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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Ranger slowly lowered her arm again, focusing on her balance and moving slowly. Too fast and she would risk tearing apart the fragile bridge she found, of some long bunch of vines. She'd have to have Kawaken water it later, if she had the time.

"How can my luck be so good but so bad..?" Her balance was just getting away from her when Said grabbed on to her. "Whoa, hey, wait! Don't suddenly add-!" oh, there was an Abra in her arms already. "- weight." The sudden addition of this widespread though highly elusive psychic type's weight, just short of twenty kilos, or (whoa, it's actually exactly) 43 lbs., would probably be enough.

This hole couldn't be too deep, could it?

The vine she was standing on snapped under the sudden added strain. She just hoped Saur would have the good sense not to get himself hurt.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah wasn't sure it was the best decision to send in her Abra but she didn't have much other options. She was too weak, it would surely end in both of them falling down. she would have to hope the extra weight of the Abra wasn't going to be too much.
Abra looked at Saur. "I got this. You can release."
When the vine snapped Sarah watched in horror. "Saur!" Saur let go of Regan. "Abra!" Sarah gasped.

When Abra was in Regans arms he looked up and down, tilted his head and focussed. When the vine snapped Abra used teleport an instant later but instead of teleporting up, he teleported Regan down into the pokemon-made tunnel. Abra looked down the tunnel and tugged Regans arm and pointed. Not that there was anything to see now. "We should go there." Abra said, eventhough he knew the human wouldn't understand, before he fell asleep.

Sarah was worried when Abra and Regan didn't appear next to her. "Abra? Regan?" she yelled down the hole. Did the teleport fail and did they fall down? How deep was it? She didn't know. "Gira! I need your help." Gira walked up to Sarah and Saur. "We need to get them out, somehow Abra didn't teleport Regan here." Gira nodded. "I'll see if I can get some vines to climb down or something."

Gabe quickly brought his friend to the newly bought house. They had to make haste as his friends sister was on the island. Gabe didn't know the details but fast he could do. It didn't take too long to reach the house. "I got to head to the rocky area's quickly, there is a herb there dad wants to use in his stew. You are free to tag along."

Gabe started to go towards the rocky area, enjoying the walk. He didn't walk slowly and often increased the pace to a jog.
he noticed another traveller on the road. "He there! Great weather don't you think? On your way to the rocky area?" there weren't a lot of roads and clear paths on the island so for people born on the island educated guesses where easily made.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location Right Outside of Mesperit City
Interaction: Gabe @Salenea

Getting ready to leave the town to head out to the rockier region of the Island. Bakuto was trying to keep up with his Absol who was looking forward to heading to a new place already. Bakuto didn't get far when someone called out to him saying a few words and asking about the weather and if he was going to the Rocky Reigons. Bakuto calls towards his Absol, "Wait up looks like we have someone who wants to talk to us." Absol stopped and lays down going to wait for his trainer to do his conversation with the stranger.

Bakuto then turns to see who called out he then answers, "Yeah the weather is nice. Also I was heading to the Rockier regions, was hoping to run into some strong pokemon to join my team with my Absol there and I" He smiles then says after offering his hand to shake as he introduces himself, "I am Bakuto, and that over there is my Absol." The red and white Absol's top fin gives a light twitch like a wave but not quite one then says its name as it introduces itself without really getting up. He then says, "You heading there this Rocky region as well? Not really sure where I am fully going not from around here." Bakuto was hoping this was someone who knew the area as getting to his destination would be easier with someone who knows where they are going.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As she felt the vines give way under her, her body reacted. Or... Would have reached, but her feet found the floor before she had time to fall very far. "Oh." Her presence had grown heavier as a power swelled within her, but it subsided. "Good job, Abra. Nice save."

Regan looked up at the hole she made. She hadn't gotten a good sense of how far it was, but she knew someone would be worried, "I'm alright! Abra teleported us down. Stay away from the sinkhole, or you might fall in, too! We'll just have to meet up somewhere else. Try to find Rapier, he'll help you find me."

