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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Two figures can be seen in top of the new guild hall being built in Thaoswen. The sun is out and shining there is a nice breeze to offset the Thorimir heat and new hopes are rising. " By Etars balls its hot " a young elf who's white hair was up in a bun said as he hammered in a board." Awww c'mon Fenris it ain't that hot, man or elf up for Razdors sake! " the dwarf said next to Fenris smiling as he did. " Easy for you to say Tizryn! You're so short the sun is just missing you! " Fenris called back. " Ehh stop your whining now let's get this roof done you said you would finish the guild hall today! " Tizryn shouted over the noise of hammers. A few hours later and the roof of the guild hall has been built, Tizryn laughed and climbed down the ladder with Fenris right behind him. The two friends stepped back to admire their work the guildhall was large and well built it certainly took Fenris and Tizryn a few months to build. With that Fenris looked at Tizryn " ready to decorate? " Tizryn chuckled. " my friend you can do that yourself " he said than went to check on his griffin Alamir.

Fenris cursed in elvish then began the three hour long task of furnishing the guilds interior. " C'mon we have to go get that textile mage" he said to Tizryn. The pair began to walk down the paths of Thaoswen when Tizryn asked " Fenris my pal do you have any pipe tobacco? " looking up at his friend after the question. Fenris nodded and handed Tizryn some who took out a match and lit and then took a puff. Eventually arriving at the mages house Fenris paid the mage the last remaining funds he set aside for starting the guild. The trio then walked back to the guildhall in which the mage then sat in a chair near the entrance of the guild, while Fenris and Tizryn sat outside the guildhall awaiting members and smoking their pipes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Among the first to enter the new guild hall was a little girl with a big bow, and a big girl who's half horse. They walked in side-by-side. It was easy to tell that despite her tiny size the human girl carried herself proudly and with a sense of ego that was three times bigger than herself. Her companion also stood tall but in a more firm and professional manner, like a person who doesn't have anything to lose or prove. They both entered but the shorter one speaks. "Greetings! My name is Kyra Shepard, of the Noble Shepard family! I've come from a long line of archers who have hunted everything from vile demons, undead horrors, and powerful dragons! I'm no stranger to the hunt myself and I'm more than willing to prove my skills in battle." Kyra spoke loud and proudly. Her centaur friend was much more reticent as she bowed her head. "I am Sorna, of the High Plains tribe. Raised a hunter, trained as a warrior. I'm here to keep Kyra safe."

This statement just made Kyra puff out her chest and pout. "Sorna, don't be silly! I'm an archer, I'm plenty safe! Unlike some brutes I don't plan to just charge into a monster's den and expect nothing to go wrong. An archer's all about observing their prey and slaying them with a single shot; no fussing about with magic or trying to turn their enemy into a pin cushion with a fleet of arrows." Sorna just sighed and patted Kyra's head. "More like that mouth of yours will draw more trouble than your arrows can check. Do keep in mind we're mercenaries here, not nobles. Words are empty boasts until you can back them up with deeds." Kyra looked at her friend as if she had just insulted her directly. However Kyra just shook her head and blew off Sorna. "Don't mind her, she's the type to worry more than prepare. In any case, we've both come to join the Angeli Pallidus!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Malakaus Vorinclex
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Introducing Himself

Malakaus awakens to the sound of some chickens crowing, as chickens do in the morning. He sleeps on a hay-filled bed, with only a matted fur blanket to comfort him. His cat, Barrel, was still asleep at his feet. As he gets up to start his morning his feline companion rouses awake and is quick to run down stairs. Malakaus walks over to his fireplace and puts some fresh logs into place. "Flak." As soon as he says those words, a small orb of fire appears in his hands. It doesn't seem to hurt him as he moves the orb to the logs, causing them to quickly light up in just a few seconds. Barely a minute would pass before the logs begin to burn brightly and Malakaus heads down stairs to fetch an iron pot to fill with water from a rain barrel. He then moves the pot over the flames to boil. Meanwhile, the orc changes out from his night clothes, a thick outfit made of linen, to his bare body. He would relieve himself in a copper chamber pot, which he'd then empty by tossing it's contents out of the window and into the alley below. From there he would wash himself using the boiled water, a cleaned cloth lathered with a soap, and a bronze comb. Today was a big day today: normally he'd just settle with a cold wash but today he was actually going to see people.

After washing himself and putting out his fire, Malakaus went to get dressed, now in his under armor. A thick leather gambeson with sturdy leggings made of woolen cloth, with a oiled and cleaned steel Chausses. While wearing this outfit he prepared a fairly humble meal for himself: a slice of hard aged cheese, a cut of not-entirely soft tomato, and a tough strip of jerky meat betwixt two slices of bread that Malakaus had been slowly eating over the course of two days. For extra oomph, he had toasted the bread slices near the embers of his fireplace, toasting them. His portions were notably larger than they normally were as Malakaus wanted to fill his stomach, in the event he needs the energy to fight. After he ate his sandwich he washed it down with some watered-down wine. "Right then. Time to armor up."

