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Weeeelp, I finally finished my thing. If this thing is a little overkill, let me know and I'll try to remove some stuff. I did try to put some fair weaknesses to it and put it into context. (I'd also like to know how big the mechs here are and see which side fits the mech most)

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

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Techicly WIP, I'll hopefully soon finish the mecha's abilities.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Mispost. Sorry.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Name: Fellicia Kuntz | Race: Narcgacuga [non-canon MGE entry]

Personality: A bit of a strong-willed wallflower. But although strongly opinionated and one to hold a grudge, she dislikes getting into long arguements... or long conversations... or leading (even though she's quite capable of leading, in theory). If you ramble at her and stop paying attention to whether or not she's listening for even a second she has a tendancy to dissappear.

Will however pester the unwary constantly for food and attention at other times.

Mech: MADOX series
Callsign: "Roche-02" | Type: Powered Armor

Semi-automated design well-suited for beginer pilots, although still benefits from creative and critical thinking.
Also due to its smaller size, better able to fit in tighter spaces undetected ^_^

Modular loadout allows quick replenishment/changout of munitions. Usually involves explosives, but modules have been developed for more mundane tasks, such as help to carry homework (or to assist in recovery of other mechas).
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Jenny Kami | Race: Lao Shan-Lung


Jenny is a very... Large girl, standing around 19.6 meters tall and possibly still growing. She has a long plated tail that drags along the floor behind her and has a pair bright red of horns (I know a Lao Shan-Lung should have more of them and them be set out differently but I just couldn't manage to find a picture I liked or was appropriate for the site.) that only add to her height. Her hands are armed with rather sharp claws and covered in thick red scales that extend up most of her arm cutting off just before the shoulders. Some of these scales can also be found on her cheeks and neck. Jenny has bright red eyes and extremely long grey hair that goes past her waist.

Otherwise, the rest of Jenny features are that of a generously proportioned girl, yeah really generously.

Personality: Jenny is a very shy girl, not having much experience with other people and the little experience does have is mostly her being looked at. She understands that there aren't many giant monster girls but she still gets super embarrassed when people stare at her. She often curses her size for the attention it brings and how it makes a lot of doors a pain to get through. She absolutely adores food and often lowers her defences when she's eating, becoming a lot more relaxed and happy.

Jenny also constantly worries about where she steps and tries her very best not to be clumsy and to get in the way, but when she does cause someone trouble she is quick to apologies and makes up for her mistake. Deep down she does want to have some friends but for the most part, has been far too shy to try and approach people, so she's fairly used to being lonely (not that she likes it). It is very hard to properly anger Jenny though if you do want to drive her mad, messing with people she cares about is a quick way to enrage her. And if you're looking to make her red as her scales yanking her tail is the way to get it done (Though you'd have to yank that tail pretty hard). Most things like spilling food on her or insulting Jenny will mostly result in her apologizing or retreating away to somewhere private, she's not got very thick skin when it comes to insults.

Callsign: 2ND-SK1N Fire support power armor | Type: Power Armor



Twin beam cannons: The suit itself has a pair of high power high accuracy beam cannons on the back, the shots from these cannons are devastating, though they are useless at close range because the armour has to set up into a "firing mode" which makes the pilot immobile, it does this to help with the great knockback these cannons produce when fired. Another reason its boor for close quarters is the slow aim speed and charge time, taking a good few seconds to charge up its shots. They also have a minute-long cool down after being shot as to avoid overheating.

Light shield generator: A weak personal shield that can take a few solid hits before fading. Only meant to deflect a few necromorph scratches before going to recharge.

Rocket boots: Used to enhance jumps or for flight through space. Has a myriad of assisting mini jets around the suit to assist with steering in space, but are too weak to be useful in atmosphere.

