Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blu
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Blu ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀꜱ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Class-C Courtyard | Interactions: None

The battles had taken all afternoon, and now the setting sun signals an end to it all. Students—battered, bloodied, and broken—all await their fate at the hands of their ruthless professor. They stand in front of him with no general sense of order. It's understandable; they're too tired to assemble themselves in any form resembling tidiness. Nyx stares at them with the same cold eyes since the last time they spoke. He seems neither impressed nor disappointed with their performance. He stands up and paces back and forth in front of the class. "I suppose I can't expel all of you." he says, cruelly. Suddenly, a ring of light begins to glow beneath Sekhandur's feet. "You." He stops pacing.

The next ring of light appears beneath Alberta. Then Mandi, then Sanhan, then Kiara, then Ty. Ankaa, Eris, Caelum, Sophiel, Kress, Yvaine. The last ring of light finally materializes at Misaiya's feet. Thirteen students. Just thirteen. That's less than eighty percent of the overall class. The other students almost sigh in relief. These must be the students getting expelled. You can hear a pin drop in the momentary silence. "Congratulations. You've done enough to warrant staying." What? The crowd is stunned for a moment. "Y-You can't mean..." a female student attempts to speak up but found her voice quieting at the sight of her own tears.

Over eighty percent of Class-C's students have been expelled. "But I won my match! Why am I being kicked?!" a male student protests. "If you think I care about who won or lost then I've overestimated your attention span. I never said the winners will stay and the losers will go home. I said I wanted to test your ability to control mana. You think I'm impressed with you beating another student of 'Class-C'? This 'barren wasteland for the untalented'? Such unwarranted arrogance." Those harsh words quickly silences the student.

"Then what about him?!" Another male student points at Misaiya. "I've watched his match! He didn't use a single ounce of magic! Can he even control mana?!" Nyx looks to Misaiya; a slight smirk forms on his face—the first today. "Ahh, him." Nyx walks up to Misaiya and stares at him intently. "It's true, I've considered expelling him. But that performance was nothing if not amusing. To manipulate your opponents so wickedly takes a certain dedication. Enough to warrant a second chance." Nyx takes a step back and glares at the complaining student. "You think this is cruel? You should thank me. I've saved you a wasted year of time. Run along to the Headmaster and demand your tuition back if you wish. Or complain about me for all I care. Just know that your time in Class-C is over."

With a snap of his fingers, the expelled students begin to sink into their own shadows, panicking as they do so. As soon as they're swallowed up, they reappear in front of the main faculty building where the Headmaster's office is located. Back in the courtyard, Nyx addresses the remaining student. "Your chances of surviving the Festival of Champions just shot up dramatically. No matter what pretty lies you've been told, fostering weakness is but wasted effort, especially when you're on a time crunch. Sever the dead limb before the body succumbs. Now, get some rest. You'll need it. Tomorrow is when your instruction truly begins. Prove it to me. Prove to me that even flowers may bloom in this 'barren wasteland'."

"Class dismissed."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Sophiel Sargute

After that however, she waited for her professor's judgement. Admittedly, Sophiel didn't perform as well as she had hoped and felt apprehensive. It didn't help that the professor held a rather cold and calculating gaze over all of the students. With a point of his hand, a ring formed around Sekhandur's feet. Then Alberta, Mandi, Sanhan, Kiara, and then Ty. That was when she regained a faint trace of hope in her mind. The rings proceeded formed until it the last one manifested underneath Misaiya, if she remembered correctly. She let out a sigh relief when her own ring appeared underneath her.

Though a small frown crept up her face. She was third to last when a ring manifested underneath her. If the professor was doing this by order of performance then, she would have been the third worst student amongst the thirteen selected. Granted, she already knew what could have placed her in such a low place to begin with.

It didn't surprise her when Nyx announced that the ones who had rings were going to stay, though she felt sorry for the students cried in protest and received Nyx's harsh words in return, some of which made her wince due to being one of the students that didn't use magic. She could only watch as they sank into their shadows. Hopefully, next time they would be lucky. With that Nyx left them to their own device with what remaining time was left of the day.

Deciding to meet up with Mandi and Yvain before heading towards the dorms, she would approach one of them and call out for the other. "Congratulations on passing you two," Sophiel said with a smile, in contrary to how her body felt at the time. "Looks like we'll be able to spend the rest of the school year together. Though as much as I would like to talk more, we should probably head to our dorms. We're all probably tired." With she made her way towards the dorms.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

As all the battles had been ended, the students had been gathered before the professor who seemed to almost enjoy in the threat of expelling those he deemed insufficient. Mandi were however one of the chosen as a ring of light materialized under each one of them. Thirteen. They were only thirteen who was going to be able to stay? What about the rest? The young mage blinked looking over at those who had not been chosen and their looks of disappointment, their fear, their weeping and anger. It never was a matter of who was winning or losing, he only wanted to see who could control their mana the best.

The professor began to explain himself and more or less told the rest to leave. Then they sunk down into their own shadows, was this a spell of the professor. Mandi made a mental note of it, if there would come a day where they would have to stand against the professor's magic it would do well in having a plan to deal with such a thing. The young mage however felt bad for those who came here looking to learn to simply be discarded as pieces of trash like that. Their professor was merciless, but not only that. Mandi suspected that his actions would no doubt drive some of the newly expelled to seek knowledge elsewhere and try prove him wrong. While it could be a strong motivator, it was just that kind of motivator which drew others to desperate means to attain recognition. Even if it meant turning to darker paths.

Most of the things the professor had said did not sit well with the hydromancer. 'Sever the dead limb before the body succumbs...' Mandi thought on that one line, it was one that had to be memorized for later.

Then they were dismissed by the professor, thought it was not his words which occupied most of Mandi's mind. It was the battle that Yvaine had been through. First the opponents had teamed up on her, hurling things at her and pouring some water over her head. Yet she nontheless flew about on golden wings, it had been simply stunning to watch how beautiful she had looked. The young mage pondered on the use of such a spell, and would have to ask Yvaine about it when there was time. As for the two shameless villains she were fighting, one of them, the bluehaired one had the audacity to use a wall of dirt against her in an attempt to sully her beauty, the girl had been flung right into it's path.

When Mandi had first seen the water having been dropped over Yvaine's head had been something that deserved a slap across the face, now after doing that thing with the mud. Now that had made the young mage grit it's teeth and tighten it's fists, how dared this bluehaired boy treat her like that? Not only that but as the battle had progressed, the blue haired scoundrel had attempted to be sly and offer his hand to Yvaine as if he were a chivalrious knight. The very thought was sickening to the hydromancer, even more so when the bluehaired boy had decided to help clean her up. Then came the last straw. Yvaine kissed the bluehaired boy. That damned Alstein kid!

It had been at that moment that Mandi had felt the strongest about sprinting into action, wanting to give the boy a slap of divine punishment across the face. But ultimately Mandi refrained in doing so, realizing the professor wouldn't approve of interuptions. But now all the fights were over, and they had all gotten dismissed. It was time to find Yvaine and make sure that blue haired boy kept his distance. It was at that time that Sophiel approached the hydromancer, congratulating both Mandi and Yvaine which stood abit further away, but still within proximity to them.

"Oh! Miss Sophiel~ Congratulations to you aswell, afraid I was finished abit after you so I didn't get to witness your fight. How did it go? Did you beat the acting class representative? Oh and we should totally go check out the dorms~ Miss Yvaine~ Let's go check out the dorms~!" Mandi raised the voice slightly in the direction of Yvaine, making sure that blue haired leech was nowhere near her.

'You will pay for this, Kress Alstein!' Mandi thought whilst narrowing the eyes abit, looking for the blue haired villain amidst the gathering.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Alberta waited. And waited, and waited, and waited even more, until the sun started to set over the devastated courtyard. Her battle with Caelum wasn't as swift as she had wanted, but to think it had taken some people the entire afternoon to fight it out until only one person stood was beyond her expectations, or rather, lack there of. Yet another example of Class C's incompetence that Alberta loathed to be associated with.

But even she knew when it was the appropriate time to hold her tongue. The professor was about to relay his students with the final results; while Alberta had won her match, though some minor mishaps had resulted in an admittedly haphazard performance, she still held her breath in anticipation.

In her tiredness and wavering concentration, Alberta flinched as a ring of light illuminated her feet, fragments of her prior battle somehow still lingering in her thoughts. It was only when Professor Nyx announced that her and the other selected students had earned their right to stay in Class C, that Alberta let out a quiet sigh of relief. She didn't bother to register the panic from the rest of the students around her as they sunk into their shadows. A harmless sleight of the professor's magic, most likely.