Malakaus walked down the stairs, opening a door to allow Barrel to leave. He would return in his own time: today he hunts for his meal. Once downstairs Malakaus goes over to his workshop. It has been lean for him; not many people care to hire an orc to craft their items, and the only work he's been able to get thus far are basic repair jobs. Things he wouldn't even need to fire up his forge for, but use simple magic. Enough to earn his daily bread but not enough if he wanted to work on what he desired most: his equipment. Displayed on a rack was The Regelia, Malakaus's armor. It was a slow and meticulous process to don the armor; if he was too hasty, he may miss a strap that could cause his armor to expose a weak point or easily loosen. Over all it took him about twenty minutes to fully don, but when he did he felt like he was twice as large as before. He did a short exercise to test his limberness, doing squats, jumps, push ups, sit ups, and even rolling. Once he was limbered up he grabbed his axe and shield from a nearby rack, strapping the shield onto his arm before putting his axe into it's sling. "Let's go."

Malakaus leaves out the back of his forge, where he had let Barrel out of. It opens up to the back alleys where there wasn't much foot traffic; most people knew better than to walk these parts at night due to the presence of the drunk and homeless. Before he leaves Malakaus makes sure to leave the door locked using a lock of his own design; so heavy and sturdy that a common lockpick would snap just trying to get in. You'd have a better chance just breaking down the door, which isn't any easier thanks to Malakaus intentionally picking a heavy oak to make the door out of. Taking a deep breath of the morning air, ignoring the waste about ten feet away that he threw out of his window, Malakaus heads towards the guild. He had known about it's construction for some time, and had hoped they might've commissioned him to help build it, however no word was ever received. But now he would be the one to go to them, to offer his services not as a smith, but as a warrior.

Arriving at the door of the guild, Malakaus took note of the people gathered here. An elf and dwarf, who Malakaus recognized as the people who were building this guild. Then then human girl and the female centaur. New members perhaps? Either way Malakaus made himself known as he approached. "Mir Dautas. Malakaus Vorinclex. Ushatarob shorat." He intentionally just spoke orcish, to see if anyone here knew what exactly he said. If not, he might start speaking common but he wasn't one for baying with words. He wanted to show his skills, not boast.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan I am truly here

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A new pair of footsteps echoed in the guild hall as a big man entered to the sight of others that had already arrived before him. With a sniffle, the hunter scanned each and every one of them from left to right. They seemed like a diverse bunch. Great, everyone would have a little bit of something that everyone else does not have. It would be a good thing for hunting many more games, and of course, tasting their sweet meat. He couldn't wait for it.
"Ah, greetings!"
Was his introduction. It wasn't the best he could do, and neither was it unique. But it was formal, in his point of view at least. Then he proceeded to scan the interior of the building. It seemed quite exquisite, something luxurious. Without a doubt, he would enjoy his stay here. Scratching his bearded chin, Ranu spread his lips into a grin.
"So this is the monster hunting guild that is about to start, huh? Nice, I can't wait to work with you to hunt many beasts and taste their blood. And meat."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Cleverbird Bird on a keyboard

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"So this is the place? Tch, I was hoping for something more grand~"

Brushing some of her silver hair behind her long ear, the elf looked up at the freshly build guild hall; which for human standards might be an imposing sight. She wouldn't know, both human and especially Dwarven towns never really sat well with her. Bustling with life, yet at the same time so dead. A far cry from the living cities of the elves.

Sariel had been in town for three days by now, using most of that time to inquire about this new guild among the citizens. As expected, there wasn't a whole lot to learn, the guild was brand new after all. The only information she gleamed from the people she spoke to was that it was run by two respectable veterans. A part of her wondered if perhaps it would be better to just turn around and wander off in search for something better to pour her time into, but on the other hand, how often did one have the ability to see a guild rise from the ground? Who knew, it might get snuffed out like a candle left in a drafty window, or it might just roar into a hearth people warm themselves at for years to come.

Well, it wasn't like the elf had anything better to do, so with a spring in her step and sway of her hips she made her way up to the building. It seemed like she wasn't the first one to arrive and a motley crew of varying races had already gathered inside the halls, including what appeared to be a centaur! Not exactly the race you'd see around these parts. "Oh my, quite the gathering we've already amassed." She cooed as she approached the group of people, her high heels clacking off the newly laid stone floors; somehow managing to echo around the hall with an air of superiority.

Her amber eyes quickly darted across the various people, going so far as the give the far younger elf a courteous nod and flash him a smile. "Na- cin ú- a dilthen na neth na teilien maethor, boui? " She sang in the ever gorgeous Elven language, flashing the elf a smug smile; completely missing the fact that he was in fact one of the leaders of this soon-to-be-merry-band.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

Menzai Isanami

Weeks of traveling eventually lead Menzai to the town of Thaoswen; an arduous and tedious journey for the lone beastkin but there he stood at the entrance of the town. Sharp dark blue eyes glinting with tiny crimson red glares peered into the bustling town with a stern and curious gaze as he stood at the gates, his demeanor calm yet somewhat cautious for one of his kind had to be wary, especially when among humans.