Abra directed her deeper into the cave. She could only trust it's direction, without knowing which way the cave was going. "Oh, my lantern." She felt around herself, not finding it nearby. She shouldn't lose her equipment... And her audience was gone. Situating Abra onto one arm, she focused Aura into her free palm and drew upon the things she'd learned from Terra, so long ago. To feel and listen to the earth beneath her feet. She crouched and pat the ground here or there. She couldn't feel very far like this, maybe just a meter or two in one general direction, but.. far enough. She felt a strange metal object nearby, and discovered that it was indeed her lantern. The batteries hadn't gotten dislodged, either, so it turned on without trouble.

Abra had tried to get her attention, and directed her... That way. Rapier would figure out how to find her, but she had to figure out how to get back up to the surface, first. Abra's direction was the only lead she had, so that was the way she went.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah stepped back after hearing Regans warning. She felt relieved that Abra and Regan were fine and the ranger was right that she shouldn't fall in. Regan had said they were fine so the reason Abra hadn't come back must have been that he fell asleep again. The pokemon slept 18 hours a day if he could afterall.

Sarah thought and she brought her hand to Weedle's pokeball. "Saur, wrap your vines around me and lower yourself in the sinkhole. Weedle, sit on Saur's back, keep the flashlight in place, and help to look for them."
The pokemon nodded and did as Sarah said. Sarah put the flashlight on Saur's back and Weedle shot a little bit of string shot to keep the flashlight in place. Sarah switched it on and Saur lowered himself. They could just see the tunnel and the way Regan was going. "We'll see you on the surface." Saur said in his pokemon speech, which he knew humans couldn't understand but at least Regan knew that they knew which way they went.

When Sarah's pokemon resurfaced Saur pointed with his vine in the direction Regan walked off too. Sarah squinted her eyes a bit and thought she could see a small line on the ground that was going in the direction Saur pointed out. It could be the underground path Regan was following, the surface did seem to have an irregularity parallel to the tunnel.
Sarah nodded, "very well, then that way we go." They would have to leave a signal for Rapier though, she didn't know how to find the Staraptor otherwise.
"Rapier!" she shouted, hoping Rapier would hear her.
"Weedle, fire sting shot on the ground, make an arrow in the direction we are going. Keep shooting little blobs of string shot as a trail to follow as we move on if Rapier hasn't found us yet. Gira walk ahead but come back often to see we are still following you." Gira nodded and walked ahead of them. Sarah picked up her Weedle so he was higher so he could make an arrow out of string shot better. "I think we need to get you to become a Beedrill as soon as able," she said. Weedle stopped for a second and nodded. It was his biggest wish to be a strong Beedrill and be able to fly above the trees. He would train until he dropped. Weedle finished his arrow. "Looks great." Sarah praised her pokemon.

Abra was sound asleep, he was still aware of his surroundings and noticed Gira above them on the surface.

Gabe was glad there was someone on the path and he was even happier the guy seemed friendly and willing to talk and have company. The more the merrier in his opinion. The Absol looked cool.

Gabe shook the hand. "I'm Gabe. It's great to meet you and Absol." He gave a small wave back to Absol. Mareep came out of her pokeball to look at the trainer and pokemon that Gabe just met. "Oh and this is Mareep, worlds most curious pokemon." Hiiiiiii." Mareep said jovially. "I am on my way to the rocky area as a matter of fact. I need some herbs there for dad's stew. On this island, they only grow there. I am born and raised on this island, I often played in the rocky area. Quite often had to be saved from there too. But I know my way around there better than around the forest. I keep getting lost in the forest." Gabe started walking again. "You made it quite far on your on already, very impressive for someone not knowing his way around." he complimented Bakuto. "What pokemon do you hope to find?" Gabe asked.

@CitrusArms @BladeSS4
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location Right Outside of Mesperit City
Interaction: Gabe @Salenea

"Nice to meet you Gabe." Bakuto says as he shakes Gabe's hand as the two introduce themselves to each other then Bakuto turns to the Mareep and says, "Nice to meet you too Mareep. Absol say hi." Absol looks at his trainer then at the Mareep then turns and continues walking off towards the direction they all needed to go.

Bakuto then says, "Sorry about that, Absol is always acting serious. Wanting to get to where we are going to se can get to catching pokemon and training our team up." Bakuto was apologizing the his serious natured Absol Bakuto then replies once again to answer Gabe's last question, "Im looking for any new pokemon that I can use in the league around here. Absol here doesn't qualify for the Rorie league, which is a shame since he is one of my best pokemon. I only have one other pokemon that can be used once I defeat the other gym leaders." Bakuto begins to walk with Gabe he then adds quickly, "I just met and had the battle the Mesperit City gym leader, if I had a pokemon type I was looking for it would be a ground type after that battle. The gym leader had a lot of tough and strong pokemon. If I could find a tough pokemon that is similar to them that would be awesome."

