Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 27 days ago

The sound of the professor slamming down on his desk brought Sekhandur hurtling back to awareness. He had apparently dozed, despite the noise of the argument that had broken out shortly after his introduction. Or perhaps he had simple shouted over it as it was ongoing. His head hurt too much for him to care, really. The class seemed to be filing back into the hall after the announcement, whatever it was about. While Sekhandur had studied the language of this region since his earliest lessons in his father's palace, he was still not fluent enough to understand it being spoken if he was not paying attention.

Slowly lurching to his feet, Sekhandur grumbled, "A coffee would be nice, before we go marching off somewhere." As he descended the lecture hall, he continued to murmur to himself, mostly in untranslatable Kemeti vulgarities.

Even so, his ears pricked at a short exchange that took place just as he was passing out of the classroom door. Kiara had just been designated their class representative. He wasn't sure what that position entailed, but he took a mental note none the less. This girl was one of his two roommates, along with another girl that appeared to come from the steppes. He hadn't really interacted with her in any meaningful fashion, besides some bleary pleasantries as he stumbled into his room blind drunk late last night. Perhaps it would be worth his time for them to become better acquainted. A shooting pain behind Sekhandur's eyes made him reconsider that idea. Later, perhaps.

The procession to the courtyard was grueling, with the constant chatter of his classmates and the smell of their bodies in the academy's hallways. Had these western savages never heard of deodorant? They probably didn't even shave their body hair, the beasts. He leaned heavily on his Was staff, the hefty scroll that was his grimoire knocking into his thigh as he limped along. When his class finally found their seats, Sekhandur dropped into his like a stone, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. The sunlight was still irritating, but the open air was refreshing. While the smell of the people in this land was foul, the air here was surprisingly pleasant. It did not dry out the membranes of the mouth and nose, nor cause you to spit up sand if you breathed too deeply. If he could get used to the cold and the people, perhaps Sekhandur could enjoy this place.

Breathing deeply and trying to clear his head, Sekhandur paid maybe half of his attention to the ongoing ceremony, as he continued to drain his wineskin. Being royalty, he had sat through his fair share of overlong ceremonies, and he knew worthless pomp when he saw it. Eventually a small band of people were led on stage, and the crowd went wild for them. Sekhandur had no clue what was going on, as he had never seen any of them before. Was this whole ceremony just for them? He was honestly confused, and slightly embarrassed by that fact. Perhaps he knew less about these people than he thought, and he made another mental note to rectify that issue. It shouldn't be difficult to find out what the deal was with these "miracle" people if they were so popular.

The ceremony concluded and Sekhandur found himself lucid, though still with a throbbing headache and an empty wineskin. He quickly parted from the bulk of the crowd to peruse the food stands, and found himself gravitating toward the most fragrant stand, where a young woman in a wide-brimmed hat seemed to grinding ingredients in a mortar, before dumping them into a bubbling brew. He dared to catch a whiff of whatever she was brewing, and the smell of it made his nostrils burn. He blinked the tears out of his eyes, making his already rushed and uneven eyeliner smear even further and took a step backward.

"Tinctures?" He asked the young lady, angling his head away from the brew. "You are a student of the khemia?" He paused to remember what the word was, before adding, "An alchemist?"

The girl smiled, replying, "Nothing as fancy as that. This is just cinnamon tea. Though tea can be just as restorative as any potion. Care to try some?"

Sekhandur eyed the cinnamon brew warily, and said, "Something more soothing, if you would please. I have something of the kraipale." Seeing her confused reaction to his description of his condition, he searched again for the correct translation. "Pounding in the head."

The girl nodded, saying, "Ah, of course. Just a moment." And set about heating more water. After a minute of brisk work and the whistle of a boiling kettle, she handed Sekhandur a ceramic cup and filled it with tea.

Sekhandur nodded back graciously, and took a sip of tea. He savored it for a moment, and thought aloud. "Hmm... Lemon... Peppermint... Ginger... Delicious." He took another sip, and smiled at the lady. "This will do nicely. You have the thanks of a king." He set the cup down momentarily, and pried a gold ring off his smallest finger. It was adorned with black jet, and the metal was pure and lustrous. He left it on the counter, picked his cup back up, and returned to the courtyard, eyeing the other food stands.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location — Avalice Academy Plaza

For many sitting in the stalls, Caelum knew some of their dreams aligned with his own. For many, Caelum knew those mighty mages standing behind the headmaster was the dream. If he was wrong, he’ll find every single person he offended and apologize, but for this moment and for however long it’ll last, he savored it. Those six and the one who led Class-C, was the goal. Caelum wanted nothing more than to be someone respectful, someone powerful, someone who carried on his father’s will and made it to the highest position a graduate of this academy could obtain.

With that all-too-familiar, curious gleam in his eyes, the one that transformed Caelum from a carefree, often bumbling idiot that the majority of his peers knew him to be and into someone whose undivided attention was on the headmaster, Alphonse Augustine.

Those years when Caelum was old enough, his father told him about Alphonse. He told him about the headmaster’s power and how he truly was one of the good ones. Whenever he talked, everyone listened because he was one of the greatest wizards in the entire world and someone his father admired greatly. Despite his shortcomings, Caelum always got the impression that his father didn’t regret what became of him. And that was because of the teachings instilled in the instructors under the headmaster’s guidance.

Noting everything Alphonse said, his attention was drawn to the Miracle Seven once again. He found them intoxicating and so freaking cool. The way they all presented themselves and how, under Alphonse, they commanded jus as much admiration. Caelum didn’t know if it was the same from everyone else but he was in awe.

And, like all good things, the assembly came to an end. Frowning but not allowing himself to become a downer, Caelum was inspired now more than ever. Seeing those great figures lit something inside him. He knew he had a long way to go, but Caelum was ready to begin his journey to the Miracle Seven.

“They are truly amazing. The Miracle Seven are even better than the rumors.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Any opportunity out of this hellhole of a classroom was a blessing for Alberta. She practically leaped out of her seat and bolted for the door, the heels of her ribbon lace boots slamming against the floorboards with surprising vigour. It was a distinct sound her classmates would have to accustom themselves with in the coming weeks.

This wasn't the first time Alberta had to force herself through these grand speeches, she was no stranger to having such fickle principles like honour and heroism shoved down her throat. But with Headmaster Augustine being the owner of an admittedly magnificent institution, she made an effort to clap along with the crowd. It was one of few instances where she managed to remember her manners. When six out of the Miracle Seven shuffled onto the stage however, Alberta's eyes narrowed. So widely revered by the academy populus, so powerful that their abilities outshined the professors that were meant to watch over them. Even Alberta's heart began to beat ever so faster at the thought of snatching a position for herself.

It was more like a privilege for Alberta to be away from the unruly horde she had been forced into a classroom with. She wouldn't have the opportunity to take such long breathers once everyone started settling into school life once again, she had to spend this fresh air wisely. Taking a seat by the fragrant flowerbeds, Alberta took some time to ease her prior annoyances away from the noisy crowds.

"Making friends with the flowers now? Really, Berta? I thought you'd stooped to the lowest of the low after transferring to Class C, but this is just sad."

Alberta glared up at the girl who had approached her, scowling at the smug expression that was shadowed by her deep red locks of hair. "Call me 'Berta' again and I'll rip your tongue out, Auclair."

"Last name basis already? It's only been a couple of weeks—"

"I don't want to hear it. I've already had my earful of stupidity today, I don't need anymore from you."

"Wow, someone's grumpy today. Did granddaddy give you another spanking before you left home?"

"Shove it, whore."

Headley was relishing in the young woman's frustration, giving her another triumphant smile before turning away. Alberta crossed her arms with a huff, staring daggers into her former classmate's head. What had gotten into her that made her believe she could act so tough all of a sudden? She wasn't the one who had defeated her on that fateful day.

