Alright, here's a revised version of Lord Chompy Bits.
@Xaltwind@Archmage MC
Took your advice~
Now he's more of... magical melee DPS with DoT curse effects that spread like the plague.
@Xaltwind@Archmage MC
Took your advice~
Now he's more of... magical melee DPS with DoT curse effects that spread like the plague.
Name: Lord Chompy Bits, The Living Curse and Tyrant of Nightmares
Voice Actor: Tim Curry
Gender: Indeterminate, Identifies as male
Age: 12 (65 in cat years)

Occupation: Floor Guardian / Minister of Fluff / Master of Curses
Residence: Chapter III, The Dreamlands
Character Focus: Magic DPS / DoT / Debuffs / Anti-Support
Lord Chompy Bits expects his enemies to view him as a harmless animal, and exploits this misperception to his advantage. He specializes in curses and illusions, often using them to win a battle before it ever starts. His enemies rarely see his offensive spells, as they are too busy fighting each other in the confusion or melting into a puddle of boiling flesh.
Originally created to be a pet for his cat-loving master, Lord Chompy Bits has all the hallmarks of a normal housecat. He is ruthless, cunning, plays with his food, and quite often prefers to nap quietly on top of a bookshelf or sunbathe in a window. Gifted with a cruel, alien intellect, he is a dangerous adversary, and his spare foodallies should be grateful that he uses his genius for entertainment.
Equally likely to be kind or cold, he is capricious and unpredictable. However, when he speaks, his voice commands attention. Hypnotic in a way. Every word is spoken with eloquence and gravitas, especially when he's telling a story.
Despite his carefree nature, he has a guiding principle. His master left him with one simple order "Let's make The Dreamlands a paradise". Lord Chompy Bits gladly carries out this order and the result is a product of his twisted imagination, where traps more sinister than anything his master envisioned serve as tools for entertainment, and anything that is not a cat is a "toy". Moreover, should anything harm a cat inside the Dreamlands, a fate worse than death awaits them. A grudge from Lord Chompy Bits is eternal.
Notable Equipment:
Piercing of Bastet
This thick gold earring has numerous cat-like glyphs carved into it. The wearer receives the following benefit: If the wearer is feline demihuman or heteromorph, they receive a strong buff to holy resistance. Regardless of race, the wearer's curse-type spells and abilities which affect non-feline creatures also cause the 'infested' status. Victims are wracked with pain as sores and blisters appear all over them. They suffer strong debuffs to PHY. ATK and PHY. DEF. The 'infested' status is unique and cannot be removed unless the curse is broken first.
Eye of Ra
The wearer's eyes begin to glow, a blazing ankh symbol appears on their forehead, and glowing red haze emanates from them in all directions. While active, every enemy within short range the takes moderate fire and holy damage every two seconds. Allies within range gain moderate fire and holy damage as a bonus on all attacks.
Twice-Cursed Ring of Apophis
The wearer is cursed and takes double damage from all sources. Any magical healing the wearer receives causes damage instead. [Chompy ignores curse effects, see Living Grudge below].
Pet Collar
Lord Chompy Bits, keeps his most precious memento on him at all times: a simple black collar with elaborate etchings. His master gave it to him, when he was first summoned. While it only gives him a minor buff to luck, it is a priceless treasure that cannot be replaced.
Even if Lord Chompy Bits disguises himself with illusion magic, his collar is always displayed with pride.
Notable Skills:
Magic Pounce
When Lord Chompy Bits is becomes the target of a harmful spell, he may immediately teleport to whichever enemy is targeting him and make a single melee counter-attack. He can only counter-attack one enemy at a time, but the ability has no cooldown.
Dweomered Essence
Lord Chompy Bits gains 20% of his MAG. ATK as a bonus to PHY. ATK. His melee attacks now deal half physical and half magical damage.
Curse of Ulthar
When Lord Chompy Bits is hit by a physical attack, nine shadowy cats manifest and they immediately pounce on the enemy. The conjured cats bite, claw, and rend moderate slashing and psychic damage, and inflicts a stacking debuff on the enemy's Resistance and MAG. DEF. Each activation after the first receives a bonus to damage and adds another stacking debuff.