Writing preference: Casual
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

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Name: Dr. Rei Osborne and his assistant Ray | Race: Cybernetic Brain / Slime


Personality: Dr. Rei has long since died but has kept himself, or atleast his personality intact using various methods, from brain wavelength data storage, to AI incorporation, to as he is today, a cybernetic brain attached to a synaptic feedback controlled robot. He still demands respect regardless of his form as he is one of the oldest living minds that had survived the outbreak. He sees himself as the last guardian of mankind's pure genetic makeup and has since been the architect of numerous sub-species hybridizations and he does not mess around when it comes to safeguarding that data. He acts more a military commander than a scientist, blunt, to the point and seeminly very cold, calculating, and without any kind of warmth, but that is mostly because the current situation weighs heavy on his head. The stress is affecting him psychologically. Most of the time he is seen as everyone's grumpy grandpa.

He has been experimenting with a type of bioelectrical gelatin that allows for his nerves to form motor and sensory control nodes with compatible systems. While, android bodies proved to be useful temporary housing, he currently uses the body of a slime he affectionately calls Ray (totally not confusing). She is like many of gelatinous kind, not very bright and generally quite simple in scope and grand planning. While ditzy and clumsy, she is very positive and happy go lucky, usually being subservient to others with the genuine effort to make them smile. She doesn't handle stressful or sad situations too well, and generally will start crying and lose cohesion in those trying moments. Some empathy and a treat usually gets her back on track. To the rest of the crew, she is a breath of fresh air in these dark times.

The doctor keeps Ray as some combination of daughter, pet, and laboratory assistant. Despite an odd relationship the doctor can completely overwhelm her own fluid biology through the gelatin control network and thus use her as a way of moving around, and interaction, making Ray almost a type of android body for him to control. In those moments, Ray's intellect and personality are almost completely subsumed and she will speak and move as if it is the doctors own skin. He also uses her natural biological adaptations to acquire more genetic samples and material from living and dead subjects. It has been rumored that Rei uses her as a type of xenobiological womb for new hybrid children. Its a wonder she doesn't just digest them, but apparently Dr. Rei has effectively changed her physiology to be something quite different from a typical green slime. What exactly, he jealously safeguards.

Regardless of whom is in control, Dr. Osborne is in constant communication with Ray, and he generally guides her when she needs too. Most of the time however, the Doctor is quite busy and so Ray is left to her own devices.

Callsign: Shoggoth (Dr. Osborn) or Squidy (Ray) | Type: Multi-Armed Mobile Robotic Carapace MAMRC-8

Loadout/abilities: WIP

The design is mostly a support craft. The arms and maneuverability gyro are quite sophisticated, and considering the pilot seat is a mass of bio-gel it can take extremely fast speeds without trauma to the pilot.

The craft itself is merely a pod, four cubic meters, containing the impulse thrusters, life support systems, kinetic field dampeners, sensors, and fusion reactor. The Pod itself is equipped with a Plasmic Bolt Caster which can act as a Plasmic Flamer if the waste reservoirs are emptied. Significant heat has shown to be effective against the pathogens, and sterilization is sometimes required.

The loadouts are completely tied to the manipulators. Eight in total, each are telescopic, reaching out to twelve meters. At the terminus, each are a type of automated computer system with its own sensors and microprocessors, unless the apparatus is designed specifically for offense/defense.

