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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


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Here is our dumping ground. We'll put the old stuff here and work it into a plot and then - rollin'!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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The disease:

The disease originally spreads because of starvation. Namely because animals have taken in radioactive material such as folage and other animals that were perhaps caught in a fall out of sorts. People eat the animals and the disease sets it for some of them more quickly than others, the incubation period really unknown. The disease looks a bit like leprosy and tears down the humans ability to reason properly, which quickly aggregates into aggression, rage and a lack of morality.

Because the incubation period is different, we will assume (IC) that all victims that began showing the signs of being mentally incapacitated, like on the acid trip you mentioned are going to get the disease, but perhaps they don't. I'd like to throw in that people having varying degrees of immunity to it that will need to be studied based on the illnesses that they've encountered in the past and have an immunity built up to. So like if you've had chicken pox, perhaps you only get the acid trip scenario here and there. If you have asthma or a pulmonary disease, it advances the illness and turns you into a zombie in a matter of weeks.

We could totally flesh out the details of the what and how IC with the scientist and her experiments. It would be fun to massage that one as we go I think. I like the idea of sending the "mob" or something else after the individuals that have the first symptoms, the acid trip scenario. I could have her (the scientist) have a very different understanding of the disease and be completely against killing anyone that isn't at the zombie stage, but the make-shift military coup or Marshall law situation has people not caring about anything but removal for these individuals. Fear is the ruler of the day and no one is willing to take a chance on the person going from loopy and carefree to eating someone's face off and spreading the disease further.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Before the disease hits

Even though the world became a much worse place after the shit hit the fan it was no paradise before. Even though the evidence had been there people had decided putting their hands in the sand was the better option, so nothing was done to counteract the climate changes occurring all over the planet. This made the political environment even more unstable as the effects of the climate changes reared its ugly head.

The weather was changing, everything became more extreme. The droughts became drier and longer, with famines following in the poorer part of the world. Water had always been a source of conflict, and as it became more of a scarcity in some places tension grew high. Who had ownership of the water in a river became the big question of the day, and everyone figured it was them. And when nobody backed down the long predicted water wars erupted, bring great devastation.

But it wasn't only the warmth and shortage of water that became a problem. Storms seemed to be getting worse every year, bringing destruction and death in its path. Florida and the Caribbean was almost torn apart by a series of hurricanes the summer before the disease hit, and it was not an isolated case. Big storms hit everywhere it seemed.

Not only did the warm summers make it harder to grow decent crops, but the winters had become colder and longer. Now the growing season was shorter, and produced less, and there was growing concern that famine wouldn't be a third world problem exclusively for long.

The disease hits

Nobody knew where the disease came from, having laid dormant under the ice caps of the South Pole its origin remained a mystery. Its effects however did not remain a mystery.

At first nobody even noticed the disease. Due to its long incubation period and effective way of spreading itself through the air it had spread all over the world before anyone had even noticed. So when it hit, it hit hard. It was like something had triggered it into entering its next phase, as it erupted all over the planet almost simultaneously. Naturally, panic set in. Not only because of the sheer volume of people dying, or that loads of important people was infected as well, but mostly due to the disease making people into what could be described as zombies.

The disease was eating away at both the flesh and the mind of its host. The victims appearance would remind you a bit of leprosy or zombies, and their behavior soon turned from trippy or unfocused into something more menacing. They would become aggressive and whatever morality they once had held would be gone, they would be like wild animals attacking anything they saw. Luckily they would die after a while, not wander the Earth like zombies forever, but until they died they were a big menace to everyone.

Society crumbles

As many people were infected society soon started to crumble. The government in the United States tried to keep things under control, but when most of the government became ill the government soon collapsed. With both the president and vice-president running around the streets of Washington in rage, and being joined by most of the Senate, the military had no choice but to move in and take control.

However, at this point the breakdown of human technology had started as well. Communication infrastructure was soon to be a thing of the past, although some remnants of it would be usable for some time, but for the common man the only was of giving a message to someone in another town was to walk there themselves or pay someone to do it. This led to isolation which further fueled the paranoia among many.

