Felix Volpe

Around two thousand years ago, the first practitioner of the Path of the Kitsune, Ryteb of the Flames, was born. His goal was simply enlightenment, but the power that he attained in pursuit of it was coveted by other magi. As he would not share the Path, as he deemed it too dangerous to be let loose, the other magi of his era declared war on him. Though he was powerful, especially as he was in his late eighties, the sheer number of opponents was slowly overwhelming him. In an effort to continue the path, even after his death, he utilised soul magic to keep himself through reincarnations. When they finally broke through his barriers, he used a suicidal attack to take out his enemies. This was the end of Felix's first life.
Over the next two thousand years, the Fox Mage lived hundreds of lives, all in pursuit of enlightenment. He, sometimes she, had many lovers, sometimes even had children, but they never managed to reach enlightenment. Treachery, greed, and just plain sociopathy all lead to a premature death.
Oddly enough, his current reincarnation, Felix Volpe, was a descendant of one of his past lives. Growing up in Illiad, he gained a feeling of home that he hadn't had in the past hundred years. For the first time in several reincarnations, he decided to interact with the world again, and aid Marduk in showing the strength of Illiad.
Mundane Skills:
Chemistry and Potionmaking are his passions, mostly because they involve much fire and explosions. He is skilled at strategy games, and enjoys pitting his intellect against others.
He utilises the Yang Path of Tai Chi, and is considered an expert of the path. He has trained in various weapons to compliment his Fox Fire ability.
Path of the Kitsune:
A branch of magic that increases the users power over their lifetime. Every ten years, they gain a new tail, which grants new abilities. Felix is currently a two tailed kitsune, with the third tail coming on his birthday in six months.
1 Tail - Fox Forms: The ability to transform into full kitsune, and half-kitsune forms. In his half-kitsune form, he still looks human, just with fox ears and tail(s), whereas in full kitsune form he is an anthropomorphic fox. The full form increases his physical attributes by five times his tails, while his half-form only increases it by a factor of three.
2 Tails - Fox Fire: The ability to create fire, and manipulate his summoned flames. The flames can't injure him, and he uses it as a weapon.
3 Tails - Fox Trickery: By manipulating the mind, the user can create illusions that can affect senses equal to the number of tails.
4 Tails - Shapeshifting: The ability to change his features to a limited extent.
5 Tails -
6 Tails - Clear Mind: The brain is converted into pure magic, removing the limits of a physical mind.
7 Tails - Soul Sustenance: The body no longer requires food or water, being able to be sustained purely on their own magic.
8 Tails - Youthful Body: The body returns to it's prime, and no longer suffers the effects of the ageing process
9 Tails - Cultivation of Heavens: The ability to draw energy from the environment into the body. Upon attaining this level, the practitioner slips into a meditative sleep for roughly a thousand years, as they try to attain enlightenment.
Transmigrant Soul:
While not an inherently useful power for a living person, the Transmigrant Soul allows reincarnation with the personality intact. His memories from his past lives are sealed so as not to overwhelm his mortal mind, with only a few memories bleeding through.
Felix is many things at different times. Sometimes a cunning tactician, other times an insane pyromaniac. The thing that is constant about him is a thirst for knowledge and loyalty to his friends. Like many at Marduk, he follows a code of chivalry, to not attack others unless they have attacked him or his allies first. Due to a mistake in the original process of becoming a transmigrant soul, he suffers from nightmares of all his previous deaths, and relies heavily on Dreamless Sleep potions to maintain a reasonable sleep pattern.
Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?:
Felix Volpe

Around two thousand years ago, the first practitioner of the Path of the Kitsune, Ryteb of the Flames, was born. His goal was simply enlightenment, but the power that he attained in pursuit of it was coveted by other magi. As he would not share the Path, as he deemed it too dangerous to be let loose, the other magi of his era declared war on him. Though he was powerful, especially as he was in his late eighties, the sheer number of opponents was slowly overwhelming him. In an effort to continue the path, even after his death, he utilised soul magic to keep himself through reincarnations. When they finally broke through his barriers, he used a suicidal attack to take out his enemies. This was the end of Felix's first life.
Over the next two thousand years, the Fox Mage lived hundreds of lives, all in pursuit of enlightenment. He, sometimes she, had many lovers, sometimes even had children, but they never managed to reach enlightenment. Treachery, greed, and just plain sociopathy all lead to a premature death.
Oddly enough, his current reincarnation, Felix Volpe, was a descendant of one of his past lives. Growing up in Illiad, he gained a feeling of home that he hadn't had in the past hundred years. For the first time in several reincarnations, he decided to interact with the world again, and aid Marduk in showing the strength of Illiad.
Mundane Skills:
Chemistry and Potionmaking are his passions, mostly because they involve much fire and explosions. He is skilled at strategy games, and enjoys pitting his intellect against others.
He utilises the Yang Path of Tai Chi, and is considered an expert of the path. He has trained in various weapons to compliment his Fox Fire ability.
Path of the Kitsune:
A branch of magic that increases the users power over their lifetime. Every ten years, they gain a new tail, which grants new abilities. Felix is currently a two tailed kitsune, with the third tail coming on his birthday in six months.
1 Tail - Fox Forms: The ability to transform into full kitsune, and half-kitsune forms. In his half-kitsune form, he still looks human, just with fox ears and tail(s), whereas in full kitsune form he is an anthropomorphic fox. The full form increases his physical attributes by five times his tails, while his half-form only increases it by a factor of three.
2 Tails - Fox Fire: The ability to create fire, and manipulate his summoned flames. The flames can't injure him, and he uses it as a weapon.
3 Tails - Fox Trickery: By manipulating the mind, the user can create illusions that can affect senses equal to the number of tails.
4 Tails - Shapeshifting: The ability to change his features to a limited extent.
5 Tails -
6 Tails - Clear Mind: The brain is converted into pure magic, removing the limits of a physical mind.
7 Tails - Soul Sustenance: The body no longer requires food or water, being able to be sustained purely on their own magic.
8 Tails - Youthful Body: The body returns to it's prime, and no longer suffers the effects of the ageing process
9 Tails - Cultivation of Heavens: The ability to draw energy from the environment into the body. Upon attaining this level, the practitioner slips into a meditative sleep for roughly a thousand years, as they try to attain enlightenment.
Transmigrant Soul:
While not an inherently useful power for a living person, the Transmigrant Soul allows reincarnation with the personality intact. His memories from his past lives are sealed so as not to overwhelm his mortal mind, with only a few memories bleeding through.
Felix is many things at different times. Sometimes a cunning tactician, other times an insane pyromaniac. The thing that is constant about him is a thirst for knowledge and loyalty to his friends. Like many at Marduk, he follows a code of chivalry, to not attack others unless they have attacked him or his allies first. Due to a mistake in the original process of becoming a transmigrant soul, he suffers from nightmares of all his previous deaths, and relies heavily on Dreamless Sleep potions to maintain a reasonable sleep pattern.
Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?: