
Plantoid (0) - Members of this species display a large number of mutations that are more similar to plants than animals. Whether or not they once evolved from plants or received significant chunks of DNA from them is uncertain, but what is certain is that this species display positive and negative traits from both species. They are able to go without food for much longer and they understand nature like no other species could ever hope to. However, their lives are tied to the sun, still needing to absorb it's rays to help with their metabolism, but they also need to consume other nutrients to stay alive. Slightly more resilient to diseases of the fauna, plant based fungi are able to infect them as well.
Achillean (-3) - Members of this species display an unnatural hardiness, a perplexing result of natural evolution or genetic tailoring. Both hard to injure and quick regenerate any wounds they receive, this species enjoys a distinct lack of natural predators who would attempt the foolish foolish endeavor of taking them down. Indeed, others will only assume these are normal creatures until they regenerate a lost arm by the end of the week.
Bio-Spawns (+2) - Members of this species have a unique biology that is hard to grasp. Truly, they are hardly their own species and are rather the offspring of a different, immobile entity. Genetically they share many of the same traits, but the distinction is very obvious: these people were created to protect and nurture the very creature that birthed them. The two cannot exist without each other: the host is unable to truly interact with the world around itself, but without it it's offsprings would die out without any way to reproduce.
Cosmetic traits:
Shrouded Visage (0) - The Sonjari are covered in various forms of foliage on their body, usually on their head and on their appendages. The way these manifest are unique to ever member of the species. Indeed, one can only categorize the Sonjari by the season they were born in: there is a distinctive discoloration between those born in the various seasons, similar to how trees and plants bloom or wither with the time's passing. While some Sonjari bloom with colorful flowers all year long, some are left with bark-like plates that cover them and remain dull until they die.
At first glance the Sonjari appear relatively human-like: they have 2 arms, two legs, no extra appendages of any sorts, and the way that their features are aligned makes sense to us. They stand anywhere between 1,5 to 2,5 meters tall, almost all of them proportioned well, with only rare cases being "skinny" or "stocky". But these human-like features are all but a facade for a very alien biology.
The Sonjari are a rather unique species: not quite plants due to their ability to move and think on their own, but not quite animals due to their distinct plant based proteins that make up their bodies. Still, most of the functional parts of a normal human are there, even if twisted in their own unique way: two large, jet black eyes adorn their faces that are highly sensitive to light, but can see a million unique colors that the human eye simply couldn't perceive. They have holes for ears, but they are simply empty cavities where an organ should be: though they perceive sound in a very similar fashion, the Sonjani use the entire surface of their skin for this task. This makes them able to hear sounds which are more quiet, but have a harder time discerning between directions. They have mouths similar to ours at first glance, but opening them up reveals it to be nothing more than two rows of sharp beak-like structure, and a long snake-like tongue sitting in front of a chute that delivers food directly into their underdeveloped digestive tracks.
Their bodies are eerily familiar too, but they miss some of the features that one would expect when staring at a body. They have no reproductive organs, or any indications about their sexuality: indeed, the Sonjari only have a single gender that is unable to reproduce through "natural" means. As such their looks can truly lay anywhere between a man and a woman, and any true resemblance of a gender comes in the form of their oddly human "hairstyles" in the form of various foliages. Though there is hardly any to begin with, similarities end here. Teir bodies have no true bones or muscles, but are simply made up of a mostly consistent plant material that has incredible textile strength and functions as both bones and muscles by changing the humidity and tension of the fibers. On their finger, elbows and most places where joints would be on a normal body, there is a thick layer of hardy skin. This manifests in the form of deadly claws and spikes in some places, and natural padding in others. Indeed, there are various parts of their body covered with these hardy skin pieces which often seem to limit them more than help them, as the protection they offer is minimal in comparison to the incredible regenerative capabilities they possess. They seem to serve no real purpose, and aren't present on all members. Naturally there is a chance that some of the Sonjani are born without these skin mutations, but those born in Spring are very likely to not have any, while almost every single individual born in Winter has much more defined and thicker skin mutations. These small changes enable some degree of distinction between their members, perhaps because these plates are usually the difference between a more feminine or masculine look, but that isn't always simple due foliage that might be covering these areas.
Strangely enough, one would assume that such an alien body hides an alien mind as well, but that assumption is entirely false. While the priorities of the Sonjani are shifted around slightly compared to normal species, they are very much human in a way. They bond with those who have took care of them while they were small, and they do seem to hold complex emotions for each other. Their mind isn't entirely unlike ours, even if their incredible regeneration and lack of genders throws a wrench in the plans.
However, there is one particular element of the Sonjani distinctively unique and alien to us: their connection with the great Ősfa. This gigantic tree, visible from miles away and forming it's very own massive canopy hundreds of feet in the air above the forest, is the sole reason they exist. This tree has nurtured them for generations, provided a place for their people to call home, and with every season delivered unto them their newborns. The Ősfa is the only thing close to a sacred place for the Sonjani, though they would certainly not agree with this. They live further away from the tree, not wanting to disturb the entity that breathes new life into their species.
Sonjani are born in a unique and interesting way: genderless as they are, each and every member of their species is able to blossom when near their great tree. The pollens that they release this way then find their way towards some of the great tree's "birthflowers", where new life begins. Every time one of the Ősfa's birthflowers is pollenated, it takes several weeks for them to bear fruit. Every time, a batch of 3-6 of these fruits grow out, which are essentially eggs for the young Sonjani to incubate in. Once they are old enough, the newborns claw their way out of the fruits and are then taken care of by a volunteer Sonjani. Since it is often impossible to tell who the original "parent" was, especially as it often takes several members to even begin the process, families are built up upon this system adoption.
HISTORY: The sweet allure of the past...
CULTURE: The shrouded mystery of the future...
- Primitive Technology