Another problem was nuclear power plants melting down, shooting its radioactive load into the atmosphere. This was bad news as the radioactivity would make the disease mutate in more way than one.

Under military control

The military ruled with an iron fist. Marshall Law was introduced, and everyone having any symptoms resembling the disease was killed at sight. Either by the military or by mob that would form fast. Fear ruled the world.

Research on the disease was pitiful, and the military was instead trying to wipe out the disease by killing everyone who might be carrying it. This didn't work, so desperation grew among the generals. Soon the military was loosing control over the big cities, and withdrew back to military bases all over the country, with the main base being in Cheyenne Mountain.

Seeing as the big cities was overrun the military was getting desperate, and a desperate plan was put into action. Nuclear bombs over the big cities. The big cities on the east coast was nuked, and laid to nuclear wastelands. New York City, Philadelphia, Washington. All gone, and more cities with them. It didn't work though, and the military disbanded its plans to nuke the big cities in California. Having already evacuated the cities they were mostly left to the infected, and those who either stayed behind or were left behind.

At the moment the military holds their ground in their bases, ruling the area around them with an iron fist. The military government resides in Cheyenne Mountain, desperate to regain control over the country.

The disease after the first generation

When the non-infected got fewer and fewer the disease had a harder time to spread, so the nuclear waste was just what it needed to speed up the mutating. From having spread through the air it now found new ways of spreading, like through the meat of animals acting like carriers. With a shortage of food people wasn't picky with what animals they ate, and this helped spreading the disease. Not all animals was carriers though, and people wasn't aware that some were carriers either.

However, not everyone was affected by the disease in the same way. Some diseases would provide partial immunity against the plague, and others would make you more vulnerable. There were even those managing to fight off the disease. The big question was if they would be immune now? And if so, would they be immune towards all of the different mutations, or just the one they had fought off?

The situation at present

With the government having lost control the situation is grim. Some communities manage to function somewhat, especially in those pockets that wasn't hit hard by the disease or the nuclear fallout. However, the general rule is that the strong will survive and the weak will perish. There are gangs roaming the country, some are deserters from the army, taking what they want and who they want. The times are not safe.

The disease is the boogeyman. When someone thinks the disease might be around panic sets in, and people are killed. All kinds of methods are being used to try and avoid the disease, like boiling all the water.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Nobody knows the exact origins of the disease, but it had been kept dormant in the thick layers of ice on the North Pole. But whilst it had been trapped in ice for many years once the ice started melting it was only a matter of time before it was released into the atmosphere.

The disease hits

It didn't take long before the first human was infected, but it would take a long time before anybody knew there was a pandemic on the loose. Its incubation period was long, long enough that it would spread around the world before anybody noticed it. The weird thing was that the incubation period didn't seem to be time-specific, more like it was waiting for some sort of trigger, as it erupted all over the world at once. And those infected the day before got sick just as soon as those who had been infected early on.

At first nobody made the connection between the behavior of the infected and a disease. Since it attacked the mind first destroying the ability to reason properly bit by bit, making its victim prone to aggression, rage and lack of morality its behavior was very similar to criminal behavior. And since these were times of great unrest, due to political instability and the extreme weather that was haunting the planet, a wave of crime wasn't that unheard off. There were some that were affected in another way, appearing like on an acid trip or other drugs. They were just called a new wave of hippies, also not that unheard of in times of trouble.

Soon, however, it was crystal clear it was a disease. The disease started attacking the body of the infected, not unlike leprosy, and the mind deteriorated quickly, making some like crazed animals attacking anyone in sight, while others turned inwards themselves and was lost in a world of their own, completely unaware of the world around them. The infected were called zombies by those few not infected.

At this point there was widespread panic, and mobs quickly formed when there was suspicion of infections. Many escaped up into mountains, into forests, anywhere where they could isolate themselves. These were often dangerous as they would shoot anyone on sight in fear of the disease.

