Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was a shame that the other two were not tactically minded, but then again when you had their level of raw power it was easier to just power through their issues. He couldn't say he didn't like that about them. Having judged the stats of the creature, and how the creature acts, he found it was time to act.

Felix smashed his fists together as his body was coated in a crimson aura of flame, which quickly shifted to a lighter red and then orange as his tails multiplied. Moving so fast he was an orange blur, he gave a flying kick to the creature sending it flying into a wall away from Blake. Turning to the other two, he inked out his plan.

"I'll provide defence, my flame cloak and enhanced durability should keep the acid from affecting me. You two wait for an opportunity and smash it with a ranged attack."

Saying this, he moved towards the Leftover, aiming to get it into a grapple.

@Hitman @Canaryrose
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

While hopping over the red-haired superhero, Jamie shot a concerned glance to Blake before dashing after the Iguanosaur. She followed the now aflame Felix after the Leftover, only a few steps behind him. Blake had delayed its fleeing, which was good- Felix seemed to be getting closer to it. Concern almost made her run over to check on him, but, in a smart moment, she decided not to. She knew, of course, that he'd be okay- it was Blake, he'd definitely been hurt worse than this on missions- but it still tugged at her heartstrings to see her friends hurt. Which was why this stupid dinosaur had to die!

She really only half-listened to Felix's words but got the gist of it. Stay away. She watched for a moment, fascinated, as the fox-tailed man grappled with the creature nearly two feet taller than him. While powerful, super-strength was a trait that Jamie did not possess. So, seeing someone able to grapple with a dinosaur was impressive. She stood there, stock-still, for a moment, watching. Then, once Felix's words registered in her mind, she started looking around for something she could use for a ranged attack. The Iguanosaur kept trying to run, so maybe something to hold it down? She glanced around the forest, circling the battle. Then, she saw something perfect. A tree. An oak tree with leaves fresh and green from springtime. But, unfortunately for it, it was about to fall down.

At an opportunity to crush it, Jamie flung out her hands. A concussive blast of pure vibrational force flew from her fingertips, forcing the tree to fall. She crossed her toes, hoping that her gamble with the tree would work out like she wanted it to, trapping the Leftover so that they could kill it. Otherwise, this might not go that well.

@Hitman@Ryteb Pymeroce

It took nearly all of Patricia's limited self-control to not smack Martino Bernadino right then and there for that pet name. Sugar plum. She had to hold back a disgusted shudder, and, instead, smile sultrily up at him. Her lips curled back from her teeth, her eyelashes fluttered. She had looked up flirting techniques on the way here and, thankfully, she was a good actor- just by the way he was staring at her breasts, he was definitely attracted to her. Even if she was about 40 years too young for him.

She giggled a third time, pretending to hide a bashful smile. "I would adore that. I've been looking for something to... occupy my attention. Maybe we could even have a little bit of fun after."

She waved as he left to head to the poker game, still smiling. But, as soon as he entered the room and closed the door, her smile dissolved into a disgusted grimace. Bianca Romano disappeared, replaced by a very exposed feeling Patricia. She glanced at Brie, Angelica, and Tom, waiting over by the bar. They looked like they were scouting out the poker game, trying to get in- which wouldn't be necessary anymore. Patricia had a way right into the heart of their organization.

Looking over her shoulder again to make sure Martino wasn't watching her (he wasn't), she headed over to the group, glaring a little at Brie. Although Brie was one of her few friends in the organization, she was the one who had suggested this whole seduction thing, and Patricia was not happy about it. And she'd have to keep the act up for god knows how long, too.

"We need a change of plans," Patricia whispered to them once she ensured that no one was listening in. "I seduced that Martino guy- I'm still not happy about that, by the way. His end goal is definitely sex and there is no way I am doing that. Anyways, he's gonna bring me to their meeting as his date or whatever after the poker game's done. I could probably get you guys in as a crew for hire or whatever, but we don't need this poker game. I've got a way in, all we have to do is wait." Her voice was hushed as she leaned in to say all of this, her arms crossed. She kept glancing to the door to the backroom, watching for Martino.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amethyst


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: HERO One || Interacting: No one!

It was a few minutes past four in the evening, and Eliza had just arrived at HQ for the evening. Her dad was going to be here late anyway, so she certainly had enough time for violin practice – thankfully, because solo and ensemble was coming up and she was woefully unprepared. She’d spent most of the last few weeks working on material for her Red Instead fundraiser stream, which was supposed to be this weekend… a jar of Manic Panic dye remover and a jar of Rock’n’Roll Red clinked around in her backpack.

Last year she’d had a grand total of 200 dollars in donations for the event, and this year she was hoping for twice that, even though her subscriber count hadn’t really changed… She had half a mind to get Patricia to show up for part of it, though she was sure the other girl had other obligations. Starbright would be sure to bring in the donation money, but he certainly had some sort of gig to go to, or a photoshoot, or something.

Eliza tried not to be too bitter about Starbright’s fame – he just liked to rub it in, you know? Still, it was unbecoming to have that mindset about another performer. She forced positive thoughts into her brain as she greeted her father at the door (He was on front desk duty, again, as he always was.) “Hi dad! I’ll be in the usual spot,” she said, before swiping her ID and hopping in an elevator.

Her “usual spot” was a semi-soundproofed room in the corner of the fifth floor, bare except for two chairs, a table, and now a portable music stand. Along the back wall was a full-length mirror, with a darkroom behind it that could fit two-dozen people in lecture-hall style seating, complete with tiny desks for ease of note taking.

“All the practice facilities that a hero could need” included a practice police interrogation room, it seemed, though it was almost never used. It was a critical skill for new heroes, though, both learning how to get information from uncooperative hostages and how not to surrender sensitive information in a situation where they were hostage. It was also mirrored and semi-soundproofed, as previously mentioned, so it was an ideal practice space for a shy violinist.

She tossed her backpack on the folding table, rummaging for her music folder and producing a binder of her personal work, in addition to the folder with her school solo, orchestra, and quartet music. She was only playing second violin in quartet this year, which she was very upset about, but she was also only an 11th grader and was in the senior quartet, so – she had that going for her, right?

She set up her laptop with her looping pedals, which had been crammed in the outside pocket of her violin case, and grabbed her binder, which at the moment was full of catchy pop and rock tunes scored for two or three violins and a keyboard. They were all easy enough, there were just a lot of them; she tried to put together about a two- or three-hour long stream for this thing. She flipped to a random one, intending to just use these to warm up before she switched to her solo, and proceeded to pull her violin from its case, rosining her bow liberally before beginning to play with some simple long tones, smoothly spilling into the accompaniment of one of the tunes.

