On the following pages, you will read about the many wondrous flora and fauna that inhabit this new island. Some are unlike anything else, and some you may be familiar with already. Whatever the case is, these animals and plants have existed on the island since the dawn of time, and you better get used to them if you are to make your stay here permanent.
If more discoveries are made, additions to the bestiary will be written, and existing ones will be adjusted to better represent the truth.
Names inside the codex are up for scientific debate. Until a consensus has been reached, they will remain placeholders.
A large herbivore with spiky protrusions on their head. They are covered in a thick fur that they use to soak up water in and keep themselves cool. They are docile and not scared easily, though they will rarely investigate on their own. They gather and move in herds of anywhere between 10 to 100 specimen, and can be found virtually all over the island, no matter the biome.
These large herbivores are natives to the large swathes of grasslands that cover the higher elevations of the island. Though their herds of a dozen or two specimen seem docile at first, they will not hesitate to trample or gore anyone who gets too close to them with their imposing horns and tusks. Heavy and fast, their stampedes can be heard from miles away.
These small herbivores are native to the forests along the eastern side of the island. Their diet primarily consists of fruits, and nuts which they crack open with their beaks. They are able to leap large distances and usually stick to the tops of the trees, but at times will come down to the ground to look for food which has fallen. Their pelts are soft to the touch thanks to a layer of wax on them that protects the creatures from the abundant rainfall of their home areas.
These 4 legged herbivores are fairly docile and take over the grasslands of the mountains where the Krollan and the Dente begin thin out. They are abundant on rolling hills and grasslands of the west, grazing on the grass. Though fairly docile, they will attempt to evade or ward off anyone who tries to get too close to them. They travel in herds, anywhere from a handful to a few dozen specimen at a time.
These large 4 legged creatures are the primary inhabitants of the higher mountain ranges. Imposing in size and strength, they are surprisingly nimble when scared. They spend most of their day grazing the fields away from danger, only falling prey to the occasional Ruh, or the brave Griffs that venture into the larger bird's hunting zones. Whatever the case is, the Ovis live a peaceful life and as such are quite docile. They gather in herds of anywhere from a dozen to a hundred.
These small rodents are native to many parts of the island, especially it's grasslands. Their large ears and white fur are immediately noticable, due to a rampant gene that cause albinism in their infants. Indeed, black or brown Lepus are quite rare sights among their white kin. Their primary diet consists of grass or vegetables they can salvage, though they shy away from fruits. At the end of the day, they are a very quickly breeding race, perhaps owing to the fact that they are the primary prey for the Urmillos.
These dog sized carnivores may look harmless at first, but their docile faces hide sharp fangs. They prefer to hunt smaller rodents that burrow underground, and use their sharp claws to dig them out and finish them off. Their armored hide allows them to roll up into a defensive state when larger carnivores are around, usually saving them from a fight as their predators go look for an easier meal.
These wolf sized carnivores are perhaps one of more alien creatures on the island. They have no eyes with which to look for their target, but instead use echo-location to navigate. They gather in packs of 5-15 who move together, hunting down prey inside the forested areas of the island. They are highly aggressive and they emit a thunderous roar to call any nearby specimen when they find their prey. Their noises can often be heard in the night as they signal during a hunt or use a burst of sound to make sure their resting place is safe.
These gigantic birds are the undisputed kings of the sky. With their impressive wingspan, bright colored wings and thunderous screeches, they inhabit only the highest of peaks on the island. They are fiercely territorial, attacking everyone or anything that comes too close to their nest. Adventurers should be even more cautious when traversing the pine forests, as they are the hunting grounds of these birds. Able to lift up a grown man or even equus and take them away, caution is advised when traversing their territory.
These large carnivores are second only to the imposing Ruh when it comes to aerial supremacy. But whereas the Ruh prowl the highest mountain tops, these creatures are more suite for combat on the vast expanses of grassy plains. Though not many in numbers, these creatures always move in pairs, preying on Equuses or even Rhinos at times. They are fast both on foot and in the air, but thankfully to adventurers they rarely attack on sight as they prefer to follow their targets for a long while and wait for an opportune moment.
These flat, plant looking creatures are natives to the swampy areas of the island. They dwell in the water, posing as foliage fallen onto the surface. Once insects, their primary diet, approaches them close enough they will use their large wing-like fins to push themselves out of the water and catch their prey. They are able to glide relatively large distances over the warm waters of the swamp, owing to their large surface area and small mass.
These small little carnivores are a relatively common sight in the forest if one keeps an open eye and moves around silently. Thought they can and will consume small berries and other plant based food sources, it is mostly to help them speed up their digestion, while their primary nutrition sources are rats, mouses and even the rare lepus that wonders into their doman. Smaller than a fox but larger than a ferret, they fill a particular spot in the food chain of the forest, where they hunt it's smaller rodents, while getting hunted by Triachs.
These large flightless birds are perhaps one of the more unique carnivorous species on the island. They are only found in the northwestern parts of the island, gathering in herds of 5-15 as they fish along the rivers and lakes. Though carnivores, they are unlike the apex predators of the mountains, or the swarming hounds of the forests, their primary diet of fish making them rather docile when it comes adventurers. They will occasionally feast on carcasses as well and even eat some berries from time-to-time, but they usually avoid the forest in fears of other predators. Indeed, carnivorous as they are, herds of Krollans and Striders often share the same stretch of river while one drinks and the other fishes. It is unknown how these fish eating birds evolved or got onto the island, but they are virtually absent from any other areas of the island.
These small amphibians are native to the swampy areas of the island. They resemble a frog in many ways, but they are far more predatorial than most of the aforementioned. They will hunt anything from fishes to rats in small packs, and they will happily try to scare away larger predators from their own prey in order to feast on their carcass. Though small, they can easily amass in numbers and have a vicious bite that leaves a nasty wound.
These dog sized omnivores are a somewhat rare sight along the northern coasts of the island, owing to their nocturnal nature. They will eat just about anything they can get their hands on, but they prefer eggs or large fruits which are easy for them to grab and run off with. They are very inquisitive creatures with a great sense of smell, and will approach anyone they think is unaware of their presence. They often grab food or shiny items, with which they will proceed to run off with while using their strong hind legs.
These tortoise sized insectoids dwell in the many caves of the mountain range. Though omnivores, a large part of their diet consists of natural minerals for which they will tunnel deep into the earth, using their razorsharp claws to make way. Their flesh is slightly poisonous, and as such hives of Chits will usually not attack or even stop what they are doing when someone gets too close, but they will make sure to keep their distance from anyone who is not one of theirs.
"Derg" (sic)
These small reptilian creatures are one of the more elusive selection of species on this island. Though they are plentiful in the forested areas, they are easily scared and will fly off. About the size of a bat, these creatures feast on the nectar of flowers or the fruits in the forest, or on the larger insect species. If cornered they will spit out a flammable, acidic substance onto their attackers. Many sub-species of them exist, all natives to their own region of the island with minor differences between them.
These large, elephant sized amphibians are a rare, but nevertheless dangerous sight in the wetlands and swampy areas of the island. There exists several subspecies of them, with the most elusive ones carrying the most vibrant colorations on their skin. Fairly docile when full, they will usually sit in their den for days at a time, only moving out when mating, or when they go hunting. However, when on the hunt they will consume just about anything they come across, paralyzing even the largest of prey with their potent neurotoxin. The bite of Koibra is so potent, that a single bite can knock out a fully grown Krollan in just a few seconds. Indeed, it is not rare for them to capture the larger beasts and drag them to their den to feast on them for weeks.
These large omnivorous reptiles are a relatively common sight in the swamps. Whereas these areas are almost exclusively the preying grounds of smaller fishes and snakes, the Stillio stands out among them as one of the only two apex predators in the biome which have grown abnormally large. These lizards spend most of their days lazing in the sun, hunting fishes or eating some of the more hard to reach fruits when they get hungry. They live in small groups of 2-5, with one alpha amongst them who guards their living area. Mostly due to this they are avoided by the Koibra, who would rather look for a more easy prey, even if they have to go further. This uneasy territorial claim however is often challenged by up-and-coming Stillios who are looking to settle new areas for themselves, often attacking Koibra nests and trying to claim it for themselves. Needless to say, the Koibras of the island are usually well fed.
