Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Wichita Kansas, Rosalia's Apartment:

"Alright then, just make sure he doesn't make a mess around the apartment either." He said, as Rosalia closed the door in front of him, the landlord walked over towards the guy. Taylor went over and picked up Lucky up in her arms the puppy was really cute in her opinion, as she listened to Rosalia as she started to talk about the landlord and the guy. "Maybe he's an ex lover of yours that you completely forgot?" Taylor asked jokingly, when the two of them would hear a really loud crashing down, which instantly woke up the puppy and started to growl and bark staring directly at the door.

When Taylor walked over and opened the door she would see the landlord was now laying down on the floor with a small hole in the wall were he had impacted. The man knelt down and looked around the body, before spotting, her eyes went wide and quickly closed the door shut and locked it while looking over at Rosalia with a bit of a scared look, as there was now some more knocking on the door while Lucky continued to growl and bark.

Wichita Kansas Willow's House:
(Will update your guys section next round since I don't really have much to go on with from either of you two at the moment.)

Wichita Kansas Outside of Merlin's Warehouse:

Merlin listened to Jack as he asked him a question and smiled before Tinker quickly spoke up. "Because the old man believes that if he took the villains kid as well then they would hopefully turn out better than their parents." She pointed out while she leaned back in the chair so its back legs were just on the ground. Merlin stared at her letting out a slight sigh and shook his head, he was going to answer her, but she decided to beat him to it.

"That is what I hope for, and still do that they don't turn out to be like their parents and hopefully make things better. Two others one I am sure you are familiar with Morgana Lefey, and Maleficent's daughter as well." Merlin answered, he wasn't sure what Megan meant by having the head really, Jack would feel his phone going off again.

Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:

The drive to the apartment was pretty much uneventful really, whenever they entered the apartment building the two would see that they had the power back up and working in the entire building now. Though whenever they got to their apartment rooms themselves they both would find that their doors were slightly ajar. Inside both of the apartments they looked like they were pretty trashed everything was pulled out, things scattered across the floor. Colby's cat would come running out to him quickly letting out a loud meow for attention as well, though inside both apartments nothing seemed to be missing either just a large mess.

Sierra Finley

Location: Trail Head.

"My name is Mellie." Maleficent answered the two of them, she looked down at the phone for a moment, and smiled a little bit. "It's a Cellular Center West, really cheap and easy for repairs." She said, hoping that she would be able to get the two of them to go with her and hopefully convince the two to come to her side. Sierra started to feel a little bit off with the two of them, she didn't know what was with them, but now it just seemed really shady.

She looked over towards Rose and nodded towards her slightly towards, while looking at the two women and smiled slightly. [color==DarkKhaki]"No, I think i'm good it's just a small crack, and I have insurance on it so it'll be fine I don't mind the increased bill either."[/color] Sierra said, as Sierra leaned in and whispered to Rose. "I'm getting bad vibes, lets just head back to your bike we can go for a walk somewhere else on the trail maybe?" She whispered.

Layla Hood

Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment

Layla got out of the car and stretched out slightly looking over at her sister and tossed her back the keys and smiled towards her a little bit. "Thanks for letting me drive by the way." She said to her sister, as she made her way back into their apartment and started to make her way up the flight of stairs and pulled out her keys to the apartment itself. She turned the key and walked inside seeing her cat instantly running over towards her and started to meow for attention. Layla smiled as she knelt down and picked up her cat and nuzzled him slightly, she really did love her cat.

"You ready to go on a little adventure?" Layla asked, as she made her way towards her room and started to pull out her backpack."Cas, the cat carriers should be in the closet by the front door if you want to get them." Layla said as she finished stuffing her clothes into the backpack. She made her way into he kitchen pulling out some plastic bags and filled them up with some cat food as well, hopefully they would be able to find some food whenever they got to this arcadia place for their cats as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 31 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Oak Park ---> Apartment -- Wichita, Kansas

Cassiopeia smirked at the boys and shook her head. That Matthew, curly haired one was definitely weird but then again, was talking about meeting all the characters from Disney really that weird, since apparently they were all real. Cassiopeia waved them off before she settled into the passenger seat and shut her eyes, enjoying some silence before they got to their apartment and reality.
Cassiopeia crawled out of the car and caught the car keys from her sister before shoving them back into her pocket and snorted. ”Not like I had much of a choice. You did steal them from me,” she reminded her sister. They got to their room and Cassiopeia closed the door. Her cat, Arty was sitting on the counter, tail swishing back and forth as he watched his owners enter. Cassiopeia walked over and scratched Arty between the ears before she heard Layla. ”Ya, I’ll grab them,” she said.
She walked over to the closet and pulled out the cat carrier, along with a couple jackets and set them to the side before going into her room to pack up a duffle bag. ”We’ll have to grab our camping stuff from the storage room,” Cassiopeia noted as she packed clothes and tried to decide if she wanted anything else from her room.