As she played, she forced herself to look up from her music at the one-way glass, making eye contact with herself even though it burned in the back of her skull and made her fingertips numb. The bow squawked, and she mumbled a curse as she instinctively rendered all but her instrument invisible. This was how she’d done the stream the last two years, invisible except for her violin – she’d stylized her youtube channel after that, “Inviolisible” (shut up, she was 13 when she picked it) where she practiced and performed in eyecatching locations with nothing more than her violin appearing to float and dance in mid frame. In the last three years she had garnered a grand total of 2,500 subscribers, which was a lot! But didn’t hold a candle to most musicians. Still, after last year’s stream she’d netted about 250 new… hopefully this year’s would be even better.

She painstakingly continued to try to bring herself back to visibility, now playing freely through a heavily ornamented variation of a recent Starbright chart-topper. She barely needed the music at this point, but she always preferred to hide herself in it… she glanced in the mirror and again, her fingers slipped, her heart dropped from her throat, and next thing she knew she was invisible again.

Dammit. She restarted the piece, trying to focus on the flow of the music and not on the taunting image of herself in the mirror.

Interacting: Patricia @canaryrose, Brie @danvers, Tom @kaijubaragon, GM @hitman!

Since they’d gotten here, Angie had done her best to make sure she, at least, wasn’t conspicuous. She’d gotten a (virgin) strawberry daiquiri and was sitting on a barstool, sipping on it and chattering away with the bartender, flashing glances to other patrons who hovered around and just generally acting like she was there for pleasure, not business.

As soon as Patricia returned, though that façade fell away. She placed her drink down on the counter, leaning in to give her undivided attention, and wincing sympathetically at Patricia’s disgusted expression. There was no way that she was letting an underaged girl do this part of the job alone; she hadn’t been happy about the seduction idea either – why have Patti do it when Angie’s power was literally perfect for it? But the others hadn’t heard her complaints.

At Patricia’s suggestion of masquerading as a hired crew, Angelica shook her head. “These two,” she said, pointing to Brie and Tom in turn, “look like they could be hard enough to be worth their salt as a hired crew. I don’t. I can try to get in with you, though. I know you have your… cover, but I’m sure their big fancy meeting won’t mind another pretty woman. I just don’t want to leave you without backup in a room full of this guy’s lackeys.”

She had changed before meeting the others here, and now wore a sheer lace wrap, black and sequined, over a dark burgundy red minidress and black platform boots. Her makeup was her usual cherry-red lipstick and somewhat oversized false eyelashes with a dramatic smoky eye, her hair piled up in a messy, hairsprayed updo. She hadn’t needed to be told twice that they were going clubbing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tom looked around the place that Brie had brought them to. God, this place really was depressing as fuck. He had never spent a lot of time in Brookside, and he was used to bars that were a lot less seedy and rundown. But they were about to find and intercept a mafia operation here, so he supposed that a seedy rundown bar matched the whole vibe of the operation. His job right now was to find and intercept a poker game... so he left the rest of the group behind and began scouting out where exactly this game could be. There were a couple of doors leading to back rooms, so he hung around for a little bit watching them. And, as luck would have it, after a couple of minutes he saw an overweight gentleman leave one of the rooms carrying a couple of poker chips. Bingo - this must be it.

Tom walked up to the door, looking behind him for a moment to make sure he wasn't being watched. He saw Patricia walk up to a guy and turned back quickly, not wanting to watch Patricia's best attempts to be seductive. After around 10 seconds of plucking up the courage, he rapped his knuckle lightly on the door. Immediately, he heard frantic shuffling around inside the room, and the unmistakable sound of poker chips colliding with each other, before the door cracked open and a seedy looking man with a poorly groomed moustache poked his head around the door. The man was extremely brief, only greeting Tom with a short and simple "Yeah?"

Tom cleared his throat before putting on the best gruff voice he could muster. "Hey, yeah, just got a message, they don't want people dealing the game for too long at a time, so I'm supposed to take over from you after this game." The man paused before speaking again. "Why haven't I heard anything about this shit?". Tom managed to think on his feet, replying. "Well, they think that certain players might be wearing a wire." He noiselessly mouthed the last word for added effect. This seemed to pacify the man who shrugged. "Alright. I could damn well use a cigarette break." The door was then closed back up again.

Satisfied, Tom went back to the bar and stood with Brie, and fairly close to Angie, who was chatting away to the bartender. However, Patricia soon arrived, looking frantic. The news that she gave them gave Tom mixed emotions. On one hand - he had just spent all that effort for basically nothing, which was annoying. On the other hand, Tom was not an expert at poker, and he genuinely didn't know whether he could have held his own dealing in hardened criminals without being found out in the span of around 10 minutes. He rubbed his chin, wincing slightly.

"Ah, shit... That guy who was dealing the poker game is gonna be pissed when he comes out and I'm not here... but sitting in a meeting is easier than trying to deal poker to mobsters. He turned back to the bar and ordered a drink, more than prepared to wait. "We just have to go into the meeting as quick as we can, or that guy'll come out and see me."

@canaryrose @Amethyst @Danvers
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

After ordering an old cuban, Brianna had taken a seat in one of the few unoccupied booths, where she could see most of the room but also remain reasonably hidden. It was busier than she'd expected in here so it was going to be difficult to keep track of the others. She was lifting up her drink to take a sip when suddenly she felt a pair of hands clamp down on her shoulders. Startled, Brie only just managed to not spill her drink as she turned to see what asshole had come over to annoy her. "I'm not interes-..." She trailed off as she saw who it was, her eyes widening at the skinny, although significantly less raggedy than she remembered, guy. "Lucas!? What're you doing here? Didn't think that club 21 was your scene...always pegged you as more of a back alley bar type..."

"I should ask the same about you B-..." Before he could say her name, Brie had clamped her hand over his mouth, shaking her head at him. She didn't want her real name to be tossed around here of all places, especially if Guglianos men might be hanging around. Brie was considering what to say to him, when she abruptly moved her hand away, pulling a face of disgust. "Did you just lick my hand?" She frowned as she picked up a napkin. "You're so gross..."

Lucas just shrugged, a playful look in his dark eyes, seemingly unperturbed by her strange behaviour. "Anyway where you been B? Everyone's been lookin' for you! Thought you were dead or summin."

"Just laying low." She repeated the same lie as earlier. "Thought I'd keep out of Brookside for a few months, wait till things had settled down."

Lucas picked up his beer, slamming his free hand down on the table as he began to laugh. "What!? As if you left! Everyone knows the rest of Castleburg is just full of uptight assholes. I went to New Athens once and nearly got arrested for dropping a damn cigarette on the ground."