These small little fuckers are incredibly cute. I mean, just look at them. They have like, cute wings n shit, and big leaves on their ears. And look at the face, how could you ever not like it? They have 6 legs, all of which probably wants to hug you all day long, because they are fucking adorable. They probably like, eat some rats or something, but who cares because they'll just nibble on your finger all day long and seemingly get satisfied with it. It's like, an entire species designed to be fanservice to a highly immature crowd.
The unaltered biome and topo maps. Will update with other map types when it becomes relevant.
On a sunny morning, dozens of eyes stare up at the sky, their gaze hazy and confused. Where are they? How did they get here. Who are they? The longer they think, the more questions start to come into their minds, but answers are few and far in between. There is this bugging in the back of their minds, words on the tip of their tongue they just can't put into context. But whatever it is, they have to wait. With no memories of who they are and how they got here, their attention turns to each other, then to their surroundings. They all feel like they should do something and their bodies move on their own to collect firewood, but if asked about what they were doing they could hardly explain it. Such is the curious nature of their fate, shared by many others on this sunny day, the beginning of a new era in their history.
Greetings, ladies and gentleman!
Come one, come all! Take a step forth and feast your eyes on the most ambitious crossover since Infinity War! Surely, you must have many questions about this project (unless you're from the old thread), so sit down and listen a while as I explain to you what this RP is about.
Surely, you have played RPs before where you were asked to create a history for a nation or a character. And surely, you've felt that same bugging sensation of having to create something new, but not being able to play it out. That sensation when you are still unsure of what your character would do/say in the very first posts of any roleplay. When you spend hours creating a past event for your nation in your head, only to give it a tiny mention in a post, and then think about how that seems interesting to play. When you wish you could truly explore the past of your characters or nations.
Well, look no further, because this RP is all about that. In a nutshell, the RP aims at starting your civilization from the beginning, waking up with only a handful of others in an unknown land with no knowledge of... well, anything. They are but a blank paper upon which you may write epic stories or draw masterpieces. You shall guide them throughout their history and shape them in any way you like, be it in war or peace. No longer will you have to worry about what the past or culture/traditions of your race are, because you will be there when they are first created.
Your sheets will start as little more than skeletons of a proper CS, but as time progresses I aim to fill it out to an extent that would make even the most dedicated NRP players blush. All in small little additions, bite sized chunks that will eventually add up to a giant whole.
Oh, and did someone say magic? Or elves? Am I hearing songs praising a chaos god? Well, none of these might be what I'm hearing, but hopefully it will be. You will only be limited by your imagination as to the people and culture you choose to play. Though I suggest that you all stick to more normal humanoids, some fringe cases might still be fun to play. The only limitation here is to make it so that the primary functions of your race are similar to humans, so that speech and interactions (as well as tech to an extent) can be properly balanced. Other than that, the world is your oyster.
But let's talk gameplay! Of course, what is such an ambitious idea without a proper framework which we should follow on our journey? Since this is more similar to a game of Civilization than your usual Space NRP, there will be some guidelines to help grease the wheels of progress so it doesn't get stale, but we can still explore every single aspect of your civilization.
Even if you are here from the old topic, I suggest you listen because things have been changed since the last time we played. First, let me start with a quite from a player, which really highlighted these issues to me:
That said I think my waning interest primarily has to do with the fact that this played out more like a forum game than a roleplay, primarily because there wasn't any interaction within the first few posts between players. I think the premise of the RP is awesome, and if it were game-ified into a forum game I'd definitely play again, primarily because at that point it wouldn't take me an hour or so to write a post that, in essence, will be repeated word by word by other players simply because the founding of society all over the world has been rather one dimensional -- we all found shelter, and we all found food. The nuance is in what we made our shelter out of or what we ate, but when it comes down to it, we're all writing the same thing. Exceptions being there (the fae were really unique in this case), I think that's primarily what ended my interest. :^(
Now, I took away a few things from this, notably that such a massive task should be streamlined in order to allow for Roleplay to take place, while also offering some game-like features that function as guiderails and sets up the context for posts. That, and how the very beginning was extremely boring, and I'm guilty as charged.
So, I turned to some of my favorite 4x games to try and come up with a solution that might allow us to overcome these issues, and I believe that I have cracked the code. So, here are the basic mechanics that will be here on top of just raw RP:
Origins - All of your races will start at roughly the same time on the islands, their memory lost. But unlike last time when they simply gained sentience, this time they have been whisked to this place with no knowledge of their past lives. Though most of their knowledge about tech is gone, they understand and know the basic principles of survival: they can make fire, use tools and build simple shelters using various foraged materials and the tools they have at their possession. They also all have a knowledge of language from the very beginning, which should prove important. All of these changes should allow them to breeze through the initial boring sections of history, and begin working much sooner on interacting with each other and creating more complex problems/solutions within their own culture, mainly establishing leaderships and religion.
Race Traits - Before, races were kinda just... weird. Let's face it, we didn't have any system to deal with what the benefits were to a race with more strength and how that would affect their survival, other than a roleplay advantage. This time around when creating your race, you will be given 3 trait picks, and 1 trait points by default to play around with. Taking a page from Stellaris, you will be able to use these trait picks to gain benefits which will have actual benefits: like longer lifespan, stronger bodies or higher birthrate. But if you want to pack in more, you will need to choose negatives too: like having a weak immune system, or having to consume very specific nutrient sources do to unique evolutionary traits. These traits might seem like a purely game oriented feature at first, but I intend to use them to break away from the usual "5 races of humans, elves, dwarves, catgirls and lizardmen" towards something very you can tailor the idea of what you want your race to be without any premade ideas in mind, and without having to prioritize how they look. In fact, I would rather you don't even faceclaim, and instead try your best to describe your race based on the attributes you picked for them using this trait tree. Believe me, I'm working hard on making it have many options for you guys to choose.
Technology & Time - I must admit, tech was very badly implemented. You could just sort of write whatever you want and explain that they gained a tech. It proved to be both too lucrative of an RP focus, and too shallow of a gameplay feature to really have it's place. Similarly, because of the fact that I intended for turns to take place in a manner more similar to Civ (where turns aren't the same length in time), it was a bit confusing as to how much time you'd need to master a technology. So this time around I have chosen a radically different approach. In this new iteration each turn will last exactly the same time (I am undecided if it should be 1 month or something else, but we can discuss that later), and techs will be tied to how many turns it takes to advance into them. Most if not all techs will take 1, whereas "breakthroughs" that are gateways to a next age will take a bit more, so people can have a brief time period to interact with others in a more stable environment and reply to the problems I throw at them as a GM. You can still write multiple replies per turn, which is the main way that you will all be able to interact with each other in timeframes smaller than that of a single turn. For example you might be fighting a war with someone in the bronze age, and in one turn you will unlock iron weapons, while they are getting better armor. Let's say you write 2 posts each about two battles, but it still rages on. By the next turn you will have access to different tools which you can use to wage war with. Alternatively, you might write about a failed expedition across the sea, only to get better ships in a turn and then send out another expedition with these revolutionary new vehicles. I hope that with this MUCH more simple and streamlined system we will be able to advance without any sort of bottlenecks, and we can speed it up or slow it down as we wish by adjusting the time to advance into tech.
I should note that tech is still mostly a guideline despite this. They will mostly allow you to make a better category of items or a new resource, instead of coming up with concrete examples of weapons or buildings. As such, the way your culture works and uses up resources is still in your hand.
Magic, Psyonics & Other Powers - Last time we did not have much time or chances into exploring magic, and this time I hope to change it. By default, no race will be able to fully use advanced magic, but it won't be long until people start to experience weird happenings in the world. Basically, once magic enter the world after an event which I will write out, the very first age is over and you will have the chance to tech into the more mystical forces. These shall work similarly to magic in the Elder Scroll series, meaning that almost anyone can learn it, but the "technology" of magic evolves over time. So at the beginning spellcasters are rare, magic often takes rituals to cast and might be dangerous, but overtime it shall improve. An entire race of magic users is entirely plausible, as the more time they invest into magic, the more they will be able to simplify the way they work.
This is mostly a general way to describe magic: there are other ways things can work, and this is where I expect magic to turn into a very unique and narratively rewarding aspect of the game. If you want your people to have telepathy or bend the elements like in Avatar, they are all entirely possible. Due to the very nature of how magic and superpowers work, it will not have a tech tree of any sorts, rather a simple "Power x Refinement" chart, meaning that depending on what your people are trying to achieve, it takes more time to refine a simple spell, or conjure up a stronger one. After a certain number of powers/abilities are unlocked, your race may start to refine these into more easier to use abilities. As an example, a race of elves might begin to use their own mystical force of "Arcana" to cast spells similar to DnD. Others may choose this unique energy to be their "Ki" and use abilities to make themselves stronger, or bend elements in a more natural way. A third race might choose to worship gods, their prayers willing such divine beings into existence, where their unique power is their "Prayers", whereas they may cast destructive spells upon their enemies or bring rain in a drought, but these require lots of people to truly believe in their gods. As you can see these are just a few examples of mine, but I am sure that everybody who wants to use magic can also come up with a system of their own just as easily, or use these as frameworks.
One last note that I should add is that Magic exists *with* technology, but the two aren't exactly compatible with each other. A steam engine might spontaneously explode when a powerful psyker/mage goes near it, while a magic crystal golem might crumble to dust when in the area of a Wi-Fi router. Originally this was supposed to be a gimmick, but since I've rethought the way things work, it became nearly a requirement. Since you cannot advance in both magic and tech at the same time (you must choose one or the other every turn), this will stop magical players from simply stealing technology and using it without teaching into it, and tech players cannot simply kidnap a mage as their powers would dissipate or mess with their equipment. Of course, I expect players to find ways to circumvent this in various unique ways, but the tech/magic to make this effect disappear is fairly high level. As long as the advancement in either tech or magic is higher than the other, something will always break in either. Only races which choose to advance slower than others but put effort into both will enjoy the benefits of relief from this arcane wrath. I imagine players who decide this route will prove to be invaluable to players looking to ward their equipment from opposing forces. Still, when it comes to battles between magic & tech, these effects will be mostly overlooked: obviously we want the RP to be cool, not bothersome.
Culture & Religion - This is the one gameplay element that barely changed, if at all. This is still probably the main focus of the RP (alongside traditional interactions in NRPs), which means that these will not be limited to any sort of tech tree. You will still be able to freely mold your culture and religion to the way you see fit, making the RP as flavorful as your imagination can. What your people wear, eat or do for entertainment is mostly in your hands, only limited by the factors of what resources they can acquire, but this will mainly be ignored unless in specific cases (aka, if you can't grow spices or anything remotely similar, your people probably won't have spicy food. But if you have strong trade partners, then you may just turn into British Empire v2, drinking tea you cannot grow). The one change is in religion, just as we have said in the previous tab about magic. For most if not all races religion will mostly be a symbolic thing in terms of gameplay, except when they choose it as their base of magic. In this case religion will become quite an important cultural element, moreso than for other empires. Apart from this one change, no one god is more or less powerful than the other between different religions, but I am certain this won't stop crusades from getting started (whether or not it is simple heresy, or techno-heresy is up to you )
Resources, Climates and the Flora/Fauna - Just as before, I have a world map with topology and biomes, as well as one with resources than will be unveiled once players gain access to such resource (aka copper, iron, gold, etc.). Most plans can be grown anywhere, except for a notable few which we will most likely discuss together. However, there are some changes from the last game. To avoid confusion and a vast number of varying fantasy resources/creatures, I will be taking it into my own hands. I am hoping that by introducing different elements with various properties as well as "strategic resources" players will be able to make their own cultures even more unique and quirky, without having to necessarely advance into tech/magic that they aren't interested in. I also want to make it so that trade will be required in order to get anywhere, so some resources will only be refinable by tech/magic, or be only found in a specific part of the world (think about how most of Earth's Titanium is in Russia, or most of it's Cobalt is in Africa). Of course, if we have a mostly magic oriented or mostly tech oriented playing field then these restrictions may not apply, but I am hoping for a diverse cast of players here :D
As for the flora and fauna part, well, I like to think of it as DnD or Endless Legend. It's mostly what we know, but there will be some unique and quirky things. In the following days I shall begin to work on a bestiary/floral encyclopedia so that you can familiarize yourselves with what the larger world offers and choose to sprinkle it around in the areas you inhabit for fun. *
Maps & Landmarks - Lastly, the map has been changed: it is now smaller than before, to make sure that players will get to meet each other sooner. However I have decided to go for a medieval european approach: there will be other islands or even continents to discover if it proves that our living space is too small, or if you go on a large expedition. Furthermore, there will be unique landmarks that shall appear once the world is "consumed" by magic after the sort of prolouge of our RP is over in a few turns. These will all be marked on your maps, and will provide points of interest that will sometimes give benefits. Such examples are gigantic trees that produce enough food for a while city, large slates of easy to refine stone or precious minerals, or pillars of crystal that hum with latent magical energy. These shall all provide various roleplay and gameplay benefits, both able to shape a culture drastically or give a reason for players to interact, whether or not they share the same holy landmark and create a join religion, or wage war over a particularly fertile batch of land that creates pumpkins the size of cows. **
Militaries & War - We must take a moment to talk about something rather central in most NRPs that I do hope of seeing some of. It is war. However, in most NRPs it isn't very easy to tell who has how big a military and the kind of advantages that they have. But in order to make it so that people don't just godmod, and that roleplayers don't have to min-max these sorts of things, we will be taking a rather casual approach to this (that is, unless we decide otherwise). When two parties go to war, they shall have a talk about potential army sizes, which the rest of the players will then have a say in. Since this is more of a joint world building project instead of a purely military focused one (thought the two go hand in hand, just look at our own history), I expect that both players will be rational about this. But from here on, much depends on the sort of tech/magic they have, and the way that they use it. It shall be a fun playground to see how individual races fare in war, given that we shall hope to see war not from the perspective of a player who aims to win, but from the eyes of a nation, or rulers. And for those less aimed to roleplay, this should be the perfect way to practice for some arena roleplays while also having some fun with your creations.
Otherwise, any aspects of your military will be up to you to decide. What they wear and use, their formations, military traditions and the like will all add tons of flavor to your race, and create a unique history for their forces. Of course, these will all be taken into account if war emerges.
Economy & Industry - For this topic, I can only really say the same thing as I said for militaries. Since we aren't necessarily playing a competitive game, your economy and industry will be entirely up to you and the techs/magic that you unlocked. I want people to have a fun time and not stress about such micromanaging, but such aspects like the resources you have access to will have a unique tab on your sheets. But as a general rule of thumb, larger empires with more people will have a better economy. In case any problems arise from this simplistic way of dealing with a fairly advanced topic, I have several ideas to explore if the players wish to change it, though I have a feeling it won't be important for quite a while.
And uh... that should be all. Really, I know that this might sound intimidating at first, especially for people more sued to roleplay or character oriented NRP games, but what all these changes focus on doing is separating the roleplay from the game like aspects, making for a more fun experience, regardless of which aspect you enjoy more. Those who want an in depth 4x game with some extra lore attached will most likely enjoy the game just as much as those who want to create an NRP sheet with which they can fill up to teh brim with history and then use wherever the wind may take them later.
* - Both of these will be open for suggestions. At any point if you wish to see some creatures in the game, we will do a community vote and add them in.
** - Same as with the bestiary, if you have ideas or things you want to see in the game, feel free to give suggestions. Based on a vote, we will see about adding them to the RP.
Hey, congrats on making it through the mechanics :D
Sadly, I am contractually obliged to say these yadda-yadda parts, but you might as well read them.
- No godmodding: Pretty straightforward in an NRP I think, especially since most of the relative powers will be decide by us all, or between contestants in a conflict. - No metagaming: This rules used to say something-something about advancing too fast in tech, but we already established that we have changed that. So this mostly means you shouldn't know about the secrets of another nation because you read their post. - No griefing: There are no winners or losers here. We are all here to have a great time, and hopefully influence each other in a creative way. If you do something that is out of character for your people that is aimed at hurting anyone else's experience then you and I will have a long talk. - Be nice with each other: This is self explanatory. Don't be a douche or critique other's works beyond an acceptable limit even if you disagree with them. We are all here to have fun.