Willow Jones

Location: Willow’s House

Willow sighed and hung her head back as Annie refused to believe in the magic. It was hard to convince someone who hadn’t seen what she had. She looked back at Annie and frowned when she mentioned meeting a Merlin who wasn’t such a good guy. ”No, he didn’t do anything like that. Well, apparently he was the one who burned those two people but he didn’t do anything to us,” Willow quickly said. ”He didn’t give us anything either, just a business type card and where to meet him. He wants a bunch of us to go to this Arcadia place and help our real parents. Look, I didn’t think I was adopted but it turns out I am, so how is this any worse than that? I was there Annie, I know what I saw. Even if it was crazy,” Willow noted.
Her mother returned and she breathed in the sweet aroma of pancakes and the maple scent of sausages. ”Thanks mom, this looks amazing.” She walked over and accepted the plate from her mother and kissed her cheek in thanks before Willow walked over and sat on the floor in front of her bed to eat. ”You should have something,” Willow encouraged Annie.
Willow shifted her plate when she noticed her phone chime again and took it out to reply to Sierra.
”Ya, maybe. Let me know when you guys head that way.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Pandora Quill

Location: Wichita, Kansas - Trailhead
Skills: Deception

Pandora felt a bit off about the whole thing. She knew what her mother was getting at but even she had to admit this was stretching things a bit too far. "Mother, really. Perfect strangers asking someone to get into the car with them. Honestly, she means well I assure you, she's too good for this Earth my dad always said. I'm sure we can give you the address. Mother, surely there is something else you can do for them?"

The hint was given. This was sketchy. If her mother wanted to take these girls to who knew where, she would have to be a bit more sneaky about it. Pandora was all for the plan but the girls were smart enough to know this seemed odd at best. Hopefully their act was enough to get them by until something else could be done.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Gold

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

Jack wasn't at all surprised that Megan seemed interested in the whole beheading thing. She always was more interested in that sort of thing, which was the main explanation for her choice of profession. He couldn't help but chuckle at her questioning if they still had the head at all. It was more or less just him getting used to her sense of curiosity and some humor. Sure it was a bit dark and morbid, but it was the way that she was and he was fine with that, though he was going to tease her later about being the daughter of King Arthur of all people, that was just funny.

He listened in to Tinker Bell's interjection as to the reason for bringing the kids of villains along for the ride. "So should I take it as a compliment that you decided to bring me here or whatever? Or what? Since this is really weird to think that your dad is supposedly someone who likes to behead people or whatever it was that he did in the story... So next question... You've said we're in danger or whatever, okay... So you reached out to us... What exactly are we supposed to do now?" With those last words, he heard the phone go off and he pulled it out, looking at the message from Isabella. "Are these the others?" he asked Merlin, holding up the phone so that they could see the pictures and names of people on the phone, they were pictures of everyone else who had fairy tale parents supposedly.

Rosalia Rider

Location: Her apartment
Skills: N/A

She wasn't at all too sure what to think regarding everything, but she was glad that the landlord seemed to leave her be and walk away. "So glad that he decided to leave us be, ugh the guy can be so annoying at times, but what can you do or whatever?" she responded simply towards Taylor, before she heard the loud crash outside of her door, and she turned to stare at it, backing away from it. She heard the little puppy dog wake up and instantly start growling and barking towards the door. The fact that there had been some stranger just moments before looking towards her apartment was not very reassuring.

Taylor's reaction when she poked her head out the door was definitely not at all reassuring. Springing into action, she scooped up the puppy and put him in her bag, but allowed him to have his head poking out of it and she ran to the nearest window with a fire escape and opened it up, turning towards Taylor. "Guessing it probably was that weird guy who was staring at my apartment door. I'm honest here, I have no idea who the hell that guy was, but I do know one thing, something tells me we need to get the hell out of here, so out the fire escape we go, come on!" she said as she motioned for Taylor to go down the fire escape first. After all, if the guy was paying attention to her apartment, then the guy was after her, she just hoped that she could get Taylor out of harms way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 35 min ago

🗡️ Megan Pendragon 🗡️

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

It was a really touching reason as to why Merlin had saved Jack - and the other children of villains. "Well I would say you succeeded with Jack, then... He's annoyingly admirable," she praised. Some people hated their siblings, bickering and fighting nonstop. Megan got along with Jack rather well, even sharing an apartment with him and working in the same place. It had always been the two of them up against the world. And besides, Megan didn't believe that nature determined who one grew up to be - that was a matter of nurture. Perhaps the other two would be good people as well. "Maleficent is here... Do you think she's found her child? Erm, did the villains care that you took their children?"