Smiling back, she shrugged her shoulders lightly. His expression was lighthearted and casual but she knew better than to trust any of her old friends in Brookside with the truth. "Eh, it's not that bad. And it's not exactly like I've been partying it up in Kingsdale." Taking another sip of her old cuban; it really was a great drink, she took a momentary glance around the room, trying to find the others. "So, you stolen anything good recently?" She grinned as she turned back to him. Lucas didn't have any superpowers but he could pretty much break into anything, and steal anything from anyone. It really was impressive.

"Oh, you gotta hear about this one!" Lucas began, a wide and infectious smile spreading across his face. "So this weird ass recluse in Watervale puts an alert out right...saying that he wants a shark. A goddamn shark B! Like one of those killer ones...the great white, that's it!" He took a sip from his beer, before continuing on eagerly. "And the only place I knew where to get a shark was the aquarium, obviously...so I damn well went and got him one didn't I! Nearly got an arm and a leg bit off for my effort, but he paid me a shitton, so I figured it was worth it!"

"But...how did you do it?" Brie questioned, looking extremely puzzled as she tried to figure it out. She'd never been able to guess how he'd done it either. Part of her wondered if he really did have a power but was just hiding it for some reason.

"Now, you know a good criminal never reveals his secrets!" He grinned as he looked around the room, his eyes focusing on the mens bathroom as a couple of others began to make their way through the door. "Anyway, I gotta go! I've already lost half of my money on this damn game but I'm hoping I can win it back..." Brie was about to open her mouth to question him about how he'd gotten into the poker game when she saw Patricia heading over, looking pretty pissed off.

"Sure, nice catching up with you!" She quickly replied as she walked back to the bar, taking a seat next to Tom. Listening to what Patricia said, she nodded slowly. It hadn't exactly been her plan... Brie had hoped that they'd be able to get some intel on what the Guglianos were up to during the poker game; from her experience drunk, gambling men were often quick to spill their guts. Shrugging her shoulders, she quickly finished off the rest of her drink.

"Well, just don't sleep with him. I'm sure he's had plenty of experience being rejected by women. And worst comes to worst, use your powers!" Placing her glass back down on the table, she tucked a 10 dollar bill under it. "I guess me and Tom can take the car closer to Watervale then, and wait till we hear from you. Although I do wonder why he would invite a random girl to one of their meetings...seems a bit odd." She muttered quietly as she smiled at the bartender, shaking her head to let him know that she didn't need the change. "Well...just be careful!" This whole thing set off alarm bells but Brie wasn't one to dwell on such thoughts and quickly pushed it aside. After all, what was the worst that could happen?

@canaryrose @amethyst @kaijubaragon
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

ah sorry
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Midas saw William eyeing him down for a second. But he seemed to focusing on something more specific. 'Oh that was right I forgot to plant the phone back on him' he thought to himself. A little bit of panic came in to his otherwise perfect plan.

“Nice job, Midas. The boss has already wired the money to your account” Midas spun around to see the crew already here to take the young hero away. "It's always a pleasure doing business with you all. He did put up quite the fight though, let me restrain him while you do the whole syringe thing. For good measure." This opened Midas' opportunity and he was going to take it. Restraining Will from behind he slipped the phone back in his pocket. Midas knew he should have done it after the syringe took effect but he would risk being seen doing it. Will will know his phone is planted back on him.

"I checked him for wires too, so you should be good on that front. But don't let me stop you from being thorough." But the wide grin on his face wasn't because of the quip. Instead it was because he could be confident they wouldn't find the bug, one of the perks of searching for them every other job is knowing where to hide them.

That was Midas' job done as far as he was concerned. Now time to head home and listen in on the affairs of the Guglianos.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rumi Bers Polamor

Rumi looked through his various programs again and again, searching for any way to improve them further. It was in vain, however; he had done the best he could. The main component, the one designed to disable Phantom and extract it from Skylar, was still incomplete, but that was inevitable as he could not complete the code without studying Phantom's original coding. The next best thing he could do was include a function that would scan the virus and produce a copy of its coding into an isolated storage unit. The biggest problem with this was that he would need to be in close proximity to Phantom in order to do this, and he could not simulate an outcome where he'd have enough of an advantage to achieve this goal.

Of course, he realized what the problem was: he had reached his limit. Nanomachines and a reinforced bodysuit alone was not going to be enough to combat and/or subdue Phantom. Rumi needed an upgrade to his current gear. Fortunately, he knew where to start. He still had old prototypes lying around, and he could easily draw up some schematics for new machines to aid him. All he needed was some time. Grabbing a toolbox from a nearby countertop, Rumi took out a drill and began to get to work.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

It was a rare day, when Noah had very little to do. If he was being honest with himself, he didn't have many hobbies or anything to do when it didn't involve being Starbright. Even still he kept the Starbright look everyday in case paparazzi were to ambush him.

Today, he thought about going to the park again. The one in New Athens with the good view of the pond. Again, he never really picked up a hobby. So he would just grab a snack and eat it there, out of a lack of anything better to do. The snack he was looking for was in the fridge of the common room on the fifth floor, club sandwiches always went down a treat.

Starbright strutted toward the common room with usual fashion. The music that poured from his headphones was his own song, a recent chart-topper. But something unusual happened. Starbright had listened to this song countless times but there was no violin over it. Maybe he was hearing things he stopped in his place next to a black section of wall that looked suspiciously like one way glass. Furrowing his brow he listened in, and there it was the sound of a violin over his song. What could it be? Were his headphones broken? But when he took his headphones out to inspect them the violin still played. But about 10 seconds later it stopped with a scratch.

There was no doubt about it, the music was coming from behind the one way glass. A fan of Starbright perhaps? A hero who was a fan? The only thing that was certain, and most important, was that they had the sound Starbright was looking for. He had to see who was in that room and spent very little time finding his way to the entrance.

The door swung open with a burst of light, not blinding but bright none the less. Starbright stood in the door way switching between different poses with different flashes of light. This went for a total of 6 seconds, far beyond the point where it would be surprising for a normal person. "It is me, Starbright. I must know who was playing that music in here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Blake managed to get to his elbows from the ground, he watched as Felix, who had managed to catch up to the lizard man, put the massive creature in a growl. Blake couldn't help but be impressed at the other fire user as he wrestled a creature two feet taller than he was. It was almost scary. Blake might have dominion over the fire territory, but he was definitely scared to take on Felix in an arm wrestle. Note to self, hit the gym some more after this is over. He knew he probably spent too much time in the gym as is, but watching his co-workers brutally take down a giant lizard was a catalyst for more exercise for sure.