In his travels, he came to see countless and experience all sorts of new sights encounters though not all of them good. For most of the human establishments did not take well to his presence as he was warned numerous times to avoid humans if possible. As expected, they proved themselves dangerous with their unwarranted hate or fear of those they do not understand or were quick to show their prejudice and greedy nature. Not that all humans were like this for where there was those that insulted and told him off, showing they wanted nothing to do with him. Others that were friendly and welcoming towards beastkin; proving it possibly to make friends among humans but he must see them as a threat until proven to be trustworthy.

And it was through the kindness of such strangers that he learned about the town of Thaoswen and of the newly built guild hall. And it was the guild that brought Menzai here in order to begin his mission. One that he was both excited yet worried with his desire to study and learn of other races and magic while keeping a reserved caution when humans were involved.

With a slow exhale, the young wolf adult ventured into the town, walking with a reserved pace to his step. He walked along with bare feet that nary made a sound though not quite as graceful and silent as elves but most would not notice his presence until seen or he spoke. Even the white robed haori he adorned barely shifted and rustled, showing how little and precise his movement were while his arms were hidden within the baggy sleeves where the few belongings he had were kept hidden.

One might of mistaken him for a monk or a priest had it not been for the canine ears flicking gently atop his head. These ears were the source of drawing attention; both good and bad which even now he received from the villagers he passed by.

His attempts to gain in details on the guild's location as expected had been somewhat difficult. With those he tried inquiring to ignoring or shouting him away and even passed by some parents ushering their children inside to avoid him. Expecting and being used to such treatment, though so it did not bother him as he simply carried on and continued asking regarding the guild's location.

It took longer than it should of, but Menzai eventually received the location after finally meeting a friendly villager and thus set off towards the guild.

He trekked his way quietly towards the guild's hall, where with a quick glance over could indeed see that the hall had been very recently built. This had him somewhat worried for a newly built guild meant little funds and experience and most concerning that it might attract members unfriendly towards beastkin. If that were the case, he would simply have to move on and seek out another establishment though hoped that wouldn't be the case. After a small dismissive shake of the head, he stepped towards the heavyset doors though even before he reached them had his ears flick to the sound of numerous voices from within.

A few sniffs of the nose was all that was needed; noticing the surprisingly varied scents of multiple races within with the fact it didn't consist solely of humans had him relieved. A small rustling of his right arm pulling from the sleeve, his clawed right hand gave hard push against the door, ears catching the lack of wooden creaking further proof of the building's freshness.

Gazing within to see a pleasing sight of such a varied cast consisting of an orc, a few elves and even a dwarf though most surprising was the centaur. In fact, this was his first seeing an orc and especially a centaur who weren't considered common to outside their territory. A curious glint in his eyes as he peered over the other possible members though maintained a calm and near blank expression.

A slip of the right arm back into the haori sleeve, Menzai then stepped quietly into the hall and stopped a short distance from the others, preferring to keep his space from strangers. After another curious glance over the place, did he give a slight bow of his head." Good tidings. The name is Menzai Isanami and I have come to inquire regarding this guild if there any such openings still." He spoke in a soft and formal tone while keeping his body in a slight guarded posture and ears perked, listening for in case any attempted to make an suspicious move or attack.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oho? What a colorful group!" After spending a few days doing the community a service overseeing some funerals, Darc notices the group forming around the new guild hall. Of course he knows what this place is: it's the new hunting guild, Angeli Pallidus. That's the whole reason he's even in this city. But he's amazed by how varied it's recruits are. He had half expected a whole gaggle of young idiots and ruffians, but many of the people here seemed much more capable, not to mention not entirely human. Only two humans as far as he could tell, though the man in armor could also be a very big human, though chances are a man his size was an orc. Darc was espcially interested in the fact an elf and centaur were here: he's always heard that they dislike human cities. Though perhaps these two were just oddballs of their race. Darc isn't one to judge.

Darc joined the group, raising his hand to greet the group. He guessed the only two people sitting at the guild smoking pipes were in charge. "Hello! Still have an opening? Name's Darc Riovas. I'm a capable mage and more than willing to do some dirty work." He looked to the others, nodding his head with a cheeky smile. "I can see that we got a rag-tag team here already. Please take care of me! I'll do everything in my power to help you, either here or thereafter! Kufufu!" He joked as he made his way towards the front. It honestly made Darc feel a bit better that he wasn't the only weirdo in this group, maybe he can even get away with being a bit more relaxed if everyone here is also quirky. "Is there a test or something we need to do to join, or do we just sign our names somewhere and get started?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The clashing of steel echoed through the valley. There was panicked screaming, pained crying, and violent shouting as masked men fought against a small family of merchants. The father and his two sons, armed with simple spears, were outnumbered by the six robbers. They had swords, clubs, and axes, and weren't afraid to use them. One of the sons was already wounded in the leg by a sword and one of the girls were cut by a sword, crying in her mother's arms. The robbers made it clear that they were going to kill everyone present, and that's if they were lucky to get a quick death. The girls were fearful of what their fate would be if their brothers and father died. Not to mention the men weren't warriors, they were merchants. They were never even trained to fight.