The man's words, however, weren't something she would dismiss so easily. Alberta couldn't dispute with his ruthlessness; better to pull the weeds out of a garden before they sap the nutrients from the plants that deserve it most. She refused to let two years slaving away in Avalice's training grounds go to waste, and miss the rest of the academic year because of a couple of weeds in an already barren patch of soil.

Indeed, Alberta had to prove herself now more than ever. Not just to escape Class Camellia, but to restore the reputation she had been so viciously stripped of. As Professor Nyx concluded his address, she glanced around at her remaining classmates. Nothing was going to stop Alberta from growing taller and blooming brighter than the rest of them, even if there were a select few that threatened to outshine her. Her gaze shifted to the floor, fists clenched, heart pounding.

Alberta had been cast away to the very bottom of the school. Now, she had to climb her way back to the top, no matter how many flowers she would have to trample over.


As much as she was physically drained, Alberta was more mentally exhausted. So much so that she'd completely forgotten who she was sharing a dorm with this year, until she arrived at the dorm itself. A 'Kress Alstein' and a 'Ty Varen'. Two boys. She shuddered as she creaked the door open, recalling her first dorm assignment in Avalice just under two years ago. At least then, she had another female roomate with her to make living with her male one just a bit more bearable. Now, Alberta had to deal with two of them. Class C was certainly living up to its cursed reputation.

Upon entering the empty dorm, Alberta was appalled, but not necessarily surprised. These were the Class C dormitories after all, they probably hadn't seen much improvement since their establishment. The small windows, cramped spaces, and discoloured walls felt so bleak and uninviting, not at all what Alberta wanted from a place that was supposed to keep her well rested and comfortable. She was missing the Class R dorm rooms already.

But time was of the essence, as Alberta had a lot to unpack. Multiple cases of clothes, fabrics, cosmetics and gardening essentials were piled against the left side of the common room, almost reaching the ceiling. The boxes that extended to the kitchen included both of her tea brewing sets, as well as twenty or so potted plants to keep her sane throughout what was looking to be a very turbulent year. Each plant had a small name etched into their ceramic pot, though it couldn't be seen clearly from afar. Not that it mattered to Alberta, since she'd memorised all of their names already.

She proceeded to drag some of her cases to her 'bedroom' and started unpacking. As Alberta placed a striking yellow croton plant — Archembald she'd named it — on her prescribed study desk, her other dorm mates started arriving. When a disheveled Ty eventually entered the room, the plant pot almost slipped out of Alberta's hands. That was the little brat from the lecture hall!


Alberta very slowly and carefully placed Archembald on the table, before shooting up to her feet and stomping towards Ty. She hadn't been listening well enough to remember his name from the morning introductions, but just the thought of having him as a roommate for a whole year sent Alberta spiralling into a blind rage. This had to be some sort of terrible mistake.

"What the hell are you doing in my dorm? Get out, you rat."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Relin
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ty Varen

It didn't take Ty very long to recover from his fight. After all, Sekhandur had healed all of their wounds so it was just a matter of stamina, which Ty had in spades. Before the battles even wrapped up, he was already feeling a bit restless. As he sat in the grass he folded his legs and pushed himself up with his hands, getting a bit of isometric exercise in while he waited for his classmates to finish. His mind wasn't really into it, though. What was going to happen to him? He lost his fight. Was he really going to be expelled? Just because he was scared of ghosts? He pursed his lips nervously as his thoughts wandered until the professor finally called them to assemble for evaluation.

A ring of light appeared around Sekhandur. Of course he would get to stay. And several of the other winners were grouped with him. Of course. Looks like this was the way it was meant to be. Then, a ring of light appeared around Ty. "Huh?" Apparently winning your fight was not a requirement for this evaluation. Thirteen rings appeared in total. Thirteen out of the sixty or so students got to stay. The rest... well, Ty didn't suppose he'd be seeing any of them for the foreseeable future. He felt kind of bad for them, but at the same time he couldn't dispute what the professor was saying. This was a competition for survival. If they brought dead weight along with them, then they would all be expelled in the end anyway. Survival of the fittest. That was how things worked both in nature and in human society. Professor Nyx kind of reminded him of his father in this regard. No sympathy for the weak. All that was left to do was follow the professor's last order. Ty would prove he was worth his time.

* * *

Before heading straight to his dorm, Ty decided to pick up a few chicken cutlets and some ingredients to make dinner. He felt like a nice meal would be a good way to warm up to his roommates. Everyone liked his cooking last year, and Ty just enjoyed cooking whatever the occasion was, so it was the perfect way to start of the year, especially after this stressful first class. He found his dorm room and looked up at the sign to see who he'd be spending the year with. Kress and... Oh God, why!? Ty's heart sank and he nearly dropped his things, but then he remembered Eris's words from earlier. A blood feud wouldn't be good for anyone. Right. Now was as good a time as any to make peace. They didn't have to be friends, just share the same space without killing each other. Surely that would be manageable. Ty took a deep breath, put on his brightest smile, and opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing in my dorm? Get out, you rat."

Screw peace.

"I live here, you moron!" Ty spat back with no hesitation. "My name's even on the door. Go figure." It didn't occur to him that Alberta hadn't been paying attention to everyone's introductions. Ty personally made it a point to learn everyone's name during the introductions. Knowing who you were talking to just made things easier, and if you ever wanted to issue a challenge it was so much cooler to call them out by name than just "Hey you!" He tossed his satchel of belongings into a corner by one of the bunks, but didn't bother to unpack. He didn't have much anyway. Just a few sets of clothes and a survival knife from home. Everything else he got from Avalice. He then headed over to the kitchen and washed his hands. "I'm making chicken cutlets," he said in a flat tone. "If you don't want it, I'll eat yours." Even if he hated one of the people he was living with, he wouldn't waste food because of it.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

With some difficulty, Sekhandur redressed and joined the rest of the students milling about and waiting for the remaining matches to finish. He tried to pay attention, but he was exhausted and his leg throbbed with pain still. Clearly his mastery of healing Utterances left something to be desired. He stretched out on the ground and sat massaging his knee, imitating how his father's servants would rub down his muscles after training sessions in the royal palace. As the sun dipped low behind the academy the battles subsided, and their professor turned to address them again. Sekhandur stood, his knee feeling a bit better, but he was still quite tired and discretely leaned on his staff as the exercises were concluded.

A ring of light appeared under Sekhandur, and he nodded appreciatively to the professor. More students followed, and Sekhandur remained satisfied with the selections, until one of the students who lost their match was chosen as well. Followed shortly after the student that Sekhandur himself had defeated. This was perplexing. He waited to hear their professor's reasoning before speaking up, but the announcement that they would be the ones to stay was somewhat of a surprise. Sekhandur was more surprised by the severity of the cuts being made to their class. This was all that would be left? If nothing else, it would make it easier to remember his classmates' names.

Class was adjourned, and Sekhandur felt very ready to retire for the evening. He limped his way back up to his dorm room, which he had only spent the previous night before in a drunken haze. His servants had carried his possessions into the dorm room after their previous night's revelries, and as he returned to the room it dawned on him how much they dominated the small and dingy room. His curtained bed took up nearly a quarter of the room's square footage, and his hand-carved wooden chests and dressers, golden mirrors and coffers, and other luxuries barely seemed to fit in the room. The bunk beds on the other side of the room seemed quite small and cheap in comparison, and his roommates possessions were crammed to fit on their side of the room's divider. Sekhandur had no idea what happened to the furniture that was originally on his side. Deciding he would bathe in the morning, Sekhandur merely set his grimoire and staff aside, peeled off his robes, and collapsed face-first into the cotton sheets of his princely bed.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Courtyard → Class C-D

Shortly after his battle with Alberta, while Caelum’s clothes soaked in the slowly-dripping blood from his open wounds, Caelum himself had a similar experience with his defeat. Somewhere deep down, he knew that Alberta was a formidable foe. She was someone who not only had towered over most around her but she proved to be insanely gifted in magic and her raw power was nearly twice as impressive. He threw all he had at her and it proved to not be enough.

“But that’s not…” Caelum wrestled with something that took his attention away from what professor Nyx was saying until he decided to let it go and focus on what the professor was saying.

After Nyx finished, Caelum’s mouth sank low when it was revealed that the deciding factor of those who were allowed to stay wasn’t if they won or lost their fight. At the end of it all, the true purpose of the fights was to see how well all of the students controlled their mana.

This information sent Caelum deep into his mind. He had a limited reserve of energy left, having given most of it into his fight with Alberta, so he wasn’t able to correctly process it, but that didn’t render him completely immune to the sweeping effect that Nyx’s authority had on the class. Nearly their entire class was expelled. Only a lucky -- or unlucky depending on how one saw it -- thirteen were left.