He stood and rushed over, flinching as Jamie decided to drop a tree on the creature. Her gamble paid off, as the heavy oak tree toppled and over soared down towards the collared (wait. Collared?) Iguanosaur. The falling tree caught the Iguanosaur across the back and crushed it to the ground, with the weight of the tree keeping it pinned there. Some of the branches probably smashed Felix over the head, but Blake was not concerned about that at all. Felix had definitely had much worse scrapes. What he was concerned about was something he failed to notice before, as the creature's neck had been covered by its weird flappy neck things. A collar. That was highly unusual. Blake was not exactly a Leftover expert, but he had seen enough of the mutant creatures to know that they were brainless wild animals that were not going to put a collar on themselves. The fact that it was wearing a collar meant somebody was trying to control it or something like that. That was very weird.

As soon as the tree had pinned the creature down, Blake promptly yelled, "STOP! Don't kill it! Don't kill it!" as he ran over to the creature, whose torso was pinned down underneath a tree, all its bones probably shattered, as it moaned and struggled. Blake would feel bad for it if it wasn't a mindless dinosaur hybrid that was on a warpath and also threw him into the ground and gave him an annoying cut on his shoulder.

Blake knelt down next to the creature's head, reaching down towards the collar. It was very fancy, not just a dog collar. It looked like one of those Division X murder collars Blake had, unfortunately, grown familiar with on multiple occasions. Unfortunately, it seemed welded on, but Blake had a perfect answer to that. He pointed two fingers at a metal area that seemed to have no technology or gadgets around it and promptly sent a hot flame into it. The fire, after a few moments of concentration, melted through enough that Blake was able to snap the collar off. He stepped back, holding the collar in his hand. "You can kill it now," Blake said as he examined the collar.

It indeed looked similar to the one he had been forced to wear on multiple occasions (still not happy) with some modifications on it. Imprinted on the side were the letters "GUGL," maybe some sort of weird company? Maybe the creature was being enslaved by Google? Ooh, that would be the catch of the century. Blake would get so much money. His dad was always taking about how Google was evil, anyway, and that according to some podcast he was listening to, was part of a globalist conspiracy. Blake did not know anything about politics or globalism, partially because those were things his dad talked about, and he did not want to become his dad. However, maybe his old man was right after all. There was only one way to find out, and this collar looked like it would be key. Unfortunately, Blake did not know how to reverse engineer murder collars. Fortunately, he knew somebody he was pretty sure would be able to.

Blake took out his phone, finding Rumi in his contacts and calling the number. He put the phone on speaker, holding the collar in one hand and the phone up so everybody could hear in the other, as it rang. "Hey, uhh, Rumi? This is Blake. I need you to analyze a...collar thingy." Blake looked down at the collar. 'Collar thingy' was accurate, he supposed. "Should we, uhh, stop by your lab or something?"

@Ryteb Pymeroce@canaryrose@Scarifar

"Well, then, I'll meet you in a few after I win big." He blew Patricia (or, as he knew her, sugar plum) a kiss before walking back to his poker game, inevitably to lose big.

Grace, who was sitting on a barstool, enjoying a (ginger) ale as she watched the group get together. As they began to talk, she put one hand on the stool to stabilize herself before hopping a few times over towards the rest of the gang as they spoke, now positioned right behind Patricia. Unfortunately, in an abundance of caution, Patricia's tone was whispered to the point that even Grace, right next to her, was having trouble hearing, but her ears were able to pick up a few key aspects. Most notably, there was some sort of mob meeting going on that they were trying to infiltrate. Well, "infiltrate" was practically Grace's middle name (Grace didn't really have a middle name, actually; she probably could make it "infiltrate" if she wanted to), and years of working to subvert the Yakuza in Japan had taught her a few things about mob families and their usual strategies. It was obvious, however, that Grace's interference would be unwelcome.

Of course, that sentiment did not stop her in the slightest, as Grace peered her head in over Patricia. Her features and violet hair were probably familiar to Brie and Tom, but she couldn't say the same about the third girl.

"I heard something about a mob meeting, and I want in," she said plainly, her voice soft enough to be secretive but loud enough to be heard by the Infiltration Crew. "I can help move you guys around faster than they can move themselves around. And get everybody else into hidden places. And hide you guys really quickly if I need to. And other hidden talents." She looked around, analyzing their faces of what was likely displeasure. "I know next to nothing about American mobsters, but I've dealt with the Yakuza before, and they're no joke. And most of them don't even have powers, so these guys are probably worse. You're going to need help, and I have experience."

She might have come off a bit haughty there, but in her eyes it was true, and she hoped the others felt the smae- the Guglianos were most certainly no joke, and Grace had experience in attempting to dismantle criminal regimes in the path. Moving to address the elephant in the room, she added quickly, "And I won't blab. To anybody. HERO, ICOSA. I swear on my grandmother's grave. Maengsehabnida. Err, that means I promise." She held up her crossed fingers. "I won't even do any infiltrating. I'll just...chauffeur you around. Through time and space. Unless they can teleport large groups of people around, we'll always be one step ahead. Deal?" She examined them again, gauging their support. Hopefully, her modestly impassioned speech was enough to sway them.


Not long after Will had been left to stew in the holding room, the door squeaked as it slowly opened again, but instead of a mafioso entering, a young girl did. The young girl closed the door behind her, her eyes inspecting Will.

The girl, on first glance, looked actually fairly similar to Patricia. The two could probably pass as sisters, or at the very least cousins. She was young, late teens, perhaps, something unusual in hero work, which was dominated mostly by adults. She stood at similar height, with the girl clocking around 5'5", and she had a fit but feminine build. She had wavy, dark hair, almost black color, that fell in waves down about her chest area. She had fair, almost pale skin. But most notably different was her eyes- they had a similar red color to that of Blake's, something rare, but hers were a very scary crimson color, unnaturally red and watchful. She would've been considered quite pretty under normal circumstances, but there was something odd, unnerving, about her that was rather offputting.

On her shoulder, perched there like a parrot, was a strange creature, small, blue in color with a single large golden eye and a small, toothy mouth, along with two bat-like wings. A Spectator, a rare Leftover creature, that most heroes didn't even know about because of this. The creature sat waiting on the girl's shoulder as she continued to look at Will, a smile on her face. After a moment of silence, she spoke up-

"You are. So. Adorable!" She giggled for a moment, before stopping herself. "Sorry, I'm just used to kidnapped heroes being old, ugly guys. Normally fat, too. But you're not! That's pretty neat." She squatted down next to him. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Katharine Graves, or Kathy, but you might know me as Malady." After a moment of thinking, she frowned. "You probably don't know me, actually. Papa has made sure to keep me off of HERO's radar for now. But he told me that if they did know me, I would almost be S tier? Pretty neat, huh?" She giggled again. There was something very off-putting about this girl.