Character Sheets
First of all, thank you for reading through everything written down above, I know that it can get pretty complicated and long at times. Usually it would be the place for some lore, but this time we are the ones making it. Or if you didn't read it, then naughty you >:o
Now, onto the meat of this entire shebang: the sheets! As mentioned previously, there is a fairly robust system of traits to pick from, ranging from useful/harmful, to purely cosmetic or roleplay oriented. Before I give you the list, I want to introduce you to the system, as envisioned by me, and used by many other games. Here is an example build:
By default we have 3 trait picks left, and 1 trait point to play around with. After looking through the list of options, we decided that we want to pick up the trait "Strong", which makes each member of our species significantly stronger than what appearances would first suggest. Strong being a -1 Point trait means that we now have 0 trait points available, and 2 picks left. Right here we could end the selection and create a bit more detailed lore around these race of strong creatures, since our trait points are in the positive and we have picks left.
However, we also decide that this isn't enough on it's own, so we pick up the trait "Venerable". Venerable would make our race not only strong but on average live some 20 years longer, if not killed by other means. However, venerable being another -1 Point trait means that we are now using up 1 more points than what we have left. This puts our total at -1 Trait points and 1 Picks left. As such, we cannot go ahead with this build just yet, seeing how it is inherently unbalanced.
But fear not, we still have one picks left. So, after looking through the list of negative traits, we eventually pick up "Anemic". Anemic is a +1 Point trait that causes all members of our race to have a lower count of oxygen carrying vessels (whatever compound that may be), meaning that they tire out far more easily, and require more sleep to replenish their blood supplies. Once we have chosen this, our total comes out to 0 Points, and 0 Picks left! Congratulations, you now have a race of creatures who are strong but can tire out easily, so they things more slowly thanks to their naturally longer lifespans. That, or any other combination of behavior you can come up with using these traits.
Obviously there are some other combinations as well. You may choose to pick a -2 Point "advanced" trait along with a +1 trait, and then leave it at that or choose a 0 Point trait, like "Nocturnal", or "Lightweight Skeleton". Either way, as long as your Points and Picks are 0 or above, you are good! By default, every race is of a humanoid appearance, meaning that at the very least they have two legs, two arms and a head with 2 eyes in the front. Without further a due, here is the list, compiled as Positive, Negative and Neutral traits.
Phew, let's quickly revise what the rules of the species making are: - Generally humanoid for ease of roleplay/compatibility - You start with 1 trait Point and 3 trait Picks. Both must be either 0 or more for your race to be possible. - You can apply custom cosmetic traits to it in order to make them look apart from normal humans (such as making lusty argonian maids and the like) or for that one person we all know to make a race of elves.
And some extra: - If there is any question about what a trait does, feel free to ask. Some traits have such keywords as "often" or "sometimes" when describing a feature, meaning it is more a suggestion for a secondary feature than anything. - Rule of cool applies to every trait, unless there is an upgraded version of such trait, or a different trait that would add the other effect. - Within reason, Neutral traits that would thematically make sense can be applied for free if you ask me. - Neutral traits that aren't listed but you think would be right about at 0 points can be negotiated as the 1 custom trait per race. This is simply due to the fact that I am a single man, and I can't possibly list everything people can come up with X3
A list of traits that provide your species with a beneficial effect at the cost of trait points.
Adaptive (-1) - Members of this species display an innate hardiness when it comes to surviving the harsh expanses of land that cover vast portions of the continent. Through means of a robust immune, cardiovascular and nervous system, they are able to brave the harsh sun of the desert as well as the humidity of the rainforests or the freezing of the tundra. This allows them to settle down and prosper in places where other races might struggle to survive.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive ^^^^
Rapid Evolution (-1) - Members of this species display a rather unique feature amongst their peers: a significantly heightened rate of cell divisions that allows them to adapt to changes in their environment over single generations. It takes some time for the effects to kick in, but once they are exposed to adverse weather conditions they will begin to evolve various extra bodily functions, such as an increased number of sweat glands or a thick body hair. This however, results in the diversification of the species, which in some special cases may result in the loss of ability to mate with each other. Communal (-1) - Members of this species often live together in larger groups than normal, numbering in the hundreds or thousands for individual groupings, and dozens in smaller groups. The traditional role of a family either doesn't exist, or is extended far beyond those of normal races, sometimes up to a few dozen or hundred individuals. Indeed, it might also translate to a stronger bond between each member of the species. As such, they have no problem crowding together at home or at work, and sharing what they have with each other. Venerable (-1) - Members of this species showcase an increased lifespan compared to what one would expect. Whether they age slower or enjoy a section of their life longer, these creatures will often live 20-30 years longer than others, if they don't succumb to wounds or infections during their long life.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive ^^^^
Ancient (-2) - Members of this species have unnaturally long lifespans, the oldest members living as long as 200-250 years. Their bodies are also significantly more resilient as a result, able to recover from dangerous diseases and other adverse effects that might shorten their lifespan. Intelligent (-1) - Members of this species show increased levels of cognitive abilities compared to their peers. They are able to learn new skills much faster and develop methods and tools based on them seemingly overnight. The mysteries of the world unravel in front of their eyes, and even the complex and chaotic nature of magic begins to a form a pattern. Fast Breeders (-1) - Members of this species are fast breeders, meaning that they are able to deliver their offsprings much quicker, or will usually deliver several at a time. Through a combination of natural factors, this means that they are able to replenish their numbers and breed new life into their population much quicker. Athletic (-1) - Members of this species, through evolution or adaptation, have developed a robust cardiovascular system that allows them to keep doing physically demanding tasks for much longer than others, and deal with the generated heat more efficiently. Strong (-1) - Members of this species may appear normal at first glance, but their unimposing stature holds a highly efficient muscle structure that allows them to accomplish great deeds of strength that is simply impossible to other species of their size. They can run faster, lift more and generally do better in any physical tasks they are confronted with.
ˇˇˇˇ Upgraded ˇˇˇˇ
Herculean (-2) - Members of this species could hardly be called natural, even by a stretch of the word. Their imposing frames hold an disproportional amount of muscles mass compared to the size of their bodies. They are naturally much heavier than average, and they can lift weight several times of their own body mass. Though physically demanding, their bodies needing much more nutrients to keep them running, the benefits of this Herculean strength are undeniable. Diplomatic (-1) - members of this species display a natural ability to pick up on social cues that help them deal with both each other and different cultures. As a result they are often employed as diplomats, as even the most average member of their species are on par with the best orators of other races. Often their culture or language is much more complicated in order to convey meanings that only they can utilize, making it much more difficult for outsiders to understand them. Thrifty (-1) - Members of this species seem to exceed at making the best use of what they have available, be it money or resources. This makes them both excellent traders, and a rather waste-free population where even the smallest things are used up to avoid losses. As such, their economies often run seamlessly and without delays, even when they do not have access to as many natural riches. Flightless Wings (-1) - Members of this species display a rather unique feature, most likely a relic of a bygone evolutionary era: a pair of flightless wings. These wings, while unable to properly lift them off the ground for more than a few seconds at a time, allow members of this species to soften landings from otherwise dangerous heights and even show minimal gliding capabilities. Be it on their arms or backs, these wings have various benefits and can even help out when trying to impress other species.
ˇˇˇˇ Both Requires Lightweight Skeleton ˇˇˇˇ
Shoulder/Back Wings (-1) - Members of this species, for one reason or another, have retained or evolved wings early in their evolution. These wings portruding from their backs allow members of this species to take to the sky in limited capabilities. While not as efficient or strong as wings attached to their arms, these wings allow them to use their arms for various tasks while airborne. Using them is somewhat tiring, and remaining in the air for extended periods can be very tiring, even to the most athletic of their members. However, these wings are often far more extravagant than that of other races, giving a certain aura of charm or malice around the members who carry them.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive ^^^^
Winged Appendages (-1) - Members of this species, for one reason or another, have retained or evolved wings early in their evolution. These wings are attached as extensions of their arms, either in the form feathers or similar structures they can spread out, or as thin membranes on skin or similar material attached to them. This method of flying is far more efficient and fast than that of other winged races, allowing them to soar in the sky for much longer. However, this means that they are unable to use tools while flying, though they are still able to carry items in their hands while in flight. Resilient (-1) - Members of this species are unnaturally hardy, able to resist otherwise deadly infections and eat a range of poisonous plants. Even open wounds will pose little risk to their life, and most of their organs are robust enough to sustain themselves for a while with damage that would be life threatening for others. Limited Regeneration (-2) - Members of this species have naturally overclocked regenerative abilities that allows them to recover from serious wounds without further aid. As long as injuries don't outright kill them, they regenerate parts of their bodies: fingers, appendages and parts of organs regrow, and bones weld in record time.