He took a slow glance around and he didn’t know if he was relieved that Alberta was still in the class or if he regretted mouthing off to her during their bout. He said a lot of terrible things that he didn’t mean. He wondered if apologizing to her would help whatever punishment she had in store for him down the road or if it would only make it worse. Caelum was rarely one to second-guess himself, but he decided against it and faced forward.

In a flash of darkness, Caelum, as well as everyone remaining were transported from the battleground to the entrance of the main building. In the small amount of time that it took, he felt the effects of whiplash starting to hit him. His entire head to shoulder region felt weak and stiff, his body more fatigued than usual, and any movement Caelum made was met with temporary paralysis. Thankfully for his sake, it started to fade and he slowly walked, following the others to the dorm building.

The time spent walking was great and his speed was slow. The weight of Stormbringer never felt so apparent as it did now. Every aching limb in Caelum’s body begged him to take breaks. Even after the first aid, he received after the battle couldn’t cover everything. He was still incredibly weak but he was stubborn. Just as he had been in the fight that rendered him completely exhausted, he wouldn’t stop until he reached his room.

And as he entered his assigned dorm room - Room C-D - Caelum made sure to take a quick inventory of the room and see just how spacious it was. He had been used to cramped and otherwise unsavory living situations for most of his life. From his home at his village to inns and huts, Caelum’s expectations weren’t high. Hell, he wasn’t picky either, but from his quick lay of the land, he was quite pleased with it. Then again, as long as he had a bed to sleep on, he was satisfied.

The sword-wielder dragged his feet into the common room and found the couch. It was fitted with a decent cushion to provide comfort. His head hit it first and his body soon followed. His body sank into the couch and he let out a sigh of content relief. “This is nice,” he muttered, closing his eyes. “I wonder who I have for roommates?” He asked himself, falling into a temporary rest.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by samakama
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samakama はいどうもー / バーチャルニートサマカマです

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Misaiya felt quite vulnerable getting singled out all of a sudden, first by a classmate, and then by Nyx himself. The guy who had name-dropped him (and who looked on the verge of joining the many who were already crying) was not that far off the mark, except he could actually manipulate his mana. Just… not particularly well, nor was he able to put it to any practical use.

He wasn’t sure what exactly to feel about Nyx’s appraisal.

Misaiya had wanted to say something to the expelled students, some word of comfort or empathy, though there was little that could be said to any useful effect in the heat of the moment - and then they were gone, transported away, with naught save tears and ruined dreams and shame. Was that really it? Was that the last the remainder of Camellia would see of their classmates? It was jarring; as if something had been missing, and now unease had taken its place.

Nyx's methods were surely heterodox, even amidst the sheer unorthodoxy that characterised Avalice. Even the upcoming Festival only intended to eliminate a fifth of the classes. Camellia now only had a fifth of its students remaining. This was by far the smallest class Misaiya had ever been in, and there was still no guarantee that their numbers would not be further whittled down.

And Nyx was either fearless, well-prepared, or too arrogant for his own good (or perhaps all three), considering how he had directed the expellees right to the principal. It would scarcely be a surprise if he had the administration's approval for all these antics, extreme as they seemed. But the teacher ironically also looked rather the rule-breaking, defiant type; if he was simply doing his own thing and giving everyone else the finger while he was at it, it would not be out of character in the least.

Either way, the school's office politics were none of his concern, or at least not for the time being. Right now, Misaiya just wanted a shower and some long-overdue rest.

Misaiya waved goodbye to Yvaine, who had been approached by what he presumed to be her room-mates — ah, wasn't that boy Ankaa's opponent? — and was apparently headed back to the dormitories. "Thanks for healing me, Yvaine. Do rest well, and see you in class tomorrow."

Which reminded him of his appointment with Kress and Ankaa. The late hour and the intensity of the day's activities meant that the visit to the paints club would be better off postponed. Maybe Nyx would even allow it during curriculum time as part of the 'opposition research' he so valued — but not today.

"Kress, Ankaa.” The adrenaline that had been keeping him going non-stop for the past thirty-six hours had already begun to fade, and the fatigue of a vigorous full day and a half was setting in fast. Misaiya’s speech was more straight-to-the-point now, and you didn’t need eyes to tell that he was in no state to go campus touring. ”Today's been tiring for everyone; sorry, but it looks like we'll have to go see the arcane painters another day. Have a good evening."

Misaiya mustered only a brief, tired smile before trudging off in the direction of the dorms, his pole tap-tapping as he leaned on it like a cane and went off. He could not deny that he was somewhat excited to meet his own room-mates, especially since…

Wait, what if his room-mates had all been expelled?

There had been around five and a half dozen Camellians at first. With three people to a room (and a room or two of four), there were twenty or so occupied rooms. Yvaine and her two room-mates had somehow all made it in, so that left ten remaining students and at least nineteen rooms. Of course, the rooming arrangements would surely be adjusted as needed, but the odds of his original room-mates having been kicked out were pretty high — assuming things were completely random. Now that he thought about it, Ankaa and the boy she had been paired up with had both survived. Everyone in the three-way had too. And while Misaiya couldn't say for sure, he was pretty certain that most, if not all of the remaining Camellians had been fighting each other earlier.

Don't tell me we're all in the same four rooms too.

Had his fate been predetermined before the spars had started, before he had even arrived at the school gates? Had Nyx been observing them for so long that he had already made arrangements far in advance? Or was it a happy coincidence?

The situation smelled fishy. But Misaiya smelled foul, and he would rather address that first. The entrance of the dorm was in sight now, his bicycle still parked against the wall and chained to a water pipe. The building was still unfamiliar to him, but he already felt a little relieved walking through its entrance.

Soon he was in front of his room. It was hard to miss, considering how he’d left all his luggage right outside. He opened the door, and—

‘Apartment’ seemed more accurate a descriptor than ‘room’. It did, after all, have multiple rooms, and either way, it was certainly far larger than he had expected. In objective terms, the place probably wasn’t very big. But opening the door to see a wide-open common room with a kitchen and even more doors leading to even more rooms — perhaps it didn’t make much sense, but Misaiya felt immensely content.

He would have let out a ‘wow’ or some otherwise astonished remark, had he not noticed someone fast asleep on the sofa. A room-mate, he assumed, and not some sort of burglar. Misaiya remembered seeing him earlier, but as for his name… Ah, there was something outside, wasn’t there?

Sure enough, there was a small sign on the main door. Dorm C-D. Ankaa Liu, Caelum Tempesta, Eris Reinhardt, Misaiya. The last name had been hastily scribbled on some paper and stuck to the bottom of the sign.

Huh. Ankaa’s here too. That’s nice. And this— Misaiya glanced over at the sleeping boy, —must be Caelum. Odds are that Eris made it too, so all four of us are still here. A little smile unconsciously crept onto his face. That was good to see. It also fuelled his overactive imagination and left his mind screaming about statistics and probability and shuffling a deck of cards, though that would be a problem for some other time that wasn’t now.

That didn’t stop Misaiya from thinking about meaningless things, though. He still couldn’t match a face to the name ‘Eris Reinhardt’. It had to be a girl; yet even knowing that, there were still five whose names he did not know. The most chaotic-looking of them would probably be the white-haired one, but the surname did not match well. Next, by his reckoning, would be the girl with purplish hair who was little taller than Kress. It was difficult to articulate any particular reason why — she certainly appeared more like the cool, etiquette-trained type, though not even a draconian governess could truly stamp out a noble child’s secret hobbies and proclivities. whatever the case, Misaiya had convinced himself that that girl was the most probable Eris. This, in spite of the fact that he would find out the truth with absolute certainty by the end of the day.

And now it was time to step foot into the dormitory life, a life of…

A life of what?

Misaiya had no idea what to expect from dorm life. But he knew his room-mates (housemates?) would shape the experience a lot, for sure, so it was fortunate that at least Ankaa was trustworthy and good-natured. It wouldn’t do to demand much of others but offer little himself, so he began with showing a little courtesy to Caelum. Dragging his luggage in, as he had previously planned on doing, would have been easier and quicker. But in order to avoid rousing Caelum, he instead lifted his entire rucksack off the ground and gently hefted the whole thing — which was a little under a quarter his own body weight, mostly in light casual clothes meant for wear indoors and in the summertime — into an unobtrusive corner of the common room. It wasn’t exactly a herculean task, yet his limbs and his back felt sorer for it anyways.

Misaiya set down all the assorted items he had been lugging around the whole day. First were his formal robes, which went folded into a designated bag. Those might need to be washed by hand, though he had yet to find out about how laundry would be done in the dorms. Next was his equipment. Rifle, pole, and sheathed machete he laid on the ground against the wall, quietly noting that he would have to conduct maintenance on them soon, while the sling was simply draped over them, carelessly.