"Anyway, I'm supposed to be torturing the other heroes right now, but that's soooo boring. They don't even fight anymore, they just spill their guts whenever I get close to them. Hopefully you do a little better!" She tapped him on the forehead with a gentle flick. "So, if you have any questions, you should ask them now! I probably shouldn't answer any, but there's no fun in that, now, right? She beamed at him, her smile adorable but also strangely off-putting.

There was definitely something very, very wrong about this girl.

@Infinite Cosmos

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Bries face fell when Grace walked over, having admittedly forgotten about her. Listening to her speech, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, semi-impressed, when she mentioned the Yakuza. Brie obviously had experience with criminals herself, but clearly infiltrating them was a whole other ball game.

"I don't know..." She trailed off suspiciously, her green eyes flitting over Graces face. "There's already far too many people on this mission as it is..." She frowned as she tried to decide what to do. Damn Powers - why had he put her in charge!? It was irritating her to have to plan ahead when she preferred just to think on her feet. Brie could feel herself getting more restless by the minute. Letting out a deep sigh, she idly played with a napkin, unnecessarily folding and unfolding it as she mulled over the decision.

"Fine, whatever!" She eventually submitted, not bothering to consult with the others first. They could butt in if they disagreed with her. "But you stay with me and Tom, no wandering off by yourself. And if I catch even a whiff of ICOSA involvement, I'll hand you over to the Gugalianos myself." She couldn't deny that it would be useful to have her present, especially if Vinnie refused to bring them in as crew for hire, which she felt might happen.

"Actually, give me your phone for a second." Brie suddenly demanded as she held out her palm, gesturing for her to hand it over. She planned to give it back, she was just going to drain the battery first, so that Grace couldn't contact ICOSA even if she wanted to. "Just to be 100% certain y'know!" Smiling at her cheerily, Brie seemed instantly happier now that she no longer had any more decisions to make. "So, the Yazuka don't have powers!? I always thought they must do...interesting!" She continued on as if none of the subsequent conversation had happened.

@hitman @canaryrose @amethyst @kaijubaragon
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix had literally no time to react as Jamie dropped a tree on top of him and the Iguanasaur. Thankfully most of it landed on the Leftover instead of him. The branches stung a bit, but he had suffered worse. A villain threw a car at him once, that definitely hurt... especially the explosion.

After freeing himself from the branches, he dismissed his tails to conserve stamina. Stretching out the kinks, he moved over to look at the collar. When he saw the letters, his eyes flashed in recognition. He had seen the name crop up in reports often enough. This Iguanasaur may have just been the start of a big payday.

"This Iguanasaur either belonged to the Gugliano crime family... or they were smuggling it to a new buyer. If we could track where scaleface originated we can probably bust open their warehouse. The police haven't had many leads so this is great news! Let'sget to Nerd Boy!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Thank you," Grace said with a nod as Brie, after some hesitation, reluctantly agreed to let Grace into the operation. Without waiting for the rest of the crew to give their input, she slid her stool into the group, essentially fusing herself into the circle. "You won't regret this. I may not be from Castleburg, or America, or know much about this city outside of how good Chick-Fil-A is, but I know I can be of use. Or at least, my powers can be of use." She finished off the cold ginger ale, placing the empty glass on the table.

Grace's face fell as Brie asked for her phone, and she clutched it to her chest for a few moments, like she was protecting her baby, before eventually handing it over. "OK, OK. Don't break anything. Or look at anything. There's some...private stuff on it." She watched as Brie worked her magic and drained her phone of any battery- she had forgotten of Brie's ability to manipulate electricity. Grace sighed. "I guess that follows my guidelines, huh?" she pointed out as she laid a hand down on the table. "Well, some of them do, but a majority of the organization doesn't have any powers. They're still dangerous, though. Sketchy people. And they're very good with katanas. And guns, too, but guns don't tend to work on me too well," Grace said, smiling at the last part of her statement.

"Anyway, we might as well get to work. I can move you guys around through the portals without too much difficulty, but the problem is visualization. I need to see the location firsthand and be familiar with it or get a really detailed description of the area. Anything less than that and there's a chance you'll be teleported into an object, maybe stuck with half your torso infused into dirt, or your body coalesced with an oak tree or something like that," Grace said with a perfectly monotone, flat face, like these were perfectly normal activities that occurred on a regular basis. "So my powers won't be of too much use until we get the land of the lay. I mean, the lay of the land. Sorry. English is a hard language, your idioms are dumb," Grace complained as she examined the group. "Also, if I could borrow 10 bucks from one of you guys? I didn't convert my money at the bank yet. Sorry. I'll pay you back, I promise."


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rumi outfitted himself with a pair of glowing bracelets and his visor, entering his testing chamber. Several large boxes lined a wall, but the room was otherwise empty. "Alright, we will start initial testing of 'Cerebellum', beginning with movement and shape tests," Rumi announced. He raised an arm and snapped his fingers. The boxes began to shake, and a mass of tiny machines burst out of them, all converging towards Rumi. They were not the nanomachines he commonly used, however. They were the predecessor to them; a larger machine called a "microbot". Still very small, but gargantuan compared to a nanobot. Rumi had quickly moved on from them due to the lack of easy storage while traveling, which was unacceptable for Rumi. He still didn't have a solution as of yet, but he would just have to think of something. For now, he would test.

The microbots began to stack on top of each other and form a giant hand, moving left to right as if waving hello, then began to form various one-handed gestures. "Seems good so far," Rumi said as he began to step up, the microbots forming stairs as he climbed up a cylindrical tower. The tower then collapsed, the microbots moving as if they were liquid, except for a a group that formed a surfboard shape to keep Rumi on the surface and allowed him to "surf" on them. Rumi extended his flailing arms out, trying to keep his balance.

Rumi then spread his arms out, dispersing the microbots away from him, and brought his back back together, palms apart while fingertips met. The bots stacked up and around him, making a barrier around him with honeycomb shaped holes in it. He clenched his fist, causing the holes to close up and leaving him in darkness. With a spinning wrist and a slashing motion, the bots began to open up and spin around him, gathering together into a ball and split apart as if slashed apart. "Hmm... pretty good performance, but a little slower than I had hoped," Rumi said. "I'll have to do some finetuning."

There was a knock, and a door slid open, revealing his secretary Chris. "Sir, you have a call," he said, holding up a phone.

"I'm a little busy right now," Rumi protested. "Leave it on voicemail if it's not important."

"It's from 'Blake Ignatius von Brandt', sir," Chris continued.

"Fire Tweety? The heck does he want with me?" Rumi asked. In the end, his curiosity won out and he took the phone. "This better be good." Pressing the answer button, Rumi brought the phone to his ear, answering with, "Talk to me."