While walking Bakuto pulls our his pokedex and uses it for the Mareep, 'Mareep, the Wool Pokémon. Mareep store static electricity in their wooly coats. They avoid battles and have mild dispositions.' Bakuto smiles then puts the pokedex after it reads off the stuff about the pokemon and after reading other things like the type and other general stuff of the pokemon.

Bakuto keeps walking he says, "I don't know if finding my way around is that impressive, mostly I looked at a map at the pokemon center before leaving, and I have been following Absol who has been..." He pauses and says louder for Absol to here, "Leading me there!" He goes back to talking normal, "So you are looking for herbs, but I see you have a pokemon. Have you tried competing for the league?" Bakuto keeps talking to keep the conversation up, but he also is looking around for any pokemon that might be around as they make their way to the destination. Bakuto was letting Gabe mostly lead, while Absol just walked in front of them with its serious tone about things.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mareep set off after Absol frolic. "Hi Absol! How are you doing?" she asked. She looked back at Gabe before looking at Absol again.

Gabe waved with his hand to dismiss the apology. "No need to apologise for the nature of a pokemon." he said before he followed Bakuto and adjusted his pace to Bakuto's. Gabe listened to Bakuto and nodded. "Yeah it makes the league interesting yet challenging that you can only use the four types, or dual types. But it rules out a whole lot of pokemon." He looked surprised at Bakuto. You battled Henri already? Awesome. Henri is a cool guy, can't wait to take him on once."

He listened to the pokedex. "That's true you know, Mareep is a sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a flying-type. In fact, she hates have a type advantage. She battles for me but not if she doesn't have too." Mareep looked at the two trainers and let out a happy "Mareeep."

Gabe chuckled. The Absol sure seemed to know what he was doing. Gabe glanced at the other trainer. "Yeah, I do have pokemon but I haven't tried to compete for the league yet, I still have to do my first gym battle. But like you, I don't have many that are even allowed in the league. I have Mareep and Machop that both have the wrong types, and only Machop would be good against Henri. I do have a fire type, Tepig. I picked him up in Unova but didn't do the league there either, let alone many gyms. Turned out I wasn't made for travelling alone so I returned home." Gabe shrugged. "it is time I start my round around the islands."

He looked around. “I know a shortcut. At the crooked tree, just a bit farther down the path, we should go left and after a while, once we reach a big boulder in the grass we go right. It'll lead to a less know path into the rocky area. I'm sure we'll come across a pokemon you like."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Regan adjusted the Abra she was carrying now into her back, and had him wear get bag. It would be handy to have his ball, but it couldn't be helped. A light from behind her caught her attention. It was Saur, the Bulbasaur! Holding onto her flashlight, no less. How cute. She waved, before motioning behind her. She'd be continuing that way.

She didn't know what lay ahead, or even if Abra was directing her to the exit. Was he using some kind of far sight, or something? Sure could be headed right toward the Onix, instead... If she weren't so worried about meeting back up with Sarah, she could just relax and go with the flow. Then again, she has her Abra, and Sarah can rely on Rapier. He'd better help her out.


Rapier heard his name clearly, and felt that something had probably happened. It wasn't her voice, though... Was it that woman that was with her?

He saw it from above. The hole that had opened up in their path, and the tunnel beneath. Flying in caves was always trouble... Before, this was a time where she would have put him in his ball.

There was the other woman. She was in the middle of leaving him a sign. Oh, give me a little credit... He had stayed close enough to respond quickly if called. Apparently, that hadn't been enough, this time.

