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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@Joshua Tamashii

‘Quite a while, yes. I knew him even before his more difficult years, albeit I wasn’t close to him until after he’d already cleared his name. Say 20 or so years, I was already a veteran and he had a rapid ascent to stardom…’ Dorian reminanced a bit about the Elite Four member.

The older trainer then watched as Amelia considered what she’d been told and released her Pokémon from their Pokéballs, patting the large, excited dog next to him all the while. When she spoke, he got a satisfied little smile, and nodded his head in turn to her.

‘You’re very welcome, young Amelia. Do feel free to return again whenever you feel the need for the words of an elder. Now, then, if that was all, I believe Stoutland here would like his walk.’


So Dorian said as he stood up once again, despite already having been out with Snorlax, in order to go take a walk with Stoutland. Care for Pokémon does take a decent amount of time.

In any case. If Amelia had anything further to say to him, she could. Otherwise, here’s Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



So, some hard work putting the front yard back into order along with a dutifully working Rodger, who despite his looks appeared not to consider putting the yard back in order to be particularly much of a chore, Basil once again came to talk to Kalmia.

In response to apologizing for the yard Kalmia just raised a hand and waved a bit, shaking her head a little with a smile. That aside, Basil asked to be introduced to Cyril and his friend.

‘Oh, yes! Sure, come on in!’ Kalmia waved for Basil to follow as they approached the two that were practicing trading by Kalmia’s computer and station.


‘Basil, this is Cyril, who came here from Kalos. Cyril, this is Basil, from Worldedge City, also a trainer who has received a Pokédex from me. Be nice to each other!’

‘And this is Chloe, whom I gave a Pokédex,’ Jacques introduced, because he’s still here, smirking by the side.

‘Yupp, hello! Nice to meet you! Hey, do you have your eyes on any particular Pokémon? Have you imagined your future team?’ Chloe spun and asked Basil, a bit of a gleam in her eyes as she completely bypassed how Basil was looking to just be excited. ‘Cyril was doing a plan to get us rich quick! Didn’t work yet, though,’ Chloe told, as well.

Anyways. Now what?

Currently in Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



‘Hm, okay,’ Vivia said with a frown about not knowing what the countermeasure is against. She looked a bit disappointed in that it was just a cave, but after that she was decently amazed by that Mesprit had apparently been communicated by magical writing on fingers, among other things. Woah. ‘That’s a real Psychic-type, huh…’

And, in Lakewatch Town, Skylar probably would need to have his Pokémon or Vivia guide him a lot, because basically all streets had a direction one could walk in to just fall off and down into water. If this place was in a real Pokémon Game, there’d be a mechanic where you jump into canoes or onto Quagsires to be ferried to different streets of the town that were completely separated by water. But, Vivia followed along with Skylar for now and… Nah, no birds. Just a lot of Woopers and Quagsires for now.

Eventually, they found their way to the place they were looking for.

The Explorer’s Guide Service building itself was but a small dent into a building, a door and windows full of advertisement for the service. Inside was a cozy little store-like room where lots of fliers advertised the accomplishments of several presumably employed individuals while good reviews of their services hung around like newspaper articles, the walls covered by papers, maps of Isson and the likes. By the door stood a sign with some info for a visitor.

“Lakewatch residents live somewhat out of the way, meaning we need to travel to find our callings! On our travels, we have learned a lot! Here we offer our experience for you to use!”

There’s also a map of Lakewatch under the message with a “Our guides live HERE!” showing small arrows pointing at various spots throughout Lakewatch Town. It was vague enough that’d it be somewhat hard to find the person based on it, but with the number of arrows and how spread it was it delivered the message that this was an honest occupation in this town.

And, in the back on a chair behind a desk covered in paperwork and a strange small stone-statue of a Trapinch sat a girl staring at her mobile phone. Except, the moment Skylar came in, she quickly looked up, gained a mildly interested look and leant forward. The girl’s wearing a jacket, a hat with some adventurous-looking goggles on and a large backpack lies packed on the right of her chair. She looks like she’s basically already on a journey.

‘What’s up? Heading somewhere?’ the girl asked in a casual yet sharp tone, with hints of interest as she looked over Skylar.

Now, a list of the place’s services are listed to the girl’s immediate right.

And in case they left to do anything else…

So, what will they do here?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


@Rune_Alchemist @Eklispe

‘… Then why did he send you to me?’ Dunstan asked, sounding positively lamenting about it. Still, the next question… ‘The World Library in Worldedge City has my personal backing. Rainrock Library is a decent collection of information, as well, with a lot more local information. As for reading… “Collected Legends of Sinnoh” covers the creation myth pretty well. They got some connection to it over there. There was also an event there some time ago in Sinnoh, detailed in Rowan’s “The Team Galactic Incident, Detailed Report”... and a more biased version from a Team Galactic member in “Galactic Conquest”, that gives a very different individual’s viewpoint if you can stomach the cringe.’

And, well, that's basically it for answers to those particular questions.

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cyril Desrosiers

The moment they traded their respective partners over was the moment Cyril expected something to happen, like a beep or an electronic notification stating X amount of Pokédollars has been transferred. He merely looked down at the ball with a Sentret in it, his left eyebrow rising as his eyes grew wide to the point where they looked ready to pop out of his sockets.

"Hmmmmmm?" He blinked before deftly whipping out his pokédex and navigating the system with a few taps, only to see, yes he did technically own the Sentret. Once he saw that, his rather comical expression was dropped as quickly as this idea as he gave a large, nonchalant shrug and a dismissive, yet silly looking frown.

"Tsk, I thought this would work, ah well," we sighed, shaking his head, that frown becoming diminutive as he spun the pokéball containing her partner on one finger before cleanly letting it roll into the palm of his hand. Giving it one good glimpse, he held it out, giving Chloe a weak, apologetic smile.

"Sorry for getting your hopes up," he uttered as the two trainers traded back their respective partners. As soon as he received Aster Cyril immediately clicked the center of the ball. A bright flash of an electronic red light soon followed, with the little Budew that was snug in its ball popping out into his arms, wriggling its bud as it nestled shyly into Cyril's chest, "Weeeee..."

Despite this all, she wasn't all too dispirited, making a rather bold proclamation and being generally upbeat. Of course, that just prompted him to join in the fun with a jubilant cheer and an appropriate beam back! "Hee, that's the spirit! I look forward to it!"

Wait, does she even have any pokéballs?

Well, he could get to answer that two second age old question later, but for now he had some new people to meet and people to see! Well, that was the plan anyways, but make a deal with the devil and you'll get it, or something along those lines as the Professor approached the duo with the slightly shorter boy in tow.

He nodded at Kalmia, mouthing a thank you to her before turning smirking and winking at the boy. Cyril chuckled, snapping his free hand into a finger gun, angling it slightly towards the ceiling, "Bonjour monsieur, tis' a pleasure to meet you!"

Following that, Cyril recoiled backwards, hopping back with feigned shock as his jaw slacked before raising his hands up, the Budew quickly climbing up onto his shoulders then jumping on his head as he did this, "Woah, woah, woah Chloe, aren't you moving a bit fast with Basil? You don't just ask someone a question like that~! You have to take things slow!" Aster looked down and mimicked his partners face as Cyril leaned in with a toothy grin and wink, placing one hand on his hip.