"A 'collar thingy'," Rumi responded. "Come on, Blake, you're gonna need to give me a bit more information than that to make it worth my while. Y'know, like, what does it look like, or what was wearing it before you got it?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Fine, fine. More information incoming." Blake looked down at the collar. "In terms of color, I'd say it's a sort of...steel gray, probably, a bit tarnished on the edges." He looked at his gathering crew to gain support for his idea. "Uhhm...it's pretty neat. It's like one of those Division X murder collars they put on extremely dangerous people. It's fancy, has a bunch of doodads and stuff and technowhatsits. But it looks kind of like a knockoff version of one of the collars. Like somebody got their hands on one and then rigged it up for their own evil purposes."

"We found it while tracking down an Iguanosaur through Passenger Island. I think was probably modified to control the Iguanosaur or something like that, keep it under whoever's thumb." As Blake spoke into the phone, he was walking down the (literally) beaten path of ruined gardens towards Jamie's car, making a 'shotgun' motion with his hands to indicate that he would be sitting in the passenger seat to Felix. "It has the letters GUGL on it, and Felix said it might be linked to some crime family or something. Some sort of secret Leftover tracking. I need you to do your, umm, science magic and figure out who made it, where it came from, all those details. Is your lab open? I'm assuming you're in it right now, you nerd."

Blake hopped over a couple destroyed patches of lettuce as he made his way back to the car. "We'll be on our way. Cool?" He looked up to Jamie. "Rumi's lab. Pronto."

@Ryteb Pymeroce@canaryrose@Scarifar

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rumi raised an eyebrow at the information he was receiving. "See? Now that's much more interesting," Rumi said, amused. "You know where to find me. My secretary Chris will show you in." Rumi then hung up and handed the phone back to Chris. "You know what to do," Rumi said to Chris. "Of course, sir," Chris responded as he left Rumi's workshop.

Rumi turned back to his microbots. "Let's get you guys cleaned up," Rumi said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers. At once, the microbots began to surge back into the boxes they originally came from, pouring into them while stacking themselves neatly. In mere moments, the testing chamber was empty again. Rumi took off his wristbands and visor, placing them into an open compartment that automatically closed itself after. He then pushed a small button that popped out a box with an opening at the top, filled with what looked like liquid metal. In actuality, it was a multitude of nanobots that scanned everything that would stick its hand in, from fingerprint to DNA to pulse. Rumi stuck his hand in, letting the scanner do its thing. After the confirmation of his identity, the table sunk into the floor, and it was soon replaced with a new table that was far more technologically advanced.

"A collar meant to track and possibly control Leftovers, huh? Don't see many of those everyday," Rumi muttered to himself. "And GUGL... interesting."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jamie was ecstatic her gambit with the tree had worked. It showed in her stance. To be honest, she hadn't really thought it would work. Before, she had been worried that she might accidentally crush Felix under the tree. But it had worked, and the Igaunosaur, while not dead yet, was about to be. She bounced in place just a little, grinning, as the Igaunosaur squirmed around under the oak. She had a big, genuine smile on her face, despite the pained-looking dino struggling in front of her. Yes! I saved the day. She almost felt like fist-pumping but didn't, because that would be bragging, and bragging was not nice. And, even if Jamie was a winner and probably deserved to brag, she was always nice. She would just have to gloat later. By herself. For now, she had a job to finish. She took a step toward the Igaunosaur, about to lay a hand on its neck and kill it once and for all when Blake yelled so loudly and so suddenly that it startled her.

Jamie blinked and took a step back from the Leftover, but quickly stepped forward again when she was what he was doing. She squatted down and leaned over Blake, gawking at the collar.

"Woh, that's so cool..." Jamie said, mouth open in awe.

With a curious look on her face, she poked at it. She had definitely seen something like this before- on Blake's neck, of course, never her own. Although that had been threatened many, many times. What it was doing on the Iguanosaur, though... she had no idea. She sounded out the word in her mouth silently. GUGL. It sounded like... Google? What would Google need an Igaunosaur for? Maybe it was their pet! Jamie thought about it for a few moments, the scene playing out in her head. That sounded fun. She wanted a pet Igaunosaur!

Jamie frowned, almost protesting, but decided against it. This Igaunosaur was probably too injured to keep as a pet, anyways... With a blast of her power to its neck, it died in an instant. Then, she stood up, brushing off her leggings. Leaving behind the body of the Igaunosaur, she hopped back over to Blake, peering over his shoulder as he looked at the collar. She might've been breathing a little too heavily in his face, but his discomfort was worth it to get a closer look at the collar. She poked it again, half-expecting it to blow up, but nothing happened.

"Why... ooh, Rumi! Hiiii!" Jamie grinned and waved at the phone as soon as Rumi came on the line. Then, seeing as he and Blake were having a conversation that she barely got the gist of, she followed Blake to her car.

She stepped into the driver's seat getting her keys out of her purse and turning them in the ignition. This would be interesting- she wasn't quite sure where they were going or what they were doing, but it would certainly be interesting. More fun than watching season 3 of Glee for the tenth time, anyways.

"Let's go then!" Putting a foot on the gas pedal, Jamie drove off in the direction that she was pretty sure Rumi's lab was in.

@Hitman@Ryteb Pymeroce@Scarifar

Patricia smiled gratefully at Angelica before taking another sip of her virgin Appletini. The other, older girl had much more experience with this type of thing than she did, that was for sure. That Martino guy seemed like he might get a little handsy, and that was not something she wanted to face alone. Or at all. She probably could've just hypnotized him into falling asleep- but that seemed like a bad idea if this was going to be something that would last for more than 8 hours. It was a good plan, and probably would work better than the poker thing, but it didn't mean that Patricia had to like it much.

Grace's sudden intervention made Patricia jump in her seat a little. She nearly interrupted her little speech several times but decided to wait for Brie. It was her mission and her choice, but she couldn't help but internally face-palm just a bit when she told Grace yes. She shot the violet-haired woman a little glare. Grace could be useful, yes. Her powers definitely sounded like they would help, and she made a good case. She even liked Grace from their one encounter, but... if this was as secretive as Brie said it should be, a newcomer shouldn't have been involved. Especially one so linked to ICOSA. Still, she didn't speak up, leaning back in her seat and raising her brow at Brie. At least she had drained her phone of battery. Smart. So she couldn't call or text anyone, probably. They would need to give her a burner and an alias, too.

Patricia took a 10-dollar bill out of her wallet and handed it to Grace. "Here," she said, still not smiling. "You'll need to come up with a fake name that they can't look up or anything. Just, like, make it believable, okay?"