The bird let out a whistle as he closed in before lighting to a large rock. Not so many branches around here. He perched and watched the young lady, wondering what she would have him do. Regan was... In the tunnels below? If this woman was traveling with her, then she'd probably want to reunite. He wasn't sure how to proceed, though. He didn't hunt in caves, and wouldn't know how to search them out. Perhaps Sarah had an idea.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location Somewhere on the road Outside of Mesperit City
Interaction: Gabe @Salenea

'Hi Mareep, I'm fine,' Absol says back to Mareep without looking back or taking a pause in moving forward to wherever they were going. Bakuto listened to Gabe hearing where he is from and his other pokemon and about henry. Bakuto comments, "Henri was a tough battle. Didn't really have any type advantage. Just had tactics I used to get ahead." Bakuto pauses then follows up, "I'm from the Hoeen region myself, came here orginally with two pokemon. Absol here and my Nincada, but then Nincada evolved on the trip over here so I have three. Ninjask, Shedinja and Absol. Won the battle with Absol but then again Absol is probably my strongest pokemon." Absol didn't say anything but he didn't have to, his demeanor mostly said it for him as he knows he is current Bakuto's strongest pokemon.

Bakuto hears Gabe's suggestion of a shortcut. At first he was a bit weary of just using some short cut that he hasn't heard of before, but he didn't know anything about this region. Getting lost wouldn't be bad for Bakuto, he was mostly out here to train and look for pokemon. Bakuto then yells up towards Absol, "Hey Gabe has a shortcut, I think might be interest to take. Maybe we should let him take the lead to show us this short cut."

Absol pauses for a moment almost considering this or to consider to keep walking. Then the flap on his head moved forward to basically saying to go right ahead and lead. Absol not really caring of who is leading as long as they get to where they were heading so he can get back to training. Meanwhile Bakuto keeps his eyes wandering around looking for any pokemon they might find on their way through this 'shortcut'.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah looked up when she heard the whistle. "Rapier." she sighed, relieved the pokemon had found them before she was following, what she hoped was, the same direction as Regan was going. "Regan fell down a hole and is in some sort of tunnel. She is fine and we are going to follow the same direction and hopefully, we'll meet up soon." Sarah pointed in the direction they were going, they would have to leave the pokemon-made path they were following now but they could return here if needed. "If you fly you might see an irregularity on the surface, like something pushed up some ground. A narrow line. Maybe you can find the end of the tunnel." At least Sarah hoped it would have a clear end and not disappear in a network or tunnels and caves. There had to be a reason Regan decided on that direction. "Let's go find Regan." she said to Rapier.

Sarah dug up a map and marked her location and way she was going. That hole should be reported and the tunnel investigated to see if it had more instable spots. But that wasn't her field, she could only tell others her observations but not do anything about it. She looked at the map and the general direction of the line, if it wouldn't make a turn somewhere, seemed to be heading to a large rock formation that was known to have some cave entrances. "Lets follow Gira." she said to her pokemon. Sarah put Weedle on her shoulder and Saur walked besides her. Gira wasn't the strongest in psychic powers but Abra was. She hoped Gira could at least pickup some vibes or something.

Gira kept going in the direction Sarah had pointed out. She looked back often and was glad when Sarah was starting to follo too. Gira felt sure that Abra and the Ranger were close.

"Great to hear that! Happy you are fine." she replied. She listened to the trainers talk a bit. "How was the battle? Must have been tough." That the bigger Absol didn't seem much of a talker didn't stop Mareep from striking up a conversation.

"A pokemon can do that when evolving?" Gabe had never heard of Ninjask and Nincada before, he didn't know anything about Hoenn either, other than that it was one of the regions to battle in. Maybe he should start to travel again one day. But ith some friends this time and not alone.
He was glad Bakuto wanted to go on his shortcut. It was even better when the Absol deemed the short cut worthy of trying out. "Great! You won't regret it!" The tree wasn't that far off luckily.
Mareep glanced at Gabe, she knew what short cut he meant. And technically it could be seen as a short cut. But she was positive Gabe knew what he was doing this time. Humans seemed to learn from mistakes.

Gabe lead them to the tree he mentioned and went left as he had said, the big boulder was a bit away. "What kind of pokemon are you looking for on the rocky area? I saw a Larvitar once. A friend of mine said he saw a Gible. Onix are around here. One big one but that one is very elusive and the island people don't like it getting caught." Gabe was thinking which one he missed.
"There are also cute little Shuckle" Mareep said to Absol. "I love watching them scurrying for berries."