A magical 'curse mark' appears on the enemy as well. While it does nothing on its own, it counts as a 'curse' bad status and it enables other abilities.
Living Grudge
He ignores the effects of any curse magic affecting him. Whenever he uses his natural weapons for an attack, a magical 'curse mark' appears on the enemy. While it does nothing on its own, it counts as a 'curse' bad status and it enables other abilities.
Additionally, he can do one of the following when attacking with his natural weapons:
Chained Hexes
All single target curse spells can affect additional targets if they are within short range of the original target or any creature that bears a 'curse mark'.
Contagious Curses
When Lord Chompy Bits activates a curse spell or ability there is a small chance the curse effect will spread from the original target to another within short range. If a creature within range bears a 'curse mark', the curse automatically spreads to them as well.
Death by a Thousand Bites
When Lord Chompy Bits is slain, each creature within short range that bears his 'curse mark' is subjected to his death curse:
Creatures which fail to resist it are bitten repeatedly by spectral fangs which slowly drains the victims MAX MP. If a 'curse marked' creature's MP hit zero, it's body violently erupts and sends waves of boiling corruption in every direction, causing severe fire, acid, and necrotic damage. Lord Chompy Bits resurrects wherever the cursed creature died with 20% of his MAX HP and MP. Any ability on cooldown is not refreshed.
Lord Chompy Bits can only be resurrected this way, once per day.
Aura Mastery
Lord Chompy Bits has one unique slots which he can use to 'equip' different auras. While only one aura can be equipped to this slot at a time, each aura is very potent. He can spend his action to switch auras. Unlike AoE spells, auras are static field effects and cannot dispelled. Unless otherwise noted, all auras have medium range, and anything which affects 'allies' also affects Lord Chompy Bits.
Notable Spells:
Curse of Burning Corruption
A single target within medium range is cursed and a boiling green mist erupts from its body. It takes moderate fire, acid, and necrotic damage every 2 seconds for 1 minute. Any creature with a 'curse mark' takes double damage. Multiple castings of this curse stack (6 max).
The Hungering Darkness
The sounds of snarls and snapping jaws echoes from a hoary netherworld. Enemies in long-range which occupy any space covered in magical darkness are cursed and take psychic and frost damage every two seconds for 1 minute. Additionally, they are slowed for 1 minute.
Living Nightmare
Lord Chompy Bits can conjure a single quasi-real phantasm to fight alongside him. He can give the phantasm any appearance he wants, but it always has the same stats and is treated a single creature. It is immune to psychic spells, charms, illusions, paralysis, poison, and curses. Its attacks always deal psychic damage regardless of attack type, and it deals double damage against creatures with a bad status (e.g. 'cursed', 'fear', 'poisoned').
He could conjure a phantasmal dragon which breathed fire, but it would still deal psychic damage.
Creatures that are able to see through the illusion take half damage from the phantasm instead of full damage.
Creator Information:
CatLover/ᐠ.ᆺ.ᐟ\∫, a.k.a. "C.L.", was a bubbly, happy-go-lucky, and bloodthirsty PvP specialist who was obsessed with cats. So much so that she paid money to have a cat emoji added to her screen name. She had an arsenal of stupid puns ready to go at all times, and her dad jokes were in some ways more notorious than her top-tier PvP skills. Second to cats, she loved horror movies too, everything from the classics to suspense thrillers to the goriest of flicks.
It was no secret that C.L, viewed dungeon crawling and level-grinding as a chore. So, instead of getting better at clearing areas by herself or in a group, she spent many painstaking hours in making sure Lord Chompy Bits could clear a dungeon for her, or at least with minimal assistance. By exploiting the synergy between auras and a curse-stacking mechanic she discovered, she enabled her cute companion to melt away the opposition by simply standing near them. If a monster didn't die from the constant damage of his auras, then Only higher level monsters were worth wasting spells and attacks on.
