(Pronounced Kuh-lar-oon-gkrah-hoosh in Deep-Speak, shortened to Klaar by most mortals and those not fond of guttural tongues.)
Primordial or Conceptual:
Nature. Klaar represents Nature in its pure, unadulterated form. As the inverted side of his twin-deity known as the Tree of Genesis, in him is the potential for all things that occur within the depths of the oceans vastness. Tides, waves, and whirlpools, although some of the first things that come to mind when thinking of oceans, are but a fraction of the world beneath the waves. Klaar thusly holds power over the numerous ecosystems that include the ocean, ranging from the most diminutive micro-organisms to the immense gyres that move waters for thousands of miles. As such, Klaar can express his domain through the movements of the ocean or the creation of life, so long as it is connected to the natural concept of the ocean.
Oceans. The oceans and seas of the world of Galbar are the sole domain of Old Growth of Deeps. As above, this includes all natural occurrences linked with oceans. In many ways, Klaar himself is a personification of the ocean; vast, unknowable, and prone to fickle moods. Sometimes the seas provide and grow, bountiful with life and teeming with opportunity. In other moments it is dark, brooding, and impossibly violent. So too is the Big Fish himself.
Their Realm:
Saxus (Pronounced as Shah-hush in Deep-Speak but often simply pronounced as Saxus). Known by many nicknames, the Silent World of Saxus is a place out of Jacques Cousteau's own fever dreams. Upon entering Saxus, the perception of crushing depth is unmistakable. The pressure of that dark place waxes and wanes as tides, supposedly matching the flowing moods of the God that calls it home. There is no dry land in Saxus and certainly no surface, only an endless ocean of inky blackness. Despite this, all who enter find they are able to breath its waters though the omnipresent taste of brine will seemingly never leave their pallet.
Saxus itself seems wrapped in basaltic rock, forming numerous caverns and crevasses that stretch far beyond the vision of even those creatures created for such environs. Those who enter Saxus do so in such crevasses, entering the dark and foreboding abode of the Ocean God by swimming deeper into the darkness. In order to truly enter that watery domain, mortals and gods alike must delve beyond their senses and swim through a darkness with the perception that things around them are in motion, ever curious about the oddity that has entered their home.
Despite the perceived desolation of its numerous entryways, as the first layer of benthic depth is passed the world opens up. Ghostlights of biolumiscence dance in the deep and soon the caverns of Saxus become a cacophony of light. Deep sea sessile organisms of all shapes and sizes cling to the floor and walls of these new caverns, each producing a colorful array of light. They wax and wane as the tides, proclaiming and day and night cycle even where the sun cannot shine. Columns of nutritious, black, ink like pseudo-liquid boil upwards for creatures to feed upon and in these places no predation occurs. For those with keen eyes and a curiosity to sate, thick and ponderous tree roots can be seen in the light, coiling and cracking through the basalt to delve deeper into Klaar's realm.
The deepest points of Saxus before the realm becomes inverted is a core of basaltic rock, seemingly floating freely in the center of the vaguely orb like shape of Saxus' boundaries. Lit just as above, those mortals or gods that sought to travel this deep into the Dark World are faced with a city of strange and alien origin. The spires and citadels of this city in the deep hug the orb of their making on all sides, confounding and denying such concepts as up and down. Though barren of sentient life upon its creation, its clear from design that thought of visitors gave Klaar cause to build such a place. It is here, inside the cavernous insides of this deep city where lava flows freely and water boils, that Klaar makes his home.
Klaarungraxus, as he often shortens it (it is said his true name would take days to intone) for when he addresses others, is an alien entity most unlike the more humanoid deities bound to the world of Galbar. Even his name reeks of sounds more akin to waves breaking and deep sea rock rumbling. Although described as a He for his masculine qualities when perceived by mortals, there is nothing about Klaar that indicates male or female. As is fitting for his peculiar nature, Klaar is not bound by the moods of Mortal things. Indeed, it often seems that one tentacle of the Great Devil Fish offers as the other takes away, each a mind entirely of their own. Klaar cannot speak (or perhaps chooses not to), and instead imparts his thoughts directly into the minds with which he deigns to communicate in words that rumble through the mind like crashing waves.