She turned her attention to Jack's phone, recognizing a few of the faces. Some of them she had seen at the park earlier. She felt a bit irritated that Isabella was texting Jack right now. They were finally getting answers as to why they had been abandoned at the orphanage all those years ago, why their parents had given them up. Her parents were royalty. Jack's was a crook.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Car > Apartment

"Thirty sounds fine to me! Might need that time since I don't really know what to pack for a magical adventure into another world. W-w-Who knows what the weather will be like." He joked at Colby as he got out of his car. Matthew gave him a nod when he asked if he had a cooler. Luckily due to his anxiety and constant fretting, Matthew had bought a cooler a while back in the event the power ever went out or the fridge broke. He couldn't well afford to have all that go to waste so he kept a cooler in the storage room of his patio and always had a container of salt specifically to help keep the ice cold. He hadn't found any use for it yet so he was glad that it could help in this instance. As he entered his apartment however, he noticed quickly it had been turned around. Someone was looking for something and he hadn't the foggiest what.

Matthew slowly made his was around the living space, making sure not to step on anything or smudge any potential footprints. There was a track of them, laced with mud that the intruder had treaded throughout. Great, as if it wasn't bad enough that they broke in, they also tracked mud . As he went about picking things up, placing them back and grabbing his suitcase to start packing, he noticed that nothing was actually taken. Everything was still in his apartment, ill be it not where it should be. Matthew snapped a few photos of the tracks, seeing if he could find the shoe print from whoever decided to pay him a visit. There was a pregnant pause before a long tired sigh escaped him. He simply made his way over towards the kitchen, bringing the cooler, and began dumping ice in as he salted each layer. Was Maleficent or her goodies already after them? Did they truly have no choice? And what were they looking for?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Wichita Kansas, Rosalia's Apartment:

Taylor didn't have to be told twice to get the hell out of Rosalia's apartment, the guy seemed to be really creepy and he probably ended up killing the landlord possibly. "You have some kind of stalker after you or something?" She asked as she quickly went through the window and looked down for a moment. She didn't like the height of it at all, Taylor hesitated for a moment before hearing the door being knocked down from its hinges. "Yep, time to go." Taylor said as she quickly started to go down the stairs of the fire escape, Lucky continued to growl a little bit more while staring up at where her apartment actually was, Rosalia would be able to see the man sticking his head out the window and slowly trying to make his way onto the fire escape as well.

Wichita Kansas Willow's House:
(Try to move your guys' characters some, that way I can move things a bit forward some please and thank you.)

Willow's mother smiled towards her daughter. "Anytime, just call if you need anything." She said before leaving the room with her own plate of food and made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen to eat her food there, before Willow got another text from Sierra.

Wichita Kansas Outside of Merlin's Warehouse:

"Oh yeah Merlin is a bit of a softy, doing whatever he thinks is best." Tinker said while looking over at Jack and Merlin shook his head again at her comment, before turning his attention towards Jack's question. "As Megan has said Maleficent is here right now, and she is trying to convince you to join her side, or if she deems you as a threat she would try and kill you to." Merlin answered his question when Jack handed him over his phone and looked at the pictures that his partner Isabella had sent, looking a lot worried now. "I am pretty sure she has found her already I think."

"Yes those are the others, we need to make sure that she doesn't get her hands on them." Merlin said as he stood up and was going to grab a coat off of a nearby rack. "I could use your guys help if you are willing." Merlin said, before Tinker got up as well and shook her head a little bit. "Some of the others should be on their way over. I can go, they'd want answers from you instead." She said.

Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:

There was a knock on the door to Mathew's apartment it was a younger woman named Ashley who was renting the apartment next-door to his as she poked her head in. Seeing the mess that was there her eyes going wide seeing everything that was there, she had just gotten into the building herself. "What happened here?" She asked as she stood just outside of the doorway, her eyes then stopping to see that there was some muddied tracks within the hallway as well. "Do you want me to call the police or something?" She offered pulling out her phone she wasn't sure if there was anything stolen but she was pretty sure that there was.

Sierra Finley

Location: Trail Head.

Sierra was still a little bit paranoid she wasn't going to get into a car with a total complete stranger, she didn't even get the other girls name who was playing as her daughter. "Whats your name?" She asked Pandora, when she felt a text coming from Willow and gave her a little bit of a smile. "Of course, I can give you an address as well to." Maleficent offered pulling out a notepad from her bag and started to write down the address, to her apartment and handed it over towards Sierra, as she took it and looked at it for a moment and then looking at the two women.

"Thank you." Sierra said giving them a smile while looking over at Rose and nudged her a little bit looking like she was in some kind of day dream or whatever. "Theres a nice dinner not to far from here where I work, just ask for my name and I can give you a discount there if you'd like." Sierra offered, giving them a slight smile, trying to be nice and return the same gesture for offering her some help. As Sierra started to text Willow again.
"Sure thing, I can."
Maleficent managed to get a good look at the name who she was texting and smiled a little bit. "Thank you i'll be sure to when I go there."