Total Level: 60
Class Levels:
(B) Warlock 10
(H) High Warlock 5
(H) Illusionist 10
(H) Aura Master 10
(R) Cursemonger 5
Race Levels:
(B) Ulthar Cat 10
(H) Dweomercat 5
(R) Living Grudge 5
Alignment: True Neutral
HP: 50
MP: 70
PHY. ATK: 33
PHY. DEF: 28
AGI: 55
MAG. ATK: 64
MAG. DEF: 48
For C.L., The Dreamlands of Chateau Gothika was a wonderland destination where she could "get lost for awhile" and "recharge her cations". A blanket of thin, yellow mist covers entire area, and many sets from her beloved horror movies and novels were recreated here. Everything from werewolves and vampires to carnivorous fog banks and starspawn populate this floor; each of them is secluded in their own specially-crafted territories, which gives the creature a home field advantage.
The Dreamlands is a strange and macabre homage to both her love of cats and horror stories, and Lord Chompy Bits is its undisputed ruler. Teleportation traps and curse traps are hidden throughout the entire floor. Unsuspecting intruders are debuffed with curse magic (often stacked curses) and promptly teleported to one of the many domains of horror. The traps ignore anyone who has the guild's membership badge equipped.
A few vampires make their home in an eerie medieval castle. Werewolves and evil fey stalk the forest and villages. Even the villagers are never as they seem; they lure in outsiders and sacrifice them to some nightmarish creatures beyond mortal imagination.
Unless ordered to, most of these monsters cannot move beyond the boundaries of their designated territory, typically denoted by a wall of shimmering air. C.L. had strict rules about "not betraying the aesthetic".
Voice Actor: Tim Curry
Gender: Indeterminate, Identifies as male
Age: 12 (65 in cat years)

Occupation: Floor Guardian / Minister of Fluff / Master of Curses
Residence: Chapter III, The Dreamlands
Character Focus: Magic DPS / DoT / Debuffs / Anti-Support
Lord Chompy Bits expects his enemies to view him as a harmless animal, and exploits this misperception to his advantage. He specializes in curses and illusions, often using them to win a battle before it ever starts. His enemies rarely see his offensive spells, as they are too busy fighting each other in the confusion or melting into a puddle of boiling flesh.
Originally created to be a pet for his cat-loving master, Lord Chompy Bits has all the hallmarks of a normal housecat. He is ruthless, cunning, plays with his food, and quite often prefers to nap quietly on top of a bookshelf or sunbathe in a window. Gifted with a cruel, alien intellect, he is a dangerous adversary, and his spare foodallies should be grateful that he uses his genius for entertainment.
Equally likely to be kind or cold, he is capricious and unpredictable. However, when he speaks, his voice commands attention. Hypnotic in a way. Every word is spoken with eloquence and gravitas, especially when he's telling a story.
Despite his carefree nature, he has a guiding principle. His master left him with one simple order "Let's make The Dreamlands a paradise". Lord Chompy Bits gladly carries out this order and the result is a product of his twisted imagination, where traps more sinister than anything his master envisioned serve as tools for entertainment, and anything that is not a cat is a "toy". Moreover, should anything harm a cat inside the Dreamlands, a fate worse than death awaits them. A grudge from Lord Chompy Bits is eternal.
Notable Equipment:
Piercing of Bastet
This thick gold earring has numerous cat-like glyphs carved into it. The wearer receives the following benefit: If the wearer is feline demihuman or heteromorph, they receive a strong buff to holy resistance. Regardless of race, the wearer's curse-type spells and abilities which affect non-feline creatures also cause the 'infested' status. Victims are wracked with pain as sores and blisters appear all over them. They suffer strong debuffs to PHY. ATK and PHY. DEF. The 'infested' status is unique and cannot be removed unless the curse is broken first.
Eye of Ra
The wearer's eyes begin to glow, a blazing ankh symbol appears on their forehead, and glowing red haze emanates from them in all directions. While active, every enemy within short range the takes moderate fire and holy damage every two seconds. Allies within range gain moderate fire and holy damage as a bonus on all attacks.
