Pirates are everywhere in this world of ours. They are wanted criminals, charming rogues, masters of their particular crafts and folk heroes all rolled up into one. It's not surprising that so many people set out onto the seas to find their fame and fortune. The rewards are much too tempting. But it takes a special kind of person to beat the risks that come alongside the rewards. Especially if you dare brave the most dangerous waters of The Grand Line.
Legends say that nobody who reached the end of the Grand Line had ever returned until the king of pirates did it. Some say it's a paradise you wouldn't want to leave. Some say that all but the king died. The pirate king himself never told a soul about what he found. Personally, I reckon there's no way some of those people could have been killed. I met them. Some of the most famous ones. Bounties as big as their boats and power like nothing you've imagined. No way they got killed if you ask me. But something happened.
Anyways, the only man to ever return later became known as The Pirate King. The World Government eventually managed to capture him for execution. But just before he died, he put out an open challenge to the world.
Take to the seas. Sail the Grand Line. Find his treasure. Wealth beyond belief was waiting. And everyone and their mothers wanted to be the first to get there and claim it. That was when the great golden age of piracy began. A pirate’s life has never been better.
Prepare yourself, for a grand cruise.
Pirates are everywhere in this world of ours. They are wanted criminals, charming rogues, masters of their particular crafts and folk heroes all rolled up into one. It's not surprising that so many people set out onto the seas to find their fame and fortune. The rewards are much too tempting. But it takes a special kind of person to beat the risks that come alongside the rewards. Especially if you dare brave the most dangerous waters of The Grand Line.
Legends say that nobody who reached the end of the Grand Line had ever returned until the king of pirates did it. Some say it's a paradise you wouldn't want to leave. Some say that all but the king died. The pirate king himself never told a soul about what he found. Personally, I reckon there's no way some of those people could have been killed. I met them. Some of the most famous ones. Bounties as big as their boats and power like nothing you've imagined. No way they got killed if you ask me. But something happened.
Anyways, the only man to ever return later became known as The Pirate King. The World Government eventually managed to capture him for execution. But just before he died, he put out an open challenge to the world.
Take to the seas. Sail the Grand Line. Find his treasure. Wealth beyond belief was waiting. And everyone and their mothers wanted to be the first to get there and claim it. That was when the great golden age of piracy began. A pirate’s life has never been better.
Prepare yourself, for a grand cruise.
Our story takes place in a time where names like Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Law, or Eustass Kid never existed. That’s right, in an alternate universe where canon events might have taken place, but without the characters we all grew to love or hate; well, unless stated otherwise. We’ll be focusing on the exploits of a certain pirate crew; your pirate crew. Sailing from island to island, we’ll watch you influence the world through the actions that you and your fellow pirates take. Whether you decide to remold the world into something more ideal or just break it, is up to you.
40 years have passed since the last Pirate King roamed the seas, but despite his absence, new waves of pirates, criminals, and outlaws, continued to ravage the seas like never before. Many, including the Tenryuubito, feared that this sudden surge of piracy and unlawfulness would eventually overwhelm the Marines and the World Government, leaving the Four Seas unprotected. Fortunately, through the World Military Draft, heroes from all over the world had emerged. Their combined effort quelled the anarchy and chaos that had been engulfing the seas, preventing another era of piracy from taking place.
However, even if justice did prevail, completely subduing pirates was still a difficult task. They remain sailing throughout seas, but honestly, with bright and clear skies across the horizon, the worlds waters have never been more peaceful.
However, even if justice did prevail, completely subduing pirates was still a difficult task. They remain sailing throughout seas, but honestly, with bright and clear skies across the horizon, the worlds waters have never been more peaceful.
Tenryuubito (World Nobles/Celestial Dragons)
The Tenryuubito continue to distance themselves from the rest of the world and live within the confines of the Holy Land of Mary Geoise. Although revered by many, they constantly abuse their power and look down on the people below them.
Gorosei (The Five Elders)
The highest-ranking among the World Nobles and the heads of the World Government. They essentially rule the entire world, along with the Marines and Cipher Pol, and the ones who established the pact with the Shichibukai. They remain very secretive making information about them not known to most.
World Government
A political organization with roughly 170 affiliate countries from around the world. They approve of Absolute Justice and are based in the holy land of Mary Geoise. Member countries retain autonomy and run their own internal affairs (though the World Government does sometimes intervene) but cooperate with the World Government for international relations. Their political ideals are vague and everything they do is considered to be right. Not everyone approves of their worldly decisions, but due to the efforts of the heroes from the Marines and their efficiency, most tend to keep silent.
The military sea force of the World Government, tasked with law enforcement, international security, and military operations. They are present in all the seas around the world and focus most of their assets on the far more dangerous Grand Line. Public opinion towards the marines has never been greater, with most seeing them as gallant and courageous protectors of the seas and its inhabitants.
Shichibukai (Seven Warlords of the Sea)
An alliance of seven pirates turned privateers in the service of the World Government. As a group, along with the Marines and Yonko, they are one of the Three Great Powers that kept the world in balance. They are known as "government dogs" and despised by other pirates, but are still feared and respected for their infamous reputation and strength which they gained before, and even after they became Shichibukai.
