the abilities of the opponent as well as the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. Allowing Cain to gain an advantage in Physical Strength and Physical Defense when fighting against a specific foe.


Health: 5(2+3)
PStr: 11(2+6+3)
PDef: 7(2+5)
MStr: 3(2+1)
MDef: 4(2+2)

Likes: Hunting, Fighting, Bathing, Elves, Eating, Children.
Dislikes: Weakness, Cowardice, Wasting of Materials, Metal.
Extras: He likes carrying smaller people than him due to him standing at 6'6 Feet tall. A force of habit developed when he carries the younger children of the clan around the village.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tizryn Oniksoren




Has multiple scars all over his body and a Griffin tattoo on his back with 25th GAD underneath it as well as random dwarvish and military tattoos on his arm.

Tizryn was born in the underground dwarvish city of Lostefell. As a child he was always attracted to combat instead of blacksmithing and architecture. Training with axes, and swords Tizryn became quite proficient in them eventually reaching the point where he could not spar his fellow dwarves without them wearing armor. Upon reaching sixteen the age when dwarves consider their children adults Tizryn set off from Lostefell. Working as a travelling adventurer for some time Tizryn learned different fighting styles to add onto his natural dwarvish one. Eventually joining the military to put his skills to the test Tizryn met a young Elf named Fenris. At first Tizryn hated this elf but eventually they began to become friends especially after beating the shit out of some pompous human during boot camp combat training. Alas though Tizryn could not enjoy his new friends company for long. With Fenris being a superb marksman and Tizryn being intrigued at the thought of flying through the skies they were put in different divisions.

Tizryn joined the twenty fifth Griffin Air Division a unit of soldiers who would be trained in riding a Griffin and performing air combat and operations. This is where Tizryn met his Griffin Alamir, who would soon become his closest friend. Going on a few missions Tizryn was soon reunited with his friend Fenris for the overseas campaign Thorimir was doing. They would provide air support to the main army and Eleventh Rifle Division. On the same mission that Fenris got his Angel of Death moniker Tizryn was deep in enemy lines doing a hit and run mission. He had to leave Alamir behind in favor of a different Griffin as the mission was highly dangerous and he didn't want his beloved friend to get hurt.

A decision that would prove well as almost directly into the mission Tizryns squad was shot down and crashed behind enemy lines. Tizryn along with another squad member made their way almost out of enemy lines before they were captured. Being tortured for days Tizryn was eventually saved by Thorimirs army and taken back home earning the dwarvish moniker "verazin dwarfimir" or "Dishonored Dwarf" in Iturian. The torturing didn't damper Tizryns spirit though instead making him stronger and he served in the twenty fifth Griffin Air Division till Fenris contacted him saying he was making a monster hunting guild. Tizryn accepted wanting to move on to better fights and took Alamir with him when he left. Arriving at Thaoswen Tizryn has been helping Fenris build his guild hall.

Health: 6(2+4)

Stamina: 4(2+2)

PStr: 5(2+3)

PDef: 10(2+2+6)

MStr: 3(2+1)

MDef: 8(2+1+5

Martial arts:

A weapon with a silver crescent blade on the end comparable to a axe in length with all the edges being sharpened. A regular army issued sword that he carries on his back, to him it is almost like a greatsword, pet Griffin named alamir and a full set of dwarven armor that he only wears when he feels like he needs it.


Gems, smoking with Fenris, drinking, riding his Griffin named Alamir , fighting, cursing people out in dwarvish.

Running out of tobaco, people who disrespect Alamir , undead , and black market dealers.

Tizryn stands at four feet and five inches tall. He still wears the armor from his division though slightly modified. Alimir has saved his life on multiple occasions. He knows only Dwarvish and Iturian

Alamir's appearance:
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Nox Nyctores "Barrel the Cat"
Race: Grimalkin (Cat Beastkin)
Age: 212

For many years, the cat beastkins were always a capacious bunch. Whether in mass or alone, the cat beastkin are found wherever humans dwell, either in beast or hybrid form. But among the feline beastkin is a rarer breed: the Grimalkins. There is an old saying that cats have nine lives, and it's the Grimalkin who put that into real practice, being absurdly long-lived and difficult to put down. Nox is one of the few Grimalkins. Unlike many beastkin, his form originated solely as a cat: his early life was being the familiar of an enterprising human mage many, many years ago. It was through the efforts of the mage that Nox would eventually gain his own sentience but it was only afterwards that he would go about obtaining the coveted status of Grimalkin.