ˇˇˇˇ Upgraded - Mutually Exclusive with Symbiotic Host ˇˇˇˇ
Achillean (-3) - Members of this species display an unnatural hardiness, a perplexing result of natural evolution or genetic tailoring. Both hard to injure and quick regenerate any wounds they receive, this species enjoys a distinct lack of natural predators who would attempt the foolish foolish endeavor of taking them down. Indeed, others will only assume these are normal creatures until they regenerate a lost arm by the end of the week. Extra Arms (-1) - Members of these species showcase an unnatural evolutionary feature: an extra set of arms located above or below their shoulders. Though seemingly cumbersome at first, these arms are just as functional as the other two, making this species both excellent physical workers and warriors. Hive Minded (-1) - Members of these species display a high level of teamwork and organization that is the result of an evolutionary caste-system. Whether it is a chain of superiority, or co-existing pieces who deal with various tasks or even an incredibly versatile command chain, this species has unrivaled organization and efficiency. Titanic (-3) - Members of this species display an incredibly rare, but rather obvious combination of traits: they are massive in size, their strength and ability to withstand damage is enough to drive away most predators, and they seemingly keep aging forever. Of course, this mix has it's drawback in the form of a rather lethargic population who are unmotivated to breed. So while they live for long, for one reason or another they do not mate often and bear an offspring even more rarely.
^^^^ Mutually Exclusive with Fast Breeders ^^^^
A list of traits with negative effects that give you extra trait points to spend.
Nonadaptive (+1) - Members of this species don't adapt particularly well to foreign environments and struggle to survive in places that aren't similar to their birth. The extreme cold or heat strains their nervous and immune systems, making them fatigued and sickly on such places. Repugnant (+1) - Members of this species are, frankly, hard to look at. Whether it is a lack of symmetry on their bodies or some particularly obnoxious or gross feature, other races frown upon them for their looks. While these features hardly limit them in their way of life or interacting with each other, more often than not even members of this race crave those from other species, as well as usually getting avoided in a multicultural crowd. Solitary (+1) - Members of this species are used to living alone or with only a very small selection of others. They do not enjoy large crowds and prefer to be by themselves. As a result, they both take up more space with living areas as well as frown upon jobs where they have to work with others. Wasteful (+1) - Members of this species are particularly wasteful: they have little regard for both money and resources, often choosing to live for today instead of thinking for tomorrow. This results in increased upkeep for their economy, often requiring far more supplies than it would needed. Fleeting (+2) - Members of this species don't live very long, usually dying around the age of 40-50 when left to their own devices. As a result, they reach adulthood much faster and there are often not enough time for a generation to absorb the knowledge from their elders, making it harder for members to absorb skills that are gained over time. Dumb (+1) - Members of this species aren't exactly bright: they often have a hard time grasping more elusive concepts and pick up on new skills much slower. While they are certainly capable of coming up with new ideas on their own, the average population is not nearly as bright as their peers are. Slow Breeders (+1) - Members of this species reproduce much slower than normal, be it a lack of natural incentive or a long gestation period. As a result, their population grows much slower, and recovering from plagues or disasters is much more costly for them than normal.
ˇˇˇˇ Upgraded ˇˇˇˇ
Lethargic (+2) - Members of this species suffer from a mental block when it comes to reproduction. It is unknown how they have managed to reach this evolutionary pitfall, but most members of the species only births a single offspring during their lifetime. As a result the society is rather stagnant, and it's population only increases very slowly, if it even does that. Sickly (+1) - Members of this species are rather sickly, often succumbing to various diseases than periodically come to haunt them. Though their immune system is weak, they can still deal with diseases effectively if they live a healthy life.
ˇˇˇˇ Upgraded - Mutually exclusive with Sedentary/Resilient/Achillean ˇˇˇˇ
Immuno Compromised (+3) - Members of this species, most likely due to an ancient viral plague, are extremely easy to infect with even the mildest of diseases, a simple cold often killing them off over a short period. As a result the species have evolved a sedentary lifestyle, where they rely on herd immunity to keep themselves safe from recurring diseases. They do not trust outsiders in fear of another plague that could wipe them out, and usually travel while being protected by thick sheets of clothing and practice excellent hygiene at home. Weak (+1) - Members of this species are naturally weak, their muscles either underdeveloped or simply lacking in areas. As a result, they are unable to do hard physical work. Construction efforts are significantly hampered as such, and often require many more people to achieve the same task. Anemic (+1) - Members of this species do not possess the necessary cardiovascular system to be effective, be it from a lower blood count or weaker heart muscles. As a result they tire out more easily even when doing simple tasks, and are often sleepy during the day, spending a larger portion of the night resting to recover their energy. Quarrelsome (+1) - Members of this species don't get along well. They often fight with each other and even the slightest offenses result in a fistfight between the respective members. As a result it isn't always easy to organize them into a coherent group, and they rarely get along with other species on the simple account of taking their gestures as serious offenses.
^^^^ Mutually Exclusive with Diplomatic ^^^^ Decadent (+2) - Members of this species are lazy and do not wish to contribute to society unless it is absolutely necessary. It is hard to keep them in order as they often skip out on work, and would rather see others work instead of them. As a result they often employ animals or slaves to do their job, but still occasionally fail at keeping these servants in check, making them a highly inefficient culture. Special Diet (+1) - Members of this species gain most of their nutrition from a single food source close to their home region. Their bodies have evolved to efficiently break it down to the point where they are unable to digest food that is too different from it. This can be a specific type of plant or certain animal that only dwells near their living area.
A list of traits which give both beneficial and harmful effects to race, and as such don't cost extra points. Some of them are also completely free to pick, but usually provide a very restrictive effect.
Big (0) - Members of this species are naturally larger than their peers. This size is both a blessing and a curse: members of the species usually live slightly longer and are stronger, but they also move slower and tire out more easily, as well being unable to easily hide or fit onto smaller spaces.
Size cannot larger than elephants.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive with Both ^^^^
Small (0) - Members of this species are much smaller than other species, most likely due to some form of natural predator in their early history. A few feet tall, they possess a small stature that is easy to hide. While fast on their feet and quite nimble, they are usually not as strong due to their smaller size, and will take less punishment.
ˇˇˇˇ Upgraded ˇˇˇˇ
Extremely Small (0 / Does not cost Trait Pick) - Members of this species are unnaturally small. Perhaps a result of a rare genetic disease that spread across the population or genetic altering, members of this species are usually shorter than a single feet. While extremely quick for their size, often able to outrun much larger predators, they are quite vulnerable. The cold environments prove deadly to them, and a combination of diseases and physical trauma can easily overwhelm their bodies. However, as is often the case with smaller creatures, they have evolved a number of unique traits which they can use to overcome these issues.
^^^^ Mutually Exclusive with Adaptable / Achillean / Herculean / Symbiotic Host / Living Plants ^^^^ Nomadic (0/ Does not cost Trait Pick) - Members of this species are often on the move, displaying a natural urge to get a change of scenery. While they enjoy a well of stamina far greater than their peers to keep them going, if forced to stay put for a generation or more they will begin to become increasingly anxious and even unruly. Not to be bogged down in a single location, they are constantly shifting their homes and own only items that they can carry.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive ^^^^
Sedentary (0/ Does not cost Trait Pick) - Members of this species do not like to travel, and prefer to stay near their birthplace for most of their lives. Their cities are few but often massive, built by generations upon generations of their members who have all lived in the same place. Exploration is a mostly foreign concept to them, only done when space or supplies are running out to maintain the population of their gigantic communities. Symbiotic Host (0) - Members of this species have underwent a rather curious evolutionary turn early in their history: similarly to human mitochondria, they too have offered to be the host for a helpful symbiote. This relationship has proven to be beneficial for both entities: in general, members of this species are slightly better at a certain task, thanks to their relationship. However, due to their different origins, they do not share some key systems that would keep them self sufficient, meaning that they are suspectible to different threats that would otherwise not harm them. In addition if one entity does, the other will likely die as well, or become crippled.