Emperors of the Sea (Yonko)
The four most notorious and powerful pirate captains in the world. Their strength and influence are such that they live quite literally as though they are emperors, doing mostly as they please. Accordingly, they each have a large territory that they govern within the New World.
Revolutionary Army
The Revolutionary Army is an extremely powerful military organization that directly opposes the World Government and seek to dismantle it. Their main purpose is to defy political oppression and corruption with most of their efforts focused on liberating individual islands from local governments that are under the World Government. However, they have remained relatively quiet in the past decade, with only lower ranking members being active. Rumors speak of an overhaul in their chain of command, but the whereabouts of their headquarters and the identity of their leaders are currently unknown.
The Tenryuubito continue to distance themselves from the rest of the world and live within the confines of the Holy Land of Mary Geoise. Although revered by many, they constantly abuse their power and look down on the people below them.
Gorosei (The Five Elders)
The highest-ranking among the World Nobles and the heads of the World Government. They essentially rule the entire world, along with the Marines and Cipher Pol, and the ones who established the pact with the Shichibukai. They remain very secretive making information about them not known to most.
World Government
A political organization with roughly 170 affiliate countries from around the world. They approve of Absolute Justice and are based in the holy land of Mary Geoise. Member countries retain autonomy and run their own internal affairs (though the World Government does sometimes intervene) but cooperate with the World Government for international relations. Their political ideals are vague and everything they do is considered to be right. Not everyone approves of their worldly decisions, but due to the efforts of the heroes from the Marines and their efficiency, most tend to keep silent.
The military sea force of the World Government, tasked with law enforcement, international security, and military operations. They are present in all the seas around the world and focus most of their assets on the far more dangerous Grand Line. Public opinion towards the marines has never been greater, with most seeing them as gallant and courageous protectors of the seas and its inhabitants.
Shichibukai (Seven Warlords of the Sea)
An alliance of seven pirates turned privateers in the service of the World Government. As a group, along with the Marines and Yonko, they are one of the Three Great Powers that kept the world in balance. They are known as "government dogs" and despised by other pirates, but are still feared and respected for their infamous reputation and strength which they gained before, and even after they became Shichibukai.
Emperors of the Sea (Yonko)
The four most notorious and powerful pirate captains in the world. Their strength and influence are such that they live quite literally as though they are emperors, doing mostly as they please. Accordingly, they each have a large territory that they govern within the New World.
Revolutionary Army
The Revolutionary Army is an extremely powerful military organization that directly opposes the World Government and seek to dismantle it. Their main purpose is to defy political oppression and corruption with most of their efforts focused on liberating individual islands from local governments that are under the World Government. However, they have remained relatively quiet in the past decade, with only lower ranking members being active. Rumors speak of an overhaul in their chain of command, but the whereabouts of their headquarters and the identity of their leaders are currently unknown.
The most common race in the world. They rule over more of the world than any other race, with the World Government being founded and operated by humans. Humans are extremely diverse in their size and appearance. Most are one to two meters tall, but there are many who are taller, with a few reaching as high as seven to eight meters.
Kuja Tribe
The Kuja are a subrace of humans that are physically identical to regular humans in every way, however they are unique in that they have a natural aptitude for using Haki, along with a mysterious bond with snakes and that they only give birth to females. They are a race of warrior people who live on Amazon Lily. Aside from a select few, they isolate themselves from the rest of the world and only interact with merchant ships.
Hominids that possess features of aquatic water-breathing creatures. Each fish-man has traits corresponding to a single type of fish or cephalopod, granting such varied powers and abilities. Fishmen are said to be ten times stronger than humans from birth; furthermore, their strength is amplified underwater.
They heavily resemble humans, with the main difference being their massive size; they are the largest known race in the world, with even large humans barely going up to the level of most giants' knees. Giants possess a tremendous amount of strength, making them highly coveted as soldiers around the world. Giants originate from lands all across the world, although the most famous giant homeland is the country of Elbaf in the New World.
Merfolk are people with the upper bodies of humans and the tails of fish. Males are called mermen while females are mermaids. Along with fish-men, they are capable of living both on land and in the sea. While their land movement can be limited due to possessing tails instead of legs, they are the fastest swimmers of any aquatic race or species.
They heavily resemble humans, with their sole unique feature being a pair of small wings on their back which serve no purpose. Although once not known to the world, at present, many are well aware of their existence. Along with their dial-technology, many Skyfolk left the confines of the Sky Islands and are found across the seas.
Longarm Tribe
Longleg Tribe
Snakeneck Tribe
The most common race in the world. They rule over more of the world than any other race, with the World Government being founded and operated by humans. Humans are extremely diverse in their size and appearance. Most are one to two meters tall, but there are many who are taller, with a few reaching as high as seven to eight meters.
Kuja Tribe
The Kuja are a subrace of humans that are physically identical to regular humans in every way, however they are unique in that they have a natural aptitude for using Haki, along with a mysterious bond with snakes and that they only give birth to females. They are a race of warrior people who live on Amazon Lily. Aside from a select few, they isolate themselves from the rest of the world and only interact with merchant ships.