"Oh, and that hand embroidered silk dress you lent to me last year?" Alberta called out to the redhead. "If you want it back, you can go dumpster diving at the back of the school and see how many threads you can find."

Before the horrified Auclair could respond, another group of girls called her name and she reluctantly followed. The two exchanged glares, and the former classmate left for the other stalls. Alberta smirked to herself; so typical for someone of Auclair's nature to befriend a flock of impressionable, cowardly hens.

As she wandered the courtyard looking for something to snack on, a familiar scent caught Alberta off guard. Lemon, peppermint, ginger. She turned to her left and saw a figure clad in luxurious blue robes sipping from a ceramic cup. She recognised him as one of the many eccentrics she would be stuck with for the rest of the school year.

"Ah, I know that smell," Alberta uttered, each word followed by another calculated step towards the student. "That must be Leanna Millward's famous lemon and peppermint blend, correct?"

She peered into the cup and scoffed at the sight of large ginger chunks floating to the top. Alberta glanced up at the boy with laughing eyes. "Anyone with more refined tastes can clearly tell she just buys it straight off fraudulent commoners at second-rate market stalls. She thinks adding heaps of ginger and sugar would hide it, but anyone with four or more braincells can deduce that it's a scam."

Alberta swiped a biscuit from a nearby stall and chewed the end of it. "The only thing she can make on her own is that god awful cinnamon concoction that leaves freshmen with stomach ulcers for weeks."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

While one cannot control the whims of Fate, planning ahead had a greater chance of paying dividends.

Unbeknownst to any of her classmates, or even their teacher, Eris’ plan to get Kiara in a position of honor—to make her sister stand out as one of the good sheep—was an utter success without little to no work from her part. She would have to be sure to thank Alberta later for presenting such a magnificent opportunity for Eris to work her “magic”. But, for the time being, maybe it was for the best to let the other girl have some space.

More important than that, there was something she had to do now.

“You have my thanks, Lord Varen,” Eris said, approaching Ty as the class assembled in the courtyard. “However, maybe it would be for the best to avoid such fiery outbursts in the future? Lady Blumenthal might be as soft as a sharkskin handkerchief, nevertheless, it was not my intention to openly antagonize her but rather to share the precious wisdom of our forefathers. I believe that a bloody feud won’t solve anything in the greater scheme of things, right? We are all classmates, we might as well at least try to get along,” she added in a soft spoken voice which sounded as barely more than a whisper when compared to the Headmaster’s booming exhortation.

“I have to admit, even though I’m not fond of this segregation and cult-like mentality regarding the Miracle Seven—after all, it’s naught but a crutch for those who can’t see the ‘One’ that lies within themselves—that ‘one’… actually strikes my fancy,” Eris said, thinking out loud, as her gaze scrutinized the kimono-wearing member of the Miracle Six with nigh preternatural thoughtfulness.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Mm, it was nice to see that everyone had so many interesting opinions, and that they weren't afraid to share them either! This definitely was a change from his usual household circumstances, and Kress could definitely say that he liked it. Already, the young boy had a couple of quotes scribbled down from his peers, with bold statements such as "you're just as much of a loser as anyone here" and "a sage knows that all blame is foolish" and "sanhan kumranjahnman", which had to be a religious saying somewhere or the other. Even "I kicked them out of my life" was evocative and interesting, the sort of objection that seemed like an upgrade of "you can't fire me, I quit!" Certainly, the world beyond the estate was colorful and vibrant, in a way that was almost a bit scary.

Just almost. Such strong language from everyone usually only happened once Father and his business partners had too much to drink.

He kept pace with the professor as Nyx lead them to the plaza. With 26 classes, there definitely was a lot of cool variance. People wrapped from head to toe in fine silk. People bare-chested and bearing scale-like scars. People armored in what looked to be approximations of muscial instruments. People...woah, was that a giraffe? He'd never seen that before! Compared to the Miracle Seven that received tons of applause, Kress found himself more drawn to the sights of everyone and everything else. He'd practically committed all of the Miracle Seven to memory by now, from the 1st to the 107th; it was the rest of Avalice that drew the young boy's interest, and honestly, Headmaster Augustine couldn't have finished his speech fast enough.

"Thanks, Professor Nyx!" Waving cheerily as he ran off, Kress soon disappeared into the mass of humanity, lost amongst those bigger than himself.

Food stalls called for him, but club stalls called for him even more. Research societies for all types of magics and mights, and quite a few Miracle Seven fanclubs too! The Avalice Academy Cheer Squad did backflips off each other's shoulders. The Market Trends Research Club pulled out magical projections of graphs that all showed upwards climbs in profits. Up above, a dragon, brass and gear-born, screamed through the blue skies, banners advertising the Cult of the Clockwork God trailing behind it. And down below, the Arcane Paints Club was doing five minute portraits for all interested, their sharkman mascot posing alongside all the students. Weird that sharks were associated with painting, but hey, maybe they made pigments from hunters of the sea.

Which made this slightly macabre...but Kress didn't mind! It was interesting~!

Queueing up behind the mob of interested people under the assumption that it was a proper queue to begin with, the blue-haired youth patiently waited. And waited. And waited...

But the mob never really grew any smaller, and more people kept joining in from the sides...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

The lecture hall incidents had just gotten worse and worse, first there was the bickering and then the guy rushing headfirst into Yvaine. Not to mention another young woman by the name of Verena, having the gall to steal the reserved seat for Yvaine which Mandi had aqquired.

'Verena Parieau. Talkative. Oblivious.' The hydromancer softly shook it's head and then the professor explained that indeed, the lecture hall was not the place for disruptions of this kind and that he expected better. His words were however cut short by an announcement which requested all classes to report to the academy plaza for a welcoming ceremony. Then they were all led outside, where the professor handed Kiara some form of token, appointing her as class representative. 'Until further notice...' Mandi thought as the group was moving forth, the young mage didn't disapprove of the decisions. It seemed that Kiara was orderly enough. And order was certainly in high demand at the moment.

Upon reaching the plaza, there was an old man doing some form of welcome speech. Mandi recognized this old man as Headmaster Augustine. The young mage had seen posters with the old man before, and it wasn't uncommon to hear others talk about him, including within Mandi's own family. The hydromancer had however never spoken with him personally, which surely wasn't uncommon. As the man was most surely quite busy and there were many students about. The old man's speech made Mandi go into deep thinking about the founding principals. Strength, honor, kindness and heroism. That's until the miracle sev- six put themselves on display.

'The miracle seven. I wonder how many has had it their dream to stand amongst them or defeat them. It doesn't lie in my interest to defeat them, neither to try become like them. My final opponent is of a different kind. Even if you cannot select all your battles, I am not afraid of losing a fight against these people. A victory or a loss against them wouldn't make me anything more nor less than what I were before. No matter what anyone says. I must remain myself, I cannot be anyone else. Only by doing that can I gather the strength needed to face the dark... and not lose. Like they did.' Mandi deeply pondered, while all around the young mage people would begin to move about now that the opening ceremony, well at least the speeches were overwith. The hydromancer glanced about to see if there was any classmate to actually approach to talk with, ultimately settling on Sophiel and approaching her.

"Pleased to meet you~ I'm Mandi El-Alzaru, one of the students of Class Camellia. I take it the ceremony were to your liking, miss Sargute? We are to be roommates by the way~ <3" The young mage smiled with eyes closed, tilting the head slightly to the side, causing the ponytail to slide to one side of the mage's face. Mandi opened the eyes shortly afterwards, spotting Yvaine in the vicinity aswell.