By all appearances, Klaar is chiefly concerned with the natural world above all things. An almost obsessive focus on life in all forms overtakes the Old Growth of the Deep. A natural order exists within his labyrinthine mind that drives him to create and destroy in equal measure. To the Mortals that one day might thrive in Galbar, this free flowing behavior might come off as almost bipolar in nature. Seas teem with life of all kinds that feed villages and fill bellies. However, storms and great waves wrack the coastlines and most families know at least one loved one to be pulled to the depths seemingly at random. Indeed, entire species might face the fickle wrath of Klaarungraxus while another might receive his bountiful generosity all in one day.
Of the Gods, Klaar seems distant if curious. Above all others, his twin-deity the Tree of Genesis is above reproach. Though the edges of their domain often clash and many a forest has been leveled by tidal waves, in the estuaries and deltas of the world the truth is seen. Klaar and the Tree of Genesis are mirrors of one another, two sides of the same coin that exist in a natural harmony. Of the other Divines, however, no such balance is yet seen to exist.
Base Form:
In his most basal form, Klaar appears outwardly similar to a twelve-limbed cephalopod of immense size. Eight limbs hang from the bottom of his main body, used in locomotion and ambulation. Four additional tentacles jut from the front of the "torso", used primarily for manipulation. Six eyes, three to each side of the foreward portion of his bell, gaze out at all things. At the center of this forward facing mass of muscle sits a double-layered beak, rapacious as it clacks and chews at the area around it. Wherever the physical body of Klaar can be seen, dark water billows out around it. The water itself seems overall limited in the distance it can travel, white water forming as it crashes against non-existent rocks and remains bound to the presence of its master. In those depths at least two tentacles always disappear, both the largest of the form's numerous appendages, giving off the appearance that they lead to something FAR larger below. At any time, more tentacles might appear from this more simplified form, revealing more clearly the true nature of this form as but a fleshy appendage used in imitation of the true thing.
Domain Form:
Only in Saxus does the truest, most overwhelming form of the God of Depths ever become truly apparent. Boundless tentacles of flesh and coral and rock and so many other things in twist in great columns upon one another. They are able to reach out to every part of Saxus, emerging from cavern walls or from doorways in the buildings that dot the landscape of the old city. Life blossoms across these tentacles in the form of colorful corals, sessile creatures, and great forests of sea weeds and grasses. At the center of it all is Klaar's center, a massive hulk with six huge eyes and a grasping beak.
Where Klaar's tentacles reach life blooms. As they tear through rock and stone like playthings, nutrients billows forth and life grows in abundance. Sometimes organisms are born gently, placed with the caution of a clock maker and left to its own devices to thrive in their own little worlds. Other times, Klaar's destructive nature leaves seeming desolation in its path, only for life to regrow even more bountiful than before. As such, Saxus' environs almost never look exactly the same as how they were left.
Krem. At its inception, the nascent entity known as Krem (highly shortened from his full Deepspeak name) is little more than a semi-sentient extension of Klaar's will. Several iterations of the fleshling Avatars of Klaar were birthed and subsequently reincorporated through voracious devouring by their progenitor. Such it is that Krem was formed, fourth spawn of the overentity that is Klaar. Like all of Klaar's initial offspring, Krem was born as a disembodied tentacle, ripped from Klaar's mass and deposited to grow. The small mind of what would be Krem was allowed to thrive alongside a number of its fellow spawn in the cool light of Saxus' depths. There the little fledglings grew and one by one Krem devoured his would-be divine siblings just as Klaar intended.
At his earliest stages of growth, Krem appears outwardly like a biologically simpler form of Klaar, like a larval form still in growth. Highly predatory and prone to bouts of immense curiosity, the little (several meters long from tip of bell to longest tentacle) organism was set free from the noticeably safer confines of Saxus to explore the depths of the new world of Galbar. As he grows Krem learns, voracious for every droplet of knowledge and over time develops an ever more complex personality.
For now the whelpling Avatar is content to explore its new surroundings as the vast tentacles of its progenitor spawn life into being all around it.