The second wave

While the first generation of the disease spread through the air the second generation had some new tricks up its sleeve. Spreading through the air required a certain amount of people in a certain amount of space to be effective, especially as the disease seemed to weaken once it started to spread from human to human instead of from the original source. So after a while the first generation of the disease went dormant, making short comeback where people gathered in large enough numbers.

The next generation was helped along the way by the nuclear fallout, both from ruined atomic power plants and from the nuclear bombs used on the big cities in an attempt to stop the spreading of the disease. This speeded up the mutations, and suddenly the disease came in many forms.

At this moment the biggest problem is the mutation that infect through the eating of meat. Even though the disease didn't affect animals, a lot of them were carriers of the disease. Eating some species was pretty much a guarantee for getting the disease, while other were completely safe. Then there were those that could be either. The problem was that nobody knew the disease traveled this way, and the lack of food made people desperate. They would eat any animal that crossed their way that they could hunt down and kill.


Some people have a certain degree of immunity against the disease. This was due to everything from general health condition to what diseases they had been exposed to in the past, and what kind of disease they hadn't been exposed too. Some diseases seemed to offer up a bit of immunity, but most didn't. In fact, most diseases just lowered your chances of fighting off the disease.

Even though the military didn't seem to think a vaccine or cure was possible, there have been reports and rumor of groups or individual trying to find a cure or a vaccine.

The disease as the boogeyman

Everybody lives in constant fear for the disease, and when someone is suspected as being infected panic often follows. This would lead to mobs being created, and the suspected sick being killed on sight.

Although still a real threat, the disease is not as prominent at the moment, due to the low number of humans. There are bursts here and there which seems to be random, but at the moment the disease seems to be lingering about.

Although crime is the dish of the day, in a society where the strong will take what it wants and the weak will perish, criminal behavior is also an indication of being infected. This can lead to random killings in gangs that have formed when they think one of its members are acting a bit differently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Characters played by yobo

Name: Samuel (O'Connor, but his last name is a secret for now).
Age: Mid 30s.
Background: Lost everything when the shit hit the fan, so he has been a wanderer since then. He stays away from human contact, but he has excellent survival and gathering instincts, and he seems to thrive under these circumstances.
Current location: At an abandoned gas station, in search of antibiotics.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Izzy's Characters:

Name: Elizabeth Parker

Age: 28

Always having been a fighter, Elizabeth stepped up to the plate as soon as the world ended as they knew it, her father a world-reknowed bio-engineer and mentor to her. She moved more into the side of medicine, working as a trauma doctor in the ER at St. Luke's when it was fully functioning. She and a few others try to keep the cafeteria opened for those that need attention, her days so very long and nights evening longer. The drugs and medical supplies are kept off site because its just more safe that way and here recently, she's began to study the effects of Dexermia, the illness that is sweeping the nation at various levels and incubation periods.

Current Location: The the St. Luke's Hospital in the ruins near where San Diego once stood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

You're the best. This is AWESOME!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Alright... Let's talk about our starting point in the story and use this information to get started writing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Should we go with our initial start with Samuel and Elizabeth, or should we explore one of the other avenues we talked about? I think I had a lot more background on Samuel when I wrote the character sheet, but I think I kept it all in my head as it was a work in progress, but now I can't remember it. And I don't think I have the notes laying around.

As far as I remember we discussed doing something with characters in the military, someone high up. Maybe one in the government and one in the military. But we didn't discuss it any further I think. Didn't we talk about weaving the different storylines together?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Okay, so I've done some thinking, trying to remember what we discussed regarding the plot. Elizabeth had lost quite a bit of friends to the disease as I remember, and is living in the hospital together with the rest of the people working there. The streets of San Diego are not very safe after all. We did discuss her getting the disease as well, making her attempts at finding a cure more desperate. She would most likely die, so it would be a rather tragic story.

My guy was having an infection, not from the disease but a "normal" infection. He is need of medicine and treatment, and was about to make his way to the hospital, looking for medicines. Maybe he collapses outside of the hospital, and he gets the treatment he needs there.

He would be good at surviving, finding supplies etc. There was a generator at the hospital, but it was running low on fuel, so finding more fuel could be a job for my guy. He could gather other kind of supplies as well.