"Oh! Miss Yvaine, over here~! Do join us!" The hydromancer smiled and beckoned towards Yvaine to join them by extending one arm and hand out towards her. 'She's has such a pure look about her...' Mandi blinked quickly, looking towards Yvaine and then back to Sophiel. "Let's get along shall we~? Okay?" Mandi gave a wide smile to Sophiel, offering a hand for shaking.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Relin
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ty Varen

Up until now, Ty didn't think it was possible for anyone to be as insufferable as the Alberta chick. He was about to stand up and challenge her to a duel right then and there, but the professor slammed his hands on his desk, demanding order. "Yeah, yeah..." Ty grumbled, slinking down in his chair. He wasn't exactly ready to start an argument with a man who used explosions to open doors. Despite his commanding tone, though, he seemed quite a bit less intimidating than professor Mavis. Whenever he acted up last year, it was a lightening bolt right to his bottom. Nyx was a former miracle seven, the second seat no less. Surely he could do more to control the class than just yell...

Before the professor could finish his tirade, though, the announcement rang through the classroom, calling everyone for the welcoming ceremony. "Sweet!" Ty exclaimed, hopping onto the desk and vaulting over the row in front of him with a flip before landing gracefully in the aisle. Moving around a bit was the perfect way to get rid of his sour mood... even if he had just done 250 situps less than an hour ago. He more or less stayed with the class and out of trouble as the walked to their seats. The headmaster gave a rousing speech as usual, and Ty cheered loud enough for the whole class. "Wooo! You tell 'em Al!" He loved hearing lofty speeches like that. Bold words and boundless aspirations. As old an venerable as the man was, he knew how to get people like Ty fired up. But, the main event came soon after.

The Miracle Seven stood before the rest of the school in all of their austere glory. However, one was missing. Damn, did he really not want to show his face? If it were anyone else, Ty might have accused him of being a coward, but the the cub knew better than anyone else that the first seat had nothing to fear. With power like that he was sure to go on and achieve great things. For all of Ty's boasting, he actually did respect the power he was up against. But, that's what made it worth taking on.

After the speeches, Professor Nyx was gracious enough to let them enjoy the festivities. Ty didn't wait for permission of course, not when there was food involved. But at least that meant he wouldn't get scolded afterwards. Few people knew how to navigate the food stalls as well as Ty. In less than a minute, he had a fluffy sponge cake in one hand, a roasted chicken leg in the other, and the remains of some pork-on-a-stick dangling from his mouth. It was certainly an awkward position to be in when approached by a girl.

Ty gave Eris a quizzical look at first. Lord Varen? Was it his wild orange hair, his hand-me-down clothes, or his clearly regal table manners that implied nobility? Whatever it was, it was pretty amusing, and he was sure the girl was just trying to be polite. He finished up the pork, tucked the stick behind his ear, and took a bite of his chicken leg, while he listened to her... reprimand him? Thank him? She clearly wasn't happy he started trouble in class, but she phrased it in such a kind way that it was impossible to be mad at her. He even felt a little guilty for causing her trouble.

He swallowed his chicken so his mouth wouldn't be full when he spoke. At least that aspect of manners was practical as far as Ty was concerned. "Well, first of all, I'm not a Lord or anything like that. So, just call me Ty" He flashed her a friendly smile. "And yeah... definitely lost my cool for a bit there. Sorry if I dragged you into a fight you didn't want. But man, that Berta girl really ticks me off. Even the first seat wasn't that rude when he kicked my ass." He said the last part casually, as if it were no big deal. He felt no shame in his defeat. It happened, he accepted it, and next time he'd win. "But, yeah, I guess pissing off the professor probably isn't the best idea. I might get exploded this year instead of just shocked." He let out a small chuckle.

He honestly had no idea what she meant by "the one." Of course he was one person. How could anyone be more? But, he followed her gaze and saw that she was looking at one of his targets. "Hana'O, eh? That the one you wanna take on? She's pretty cute, but I bet she's super dangerous. She's only one step below that death... knight... guy... thing. But hey, work hard and I'm sure you can do it." He finished off his chicken leg and tossed the bone into a bin. Then, his tone became more somber. "They're not gods, you know. People revere them, but they're just people too. This year, I'll beat at least one of them. Maybe I'll start with seven this time. I wonder how big the gap between the first and seventh seat is. Heh, guess I'll have to find out."

Before Ty could continue musing, though, he was called over by one of the booths. The school's cooking club was recruiting. "Oh, sweet, the cooking club! You should come check it out 'Ris." He motioned for her to follow, with the hand holding the cake and headed off in that direction, preparing to greet his old friends. They were already at it, practically chanting, "Hey Ty, do the thing! Do the thing!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kiara’s gaze flickered up when their professor finally felt like taking charge of the situation. By that time though, Class-C had fallen into complete anarchy. She had a feeling a certain someone in the lecture hall was enjoying the disorganization, but that was neither here nor there. But just before he could thoroughly chew them out for a sloppy first day, the voice of his betters announced itself from the crystal on his desk. Ah, now there was the time for the welcome ceremony. Avalice was surely nothing without it, and somehow Kiara doubted her class could cause trouble during such a prestigious event. Maybe.

While their professor was busy having a migraine and panic attack all at once, Kiara joined her peers outside the lecture hall, ready to depart for the Academy Plaza. Seeing their mentor walk towards her, she straightened herself just a bit in case he really was coming for her-oh, turned out he was. Kiara blinked with some initial confusion at the badge she was given. She was just about to ask what it was for before the professor casually mentioned she was now Class-C’s official Representative. “Oh, uh. Thank you, Professor Nyx,” she said briefly, for he was already moving away.

Staring at the badge of honor, she wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be a curse or a blessing, because frankly, she didn’t envy anyone in charge of Class-C in any capacity. At all. Still, she had to admit, no one was a troublemaker in the class as far as she knew, not aside from Alberta and her own sister. Holding in a sigh, she quickly latched the badge to her shirt before moving with the rest of the class. The ceremony itself went about as she’d expected. The usual spiel from the Headmaster followed with the appearance of the Miracle Seven-or in this case, Miracle Six-themselves left most new students with an aura of awe and inspiration; or at least, that’s what Kiara got from her surroundings.

When it was all said and done and she spent some time looking over the Miracle Six some more, the Class Rep rose from her spot and wondered if their new professor would allow any free time; or would he be as strict of a taskmaster as one might expect of a former seat from the Miracle Seven? She got her answer soon enough, Professor Nyx sending the class off for some breathing room and to enjoy themselves. Well then, she supposed that meant free time for others but as Class Rep, she may as well get a handle on what kind of job she was supposed to.

“Make sure no one causes trouble huh. I suppose I know someone who needs a lecture,” she sighed to herself. And indeed, she would make sure Eris would get a piece of her mind for causing trouble on the first day. Scouring around the various booths, she felt little in kind to the scents and sights around her. Acknowledging so was bound to overstimulate the common student, lest they be swept up in the gravitas of the festivities. Frankly, she wasn’t all that hungry anyway; yet on the other hand, she couldn’t find her sister either. “She better not be avoiding me,” she mused, just about to consider it a lost cause before the sharp scent of peppermint and lemon caught her attention instead.

Now that was a lovely smell, at least in comparison to all the chaos going on. The source of it was a common tea stand, one that surprisingly drew in two of her classmates…Sekhandur was his name? Yes, Sekhandur, she remembered now, one of her roommates. By choice or chance, he was joined now with Alberta, the other problem child in the class, or so it seemed. Curious, and wondering if she should even bother, her steps took her close to the two and the stand before she could do much to change her mind.