Layla Hood

Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment

Layla started to finish packing up the last of her clothes into her backpack and then lifted it up and over her back before leaving her room looking at her sister and smiled a little bit. "I can grab the camping stuff, i'd rather not get scratched by Fuzzy forcing him into that." Layla said jokingly, though Fuzzy did hate being stuffed into his cage and always did end up fighting back and sometimes drawing blood as well.

Fuzzy remained by the bedroom door while looking over at Cassiopeia attentively also looking like he wanted some treats as well. Layla made her way down into the basement of their apartment building and then fished out her key to the small storage space, finding their camping gear. Layla started to make her way towards their car just to throw it in there so that way they wouldn't have to make more than one trip.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 31 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Apartment -- Wichita, Kansas

Cassiopeia glared at her sister. ”It’s your cat!” she yelled at her sister. She looked over at Fuzzy, watching her with a knowledge in her eye of what the carrier was. ”I’ll deal with you later,” Cassiopeia decided and went to tackle her own cat. Artemis had run away as soon as he saw the carriers but at the very least, when Cassiopeia had to put him into a carrier. He didn’t scratch her ever, just would whine and protest. She could hardly blame the animal. The only time he was ever in a carrier was to go to the veterinarians.
After Cassiopeia got Artemis snug in the carrier she looked at Fuzzy and crossed her arms. ”Look, we don’t have all day and I’m sure you will have more space at this new place we are going.” She grabbed some treats to try and entice the cat. Cassiopeia didn’t exactly want claw marks covering her entire body because of a cat.

Willow Jones

Location: Willow’s House

Willow set her phone down after getting a reply from Sierra and looked over at Annie. ”If I’m being honest, I haven’t quite come to terms with everything either. I’ve been thrown through the ringer today but I know what I saw Annie and I wasn’t the only one. Look, why don’t you have a little something to eat and then we’ll go for a drive by this warehouse okay?” Willow had to admit, having someone to go with to the warehouse was better than going alone.
Willow finished up her meal and drank a full glass of milk before she stood back up off the floor and stretched. She walked over to her closet and searched from some warmer clothes to get. It was getting later in the day so a dress wasn’t exactly ideal anymore. Willow loved the changing seasons but she had to admit, she would cling to her dresses until the last possible minute before it was too cold to wear one. Still, she did have winter dresses and insulated leggings for those days she absolutely couldn’t go without wearing a dress. She didn’t find dresses as the stereotypical femine construct, she simply felt most comfortable in that clothing. Willow slipped behind a dressing curtain she had in her room and dressed into a white sweater with dark red skinny jeans.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Trail
Skills: N/A

This lady was weird. Why was she trying so hard to get them in her car? The daughter at least seemed to think it was weird. Rose gave the daughter a smile. "We appreciate the offer though." She let her smile shine at Millie too. Trying to seem chill about everything. She was thankful this lady wasn't a guy at least.

Rose gave Sierra a small nod. She was ready to get going away from this lady. "Come on. I need to report the root to the station." She said and offered her arm to Sierra, hopefully, to keep her from tripping again. "See you at the dinner sometime." She waved.

Colby Jackson

Location: Apartment
Skills: N/A

Colby walked up to his apartment. He didn't hear any of his roommates, which wasn't totally unheard of since they were probably at school. He was certain he had missed his class, but honestly, he had already planned on skipping. At the door he noticed it hadn't been closed properly. Part of him thought that maybe one of his roommates had failed to close it properly. But after having seen it looked like his car had been attempted to be broken into he was on edge.

Colby pushed open the door slowly with his foot and carefully walked into the room. Glancing around the place was torn apart. He let out a sigh. The place had been broken into. Shit. Colby heard a meow and Jack was there rubbing against him. "Up?" He asked tapping his shoulder for Jack to climb up onto his shoulder. "I'm going to pack up and leave here. I'm taking you with me." He told his cat. Even before Colby had known he was the son of an actual cat.

Colby started packing up quickly. He wanted to get out of there quickly. He did do his best of also putting away as much stuff as he could but wrote a note for his roommates. 'Hey sorry about the place. Turns out my real parents were part of a gang and the enemy gang is looking for me. I don't know when I'll be back, if ever.' He stuck it on the fridge door.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Pandora Quill

Location: Wichita, Kansas - Trailhead
Skills: Deception

Pandora felt whatever intention her mother had slip from their grasp. It was kind of idiotic, in her opinion. If her mother had just told her the intention, she could have come up with a better scam than this. "Name's Trinity. You both have a great rest of your day. Let's resume our trek mother and we can have a nice discussion about how odd it seems to be so open to strangers, even well-intentioned gestures."