Choose one of Strong / Intelligent
Choose one of Anemic / Sickly
Describe the symbiote on your sheet under your traits tab. Nocturnal (0) - Members of this species are nocturnal by nature, meaning that they spend the better part of the day in their dwellings, and instead they move out at night to deal with their usual tasks. To go along with this lifestyle, their senses are greatly enhanced and allow them to effectively traverse the pitch black nights. However, these same senses are often assaulted by daylight, making the members of the species much less effective, or downright lethargic at times if they have to work during the day. Lightweight Skeleton (0) - Members of this species have a complex, mostly hollow bone structure which significantly lightens their body mass. As a result, they are able to move much faster with the same amount of body weight and tire out slower, and are quite acrobatic by nature. However they are very susceptible to blunt force trauma, a fraction of the normal strength needed to break their bones and inflict injuries. Furthermore, their bones will often not heal properly afterwards, as a result of their complicated internal structure. Plantoid (0) - Members of this species display a large number of mutations that are more similar to plants than animals. Whether or not they once evolved from plants or received significant chunks of DNA from them is uncertain, but what is certain is that this species display positive and negative traits from both species. They are able to go without food for much longer and they understand nature like no other species could ever hope to. However, their lives are tied to the sun, still needing to absorb it's rays to help with their metabolism, but they also need to consume other nutrients to stay alive. Slightly more resilient to diseases of the fauna, plant based fungi are able to infect them as well.
ˇˇˇˇ Mutually Exclusive ^^^^
Sentient Plants (0 / Does not cost trait pick) - Members of this species have evolved from plants or have received some significant gene altering during their history, making them more akeen to the flora than the fauna. Whatever the reason is, this species requires little to no outside nutrients other than water and carbon from the air, as well as sunshine. While certainly an efficient way of generating energy, it is in no way as fast as normal metabolism. While unburdened by food, they perceive time much slower than other species as a result of their slower circulation and metabolism. This makes them appear slow and sluggish compared to other races, which relegates them to a more peaceful life. Thankfully, not many predators are out to get them, and they are unburdened by age as individual members of the species can keep growing forever unless they are killed by other means. They are also immune to most viruses that would affect non-plant based creatures, but they have their own scourge in the form of insects.
Both traits are interchangable with fungus based alternatives, with slight narrative alterations. Amphibian (0) - Members of this species have evolved a set of both lungs and gills which allows them to breathe in an out of water. However, they are naturally tied to water as their skin easily dries up and their senses are often assailed when out of water, which makes them unable to truly adapt to land-based life. At the same time they are usually not used to the deeper depths of the ocean, restricting their living spaces to the coastlines, rivers and lakes of the continent. Armored Shell/Skin (0) - Members of this species have evolved a peculiar bony shell around parts of their body that keeps them safe from most physical attacks. However, this shell usually hampers their movement, if not outright stops them from being able to attack back while using it for defense. Any Cosmetic Trait (0 / Does not cost trait pick) - Cosmetic or rarely used physical deformations along the lines of antlers, feathers and tails are free. Though everything here mostly affects RP anyways, anything chosen here will be exempt from consideration when it comes to war/economy. Other than that, it is obviously up to each player how they deal with it. If you are unsure about a trait, just ask. Any Other Trait (? / Max 1) - I am certain that I couldn't possibly list all traits, though I've tried listing some of the most common ones in order to provide a varied roster. Whether it is positive, negative or neutral, if you have an idea for a trait you might want for your race then don't be afraid to ask about it. These will help give a unique flair to your race that I couldn't come up with or didn't want to list (such as my idea of a race tied to a single sapling, for example). If you have any questions, do ask, but try to stick to the ones I have listed.
Aaaaand, that is it. Now, here is both an example sheet and the skeleton of what you should all be working with ^^
[hider= Sheet Code] [center] [b]RACE NAME:[/b] [b]RACE TRAITS:[/b] List here the traits that you have picked for your race, along with any additional info you may need to provide on it. [b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b] Describe how your race looks like, and provide a picture of possible [b]POPULATION:[/b] Up for community vote, depending on traits [b]RACE BEHAVIOUR:[/b] Describe how your race normally behaves, to give a general idea about them [b]HISTORY:[/b] You will have plenty to write here once we begin! [b]CULTURE:[/b] Same as above, leave it free for now. Will fill up as we get into the game. [b]TECHNOLOGIES:[/b] Tech tree coming very soon. Until then, the best way to think of your people is the natives on lonely islands on the pacific. Except, they have no culture just yet~ [list][*] - Primitive Technology [/list] [/center] [/hider]
Here is a made example of it!
RACE TRAITS: - Athletic - Adaptable - Quarrelsome RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. POPULATION: 12 RACE BEHAVIOUR: Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. HISTORY: CULTURE: TECHNOLOGIES:
- Primitive Technology
Aaaaaaand, that's it! Flora and Fauna Encyclopedia coming soon, tech tree following behind it relatively fast. I'll be spending my free time for a while on preparing all of this. Until then, come up with wonderful ideas ^^
@Crusader Lord@Klomster@Nate1008@Ascendant Well, here we are! That didn't take nearly as long as I expected it to take... but that was still quite a lot of writing. I'll let my eyes and fingers rest a bit, then I'm off to writing the bestiary and all that! Until then, here is the server for chatting and brainstorming ^^
I hope to see you all there since I do have a few things I want to ask from all of you in regards to the RP and shoot some ideas that couldn't really fit into any opener without the opinion of my players :D
Hive Minded (-1) - Members of these species display a high level of teamwork and organization that is the result of an evolutionary caste-system. Whether it is a chain of superiority, or co-existing pieces who deal with various tasks or even an incredibly versatile command chain, this species has unrivaled organization and efficiency.
Extra Arms (-1) - Members of these species showcase an unnatural evolutionary feature: an extra set of arms located above or below their shoulders. Though seemingly cumbersome at first, these arms are just as functional as the other two, making this species both excellent physical workers and warriors.
Repugnant (+1) - Members of this species are, frankly, hard to look at. Whether it is a lack of symmetry on their bodies or some particularly obnoxious or gross feature, other races frown upon them for their looks. While these features hardly limit them in their way of life of interacting with each other, more often than not even members of this race crave those from other species, as well as usually getting avoided in a multicultural crowd.
Points: -1 -1 +1 +The Starting 1 = 0
Race Physical Description:
An average-sized Mordukai of the Soldier caste.
Mordukai are human-sized insectoids organized into hiveminds of Hives that are totally loyal to their Queen, split into four Castes;
Soldiers (all female) are about the same size as a human, but you're more likely to get your throat ripped out by a Mordukai Soldier. Soldiers are hunters and warriors foremost, but hunting and warring requires intelligence. However, it could not be said that the average IQ of a Soldier is equal to a human, it is reasonably close. The typical lifespan of a Soldier is significantly longer than Workers and Drones, at around 70 years of age if the Soldier doesn't bite the dust at a young age or in battle.
In comparison to the standard Mordukai Soldier, Queens have thicker legs and abdomens due to their increased weight and need to lay eggs up to once a month. The typical Queen, if she makes it to adulthood at 10, can live up to 90 years if lucky, especially if the Hive is in a resource rich area. Queens are also known to have significantly larger heads and thinner arms, owing to their emphasis on thought over force.
Workers (technically female as well) are about a half the size of the average human and somewhat dumber than them, making Workers harder to train when it comes to skilled labor. They are the foragers of the Hive currently. Their lifespans typically end with them buried by 30, though they reach adulthood at 5.
Drones are the males of the species, and they are rare in number. However, they have one goal above all: Be the sperm provider for as many Queens as possible. They do whatever it takes to convince a Queen to have them, from offerings to more horrible things. Their bodies have adapted to this, often allowing their size to grow and grow through exercise and combat, with legends of 9 feet tall monster Drones. Drones tend to operate alone and without allegiance, seeking glory, offerings, and Queens. For better or worse, Drones are bandit wildcards that typically die before 30. Live fast, die young.
Population: Up for community vote, depending on traits
Race Behavior: Mordukai currently exist in a hivemind society with a quartet of castes: Queen, Drone, Soldier, Worker. The other castes are almost unbreakably loyal to their Queen, and there is but one Queen in each Hive. Unlike much smaller insectoids, Mordukai Queens do not lay up to 1,600 eggs a day, instead laying at most one per month per Queen.