Aster was plain cute when making all this facial gestures, especially the little wink and V-shaped smile. Cyril, on the other hand, just looked plain silly.

What followed from the boy was a bit of silence before returning to his full height, placing a handed over his mouth as he widely smiled, "Hee, couldn't resist, sor-ree~!" He giggled, Aster soon following suit.

"Again, it's a pleasure to meetcha' Basil! Will say it's less get rich quick scheme and more ge-," as Cyril spoke, he abruptly cut himself off while awkwardly scratching the side of his neck, raising an eyebrow "...-ting this gal some change for the road since she's kinda... broke." Cyril seemed to be rather disjointed at the moment, separated between chattering with this group and peering around, raising an eyebrow.

"Say, uh, where's the barely-taller-than-me guy?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Y-yeah, actually, though none of my team can safely get us there." Skylar said in response to the person that greeted him. He stepped up to the counter and... basically near-smashed his face into the sign that listed all the prices and such. After a moment, Skylar turned back to the woman, and gently placed 2,900 Pokedollars on the counter.

"We want to get into the flooded parts of the city, but none of our teams know how to Dive. It is 2,900 for a guide to get us where we need to go, right, and that would come with helping us actually get there proper, right?" Skylar asked, just a hair bit curious. To be honest, he wasn't sure if both him and Vivia would have to pay for the same guide, but hopefully they'd just be able to piggyback off one. Hopefully this was the play to make.

Even if it wasn't, it might not be too hard to get into Flooded Lakewatch on their own. Keyword, might.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

Although Dawkin kept track of the conversation it wasn't the most interesting thing. Sensing Claire's questions coming to a close Dawkin figured he'd venture his own question now. "Professor while I'm here I did have a question myself. Would you happen to have any ideas on the best way to train freshly caught Feebas? It seems rather weak at the moment and I was wondering if you had any specific advice." He was determined to make this Feebas the most impressive Feebas possible and asking for help never... well rarely at least hurt. That and he wanted to train his entire team until they were a bit more satisfactory. Between Team Amethyst, helping Amelia, and this Zygarde business, it felt like he'd spent hardly any time with his team at all.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Wilhelm did appear to enjoy having someone around that actually enjoyed his little jokes. In any case, they searched on, and Froakie kept looking at them a bit curiously as Eryn waved to it before continuing on. Braith’s possible line of thinking about being called old aside, Quagsire gave a light reply about the “remember where they parked” but.

‘Quagsire!’ it sounded like. Whatever that meant. So, after having maneuvered the underwater architecture and finally arriving in a new, alien area…

Claydol floated away, steadily as if knowing where it was going. There was sounds of water running here and there, and from sheer logic they were clearly not on surface level yet. Wherever this was, it was still very much underwater.

‘I did, indeed! But, the rocks supposedly found under Lakewatch Town were never described as anything as complex as THIS! … Huh?’ Wilhelm then looked surprised when Eryn told that this was a trial, to do without help. With that, Eryn prepared herself to get going after that conversation with Tula, and Wilhelm was told to probably stay here.

‘Very well! I’ll just, study and look over everything I can… in this immediate area! Would you join me, Quagsire?’ Wilhelm asked the blue Pokémon.

‘Quaaaaaag!’ Quagsire replied, and then Eryn was off to wherever she felt that she needed to go…

The feelings of “where to go” had gone away. They’d guided her here, but from here on out, she was on her own.

As such, she followed the path which Claydol had gone. This led her up a decently empty corridor, where she constantly had to watch where she placed her feet lest she’d stumble over some ancient cable or chute, which seemed to be spread across the structure, some water trickling through basically any and all corridors.

Finally, some corridor later, she arrived to a more open room. There were pillars and architecture spread around in ruins, unfathomable in their original purpose, but it meant there’s things to hide behind. Meanwhile, there was Claydol, floating in to the middle of the room…

Claydol blasted a sudden magnetan blast of energy from one arm that loudly impacted one of the weird pillars, the sound of the violent impact echoing through the area. Psybeam fired relentlessly and mercilessly at the pillar… and from it fell a poor little Scatterbug that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently, there was the occasional Scatterbug down here… as soon as they weren’t being found by Claydols, anyway.

There was an odd sensation in the air. A desire that she leave, a powerful sensation that something did not want her there. It was not the same sort of feeling that had been directing her here. That will still presented the desire that she find the exit without help. The one that wanted her out of here, was separate, threatening, alien, in sharp contrast to the first, and only just now awoke. And as it did… Claydol turned around, looking for something to shoot, both arms raised. It hadn’t seen Eryn yet, assuming she hid somewhere when she had the chance, but there was the problem of Claydol having eyes in all directions.

There’s only one other exit from this room.

What will Eryn do here?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"Um, a pleasure to meet you both." The next few moments were...interesting to say the least. Chloe asked her questions with incredible energy and Cyril was what some could describe as a colorful character to say the least though his Budew was adorable."No you're fine, you're fine. I just wasn't expecting you two to be so...outgoing."

Basil laughed nervously, his hands fidgeting together. "As for my future team it's an exciting thing to think about, but I can't say I have given it any thought. I'm just flying by the seat of my pants at the moment so, uh, who knows what I will have besides Cecil."

What intrigued him was their plan on getting Chloe money since she was broke, but upon inspecting her again, it was pretty easy to figure out why. He recognized the clothing brands that she was wearing mainly because Basil had seen the women from high society in Worldedge City and they certainly were not cheap. "Money huh..." He scratched his chin in thought until he had a little idea. "Any of you busked before? Street perform?" One would not tell from his nervous disposition, when he sneaked away from his family's estate as a kid he would often take his mandolin and perform for pocket money until he was either found out by his family or by the police when they found a boy without his parents. It only so happened that he had his mandolin attached to his backpack, in its black case of course.

As for where Roger went, well, he had not actually gone yet. "You mean Roger? He's about to leave. Why do you ask?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago


So, after a bit of time, a familiar individual walks towards Descent Tower, stops, and just looks over the gathered Pokémon.

The swimmer crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow and looked questioningly at the four Pokémon. Then, she raised a hand and pointed at Peri.

‘That… is that girl’s newborn Onix, right? … What’s she up to, leaving her Pokémon here instead of bringing them in Pokéballs…?’ Lin asked, staring at the gathered four Pokémon. Now, of course, Erebi could recognize her, but Lin couldn’t recognize him, because she didn’t know his current form.

Oh, and eventually, probably, can yet decide not to come, there’s going to come a blind guy and with a bespectacled girl following from over there. Speaking of, Dei would recognize them, wouldn’t he?

How will the crew react?
Maybe wait for Skylar’s post first. Maybe.



Vivia will currently be tagging along, because, Skylar had suggested an adventure and she was not about to miss out.

The girl gave Skylar an odd look and a slightly raised eyebrow as he looked that closely onto the list of services, and then finally looked down on the money offered. She sighed a bit, sinking back into her chair and looking disappointed, as she pressed a couple buttons on her phone and then brought it to her ear.