Attachment Loadouts:
Plasma Torch - Capable of cutting away mangled metal or cutting through panels or attaching metal scrap. Useful as a last resort melee weapon.
Nano Sealant Nozzle- A coating nozzle thats partly electro conductive with nano filaments. Nano computer systems are designed to repair electrical systems and bypass programming pathways. Power and communications of mechs and computer systems can be restored or redirected for multiple purposes.
Auto Hacking USP - Powerful security algorithms and operational system viruses overwhelm the unupdated systems and allow communication and control. A receiver allows for controls from safe controls on board the escort vessel. Security systems, locks, comms, weapons, can be remotely controlled from a safe distance.
Coolant Spray - Fire suppressant and coolant spray of super-cooled chemicals. These chemicals have also been shown to be corrosive to carbon based organic tissue and so this spray has military applications, namely to slow down attackers while the chemicals break down cellular structures.
Grasping Claw - Mostly used in pairs for better interior maneuverability. The claws have an operator included tool set for micro adjustments or the grasping claw can be used for melee. The claw has enough tensile strength to crush armor plate or tow broken mechs with a combination of its impulse engines.
Chrono Stasis Module - Upsetting gravitational and magnetic forces and possibly even through dark matter disruption, a small area feels the passage of time slowly. This is crucial for emergency repairs but has a very practical use for slowing down hostile entities or environmental hazards.
Omni Medical Tools - Essentially a field surgeon kit on the end of an arm, bio gels, emergency void shielding personnel units, auto surgery station, life monitoring, rations, everything needed to help a biologic survive trauma. It also has bio containment specimen tanks for scanning and identification.
Plasma Cutter - A ranged weapon, fires a small precise line of super heated plasma. Used in engineering and construction, the output has been aplified for precise dissection of targets.
Flamer - Promethium Jets fuel that can even burn in space, sticking to targets like tar. Very useful in killing swarms or softening harder targets, though range is somewhat desired.
Concentrated Hi-Energy Lazer - This constant beam superheats atoms until the tissue soften and sloughs off, great for melting armor, and whatever is underneath.
Concussive Blaster - A sudden rush of pressure in confined space is released as a seismic blast. The vibration of such force that it anything not bolted down is launched backward. The vibration has also been known to pulp organs.
Mass Modulation Tractor Beam - Uses magnetic fields to form a tether, this tether manipulates objects as if they were weightless. It can excite the fields to launch items like a bullet.
Storm Vulcan Cannon - Uses metallic projectiles in standard rapid fire mass drivers. Used against swarm entities along side the flamer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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Password: **********
Password accepted. User Designation: Doctor Rei Osborne. Accessing core files...
No hardware or software errors detected. Artificial Laboratory and Medical Assistant (A.L.M.A.) Unit fully operational.
Password: ***************
Level 2 password accepted. All files accessible.
Password: *************
Administrator password accepted. Administrator access granted. Hidden files accessible. Welcome, Doctor Rei Osborne.

Accessing Folder "A.L.M.A. Unit Profile" for observation.

Accessing Files "Mech A", "Mech B", "Mech C" for observation.

User no longer accessing Files and Folders. User logged off. A.L.M.A. Unit resuming normal functionality...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by tal0n


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Heather Stilts | Race: Kitsune

Personality: At the core of the matter, Heather simply wants to befriend people. If that means pullign a prank here and there to loosen people up, so be it. A trickster at heart, her goal is to lighten the spirits between missions, and "prank" the enemy on-mission. It is worth noting that, while not super dangerous in a safe environment, these "pranks" can be quite lethal in the middle of combat. The one rule she follows above all others is that the Team comes first, then the mission, then the individual.

Callsign: EWS TA-1-l 09 "9-Tails" | Type: Medium Mecha

    * Energy Blade: A blade of pure energy extends from the left arm of the mecha. It can cut through most materials, but is energy intensive, and is used as a hold-out weapon.
    * EM Cannon: A cannon that shoots beams of electromagnetic energy at targets. Deals damage to internal systems and circuitry, and is useful for overloading shields. Long-Range & power intensive, with a noticeable cool-down.
    * Electronic Warfare Suite: A collection of programs, exploits, and bad ideas designed to get the pilot access to whatever systems they may come across, and to deal significant damage once inside, especially suit systems, sensors, and communications. The suite also contains defensive programs to prevent the users mecha from being hacked into in return.
    * "Tail" Spy Drones: Small, baseball-sized drones outfitted with high-powered movement and sensor systems, as well as cloaking devices. These drones are designed to give the 9-Tails pilot battlefield data from multiple sources spread out across the field of battle, and to help sniff out any hidden surprises, whether they be behind stealth fields, or just on the other side of a ridge. The mecha carries twelve of these drones, usually deploying nine at the most, with three in reserve. The drones have a flight time of 3 hours before needing to be recharged. They also act as extenders and repeaters for the 9-Tails Electronic Warfare Suite, as well as team communications.
    * "Trickster" Multi-Function Grenades: These are Chaff/Flare/Smoke/Anti-Personnel rocket-propelled grenades. The function is chosen upon firing, but all held grenades can be any of the listed types. The grenades fire out of launchers located on the shoulders of the mecha, with a total of 40 being carried on-board in internal magazines.
    * Cloaking Device: DETAILS IN PROGRESS
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: Azai Cislacen | Race: Oni