Good to see the bug bros back. I feel that, uh, I've kind of messed up with the hive mind trait now that I look at it. Technically ants are hive minds too, though in my mind I definitely imagined a much simpler one when I wrote that. One with much less variation between each member of the species.
But, rule of cool, as always. I am a benevolent GM, so I'd definitely like to see them here. But hopefully the next few races will be of a less alien mindset, otherwise this will be a real clusterfuck haha
@Skepic@Wernher Good old friends of mine, I extend towards you a plea.
We have once stood as brothers in arms in the grimdark future of a dieselpunm universe. And I have watched you two brave it without me a dozen more times.
But today is not the day for war. Not yet. I value both of you as excellent writers and comrades well versed in NRPs. I do not wish to bother you fir pong with this mention, but I hope that you can give the opening a quick read, and if you fancy creating an in-depth nation to throw at the next war-NRP then I would gladly habe you among us ^^
If not, I extended my sorry for the ping. Still, it warms my heart to see old faces still active. Know that you've been sorely missed while I was away <3
@Legion02 And one last round of thunderous applause for another person who is still here after the years. And marking the end of my list (which isn't filtered in any way, shape or form) with someone I do remember rather well: the right hand man of the Imperium. I mean, Emporium
I am glad to see you still active old friend. If it is within you interest and you have some free time, I would be eternally grateful if you could give this RP a read and consider joining.
Hopefully you have bern well since we last spoke. Hoping to see you in the future again ^^
And with that, I would like to say a thank you to anyone who read through this honestly crazy long little post (51k chars). Thank you for the time you spent on giving my idea a thought, even if you didn't end up joining or writing anything. Hope to see you all in the future :D
And hopefully, we can get a cozy little band of people together and start this game in earnest. Until then, stay safe ^.^
I am always naturally anxious when I see someone with such low post count, but you appear a man of quality, rather than quantity from what I can tell. I am eager to see what you come up with.
Would carnivorous constitute a +1 penalty? Also looking at the rules and the Mordukai, does one get a trait pick for free? It's not very clear. Would a cold penalty constitute a +1 penalty? If carnivorous and cold wouldn't give +1 on their own, could i have a penalty which combines them for +1? Only 3 picks? Hmmm, i'll have to consider this.
@Klomster Kinda and Kinda. And indeed, the Mordukai are a bit broken atm for a purely mechanics perspective haha. But I put good faith in Ascendant to make such a thing work.
But to elaborate on your question, I will happily put "carnivorous" under a purely cosmetic version. Unlike the very specific diet one, simply being a carnivore or a herbivore isn't exactly THAT limiting. As such, it is more of a free roleplay flavor thing to pick up, no need for it to be a trait.
As being weak to cold climates, well, I could definitely chalk it up as "nonadaptable" for a race who starts in warm climates. For that it isn't very clear cut, but you can get away with a +1 trait Nonadaptable (Cold).
RACE NAME: Sobek RACE TRAITS: Ancient (-2) - Members of this species have unnaturally long lifespans, the oldest members living as long as 200-250 years. Their bodies are also significantly more resilient as a result, able to recover from dangerous diseases and other adverse effects that might shorten their lifespan.
Nonadaptive (+1) - Members of this species don't adapt particularly well to foreign environments and struggle to survive in places that aren't similar to their birth. The extreme cold or heat strains their nervous and immune systems, making them fatigued and sickly on such places. (Cold blooded)
Big (0) - Members of this species are naturally larger than their peers. This size is both a blessing and a curse: members of the species usually live slightly longer and are stronger, but they also move slower and tire out more easily, as well as they are unable to easily hide or fit onto smaller spaces.
Flavor traits. Amphibian light (0) - The Sobek can hold their breath for extended periods of time, 2 hours is standard but they can train for up to 3 or 4 hours. They also swim really well. The downside is that they cannot live underwater per se, on the flipside they aren't as sensitive to droughts as true amphibians.
Carnivorous (0) - Members of the species are carnivores and as such cannot eat plants save for a few spices and the odd fruit. Grain and vegetables are generally poisonous to them or otherwise inedible.
Tough skin (0) - The skin of this species is rough and leathery and provides protection against many cuts and bruises. Think the rough skin of a reptile or the thick hide of a hippo.
The Sobek are a race of humanoid alligators, they never stop to grow their entire life, which can last up to 300 years, which results in some sobek reaching heights near 2,5 meters tall. This together with their broad shoulders gives them a very menacing presence. Their skin is usually green, a light green which goes darker with age. But some variation exist and tones more akin to blue and yellow has been reported. A few feathers on the back of the head is also not unheard of but rare.
They are carnivores and as such have to hunt for food, therefore the species often sport lean defined musculature. Both males and females hunt. Males grow larger than the females.
POPULATION: Up for community vote, depending on traits
RACE BEHAVIOUR: The sobek are often described as looming. They move sort of slow to conserve energy but are fully capable of full on sprint and fighting. They are also unexpectedly sneaky despite their size and often ambush prey. They are cunning and ingenious, often using tools and tactics to achieve their goals.
The females are only fertile a dozen or so times during their lifetime, but when they are they can lay between 20 to 40 eggs, the eggs need to be kept body temperature for 10 months, usually just laid in a hidden spot in the wild, but in colder regions needs to be kept close to the female's body to keep its temperature. Temperatures during the early stage of the incubation help determine the genders of the eggs, which means that the mothers to an extent can control what their eggs will hatch as. This is not a clear science without temperature control tools however. The majority of eggs are born as male, with a ration of roughly 60-40.
Most of the time in the wild, when not hunting, the Sobek will lay in a sunny spot and relax.
The Sobek can eat what other races would deem rotten meat, while it's not rotten per se, the Sobek can eat meat that would be considered rancid by other species, but not truly rotten meat. In fact Sobeks usually store their food for a while before eating it, preferring it more stale than other species. Often with some herbs or a light searing with fire. Sobeks love fermenting their meats and experiment constantly with new methods.
RACE NAME: Kotka, Kotkan, Kotkans RACE TRAITS: Shoulder/Back Wings (-1) - Members of this species, for one reason or another, have retained or evolved wings early in their evolution. These wings portruding from their backs allow members of this species to take to the sky in limited capabilities. While not as efficient or strong as wings attached to their arms, these wings allow them to use their arms for various tasks while airborne. Using them is somewhat tiring, and remaining in the air for extended periods can be very tiring, even to the most athletic of their members. However, these wings are often far more extravagant than that of other races, giving a certain aura of charm or malice around the members who carry them.
Lightweight Skeleton (0) - Members of this species have a complex, mostly hollow bone structure which significantly lightens their body mass. As a result, they are able to move much faster with the same amount of body weight and tire out slower, and are quite acrobatic by nature. However they are very susceptible to blunt force trauma, a fraction of the normal strength needed to break their bones and inflict injuries. Furthermore, their bones will often not heal properly afterwards, as a result of their complicated internal structure.
Nonadaptive (+1) - Members of this species don't adapt particularly well to foreign environments and struggle to survive in places that aren't similar to their birth. The extreme cold or heat strains their nervous and immune systems, making them fatigued and sickly on such places.
RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The Kotkans are a very human like race, sporting significantly large, impressive looking wings. These wings sprout from their lower backs and offer limited flight capabilities thanks to their size. Kotkans normally live between fifty to a hundred years if given in good health, and often grow no taller than five feet. Their feather color, hair color, and skin color can vary between individuals, but often consistently posses very good endurance and flexibility thanks to the physical strains of flight.
POPULATION: Up for community vote, depending on traits
RACE BEHAVIOUR: A Kotka is at home in the sky. As such, a Kotka will prefer higher elevations, chillier climates, and terrain favorable to easy lift off such as nearby cliffs, ravines, or hills. Otherwise, they posses the same level of sapience of a normal human, perhaps being more naturally inclined towards quick thinking and multi-tasking due to the complicated and unpredictable nature of flight.