‘Elana here. There’s some kids here that want to go down Descent Tower, and they can pay for a guide,’ she said, listening to whoever was on the other side. ‘I’d honestly have loved to, but underwater is not my expertise…’ she replied to whoever was on the other side. Another pause, and Elana gave a smirk as she looked over Skylar before looking away again. ‘Nah, given the kids this time, I think it won’t entirely matter how you’re dressed…’ A pause later. ‘Thanks, Lin. You’re a lifesaver. I’ll see you paid later. Bye,’ she said, and closed the call, before leaning forward and collecting the money.

‘Lin will meet you in front of Descent Tower. That should work with you, right?’ she asked, before sighing a bit. ‘Come again if you ever want to explore some mountains… we might have increased our prices then, though…’ Elana commented, but otherwise shrugged, go on, out of here.

Eventually arriving to Descent Tower eventually?

Now, Skylar can totally ignore the appointment, but in case he doesn’t.

So, what will they do here?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.



‘Huh? What? Aren’t those pretty regular-’ Chloe started, looking in surprise at Cyril, then she got it, and made a sound of bottled up amusement and just did a smiling shrug. ‘Eh, I was curious!’

Basil gave his reply, and Chloe just smiled happily and nodded. ‘Just going off and see what you find, eh? I like it! Who knows what we’ll actually encounter out there, after all!’ she nodded. Basil mentioned that about busking… ‘Aaah, don’t know if that’s something I could do, I don’t know if I actually have anything to show off. That said, I don’t need to! I’ll be paid catching Pokémon! I have, in fact, been imagining by future team! For example, I would like to have a Growlithe! A cute and loyal little fire-dog by my side, and Arcanine looks so majestic and soft, too, and…’

‘There are Growlithes on Route 1,’ Jacques shared, smirking a bit by the side.

‘Eh? Seriously?’ Chloe looked totally stunned. ‘What am I still doing here!?’

She asked very seriously, looking excitedly like she was about to leave.

Speaking of leaving, Basil mentioned that Rodger was just about leaving, and that was punctuated perfectly by the sounds of the engine on Rodger’s bike roaring alive. He hasn’t left yet, but he just started the engine, so if Cyril doesn’t want him to leave yet he’s going to have to get out there ASAP!

Kalmia’s looking on the scene with interested amusement. Jacques is doing the same, but with his little trademark smirk.

What now?

Currently in Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



Dunstan turned his head and gave Dawkin a long, drawn-out, analyzing somewhat bored-looking gaze in response to his question, before finally giving his answer.

‘I’m going to give you the weirdest-sounding bit of advice you’ve ever heard,’ Dunstan started it off with. ‘Feebas likes being dolled up. Make it feel beautiful. Brush it up, accessorize it, and then take it to the saloon in Justroad City a couple times. Three should do,’ Dunstan said, sounding like it was actually like working towards something, and then simply shrugged and turned back to his computer.

That aside. Now what? Dunstan is available for any more questions or revelations and stuff.

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 7 days ago

A bored sigh escaped from the lips of a Chesnut haired teen in his early years. He looked out the window blinking slowly seeing the plane finally descending to the city he set out to be in. He lifted his left hand to see the note his mother decided to write on the bookmark size piece of paper. "I'm coming Fennekin." He spoke to himself hearing the announcement of reaching the airport and the shaking of the cabin. He always hated the takeoff and landing of planes. So off-putting. He looked around before getting up with the rest of the passengers grabbing his one bag of items his mother said he would need. He looked through it double-checking the contents of the bag to not only make sure everything was there but to grab the map that his mom marked on to show the path he needed to go to make sure he gets to the pokemon lab sometime in the next couple of years to reunite with an old friend.

He followed the other passengers off the plane and out of the airport taking in a deep breath "I am finally here... Time to find Professor Kalima's lab and Hopefully see Fennekin again...Mom said she would send word ahead of my arrival to the Professor." He said talking out loud to himself doing what he often did finding actually conversation hard unless it was to be 'that guy' that had the most common sense to tell you to your face how stupid talking tends to be.

Ryu did not have as much trouble as he originally thought finding his way around Purplain city,taking about 10 to maybe 20 mintues to find Kalima's Pokemon lab. He looked up from the map to see an odd front lawn of someone on their bike and the interesting lawncare of obvious traces of someone before had used rollout on the lawn. He could tell that atleast hopefully that someone triee to actually clean up the damage done, not exactly a professional clean up but a alright try in his book.

Ryu folded up his map placing it back into his pack before taking a deep breath. He was horrible with introductions or conversations in general. He mumbled encouragement and calming quote and ways of how to speak properly to Kamila. He was here for Fennekin and that was it. He just needed to not seem rude or self entitled "Mom, I hope you know what your doing sending me here."He said to himself finally taking the steps needed to move from the beginning of the sidewalk to the door of the lab. He stopped at the door staring at it for a few seconds before lifting his hand knocking three times before waiting patiently just hoping someone was there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Oh, radical." Skylar said with a smile, leaving the money for Elana to take for the business and leaving with Vivia. "Looks like we came to the right place. Now... uh, where's Descent Tower, heh."

Celebrity face'palmed' for a brief moment before Seabreeze spoke for the group. "Smiley, let's try to find it to move forward?"

Skylar's Murkrow rolled his eyes before flying up high with Seabreeze, the two using their good birdy eyes to scan for the Descent Tower. After a moment, the birds came back down, with Smiley proudly marching towards the group's destination. "Guess he found it! Let's go."

And with that, we can just assume the trainers moved straight to Descent Tower, where they spot... all of Eryn's team, plus what seemed to be a separate trainer entirely. Odd display, but maybe they belong to the same trainer? Kind of odd for a swimmer to have a Charmander, but whatever...

Skylar stepped forward in front of the team so he could address them all. "Alright guys, I know you all are great and fantastic, but let's try to stay calm here. There's a lot of Pokemon out and we don't need any fights between us breaking out, okay?"

One by one, each member of Skylar's team voiced their acknowledgement.
"Puff puff!"
... except Paradise, but she nodded.

"Good kids." Skylar praised, turning to the swimmer and Pokemon. "Hello! Would you so happen to be Lin?" he asked from behind his large black spectacles.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cyril Desrosiers

"Wait, seriously," Cyril instantly exclaimed, throwing up his hands up asymmetrically, palms out as if to block some sort of attack leveraged against him. Of course, this was more of a silly little overreaction as he whipped his head from side to side as Chloe began getting fired up with her own thing, wanting to catch a Growlithe in the process.

Sighing and clearing his throat, he then proceeded to give Aster a light pat, the Budew rubbing affectionately against his hand. "Well, it pertains more so to an important question I have for you two," he beamed, not only pointing at Basil, but to Chloe.

"I was going to invite the three of you to travel with me across Isson, well, might be two at this rate," Cyril pivoted around and dashed towards the door, the little Budew swiveling on his head as it wrapped its little feet around his hair, attempting to hand on. "Chloe, Basil, you don't need to give me an answer right now, but-"

Cyril suddenly threw the door open, causing it to fly open with such an intense speed and force, you would of thought a Rapidash had kicked it open. Hopefully there was no one standing in front of it, hopefully they hopped out of the way, because he was too focused on the conversation at hand, as well as it drowning out the knock. "Just think on it; it might be fun for us, plus the more the merrier after all~!"

He gave them a cheerful wink and toothy grin before turning around and hopped from the entrance of the lab to the path on the lawn. To be fair, it was less hopping and more like launching to anyone watching as this tall brunette waved an arm out to a man getting strapped in on his bike, "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOIII!"