The bandits swarmed the merchants and were quickly able to kill the defenders. Only one of the robbers were even wounded, and he only took a minor cut to the shoulder. The three men died, their heads decapitated and bodies taken as the women were captured, tied up, gagged, and tossed into the back of the wagon. The thieves would take the wagon and ride away to their lair. It was an abandoned fishing hamlet that they used to smuggle goods to their blackmarket contractors. Stolen goods, slaves, contraband, all under the guise of simple fishermen. The robbers congratulated themselves on a job well done as they moved their cargo to their store houses. The women were put into a barn with the other prisoners. Women and children who have been robbed by these men. As they spoke about indulging in their spoils there was a ringing in a distance. A signal that their contact was on it's way. No rest for the wicked.

The men went to do one final check on their loot. Most of it was food and other perishables, as well as things like smoked meats, butter, and even spices. In the barn there was also four older women, seven young women, and five young boys. All in all, quite a bounty for this small band of thieves. They made sure to prey on folk along a longer, more remote path. They even made sure to bring along the bodies of anyone who they killed, tossing them into the river so no one would find their corpses near where the bandits robbed others. They were through and made sure that the typical traveler or patrol wouldn't be able to trace them. But their time was up.

A boat would arrive to the docks of the fishing hamlet. It was a medium sized sailboat, suitable to be manned by a single person or a small crew. But something was wrong and the robbers knew it. There should be at least three people on the boat but they didn't see anyone. The robbers were immediately on guard and picked up their weapons to investigate. First they checked the ship and sure enough, there was no one on it. How it even managed to reach shore and for someone to ring it's bell was a mystery. They immediately suspected foul play when suddenly they hear the stomping of footsteps. The prisoners somehow managed to open the barn and were running away. Two of the bandits immediately left to go chase after them. That's when she struck.

As one of the brigands ran pass a hunt, a large sword appeared from around the corner, intercepting the man as he ran pass. The force of the swing and his own momentum bisected the bandit, cutting him in half. This surprised the other bandit who had ran passed but wasn't attacked; in that moment of surprise she struck again. She slammed the edge of her shield against his head, knocking him aside as she stabbed her sword through his body, causing him to scream in agony as he started to bleed to death from the sucking chest wound. This alerted the other four. They would arrive to see a lone elven woman, dressed in knightly armor and also soaking wet, with a blade stained red, and two of their allies dead on the ground. They could only ready their weapons as she charged right at the four of them.

The two with swords readied themselves as one with an axe and one with a club tried to move around to flank. But the knight moved faster, charging into the axe-wielding bandit and knocking him over with her shield. The club bandit swung his cudgel at the knight but his weapon simply bounced off her plate. The two swordsmen engaged her, aiming for her unarmored helmet. But all she needed to do was raise her shield and push, parrying their swing. By the time the axe wielding bandit stood up, the lone warrior had swung her sword into the one of the swordsmen, severing his arm. He roars of pain alarmed the bandits who were not dwindling to just the three of them. The club wielding bandit smashed his weapon into the back of the girl's head, causing her to finch forward. The other one tried to stab his sword through her face as she faltered, but she managed to stay on her feet and the blade bounced off her pauldron.

It was time for her counter attack. As the swordsman's blow was deflected by her armor, she slashed upwards and across the bandit's body, going from groin to shoulder. Carrying the momentum around she stepped around the club-wielding bandit and ended up behind him, pushing him forward with her shield to cause him to stumble as she brought her two-hander down across his back, grasping her blade with both hands for full power. She partially bisected him, with only bits of flesh around his stomach area remaining attached. Even his spine was severed. Finally there was the axe-wielding bandit. In a span of about twenty seconds, the six bandits were reduced to one. The elven woman looked to the final survivor. She had a small wound on the back of her head and a slight grass where the sword had missed her face deflecting off her armor, but she was otherwise perfectly healthy unlike the dismembered corpses around her. "P-Please! Have mercy! I surrender! I swear!"

His words fell on deaf ears. As soon as the man put his weapon down the quiet elf ran him through with her sword. Right through the neck. Then she twisted the blade, gripped it with both hands, and turned with the full force of her body, decapitating him and creating a small fountain of blood where his neck once connected to his skull. Letting the bodies fall where they were, the lone warrior wiped the blood off her blade and when to check on the prisoners. Many of the women were crying over their newfound freedom, as well as the lost of their close family members. Some were trying to find their belongings among the stolen goods. Others were just in a state of shock. Regardless, the elf knight stayed with them until they began to leave the fishing hamlet to return to their homes.