RACE NAME: Tylissians RACE TRAITS: Ancient (-2) Members of this species have unnaturally long lifespans, the oldest members living as long as 200-250 years. Their bodies are also significantly more resilient as a result, able to recover from dangerous diseases and other adverse effects that might shorten their lifespan. Slow Breeders (+1) Members of this species reproduce much slower than normal, be it a lack of natural incentive or a long gestation period. As a result, their population grows much slower, and recovering from plagues or disasters is much more costly for them than normal. Sedentary (0) Members of this species do not like to travel and prefer to stay near their birthplace for most of their lives. Their cities are few but often massive, built by generations upon generations of their members who have all lived in the same place. Exploration is a mostly foreign concept to them, only done when space or supplies are running out to maintain the population of their gigantic communities. Pointy Ears (0) Tall (0) Members of this species are naturally taller than their peers. Vegetarians (0) Members of this species tend to avoid eating meat whenever possible. They would use the animals for domesticated labor or for producing dairy products like cheese and milk. RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:A race of humanoids that are easily recognizable for their pointed ears and extreme nature hair color. An elf’s age can be easily discerned by the color of their hair. If their hair is pure white or pale blonde, then they are one of the elders. What’s extraordinary about the elves is how clean they seem to be all the time. POPULATION: Up for community vote, depending on traits RACE BEHAVIOUR: Due to their extended life spans, this developed a tendency to look down upon other races with contempt. Haughty and scornful, the elves would always appear narcissistic and self-centered.
Unfortunately, that’s because of the elves’ different worldview since they can live to be centuries years old. They think long term and their actions and speech reflect that. Races like humans can never fully comprehend the elvish desire to be perfect and to do it perfectly. HISTORY: Tylissathon wasn’t built in a day, it all started with the first mud brick was laid down... CULTURE: From the heavens came the Magyars and with them, they brought life... TECHNOLOGIES: Tech tree coming very soon. Until then, the best way to think of your people is the natives on lonely islands on the pacific. Except, they have no culture just yet~
Lightweight Skeleton (0) - Members of this species have a complex, mostly hollow bone structure which significantly lightens their body mass. As a result, they are able to move much faster with the same amount of body weight and tire out slower, and are quite acrobatic by nature. However they are very susceptible to blunt force trauma, a fraction of the normal strength needed to break their bones and inflict injuries. Furthermore, their bones will often not heal properly afterwards, as a result of their complicated internal structure.
Shoulder/Back Wings (-1) - Members of this species, for one reason or another, have retained or evolved wings early in their evolution. These wings protruding from their backs allow members of this species to take to the sky in limited capabilities. While not as efficient or strong as wings attached to their arms, these wings allow them to use their arms for various tasks while airborne. Using them is somewhat tiring, and remaining in the air for extended periods can be very tiring, even to the most athletic of their members. However, these wings are often far more extravagant than that of other races, giving a certain aura of charm or malice around the members who carry them.
Wasteful (+1) - Members of this species are particularly wasteful: they have little regard for both money and resources, often choosing to live for today instead of thinking for tomorrow. This results in increased upkeep for their economy, often requiring far more supplies than it would needed.
Nomadic (0/ Does not cost Trait Pick) - Members of this species are (at least initially in this case) often on the move, displaying a natural urge to get a change of scenery. While they enjoy a well of stamina far greater than their peers to keep them going, if forced to stay put for a generation or more they will begin to become increasingly anxious and even unruly. Not to be bogged down in a single location, they are constantly shifting their homes and own only items that they can carry.
Eventually, however, they will some to settle down as they advance and deal with other things in the world.
RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Proper human-like humanoids with a pair of butterfly-like wings on their backs, as well as white eyes without visible irises and a pair of pointed ears. Their bodies are properly proportioned humanoid forms, but also tend towards the slender side of things along with a hardy metabolism that remains properly active through even very old age. Their hair colors tend to trend in the reds, golds/yellows, and even greens when it comes down to it. All are visibly female in appearance in all traditional senses, yet when it comes to reproduction their bodies exhibit a very unique set of dual-purpose sexual reproductive organs. Each individual of this species is thus capable of making a mate pregnant as well as becoming pregnant by their mate in order to bear young. This also allows both parents to care for their own young, as their bodies react to the presence of their own young to produce milk in their mammary glands for nurturing in those crucial first weeks/months of a newborn’s life.
Of course this physiological peculiarity of theirs makes them quite...honestly surprised when it comes to witnessing actual separate genders among other species. Such a separation has never been necessary among them, nor is the concept of ‘gender’ really something they have beyond the ‘one’ their race possesses. This can potentially lead to some interesting, if not funny, reactions on the part of Velari when encountering other sentient species.
POPULATION: Up for community vote, depending on traits
RACE BEHAVIOUR: Describe how your race normally behaves, to give a general idea about them
The Velari are a generally hardy race of humanoids that tend towards building homes in higher-up positions. Their lung capacity tends to be very good due to their tendencies to live in higher-up areas generally, especially useful at higher elevations which they also enjoy being in whether flying about or living from them.
When it comes to food they tend to hunt for whatever vegetation or wildlife might be a fitting next meal, whether that is flying higher above them or near/on the ground below them, and generally store their food higher up with themselves and near or in their homes to avoid it being stolen. Velari living in some areas near the coast and the salty oceans winds tend to experiment with the stages of curing foods, due to the natural air flow being much better suited to this as a natural process, whereas others might tinker with other means of preservation more applicable in their areas of habitation. This adds a distinct ‘flavor’ and certain ‘variety’ to Velari food even in primitive times. Berries and fruits allowed to ferment in certain areas can be a delight in one area, cured meats near the coast can be another, and even naturally dried berries in more arid and higher-elevation areas can be a food eaten by Velari.
Their homes also tend to be crafted to blend in with local areas, or at the very least to reflect them in a way that helps them better blend in and fit in.
HISTORY: You will have plenty to write here once we begin!
CULTURE: Same as above, leave it free for now. Will fill up as we get into the game.
TECHNOLOGIES: Tech tree coming very soon. Until then, the best way to think of your people is the natives on lonely islands on the pacific. Except, they have no culture just yet~
RACE TRAITS: Quarrelsome (+1) - Members of this species don't get along well. They often fight with each other and even the slightest offenses result in a fistfight between the respective members. As a result it isn't always easy to organize them into a coherent group, and they rarely get along with other species on the simple account of taking their gestures as serious offenses.
Strong (-1) - Members of this species may appear normal at first glance, but their unimposing stature holds a highly efficient muscle structure that allows them to accomplish great deeds of strength that is simply impossible to other species of their size. They can run faster, lift more and generally do better in any physical tasks they are confronted with.
Fast Breeders (-1) - Members of this species are fast breeders, meaning that they are able to deliver their offsprings much quicker, or will usually deliver several at a time. Through a combination of natural factors, this means that they are able to replenish their numbers and breed new life into their population much quicker.
The Gronin are a race of humanoid mammals. Their skin colors are quite diverse including shades of green, gray, and even reds. On average Gronin reach physical maturity at 16 years old with males standing anywhere between 6 foot and 6 foot and a half and females standing at 5 and a half to six foot. Males on average weigh between 200 and 250 pounds while females weigh anywhere from 165 to 200. The average lifespan of both males and females ranges from 65-75 years old (assuming fair health) with women typically living slightly longer. Women are on average only pregnant with offspring for 4-5 months with twins and triplets being the norm. Both hair and eye color are varied among the Gronin.
POPULATION: Up for community vote, depending on traits
RACE BEHAVIOUR: The Gronin are more often than not described as a militaristic race believing in the right of conquest. Most Gronin favor martial prowess over anything else, yet they are not a "dumb" race. They still use tactics and attempt diplomacy where possible. Many Gronin seek glory and wish their names to be remembered for eternity, willing to die for whatever cause they might support. Being a militaristic race the Gronin aren't opposed to slavery and prefer to have thralls work the fields and mines while they themselves hunt, war, and procreate.
Gronin diets consist of mostly wild game and farm raised meat out of preference, however they are more than capable of digesting and extracting nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Many Gronin are known to prefer their meat under cooked and suffer no ill effects in the process.
Alcohol is another big part of their diet and some suspect this might be why they are such a quarrelsome species. Gronin typically drink more alcohol than anything else and are known to get rowdy both when they've had too much or too little.
Come meet is in the Discord and say hit o the boys! That sheet looks really neat, I like it! Drop that badboy in the CS and give us a rough idea on where you'd want to start (preferrably on the west haha)
Let me see those races... Formics or ants if you prefer, lizardman, Avariel (if you know DND you know what I am talking about), Elfs the cocky type BTW and butterfly fairy this is a weird cast of species