Name: Fenris Lorenson
Race: Elf
Age: 21
Fenris is a tan skinned young Elf. His body is lean but muscular and he stands at five foot seven. His hair is stark white which he usually wears in a bun with a strand of hair loose and his eyes are a light violet color. He has a large bite scar on the bottom half of his throat and has various other scars over his body. He then has a few tattoos one which is a full sleeve that mimics knight armor a on his hand is a violet magical crystal tattoo on then on his pointer and middle finger is a line to represent the number one and then on his ring finger is the letter R and finally on his pinky is the letter D. On his left hand is the guilds gunslinger identification symbol with the upward right wing being on his thumb. He usually wears a long sleeved dark green tunic with buckskin pants tucked into supple leather boots. For armor Fenris does not wear much just wearing a leather harness ment for carrying his rifle on his back . On his thigh is a pistol holster and his right boot is modified to carry a bootknife, he then wears the Angeli Pallidus cloak with the gunslinger identification Pallidus symbol and a necklace with a handle at the end.
Born in one of the many forests of Thorimir to Marcus Lorenson and Emilia Lorenson Fenris was one of the few elves who were born without naturally knowing a type of magic. Even though this was considered shameful in the elvish culture Fenris's parents loved him and cherished their chld. This allowed Fenris to live in relative comfort for thirteen years. That is until a tragic accident befall the young elf. Fenris's parents had sent him to get bread for their dinner later that night , so Fenris made the thirty minutes trek into the village. After buying bread Fenris then decided to stop by the local mage a man named Horen. Having a fairly lengthy conversation Fenris realized by the time they had finished it was dusk. Horen fearing for young Fenris's safety as the forest was known for being dangerous at night decided to walk the young elf home.
Upon arrival to Fenris's house the young elf noticed something was terribly wrong. The door to his house was ripped off its hinges and the frame was bloodstained. Running to the house ignoring the warnings of Horen Fenris was shown the sight of a pair of werewolves that were feasting on his parents. Fenris made a small sound of fear causing the wolves to look up at him. Running Fenris was able to make it a few feet before one of the werewolves lept on him and hit his neck. Luckily Horen was able to kill the beasts and use healing magic to save young Fenris. Fenris then grew up under Horens care until he turned seventeen in which he then traveled to Thaoswen and joined kingdoms army. In the army Fenris quickly found out that he had a nack for using guns especially rifles , from there he joined the 11th Rifle Division nicknamed "The Reapers" it was a special division made up of highly skilled or prodigal snipers who were taught sharpshooting skills and magic related to that.
Soon after joining the 11th RD Fenris was sent to battle to a rival kingdom overseas. Being in the division until he turned twenty one Fenris gained a reputation over seas and with the army. His reputation was just that of a prodigy at first until one battle in his second year of service. His squad had been trapped in a tower and had been killed leaving just him and he needed to hold out till morning until reinforcements arrived . When backup got there they saw the rival force which consisted of quite a few men all dead. Fenris had picked off each man almost killing himself from the amount of energy drained, but the feat had earned him the moniker of " Angel of Death" with both his enemies and allies for the amount of people he killed while waiting for reinforcements. Along his service it was never confirmed how many kills Fenris had but rumor has it it was in the hundreds though that is probably a military exaggeration.
Coming back home Fenris realized he couldn't step foot in his childhood home without thinking of his parents. Deciding instead of killing other men Fenris would kill monsters leaving the military Fenris was going to go solo until he read about the popularity of guilds. Maybe if he could create one then it would spread the word about the true danger of monsters and it seems like it would be pretty fun. His mind set Fenris decided to take all of his military earnings , buy a plot of land in Thaoswen and build his guild hall.
Pistol, Rifle-sniper variant, Silver Bootknife , silver push dagger
the Color green, hanging out with his guildmates, drinking, smoking his pipe when relaxing, and shooting his rifle and reading
Werewolves,monsters In general , overly confident people, and monster sympathizers
Fenris will rest his hand on his pistol when nervous , he also has a necklace that doubles as a push dagger.
Health: 5(2+3)
Stamina: 8(2+6)
PStr: 3(2+1)
PDef: 4(2+2)
MStr: 9(2+5+2)
MDef: 7 (2+4+1)