Toiletries and a change of clothes took only a minute to find, and before long, Misaiya was enjoying a refreshing shower. He let the warm water run from his scalp down to the tips of his uncut hair, drowning the dust and the dirt before flowing away into the drain. This had to be the cleanest he’d ever felt. Then again, the sheer amount of sweat and grime that was only now being rinsed off had left him the dirtiest he’d ever felt, too. Soap lather had never been so smooth and sweet-smelling before.

His early morning shower had left him energised for the upcoming day; now, perhaps it was the humidity, but he felt both an aching tension in his body and an unclear haziness in his mind. A dual-pronged exhaustion struck him even as he dried himself off and put on some clothes — another white shirt, and grey pants with socks.

Had the girls come back already? Was Caelum still on his sofa? Misaiya could probably see for himself, but his brain had decided to go on strike until it got some sleep. Now on autopilot, he emerged from the bathroom, bagged his dirty clothes, and stashed them into his rucksack, before remembering that he still had no clue which bed was his.

Ah, and I should do some stretches first or I’ll wake up sore…

Part of Misaiya’s mind was telling him ‘yes, you should’. The rest of it held the opposite opinion quite strongly, and his drowsy body was backing the latter. He slid down the wall onto the floor next to his rucksack, pushed his still-damp hair out of the way, and lay his head on bent knees. These pants are so soft and comfy. The weighty gravity of sleep encumbered his mind, and soon he had dozed off completely.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Blu
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Blu ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀꜱ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Headmaster's Office | Interactions: None

"This is entirely unacceptable! You can't just expel the majority of Class-C on a whim! I demand an explanation!" A furious Lanza shouts at Nyx. The two of them are joined by Lanza's frequent companion, the silent Fifth Seat. They stand within the Headmaster's office: a room decorated wall-to-wall with a virtual library of magic tomes and strange artifacts. Nyx, who has been casually leaning against a wall this entire time, opens his eyes and glares at Lanza. "And you are?" he says with nonchalance. It's as if he hadn't heard a single word uttered by the Seventh Seat, much to the latter's annoyance. "I'm Lanza Lamielle, Seventh Seat of the Miracle Seven!" he responds; his voice, a mixture of anger and pride.

"Seventh? I don't need to explain myself to my inferiors." Nyx brushes him off. Lanza grits his teeth; his body language shifting to a position as if readying to pounce. "What was that?" Before Nyx could say anything else, the northern doors of the colossal office swing open. "I'm not fond of having to work after hours, but I was told of urgent matters, so here I am." In walks a tiny mandrake with aster flowers blooming out of its head followed by a young man with long hair seemingly in his twenties; he's carrying a smoking pipe. The young man takes a seat behind the Headmaster's desk and takes a puff of his pipe. The little mandrake scurries onto the table with impressive agility. "Pew, pew~" the mandrake calls out in a rather adorable voice.

"What seems to be the problem?" the young man asks.

Both Nyx and Lanza are perplexed by this stranger. "Who are you?" they asked in unison.

"Oh right. Neither of you have seen me in the evening before. I'm Headmaster Augustine, of course." he proclaims as he pets the mandrake. "H-Headmaster Augustine? What happened to you?" Lanza asks, worried. "It's a long story I'd rather not get into. Anywho... I heard you wanted to discuss something urgent?"

Lanza points at Nyx. "This professor has expelled most of his class in a single day, disrupted peace and order by sanctioning some mass brawl in the Class-C courtyard, and ignored the standard curriculum given to all classes by myself and the other members of the Miracle Seven. Oh, and apparently he turned one of the janitorial staff into a frog. We're still trying to find that frog- err, man." A hefty list of infractions indeed, and all on day one.

Augustine takes another puff of his pipe while contemplating the charges. "A busy day for our young instructor. In my recruitment of Professor Nyx, I did promised him leniency in how he is allowed to teach his class, seeing as how Class-C has been struggling under the same guidelines for a decade now. Perhaps a new methodology will force things to change. So in that vein, I see no issue in him using his own curriculum. As for the students he expelled: we already came to a prior agreement that they would be redistributed to the other classes at my discretion." Augustine explains.

"Y-You did?" Lanza is quite surprised to hear that the 'expelled' students would be taken care of.

"It would be foolish to refund all of that tuition money. I have to get paid somehow. Besides, revenge is a powerful motivator. Perhaps now those students will actually work hard to prove themselves. It just won't be under my tutelage." Nyx muses.

"So that's it? He's just going to get away with his cavalier behavior?" Lanza asks, still attempting to seek some justice.

"Well, I never approved of turning one of our staff into a frog... Nyx's first month pay will be docked accordingly and added to this janitor's wages as an informal apology. I see little hope of getting Nyx to actually apologize for his transgression. In addition, he'll join you and the Fifth Seat in searching for our polymorphed fellow, even if it takes all night." Augustine declares.

"Hey! Wait just a damn minut-"

"The matter is settled." Augustine gets up from his chair. "Pew, pew~" His mandrake companion leaps onto the ground beside him. "Time for some shut eye. Nyx, do keep things quiet this evening or I'm afraid your pay will be docked again. Well, 'night." Augustine waves before exiting the office.

Without another word, Nyx walks toward the exit on the opposite end. "Where are you going?" Lanza inquires.

"To find that damn frog, what else? He's probably still somewhere on Class-C grounds. It's better if we split up. More so for me so I don't have to listen to your annoying voice." Nyx turns around slightly to face Lanza, an unamused expression on his face. "Listen well so that you can tell the rest of your crew. Keep those seats of yours warm, but don't get too comfortable. By the end of the year, my students will be occupying them. That's Class-C's revenge." Challenge issued, Nyx goes on his way, leaving behind Lanza and the Fifth Seat to contemplate his message.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kiara spent most of her remaining time watching the other matches beside Sophiel but at some point in time she had to go back and sweep up the fragments of her destroyed tome. Or maybe, if she was being honest, it was a way of avoiding her sister given Eris’ match ended swiftly enough as well. It was better to talk to her when they weren’t on a battlefield and giving the Reinhardt an excuse to force a match out of her; ideally at least. In any case, it wasn’t long before the day’s end had come upon them and they were summoned, the whole lot of them, before Professor Nyx.

By then Kiara’s aches and pains had resided well enough though she wouldn’t feign some exhaustion from the day’s work. As she stood with her fellow students, she heard their professor make some grand speech about observations made on them before a circle lit up beneath her feet. Before she could process much of it, the professor was declaring her and certain other faces as the true students of Class-C. So, she was to be staying after all? She wasn’t sure if that was a blessing in disguise or a nightmare given incarnate form quite yet.

Hearing the commotion about her, she did wonder why the suspended students were complaining. Were they not Class-C, the actual worst class in the school according to…well, everyone else, even their professor? Their chances were probably better spent not in the scorned class. Maybe they were just mad about the wasted time and money, of which Kiara could understand. She couldn’t help but give a look of sympathy to the crowd of students that were briskly tossed aside before Professor Nyx dismissed them as well. All the same, she couldn’t deny the truth in their professor’s words either; she only wished he could have maybe minced his words a little kinder to the recently exiled.

Still clutching the shattered fragments of her tome-there was little left of it, but a few pages not burnt or destroyed-she stuffed them into her pockets before taking in the motions of her peers. It seemed everyone else was heading back to their dorms for the day, and well deserved too. Rest would be needed and wouldn’t be coming easy for the newly inducted Class-C. As class rep, she made sure everyone looked like they knew what they were doing before slinking off and away from the crowd. Before she could rest herself, there was someone she needed to speak to.

Indeed, it wasn’t long, not very long at all, before Kiara found the one that kept avoiding her, or maybe it was the other way around. In truth, she wasn’t surprised to find her sister still lingering on the training grounds and almost wondered if she was waiting for her all this time. A hand clasped over a shoulder; the only indication Kiara would give as she snuck up on the other girl. “We need to talk,” she said, almost too curtly to Eris. A sudden pause then before she shook her head. Weird. She thought she heard a frog croaking.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 17 days ago

As she stared at the ring of light beneath her feet, Yvaine frowned. Her hands anxiously clutched a fistful of her dress as she teetered between relief and guilt over the outcome of Professor Nyx's harsh culling of the class. It had slipped her mind that there had been stakes involved, that they were put into these matches for a certain purpose. But to expel more than half the class on the first day… was this the way in Avalice? From the headmaster's rousing speech, she had envisioned a wonderful school that fostered hope, valor, and a sense of togetherness against the darkness in the world. It didn't occur to her that the school was prestigious for a reason, or that the academy's rumored graduate rate of 5% wasn't an exaggeration after all.