She then turned to Angelica, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Thanks, by the way," Patricia told her, smiling with relief. "Your call if you wanna use your power yet. Wouldn't want him to ditch me, but I think he can register it if you suddenly change right before his eyes. Maybe... I don't know, use it but act aloof or something? And I'll introduce you... yeah, that sounds like it might work. Right? You have a lot more experience than me..." Patricia played with her hair nervously. She hadn't yet done any undercover work, although her power was good for it. Something about being too young to go on missions alone. Still, she was excited- if mind-numbingly nervous.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 7-Eleven Store.
💀 East Flank.

💀 Evening.

💀 None.

Obsidian claws traced their shape across a row of aluminum bottles, black eyes carefully deducing what had been printed onto their cold, chilled surface. Monster Energy, Pipeline Punch, Java Monster. It was at the third option where those claws halted their advance, gently clicking against the metallic surface before a bottle was pulled from its confines. ’They told him don't you ever come around here, don’t wanna’ see your face, you better disappear..,’ Azhar slowly bobbed his head in response to the music trickling into his pointed ears. It was, in fact, quite uncommon to see him without his earbuds firmly planted into place. On those days off, one could not blame the boy for enjoying life’s more casual pursuits, which in itself indicated his current presence at a 7-Eleven during the golden embrace of a setting sun. It was when comfort replaced annoyance, when that massive sphere of radiance dove beneath the horizon as time dictated.

Indeed, Radiance, an ironic word, considering Azhar’s name which translated into just that. He had often asked his parents about this peculiar decision, naming a boy with an aversion to the sun, whose powers dipped into death and decay Radiance. The response he had been afforded was generally along the line of a grin, often accompanied by laughter. ’La’an enta dao hayati.’ Because you are the light of my life, an answer which bridged a tender smile across Azhar’s pale lips. His mother had always been a warm presence for the boy, an embrace he missed, and one he oftentimes recalled.

One could not blame a teenager for the universal desire to witness life, to experience the world, something which was locked away from Azhar during his time in Lebanon. A dead-end, as he called it. However, the bird’s longing for their ancestral home would always be present, long after they spread their wings. For Azhar, it was no different. America afforded him an experience incomparable by the rest of the world, which also strung along the small pleasantries in life. Indeed, the dark mutant was thankful for his inability to gain weight or the countless flavors his shark-like teeth had bit into would undoubtedly have netted him an un-hero like weight, by now. Granted, the scrawny and underweight body he did, in fact, posses wasn’t much better. However, that was one aspect of himself the boy couldn’t change. He had often been told that he possessed fearsome powers, but they came at a cost.

Raising a clawed hand towards the creature perched upon his shoulder, Azhar, or rather Zee as he was so often called in the States, tenderly combed those sharp digits through Dracula’s fur. A curious cat that had found itself in the boy’s care following its rescue. A dark creature with wings, razor teeth, and quite notably, four glowing, green eyes. As if made for each other, the two were a troupe. A duo clearly fitting a theme, something Azhar was well aware of. ’Own your shit, a statement often uttered by the goth-life entity that was Zee.

"Just one left, huh?" Came a sigh, Azhar’s attention lingering on that empty space which had only moments prior been confiscated by the Monster Energy drink in his hand. At the very least, the downside to his powers allowed him to eat whatever junk food he wanted without an effect. It wouldn’t make him feel any better, and it certainly wouldn’t make him feel any worse. Closing the fridge, Zee turned towards the cash register where a clerk sat toying with their cellphone, something which would likely be unacceptable by any customer who cared just a tad more than this particular mutant.

It was when Azhar had reached the snack aisle that the boy stopped, his stride halting but not because those raven eyes fixed themselves on a Pringles can, but rather because he heard the door open, followed by a click. A sound he was aware of, and one he often heard when he wasn’t off. "Please, not now..," the boy cringed, before he peeked around a shelf.

“You know what to do,” came a voice belonging to a hooded individual with gun in hand. A Glock, if Azhar had paid any attention during class, or simply watched enough movies.

“I..,” the store clerk tried, a trembling teenager no older than seventeen, working a part-time job, likely because her parents forced her into the notion of responsibility.

Turning his attention towards Dracula who had leaped down from Azhar’s shoulder, the mutant eyed his friend’s many, glowing emeralds. An air of frustration washed over him, before the Hero finally revealed himself. It was with a simple, nearly nonchalant swipe of his hand that Azhar conjured forth a spectral presence that engulfed the criminal who had singlehandedly put an end to Azhar’s calm, relaxing evening. Ghostly energy circled the man, licking over him as if a spell that had been cast, before he fell limply to the ground. A keen eye would have been able to spot the bracelet clasped around Azhar’s thin forearm, a futuristic trinket which afforded a dim, blue glow in response to his power, a glow which vanished in echo with the energy conjured forth.

"He’ll wake up in a few hou-..," Azhar began, before hearing a loud gunshot ringing out across the small store. It was through mere instinct that the boy stumbled back behind the shelves, and tripped on Dracula where the cat had been standing. Plummeting to the floor, a frustrated groan left the teen Hero, something which would develop into a whine once he noticed just where the bullet had struck.

Any normal individual with their senses intact would have considered themselves lucky. A single bullet was enough to end a life, but for Azhar, total misery replaced relief as he felt the cold, creamy substance previously contained with the Monster Energy drink flow down his hand, and onto the floor.

With widened eyes, the mutant slowly turned the can around. Less than an inch down and his hand would have been shot, but even so, Azhar’s sense of loss had reached its peak. "Oh no..," the boy uttered, his eyes nearly watering in response to his lost prize.

Clenching his teeth, the mutant rose to his feet. He had made a fatal mistake this evening, by not analyzing the area before acting. There had been two robbers, not just one. The other had been waiting outside, keeping an eye out for passersby. A lookout who had now drawn their gun and aimed it into the store. “What did you do to him, you freak!?” A loud shout rang through, followed by careful footsteps.

"That was the last one..," Azhar clenched his fist, those claws nearly digging into his palm as he looked down towards the now empty Java Monster Energy drink. Raising his eyes towards the clerk, Azhar noticed how she had hidden, and it brought the boy back to his senses. At least one of them had their wits undisturbed. "Do you fucking know.., what you’ve just done?" Zee seethed, listening for the robber as they were slowly approaching their fallen friend with gun still raised.

“Fuck you, dude!” Came a response as fingers desperately moved towards the fallen robber’s throat, to feel a pulse that remained undamaged.

