Race: Robot
Simmons was designed to be a compact and speedy mobile database. He has jump jets in his feet that allow him to quickly traverse most terrain, paired with powerful (for their size) legs this tiny bot can keep pace with a cheetah. While initially he was designed to house data the good doctor gave the droid sentience and the directive to use the information it gathers to help inform the pilots of the academy on what missions to undertake. He often consolts with Roxanne to help iron out what tasks would be benifical and cost effective.
Appearance: Simmons is a small droid standing around 30 centimetres tall.

Personality: Simmons is a rather posh little droid, speaking with a British accent and making sure to use the largest fanciest words possible at all times. He makes up for his small stature by having a metric ass load of spunk, this bot isn't afraid to assault you with words (not like he could do much else).