Personality: Generally rather gloomy or inexpressive, uses as few words as possible, mentions self in the third-person
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODUUEMpMwzg

Callsign: "Jackhammer" | Type: Mobile Suit
Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/1EUzAlL.jpg
Loadout/abilities: 25mm Modular Caseless Automatic Rifle, head-mounted .50 caliber compact HMG, 6 Anti-Tank grenades, Anti-armor knife
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Belladonna
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Belladonna Autumn the Fall leaf

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I made a character ^-^

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Name: Sami Mizu | Race: Plesioth

Appearance: Sami is a slim (Aside from her hips) girl who’s a little on the taller side standing around 6’2. Her body has gleaming scales that are a mix of dull navy blues and muddy oranges. These scales can be found along her arms, along her legs down to her ankles and all over her extra limbs. Sami has a set of wings and a thick tail designed for aquatic movement, the tail ending in a massive fin. Speaking of fins, Sami has ear fins on the sides of her head and a larger crest fin on the top of her head. Sami’s hands and feat share the pale yellow/white webbing as her other aquatic features.

Personality: Sami is a troublemaker, plain and simple. She sees a bucket and an ajar door you can bet she’s going to fill that bucket and sit it on top of the door. Sami is also almost always full of energy to the point it is a little obnoxious. Sami is incredibly smug and loves to poke fun at others, especially people she can get reactions out of. Sami is the kind of girl who you makes you not want to ask her for help, just to give you some chance of avoiding her smug grin. “Personal Space” is not a term Sami is familiar with, and if she is then she just chooses to ignore it’s existence, getting a lot closer than many people are comfortable with on a regular basis.

Despite all that Sami does have some good qualities, like uhhh… She’s… Shit ummm. Brave? Honestly, she might just be stupid, but whatever we’ll go with her being brave. Sami is “Brave” enough to go toe to toe with almost anyone, though this “Bravery” can lead her into trouble sometimes. Oh, also Sami is actually quite caring once you get past all her practical jokes and quirks.

Combat wetsuit: Sami's combat wetsuit is designed to be as lightweight as possible while still providing some protection. It's not going to be stopping any bullets but it will at the very least slow them down.

Flashbang lamp: A lamp made with the ability to make sudden bursts of light bright enough to supplement for a flashbang. The flashes have a cooldown however as the lights inside the lamp will burst if repeatedly overloaded.

Nail rifle: A piece of building equipment that Sami retrofitted so that it could be used to fire super-heated rivets with an effective range of five hundred meters. Sure she could use a more conventional weapon but her nail rifle is special to her.

Combat knife: It's a combat knife.


Callsign: Guppy | Type: Mobile Suit

Appearance: The guppy stands at 11.23 meters tall

Loadout/abilities: The Guppy is a multi-purpose generalist mecha with aquatic capabilities. It has a multitude of equipment it can use but is only able to carry a few pieces of it at a time.

The Guppy’s optimal load is one primary and two secondaries. The secondary weapons are stored in the outer thighs of the mecha while the primary weapons are mounted onto the mobile suits back.

Chassis abilities/built-in weapons: The Guppy’s main chassis has a pair of light torpedo launchers on it’s back that can double as light missile launchers.

Additionally, the Guppy has great sonar and a shoulder-mounted light to assist in underwater navigation.

Primary weapons:
20mm Kraken assault rifle: An all-purpose assault rifle designed to be able to fire above and below water.

150mm Thombas grenade launcher: High yield grenade launcher made for dishing out the pain. Inoperable underwater.

Lazarus tesla cannon: A heavy tesla cannon designed to fire massive arcs of lightning.

Secondary weapons:

150mm Stampede revolver: A big ol hand cannon scaled up for a mecha.

Zephyr energy knife: A close-quarters knife that can be coated in energy to help it penetrate thick armour.

Nimbus handheld RPG: A light rocket-firing pistol. Good for mid-range combat and chipping away at enemy cover.

Sparky laser pistol: A long range energy pistol made to work in all environments including underwater. Though the strength of the weapon drops off the further away the target is.
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