It was quite the shrill, even some birds residing on nearby rooftops seemed to freak out and fly off as a result of it as he approached the other young trainer. Huh, he looked pretty mature now that he got a closer look; lot gruffer and tougher looking fellow as well!

Aster seemed to be unsure about the guys and despite resting on his head, shrunk back a bit in an attempt to make himself look as small as possible all while looking to the side. Cyril, on the other hand, was not going to make such attempts.

"Hey, hey, you're that one trainer Basil fought earlier, Roger, right," exclaimed with a smirk on his face, bubbling with a ton of energy as he leveled a finger at the young man, pointing directly at Roger's chest.

"Do you wanna come along with me and possibly two others on our adventure through Isson?" Cyril was direct, cutting straight to the point, placing a hand on his hip as he tilted his head, studying the boy as he waited for an answer.

Hopefully the guy would humor him on his invite, but if not, that would be a shame... the same could be said for Chloe and Basil as well.

After all, the best memories that are made are the ones made together after all!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago


And with that, Pureplain City now has an airport! Of course, Pokémon are 100% allowed on the planes, regardless of any possible life-threatening situations that involve the use of Pokémon moves on a plane. Heck, they probably allow battles on-board with no danger of breaking the walls, alike how battles on ships or in corridors is totally fine. The flight attendants were totally Lopunnys, too, obediently serving snacks and such to the passengers. Speaking of passengers, a great deal of them were Pokémon, from people bringing their Bunnelbys, a Flabébé flying about, and two seats taken by a huge Pangoro. Just because.

That aside. Ryu eventually found his way through Pureplain City, the city having many have Lillipups and Meowths around as he walked, and more than the occasional Pidgey mixed in with the crowds of people wandering around. There was, of course, the much more occasional unique Pokémon, but moving on. Eventually, he found his way to Kalmia’s lab, saw the state of the front yard, the dude on a bike that was about to leave, and summoned the courage to walk up to the door and knocking on the door…

And shortly after the door blew open by this dude jumping out in a hurry, running over to stop the guy on the bike.


To Basil, and perhaps Cyril too but he missed it because of talking, there were a couple of knocks on the door before Cyril shoved open the door.

‘Oh, dear! He’s here!’ Kalmia called, as she hurried over to the door after Cyril passed.

It is completely up to @BlackMaiden if Ryu avoided the door in time or not. Regardless.

‘Ryu! I’m so happy you could make it! Are… are you alright?’ this blonde woman in glasses and a lab-coat asked as she came over to the now-open door. ‘I’m Professor Kalmia! Here, come on, in!’

Inside the lab was a rectangular room, but the usable space was more round because the room had bookshelves placed in a circle around an area in the middle, not properly taking advantage of the space in the corners. The shelves contained varying books and papers of research, as well as the occasional Pokéballs. In the back and right, a large amount of what appeared to be computer servers filled about 40% of the available space, and they were coupled to a laptop which stood on a desk to the left of it. Other than the laptop, there was also a large amount of papers and binders on it, making it impossible to place anything else on there.

To the right of the table was a healing station from a Pokémon Center, with places to place six Pokéballs, along with a large cylinder thing with a glass middle and a hatch that one likely were to place something moderately large within. There was nothing that said what it actually was. While it was tight in here, it was still decently maneuverable and Kalmia likely knew where everything she wanted was. Also in here, were numerous Pokémon. They are, perhaps not entirely limited to,

From Claire (Rune_Alchemist) a Beedrill and a Ledyba.
From Erika (Pirouette) a Poliwag and a Pikachu.
From Erza (Ephemeral) a Meowth, a Lillipup, a Growlithe, a Castform and a Duskull.
From Amelia (Joshua Tamashii) a Yamask, Golett and a Spiritomb.
From Skylar (Gardevoiran) a Goomy.

As well as a Slowpoke, resting on the servers over there. Besides that, there were also five other humans in here! This is not counting Kalmia herself, or the guy who just flew out the door! Yupp, decently crowded.

‘Basil, Chloe! This is Ryu. He’s a new trainer, like you. Ryu, this is Basil and Chloe, say hi. The guy who flew out the door past you was Cyril, who also got a Pokédex from me here,’ Kalmia said, as she gestured towards Basil and Chloe.

Chloe, who’d been considering what Cyril told her, brightened up as Ryu got introduced.

‘Oh, hello! I’m Chloe! I’m happy to meet you! Let’s have excellent adventures!’ Chloe wished him, totally happy.

‘And these are my assistants, Tim and Tom…’ Kalmia gestured towards a couple of basically identical young twins…

‘Him, too!? You’re giving Pokémon to so many!’ Tim(?) objected.
‘Give us some, too! We’ll play a trick on you if you don’t!’ Tom(?) warned.

‘Maybe when you’re older! For now, I need assistants to help take care of all the Pokémon!’ Kalmia smiled at them. And then, finally… ‘… And this is…’ Kalmia gestured towards the last one. A bespectacled man in a suit, with a top hat and red ribbons here and there, as well as very amused smirk, tipped his hat towards Ryu.

‘I am Jacques, of the Isson Elite Four. How do you do?’ he began. ‘I’ve also been distributing Pokédexes to young hopefuls, courtesy of Professor Sycamore. Chloe is one of mine, as is Rodger, outside. Me and Kalmia is having a bit of a friendly rivalry about our trainers…’

‘Still, another one?’ Jacques asked, looking actually honestly perturbed for once. ‘You’re killing me, Kalmia, I’m running seriously short on available hopefuls,’ he lamented as he once again had a phone in his hand and checked through his numbers.

‘You don’t need to prepare a rival battle for EVERY trainer I get~’ Kalmia grinned as if she’d won something. Regardless. ‘Alright, let’s get you set up,’ Kalmia said, as she went over to her computer and pulled out a shelf next to it. From it, she retrieved two items. She walked back to Ryu, and presented one of them to him.

‘Here you go. This is your Pokédex.’

‘Now, let me explain a few things.’

‘And then… finally, your Pokémon,’ Kalmia said, giving a little smile to Ryu. ‘We have… something special prepared for you. I’m sure you’ll like it~!’ Kalmia told, looking proud as she offered the Pokéball to him. And, as soon as he opened it…

- You've obtained Fennekin! -

Pokédex Entry #653 – Fennekin, the Fox Pokémon. It typically likes snacking on twigs, as the energy from them fuels its fire-type moves. To intimidate opponents it uses its roomy ears to vent air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit. It can be temperamental, but typically does its best for its trainer if caught.

- Would you like to give Fennekin a nickname? -

With that Ryu was free to interact with his Pokémon and potentially anyone else in the room.

Meanwhile, outside.


‘Hm?’ Rodger paused, someone shouting so loudly would definitely be noticed, after all, the boy looking over at Cyril as he came prancing. ‘I’m Rodger, yeah,’ Rodger told, looking curiously at Cyril. After the question… Rodger chuckled a bit.