Grimalkin are not chosen, but made, and so once Nox received the liberation of awakening he left the service of his wizard master and sought the challenges and rites to become the legendary cat beast. He did many thing in his short life, from hunting the biggest prey (A whale), reaching the sky (Climbed a mountain), and even obtained immortality (Has a vast lineage of children). Over the course of his life his physiology changed from that of a cat to a more traditional beastkin, namely the ability to walk on two feet and having opposable thumbs. He even learned magic, and from there it became apparent that his deeds enabled him to become a grimalkin, granting him an ageless existence similar to the elves. But that gave Nox one problem.

He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life now. Once a cat so full of ambition and aspiration, but now that he had obtained what he had wanted, he had no idea what he would do next. It was a mystery. But he didn't let it bother him too much: without having to truly worry about morality for a very long time, Nox decided to do what a cat does best: enjoy it's life. He settled down for a while, siring many more kittens and seeing them grow up to become adults. He would occasionally come into the service of others, posing as a mere cat, and leaving when it suited him. He even had a rather infamous career as an assassin, utilizing his unassuming appearance to stalk his prey and slay them when they least expect it. He learned many magics to bolster his ability and entertain him, and eventually one day while he was sleeping in a barrel, he was adopted by some orc. He seemed nice enough, gave Nox a warm place to sleep and food when he wants it, though Nox doesn't feel too particularly close to the man. Still it seemed like he was up to something exciting, and Nox could certainly use the distraction. So he's going to stick around and tag along for his adventures, just to see where it goes.

    Health: 2+2 (4)
    Stamina: 2+3+2 (7)
    PStr: 2+1 (3)
    PDef: 2+4 (6)
    MStr: 2+6 (8)
    MDef: 2+5 (7)

Gear: None, for he is a cat.

Martial Arts:
Feline Grace - Being a cat, Nox is capable of deft acrobatic maneuvers, often landing on his feet perfectly safe regardless of the height he falls. He can also use his claws to climb on most surfaces and has a natural night vision. Finally his footsteps are naturally silent.

Psycho Cutter - Psychic energy form around Nox's claws, allowing him to deliver a powerful slashes that bypass physical armor. This is Nox's primary combat spell.

Dark Pulse - Dark energy collect in Nox's eyes, allowing him to shoot a beam of foul energy at any target he can see, no matter how far away they are. The energy then blasts the target with a mixture of dark and force energy, capable of toppling even the staunches of enemies. Nox's primary range spell.

Nine Lives - Nox creates up to eight other copies of himself. They share his strength and abilities, however they are very fragile so even an attack that wouldn't kill Nox can kill them. Nox can telepathically communicate with these clones and anything they learn is returned to Nox when they vanish.

Shadow Step - Nox can teleport up to any shadow he sees within 60ft of himself.

Night Fall - A large 20-foot radius cloud of profane darkness surrounds a single object or creature that Nox chooses. Anything within that cloud is effectively blind thanks to the impenetrable darkness which even a creature's darkvision cannot pierce. Only those with magical darkvision such as Nox can see through it.

Primal Instincts - Increases Nox's abilities, magically improving senses and agility. It also allows him to detect the presence of magic.

Vanish - Turns Nox or anything he touches invisible for a few minutes.

Catnap - Nox's ultimate spell. It's a large Area-of-Effect spell that causes anything caught within to immediately fall asleep if they can't resist his magic. If anyone within the area of effect was already asleep, they won't wake up unless the spell is dispelled or ends. For some reason, it does not affect elves. Loud noises and bright lights won't even wake them up. The spell only lasts for ten minutes.

Likes: Fish, warmth, soft things, killing.
Dislikes: Bread, being wet, loud people, children.
Extras: Nox doesn't consider himself anyone's pet, but freely helps himself to their homes and food. He will act respectfully and partial if they allow him, or he'll extract vengeance if they don't. Fancies himself a chef and is pretty good at cooking.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Quiet the Thunderstriker
Race: Elf
Age: 654

Bio: One day, a girl was born into slavery. In an land where the elves were often kidnapped from their homes to be made slaves, them and their children. This girl was no different. She was conditioned from birth to be silent, to follow orders and do as she was commanded. Taken away from her family, she was put to work as soon as she could walk to tend to the fields, the animals, and do any labor which her masters commanded her to do. If she ever tried to resist, even if she so much as flinches, she was punished by her masters. The first time she even spoke out she was punished by having her tongue removed.

Despite the harsh treatment this girl never wavered. She was like a tree in a gale; even as the winds tear at her bark, stripe her of her leaves, only the force of a hurricane and the power of a lightning bolt would topple her. When the elves and other slaves rebelled against their former masters, the nameless girl was one of the first to take up arms. Having never learned magic like other elves she simply took up the sword and fought with a ferocity and might one would expect of an orc. But years of hard labor had honed her body to become strong, and a lifetime of abuse has tempered her will to the cruelties of man. After a bloody battle that left many dead, the girl was finally free of her chains.