The women left, some on foot, most taking wagons or horses the bandits had. They took whatever they could from the storehouse. The knight asked for nothing. When asked who she was or where she was going, she didn't respond. Instead she simply pointed in a direction to the north; in the direction of a city. That's where she was going. If anyone wanted to follow her, they were welcomed. She would be walking. And walk she did. Stopping only once to rest, tending to her wounds and cleaning her equipment, the girl would arrive to the town of Thaoswen. She had escorted three women, the women who were suppose to get here with their brothers and father. Their bodies were still in the wagon. The bandits didn't get a chance to toss their corpses in the river. They were thankful for her help but the warrior didn't respond. She simply nodded her head and left them to mourn. She had business in this town.

Soon the errant knight would appear at a guild. A crowd of people had formed here. A few elves, a few humans, and some more exotic races. A Centaur surprisingly enough, plus a beastkin and an orc. There was also a dwarf sitting with an elf, presumably the two guild leaders. The girl simply walked up to the group, nodding her head as she took a small card from her pocket and handed it to the elf smoking from a pipe. On it was all they needed to know about her.

"Quiet. The Thunderstriker. Swordsman. Scribe. Mute."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Cain Bellanaris

Cain Bellanaris had walked for weeks, searching for one of these Monster Hunting Guilds that were seemingly so popular whenever he was in a big city. People commonly had mistaken him as being part of one whenever he came across a particularly rowdy prey that attacked settlements. Cain's interest was peaked at that point, hoping to find other like minded individuals who sought nothing but hunting their prey in order to test their skill. Having grown around elves most of his life, he was always taught just how short his life was compared to his peers. This had spurred the young man to live his life to the fullest, being in a society of hunters, Cain was determined to leave his mark on the world as one of the greatest hunters the world would ever her about.

Cain finally came upon a group of people gathered around the a simple building. Entering the structure, the heavy footfalls on the wood announced his arrival. He saw various individuals standing around as he continued to carry his tools, large weapons as long as he was tall. Each made from a dangerous foe he had the pleasure of besting. He continued walking forward until her had finally reached the others. Putting down his Axe-Sword by digging the blade deep into the floor. 'So many hunters... I wonder what beasts they had bested.' Cain thought in his mind as he gave a simple wave before sitting down on a nearby chair that creaked at his weight.

The giant of a human simply pulled out a simple waterskin and began to drink, simple waiting for the others to start this meeting.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Fenris smiled as all the people began to show up at his guildhall, he wasn't expecting this many people to show up if he was going to be honest with himself. Mostly he thought fewer people would show up maybe none at all. " Fenris! Fenris what did the fucking orc say!? " Tizryn yelled. He had been trying to get Fenris's attention for a good five minutes now and was fed up with it. oh uhh well I don't know too many words but he said good day fucker and uhh that's all I know I think he said something that begins with an M but I'm not sure." Tizryn nodded " I like him already " Tizryn chuckled before getting up to get his cloak and Check on Alamir. Fenris rolled his eyes then greeted everyone who was showing up, he was going to smile when he saw a fellow elf but a ticked off look passed across his face as he heard her comment. "Tán- some respect ana your guildmaster tye yer- hag " he said before seeing a man's sword dig into his floor. Wanting to cry Fenris got up just as a hobbit walked past him into the guildhall. Walking to the front of the room he cleared his throat for an announcement " Welcome to Angeli Pallidus and thank you for joining my guild, please walk over to the mage making specially fitted cloaks and tell her if you are a warrior, gunslinger, mage or archer" he said as he put his cloak on, it reaches his knees and had a hood along with the gunslinger symbol. With putting the cloak on Fenris said high to the hobbit who's name he was told was Isabella he then dragged Tizryn back into the crowd.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Malakaus Vorinclex
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Getting his cloak

Malakaus stood quiet, stoic, as more and more people gathered. However there was a moment where his attention shifted away from the guild leaders. And it was when a particular elf appeared. Malakaus could not help himself; a small gasp left his breath. "Drautran..." She was still as beautiful as he last saw her. Malakaus turned his head to look at her, but soon turned his attention back to the guild master. He already knew that past was behind him. There was no going back to it now. He needed to focus on the path ahead of him. The guild master directed everyone to a different mage making cloaks. Their uniforms apparently. Malakaus was one of the first to approach the crafter. "Warrior." Once he would receive his cloak, Malakaus would go back to standing where he was before. Though he noticed one of the newcomers just stabbed his sword into the ground. Though his expression was hidden behind his mask, Malakaus felt disgusted seeing how crude his weapon was. Nothing more than a stone hewed into the shape of a sword. It reminded him of children who thought a sharpen rock was a keen blade. He didn't say anything to the stranger who did the damage, but he did turn to the elven guildmaster.