@CitrusArms @BladeSS4

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

She fell in a hole? Of course she did. Rapier sighed softly, familiar with the Ranger's luck. Yet, somehow, it would work out for the better. She would usually turn it around in some fashion. He was supposed to look for a tunnel entrance, then? The bird gave an affirmative whistle before taking flight. He wasn't really sure what he was looking for, but perhaps he'd know once he'd seen it.

Meanwhile, Regan walked her way down a plain tunnel. It twisted and turned a little bit, but was fairly straightforward. It was pretty empty, too. Was it new? Someone was a little clumsy, digging so close to the surface like that. Could hurt somebody.

The tunnel eventually turned away at a pile of rocks. "Looks like… a cave in? Or maybe Rock Slide. I don't think we're very deep. Kawaken, come help me dig out of here." As the Ranger started to pick up the loose rocks she could find from the pile, the pokeball on her hip popped open and her Poliwhirl emerged, giving a hearty flex before getting to work at Regan's side. "Try to pick the ones that are loose first. If it's not just wishful thinking, we might be able to pick our way out of here safely."

Above, Rapier scanned the terrain. It was hard to tell if he was searching effectively when he wasn't too sure what he was looking for. He never enjoyed the feeling of searching like this, armed with only a vague idea of what to look for. It didn't happen often, fortunately. And a bit more fortune for him, he saw something move in that pile of rocks. He didn't see what, but he knew something moved. He started a wide circle, watching for more movement… There! The rocks were moving. Shifting.

Back below, Regan and Kawaken had just avoided a rock slide from their digging. "Whoooaa… that was really close. You ok?" She looked at her Poliwhirl and pat him on the head as he pumped an arm into the air. "Good." It was then she noticed something. There was light. Coming from the collapse. As the dust settled, she saw it, coming through the rocks. She turned off her lantern and confirmed it. "There's the surface." Though, she had to wonder where those rocks tumbled off to. The tunnel descended after this point. "Think you can… bubble beam it? It'll be safer if we just blast through from here. … For us. Hmm…"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah followed Gira and Rapier, carefully she planted her feet as she didn't want to risk to fall in a cave-in herself. Saur fell a step a bit behind so he could grab her if she would fall in a hole too. Sarah couldn't help contemplating what would have caused it. Weedle softly nudges Sarah to get her out of thought when he noticed Rapier circling something. Sarah paused and looked from Rapier to what she thought was in the centre of the circle. A pile of rocks? Sarah approached to take a look at it.

Gira halted near the pile of rocks and wondered what Rapier had seen in them. with a tilted head she examined and stepped back surprised as she saw movement. "They move? Regan or another cave in? We should still be above them." she asked. Gira turned to Sarah to see what she thought.

When the rockslide happened Abra sensed the danger and teleported to safety but still close to Regan and still sound asleep.

Sarah approached carefully and examined it. She could have sworn she saw some dust coming from between the rocks somewhere. "Might be a recent collapse." she mused. "Regan?" she shouted, "Are you there?" she realised she might be shouting to nothing but a bunch of rocks, and even if Regan was down there she wasn't even sure if her voice could carry down there. "Stand back Gira, if it'll collapse further you don't want to stand to close."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

What's that? A voice? Regan's eyes lifted to peer at the light, coming from somewhere in the pile. "Kawaken, I think we're in luck." She approached the pile, which seems to have settled for the time. "Sarah? Is that you? We're lucky, this could have been real tricky!" Well, it still was pretty tricky, wasn't it? This rock slide that had been used to plug up this exit was going to be a problem to dismantle from below. As they had discovered.

"Is Rapier with you? He might be able to clear some of this up with Seismic Toss."

A rumble disturbed her feet. "... Uh oh." She turned and looked down the tunnel. "A-aah, Kawaken, fill the tunnel with bubbles for a barrier! I think we may have found our friend. It seems we've disturbed him..."

Kawaken fell one fist into his other palm, struck by a thought. It sounded like he did when something got between him and fresh water. "Poli."

"Hm. So, you think he's, what, nesting? Like, for mating season? Oooh, he'll be pissed... You better get on that wall. You might even need a boost, if that's the mood he's in. Here." She knelt behind Kawaken and put a hand on his head. She focused for a moment, and something subtle happened. A shift in the winds of the tunnel, ever so slightly, ever so brief. "Alright, go."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

@BladeSS4 @Salenea
When they would reach the big boulder Gabe had mentioned, they would notice a Confused Rattata. The Pokémon, not malicious by nature, would attack them, despite them being larger than the small Pokémon and outnumber it greatly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location Somewhere on the road Outside of Mesperit City
Interaction: Gabe @Salenea

"I didnt know Pokemon evolved that way either until Nincada evolved. I think it is one of the only pokemon that evolves in this way." Bakuto comments on Gabe's amazement of his pokemon evolving in its weird way.