Yvaine felt the panic and anguish of the other students as they protested their expulsion, and it was all she could do to reach out helplessly when their own shadows swallowed them whole, removing them from the courtyard. It became more apparent to her now that Professor Nyx could be ruthless, though she still held out hope that his motivations come from a place of caring. Perhaps this was done to protect the other students? Yvaine nodded to herself at the thought. Professor Nyx may seem unforgiving and rough, and his words can be hurtful at times, but deep inside, he was doing what he thought was best for his students. Yes, it must be that.

With only the passing students remaining, Yvaine took the chance to take a proper look at everyone else selected. She was grateful that her friends were among them. Mandi, Sophiel, Kress, Misaiya; it would have hurt her heart all the more if they had been expelled while she was allowed to stay. There were those whose names she still must learn, and others more familiar. Argumentative Ty and his lovely debate partner. Ah, and there was Caelum with his hard head and infectious smile—although it wasn't there right now, replaced instead by a pained one. Yvaine gave him an apologetic look; if she'd had more energy, she would have healed him right away.

After the professor dismissed the class, Yvaine took a moment to bid her sparring partners farewell. Misaiya had thanked her for healing him when it was really the least she could do. "It was no trouble, Misa," She smiled softly up at him, then at Kress. Although the time they'd spent together had been in battle, Yvaine was glad for the chance to get to know them. "Today has been quite eventful, hasn't it?"

From the distance, she heard both Sophiel and Mandi calling out to her. "It seems it's time to head back. I wish you both a good night!" Yvaine bowed her head before once again taking hold of their hands, her face alight with unbridled enthusiasm. "I shall make you both desserts tomorrow, as thanks for a wonderful battle. I hope you will like it."

And with that she left to join her roommates.

Yvaine found both of them waiting for her before returning back to the dorm. Just the mere gesture had made her heart full. It has been less than a day since she's met Mandi and Sophiel, but already she felt at home in their company. Upon approaching them, she all but flung herself into their arms in greeting. "Hello again! I am so happy we all passed!" She settled in between them and they walked back to their dorms, arm-in-arm-in-arm. While she wanted to hear all about their fights, she knew what was more important at the moment: a warm meal to soothe the body as well as the soul. "To celebrate, I would like to make dinner! What would either of you like?"

At some point during their walk back, a curious frog bounded by their path. Yvaine patiently waited for it to cross and waved goodbye as it leapt into a bush, idly wondering if Mr. Frog had lost its way home.

☆═━━ ━ @Dezuel@AThousandCurses
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 44 min ago

Amongst the battered and the broken and the bruised, Kress was slightly confused as to why so many people came out of the battle looking like they've been run over by a horse. Was Professor Nyx's statement of how the 'test will help me determine the level of control you have with your mana in a combat scenario' really all that was needed for people to try to kill each other? The blue-haired youth frowned, his brow scrunched up in a vaguely unhappy manner. This definitely coulda gone poorly, huh? What would he have been forced to do if he hadn't been put up against the two most reasonable people in the class?

Probably something he'd regret. If the whole school term in Class C was like that, that was all the more reason to work hard enough to get out of it, right? Or maybe this was the norm for Avalice, what with its 5% graduation rate.

Kress shook his head, slapped some sense into his cheeks. He made it for another day. He should enjoy it. As a matter of fact, now that classes were over and the sun didn't look as if it was setting yet, it was just about time t-

"Today's been tiring for everyone; sorry, but it looks like we'll have to go see the arcane painters another day. Have a good evening."

Ah. Ahahaha. Yeah. Ok.

"Don't worry, s'all good. Tomorrow for sure then? Oh, and Yvaine! Misaiya, me, and Ankaa, the big woman over there, were thinking of checking out the Arcane Paints Club today! Obviously, we're postponing it now, but you should come with! Think it'll be cool to get a group painting and all." The spellsong was already leaving though, so Kress settled for energetically waving instead. Magical studies, and the promise of an outing. Maybe on a holiday, they could even go out clothes shopping in the metropolis of human civilization? Things to look forward to, for sure. The blue-haired youth made a conscious effort to think about happy things, and stepped off in search for his own dorm room. Another thing to look forward to, meeting his new roommates. Who definitely existed, because it'd be pretty sad if they didn't.

Kress pumped a fist as he neared Dorm C-C, hearing (un)friendly voices inside. That meant there were at least two who made the selection!

Swinging open the door, he waved at the two who were already in the process of getting their things together. The atmosphere felt a bit tense, and if he recalled properly, those two were totally lashing each other with their tongues during the morning but...first impressions didn't mean much. "Good evening," he chirped. "Mr. Varen and Lady Blumenthal, right? I'm Kress, nice to meetcha. Hope we all get along for the short amount of time we're here!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Alberta clicked her tongue at the boy's retort. How was she ever going to last the year rooming with someone like him?

Before she could get the last word in, the arrival of Alberta's other roommate interrupted the brief dispute. Unlike the wild and rambunctious Ty, this dapper young boy submerged in elegant blue robes appeared less hostile than she was initially dreading from another male roommate. Looming over Kress, Alberta examined him through a menacing red glare, as if she were about to tear him apart into the tiniest of shreds. But perhaps that was just her battle temperaments tainting her thoughts again, Alberta was in every way exhausted and the very thought of having a myriad of things left to organise was wearing her patience thin. Kress was perhaps the most non-threatening thing she'd encountered all day, she didn't want to waste anymore stress on him.

"You must be Alstein, then. And yes, I do hope our residence here lasts a very short amount of time."

As Ty continued with his preparations, Alberta went on to unpack one of her tea brewing sets. Its crate was far too heavy for her to lift and far too fragile for her to even try, she didn't even trust her own magic to be able to assist her somehow. Instead, she bent down and pushed the crate from behind towards the far end of the kitchen, producing a horrid screech as it scraped against the floorboards. Once she started unloading the glass teapots and teacups from it, the jarring clinking noises they made as she rushed to arrange them inside an overhead cupboard bounced around the walls of the terribly cramped kitchen. Alberta wasn't doing it on purpose, though given the discourse from earlier it wouldn't be surprising if her roommates thought she was.

She continued to march around the dorm as she filled the already limited space with her possessions. In the kitchen, a whole pair of cupboards had been dedicated to housing jars upon jars of her loose tea leaves, sun-dried flowers and baked spices of all kinds, as if it were the secret potion compartment of some deranged alchemist. In the bathroom, two of the four shelves inside the single toiletries cabinet were filled to bursting with her numerous soaps, fragrances and skincare products, which upon opening would blast unsuspecting visitors with an overpowering floral scent. In the common room, Alberta's potted plants occupied almost all of the provided shelves and tables save for the one used for dining, with the biggest ones standing tall in all four corners of the room. At least it started to give the dull, dreary space the life it needed, but now the rest of the dorm was starting to look more like a separate apartment for Alberta than a dorm room meant for two other people.

For the next whole hour, Alberta locked herself in the bathroom, furiously scrubbing her body of the filth from her afternoon brawl. Her meticulous skincare routine took even longer, as she executed all twenty-four steps with equal precision and care. Anyone who dared to disturb her in the bathroom would be faced with yelling from her side of the door.

But even after she finally left the bathroom, dressed in her puffy cotton nightgown and the smell of rose-sceneted soaps lingering around her, Alberta always found a way to be mad at something.

"Right. Now that we're all here, it's about time I lay down some rules. Rules that should be simple enough for the two of you to follow, at least."

She pointed towards the kitchen and the bathroom. "One. Don't touch my things. I don't need you boys getting your grubby little hands on them, especially on my tea set. Fingerprints don't come off easily on my glassware, so I'll know." Alberta then pointed her thumb behind her, gesturing to their bedroom. "Two. Under no circumstances should anyone enter my side of the room. Not only is that really weird, but I don't want you boys messing with my decor."

She then gestured towards the plants scattered around the common room, an intense, fiery glint in her eyes. "Three. If any of you come within arm's reach of any of my plants, I'll tear your side of the dorm down to its foundations. Understood?"

It didn't matter to Alberta if her roommates voiced any disapproval. As long as she was around, she would be sure to enforce her 'rules' if anyone were to break them.

Alberta sauntered back to her side of the bedroom without the courtesy of saying good night. She had nothing else to say to the boys, the day had stretched for far too long and all she wanted now was some peace, quiet and privacy. Ignoring the rumblings in her belly, Alberta took to some light reading at her desk before going to bed, hoping she could distract her hunger and anxieties with a bit of magic theory. Yet it would soon be all for nought, as her head sunk into the stale yellow pages of her ancient textbook.

"Ugh. I hate it here."