"I can fix that. For a price."

Nox Nyctores "Barrel"
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Getting his cloak

After hunting down someone's breakfast, Nox was pretty full. He now had the energy to go about the rest of his day, which mainly involved finding a high spot to lounge, flirting with some of the local women, and maybe shooting at some birds with his magic. It was honestly such a grind for the young cat, and he wished there was more he could do with himself. Which of course reminded him that his current caretaker was joining up some guild. A Monster Hunting Guild. Nox hadn't really fought against monsters in a while, but if this guild was new he doubt they'll be going after anything too big. It was a good time as any to try and knock some rust off his claws. So the little cat jumped off a rooftop, safely landing on the pavement below and made his way over to the guildhall. There he could see a bunch of people gathered up and getting cloaks. He also saw his current caretaker, but he was fortunately distracted. So just to preserve the secret, Nox would trot over to the mage making cloaks. He wouldn't mind having a cloak himself. Seeing the options, he went and put a paw on the mage symbol. Hopefully they would have cloaks his size.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So just walk up and get a cloak huh? Man I wish everything was this easy!" Darc walks over to the mage making cloaks. He could see that it doesn't have to be just cloaks though, and frankly Darc wasn't really too keen on any of the designs. A bit too... Fluttery. But he did have an idea. "Hello, hello. Mage type here. Instead of a cloak, can I get that as a loincloak? Thanks." Once Darc got what he wanted he'd tuck it into his belt and wait with the others. "So, what's our first target? Do we take up contracts separately or work in teams? I imagine we'll all learn about each others abilities and specialties out in the field."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cleverbird
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Cleverbird Bird on a keyboard

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sariel recoiled as the elven boy responded, someone that young was the guild leader? "Ah... Oh... Euhm... Sorrui..." The flustered elf mumbled, her cheeks and ears turning a darker shade of red as she took a quick bow before the boy. Raising back up, she brushed some of her silver hair behind her ear; who could've guessed an elf that young would lead a guild? Thankfully, the arrival of another new member brought in some welcome distraction, allowing Sariel to quietly slip away.

Making her way up to the textile mage, Sariel couldnt help but massage the bridge of her nose. What a great first impression she'd just made, with the guild master nonetheless. She was so lost in her thoughts she accidentally bumped into Malakaus's back. "Ah... Apologies." She muttered, not having realized yet that this was the same orc she'd spend considerable time with. She had missed his earlier introduction and with all that armor covering him up, she didnt recognize him either.

They'd met up several years ago and after the orc expressed an interest in magic, Sariel took him on as a sort of pet project of sorts. Of course, it was impossible to cram well over 500 years of magical knowledge into the orc's mind in the short time they were together, but by the time they parted ways, Sariel had actually managed to teach him a few fundamentals of magic. The reason they split was as simple as it was vain, once Sariel saw the orc had reached his limit in magical capabilities, she simply grew bored of him and parted ways with him.

Smiling, the elf stepped up to the textile mage. "Sariel, mage." She cooed. "If possible, could I receive my cloak in the form of a shoulder cloak? Thin fabric if possible, with a softer hem lining the neck to prevent chafing." She added. The outfit she wore wasnt just for show... Well, partially at least. Casting magic was a tiresome business, much like exerting your body. It helped her cool down by giving her skin plenty of room to breathe.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Cain Bellanaris

Cain looked at the elf, that was supposedly the master of this guild. In his own opinion the elf was quite young for his age to be in such a position. With how long their life was they should pursue goals at steadier pace than how most humans lived. Having been taught about his own mortality at a young age, Cain sought to leave his mark on the world even while young. As even though he was endowed with such awe inspiring strength the test of time would whittle him away far faster than his brothers and sisters.Getting up from his chair with a creak, his imposing size all the more apparent as he walked by the others. Cain's stone faced stare focused on the young elf, before focusing back on the textile mage.

"Mahtar. Helf collo lá" Cain asked the mage in his native tongue, the mage although mildly nervous quickly warmed up to his request producing a large brown fur cloak with the warriors insignia on it. Upon doning it the large cloak merely stopped at Cain's hips not able to cover his full stature. The giant gave the mage a sincere smile and nod, before going back on his seat and leaning on his blade as he listened intently. The blade began digging deeper into the floor with the added weight.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

Menzai Isanami

For the time being he kept quiet, standing to the side waiting as three more would arrive to join the decently sized gathering. The first being a human male who gave off a rather uncomfortable magical sensation that likely indicated the use of dark magic and sensing it sent an unsettling shiver down his back. Use of dark magic was mostly frowned upon where he was from but the person seemed harmless enough though the lingering faint scent of blood soon had his nose crinkling in distaste. A turn of the head to see the heavily armored elf, who strangely enough did not introduce herself vocally but via a card she handed to the guild leader. Unlike the elf dressed in a somewhat overtly manner's strong magical presence the elf knight had little magic, even less than the guild master which was surprising though by the smell of blood lingering even on the clean armor being a good indicator that this one was a more physical fighter which was certainly rare in elven cases.