“You seem to know a lot about teas.” Kiara gave Sekhandur a small nod, casually joining the two. If she caught Alberta snatch the biscuit without paying-which she did-she didn’t comment or acknowledge it. “Do you make a lot yourself or are you just a food fanatic?” she asked the other girl. It was an innocent question enough and Kiara’s expression was neutral. It was best to get to know her peers better if she was Class Rep and maybe kill two birds with one stone while she was at it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophiel Sargute

Chaos erupted in the class when Alberta began to barrage her classmate with a variety of insults. Before she could speak up to defuse the argument another one of her classmates, Ty if she remembered his correctly, spoke up in defense of Eris, the girl who was insulted. Everything then escalated with Sophiel's voice being drowned out in the chaos. She looked towards the professor in hopes he would help with diffusing with the situation, but only to be met with disappointment as he didn't seem to know what to do either. She shook her head, now wasn't the time for that. She still needed to deal with her classmates. "Everyone please calm-" The announcement rang and everyone quieted.

Sophiel shared the same thoughts as her professor as the announcement really was a life saver. She turned to look over towards him just to see him pass something towards Kiara. The ugly feeling manifested as the professor gave Kiara charge of being class representative. Just like that? She didn't even get to prove herself! What did that girl do during the entire ruckus? All she did was stay quiet and watch things escalate. "No, I shouldn't think like that." Sophiel muttered to herself, berating herself from feeling these wretched feelings in the first place. To think she was that shallow... No, that didn't matter now. The class was moving, and she needed to follow them.

Sophiel half listened to the speech that the Headmaster gave out. As much as she wanted to pay attention, she punching herself over the fact that those wretched feelings manifested again. She thought she was through with them finally last year and was happy after so long. Applauding whenever prompted, she looked up to the Miracle Seven. There they were, the seven strongest students that were likely going to become legends. That wretched feeling came again, but Sophiel tried to focus on admiring them rather than the feeling that had erupted again. If she was going to be a hero, then she would have to be just or strong- No, stronger than them to be recognized for her deeds. She clenched her hands and was about to turn away until...

"-miss Sargute? We are to be roommates by the way~"

Someone called her name. She turned around to look at the source of the noise. Ah it was one of her classmates, Mandi if she remebered correctly. Sophiel blinked for a second before she regained her composure. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you Mandi. I see that you already know my name, but let me reintroduce myself again. My name is Sophiel Sargute, I'll be looking forward to working with you." Sophiel said with a small bow before looking back up at Mandi. "Much to my chagrin, I wasn't paying attention to the ceremony," She shook her head in disappointment at herself.

Mandi turned her head to somewhere else and Sophiel followed her gaze. Her eyes landed on Yvain. She was a pretty girl, Sophiel would admit as her gaze lingered for a bit before returning to Mandi. Once again, Sophiel blinked at Mandi's straightforwardness. What a direct girl, Sophiel would think to herself. She smiled before taking Mandi's hand and shaking it. "Of course, I hope we'll be good friends in the future.'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With a slam of his hand on the desk, Sanhan was rudely awoken with a thud. Her body jolted and her brain panicked for a brief moment. Was it her fault that he slammed his desk? Focusing on Nyx's eyes mouth, she got her answer. Probably wasn't. No, it was Caelum and Yvaine, the two people who were late. Made sense. Tardiness was a cardinal sin, after all. He also yelled at the other students for starting a fight in the middle of class. Logical, considering how this was a place of learning first and foremost. She wasn't stared at, nor was she called out before he was interrupted. That meant she was 100% safe by every single possible measure. Wasn't her fault.

With the feminine voice calling for everyone, the now awake Sanhan waited for their teacher to lead them out. He... didn't. He just stood there, menacingly. A student snapped him out of this nefarious contemplation, and began to lead them all out. Sanhan followed, pretty uncaring about the position of class representative. Too much middling work, that title had.

Now at the plaza, Sanhan kept rank and file. No real point in doing something like breaking off and sitting somewhere else. That was just asking for trouble. Though, she almost fell asleep again while waiting for the speech to begin. His booming voice told them all the what-for. She was actually lucid enough to remember what he said. Not that it was anything important. It was also just middling speech. Not that she minded it, though. He introduced the seven. The apex of students at the school. Sanhan looked at them and... wasn't exactly awestruck. Yea, they were probably the strongest seven at the school but... the cheering was a bit loud for her. Heavy was the title that they all possessed. Sure, the money and prestige would be rolling in if she graduated as a Miracle Seven. It was also incredibly bothersome. Imagine, going through your years at school constantly challenged by other people looking to steal everything from you. Sanhan just wanted to graduate in the first place.

Well, with the opening speech out of the way, it was time to relax. Unlike the position of Miracle Seven, food was a tangible good. So many flavours that the civilizations possessed. If she were sent back to her people, the biggest thing she would miss would be the food of Genelogia. She liked the food of her people, but savouring the food of other cultures was wonderful. Avalice being a funnel for every other nation made for a huge wealth of cooking styles.

Would she get to know her roommates in this time? No! She'd go on a food world tour to stuff her gullet. They had today off, after all. She'd begin in the drinks area. Dessert and food will come later. After all, she didn't want to spend her entire appetite so early.

Familiar voices came when she walked there. Classmates? Probably. She wasn't exactly sure. Half-asleep, and what not. What she did hear though was rousing discussion of tea. A tea-master and a classmate? Like a double whammy of nonoffensive assault, she followed up with a deadpan tone. Not sarcasm, just unwilling to expend emotion for such a statement.

"You are a master of tea, no?" She asked Alberta. "Can you help me with what tea to get?"

She was genuinely wanting to get help on what tea to get.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Yvaine was used to seeing stars, in manners both figurative and literal. In the Church of the Celestial, it's the third body that completes the Trinity, the iridescent orbs of hope that guide you through the darkness. More literally, she loved to lay under the night sky and gaze at the infinite galaxy of stars that greeted her without fail. Stars are a part of the very nature of her magic and she sees them everywhere.

That said, when a whirlwind of a force suddenly collided against her, sending her head slamming against the professor's podium, it was an entirely new type of stars she saw. They danced about her vision, bouncing against walls and making the room spin around her.

Yvaine was slow to process the chaotic string of events that followed, although she remained vaguely aware as it unfolded. First, the hard rock that collided against her had apologized. Oh! It was a person! The boy, Caelum he'd said—a wonderfully saintly name, she thought belatedly—had an easy laughter that made her instantly at ease.

"It's okay!" Yvaine assured, smiling even as her hands flew up to press against the piercing pain on her forehead.

Another classmate came forward then, although Yvaine was too dazed to grasp the entirety of her spiel. Something about miracles and obsessed brothers, perhaps? Her joyful disposition was contagious, but their esteemed professor didn't seem amused. Instead, he seemed upset as he moved to settle the class.

Yvaine dutifully obeyed when he called for them to find seats, and in her search for an open one, she locked gazes with another student, one with kind eyes and a welcoming smile. It seemed to Yvaine at first that the friendly girl was beckoning for her to join her, but it was the other student, Verena, who she meant to call over after all. She smiled their way anyway, just because. In the end, she hardly had the chance to sit before an announcement sounded and the professor started leading them outside.

She was among the last to leave the classroom, trailing after a stately-looking boy who mumbled to himself in a language she was unfamiliar with. As she walked out with her hands still pressing against her forehead, she wondered idly if the boy had also accidentally hit his head against a Caelum and a podium.

The opportunity to simply sit back and watch the welcome ceremony did wonders to ease her headache. Yvaine was able to fully appreciate the headmaster's speech, and the excited history buff in her was overjoyed at the mere sight of him. Before today, the great Alphonse Augustine was only a name in her book. Now he was delivering a rousing speech and it was directed towards her! The announcement and showcasing of the Miracle Seven only continued to fan the flames of fervor within her.

By the time the professor dismissed them, Yvaine felt restless. She felt compelled to make the headmaster proud. To strive for the esteem and recognition of the Miracle Seven. To hone her magic. To help save the world from evil. But perhaps, more pressingly, she wanted to know more about everything and everyone.