@ERode @Relin
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Sophiel Sargute

Sophiel gave a sad smile and shook her head. "Unfortunately, I did not manage to beat Ms.Bastion. While I did manage to trade blows with her, she managed to get the upper-hand over me." Not to mention that she had accidentally broke Kiara's tome in the first place, but then again it was her decision to use it as a shield. Nonetheless, Sophiel felt obligated to help Kiara replace her tome. Aside from that note, Yvain was now here. A smile crept onto her face as the girl bounded over, her cheerfulness was rather infectious. Though there was a sudden pang in her heart, which made her smile fade.

"Ah, Yvain, We- Woah!" Slightly stumbling back from the force known as Yvain, she straightened her posture immediately. "Yvain, please do be careful, as much you are happy to see us it doesn't mean you have to throw yourself at us," Sophiel said with a sigh. Someone could have been hurt. "Though, I agree, we should be happy that was passed." After separating herself from the mighty hug of Yvain she found herself arm to arm with her, along with Mandi who on the other side, Yvain proposed they'd have dinner together. When asked what she wanted, Sophiel shook her head. "As much as I would like to have dinner, aren't you tired from your match, Yvain?" Though there was another problem alongside with cooking dinner. "And, I don't think we'd have the ingredients to cook."

As they made their way into the dorms, Sophiel spotted Yvain waving at the frog. Paying it no mind, she continued forward with her three friends arm to arm. Looks like the Class Camelia Dorm wasn't as luxurious as the one for Class Marigold. She didn't find any pest anywhere near the dorms, but it would look like she would have to take more precautions for them now she was in Class C. Entering inside the dorm with Yvain, and Mandi, the dorms looked like a poorly kept apartment if anything else. "We should change our clothes. Especially you, Yvain, your clothes damp." Sophiel said before departing to her assign dorm room.

Looking at the names listed underneath the room number, it was oddly convenient that all three of them were roommates. Opening the door, she entered into the room and checked it out. The room itself had everything that her previous room had aside from it being downgraded due to lack of maintenance. Spotting her belongings laid in a corner of the room, she picked them the bag containing her clothing before locking herself inside the bathroom. Not before long, she emerged out of the bathroom with a new set of clothes on her with her, now wet, hair undone.

Heading towards the kitchen, she made way to check if they had anything in the kitchen cabinets."Perhaps the next time we get together, we can cook dinner together. I've done a little cooking in my spare time." She looked towards Mandi, "How about you?" Sophiel asked the water mage curiously. Cooking was an essential skill in life. If Mandi didn't know how to cook, then she would teach her what limited knowledge she had in the field.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mandi was glad to see Yvaine being in a high spirits, to the point that she more or less flew right into them and grabbed hold of both Mandi's and Sophiel's arms. This caused the young hydromancer to snicker, especially after seeing how Sophiel was taken aback by it. "Oh don't worry so much miss Sophiel~ Miss Yvaine be so soft that there's no way we get hurt! Besides we all should be happy still being here. My opponent, Ankaa was a pretty tough girl too. She was pretty too now when I think about it. Don't worry too much about the fight with the acting class representative, you'll beat her the next time I'm sure." Mandi smiled broadly and tugged slightly at Yvaine's arm. "But lets make this day memorable right~? Dinner? Oh I have a box with it with me today... uh.. oh and I think miss Sophiel is right. We should recuperate first." Mandi said softly, it was at that point a frog bounced it's way past their path. "I hear some people eat frogs, I guess they must be somewhat tasty." Mandi said in a ponderous tone, looking at the frog getting small drops of sweat along it's form as it hastily made it's way into a nearby bush.

Then the trio had gotten to their dorm room, and hearing Sophiel's suggestions that they should change clothes and clean up in general was a good idea. "Oh that's right, that won't do Yvaine. We gotta swap that out, don't worry I'll help you out~." As the door was being opened the first thing Mandi did was to look at the wooden separation wall. "Who thought this was a good idea? Good grief. Oh and we should try make the best we can from the space we have, so I recommend pushing all the beds together into one place, that way we get more space for everything else." Mandi smiled and went about to fold the wooden wall in place, there was not going to be some wooden separation wall blocking their way around the room.

'Boys on this side? Girls on the other? But this wasn't needed in their room right?' Mandi pondered and then looked quickly to Sophiel who headed into the bathroom and locking the door. "Huh? I suppose miss Sophiel is abit shy~" Mandi said with a smile on the lips, looking to Yvaine and then waited patiently for Sophiel to exit the bathroom which she did soon enough and then began to speak about cooking. "Oh we could all try cooking sometime later, I've done a little bit of it. Though I suspect you two are alot better than I." The mage began to softly scratch the back of it's neck in an embarassed manner while blinking it's eyes abit.

"Allright, let's get you out of those damp clothes Yvaine, good grief they put you through alot of trouble. Don't worry though, water is my speciality~ I'll try dehydrate the clothes, but I cannot do that if you be wearing them it be too risky." Mandi smiled softly winking one eye to Yvaine, grabbing the both bags by the corner of the room, handing Yvaine hers when getting close enough.

"Oh and if we are going to cook, I want to see you in a cute apron miss Sophiel~" The yellow clothed mage stuck out it's tongue in a playful manner, while more or less trying to softly push Yvaine into the bathroom. "Those boys really did put you through lots of trouble. That bluehaired boy should appologize, just like the whirl- the boy who spun into you in the lecture hall. Maybe kissing that Alberta girl would be a steep enough punishment for them." Mandi said in a lower tone and snickering, looking Yvaine over.

"Transformation time~." The mage said in a cheery manner nodding towards the bathroom.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Ankaa Liu
Interactions: @samakama

When the matches were all completed, Ankaa went to line up with the others, waiting orderly for the professor’s proclamations. She raised a brow when he quipped that he couldn’t expel them all. Does he expect us all to be at the Miracle Seven’s level? she wondered. On the one hand, it would be helpful if he pushed them to accomplish more, but on the other, high expectations like that led to exactly the radical decisions Class C witnessed next.

All but 13 of them were expelled. If all he wanted to see was mana control, why did he have us fight in the first place? she shook her head in disbelief. She’d enjoyed it, and found it to be as good a practice as ever, but if their instructor wasn’t even going to bother to give out commentary…

Well, she sighed. At least I know that expulsion results in a return of one’s tuition. That was a bit of an odd point, admittedly, since she’d thought this place was all about personal responsibility. Besides, if expelled students regained their tuitions, would the same be done for those not managing to graduate? Mm, doesn’t matter right now, she decided. She was in for now, so she didn’t need think of the ‘what ifs’. It was a shame for those dismissed students, but such was this institution.

Someone also raised an issue with Misaiya, and having observed their fight, Ankaa could understand those doubts. However, the professor was correct; strategy was essential in warfare. Admittedly, she’d not looked at the matches as a genuine battle, but it was a valid interpretation. One that professor Nyx seemed to favour, apparently.

She also contemplated the ‘sever the dead limb’ phrase. Certainly, if a person’s leg was gangrened, it was often best to simply cut it off. But could whole humans really be talked about this? How could one showing tell the professor that those students weren’t effective enough to be included? Or what if any of the Festival’s events were geared to including a larger number of students? Ultimately, it was irrelevant to speculate, however.

Ankaa blinked at Nyx’s parting inspirational sentence. Even flowers…But is the warren wasteland Class C or the academy as a whole? From what she gathered from their instructor, she wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter; her respected very few, and probably wasn't impressed by anyone below his ability or status.

Liu turned to go to the dorms, and was heading out of the courtyard when she was stopped by Misaiya. The agreement to go see the arcane painters’ club had honestly somewhat slipped her mind – or rather, Ankaa had assumed they would not be going after today’s exertions. As such, she nodded when Misaiya had approached her about the matter. “Agreed. Some other time, then,” she replied.

It took a few minutes longer than she’d thought to get to the right dorm, since the hallways and rooms were so very drably similar – the plaques with their names the only unique characteristic of this particular stretch of walls and doors. Ankaa smiled when she saw that she’d room with Misaiya, someone she was already familiar with. When she entered the room, she was bemused to find him asleep on the floor, while her other male roommate – Caelum – was napping on the couch.

He’s definitely going to get a crick in his neck, she thought as she gazed at the long-haired boy. She seemed so soundly asleep that she really didn’t want to wake him up, however. He won’t feel weird about it if I carry him, right? Since there was no one to answer her doubts, she simply approached Misaiya, crouched down next to him, scooped him up in a princess carry, and heaved him up with a huff. Ankaa walked the short way to the bedroom, and deposited him in one of the beds as gently as she could. His body still thumped a bit against the mattress, and Misaiya ended up sprawled on it a bit awkwardly, but at least he wasn’t on the floor anymore.