Another slight crinkle of his nose; adjusting to the smell, when another human arrived, whose size might cause others to mistake for an orc. yet, had the uncouth and rude mannerism of a brute with an ridiculously and obnoxiously large weapon to match. It irked him how humans saw him as some animal when a person such as this acted more like an uncivilized brute and the lack of treatment to the newly formed guild hall an example of such as not even a minute passing that he caused damage to the floor. A disapproving shake of the head as Menzai shifted his right arm to point at the cracked spot." A person of such size should take heed to be more careful. It is quite rude to go treating this establishment as your personal weapon rack." He admonished the large human in a cooly calm tone then dusted off his left sleeve before slipping the back arm." And I suggest using his cut from missions to pay for such damages as seems fair." He stated towards the guild leader before gliding his way over the mage making the cloaks.

A small frown formed at the thought of having to wear a cloak; especially one inferior to his haori but could hardly blame the mage. As his haori was made of special and rare materials not easily gained nor the technique of his tribe but seeing the elf mage gaining a shoulder cape and decided for something small." Menzai Isanami, mage. A short cape of shoulder length made of simple fabric please." Addressing the maker; minutes later accepting the newly formed cape with a slight bow of the head." I offer my thanks." With a rustling flick, he slipped the guild cape on then stepped back to where he previously stood to wait for this meeting to progress.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyra looks to Sorna and nods. "You know my sizes!" Sorna nods and heads over to the table. While she was doing that, Kyra was sizing up the others. Though she doesn't imagine she needs to, she wants to know their strengths and weaknesses in case she has to fight them. Once of the first people who came in after her and Sorna was a big guy; smelled clean, so probably a knight or something. He certainly dressed like one but she could already guess that he was the type to pick up a big sword or axe and just go to town. Lacks a range option; as long as she keeps her distance he'd be easy to take out even with all that armor. Next was a big boobed mage; just seeing her made Kyra angry for unreasonable reasons. Even if they weren't enemies, Kyra would definitely prank her later. There's nothing to be proud of about her body! Next was a wolf beastkin. She's seen their kind before, but she's never seen an outfit like his. Kyra remembers her mother giving her some dresses in a similar design, but Kyra didn't care to dress up as some foreign princess.

Next was some... Weirdo. The way he carried and dressed himself immediately made Kyra think he was some sort of freak. Seriously, was he here to fight or dance? She doubts he's a warrior of any sort, so likely a mage. Next was another elf, but this time she came in almost full armor, a shield, and a big sword. Weird, but she wasn't wearing a helmet, so she'll probably be just like the big guy: a strong melee fighter but easily kited. Lastly was a tall barbarian type. He had a big sword, big club, and generally was a pretty big guy. Same as the first but probably lighter on his feet. All in all, everyone looked like the sort of crew you'd expect a mercenary guild would attract. Kyra would have to wait and see if they're worth their salt though. Soon Sorna would return with a new cloak. It looked just like the one Kyra had, but with the guild emblem on it. "Alright! Now that we have our uniforms, where's the bounty board? I want to know if I should bring my serrated arrows!"

Sorna would separate from Kyra and go get their cloaks. Upon reaching the mage Sorna would ask for a small size cloak for an archer, and a large tabard for a warrior. She could tell that Kyra was sizing everyone up, but Sorna didn't care for that sort of thing. If it really came down to it and they had to fight, Sorna simply intends to runaway with Kyra. She may talk a big game about hunting monsters, but she hasn't truly blooded her hands and took the life that wasn't simply an animal. No doubt Kyra would be able to deal with it after the initial reaction, but Sorna hopes to keep Kyra away from that sort of lifestyle. Better that she focus that aggression to killing monsters, and not mortals. Once she returns to Kyra, Sorna hands her a cloak. "For you." Sorna opted not to put her tabard on right this moment; she'd need to find a private place to change first if she were to do that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quiet looked over to the table making cloaks. She could use a hood and scarf, so she heads over and requests one via writing. "Scarf please. Warrior." Once she receives her scarf, she wraps it around her head and neck. She leaves a bit of fabric left over so she can pull it up into a hood when it gets too cold. As she walks back, she notices the other elf in the room. She was beautiful, but dressed scantily. It almost made Quiet embarrassed since she remembered back when she was young and dressed provocatively. And she has the scars to prove it. Still it was nice to see another proud elf woman roaming the lands too. So Quiet walked over to the other elf, Sariel, poking her arm with a smile and giving her a wave. She also handed her the usual business card Quiet has to introduce herself. "Quiet. The Thunderstriker. Swordsman. Scribe. Mute."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Fenris watches as all the new guild members grabbed their cloaks, well he knew they weren't all cloaks he was just feeling lazy and thus would call them cloaks. Suddenly he heard another scratch and looked to see the big man tearing up his floor again. "Hi godsforsaken adan plural edain" he cursed in elvish then walked to the armory. A few moments later Fenris then walked out carrying a weapons rack which he put somewhat near the door. He then walked up to the man with a big sword and looked at him " I have a weapon rack near the door now so please stop tearing up my floor" he said trying to be calm about this. Fenris then grabbed the contract he had received a few days ago and unfurled it than began to announce to the guild. " Alright! We have our first guild contract we must def-" he stopped as he read the contract then stuffed it into his pocket " Ok he is way to strong for us right now we will instead take some smaller contracts first, you may now have free roam of the guildhall and choose any contract welcome to Angeli Pallidus. " he concluded.