Hominids that possess features of aquatic water-breathing creatures. Each fish-man has traits corresponding to a single type of fish or cephalopod, granting such varied powers and abilities. Fishmen are said to be ten times stronger than humans from birth; furthermore, their strength is amplified underwater.
They heavily resemble humans, with the main difference being their massive size; they are the largest known race in the world, with even large humans barely going up to the level of most giants' knees. Giants possess a tremendous amount of strength, making them highly coveted as soldiers around the world. Giants originate from lands all across the world, although the most famous giant homeland is the country of Elbaf in the New World.
Merfolk are people with the upper bodies of humans and the tails of fish. Males are called mermen while females are mermaids. Along with fish-men, they are capable of living both on land and in the sea. While their land movement can be limited due to possessing tails instead of legs, they are the fastest swimmers of any aquatic race or species.
They heavily resemble humans, with their sole unique feature being a pair of small wings on their back which serve no purpose. Although once not known to the world, at present, many are well aware of their existence. Along with their dial-technology, many Skyfolk left the confines of the Sky Islands and are found across the seas.
Longarm Tribe
Longleg Tribe
Snakeneck Tribe
Quote - Optional
Quote - Optional
Name: Include nicknames, monikers, and epithets.
Age: Nothing too extreme.
Gender: No judgement here.
Race: Human, Fishman, Merman, Long-Arm, Long-Leg, Long-Neck, Mink, Skypiean, Giants, Wotans, or a new race.
Height & Weight: Feet/Inches & Pounds
Personality: A list of some traits and quirks would do.
Bounty: Let's say 50M at most. Include the reason for your bounty.
Origin Story: What was your character like before joining the crew? If you want some mystery, you can send me a PM.
Position: What role do you take in the crew? Aside from being a fighter, what else can you offer? Are you a masterful sushi chef? Maybe you're skillful in the art of acupuncture? A prodigy carpenter perhaps?
Goal: What motivates your character?
Abilities: The things your character will be proficient in. Some examples would include fighting styles, weapon-wielding, carpentry, navigation, a special weapon, and powers granted by Devil Fruits. Each ability, you will provide a general description of what it allows your character to do; that itself would serve as a limiter of some sorts. You are free to do whatever you want as long as it is within the scope of your abilities. Throughout the RP, these abilities will gradually and constantly become better. When achievements are and certain milestones are reached, you will be allowed to to add more facets/aspects to your abilities or improve already existing ones.
Inventory: Relevant weapons, armor, clothing, et cetera.
Others: Miscellaneous items that don't go elsewhere. This part is optional, you can remove this.
Character Progression: Include what you wanna go for in terms of abilities both in and out of combat. Be it learned skills and some sort of special item or equipment.
Arc Suggestions: A personal arc or just some stories that you wanna be included in the RP.
Character dynamics will be paramount in this story since that’s what we’ll be focusing on, the adventure of a single crew. That’s why we’ll be focusing on a single crew and interaction between characters will hopefully become the lifeblood of this story.
In a way, this story will mostly be player-versus-enemy, so fights with other participants will probably be rare. With thin in mind, I hope no one tries to “meta-game” and strive for something obviously overpowered and imbalanced so early in the story. Later, given how abnormally powerful characters have gotten in the New World, its fair game.
Progress is the name of the game, both in plot and in character. That’s the beauty of One Piece, character development and gradually reaching monster-tier strengths in whatever serious or whacky way you wish to. So, no rushing things; if you have requests, just give me a heads up. We can work things out.
Consistency from everyone involved, including myself. Frequency of posts will range from once to twice weekly, but that can change depending on everyone’s activity. Honestly, I’ll only be posting when the plot stagnates or if we need to move forward, otherwise, back and forths aren’t really frowned upon, just try to not leave others out. In the event you won’t be able to post, give us a heads up. Expect the same from me when I can’t get updates up on time.
If you’ve read everything so far, press that laughing reaction emoticon thing on the bottom right to let me know.
In a way, this story will mostly be player-versus-enemy, so fights with other participants will probably be rare. With thin in mind, I hope no one tries to “meta-game” and strive for something obviously overpowered and imbalanced so early in the story. Later, given how abnormally powerful characters have gotten in the New World, its fair game.
Progress is the name of the game, both in plot and in character. That’s the beauty of One Piece, character development and gradually reaching monster-tier strengths in whatever serious or whacky way you wish to. So, no rushing things; if you have requests, just give me a heads up. We can work things out.
Consistency from everyone involved, including myself. Frequency of posts will range from once to twice weekly, but that can change depending on everyone’s activity. Honestly, I’ll only be posting when the plot stagnates or if we need to move forward, otherwise, back and forths aren’t really frowned upon, just try to not leave others out. In the event you won’t be able to post, give us a heads up. Expect the same from me when I can’t get updates up on time.
If you’ve read everything so far, press that laughing reaction emoticon thing on the bottom right to let me know.
8x Laugh

- BCTheEntity,
- Cole,
- Demous,
- EnterTheHero,
- Kalas,
- ProPro,
- rhema13,
- tex