‘Asking to have me join your trip, huh? Now, I like your style for asking, but I already have a companion. I’m travelling with a smart dude called Oaken. Completely stone-faced, but very good at what he does. We split up in Stillwood Village because he beat the Gym and I couldn’t, but we’re to meet again in Lakewatch Town. I’m not going to bike through Wet Caverns, so I have take the long way around. I prefer to journey on my own terms, anyway, and journeying with Oaken is the same as on my terms because he’s completely ignoring me and as such it’s my decision to tag along, to keep up with him. Just going to smash that grass-Gym with my new Flying-type, first, gotta train Ace to a better level. Still, I’ll see you around. I look forward to fighting you one day,’ Rodger said with a slightly battle-hungry smirk.

Anyways, that’s that for now. Now what?

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"Oh yeah, that's a thing." Basil completely forgot that they were being paid to catch Pokemon so it definitely made sense that she would get her money that way, assuming she had pokeballs. While Growlithe sounded like a fun Pokemon to have, he already had a fire type in Cecil so he would have rather branch out his team for the sake of variety than specialize in a specific type.

Cyril's exclamation made the poor boy jolt in place and looked at the taller boy with wide eyes. He had only been around Cyril for only a few minutes and this boy was already making him exhausted. Still, the offer to join him and Chloe on the journey for a bit was a little tempting. "Um, I'm going to explore the city a bit so-" His eyes trailed to the knocking from the door. "Oh, I'll get-" And Cyril had made a mad dash at for the door before he could finish his sentence. He'll just answer him later.

For the meantime, there was another boy, who was introduced by Kalmia as Ryu. "Oh, uh, hi." Basil waved meekly. It was really beginning to feel like he was staying here for a bit too long; he was actually beginning to get a bit restless.

"Well, I think I have everything I need. Thanks for everything Professor." Basil said, smiling at the professor before he made his way out of the lab where Cyril was conversing with Roger. He approached him and cleared his throat. "So about your proposition...I'll think about it before I leave Pureplain. Just call or text me when you're going to leave."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago


‘Hm?’ the girl in the swimsuit turned and looked towards the incoming group of Pokémon as well as the blind trainer and Vivia, because she’s here.

‘Yeah, I’m Lin. I’ll be your guide down Descent Tower. The first thing I can tell you is leaving your Pokémon outside the door is completely unnecessary, as is wearing any sort of unique clothing for going underwater, really. Dive is such a convenient thing. Now, then. The two of you?’

‘The two of us, yes. And, um, all these Pokémon,’ Vivia said, gesturing back towards the lot of them…

Lin gave them a raised eyebrow.

‘Yeah, uh, if you could return them to their Pokéballs, at least most of them, that’d be great. We will have somewhat limited space. In any case. Cutiecruel!’ Lin said, throwing a Pokéball that she retrieved from… somewhere… into the air, and it promptly opened and a large jellyfish Pokémon took shape.

Pokédex Entry #73 – Tentacruel, the Jellyfish Pokémon. It lives in complex rock formations on the ocean floor and traps prey using its 80 tentacles, which are normally kept short but can extend seemingly endlessly by absorbing ocean water, which wrap around prey to weaken them with poison. Its red orbs glow when it grows excited or agitated, and allows it to fire harsh ultrasonic blasts.

‘Let’s go in,’ Lin gestured to Skylar and Vivia, gave Eryn’s Pokémon one more raised eyebrow, and then headed inside. Inside was flooded with water, with stairs that led both up out of the water and down into it. Assuming Skylar grabbed onto the Tentacruel as gestured by Lin, the jellyfish promptly jumped into the water and enveloped itself with a bubble before diving with them. It was a special little bubble in which they could safely inhabit the watery depths, because convenience. Regardless, the trainers and the Pokémon floated down the rather long yet unremarkable tower, before arriving in what lay below. A whole new city, just below their feet.



‘You’re most welcome! Keep me updated on how your trip is going! Good luck!’ Kalmia told Basil when he came to tell her he had all he needed. Then he got out and said that to Cyril while Rodger was there, and…

‘I’ll challenge you to a battle next time we meet, to gauge your progress. With that said,’ and so Rodger put on his helmet (because we’re advocating good biking here) and started the engine again, because Cyril was probably pretty done with the convo based on the GM’s chat with him, and prepared to ride off into the nonexistent sunset for now.

Chloe’s there, too. She’s going to have a comment if he decides to get going. Will save that for the next post, though.

Basil is currently in Pureplain City. What now?

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cyril Desrosiers

Retracting his arm, he continued to beam without a care in the world as he moved up his hand to Aster, who was wiggling on his head and gave the little guy some scriches. The little Pokémon trilled to himself as he rubbed up against the finger, Cyril giving him and the other trainer his undivided attention. Despite Rodger's response, his smile never faltered as he closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side slightly before lightly shrugging.

"Ah, well, fair is fair is fair is fair~," he exclaimed with vigor as he continued to scratch his partner, moving on from Asters side to his belly. "Wouldn't wanna make you stand your friend up! Aaaaaaaand I look forward to battling you too, as well as the rest of Jacque's and Kalmia's trainers," as he went on to make his last statement, he utilized his other arm to point at the young man, his grin growing ever so wider as he did so.

Of course before he decided to wait on the other duo, it seemed one of the eager Bibarels just burst out and gave his response! Well, he wasn't exactly eager or a Bibarel, but still!

Pivoting his head to look over at Basil, Cyril merely gave a nod before toning down his smile to something softer, "Alright, sounds good to me then; hope you'll take up the offer." With that said and done, though, he kind of expected Chloe to follow Basil out of the lab as well.

"But in any case, Rodger, we'll meet again for that battle; show me how much you've grown by then," Cyril smirked, snapping his free hand as he pointed at the boy before pivoting around to the smaller lad, "I'll meet you with (possibly) Chloe at the exit to Route 1 then!"

Now, what was his strategy...

"I'm probably gonna get some supplies, maybe fight some other trainers, and possibly check out the trainer school; shot in the dark, we could just meet up there by chance," Cyril giggled to himself before moving his other hand towards his head and gently grasped the wiggling Budew before swaddling the Pokémon in his arms.

"Buuuuuuut before I get going, there's one last thing I need to check at the lab, I'll catch up with ya later," with that said, he made a light jog back towards the lab as he waved to the two other trainers behind him.

One specific thought had crossed his mind for how Chloe could earn some cash, as well as the fact that she might of wasted her items getting here. Instead of bursting into the lab and throwing the door open so hard that it would look like it was ripping off the hinges, Cyril opted to open the door like a normal person would.

Of course, the moment he opened is mouth he instantly shut himself up by covering it up with another hand. Honestly, as silly and impetuous as he was, he didn't want to ruin the moment that a new trainer had when getting their first partner... wait. Wait wait wait wait wait.

Where did the kid come from? He wasn't here the last time he came in! Did he just sneak right past them or something? Wowzers, was he some kind of ninja?!

Cyril almost looked ready to burst at the seams with questions, at least until he went to observe the reactions of the other three. Chloe appeared to be as cheerful as he first met her, Kalmia had this sort of impish smirk plastered on her face, and Jacques looked like a lost Lillipup while on his phone. Wait.

Wait wait wait wait wait.

Cyril blinked before an evil glint appeared in one of his eyes. He mentally chuckled to himself, bringing the little Budew up to is face, causing Aster to tilt his bud a bit. It was then where Cyril whispered something to the little Pokémon that caused him to sweat bullets, only to be reaffirmed by a thumbs up and smile from Cyril.