Tizryn had stayed still with Alamir for a second to listen to his friends speech. " ehhh could of been better" he whispered to Alamir before climbing on his griffins back. Staying low to Alamir Tizryn hoped that he would not be spotted as he snuck out of the guildhall. Reaching the door Tizryn slowly pushed it open with a somewhat loud creak and slipped out of the door. Once outside Tizryn breathed the fresh summer air and smiled, he knew his friend Fenris had taken a powerful contract Tizryn had even expressed his concerns on it. "that's why I grabbed my own" he said heartily to Alamir and laughed. Reading his contract to take care of some undead soldiers roaming around a village Tizryn figured he could take these monsters alone as they weren't known to be very powerful and there was only like three of them. Nodding Tizryn put away his contract and grabbed Alamirs reigns " Alright Alamir" he said as he readied himself " meitder" he said and Alamir began to flap his wings, Tizryn put on his vest with Angeli Pallidus's warrior symbol.

Isabella walked over to the mage who was giving out cloaks and smiled " Mage, Druids cloak please " she said and watched the mage make her cloak. Thanking the mage once it was finished Isabella put on the cloak but left most of it unbuttoned. She then looked around and saw the scantily clad elf mage and a elf in armor. Walking up to them she smiled and waved as she looked up "hello nice to meet you" she said smiling. She then noticed the messed up floor and wondered if she could use nature magic to fix it before looking back up at the elves.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Malakaus Vorinclex
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Looking for Group

Malakaus snorted as Fenris refused to respond to Malakaus about the damaged floor. He supposed it added character to the place. There wasn't much in a way of an introduction, so Malakaus supposed he ought to just go ahead and look for work. There seemed to be a board for contracts, so Malakaus went over to see what was available. He wanted work that would give him access to some ripe crafting materials. As he scans the board, he finds one that interests him: swarms of wolf monsters which had been attacking a farmers and travelers, possibly led by a giant monster known as a "Thextera", a very large wolf. Perhaps it's hide could be worked into some armor? Either way Malakaus took the bounty and looked to the others. He wasn't so arrogant as to think he could take on the mark on his own. He should at least bring one or two others just to know what they're capable of.

Reading the description, these wolves have no only started to attack farmers, travelers, and livestock, but have run off most of the wildlife in the nearby area. Hunters can't track down deer and rabbits thanks to these hounds driving them away, and now they've turned to civilization to feed. Killing their leader should be enough to cause the pack to scatter, which hopefully would mean bringing the normal beasts back into nature. Still, the more wolves killed means more hide for Malakaus to work with. Walking up to a table Malakaus sets the bounty down and looks to the others.

"I intend to hunt Thextera, a direwolf. He leads a large pack of wolves and harms local farmers and travelers. Reward appears to be 500 thoritans, and anything else we find off those beasts. Who will join me?"

Nox Nyctores "Barrel"
Healthy | Angeli Pallidus Guild | Getting a drink

After getting his cloak tied around his neck, Nox decided to look around the guild a bit, see what's what. This place was certainly snazzier than Malakaus's dinky little forge, so he'd probably move in here once he grabs his stuff at Malakaus's room. There were some rooms for people to bunk in, a lounge area for people to drink and relax, and even a bath! Nox didn't feel particularly dirty so he decided to chill at the lounge for a while, waiting to see if anyone would get a job to do. He was surprised at the lack of a bartender, so Nox heads over there. With his cat claws he pops open a bottle of brandy. "Mhmm... I can get used to this." Helping himself to the bar, Nox mixes himself up a drink to enjoy as he lounges on the bar.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyra goes to look for some bounties. Plenty to choose from but Kyra wants something that would be exciting and challenging. Zombies and wolves are hardly a threat. She needs a true monster for them to hunt. Looking around Kyra finds just the one she wants and has Sorna take it. Seeing how the armored person was recruiting others, Kyra figured she'd do the same, finding a table nearby to sit down and recruit other members to join her and Sorna. "If you're looking for a real hunt, than come with me and Sorna to track down a bridge troll! Apparently he's smart enough to actually talk to people, but whenever they answer his riddles, he just eats them anyways! He's tough, and seems like he heals from his wounds, but I bet anyone who helps me take him down will be rewarded well! I'll be taking maybe three more people before we head out!"
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