That done, Liu took a few minutes to stretch her own body, then went to fetch her own belongings. She had but a meagre bag of possessions; some spar clothing, a sewing kit, and a bunch of studying and writing materials. The martial artist missed the intended function of the wooden partitioning, however, as she simply settled herself on the same side as she’d put Misaiya, simply claiming the empty bed next to him. She set her bag against the bed’s frame, then settled in for a nap herself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

A Sisterly Encounter
Eris didn't have the intention to stay behind for as long as she did. However, she had a feeling that if she went to her room now she would be losing something. Furthermore, she wasn't all that excited to meet whatever roomates she had been assigned with. Knowing this academy's lack of any logical behavior, she could even bet that they arranged mixed gender rooms. Just the thought of it, made Eris shudder.

“Even so, I might as well go take a bath. I'm sure I can avoid knowing the truth until later, but—” She looked at her dirty clothes. To think that she would have to go out of her way and do things like she had to do in that "sparring session" during the first day of classes...

And then, it happened. Like a ghost out of nowhere, she felt a hand reach for her shoulder and sighed. “Well, I was beginning to wonder what took you so long. That, maybe you were trying to avoid me?” Eris said before turning around to face her sister. “Or maybe, have you come here to scold me for earlier? That would be so very like you, now that I think about it, Sis. Did you enjoy how I arranged things in a way to make you the class rep?”

"...." In just a few sentences Kiara felt like tightening her grip or narrowing her eyes, anything to highlight how annoyed she was. But doing so was just bait for the other girl. "You're really one to talk about avoiding people. But I wonder, how did you guess? If you knew this conversation would happen, you should have known how I'd feel about the circumstances that led up to it," she responded evenly but dryly. "What are you even doing here Eris. I thought you didn't care for a school like this?" Her hand softened until she released the other girl's shoulder completely, stepping back with a neutral stare. "Don't tell me you only came because you wanted to pick fights with other nobles. Did you think I'd forget about your spat with Alberta earlier and the headache you caused for the entire class?"

“And you thought right. In fact, I find this kind of place to be a shining example of the absolute worst our society has become,” Eris said as she dusted some dirt off her skirt. “But, my curiosity beat my dislike of this hero cult we live in. I had to come and see what attracted my sister—who always disliked such things even more than I do—like a moth to the flame.”

“That said, 'Flowers bloom even in a garbage heap',” Eris said, doing one more of her beloved quotations. “There are some things of value in this place. I even got a very interesting idea. I'm sure you'll love it when you see it,” Eris said when she conjured a small bubble of mercury that took a vaguely doll-like shape for but a moment, before popping like a balloon.

“As for Alberta. Rest assured she was nothing but a tool to achieve my goals. If nothing else, it's her own fault for making herself an easy target for attacks. And the whole class' fault for being so easy to read. My objective of making you stand out was accomplished marvelously because of that. If nothing else, I have to thank her for it. And our teacher, for thinking he's so above it all, he doesn't look at the small details.”

Kiara could contain no longer the efforts of rolling her eyes, especially as Eris went on and on as if she were discussing the time of day, or perhaps the weather. "Curiosity aside, you can't just provoke people for a reaction or some lofty goal Eris." She was hardly surprised she even had to spell this out to the other girl. "Furthermore, I didn't ask to stand out. Did you ever consider that?" No, of course she didn't, but it was too late to go back and change events now. Kiara raised a hand to her already shaking head and with a sigh she placed an increasingly irritated gaze onto Eris. "You could have just wrote letters to me instead of following me all the way here. But what's done is done. I'm concerned more about the future, and no thanks to you, I have a responsibility as this class' rep in making sure there's less problems than there needs to be." A pause. "That includes you Eris. I mean it. Don't try and pull this stunt again. If you're stuck here with me, you're a student like everyone else. Those are your peers, not your pawns," she said with growing heat in her voice, unamused by the conjured "doll" that leaked mercury on the ground before popping. Like Kiara's patience.

“Now that you mention it. I wanted to make things better for you, but I hardly stopped to think it through,” Eris admitted her own mistake after Kiara pointed that she moved a little to fast with her plans. “At any rate, I still think you are a better fit for this role than anyone else in the class. All of them are completely blind. Laughing at a jester tiptoeing on a tight rope rather than facing the truth.”

“Of course, you don't have to worry about that. I'll be a good classmate from now onwards. As much as I'm allowed to, anyway. As I said, there are some things of interest I found that are worth putting up with this circus. Of course, you're one of them.”

"You know, you could at least try to get along with the others...." At least she wasn't outright hostile like Alberta was at times, Kiara reasoned to herself. Though that might have been worse off for wear in the long run. Despite her annoyance, she felt herself deflating as Eris' words reminded her she only meant well; even if she did have a twisted way of going about things. "Whether or not I'm the best candidate, who knows. I don't think I'm exactly favored by our classmates one way or another," she said, immediately thinking about her fight with Sophiel. "Still, if you keep on your best behavior, I guess that's all I can ask for." She sighed. How was it Eris was the one being lectured yet she was the one who felt exhausted? Maybe it was because she ignored Eris' blatant finishing words of interesting concerning her....

“Oh, but I'm trying to. I even tried to be friendly during these duels, but it seems like the person I was paired to was taking this a bit too serious for her own good,” Eris said as she fidgetted with the wooden sword she used earlier. “I mean, why would I go out of my way to hurt someone in a meaningless exercise like that one? Even if they could be healed, I don't think the sensation of being stabbed is the most pleasant experience to remember about your first day of class,” she said as she looked around at the sun setting behind the flowering courtyard they stood on.

“I promise I'll be a good girl, if that's what it takes to give you some peace of mind. At least as much as I'm able to. Terrible as this place may be, I might as well try to make good use of my time here, I suppose,” Eris said as she turned her back to her sister for a moment. “By the way, have you seen those so called Miracle Seven? I wonder what is your impression of them? I, of course, find that whole cult-like mentality surrounding them to be nothing but the trite excuses of those who cannot find their own path by looking within themselves, but... Even I have to admit one of them caught my attention for some very interesting reasons.”

Kiara felt like sighing but didn't. She had a fair idea of what Eris' idea of being nice was but she didn't further question her so long as she promised to be on good behavior. That was exactly what she did, thankfully, the other girl turning away from the class rep. Expecting that to be the end of the conversation, Kiara was surprised to hear the next question. The Miracle Seven? Well, she wasn't wholly surprised that was how Eris felt about them but hearing someone caught her attention was interesting of note. "Well, the Seventh Seat's mana feels similar to mine, though that's probably because we can both use electricity," she started, remembering sensing him earlier during the celebrations. "As for anyone else...the Sixth Seat kind of looks familiar, don't you think? It's kind of funny. Overall, I think they mean well. The Miracle Seven I mean. If anything else, it's good inspiration for us students."

“Well, that's interesting. I've learned a few things about mana today, but this was something new,” Eris said after Kiara revealed the likeness between herself and the Miracle Seventh. “Ah, yes. There's something certainly alluring about her. I only got the chance to talk with her for a moment, but she felt kinda nostalgic, like a kind of illusion. I think I've read in a book about Eastern philosophy once, the metaphor they used for this is 'like the Moon reflected on water'. Something beautiful that looks to be so close, yet is truly unreachable. Actually, talking about this reminded me. Did you know she called my aura beautiful? That's very funny indeed, right?”

"I can imagine," Kiara mused. She knew very well the properties of her sister's aura, especially of how it seemed to stare back at people. She had to wonder then, if the Sixth Seat was impressed by Eris herself or was only admiring her own beauty from the mirror that reflected back. Kiara didn't feel like diving into any answers too deeply, especially when it looked to be sunset at this point. "Well, interests aside, we'll have plenty of time to talk now since we're in the same class," she said in attempts to settle the mood between them. "We should really get going to our dorms. It's been a surprisingly long day and we could both use the rest."

“Oh, sure. It really has been a long day, right?” Eris laughed it of as she followed her sister away. “I can barely believe they don't have a proper bath here, though. Such a boring place...”

As the two of them departed, idly leaving the training grounds, Kiara suddenly felt foolish for not even mentioning Eris' time in the class so far. So concerned was she of making sure she didn't cause any trouble that she almost forgot about the blatantly obvious, mentally cursing herself. "Oh, I guess it should go without mentioning you made it past the trial fights. Since you're still here," she said with almost stumbling words. "Er, how was your fight exactly? You didn't really mention much besides your opponent being too serious and by the time I was done, your fight looked like it ended."

“It was nothing special, really. I tried to get the fight done with a strike from behind while invisible, but somehow she avoided it. After that, it just devolved into a battle of attrition until I got tired of her tryhard tenacity and gave up,” Eris said with utmost naturality. “Seriously, I wasn't even being serious. If I wanted to, I could have defeated her in a single strike, but like I said, I didn't feel like actually hurting someone just for the pleasure of our teacher. I even offered to let this farce go and give up on the fight together but she was being a tryhard annoyance, so I bailed out.”