After some contemplation, he gulped and sighed, seemingly sweating bullets with his own tiny huge smile as Cyril opened the door ever so slightly before approaching the group. "Ah, sorry for interrupting, but there was something I forgot abo-," as Cyril spoke up, he got closer to Jacques more than anyone else, rubbing the back of his neck while Budew wriggled around in his arms.

Suddenly, the little Budew popped out, hopping towards the elite four member, unfurling his buds as he lurched forward and clasped onto it and pulling it out of his hand, "Fweeeeeeeeee!"

"H-huh, Aster," he suddenly exclaimed with a shocked expression, jaw slightly agape and eyes wide open as he stared at his partner.

The confused Budew just stood there for a good second, shivering a bit before jumping from Jacques arms and scurrying outside, "Ugh, sorry about that, I didn't think he would be so mischievous, I'll get your phone back."

With that said and done Cyril followed suit, dashing towards the door and quickly slipping outside. While this probably looked a bit absurd to anyone looking, he really didn't care as he quickly opened the door before closing it behind him.

And who was standing by the side of the door was none other than a shivering little Budew, phone held between its buds as it shivered with anticipation and giggled with some excitement before looking to the side and jumping back. He frowned, unsure of what to make of his partners reaction, especially after what happened inside.

"... Sorry, I probably made you a bit confused with that reaction," the Budew saw that Cyril had a bit of a sullen face and a weaker smile. That and the apology to boot just made him confused, at least until the explanation, "Had to try and throw em' off, shouldn't of freaked you out like that... good job."

Aster perked up as Cyril bent over and scooped the little Pokémon up, grin becoming wider as Cyril gently took the phone from Aster and began tapping furiously at it with one hand. Looking at the contacts, Cyril began to sift through the range of numbers with a grin only a Liepard would have after completing a heist, scrolling up and down for a couple of seconds before placing Aster up on the perch known as his head before pulling out his Pokédex.

Utilizing his other hand, he did some tapping on the device, switching between looking at the phone and the Pokédex as he tapped away at one and scrolled on the other before letting out a resounding sigh with a smug look to boot.

Welp, ten more numbers added to the dex!

Cyril obtained the contact information of all the (current) Rival Trainers!

Leaning on the side of the building, he looked towards the door, now lightly chuckling to himself as he popped the Pokédex back into his satchel before he went back to looking at Jacques "Hopefuls."

Lesse, he was definitely not going to contact Chloe or Rodger for obvious reasons, but the rest were fair game since they were a mystery as far as he knew! Going through the list, he eyed a couple of the names near the top with a glint of curiosity before tapping a random name. Gods, he was going to either sound like the biggest moron if this went south, or-


Alright, looks like he did it. The moment he said that was when he heard some shuffling before the other trainer on the opposite end hung up. Once they did that, Cyril let out a sigh of relief as he gave Aster a gentle pat on the side, before his face darkened with a sharp smile creeping up the sides.

Lets see, lets change the name of this folder to "♡♡Kalmia♡♡," and set his screensaver to a picture of Kalmia from the internet. Honestly, it wasn't the best quality, but whatever, it's a picture of her receiving her certification as a professor, so it should work.

After that little bit, Cyril inched open the door, peering in to observe the situation. Once the newbie had finished basking in the moment with his partner and decided to do whatever he wanted after that was the prime moment Cyril would burst on in, with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, you're another new trainer right? Sorry for that interruption from earlier, as well as the interruption now, but you've ordered a special serving known as a Pokémon battle~!" Cyril sounded incredibly hyped and his body language communicated that as well. He was all smiles as usual and still had a cheerful visage despite furrowing his brows, plus he was stretching both his arms out and pointing at the entire group.

"I'm Cyril, and I'm not the trainer who will be dishing it out, he smile contorted into something more impish, more sinister as he eyed both Jacques and Kalmia.

"However, the one who'll be dishing it is one of Jacque's trainers!"




"Well I think they're one of his trainer's based on the list... also, they need to ride your Aerodactyl after this all Jacques, namely to get back to Rainrock," he uttered somewhat absentmindedly in Jacques direction as Aster pointed his little bud towards the group.

"I also gotta' treat them to some cake as well... also, here's your phone back," Cyril murmured to himself, going off on some peculiar tangent about pastries and such as he held out the hand that contained Jacque's phone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"O-oh jeez. I-I guess I can return some of them. Uh..." Skylar said as he pulled out his team member's Pokeballs, looking at the group behind him. "Uh, heh... so, I'm gonna put some of you guys back up in your Pokeballs, just for a little bit, alright?" Skylar explained as he went one by one, ruling out specific Pokemon.

And into the Pokeballs went...
- Paradise, because she was just too big.
- Mac, because he was a fire type going into a watery area.
- Smiley, because... well, he was a bit of a troublemaker
- Celebrity, because she would just try and get headpats the whole time and she'd be a troublemaker like Smiley.

That left Skylar with two Pokemon still out, for their own reasons.
- Jonathan, because if he was going looking for Azelf he'd probably need a psychic type to help him find his way (at least a little bit).
- Seabreeze, because it was his seeing-eye-bird and let's face it, Wingulls probably dive into the water to eat Magikarp all the time.

Skylar turned back to Lin and smiled, holding JoJo in his arms and with Seabreeze still on his head. "Alright, we're set!"

Then, the group descended, down into the depths of the tower, and soon into...

Skylar stepped out of the Cutiecruel bubble and onto the floor of the flooded parts of the city, now abandoned in favor of the above parts of the town. Curious, but Skylar couldn't help but figure it made some sense. He stepped forward before he felt... something. It certainly took all his attention, too, seeing as most of Lin's conversation went right through his ears... though the shrieks of Vivia's surprise definitely broke through to him.

"Vivia, put it back in it's ball. It'll at least bring it back here and away from the Whiscash." Skylar bluntly said, his tone considerably more serious even though he wasn't even looking at the scene (in fact, his back was towards Rotom and Vivia). It immediately returned to normal, though, as he looked down to the green and red buddy in his arms. "You feel that, JoJo?"


"It's here, just... deeper." Skylar turned to Lin, Seabreeze still watching the scene of the Rotom that was about to cause a ton of issues for everyone. "Can you take us deeper? There's something here that I feel, just... it's deeper and I'm just a biiiit nervous since I can't see."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"I hope by then I'll be able to stand at your level." He said to Rodger before the older looking boy rode off to the distance. His attention was turned back to Cyril who was informing Basil on where to meet if he ever decides to join Chloe and him.

"Okay, Route 1. Got it." Basil nodded as he made a mental footnote. It looked like he was not the only one to have plans around the city; Cyril seemed to have it all figured it out and meanwhile Basil could barely think of what he would want for breakfast. "Um, see you when I see you." And that boy was running off again. Where did he get that energy?

Well now he had a chance to go and explore the city, but where to start? Actually, when he got off the ship earlier today he saw a bustling marketplace though he was in such a rush to get to the lab that he barely thought of it. The prospect was certainly a fun mini-adventure and maybe he could get something really interesting or useful while he was there.

With a destination set, Basil made his way to the marketplace by the harbor. What will he find there?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@Savo @hatakekuro @BlackMaiden

Rodger nodded to Cyril’s statements, and then he was away, disappearing down the street along with the sound of his bike’s engine. Now, then.