Starting with her classmates.

Fighting the urge to wander about and examine each and every delightful stall lined up about the school grounds, Yvaine roamed around in search of her classmates instead. Because of her tardiness, there were only a handful whose name she knew, but she was certain she would recognize them even in passing. These were all friends in the making! Yvaine had always dreamed of being a part of something special like this, a group with which she could foster a sense of togetherness and develop a tight-knit bond.

"Oh! Miss Yvaine, over here~! Do join us!"

As though hearing her wishes, a cordial voice called out to her. Yvaine was delighted to find the kindly girl from class, still as welcoming as she had been earlier. With her was a more unfamiliar face, although one she was certain was a classmate. There was an admirable sense of composure that radiated from her, and a coolness that was almost in stark contrast with the other girl's warm amicability.

Yvaine watched as the two girls acquainted themselves, then followed suit, gently reaching out to hold their hand. Instead of a handshake as would have been customary, she held their hands to her heart instead. In the priory, it was a gesture of sincerity. "I would very much love to be friends with you both! May I ask for your names?"

Then as an afterthought, she gestured--with her hand and the one she still held--toward a food stall she had passed. Her eyes glittered with unbridled excitement. "Would you like to try out that delicious pastry? I've never smelled anything so sweet."

☆═━━ ━ @Dezuel@AThousandCurses

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by samakama
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samakama はいどうもー / バーチャルニートサマカマです

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Misaiya was lost and late.

It was the first day of lessons. In Suanneipua his teachers and classmates would have surely waved it off with perhaps a bit of teasing for that very reason. In Genelogia, in Avalice? He wasn’t guaranteed anything.

Let us review Misaiya’s day till now. He had arrived breathless in front of the school in the early hours of the day, before sunrise—not by some immaculate scheduling but rather a cascade of delays courtesy of poor weather in an earlier leg of his journey to the north-west. That had culminated in an unforgettably unenjoyable double-time overnight trek at the coldest temperatures he’d ever experienced through an unfamiliar city just to get to the gates. Apologies, explanations, and negotiations (read: pleading and prostration) with the staff eventually got him through and into the dormitories.

A hot shower and a change of clothes soothed his thudding heart and tight muscles. He was tired beyond belief, yet not sleepy at all. With nothing more to do, and unwilling to enter his room and disrupt his two roommates‘ rest, Misaiya had left his luggage beside the room door and began a self-guided tour of the campus. Viewing the cherry blossoms against the dawn backdrop; strolling around the open spaces and through the hallways; marvelling at how cold and dry even spring was, despite being milder than winter, and how much real brick and cobblestone there was; the chill had made him start to long for his hot and humid home with its notorious and oft-complained-about climate. It had been but two hours since arrival; yet, he was already feeling homesick. Chapped lips, numb fingers, and sore feet from all the cobblestone paths were a too-physical reminder that - yes, this is Genelogia, this is a country far from home, this is his new home for the foreseeable future.

The sun had risen high in the east. Its light was bright now, and suitable for writing, Misaiya thought, and he had just found some paper to pen a letter home when he realised another pressing matter.

He had a quarter-hour until the school day commenced and not the foggiest idea of where he was meant to be.

Whatever section of the school he was in was quiet and unpopulated. Perhaps it was an unused area, or simply isolated from most human traffic, or everyone was already assembled where they were meant to be. It took a few frantic and precious minutes to so much as find someone else - a member of the non-teaching staff, it seemed, who kindly directed him towards where the welcoming ceremony would take place.

And so, with a grateful word of thanks, Misaiya made for the academy plaza, unaware that the rest of his class was at or headed for the lecture hall. Racewalking on cobblestone was a strain on the soles of his feet and his shoes, but if he intended to stay in Avalice it was clearly a pain he had to come to terms with, he thought. At least he would make it on time.


The plaza hadn’t even come into view yet when he concluded that there must have been some sort of misunderstanding.

Crowds by nature are very noticeable. Even if some draconian disciplinarians miraculously managed to suppress all noise from the gathered teenagers, the atmosphere would have felt different in some way. Call it instinct.

There was no such atmosphere around the plaza. A better magic user could have sensed already - there wasn’t a crowd at the plaza. Misaiya crested a slope and confirmed that, unsurprisingly and most unfortunately, there was no one there. Rows and rows of seats were carefully positioned and arranged all across the space, clean and undisturbed; the ceremony must not have occurred yet. By induction, everyone was probably supposed to report to their classrooms to take attendance and meet their teachers first. Good, now he knew what place he was meant to go to.

He didn’t know where said place was. He didn’t see anyone around either, what with classes having already begun and all. He spent half an hour searching, and had finally found a teacher who’d cordially given him directions when—

”All classes, please report to the academy plaza for today's welcoming ceremony…”

The teacher laughed; Misaiya laughed. The teacher went away and Misaiya started tying his sling into a noose, then remembered that the cord would snap anyway and put it back in his pocket. Then he went back to the plaza and seated himself on a place marked out for Class C - for Camellia.

Camellia: what a pretty and refined name. The tea flower. The ornamental varieties were boisterous and colourful - he’d seen a whole garden in bloom before - but it was the plain ones, with little white flowers. Those were the greatest. The ones which were grown in plantations and had their leaves plucked and crushed and dried and made into — tea! Pulled tea was his favourite, without sugar and dairy of course. And, and…

And he was just distracting himself from reality. Enough of that filibustering.

So far the staff had given him so much leeway he could fit his five-foot pole through with room to spare. There was no way Avalice had neglected to inform him of the planned timetable and events for today. Buried somewhere in a letter or pamphlet or some-such there probably lay all there was to know about the first day of school. There was only one negligent party here, the one who had the most at stake and the least excuse.

It was now forty minutes or so past the appointed reporting time. He hoped that maybe the teacher hadn’t done a roll call yet, or that he would have mercy on his sinful soul. Hah, as if. Misaiya braced himself for expulsion, even as he charted a way to save his miserable hide.

As other classes shambled in, he got up from his seat and ambled around for a bit, mixing in with the masses until he saw the rest of Camellia begin to sit at their designated spots. One young man broke away and found himself a spot beneath a tree; the teacher, or so it appeared. He was a sort of baby-faced fellow, who could have scarcely been more than twenty or twenty-one. A prodigy, or a substitute? Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, especially since he was kind enough to close not just one, but both his eyes, presenting quite the opportunity. Time to roll.

With hitched breath and a laborious pounding in his chest, Misaiya filed in behind a very blue classmate, fearing the teacher’s gaze yet unwilling to turn and look for fear of appearing suspicious. The cold had been dispelled temporarily, replaced with a feverish heat as warm blood surged to his face, carrying adrenaline with it. Then he lowered himself onto a vacant chair, not wholly balanced but gentle enough still. It was finished.

He’d done it. He’d preserved his dignity and (probably) snuck into class despite being late. He’d survived!

Misaiya rode that rush through the whole ceremony.


The principal’s address brought to mind one of the reasons he had settled on Avalice. The question of what on Alrune sort of pedagogy would result in a measly 5 per cent graduation rate (and a desire to best those odds). Either admissions was way too slack (which he certainly would not entirely deny, case in point: yours truly), or the instructional standard was very inconsistent, or they had some absurd set of passing criteria. Or perhaps it was a plot to artificially limit the supply of graduates, resulting in a sense of exclusivity and prestige, that would in turn attract more wealthy fee-paying students - what a nefarious money-making scheme. If only he had the audits to prove it.