“Actually, I think she's one of your roommates, the horse princess girl or something like it. Certainly a boring person to hang around,” Eris commented as they walked. However, she paused when something caught her attention. “What about you? You seem way more battered and bruised than me, that must have been interesting at least,” she asked, when she noticed Kiara's state of disregard. “Not just you, even...” she pointed to her sister's tome.

"Eris, I thought you said you'd be nicer to our classmates." Well, she supposed Eris wasn't badmouthing per se, but Kiara still felt she had to point it out. By Eris' description though, she narrowed down the list of potentials and figured her opponent was.... "Oh, Sanhan. I actually bumped into her earlier before the matches. You know, I'm sure you wouldn't find people boring if you got to know them," she pointed out, defending her roommate a little. All in all though, Eris' words were about what she expected, bored and finding no amusement to the grand scheme of their matches. She almost forgot she had a fight of her own until Eris pointed it out. Immediatley her body reacted, feeling more weary once her sister brought attention to being battered.

"It's not much. Alot of the pain and aches have resided over time and-oh, that." She noticed one of her tome's pages sticking out of her pocket and shook her head. "That's my own dumb fault. I dunno, I used my tome like a shield and, well, my opponent kind of....destroyed it. I'll have to see about replacing it soon because I don't think the professor will go easy on us, with or without it."

“Well, just tell me if you need help. I certainly could give you some tips about aesthetics if you wish. I myself have been thinking about some future improvements I'd like to make on my own tools,” Eris smile turned into a slightly mischievous grin at the idea of helping her sister. However, soon enough they reached the dorms, making this as far as they could go together for now. “I suppose this is it. I'll see you later, Sis. Just take care. I'm pretty much sure this lame school has planned for us to have mixed gender rooms. If some boy tries anything inappropriate just let me know,” Eris said in a not-too-veiled threat.

Those words wouldn't go unnoticed or unheeded on Kiara's part and she only nodded wordlessly. It must have been some cosmic irony that placed her in such a position, representing Class C while keeping her sister from trying to murder them-no, Eris wouldn't have been that crude. She'd go for cleaner methods. Honestly, she felt more concerned for Eris' roommates more than anything else, a thought that lingered even as she headed to her dorm.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, she survived the selection. Unfortunate that so many others didn't, but her sympathies would have been nothing more than a nuisance to those who failed. If she apologized or reassured them, that'd seem rather patronizing, wouldn't it? Probably. Being told that everything would work out and it would all be okay would help from someone in the same position, but from someone who was selected? Rather rude.

Well, she wasn't exactly one for wasting water on a bath. It wasn't like that fight worked her into a sweat, anyways. She was just a little dusty. Dust was fine. It wasn't like a little dust killed anyone. Actually, weren't dust storms a thing? Those might have caused some issues. Well, not like it was important. She'd skip out on bath, not wishing to waste the time or resources on a simple bath. It wasn't like she smelled foul or anything.

She entered the room, assaulted by the general mess of having so many things in it. It didn't really feel like home. Too many things. It reminded her more of her extended family, with their rooms filled with luxurious crafts that flaunted their wealth. There was really no point in having any of it... It wasn't like you could eat mirrors and gold...

Despite being uncomfortable in the room, she went to her small bunk. On it was what little she brought: a pile of blankets. They were all well worn. Their craftsmanship had been great, with intricate weaves and designs foreign to even the most worldly collector, but they had since been thread worn until frayed. Not even bothering to lie down, Sanhan covered herself in those blankets and took a seat on her bed, her eyes closing and herself dozing off.

Oh, how she wished for a goat or sheep or rest beside.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Relin
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ty Varen

Ty's little spat with Alberta was interrupted as his third roommate entered the room. A boy dressed in blue who was a breath of fresh air after dealing with the flower princess twice in one day. Surprisingly, although he wore the air of nobility, he didn't seem to possess any of the pompousness that generally came with it. And the informal speech pattern was definitely refreshing to hear. "Nice to meetcha too, Kress," Ty said, the cheerfulness immediately returning to his voice. He just discarded Alberta from his attention as he greeted his roommate. "Just call me Ty. There's enough 'Mr. Varens' already." Indeed, things would get unbearably confusing if all his brothers went by that same name. "I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Hope you like chicken cutlets."

Ty watched in awe as Alberta unpacked all of her things. Plant after plant, cup after cup, jar of leaves after jar of leaves. Good lord, how much stuff did one person need. Well, as long as she left room for the cooking supplies he didn't really care. He'd spent plenty of nights pitched out in tents among plants. Really all he needed was his bed and a couple of drawers, so he didn't mind if she took up the space. Being the smallest of a baker's dozen, he was used to a lack of personal space. In fact, even with all of Alberta's things scattered about, he still had more space than back at home. But, there was no time to dwell on that. There was chicken to cook!

As Alberta cleaned herself off, Ty went to work pounding out the cutlets. Just like during his chopping contest, he activated his sixth sense. It was something that gave him an advantage in any form of cooking. He felt the meat, its texture more pronounced to his senses, and got them the perfect level of tenderness before breading them. "If you ever have any food requests, feel free to ask," Ty said as he worked. "Cooking's my hobby, and I love a challenge, so don't think anything's too hard for me as long as I can get the ingredients." He seasoned the breading, his nose aware of the specific balance of spices he was using. He tweaked the balance a couple of times and tasted it until it met his exacting standards. Only then did he dip the cutlets in the breading. "I've learned a lot of new recipes from the cooking club, and I hope I learn even more this year. Oh, and I guess Lanza has to hang out with us now, too, so there's that." He chuckled, wondering if the seventh seat would even have time to make good on his promise.

Ty tossed the cutlet on the frying pan. With a simple recipe like this, he'd already perfected exactly how much heat he needed to cook them perfectly. While they cooked, he mashed up some potatoes for the side and boiled a bit of asparagus. No meal by him would be without the proper garnish! Ty was plating their food when Alberta came back from her lair to deliver unto them her divine commandments. Thou shalt not touch mine things, thou shalt not trespass upon the holy land, and thou shalt not approach the sacred trees. None of the holy laws really affected him, so Ty didn't care, but if something was in his way, he wouldn't hesitate to move it. One who lived with others must get used to having one's things moved. This was a law of nature that superseded all divine doctrine.

When Alberta stormed off, Ty looked at Kress and shrugged. "Guess she's not hungry." With that, he split her portion into to and served them both. "Let me know what you think." Of course the chicken was cooked perfectly. It was a simple meal, but still fit to be served at a five star restaurant. Ty knew it was cooked properly, but for him, part of enjoying a meal he cooked was seeing others enjoy it as well.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 44 min ago

With his dorm mates having concluded their spat and busying themselves with their own interests, Kress began to organize his own stuff, popping open a small crate that contained his own possessions. Unlike Alberta, who consumed the entirety of their shared room with her possessions, Kress had done his research ahead of time; the entirety of his belongings could fit by the wall of his bunk bed…with some modifications, of course.

Claiming the bottom bunk for himself, the blue-haired youth carefully hammered in the nails necessary to secure an ornate, lacquered shelf, right over his bed, before lining it up with a variety of texts on magic theory, human anatomy, and architectural perspective. Under his bed, he slid in extra clothing, spare abacus parts, and his painting supplies. It almost surprised Kress, how quickly he was able to get everything organized, but then again, he had spent a fair amount of time just dreaming about this moment. Finally. He could live independently! Sure, it was Ty who was cooking up food for the two of them, and sure, he wasn’t personally paying for tuition or anything like that, but still…

The boy flopped on his bed and closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet of a building without dozens of servants moving about. A clarity, perhaps. A sense of freedom. Ah, it’d have been nice if he could have brought his harp over as well, but Kress had held off from that, and seeing that Alberta filled up so much space in their shared rooms, that was probably for the best. Maybe he’ll go shopping later and just buy one? Yeah, another thing to get excited about! He certainly wasn’t lacking in money, after all.

Hopping off his bed, Kress strode over to the kitchen, watching Ty at work with wide eyes, committing it all to memory. Whatever a human could do, magic could too, but creation mages like himself still needed to be able to visualize the process, lest they end up with a product that had no substance. The boy only half-acknowledged Alberta’s commandments when she reappeared, but it wasn’t like he planned on doing anything untoward her anyways. He had enough older sisters to know what not to do when living in the same building as one, after all. Last time he gave in to his curiosity, he had stumbled upon dark knowledge that he’d much rather have avoided.

“Thanks, Ty,” Kress said, taking the plate and eating it slowly. It tasted about alright. Pretty normal. Which was good. Seemed up to par and all. “Oh, but if it’s not too much trouble, could you make a cold meal or something? For any of us, if we wake up hungry at night.”

Well, mostly in case Alberta did.
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