Cyril and Basil had his exchange, and then headed into the lab once again, noticing the situation, and… one thing led to another, and…

Kalmia glanced at Cyril a bit, while Jacques was still looking on his phone… before Aster snapped the phone out of his hand. Jacques hadn’t actually made any motion to stop the action, but also didn’t seem even the slightest startled as he raised a curious eyebrow at Cyril, not paying any attention in the slightest at the little creature that had taken the phone. With that, Cyril went outside the door… and when they were outside, Jacques took out a Pokéball, and promptly released a purple, winged Pokémon that floated up into the air, silently.

Pokédex Entry #472 – Gliscor, the Fang Scorpion Pokémon. It hangs upside down awaiting prey. When the chance presents itself, it swoops in and carries off the prey with its lengthy tail, and its elongated fangs do the rest. It’s able to fly completely soundless without flapping its wings, it’s said catching a single light breeze once could carry it around the globe.

‘Make sure he doesn’t do anything too offensive with my phone,’ Jacques said, gesturing at the door, and Gligar nodded before exceedingly soundlessly gliding for the door, and totally made it out the closed door somehow. Cyril never noticed. Stealthy Pokémon is stealthy.

Regardless. Cyril wasn’t actually disturbed by anything until he came in again. He had his thing to Ryu, with Kalmia giving him an odd look, and Jacques looking mildly curious. Then, when Cyril handed the phone back… not a single second was wasted before the phone started ringing.

‘I do believe I have to take this,’ Jacques said, looking lightly amused as he answered the phone and, for now, walked out of the building as well, Gliscor flying down from seemingly nowhere and landing beside him when he got outside. I suddenly noticed Gliscor is 2 meters tall. I didn’t expect that. Yikes, big stealthy Pokémon.

Regardless. Cyril is in Kalmia’s lab, Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



‘Oh, alright! I guess I might see you later, then!’ Chloe said to Basil, at some point, maybe before he went outside, still, that’ll do.

And so, Basil went through the city to the harbor, the air becoming considerably more festive and hectic as he did. After all, here’s where boats from all manner of regions arrived at Isson. There were workers everywhere, helping people and wares to get onto and off the piers, and there was this big marketplace where all sorts of things were for sale. Mail to be sent to other countries, different kinds of exchangeable items collected on distant shores, a wide variety of flutes produced overseas, weird scents from Orre that probably has no practical applications, nectar from Alola that ALSO doesn’t have any practical uses in Isson, mulch, and also a weird amount of decorations, accessories, props and décor. And, of course, clothing and fashion. There is also food, from all over the place, which may or may not be interesting to a Pokémon trainer.

There were delicacies from elsewhere around the world. Like, Rage Candy Bar from Johto, Lava Cookie from Hoenn, Old Gateau from Sinnoh, Casteliacone from Unova or the Lumiose Galette and Shalour Sable from Kalos…

Anyways, that will totally do. Not entirely that much that a new Pokémon Trainer might be interested in…

There was something very odd docked at the harbor, however. If Basil wasn’t seeing visions, there appeared to be a positively ancient-looking yet very genuine pirate ship, crossbone flag hoisted in all honors, but also very peacefully docked here like something out of a completely different world. And, in front if it, stood a man arguing with a positively terrified-looking harbor-representative…

‘What do you mean, “you can’t do that”!? Don’t you realize what I’m doing!?’ a man looking like an exquisitely stereotypical pirate captain said, with a hat, his right hand a hook, his left leg a pegleg, his hair black and cape red, and with what looked like a sword sheathed on his side. Behind said pirate captain stood two blonde girls, also in pirate-like outfits that might seriously threaten the PG nature of this roleplaying game (at least the right one), their arms crossed looking as unhappy as their captain. And behind them, stood a towering giant white polar bear of a Pokémon, also looking angry. Very angry.

‘Sir Zachery, I’m telling you, this time you might actually end up in trouble…!’ the sort of scared representative he was talking to said.

‘What kind of trouble!?’ Zachery demanded, his voice one who was used to his every command being followed. He threw out his hand, and declared. ‘The people of Isson have always been proud of the variety of the Pokémon found on their region, declaring that all Pokémon could be found here… but that is not so!’ He threw out both of his hands(hand and hook) in a majestic display. ‘So I chose to be the savior of the people! I have returned from across the sea, where I collected specimen of every single Pokémon that does not naturally inhabit Isson, ready to release all over the land! Isson would finally be the land where any Pokémon can be found! And you’re telling me I can’t!?

Behind him, the two girls gave their respective “hmpfs” of unsatisfaction, and the bear breathed out in frustration, looking ready to attack.

‘I-I’m sorry, sir!’ the person who looked inadequately prepared to handle someone with this big a personality sounded. ‘But what you’re talking about is introducing non-native Pokémon to Isson! They’d be invasive species, and there’s no telling what would happen! I know you have a tendency not to follow the rules, being a pirate and all, but I implore you, PLEASE check with the Pokémon League, and consider the environment of Isson before you make hasty decisions…!’

‘Huff!’ the pirate crossed his arms, looking utterly unhappy. ‘Then what am I supposed to do with my hull full of cross-regional Pokémon!?’ he complained, tapping the ground in irritation with the toes on his not-pegleg foot, looking away from the harbor representative…

… And that was, assuming Basil was anywhere close right now, Zachery’s eyes suddenly zeroed in on him. And the scary pirate grinned. ‘YOU THERE!’ Zachery called to Basil, pointing with his giant hook. The eyes of the girls, as well as the Beartic, also turned to look at him. ‘It’s your lucky day! Now tell me, what kind of Pokémon do you want!? Describe it to me!’

Basil is, of course, free to turn tail and just run, or otherwise reject the suggested offer.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.


@Joshua Tamashii Amelia senses ghost-Pokémon by the harbor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 4 hrs ago


The energy in the port was absolutely electric; workers were going about helping hull goods off ships and there were stalls filled with various goods, smells, and sights as far as the eye can see. Basil's eyes lit up at the prospect of finding unique items that could not be found in Isson and began his little adventure in the marketplace. The mail was not exactly the most enticing thing in the world though what caught his eye were the ash glass flutes on display. Of course he was not allowed to touch them since dropping them would put both the the shopkeeper and him in a bad position so Basil just admired them in their glass cases. It was temping to drop some cash to buy one, but it would more than likely burn a hole into his wallet and he doesn't even know how to play to begin with, after all, he was a mandolin player.

Food was also one of the things that caught his eye and there all kinds from all over the world. They all looked so tempting to buy and really he would have bought something if he did not catch something from the corner of his eye, something completely out of place.

"What the hell?" Basil said, looking at what appeared to be an honest to god pirate ship. There were so many questions, but it was so out there that he did not even know what to ask. The only thing he thought to do was to to get closer to it so examine it in greater detail and as he got closer, he saw an actual pirate captain towering over some poor man who looked rather displeased. Behind him were two...interestingly dressed women and a giant bear that looked like it was going to maul someone in a second. Basil took his Pokedex and scanned the angry looking thing.

"Pokédex Entry #614 – Beartic, the Freezing Pokémon. They love the cold seas of the north. It creates pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their own breath, and swims around northern seas to catch prey. It creates fangs and claws of ice using its breath to fight with, and are very capable swimmers."

Huh, and that thing was ready to rip someone into shreds.