Once they walked away, Pandora dropped her silk smile. "I don't know what you planned to do there, but that was stupid. What girl in this day and age in their right mind would EVER enter a stranger's car unless it was an Uber? Please. Hope you have a back-up plan."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Gold

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

Jack just listened in to what Merlin was saying, as well as the questions that Meg was asking and the answers. He rolled his eyes slightly at her when she made a comment about how he was a typically good person. Like that was something that was very hard, he just tried to do the right thing no matter what was going on. Not because someone told him to, but because he chose to. Why was that a surprising sort of thing? Well from the sounds of it some people didn't expect him to actually not be some villain or whatever, that was definitely reassuring.

"Not sure why Isabella would send me those pictures or whatever, but I do know where Maleficent is, or at the least where she was last seen. Since turns out all of this insane magic stuff might actually be real, was planning on heading that way after this since we kind of got stuck with the case revolving around the corpse of the person you identified as Grumpy. Then again, most normal people wouldn't get the whole magic might actually be real thing," Jack said to Merlin and Tinker Bell, before turning to look over at Megan again. "Do you want to head over there or are you on the side of we should avoid her at all costs?"

Rosalia Rider

Location: Her apartment -> Outside down the Fire Escape
Skills: N/A

She didn't take the time to actually look at who it was that was breaking down the door. The instant that Taylor headed out the fire escape, Rosalia slung her bag with the puppy in it over her shoulder and more or less jumped out the window onto the fire escape, racing downwards after Taylor. Once she hit the ground she glanced upwards slightly, as the little dog was still growling towards the window. She saw the man up there poking his head out the window and heading their way. Or at least trying to considering he had to climb out onto the Fire Escape.

"Honestly I don't know what the fuck is going on. I saw him outside the apartment though when I was talking to the landlord. I have no clue who he is, or why he's following me. All I know is that this day has been a bit of a shit show of insanity and doesn't seem to be getting any better anytime soon. Now come on, less talking, more running!" with those last words, Rosalia grabbed Taylor's arm and raced out of the area that the fire escape had dropped them off at went out to the main street, and instantly turned to the left at the first opportunity she got. She had no idea what was going on, but she didn't want to stick around to find out.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 35 min ago

🗡️ Megan Pendragon 🗡️

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

Megan frowned, wondering what help the two of them could really be for a moment. Her brother was a detective and she was a medical examiner. She then slapped herself mentally. While she was proficient in autopsies, she wasn't entirely defenseless. She never had been a fan of guns, yet she loved the elegant artistry of swordplay. She had fenced all throughout college and medical school. "Do you have a small sword? Or a rapier?" Megan asked. Fencing was meant to train people to go onto use small swords or rapiers. Unfortunately, a foil was essentially harmless.

Her brother mentioned going straight to fight Maleficent now. Perhaps it was foolish of her, but she agreed. "Sure, let's go kill the wicked witch of the west," she murmured. For a split second, she wondered if the green terror was really real as well. Was there a limit to the sort of stories that were true? Or was every story in their world a manifestation of the history in another? Would Harry Potter come out to play next, hand in hand with Anakin Skywalker?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Wichita Kansas, Rosalia's Apartment:

Taylor felt Rosalia grabbing onto her arm and quickly started to run shortly behind Rosalia while looking up at the fire escape, the guy was having a lot of trouble getting out of the window which was pretty funny. "He's actually really dumb if he cant get out of the window." Taylor said, as soon as they turned onto the main street Lucky started to calm down now and moved his head inside the confines of the bag that Rosalia had stuffed the little guy inside.

Taylor groaned a little bit forgetting the chair that she managed to smuggle out of the trash can but decided to not go back after it, they were being chased by someone after all. There was a bus stop nearby by the looks of it and Taylor started to dig into her pockets and pulled out some loose change she had on her looking over at Rosalia. "Happen to know of another place to crash?" She asked her while holding out the change for Rosalia, she did have the card that Merlin had given her not to long ago.

Wichita Kansas Willow's House:
(GM controlling Annabelle for this update to move stuff along for now.)

Annabelle looked at Willow for a moment as she spoke and nodded a little bit, she needed to find answers as well for what she had seen earlier when she had her encounter with Merlin. "Alright i'll go with you." Annabelle said as she stood up and grabbed a small handful of bacon and started to eat it while looking over at Willow. "We can take my car then." She decided to offer since they were going together and it would make things easier to just go in one car. Annabelle pulled out her car keys and started to make her way down towards her car, before getting in.

She decided to go with what she had on her right now, before starting up her car again while waiting for Willow to get in, as she leaned back a little bit. Once Willow had gotten into the car, Annabelle pulled her car out of the driveway and started to drive down the road. "You have the address right?" Annabelle asked her.

Wichita Kansas Merlin's Warehouse:

Merlin looked at Megan for a moment when she asked for a rapier or a short sword for a weapon, and gave her a slight nod. "I do." Merlin said as he walked over to a nearby chest, there were a few weapons in there from several kids of swords to a crossbow as well. Before pulling out a sheath which contained the rapier. Merlin made his way over towards Megan and gave her a slight smile. "Hopefully you don't have to use it." Merlin said while Tinker Bell looked at him and shook her head slightly, she was actually more interested in this worlds use of guns, since back in Arcadia they didn't really have them except for flintlock rifles and what not.

Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:

As Colby left his apartment he would see Mathew's door open and another tenant was in the room with him she was patiently waiting for a response from Matt she didn't want to mess anything at all really as she started to pull out her phone to call the police about the break in at Mathew's apartment. She accidentally bumped into him before backing up slightly looking over at Colby seeing the cat on his shoulder and smiled a little bit. "Sorry." She said while looking over at Matt's apartment. "Do you know what happened to his apartment?" she asked Colby she didn't even know that the two of them had came into the building at the same time together.

Sierra Finley

Location: Trail Head.

Maleficent watched the two of them starting to walk off, she looked at Pandora for a moment and glared a little bit at her daughter she didn't really like being talked to. But she decided against saying anything else as she waved her hand a little bit, and then there was a loud sound like tires exploding. "They would need a ride now, if not we grab them forcefully." Maleficent said calmly to Pandora as she started to make her way down the trail while Rose and Sierra were making their way back, she also used her magic to block the cell signal.

Sierra could hear the sound going off and quickly made her way over to the sound, seeing that Rose's bike had fallen onto its side, and the tires looked like they were blown up or something like that. "What happened?" Sierra asked looking over towards Rose for a moment she didn't see anyone else there other than the mother and daughter couple. Sierra couldn't help but be a little bit paranoid she wasn't sure if it was the two of them. "Should I make a phone call or something?" Sierra asked as she pulled out her phone and she couldn't get any kind of cell reception.

Layla Hood

Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment

Layla made her way back towards her apartment and leaned herself up against the enterance to their apartment and smirked seeing Fuzzy's eyes growing wide at the carrier and letting out a hiss at it. "I was kidding I got him sis." Layla said as she took the bag of treats and then the carrier, throwing them into the carrier and shook it slightly. Which started to entice her cat and it slowly started to make its way over before Layla shoved his furry little ass into the crate and closed it shut looking over at her sister. "That's how you actually do it." She said as Fuzzy started to meow loudly trying to paw at the crate door to get at the lock but he couldn't.

"Alright lets go, you can drive us there." Layla said as she made her way towards their car, looking at their apartment one last time before getting into the jeep itself and strapped herself in. Setting her crate in the backseat of the car, she ran a hand through her hair slightly as she waited patiently for her sister to get in now.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Trail
Skills: N/A

Rose looked at her bike, examining the tires. There was no way she could drive it like that. She grumbled to herself. "Well I'd say call the rangers or AAA." She pulled out her own phone, of course not, she sighed. "I don't have service either. Come one, we aren't far from the Station. I'll get one of the guys with a pickup to take us to the bike shop."

She stood up from the bike and started leading the way to the Ranger Station. It wasn't far from them at least. "That is just weird. I've never had both tires blow out like that. And certainly not when it is just sitting. Those weren't old tires either."

Rose didn't pick up on the paranoia Serria was having. She certainly didn't think that they could have blown up her tires. Yeah, she had seen a lot today, but her brain wasn't wired for that quiet yet. Rose was frustrated at the moment more than anything and was planning with her known resources.

Colby Jackson

Location: Apartment
Skills: N/A

"Honestly, I don't know. This is Jack. He is friendly if you wanna let him sniff you then scratch his chin." Colby said, pointing to the cat on his shoulder. "Mathew, everything okay? Are you missing anything? Oh, I'm Colby." He added the last bit to the girl.

"We should report this to the police for certain. Want me to give you a lift there Mathew?" Colby asked. "We have to be quick though. We have that meeting." Colby added nervously. He wondered if maybe this girl was working with the people who had ransacked his room. The people opposed to Merlin. God what a wild day it had been.

Colby felt like he was becoming paranoid. His note wasn't far off from the truth he figured. Though, he only knew who his dad was and not his mom.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Apartment

Matthew looked up puzzled at the new face for a second. He wasn't sure if she was in league with Maleficent or perhaps some thugs who ransacked this place if it wasn't connected. The lack of anything missing however made him believe that this wasn't your run of the mill breaking and entering and he had to play his cards right and close to his chest. He closed the lid of the cooler, sealing in the cold air and salted ice along with a few provisions from his fridge. Walking around the kitchen counter he began to pick up a few items, placing them here or there as he was about to speak. Suddenly Colby showed up as well and seemed to give off an answer that wouldn't involve this random stranger. He hadn't recognized her from the photos so she wasn't one of the chosen fews kids. "I-it's alright, the b-both of you. Colby you're good with cats, mind taking Carroll to the car while I finish up here?"