Twice-Cursed Ring of Apophis
The wearer is cursed and takes double damage from all sources. Any magical healing the wearer receives causes damage instead. [Chompy ignores curse effects, see Living Grudge below].
Pet Collar
Lord Chompy Bits, keeps his most precious memento on him at all times: a simple black collar with elaborate etchings. His master gave it to him, when he was first summoned. While it only gives him a minor buff to luck, it is a priceless treasure that cannot be replaced.
Even if Lord Chompy Bits disguises himself with illusion magic, his collar is always displayed with pride.
Notable Skills:
Magic Pounce
When Lord Chompy Bits is becomes the target of a harmful spell, he may immediately teleport to whichever enemy is targeting him and make a single melee counter-attack. He can only counter-attack one enemy at a time, but the ability has no cooldown.
Dweomered Essence
Lord Chompy Bits gains 20% of his MAG. ATK as a bonus to PHY. ATK. His melee attacks now deal half physical and half magical damage.
Curse of Ulthar
When Lord Chompy Bits is hit by a physical attack, nine shadowy cats manifest and they immediately pounce on the enemy. The conjured cats bite, claw, and rend moderate slashing and psychic damage, and inflicts a stacking debuff on the enemy's Resistance and MAG. DEF. Each activation after the first receives a bonus to damage and adds another stacking debuff.
A magical 'curse mark' appears on the enemy as well. While it does nothing on its own, it counts as a 'curse' bad status and it enables other abilities.
Living Grudge
He ignores the effects of any curse magic affecting him. Whenever he uses his natural weapons for an attack, a magical 'curse mark' appears on the enemy. While it does nothing on its own, it counts as a 'curse' bad status and it enables other abilities.
Additionally, he can do one of the following when attacking with his natural weapons:
- cast a single curse spell at his target
- transfer one curse currently affecting him to his target
Chained Hexes
All single target curse spells can affect additional targets if they are within short range of the original target or any creature that bears a 'curse mark'.
Contagious Curses
When Lord Chompy Bits activates a curse spell or ability there is a small chance the curse effect will spread from the original target to another within short range. If a creature within range bears a 'curse mark', the curse automatically spreads to them as well.
Death by a Thousand Bites
When Lord Chompy Bits is slain, each creature within short range that bears his 'curse mark' is subjected to his death curse:
Creatures which fail to resist it are bitten repeatedly by spectral fangs which slowly drains the victims MAX MP. If a 'curse marked' creature's MP hit zero, it's body violently erupts and sends waves of boiling corruption in every direction, causing severe fire, acid, and necrotic damage. Lord Chompy Bits resurrects wherever the cursed creature died with 20% of his MAX HP and MP. Any ability on cooldown is not refreshed.
Lord Chompy Bits can only be resurrected this way, once per day.
Aura Mastery
Lord Chompy Bits has one unique slots which he can use to 'equip' different auras. While only one aura can be equipped to this slot at a time, each aura is very potent. He can spend his action to switch auras. Unlike AoE spells, auras are static field effects and cannot dispelled. Unless otherwise noted, all auras have medium range, and anything which affects 'allies' also affects Lord Chompy Bits.
- Damnation - Enemies have there damage resistances reduced by 50%.
- Thorns - Enemies receive 33% of the melee damage they deal to any ally within range (but does not prevent damage). Damage from the Thorns aura bypasses PHY. DEF.
- Shadow - Magical darkness shrouds everything within range. Allies gain the ability to see inside this magical darkness. Enemies cannot see beyond 10 feet. Enemies who cannot see in the dark are blinded. Only Truesight and the effect granted by this aura can pierce this darkness.
- Elemental Storm - When activated, Lord Chompy chooses an element. Enemies within range take moderate elemental damage of the chosen type every two seconds. Additionally, Allies gain moderate elemental damage as a bonus on their attacks.
- Respite - Allies receive 10% of Lord Chompy's MAX MP as temporary HP. The temporary HP replenishes at a rate of 1% every 6 seconds. Additionally, they are immune to fatigue and exhaustion while inside the aura.