Next was the introduction of the ‘Miracle Seven’, though he would immediately note that there were only six onstage, and… wow. In a place like this? Was that really h— oh. That large sash, and the material too at second glance: probably a kimono, then. Not that that was any less unusual-looking. The kimono itself was simple, lacking the patterns and decorations typical to the garment. It was as if it were a foundation to be embellished and ornamented by the rest of the elaborate outfit, which almost seem to dwarf the one wearing it - the shortest member of the Seven.

Misaiya was wearing something broadly similar, a grey coat over a white and red two-piece robe, consisting of a crossed-collar top with relatively narrow sleeves and a pleated mid-waist skirt that reached down to his ankles. A little jade tassel hanging from his waist sash served as the sole accessory. If you asked an expert or a traditionalist they would deem it casual everyday attire, but most of society regarded it as good enough for at least semi-formal occasions. Until today he’d always considered the fabric too thick and stuffy to be comfortable. Now he wished for at least another layer or two.

Amidst the terrifyingly loud cheering of the crowd were some names being yelled out. ‘Lancer’, ‘Hanau’, ‘Oleander’? Misaiya could not quite make out some of the sounds, but they must have had some fervent fans. These must have been the names of the Miracle Seven, and though he could not say for sure which belonged to whom, the kimono-wearer was most likely ‘Hanau’, spelling to be confirmed.

It was interesting and quite the relief to see something familiar in an unfamiliar land, for sure, and Misaiya would love to get to know ‘Hanau’. But, it would be more prudent and proper to get acquainted with his immediate classmates first, and so upon the class’s dismissal—though what did the teacher mean by ‘embarrassment’? A minor affair, he prayed—he sought out one of his fellow Camellians (chameleons?) to form some good ol’ social links.

After a little eenie meenie and wandering about, Misaiya found his mark: the blue-haired blue-clothed blue-everything fellow he had seen earlier, during his stealthy infiltration. He had missed the introductions and interpersonal drama of the morning, so he did not know the boy’s name and character. It however seemed like the latter would not be an issue - the boy would apparently make for a very poor poker player.

It showed in his body language, his candid cheer and darting eyes, like a tourist or an explorer with too many sights to see. Or a window-shopper gawking at luxuries way out of their price range. Or a whole multitude of things, point being—he seemed innocent and honest, and must have been a fellow first-year or an easily-impressed senior. Misaiya was no interrogator or cold-reader and he didn’t need to be one to tell that much. It was decided. Kress Alstein would be the first schoolmate he would talk to.

Such a short boy would normally easy to lose in the sea of people, but his hair’s vibrant hue stood out like a beacon. Soon, Misaiya was beside Kress in front of the club stalls, as if inadvertently pushed there by the stream of passers-by.


The noise of the clubs and crowds. A greeting barely standing out from the background.


Can’t go wrong with that. Should be a bit louder, though.

”You’re from Camellia too, right? I missed the morning session. I’m Misaiya, a first-year. May I tag along?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by samakama
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samakama はいどうもー / バーチャルニートサマカマです

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

accidental double post, whoops
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blu
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Blu ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀꜱ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Avalice Academy Plaza | Interactions: @metanoia

With their obligations fulfilled, the six members of the Miracle Seven prepares to leave but, before they could slink away, Headmaster Augustine approaches. "Headmaster Augustine. Marvelous speech as per usual." The tall pink-haired member of the group politely expresses. "Ho ho, why thank you, Weyrose. Your honeyed words never fail to make an old man smile, even if they are rather far from the truth." Ouch. Looks like Augustine has the Fourth Seat pegged. "In any case, I was just hoping to ask where the First Seat is?"

Morgiana, the Second Seat, sighs. "I don't believe any one of us knows for sure. He is the free spirit we all know him to be." Morgiana laments, putting her hands on her hips. "Knowing the Captain, he might not even be on school grounds." Lanza, the Seventh Seat, proposes. "Well that is indeed a shame. He was supposed to deliver an address to the student body after my own." Augustine strokes his contemplatively. Upon hearing that, Lanza's eyes grow large and excitable. "Ooh, perhaps I can deliver a speech in his stead the next time he's absent?!"

"Afraid not, dear."
"Not a chance."
"I don't think that's wise."

They all say in unison while the Fifth Seat—the armored giant—simply shook his head in disapproval of the suggestion. "Oh..." Lanza hangs his head, deflated. "Ho ho, chin up my boy! Perhaps one day when you occupy a different seat. Well then, I'm off. Please stick around and enjoy the festivities, why don't you?" And with that, the Headmaster takes his leave. As the six prepares to leave, Weyrose draws their attention. "Class-C has a new professor last I heard. Is that him, by the tree?" Weyrose tilts his head toward Nyx's direction. "I hear he's powerful."

"Former Second Seat of the Miracle Seven's 106th generation, and a genius in the magical arts. Sounding familiar, Morg?" Weyrose smirks. "Is that so?" A calculating smile forms on her face. "With his guidance, do you believe Class-C stands a better chance of graduating?" Hana'O asks her colleagues. "A decade of failure looms over them. Who's to say a single change will drastically alter their course?" It's clear that Weyrose is skeptical at the prospect. "I'll pray for their success."

"Well, my interest is piqued. Shall we say 'hello'?" Morgiana asks her teammates. Weyrose nods affirmingly and Inès shrugs in reluctant agreement. "Well Lanza, guess you're free to- Hey! Where'd you get all that food?!" Weyrose questions as he sees Lanza carrying a load of roasted chicken and bread. "Well you guys started talking about a bunch of boring stuff so I hit the stands really quick. Anyway, the Big Guy and I are off to enjoy this feast. See ya!" Lanza and the Fifth Seat swiftly absconds with their hoard. "I believe I'll check the food stands as well-" Hana'O attempts to leave but Inès grabs her by the collar. "Hold it. You're not just going to run back to your room and bury your face into your manuscripts, are you?" The Third Seat interrogates her with a stone-cold expression.

"N-No, I would not dare waste such a beautiful day on such important pursuits of the spirit! PleaseletgoofmeInèseveryone'swatchingthisisreallyreallyembarrassingandmyclothesarebecomingwrinkled!" Her voice grows smaller and smaller and she is flailing around hopelessly like a puppy in the clutches of its mother's jaw. Soon, everyone leaves to pursue their own interests.

Hana'O finds herself wandering the plaza—against her will—in search of food. She feels like a fish out of water being among the general student population again after so long. Everyone was staring at her but most were too polite to approach. Meanwhile, the trio of Morgiana, Weyrose, and Inès makes their way to Class-C's section. "Pardon us, but, you are Nyx Yuria, former Second Seat of the Miracle Seven, correct?" Weyrose asks. Nyx opens up one eye to see who was addressing him. "Hmm...? He takes notice of Morgiana and Weyrose.

Inès stands to the side quietly with arms folded, but soon something catches her eye. She approaches the student in possession of the weapon that she was eyeing. "Interesting sword. Got a name?" She asks Caelum. One wonders if she's asking about the sword's name or Caelum's?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ankaa Liu

The chaos that was their first class was interrupted by a general announcement, according to which they were to make their way to the plaza. This being her second year, Ankaa was not as easily impressed – the headmaster spoke of four guiding principles, yet only strength seemed to be honored, given who the Miracle Seven were and how they came by their positions. Nonetheless, she listened and watched attentively.

At one point during the ceremony, another student slinked into his seat; the latest of the latecomers so far. She watched him settle down, amused, then turned back to the front. The six of this generation’s miracles made their way onto the stage, and Ankaa had to clap her hands to her ears at the commotion that raised. When the formalities were finally done and over with, professor Nyx gave them leave to enjoy themselves.

Liu breathed in and out, suffused with the intensity of the atmosphere. She’d learned that if she focused on a particular segment of the festivities instead of trying to take it all in at once she would not get overwhelmed. A pleased smile curling her lips, the martial artist wandered off, not paying any mind to where any of her dispersing classmates were headed.

