“I need a drink, or a few. I’m going to go get shots.”
Almost instantly Taylor burst out laughing. Just the look on Maya's face just told her that she had almost popped the biggest lady boner she had ever popped in her life. And hey, Taylor couldn't blame her, Madison was fucking hot. Second only to that (other) Asian chick that she has seen around here. Probably wasn't into women - but Madison reminded of a friend, except her ass and tits were even bigger. Taylor was tempted to tease the chick but they weren't all that close yet. The last thing Taylor wanted to do was piss off a potential friend and get her head exploded or something weird. She walked off and Taylor was certain she was going to rub one out - and, again, she couldn't blame her. While she was gone, she was approached by some chick. One from the Coven meeting that she met in the elevator.
"Hey! You're one of us right? Nice to meet you! Name's Quinn, best in the world, you'll remember my name."
"I'm Taylor, you'll be screaming my name," Taylor said, before breaking out into laughter with a wry grin on her face. The whole "best in the world" boast didn't endear her to Taylor, because actions speak louder than words. Still, better give this nut the benefit of the doubt because it wasn't like Taylor had high hopes. She pulled out a cigarette as she lit it and took a deep puff of it, but then she looked at her. "Best in the world, eh? At what if you don't mind me askin', Quinn?"
That was when Maya came back with some drinks and Taylor grinned. They all had a toast and Taylor grinned yet again as she put the glass up the rest of the girls. "To a night so fucking crazy that we won't fuckin' remember it!" She said as she threw the drink back and she started getting a little bit tipsy. Fortunately, she ate a fuckton before she came out, but she was starting to let the inner-Taylor out.
“We need to talk to her after this, she’s so good… Even if this isn’t what I expected.”
Again Taylor started laughing, this was too rich. She had a better idea for the night. They wanted this night to be good? Then they had to great a little crazy, creative. Madison, or whoever went to the edge of the stage and started shaking her ass. A grin crept up on Taylor's face as she looked at the three.
"... I dare one of you to go up and slap her ass," Taylor grinned widely.

It wasn't long before the two DENS agents met outside the club... and goodness there was a long ass line just to get in! Meifeng got out of her car wearing a red dress that looked very unflattering given her lack of curvature. Still, it showed her impressively built figure, namely her legs as she walked up to the line. And Meifeng was the one that wore sneakers with dresses. The first thing that she saw was her old friend Cindy wearing a green dress with silt that she bet looked much better on her than Meifeng's dress did her. Mainly because she had curves. She was already in the long-ass line and when she saw Meifeng she gestured for her to come. And Meifeng cut through the line while receiving all sorts of comments for cutting.
"Cindy, why are you already here?" Meifeng asked.
"Ten minutes prior," Cindy answered.
"You're not in the military right now, Cin-Cin," Meifeng sharply said.
"Why are you complaining? I'm in line!" Cindy answered. "We would have been waiting forever."
"Because..." Meifeng trailed off as she had nothing to say really. "Let's just... uh... wait in line..."
Eventually, Meifeng and Cindy made it to the front doors of the club, showed their ids and they were in. When they walked in the place reeked of fish, cigarettes, booze, and degeneracy. Just the way Meifeng likes it.
"Oh," Cindy said, "Two grown-ass women walking into a strip club...."
She looked at Meifeng as she added.
"... We stick out like a sore thumb."