After she was freed the girl continued to fight. She never gave herself a name and instead she took up the ones other gave her: Quiet. A literal description that fit her perfectly, perhaps in contrast to the moniker she also gained through battle: Thunderstriker. With her sword her blows often clashed against the steel and blades of her enemies, creating a thunderous cacophony that was her warcry. Like the thunder that calls for a storm, the sound of her clash warned friend and foe alike of her arrival. For many ages after she was freed, the girl known as Quiet never set her blade down, and instead continued to hone her skills in combat. She traveled the land, seeking to hone her skill with the blade through training and war. She was a blade that stood against all tyrants in the service of the weak. Overtime her reputation faded into history, becoming nothing more than a folk hero of a dark land. But recently she has returned doing exactly as she's always been doing: finding new foes menacing the defenseless and slaying it.

Health: 7 (2+5)
Stamina: 5 (2+3)
PStr: 8 (2+6)
PDef: 6 (2+4)
MStr: 5 (2+1+2)
MDef: 5 (2+2+1)

Gear: Steel Targe, Plate Armor, Zweihander
Martial Arts:
Hardbuckle - Quiet jabs with the face or edge of her shield quickly, doing minimal damage but interrupting her enemy's momentum. This can leave them open for a devastating follow up.

Shattering Strike - Quiet cleaves her blade through the enemy, sundering weapons, armor, and anything else that gets in her sword's way. This technique is designed to destroy the enemy's equipment.

Execution - Focusing her might into a single blow, Quiet delivers a powerful attack with a high chance to hit something critical.

Cleave - If Quiet manages to kill something with one of her attacks, she can immediately redirect the force of her sword to strike another target, possibly killing them and chaining her swing into more enemies until there's no more left or her attack doesn't kill the enemy.

Piledriver - A heavy blow with a powerful impact. It can either send enemies flying or knock them to the ground.

Thunderous - Quiet channels all of her strength into her swing, creating a sonic boom that can hit her enemy from range as if she had slashed them.

Blood-Soaked Blade - An ability that causes Quiet's attack power and speed to increase either based off her health or the health of her enemy. The lower her health, the stronger her attack and speed. If her enemy is also wounded, ideally because of Quiet's attack, her attack against that enemy is also more powerful.

Storm of Swords - Quiet's ultimate technique. Her weapon echos with a cacophony as each swing creates an echo of herself, allowing her to culminate multiple attacks from various angles as long as she continues attacking. One swing becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, each attack creates an echo that exponentially increases the amount of attacks Quiet unleashes in a short time.

Mana Burst - Because Quiet doesn't have any formal training in magic, she doesn't know how to channel her magic into actual spells. What she can do however is cause her innate magic to surge outwards, increasing the damage of her blows. It also eats away any latent magic energy so anything she attacks with a Mana Burst also massively burns through their stamina. Quiet can also cause Mana Bursts from her body, damaging nearby enemies and propelling her across the battlefield.

Likes: Fighting, soup, alcohol, getting hurt, being with people
Dislikes: Abuse, solid food, being alone, cowards
Extras: Quiet is a mute and can't speak. To introduce herself she carries hand-written cards with her name, title, and skills. Her hair grows very fast.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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The Druid

Isabella Jortendotir




Born to fairly regular hobbits Isabella discovered her affinity for nature fairly quickly. She would make flowers bloom around using new fertilizer or the crops would grow faster because of an irrigation technique either way her parents loved it. They figured they could have Isabella make farming eaiser and provide food for the whole village. Which Isabella did until she was about ten in which she then was wandering far into the forest when she came across some druids. Asking about their order Isabella decided she wanted to be one , as the idea of nature magic interested her. Training for over a hundred years as a druid Isabella finally set out from the training grounds of Narian Forest and went on a quest to learn the secrets of nature. Studying nature and nature magic for twenty more years Isabella eventually heard of a new guild opening named Angeli Pallidus a guild dedicated to hunting monsters. Isabella decided she would join this guild as monsters were a part of nature and maybe she could unlock their secrets as well.

Health: 9(2+2+5)

Stamina: 5(2+3)

PStr: 3(2+1)

PDef: 4(2+2)

MStr: 8(2+6)

MDef: 6(2+4)

Gear: journal/spellbook

Martial arts:
T neck snap- running then jumping on a opponent Isabella used her thighs to snap their neck.


Nature, being mischievous at times, animals, tall people

Thunder, mud, tall people, not being able to reach the shelf

Isabella stands at three feet five inches tall

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