I-i-i appreciate you're help a-and concern but. I-ive already placed the call to the police. T-they'll be here soon already."
He hadn't placed a call, but he hoped that if that girl was in league with the others that it would scare her off the scene knowing that cops were already on their way. Then again, how scary are cops if you can turn into a dragon? This whole fairytale thing complicated stuff already. He grabbed a few items, and opened a locked trunk where he kept his fathers hat. Matthew placed it on his head and began to make his way out of the apartment, ushering the woman in front of him to leave so that he may do so himself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 31 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Apartment -- Wichita, Kansas

Cassiopeia smiled at her sister. ”Why didn’t you just do that earlier. No, you had to make me suffer,” she teased her sister. Cassiopeia turned back to her room and finished packing up some of her clothes. She grabbed warmer clothes and clothes that allowed her to dress down but still layer up. She made sure to bring along some rain gear as well before she packed up a few sentimental things. Photos, a phone charger just encase this place did have power and her kit for making more arrows.
Once packed up, Cassiopeia walked out of her room and gave another look around the apartment before she sighed and gathered her cat carrier. Hopefully they would be back. She did like it here and it was home for her and her sister. She packed everything into the Jeep, putting her cat in the back seat with Fuzzy so they weren’t jammed in the very back with everything else. Cassiopeia climbed into the driver's seat and looked over at her sister. ”Well, here we go I guess.” She drove away from the apartment building and towards the warehouse.

Willow Jones

Location: Willow’s House

Willow gathered up the dishes and pulled on a jacket before she followed Annie. ”Thanks for offering to drive and to come with me.” She was nervous to go and wasn’t sure what going would mean for her or for the people who invited her to come and sent her the letter in the first place but Willow needed to go. She brought the dishes downstairs and set them down on a table in the hallway.
”Bye mom! Annie and I are going out. I’ll be back later!” She called down the hallway before exiting the house with Annie and got into the passenger side of her friends car. ”Yes, it’s on the card here,” Willow told Annie and typed the address into the GPS. After that was done, she texted Sierra and told her that she and Annie were going to the warehouse.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Gold

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

He wasn't too surprised with Megan asking for a weapon of sorts, honestly that sort of thing would probably be helpful. Though personally Jack didn't care much for weapons of any sort, preferring to just hit things with his fists if the need arose. Of course, that sort of thing happened more often then he'd care to admit. Most cops liked using guns, and he wasn't all too sure about what to really say regarding going after Maleficent now, especially considering that most of the cops he worked with carried guns around, it just never was his sort of style.

"Well Meg, if we're going to get going to find the big bad then we might as well head off now, guess we'll see you two later probably. Or well, more of hopefully. Fun fact about my job, dealing with crazy people is kind of a daily thing, and unfortunately the job of dealing with the witch or whatever was thrown at me by the department," he said with a slight wave towards Merlin and Tinker Bell (both of whom Jack still found to be a bit weird) and headed out of the warehouse towards Meg's car.

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Streets
Skills: N/A

"I'll be honest, that is kind of funny," she said with a slight laugh as that thought somewhat helped to lighten the mood, at least in her opinion. Since who the hell couldn't just climb out of a window? "5 out of 5 would not recommend this guy being hired to give chase to anyone. What's next? Falling off the fire escape and going splat on the ground? He clearly needs to learn a few things about chases, most thieves who have had to run away from the cops have been in a chase sequence before!"

She kept running as she eventually ended up spotting the bus, petting the dog gently in her bag as she instantly led the way over, pulling out her own wallet to see how much she had on hand. Seeing around $10 there, she let out a small sigh of relief that she had any sort of money on hand at all. "I can pay, and yeah, I think I know some place to go," she told Taylor, as Rosalia reached into her pocket and pulled out the card with the address to Merlin's Warehouse on it. [color=A36AC7]"Let's just hope there is a bus stop near there or whatever, since that would make our lives easier.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Pandora Quill

Location: Wichita, Kansas - Trailhead
Skills: Deception

Pandora expected her mother to be upset, but like her, she was very passive about it. Whatever she intended, they needed to be smart about it and luring girls into their car or whatever was not the right way to go about it. "What are you talkin-..." she began as her mother waved her hand and a loud sound echoed. Pandora turned to see the tires of the car blown. Pandora quickly followed her mother down the trail.

"Ok, one that was cool, but two that was also suspicious. Why don't you tell me exactly what you have planned and we can work together? I grew up conning people for a living. This is literally my wheelhouse." She also didn't know why she was now becoming desperate for her mother's approval. Maybe she just wanted the power she had. Either way, she refused to be in the dark any longer. If her mother wanted her help, she would have to spill.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 35 min ago

🗡️ Megan Pendragon 🗡️

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

Megan took the rapier from Merlin, pulling it up slightly from the sheath and looking at it, before she slid it back in firmly. It was a bit heavier than a fencing foil, though she had no doubt she could make it work. She wasn't much of a gun person - she never had been. Her brother she was fairly certain carried one or at least knew how to use one, given his work as a cop. It would have been silly for him to not be skilled with one. But then it struck her - he didn't use one. He had a pocket knife. "I'm sure your pocket knife will go on swimmingly," she teased Jack.