She was drawn to the familiar first, and found herself amidst clubs presenting their specialities, whether arcane or physical. There was The Summoning Society, displaying their mini worker-golems (the contracts for which they seemed more than willing to sell) and making an attraction out of their elemental spirits (admittedly pretty). The Witches’ Den was performing card-readings, palm-readings, luck-readings, and all other sorts of demystifying of the fates. Nearby was the Alchemist Workshop with exhibits of potions and transmutations, as well as a stall selling their products. Right next to it was a “Mystical Supplies” shop ran by Practitioners United, cramped with packages of dried and fresh herbs, a variety of potted plants, bottled animal parts, assorted samples of soil stored in vials, whole and ground crystals, bundles of incense, a dizzying array of glass containers, magical implements of all sorts, scrolls, journals, tomes, and more.

Liu spent stayed a good amount of time within the shop, and she might have lingered if not for the groups of people crowding in one after the other and pestering the salespeople for smoking herb packets, which were apparently so popular they were already running out. Anyhow, her scanning of the shelves earned her a second-hand copy of “Flora of Genelogia and the northwestern Alrune: Locations, Characteristics, and Uses”. While waiting for her turn at the counter, she also decided to purchase the so-called lucky stone as a keepsake – mainly because she found it both odd and amusing that it was actually the earbone of a specific type of fish. She was given a paper bag for her wares, which she tied to her right hip with her sash, and exited Mystical Supplies. She passed the numerous tents set at a lawn right to the sight, sniffing curiously at the sickly-smelling vapour wafting from them.

As she progressed through the venue, her attention wavered, so she more-or less let her gaze wander from one colourful display to the next, not really absorbing the details of what she was observing. There were plenty of cafés, food kiosks, confectioneries, and drink bars dispersed all throughout, she noticed that much. What truly drew her out of the haze, however, was the anatomy lesson at the Healer Camp, where they were dissecting a very realistic model of the human body. Ankaa watched, fascinated; she’d not yet been able to see an actual human corpse being taken apart, so something like this was right up her alley. She nodded along as the performing students used the scalpel to cut open the torso, showed each organ, and explained the basics of surgery. Once done, they put the body back to rights and patched up the fake-patient with the help of magic.

Satisfied, she continued on with her trek. Ankaa spent some time at the Armaments Gallery, marvelling at the collection and the artistry with which the Weapon Enthusiasts wielded them. There was a huge square with multiple ongoing combat matches, and she politely walked up to a fellow martial artist once they were done with their round.

“Would you be willing to accept my challenge?” she enquired, eyes shining with fervor, body tensed and ready to get into the heat of things.

The heavily sun-kissed, bare-chested male with a cascade of dreadlocks falling down his shoulders looked up from where he’d been toweling off the sweat from his exertions. “Hm? Oh, sorry, but what you’re seeing here is just for club members,” he explained. “You can join us and get to do this next year though,” he added with a wink.

“I’ll…consider that, thank you,” Liu replied with a mild frown. “Is there no way for me to test my mettle today, then?” she muttered, thinking that perhaps the idea of challenging a Miracle Seven wasn’t such a bad one after all, if arranging something with a regular student was such a hassle.

“The muscle kids have devised a simple test and opened it for the general public,” added a new voice, smooth and clear, but somehow chilling. When Ankaa looked up, she saw a female had joined their conversation, one of a surprisingly delicate constitution. However, she was obviously graceful and dangerous, and if someone emulated the expression of ‘skin like porcelain’ it was her. The shorter lady smoothed back a stray hair from her forehead casually, then with another smooth movement, pointed somewhere. “You will find them there.”

“Thank you,” Ankaa said with a respectful bow of her head, and departed. That was how she found herself amidst the Arm-wrestling Gauntlet. She beat several people, even one of the Muscle Maniacs club-members, which earned her a small monetary prize. Now recompensated for her previous spending, and even running a small profit due to her winnings, Ankaa moved to another section of the Academy grounds. Based on the booths of wood-carved and painted masks, rotating shelves of jewelry, statue displays, intricate food creations, and advanced mechanical constructions, various artisans were congregated here. Such diversity was truly humbling to see, and Ankaa couldn’t help but wonder what other parts of the world were like.

There was an enormous gathering of people round the Arcane Paints Club’s portrait painting service. The martial artist hadn’t a clue why all the fuss about this activity in particular, but she got closer to check it out – or at least, tried to. She couldn’t quite make it into the heart of the crowd, though. As her gaze flitted right and left, attempting to find the optimal path through the people, she saw a familiar face.

“Hey, Kress,” she greeted the boy from a distance, shouldering her way through to him.

When she arrived, she noticed another boy, this one with long black hair, and someone who happened to match her height exactly. More memorable than his gentle face was the peculiar apparel he wore – a beautiful robe, similar in style to the Sixth Seat’s – and the fact that he’d shown up so late he’d not even made it to their intro class.

“Oh, you,” she offered to the unknown student, having missed his introduction to Kress. “Just how lost did you get that you had to sneak in during the ceremony?” she wondered, tone a mix of curiosity and amusement. “You should probably know the professor had us introduce to him,” she confided, “so I think he’ll notice you were missing,” she concluded. “But he might not care,” she added dubiously, shrugging her shoulders.

“That aside,” she waved a negligent hand, “Are you two waiting to get a portrait done?” she asked disbelievingly. “Looks like a long wait,” she noted, expression puzzled. She really didn’t get the appeal at all. If she wanted to see her own face, she could simply look into a water’s surface, or a mirror, could she not? Perhaps one of her current companions could enlighten her to the allure of it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Eris was seemingly unfazed by Ty’s conspicuous consumption. She appeared to be more puzzled by the boy’s manners than anything else. “If you insist, Ty Varen… Ty,” she said, crossing her arms as she scrutinized the boy with an analytical gaze. She had certain difficulty at being so informal but at least she tried.

“Ah, it seems that you mistook my intentions. It’s not about the incident’s repercussions. I’m certainly not upset about that. I just believe that it’s better to avoid a needless conflict,” Eris said, explaining herself once again.

Ty’s next comment earned a devious grin from Eris. She scoffed at the mention of gods before saying, “Take on her, huh? That might not be a bad idea at all.”

The fact that, a few moments later, the subject of their conversation walked right past Ty and Eris was enough to make her brush over the “nickname” she had just been given. “Apologies for that but it seems like a chance to put your suggestion to practice has just appeared. Until later… Ty,” Eris said as she left Ty to his own devices. She might have humored him for longer but right now there were more pressing matters Eris needed to attend to.

Matters such as trying to approach one such Hana’O without being noticed so blatantly, waiting for a chance to make a move. A talent Eris was somewhat acquainted with after countless hours spent practicing it with her sister. Others might call it stalking, but Eris preferred to think of it as tactical espionage. That terminology sure had a much better ring to it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Kress turned around, and in that moment of indecision, Misaiya could see someone else slip right in front of the blue-haired boy. Not that the boy in question seemed to notice or care. Smiling at his fellow first year, he chimed, “Yup, nice to meetcha too! And don’t worry, there wasn’t anything much said. Just some lively debate over what it means to be placed in Class C.”

As he spoke, Kress’s eyes scanned over the truant student’s attire. Interesting clothes, for sure. He was pretty surprised, even, that those fancy robes hadn’t been snagged onto anything yet. Magical? Or mighty? Who knew? Misaiya probably did. “By the way, how d-”

Then a familiar face popped up. Not so familiar that he knew much about her at all, of course, but Ankaa was certainly a member of the class, and was certainly a girl, so that was already two things he did know. A silent apology must be said though, to those who she pushed aside on her way here. “Hiya, Ankaa,” Kress said. “This is Misaiya, who’s pretty late…but also I’m sure Professor Yu- I mean, Nyx, didn’t actually take attendance. Probably hard to notice, but he wasn’t ticking any boxes or anything over there. So there's like, every chance in the world that he's fine. And yup, I’m just waiting in line-” when there wasn’t a line “-and Misaiya just said he’d want to join up. You wanna as well? They even have a shark there to pose with!”