"Im looking for any pokemon really. I battled against Henri, so I guess I want pokemon that are like his. They were tough and pretty neat but I will catch any pokemon that will fit well with my current team." Bakuto said as he answered Gabes question this part cheerfully as he walked with Gabe through the forest. Keeping his eye out for pokemon as he walked. By a chance of good luck they ran into a Ratatata. Almost in an instant Bakuto pulls out his pokedex and looks up that pokemon.

'A Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly moves its ears and listens for danger. It will make its nest anywhere.'

After listening to his pokedex Bakuto smiles and says, "Looks like we have a Rattata here neat. Although is it me or does it look like it is a bit confused. Maybe one of us should try and catch it then see why it is confused? Its a normal type, as far as the league is concerned it isn't able to battle in the big league itself but it looks like a nice pokemon to me!" Baktuo is happy they found a pokemon. Even though it wasn't a ground type like he was setting out to look for it was a pokemon he didn't have. He was going to first see if Gabe wants it or see if they should try and catch it or not. He was mindful of its state of confusion but wasn't going to let a chance like this get away.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
Avatar of Salenea

Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah let out a sigh of relief. Regan was there and she was alright, they had been lucky indeed. "Yes, Rapier is here! I'll tell him." Sarah was about to turn to Rapier when Regan told Kawaken to make a bubble barrier. "Rapier, Regan wants you to do Seismic Toss on this rock slide to clear it as much as you can. You might want to hurry, something is down there." She turned to Gira, "We'll see what we can do after we see how much Rapier can clear with Seismic Toss." Gira nodded.

Sarah stood back further to make sure she would be out of harm's way as she wasn't sure how the move would work on the rockslide. Her pokemon stood beside her, watching Rapier and making sure they could catch debris hurling their before it would hit anyone.
Saur glanced at Gira "You got this?" Gira nodded, not taking her eyes off the target Rapier had to hit. "I hope Abra is fine." she said.

Gabe was listening to Bakuto and didn't even notice the Rattata until Bakuto took out his pokedex and it started informing about a Rattata. He looked around and sure enough, there was one. When Bakuto asked if it looked confused Gabe kneeled down to look a little closer. "I dunno, I guess," he said with a shrug. "All yours buddy if you want one," he added when he stood back straight again.

Mareep came back closer and looked curiously at the pokemon. "Hi there!" she said. "Oh, poor thing looks confused." she said sympathetically. Gabe turned to Bakuto. "You can't use it for the League but that shouldn't stop someone from picking a pokemon they like. My sister picked a Weedle as her first official caught pokemon." just seconds after he spoke the Rattata used a tackle attack towards Gabe. Mareep reacted quickly and bumped Gabe out of the way. "Whoaa! What just happend?"

@CitrusArms @BladeSS4
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Well... If it was really Regan's order. Rapier wasn't too pleased about taking an order from someone else, but he understood the situation well enough to know better than to argue right now, too. He motioned with his head toward a tree and boulder to the side and gave a soft wristle, then lit from the perch he'd found and brought himself down to the blockage, treading the air (as one would tread water, yes?) He grabbed a rock in his talons and began beating the air with his powerful wings. In a show is strength worthy of a championship bird, he hoisted his choice of projectile into the air. He gained some height before swooping down for speed and using that to climb higher with less effort.

Below, Kawaken was putting the last few bubbles into his wall. Regan heard her bird at work, and knew the time to stand back was soon. "Good work. Return." With one safely in his ball, she just needed to safeguard Abra. She picked him up and looked around quickly, sussing out the best place to stand. "Probably riiight... Here." She nestled into a place nearby. A little space in the wall. Must've cracked from something.

She looked at Abra. "It's a good thing you can take care of yourself... You've got such a low presence, if you weren't so heavy, I might forget I was carrying you. Hmm, I wonder if you're doing that on purpose... Clever little Abra."