As San Diego was supposed to be nuked and thus evacuated, and the infected doesn't usually live that long after they get sick and deranged, the city would be mostly empty and rather eerie. So when one would meet someone in the city they would probably be up to no good?

Not much, but it was what I could pull out from the back of my mind. Better than nothing, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I like it and it helps to jog my memory as well.

I think she was concerned about her father/mother/brother - someone close to her and wanted to cure them, perhaps keeping the diseased individual on lock down and a complete secret from the rest of her team. We can have her eventually contract the illness either from that loved on or on the journey to find a cure in a nearby city.

I think another couple we wanted had children and lost them in the fallout, putting a big strain on the parents, right? I know you don't like kids in an RP, but I thought we'd discussed a couple having lost there's.

We could also have a brother and sister who are in Florida or Texas or something like that and in search for food and shelter, coming across a few different types of sick peeps and having more of the "horror story" effect of the RP.

Sorry for my absence - so freaking sick this last week - flu. :(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

That's right, we did have something about her trying to cure a loved one. Both her getting the cure from the loved one or on a journey could work. Maybe my character knows about a similar setup in a town nearby? If Elizabeth have been keeping banging her head against the wall she might be desperate, and thus thinks a trip to a nearby town sounds like a splendid idea. Nevermind the possibility of running across the infected or getting the disease another way, not to mention that there will be gangs killing and robbing everyone at sight. And my character would feel obligated to come along since she saved his life, sounds like something he would be really thrilled about...

I don't remember if we discussed the idea with the parents loosing their childs, or if you just pitched the idea for me. Knowing me I probably said it was something we could do down the road, but I didn't want to commit until I had some time to think it over.

You know when you say Texas and horror in the same sentence I think about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, right? So now I want a guest appearance by Leatherman. ;) I do like the idea, I hear Texas are full of these unsavory types anyway so that would be totally realistic... Maybe they are trying to make their way to their uncle and aunts farm, hoping that they are still alive, and on the way they both meet some really fucked up creeps and have to do some really horrifying things as well. Could be interesting...

The flu is never fun, I hope you are feeling better now. *offer a hug on the condition you are not contagious* ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Okay, so basically what I'm thinking is this. Instead of spreading out thinly geographically we can start out in say California, having a few storylines there. Like the one we discussed, maybe moving the brother and sister to California. We could do some soldiers trying to keep some sort of order, maybe a gang. Like the gangs of California, after chaos hit they could have filled the vacuum and tried to expand their influence and power. For example, Los Angeles could belong to gangs at this point, it being a battleground between the Bloods and the Crips. And when we want to move to another place we can use some of the characters, like a soldier getting moved to another place, the brother and sister could be making their way somewhere, etc. Explore this new world area by area, region by region. Needs work I know, but just wanted to share here while it was fresh in my mind to see if it sparks anything for you, so what do you think?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I love the battleground thing. I like the idea of keeping the pairings in seperate cities though. Let's keep the brother and sister in Texas so that we can paint that scape when we want to. We can focus on CA and work on that story first if you like and if you (or I) want to open another thread for Texas we can write that couple as we see fit as well.

I think perhaps the idea of having the gangs in control could lead to both sides have differing aspects of the disease, both sides having bio-weapons that they've developed from their own illness, like a zombie amongst them that is super strong and highly infectious or something fucked up like that.

Our CA peeps have a lot more going on. Let's start there and we'll have the first scene/setting be the location of the run-down hospital. ??
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Random thoughts and questions ahead...

So if we start with California, moving around there for a bit. San Diego would be evacuated and be the scene for our storyline with Elizabeth and Samuel. Los Angeles would be a battleground for gang wars. Instead of Bloods and Crips it could be Mara Salvatrucchia against a coalition between the Bloods and the Crips (a coalition threatening to break down at any time). That way Mara Salvatrucchia (I don't know if you know of this gang, but it is a gang originally from Central America who have gained a foothold in the US through immigration) could be the link down to Central America and they could get weapons and such from contacts down south. The Bloods and the Crips could have contacts into the military, giving them access to military equipment in bases abandoned or maybe someone just sells them the stuff. Either way both sides would have loads of weapons, and it would truly be a hellish place to live. The military could be keeping the situation under surveillance, letting them kill each other, and when the winner would try to expand they would attack them. Thoughts?