What really got Basil's attention though was Zachery angrily proclaiming that he was going to introduce non-native Pokemon to Isson. Now he did not know about anyone else, but that certainly was something of great interest to him though that seemed to be the issue that they were arguing about. Well, it's not like Basil did not understand that introducing foreign Pokemon could have severe ramifications so that Zachery fellow was in one heck of a bind, until his eyes met his and a hooked hand was directly pointing at him.

"Me?" Basil looked left and right to see if he was referring to anyone else, but nope, he somehow got roped into this. So this was the start of his journey: being offered a Pokemon by a scary pirate and his subordinates. It's not like would have objected to it though that Beartic certainly cemented the deal just by looking terrifying.

What did he even want though? It was not like he had that great of an understanding on what kind of Pokemon there were! He was just a beginning trainer!""Um, I literally just received my first Pokemon so I don't think I could handle something insanely strong right now..."

He scratched his neck as he began to think on what he wanted though he had a thought; he wanted to cover Cecil's weakness though he wanted some serious potential for fire power. There was something actually, something he saw on a TV special about the Pokemon in the Galar region. "Actually, there is something. It's a Pokemon from Galar that's electric and poison typing and its evolution plays music though I can't remember what it's called."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Ryu heard faint quick-moving muffled footsteps getting a bit louder towards the door as instinct told him to do one logical thing. Move the hell out of the way. He dashed to the side, tripping on a shoelace in the process falling face-first into some bushes as the door was slammed open from someone. "Ouch..."He groaned getting himself free from the bush rubbing his face before patting himself down to make sure nothing else was hurting along with making sure he had everything he came with. As much as he wanted to yell at the trainer that came out like the building was on fire. He decided against it. He wasn't here to start making enemies. No, He was here for the pokemon he actually considered a friend.

He dusted himself off while fixing his hair to try looking somewhat presentable before seeing Professor Kalmia at the entrance seeing everything "uh right...Mom sent me saying someone was here for me." he spoke moving after her into the lab He was amazed to see how the lab looked and it was so lively with other trainers, research books of who knows and tons of pokemon. he was trying to wrap his head around it all before hearing Professor Kalmia introduce him to everyone else "Uh hi, I'm Ryu VanIsis, Nice to meet you."He said to them giving an uncertain wave. he watched and took in the information best he knew how. just staying quiet and soak in the information his ears and eyes saw and heard. he accepted the items the professor gave him as well looking at them while his ears listened "NO I am sure I got all of that."He spoke putting the items away before seeing her handing him a rolled ball. He was hoping that the thing inside was who he hoped it was.

"Alright, I hope I know how to do this." He said crouching down on the balls of his feet before he opened the Pokeball to see the creature forming in front of him. A smile grew on his face to see the familiar figure of Fennekin in front of him. The Fox like pokemon UNcurled itself from its rest position stretching before sitting up scratching its ear with a hind leg "Fennekin...I am happy to see you again."He spoke as it took a few blinks from the fox before it immediately got up jumping at him nuzzling and licking his face in delight. Ryu fell back on to his but letting out a laugh "I know I know...I missed you too."He said happily.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Eryn Montero

Lakewatch Town || Day 5: Noon || @PlatinumSkink

With Wilhelm and Quagsire occupied, Eryn was left on her own, Tula’s Pokeball in hand as she looked around the room again. Zeroing in on the passing Claydol, she grinned, trailing after it through the ruins. It was a bit difficult to move over wires and pipes as fast as a floating Pokemon, but she did her best, ducking behind pillars and pipes every time the Claydol paused. Being cautious never hurt, especially given that her current situation involved floating, laser-eyed constructs and a bunch of gut feelings based off nothing.

Her caution paid off when the Claydol turned around in the room ahead, the shifting of its arms alerting Eryn as to its movements. A peek around the corner showed that the Claydol was pointing its arms in her general direction, which was alarming enough to prompt her to hightail it back the way she came. Back down the corridor she ran, stopping only when she spotted Wilhelm and the Quagsire.

“Went the wrong way there,” she said, flashing them an awkward smile when they looked up. Then, looking around again, she figured she’d keep going straight, given that the other intersection turned not far ahead.

Whatever it was that had brought her here was still present in a vague sensation that urged her on. However, there was a new feeling—one that wasn’t so friendly. The second wanted her out, away from whatever lay ahead, but this wasn’t the first time Eryn had felt ominous feelings, and she figured it wouldn’t be the last.

“Let’s see what you’re hiding down here,” she said, grinning as she jogged down the corridor directly across from the one she’d exited.

Back on land, Eryn’s Pokemon were occupying themselves best they could. Dei and Eri had again broken off to start chatting with each other, Dei nodding and listening intensely as Eri spoke, his Nuzleaf form allowing him to experiment with some basic hand language. Beside them was Peri, who’d chosen to face the other way to blatantly express her discontent with the entire situation. Their trainer had gone off without them, and as much as she liked the fact that she wasn’t stuck back into a Pokeball, it irritated her to think that the human hadn’t thought it necessary to bring her along. Since when was a Magikarp more useful than an Onix? Plus, there was the fact that she was now being regarded by a very nosy, persistent, and, dare she think it, annoying Mawile that was her other teammate. Kylie was the Mawile’s name, and she didn’t take hints as easily as Dei and Eri did. The lackadaisical smile on her face never left, even when Peri turned to fix the much smaller Pokemon with a glare, and Peri didn’t like it one bit.

Just when Peri had just about made up her mind on whether or not to ‘accidently’ smack the Mawile with her tail, she heard footsteps in the distance, and she uncoiled, rising to her full height as a human in a swimsuit walked over. Though Peri didn’t recognize the human, Dei and Eri did, and they filled her and Kylie in on the details. It was a bit unsettling to think that so many people had witnessed her hatching without her even knowing, but she supposed it didn’t matter much in the long run. What interested her more was the trainer’s apparent strength, which both Eri and Dei confirmed in unison.

The human pointed at her at one point, prompting a grinding sniff on her part. It was hard to see the girl as strong when she had no Pokemon around her, but since even Dei had confirmed it, she figured it had to be true. Curiously, it seemed that Kylie was no longer interested in bothering her now that the girl had arrived. She’d placed Kylie as a bit shallow-minded, but Kylie’s gaze at the moment was anything but—until the Mawile caught her looking and lit up with that irritating smile again, skipping to her side to continue asking whether Peri could give her a ride or something of the sort.

The arrival of two more trainers prompted another explanation from Dei, which rubbed Peri the wrong way. She got that Dei was Eryn’s starter and was technically the most ‘senior’ member of the team and all, but the day she acknowledged the Charmander’s superiority would be the day she acknowledged that he was stronger than her, and frankly that’d never happen. Instead, she focused on the pack of Pokemon that’d arrived, all of whom were, as she noted with pleasure, much smaller and weaker-looking than herself. The only exception was the one leafy-covered Pokemon, but even that one was smaller than her, so Peri didn’t pay it much mind. Her attention was snapped up, rather, by the tentacled Pokemon the first trainer called out, which, unlike the others, did look strong despite being smaller than her. Soon enough, though, the horde of little Pokemon were returned and the trainers dove into the water, presumably to where Eryn had gone, and Kylie was back to bothering her again. So, settling down at the water’s edge, she coiled up, peering into the murk with a frown.

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