"I came to this country..," Azhar began, spectral energy now brimming from him, "to beat the shit out of bad guys, and enjoy your unhealthy fucking drinks," the Middle Easterner explained, that ghastly force now concentrating around his right hand. "You just took away one of those things." There was no response, but rather a terrified expression that met the mutant once he finally revealed himself. It was a quick motion, one birthed from knowing that his enemy held a firearm. However, it mattered little once a burst of Necrotic Energy slammed into the robber, knocking them out with that dim, blue glow emanating from Azhar’s bracelet. "And now I have neither.., I hope you’re fucking happy."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blake sat in the front seat as Jamie drove him to Rumi's lab. He held onto his seatbelt a few times as the vehicle looped around wildly like a roller coaster ride (only much more intense than the roller coaster ever could hope to be), but after a few close calls where Blake swore he saw his life flashing before his eyes, the vehicle pulled him in front of Rumi's lab, that being Polamor Incorporated. Blake had been there in the past, but only briefly, and he intended for this visit to be the same. The sooner he got his results back from the lab, the sooner he was headed for that big payday.

Blake entered the laboratory dramatically, namely by kicking open the front doors and yelling loudly, "Rumi Bear Polymer! I have arrived!" He self-corrected, realizing that that was a stupid way to introduce himself. "I mean, uhh, Christine?" Blake knew that Rumi had an assistant, but he genuinely could not recall their name. Christine seemed close. "I have an urgent appointment with Rumi." He looked around the fancy lab. Where was that assistant? Or Rumi?


Moments later, Martino emerged again. "GUESS WHO JUST WON 17 DOLLARS! THAT'S RIGHT! CHEER IT UP!" Martino made some motions with his hand, a large number of the patrons beginning to cheer. Obviously, they had all been familiar with this process in the past. Martino's beady eyes scanned the area, before he noticed his prize. He walked over to Patricia, giving a cheesy, wide smile. Martino approached her, his smarmy attitude plastered across his face, his arm wrapping around her waist and literally pulling her off the barstool, pulling his waist to his side. "Hey there, sugar plum," he said in what he thought was a smooth tone. "Nice seeing you here again."

His eyes flitted around to Angelica, and he visibly gave a low "woo" as he took in what he saw. "Is this lovely lady with you? Because I think she would definitely have a spot in the meeting." He gave a fox whistle as he winked at her. "Of course, if you'd like to join Martino Bernadino for a special meeting in Watervale." He reached another arm out for Angelica to take. "Hubba hubba," he said under his breath. "So many beautiful ladies here..." His eyes turned towards Brie and Grace as he scanned the crowd, with the Korean girl trying to bat her eyelashes at him.

"...well, not over here," he said as he wrinkled his nose while waving in Brie and Grace's general direction, "...those are two threes if I've ever seen them." These comments were made hardly a few feet away from the two girls, but he didn't seem to care in the slightest. He continued, nonchalantly as ever, "...but I'm sure somewhere else, we can find some more company." Martino said, looking away from Brie and Grace and examining the rest of the crowd. "Well, ladies, would the two of you like to take this to the Gugliano Manor? I think we'll have a ball of a time there...and then afterwords, we can take it back to my place for something...very fun."

Holding both ladies (really, one lady and one older teenager) by the waists like he was Hugh freaking Hefner, Martino guided the two of them outside to a car that made Grace's BMW look like an old golf cart. It was a 2033 Porsche Boxster, cream white, with several spectacular decals of what appeared mermaids painted along the sides. His chauffeur entered the driver's side, with Martino sitting in the passenger seat, after opening the doors for the two girls. "Take a seat," he said with a wide smile as he closed his door. "And enjoy the ride."

Not long later, the car pulled up at the Gugliano Compound. After the chauffeur spoke to one of the guards, the metal gates swung open long enough for the Porsche to pull through, before they promptly swung shut, under the close watch of several armed goons. The vehicle stopped in front of the gorgeous villa, with Martino stepping out to greet the ladies. "Like what you see?" he asked, though it was hard to tell what exactly he was referring to with that question. "Well, let's go now. We're going to have such a fun time today, ladies."

"Thanks, Patti!" Grace said with a grin as she took the money, stuffing it under her glass, before sliding it across the bar back to the bartender, before her attention returned back to Patricia. "Fake name? Already done. I have a Chinese ID from my time working there. And I would bet dollars to peanuts...dollars to donuts that none of these meatheads will know the difference." Her eyes quickly flitted over to that of Martino as he exuberantly walked out, giving his declaration of his absolute failure at poker. "Now might be a good time to act natural," Grace whispered as she tucked her purple hair behind her ears. She was dressed for the part of the club, by coincidence, really, but her hair did stick out a bit. She had considered going back to brown sometimes, but decided not to in the end. Purple was too fun.

Grace once again suppressed her internal desire to deposit Martino halfway down the Mariana Trench when he walked over and began to hit on not just poor Patricia, but this other girl that looked...like a guy? A very cute guy. Grace blinked a few times, trying to clarify what she saw in the shifting, glowing mass before her, before looking away. It was some type of illusion power that Grace couldn't quite figure out. As Martino promptly picked the girl up, Grace saw his attention turn to her and Brie. Grace immediately tried tilting her head and batting her eyelashes. This guy's moral compass was clearly magnetized, and the more women he took back to his base, the better. She gave a giggle as she watched him.

Grace's idea was promptly shot down as the mobster rejected the two of them before walking off, mystery magic girl and Patricia in tow. Grace was kind of hurt, inexplicably. After muttering something rude-sounding about Martino in Korean, she turned back to Brie and Tom. "We ought to follow them quickly," she said quietly, standing once she was sure the man wasn't looking back. "If what he said is true, they'll be heading towards the meeting place, and hopefully we can find a way in from there. There's always a way in from there. Especially with these types of people. They're what we call a jjamppong. Half-breed. Imbecile. They'll leave an opening for us. I'm positive."

She crossed her arms confidently. "Let's go."


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

William was left in what essentially was an holding cell for quite a while. He tried to conjure up his powers, but couldn't. They must have injected him with some sort of power-blocking concoction. Hopefully it is not the isolene mixture that H.E.R.O. is so fond of using. William sat there, seething with rage and filled with confusion.

Why him? For all he knows, he wasn't even important to H.E.R.O. Just another hero in their employment. Another question he was pondering in his momentary isolation was if a well-known mob family is willing, and capable, of kidnapping a hero in board daylight, just what exactly are they planning for?

Just as William was thinking very hard, trying to remember his science classes and how to make himself expel whatever drug they had administered, the door creaked open. William had moved himself to the back corner of the room, his back against the wall. He was able to get a full view of the girl coming in. A younger girl with dark hair and disturbingly red eyes. On her shoulder was some sort of creature William could not readily identify.

The girl went spouting on about other heroes and torture. Bad move, young one. William has a very good memory, ironically. So, the Gugliano family is in the business of torturing heroes for some sort of information. In their employ is a pseudo-S tier villain. Interesting fact. Some William will not quickly forget.

"No questions. On second thought. If you really want to make this fun, uncuff me and give me the antidote to whatever drugs you gave me so I can have my powers back. That way we can both have fun..." William said to the girl.

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