Wichita Kansas, Rosalia's Apartment:
"Alright then, just make sure he doesn't make a mess around the apartment either." He said, as Rosalia closed the door in front of him, the landlord walked over towards the guy. Taylor went over and picked up Lucky up in her arms the puppy was really cute in her opinion, as she listened to Rosalia as she started to talk about the landlord and the guy. "Maybe he's an ex lover of yours that you completely forgot?" Taylor asked jokingly, when the two of them would hear a really loud crashing down, which instantly woke up the puppy and started to growl and bark staring directly at the door.
When Taylor walked over and opened the door she would see the landlord was now laying down on the floor with a small hole in the wall were he had impacted. The man knelt down and looked around the body, before spotting, her eyes went wide and quickly closed the door shut and locked it while looking over at Rosalia with a bit of a scared look, as there was now some more knocking on the door while Lucky continued to growl and bark.
Wichita Kansas Willow's House:
(Will update your guys section next round since I don't really have much to go on with from either of you two at the moment.)
Wichita Kansas Outside of Merlin's Warehouse:
Merlin listened to Jack as he asked him a question and smiled before Tinker quickly spoke up. "Because the old man believes that if he took the villains kid as well then they would hopefully turn out better than their parents." She pointed out while she leaned back in the chair so its back legs were just on the ground. Merlin stared at her letting out a slight sigh and shook his head, he was going to answer her, but she decided to beat him to it.
"That is what I hope for, and still do that they don't turn out to be like their parents and hopefully make things better. Two others one I am sure you are familiar with Morgana Lefey, and Maleficent's daughter as well." Merlin answered, he wasn't sure what Megan meant by having the head really, Jack would feel his phone going off again.
Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:
The drive to the apartment was pretty much uneventful really, whenever they entered the apartment building the two would see that they had the power back up and working in the entire building now. Though whenever they got to their apartment rooms themselves they both would find that their doors were slightly ajar. Inside both of the apartments they looked like they were pretty trashed everything was pulled out, things scattered across the floor. Colby's cat would come running out to him quickly letting out a loud meow for attention as well, though inside both apartments nothing seemed to be missing either just a large mess.
Sierra Finley

Location: Trail Head.
"My name is Mellie." Maleficent answered the two of them, she looked down at the phone for a moment, and smiled a little bit. "It's a Cellular Center West, really cheap and easy for repairs." She said, hoping that she would be able to get the two of them to go with her and hopefully convince the two to come to her side. Sierra started to feel a little bit off with the two of them, she didn't know what was with them, but now it just seemed really shady.
She looked over towards Rose and nodded towards her slightly towards, while looking at the two women and smiled slightly. [color==DarkKhaki]"No, I think i'm good it's just a small crack, and I have insurance on it so it'll be fine I don't mind the increased bill either."[/color] Sierra said, as Sierra leaned in and whispered to Rose. "I'm getting bad vibes, lets just head back to your bike we can go for a walk somewhere else on the trail maybe?" She whispered.
Layla Hood

Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment
Layla got out of the car and stretched out slightly looking over at her sister and tossed her back the keys and smiled towards her a little bit. "Thanks for letting me drive by the way." She said to her sister, as she made her way back into their apartment and started to make her way up the flight of stairs and pulled out her keys to the apartment itself. She turned the key and walked inside seeing her cat instantly running over towards her and started to meow for attention. Layla smiled as she knelt down and picked up her cat and nuzzled him slightly, she really did love her cat.
"You ready to go on a little adventure?" Layla asked, as she made her way towards her room and started to pull out her backpack."Cas, the cat carriers should be in the closet by the front door if you want to get them." Layla said as she finished stuffing her clothes into the backpack. She made her way into he kitchen pulling out some plastic bags and filled them up with some cat food as well, hopefully they would be able to find some food whenever they got to this arcadia place for their cats as well.