As for San Francisco it could be fun to do a distorted hippie community. Like take all the negatives from the hippie culture, and turn the positives we can into negatives. There would be rampant drug use, weird religious sects believing judgement day is here, slackers who just wants to see the world burn etc. Just take the City of Love and Flowers and turn it into the exact opposite. Thoughts?

National parks like Yosemite could be where survivalists gather. You know, right-wing nuts with loads of weapons and paranoia, killing everything that looks infected on sight. Or maybe some tree-hugging hippies trying to survive as best they can. Thoughts?

And the highways and interstates could be terrorized by gangs, robbing and murdering those who use the roads. Only the military or those with enough guards/manpower would be able to use the roads. Elizabeth and Samuel would have to take back roads etc. on their little quest. Thoughts?

Since the government planned to nuke the cities in California the military would have withdrawn, and California would have been left to whoever stayed behind. The government might want control of California back, or at least make sure nobody gains enough strength to become a threat. The military could attack anybody they viewed as a threat or potential threat (maybe attack the gangs in Los Angeles when one of them got the upper hand?), establish garrisons in strategic locations etc. Those who still are in California would probably be very skeptical to the government and military, and conflict ensue. Thoughts?

There could be smaller towns/communities still surviving, still just hanging on. Paranoia would be rampant, both because of the disease and attacking gangs or the military, and they would most likely not be very friendly towards strangers. Maybe something Elizabeth and Samuel could run into?

Any particular reason you want the brother and sister to be in Texas? I just have a curious mind.

Just a few thoughts popping into my mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Starting at the hospital in San Diego will probably work out well, since it is the one we have discussed in greatest detail. I had mine starting in an abandoned gas station nearby the hospital if I'm not mistaken.

About the hospital. How big of an operation is it? Considering the evacuation it would probably just be a dedicated few still remaining there? I think we discussed this, but I can't remember what we ended up with.

And about San Francisco, on second thought I think it's best we don't venture down a storyline set there.

About NPCs. We should divide them between us, as I find two people using/playing the same NPC makes the poor NPC rather schizo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright... I will re-read all this brilliance, that is you, and respond to everything this evening or tomorrow at the latest. I'm going to look for a few pictures as well. I love your thoughts and just need to add in my own. When my sisters kids get out of here I can think straight without hearing, "Aunt Kate" for the 10,000th time. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So we'll have my scientist helping people, but working for the military or coup to look for a cure as well. They will be hell bent on going after anyone with the virus, no matter the stages and she will be quick adamant that anyone not in stage 4 lets call it still deserves to live and has a chance of survival.

Disease: (bit like leprosy and tears down the humans ability to reason properly, which quickly aggregates into aggression, rage and a lack of morality)

Stage 1 - Slight mental incapacitation, like an acid trip
Stage 2 - Higher level of mental incapacitation and sores along the open orfaces of the body (nose, mouth, ears, genitals)
Stage 3 - Mildly aggressive and the appearance of something with leprosy, black out periods and mental instability
Stage 4 - Completely loss to humanity, skill cracked and covered in open sores, teeth and eyes infected and filled with mucus and highly aggressive without reason. (Similar to an animal attacking anything in sight)

Incubation period is different for people due to immunities created through harboring the chicken pox or swine flu and surviving. Because all medical records have been destroyed in the fall out, it is impossible to tell if someone has immunity without testing which is expensive and seemingly a waste of time. Due to random incubation periods, the disease was undiscovered at its creation and spreads through air, body fluids and eating infected animals.

The big cities on the east coast was nuked, and laid to nuclear wastelands. New York City, Philadelphia, Washington.
The government is in the Cheyanne Mountains which are located in the Mid-North US, near Canada.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Great first post!! Love it. I can't wait to write something up. Will hopefully be on Saturday. :))))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yobo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Looking forward to reading it. :)
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