She looked curious enough about the whole affair. First time seeing this, maybe?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Relin
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ty Varen

Ty nodded in approval when Eris called him by just his first name, albeit reluctantly. He always found it weird how all the rich families at this school referred to each other by their last names. He had seven brothers. They couldn't all be Lord Varen, could they? And that didn't even count his cousins on his Uncles' side, which all would share the name Lord Varen. Well, there was only one Ty, and that's what he went by. "Mmm, I guess I should try not to lose my temper like that," he said when Eris clarified her points. "Angry fights aren't fun like a friendly scrap is." Since the subject came up, he was pretty close to offering Eris a light spar to test out their magic, but she seemed to have a bigger target.

As good-looking as the Seven were, Ty had never once considered them potential romantic partners. Not because he disliked them in any way. For the most part they seemed like decent people. But, a hunter doesn't date his mark. And if he did end up falling for one of them, how would he be able to fight them when he needed to? Surely someone as smart as Eris wouldn't make that mistake. "Heh, no worries. I'll introduce you to the club another time. Go get her!" He gave Eris an encouraging pat on her shoulder before letting her go pursue glory. He'd definitely have to grab a spectator's spot for the duel.

But, the cooking club called to him once again. "Come on Ty, we need you to attract new members," one member said. "Yeah, everybody's watching the martial artists fight. Put on a show!" "Welllll..." Ty rubbed the back of his head and looked away, feigning a moment of modesty. "I guess I can't neglect my obligations to my sworn brethren." He darted over to the stand and was eagerly welcomed behind it. The other students were passing them by, treating them like any other food stall. Most didn't even realize that it was something they could join. But, Ty was here to change all that. One of the members tied a headband across his eyes, waving his hand a few times in front of Ty's face to make sure he couldn't see. A couple of passerby muttered. "They doing a blind taste test or something?" Then they put a knife in Ty's hand.

Ty took a deep breath and called out to the crowds with all the volume his lungs could muster. "SHOW'S ABOUT TO BEGIIIIIIIIINNNNN!" Ty channeled his mana and activated his Sixth Sense. He still couldn't see. The headband was tied properly and everything was pitch black, but the knife he held, its weight, its balance, its relative position to the rest of his body, it all became more clear. He knew there was a bag next to him. He had seen it before and could gauge the distance. With no hesitation, he reached in with his left hand. He recognized the texture instantly. A carrot. He slammed it down on the cutting board and ran his finger along it once to gauge its length. Then he chopped. Rapid, precise chops that diced the carrot into tiny pieces, perfect for a soup. The chops came dangerously close to his fingers, but he knew where they were and he knew where the knife was. An unwanted collision was impossible.

The carrot was chopped, then he set his left hand down on the cutting board. His fingers were not spread very far apart, but still he brought the point of knife down between each of them. He navigated the spaces between his fingers with rapid stabs, eliciting some gasps from the audience. Even knife specialists wouldn't attempt something like this blindfolded. And yet, he was unscathed. He reached back into the bag. A tomato. Perfect slices. Another lap across his hand. Another vegetable, another lap. After a dozen runs, he finally set the knife down and took a bow, enjoying the applause. He relaxed his mana flow and gave the crowd a thumbs up, still blindfolded. "If you guys enjoyed the show, consider joining the cooking club. Especially first years. We've gotta teach the next generation how to eat!" With the blindfold on, though, he had no idea whose attention he might catch.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 27 days ago

Sekhandur's quiet enjoyment of his tea was short-lived, as a tallish girl with brown hair and rose-red eyes made herself known. She sidled up to him and made a variety of comments about the brew he was drinking as well as the individual that had made it. Her voice sounded familiar, but Sekhandur could not place where he had seen her previously. It was supremely lucky for her that the tea was easing his headache considerably, or he would not have been in the mood to entertain her overbearing demeanor. If he had been feeling less patient, he would likely have been mulling over what form of facial mutilation would best teach her to mind her manners. As it was, he instead humored her opinions on tea.

"Common things have their place." Sekhandur answered in an even tone. "The king's road winds high above all others, but from his place of privilege he enjoys the beauty of every path." He drained what remained of his tea, and set the ceramic cup down on the nearest stall counter.

They were quickly joined by Kiara, and Sekhandur returned her friendly greeting with a polite smile. Then soon after her, another oddly familiar girl appeared, also asking about tea. Sekhandur felt his restrained smile becoming forced. He was not quite upset by the sudden crowd forming around him, but he had a feeling that he had just been sucked into a conversation that he didn't have any real interest in. Honestly, who cared that much about tea? You drank it for breakfast if there was no coffee, or if you were feeling sick, or if you were eating with your grandmother in the royal gardens. It wasn't that interesting. Regardless, he still felt the need to keep up a decent appearance in front of Kiara, and tried to keep his expression placid.

"Yes, do tell us. Regale us with your expertise." He said to the red-eyed girl, doing his best to not sound too condescending as he feigned interest. He folded his arms over his chest, causing his jewelry to chime gently, and looked down at her with gleaming golden eyes, like a desert cat's.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mandi have kept smiling as Sophiel introduced herself again, albeit this time it was on a more personal level.

"Looking forwards to working with you too~ My friend~ Oh if you didn't pay too much attention, then I'm certain you have your reasons. You look like a deep thinker, and you know what they say about deep thinkers? They are really clever." The young mage said in a reassuring manner to Sophiel, while waiting for Yvaine to get close enough, but not only did Yvaine get close enough she reached out to snatch one of Mandi's hands. The young hydromancer was caught abit offguard by this, but allowed Yvaine to lead on. Mandi's hand was then placed on the girl's chest, feeling the heartbeat within but also Mandi's own heartbeat answering it. Mandi's face grew slightly red around the cheeks, looking down at where the hand now where and how Yvaine's chest was way more impressive than Mandi's. At least to the young mage's opinion. The mage's eyes would slowly move up to look at Yvaine's eyes as the girl spoke.

'What a direct and honest girl... her heart… no her entire body is radiating with warmth... my heart is beating similar to yours.' Mandi thought quickly before replying back to Yvaine. "I would love to be friends with you, miss Yvaine~" Mandi said with a smile, but then came the thought that it was now Mandi's turn to properly do an introduction on a personal level. The young mage had shook hands with Sophiel, but now Yvaine had done an unusual but warm greeting of her own. The hydromancer knew that just doing the same kind of introduction to Yvaine could show a potential lack of imagination, thus Mandi decided to do something else. As Yvaine still held the hand, Mandi leaned in and attempted to plant a soft kiss on Yvaine's cheek. "I'm Mandi El-Alzaru, let's become really close friends okay?~" The young mage stared deeply into Yvaine's eyes unless there would be a brake in contact, it almost seemed like there was thousand stars within Yvaine's eyes the way they seemed to glimmer upon mentioning that there was in fact some pastries nearby that required to be liberated. Mandi gave her a wink before speaking again.

"Oh pastries? They do smell kind of sweet, almost as sweet as you two~" Mandi gave a cheeky smile, gently trying to take hold under one of Yvaine's arms.

"Let's go, miss Sophiel, miss Yvaine~ Let's confiscate the pastries for examination! Okay?~" Mandi threw a sideway wink to Sophiel soon after, followed by a friendly snicker, beckoning to Sophiel to get closer. Their first quest and the reward could possibly be a sweet one too.
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