Rapier had gained a satisfactory amount of height. With a great effort, he began the toss. And quickly find himself following through immediately. Rocks are dense!

He tucked his wings in without thinking, just to keep up with his payload. He fluttered this way or that to line it up, carefully. He didn't want to lift this again. With a falcon's cry, he announced the impending crash and released the stone, opening his wings and peeling away.

"Oh, there it is! Here it-" The pile blocking her escape got smashed, some fracturing, many breaking. By no means did it remove the obstacle, but it crushed it enough to make a large hole. But man, it was loud! Regan had to orient herself quickly as she got Abra on her back. "Can you hold on for me? I need my hands."

She had to cheat just a bit to make sure she didn't fall because none of her foot or hand holds were secure, but Regan made her way up quickly. Once at the entrance, she hoisted Abra onto the nearest side of solid ground. "There, it's solid there. The whole tunnel's a sinkhole waiting to happen. I need to teach that Onix a lesson about where he's digging..." She was a bit out of breath, still only halfway out of the tunnel.

A roar from within the tunnel. "Conveniently, he may be coming to us."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah watched Rapier closely, curious to see how the move would look when this pokemon would preform it. She could hardly believe the flying-type was able to manage a rock like that with his talons. Impressed she witnessed the move being performed. The falcons' cry made Weedle flinch and Sarah petted him reassuringly. "Don't worry, you're a tough Weedle and I will protect you." Weedle nodded but looked sideways at Rapier. The sound that followed the crash was loud and Sarah could only imagine how much louder it must have sounded under the ground. She hurried to the obstacle to see if Rapier was alright and it had been as effective as it sounded.

Abra woke up briefly from impact and crushing sound, he heard Regan ask if he could hold on and he nodded before dozing off again while holding on to Regan. Abra noticed subconsciously he was put down on the ground.

Sarah sighed in relief when she saw Regan's head popping up from the hole Rapier made. She picked up her Abra, hugged him and recalled him to his pokeball. "Thank you," she said as she offered her hand to help Regan. Saur extended a vine as well to assist Regan.
"The Onix is there and coming closer?" She asked after she heard the roar and Regans remark. "I should register him on my pokedex for the professor," she said looking at the hole, thinking she could take a quick look, scan and go back again. "Did you see anything else down there?"
Weedle jumped down and made his way to the hole to peek down curiously at what an Onix was.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

The Rattata ran off before an attempt to catch it could be made, but it ran into a tree. Shaking its head it wobbled around the tree and dove into some bushes.
A voice could be heard, not too far from where Bakuto and Gabe were. "Where did that Rattata go to?"
Moments later a Misdreavus floated into sight and stared at them.

A slight tremor could be felt in the ground as the roar sounded closer to them. It could very well be the Onix following the tunnel it had dug. Undoubtedly it would notice the daylight from the new hole and it was very likely it would rise to the surface at that location.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Regan paused so Sarah could more easily get the Abra off her back. That made it easier to pull herself the rest of the way out of the hole. She rolled to her feet, Kawaken's pokeball in her hand again already. "Yep. Step back. He's not pleased that we've interrupted him. It's his own fault, though..."

Rapier was circling, watching the situation below. It seemed as though the situation had gotten more interesting. Regan was ready for a fight. Ah, but look there. Some young fool decided to get close. Good way to get hurt. The bird banked into a dive. The bug was so occupied with the hole in front of it, he didn't notice. Plucked him right up, said "careful, now", and lifted quickly back to the sky.

"Good..." Bugs didn't mix well with rocks. And Rapier wouldn't eat bugs anyway. He preferred fish over everything, though rodents would do where fish were unavailable. "Keep your distance! Feel the ground shake?" He was charging through the tunnel he'd dug. Rather clumsily, if she took a guess. She had to wonder what he was gonna do about all those bubbles.

The Onix, to its credit, thought better of charging through the wall of bubbles, and instead decided to dig straight up and emerge immediately. The ground would shake as the large creature carved a path. The stone serpent emerged with a great roar, tossing a few rocks in the motion. The Ranger had kept herself close to the student under her care, and was able to swat away the stray rock that came toward them with her free hand.

Rapier touched down briefly behind the duo, depositing the Weedle before taking off again, circling the Onix and waiting for Regan's signal.
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