She followed him out of the warehouse, feeling a bit wary as she unlocked her car and got into the driver's seat. "What's the address?" she asked her brother, placing the rapier in his lap once he got in. She always handed her things over to her brother to "manage" when she drove. Maybe if a bee flew into the car he could use the rapier to defend himself. "And... how are you dealing with... everything?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Wichita Kansas, Streets:

"Alright see you later sweety." Willow's mother called out as Annabelle waited patiently until Willow got into the car, and smiled towards her friend for a moment. "No problem, maybe we can get some answers now." Annabelle said despite having her fears earlier, she really did want to learn more as soon as possible as well. Annabelle followed the GPS as Willow set it up while looking over at her friend and smiled slightly. "How are you doing by the way?" Annabelle asked her, meaning if she was alright with everything that had happened during the entire day as well. Annabelle would followed the GPS, when Willow texted Sierra, however the text didn't go through at all due to Sierra's reception issue as well. They will be able to get to the warehouse this round as well.

Taylor looked back over her shoulder, seeing the guy now just getting out onto the fire escape, she laughed slightly at the guy he was pretty dumb actually seeing him struggle through the window and agreed with Rosalia's comment which was pretty funny. "Kind of reminds me if that old black and white show with the really dumb guys in it or whatever it's called." Taylor said referring the Three Stooges TV show she had watched while in the shelter with a bunch of older homeless guys.

Taylor was grateful for Rosalia paying for the bus fare, and nodded slightly as she climbed onto the bus, finding an empty spot in the back of the bus, and gestured towards them. "Lets sit there then." She suggested as Taylor made her way and sat down on the seat, Lucky poking his head out of the bag again and licking at Rosalia's arm.

Wichita Kansas Merlin's Warehouse:

"Oh i'm gonna be going with you two, just to make sure you guys are safe." Tinker said, looking at Merlin for a moment and nodded slightly, it wasn't like she didn't trust the two of them alone Maleficent was very powerful after all. She followed shortly behind them and made her way over towards her car. "I'll follow you guys." Tinker told them as she went and got into her car, and started it up getting ready to follow them. Isabelle had already sent out a text earlier to Jack where the address actually was, whenever they left Tinker was very close behind the two of them.

Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:

The girl had been their neighbor just down the hallway and she would have occasionally waved at the two of them during her laundry runs down in the basement. She didn't step into the mess at all, knowing that if she messed with the scene she would probably end up getting herself into some kind of trouble. She gently reached over at gave Colby's cat a light pat on the head and under the chin, before taking a step away and out of the door to let the two of them go and do their thing. "Alright, if you say so hopefully nothing was stolen." She said giving the two boys a friendly smile before turning and started to head back to her apartmet at the end of the hallway.

Sierra Finley

Location: Trail Head.

"There wouldn't be anything suspicious since there wasn't anything that technically hit the tires, so it will look like the tires of their motorcycle simply exploded." Maleficent answered, as she watched Sierra and Rose starting to make their way up the trail towards the Ranger's Station. She looked back over towards her daughter as she asked for some more questions on what she wanted to do with the two of them. "I know that they have talked to Merlin, I just simply wish to convince them to believe and join me." Malefiecent answered her daughter as she made her way towards the trail, another one that would eventually make it towards the ranger station.

Sierra continued to follow alongside Rose, she still didn't get any kind of reception at all which was really annoying to her, but they were in the middle of the woods after all and didn't get good cell reception in the area in the first place either. "So, how long would it take to get AAA here for a motorcycle tow?" Sierra asked, since she had never had a car or motorcycles tires explode like that ever which was really weird still in her opinion.

The rangers station wasn't to far from their current location it looked like a pretty small log cabin, with a truck parked under a pavilion like structure as well. Sierra could see a ranger inside on a computer and made her way towards it and knocked on the door, a few seconds later the guy came over to the door seeing the two young ladies. "What can I help you two with?" He asked them both.

Layla Hood

Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment

"I live to watch you suffer sis." Layla said teasingly and stuck her tongue out at her sister jokingly as she climbed up into the passenger side door next to the driver. Fuzzy started to meow loudly like crazy, wanting to get out of the crate which made her shake her head slightly. "Really you are being overly dramatic." Layla said to her cat looking at their apartment building as they started to drive away. She wasn't sure how long they will be away from it, and Layla did hope that she would be able to come back and maybe even continue her job as well.

"Sooooo, do you wonder what our dad actually looks like?" Layla decided to ask looking at her sister while she drove and leaned back in her seat the traffic was starting to get pretty busy now as well. A part of her did wonder if this was still some really weird and elaborate hoax as well, but she kept that part to herself.
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