- Blood Frenzy - Allies' attacks provide 6% life steal based on the amount of damage an enemy takes, and receive a strong buff to PHY. ATK and MAG. ATK
Notable Spells:
Curse of Burning Corruption
A single target within medium range is cursed and a boiling green mist erupts from its body. It takes moderate fire, acid, and necrotic damage every 2 seconds for 1 minute. Any creature with a 'curse mark' takes double damage. Multiple castings of this curse stack (6 max).
The Hungering Darkness
The sounds of snarls and snapping jaws echoes from a hoary netherworld. Enemies in long-range which occupy any space covered in magical darkness are cursed and take psychic and frost damage every two seconds for 1 minute. Additionally, they are slowed for 1 minute.
Living Nightmare
Lord Chompy Bits can conjure a single quasi-real phantasm to fight alongside him. He can give the phantasm any appearance he wants, but it always has the same stats and is treated a single creature. It is immune to psychic spells, charms, illusions, paralysis, poison, and curses. Its attacks always deal psychic damage regardless of attack type, and it deals double damage against creatures with a bad status (e.g. 'cursed', 'fear', 'poisoned').
He could conjure a phantasmal dragon which breathed fire, but it would still deal psychic damage.
Creatures that are able to see through the illusion take half damage from the phantasm instead of full damage.
Creator Information:
CatLover/ᐠ.ᆺ.ᐟ\∫, a.k.a. "C.L.", was a bubbly, happy-go-lucky, and bloodthirsty PvP specialist who was obsessed with cats. So much so that she paid money to have a cat emoji added to her screen name. She had an arsenal of stupid puns ready to go at all times, and her dad jokes were in some ways more notorious than her top-tier PvP skills. Second to cats, she loved horror movies too, everything from the classics to suspense thrillers to the goriest of flicks.
It was no secret that C.L, viewed dungeon crawling and level-grinding as a chore. So, instead of getting better at clearing areas by herself or in a group, she spent many painstaking hours in making sure Lord Chompy Bits could clear a dungeon for her, or at least with minimal assistance. By exploiting the synergy between auras and a curse-stacking mechanic she discovered, she enabled her cute companion to melt away the opposition by simply standing near them. If a monster didn't die from the constant damage of his auras, then Only higher level monsters were worth wasting spells and attacks on.
Total Level: 60
Class Levels:
(B) Warlock 10
(H) High Warlock 5
(H) Illusionist 10
(H) Aura Master 10
(R) Cursemonger 5
Race Levels:
(B) Ulthar Cat 10
(H) Dweomercat 5
(R) Living Grudge 5
Alignment: True Neutral
HP: 50
MP: 70
PHY. ATK: 33
PHY. DEF: 28
AGI: 55
MAG. ATK: 64
MAG. DEF: 48
For C.L., The Dreamlands of Chateau Gothika was a wonderland destination where she could "get lost for awhile" and "recharge her cations". A blanket of thin, yellow mist covers entire area, and many sets from her beloved horror movies and novels were recreated here. Everything from werewolves and vampires to carnivorous fog banks and starspawn populate this floor; each of them is secluded in their own specially-crafted territories, which gives the creature a home field advantage.
The Dreamlands is a strange and macabre homage to both her love of cats and horror stories, and Lord Chompy Bits is its undisputed ruler. Teleportation traps and curse traps are hidden throughout the entire floor. Unsuspecting intruders are debuffed with curse magic (often stacked curses) and promptly teleported to one of the many domains of horror. The traps ignore anyone who has the guild's membership badge equipped.
A few vampires make their home in an eerie medieval castle. Werewolves and evil fey stalk the forest and villages. Even the villagers are never as they seem; they lure in outsiders and sacrifice them to some nightmarish creatures beyond mortal imagination.
Unless ordered to, most of these monsters cannot move beyond the boundaries of their designated territory, typically denoted by a wall of shimmering air. C.L. had strict rules about "not betraying the aesthetic".