Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


As far as shops went in the Human Village, Suzunaan was... Rather unique, as far as things were considered. Though a majority of the books that lined its shelves were simply works from the Outside World, there were more than a few that were a bit too dangerous to leave out for most of the other residents of the village to see.

Of course, this one was no exception.

The shopkeeper, Motoori Kosuzu, was well aware of how dangerous some of those 'demon books' could be, but the way that this book was written was... Odder than most of what came from the Outside World. On the surface, it was a normal book, but upon using her own ability on it, the young girl was surprised to see that it held a record of Gensokyo that seemed inherently different from what she knew.

Her first instinct was, of course, to ask around; after all, Hieda no Akyuu was a good friend of hers, and if anyone was to know what this sort of thing meant in the first place, it would be her; failing that, the local schoolteacher was particularly knowledgeable about the history of Gensokyo, and being able to correct all of the oddities or disposing of the book entirely would be simple.

That, however, was when the trouble began. Once Keine had taken a brief look at the odd document, she had promptly fallen comatose, and though Akyuu had not fallen victim to whatever had taken the schoolteacher, the own copies of the records she had written that were being stored within Suzunaan seemed to change—in front of their very eyes, no less!

As these odd distortions began to build up within Suzunaan, small parts of Gensokyo, almost so indistinguishable from the places where they were situated, began to shift in turn. These mild oddities might not have seemed entirely odd to most of the youkai that lived here, but in a place as small as this, information traveled fast.

This was the beginning of an incident—no more, no less.

It's a Touhou RP! You know, I don't know why I decided to spin this up, but here we are. I'm not really sure how to explain things, but I'd recommend checking out the Touhou wiki if you need any sort of refresher. Ideally, everyone's already got some experience with Touhou already, but that's a bit of an aside.

I'd prefer keeping to (mostly-)canon renditions of canon characters if possible, though depending on what might have been adjusted for headcanons I'm willing to shift one way or another to let things through. OCs are going to be a bit more scrutinized depending on what is posited, though, but that's a bridge I'll cross when I come to it.

With regards to the incident itself: the idea is that the cast will be going out to handle these distortions, which end up plopping them into 'parallel' versions of Gensokyo. It's up to them to figure out what the sub-incident there is and resolve it before heading right back home. Think of it like how you might a Touhou fangame, I guess.

I suppose that's all the formalities aside; if you've got any questions, feel free to ask. In any case: form.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Appearance: "If it's for Yuyuko-sama, I won't lose!" Youmu is pretty small, at under five feet.
  • Ability/Skills: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a (usually)non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. However, these shows of speed will eventually wear on her, so she cannot endlessly utilize her top speed. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her. Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakurouken: A wakizashi, Hakurouken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakurouken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakurouken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • History: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. While it is unlikely this will become relevant in Gensokyo, Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Other: N/A
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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  • Name: Fujiwara no Mokou
  • Appearance: Figure of the Person of Hourai.
  • Ability/Skills: The very most notable ability that Mokou has in her possession is simply not dying, nor ageing--due to drinking the Hourai Elixir, the concept of death has been removed from her being and no matter what happens to her, she'll be fine pretty shortly. This does not seem to render her completely immune to the consequences of her actions; when she originally drank the elixir her hair was short and still black, and obviously dying still hurts, which leads to the most obvious path to defeat. This also appears to render her immune to slow, drawn-out death by neglect--starving is painful, but not actually fatal. She can also do housework reasonably well (as you'd expect), but somehow isn't the best at identifying what might be a deadly poison.
    Aside from the useful ability to stay alive and the ubiquitous flight, Mokou primarily focuses on fire, honed through over a thousand years of life and presumably an interest in phoenix motifs. Lots of fire, which she isn't fully able to extinguish if it catches other things alight. Whilst her hair and hakama appear to be protected against this fate, she doesn't appear to have taken the time to extend the same courtesy to her shirts.
    Although her abilities are conceptually quite simple, and her durability about on par with a common fairy's, Mokou is considerably dangerous simply through the ability to disregard her own safety and keep attacking.
  • History: As her name suggests, and her peripheral involvement in the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter implies, Mokou can only be a daughter of the Heian nobility: almost certainly the unnamed and untraced fifth daughter of Fujiwara no Fuhito, himself in one theory a child of Emperor Tenji, and the Prince Kuramochi of the story, who tried to fake the Jewelled Branch and was discovered. Although hardly a public figure, Mokou could hardly let this insult to her family go... or, at least, that's the retroactive claim.
    In truth, although Mokou wound up following the soldiers assigned with burning the Hourai Elixir, a young girl could scarcely climb a mountain on her own, without equipment, and accompanied them up to the summit. When most of the soldiers fought each other, or were killed by Sakuyahime, only Mokou and Iwakasa were left to take the elixir to another mountain. Of course, this is when the desire for immortality became quite acute and Mokou murdered Iwakasa for the medicine.
    As an immortal in a human body, there wasn't really a place for Mokou in society any longer, and she essentially dropped out of sight of the world. Then there was a period of centuries where she would kill anyone that got in her way and several more where she did nothing whatsoever. The insult towards her father lay forgotten until she arrived to Gensokyo and found the person behind it once more: cue another three hundred years of fighting one another under the pretext of revenge, but more because there's simply nothing to do.
    With Eientei no longer being so static and unchanging, Mokou too seems to have started to reach out to other people. A little. Mostly, this has her serving as a guide out of the forest, but she's started to get caught up in other incidents.
  • Personality: Mokou is something of a loner, to put it mildly. Most of the people that she guides out of the bamboo forest she won't even say a word to, though she'll listen to them fine. With people that she has some reason to spend any time with--or fight, which appear to be more or less synonymous--Mokou is a lot more exuberant, if definitely rough around the edges. Though she was both extremely apathetic in the past and extremely violent, Mokou is something of a nicer person nowadays, although she does have a tendency to get oddly curious about anything that might actually be able to kill her.
    That isn't to say she's not still cynical, though.
  • Other:
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze: Youmu and Mokou okay. Accepted.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 2 days ago

Koishi Komeiji | Unrealistically Real Imaginary Friend

  • Appearance

    Koishi is a vibrant, green-haired youkai with a penchant for flowers. She is often seen carrying Kokoro's Mask of Hope. She found it fair and square; it's not her fault that Kokoro lost it and wanted it back. Hasn't she ever heard of finders keepers??

  • Ability

    Manipulating That Which Is Unthought

    Koishi is able to manipulate and dwell within the subconscious minds of those around her. She can nudge others to temporarily experience the world through their subconscious, often exposing their internal fears and insecurities throughout combat. As a youkai who has no presence in the conscious mind, she can disappear from the perception of others at will, with the exception of small children who have not fully developed their conscious mind. As such, she is often considered a common form of imaginary friend, quickly forgotten as the child grows.

    As an entity without a consciousness, Koishi cannot fully experience Gensokyo, instead perceiving her life through the lens of her subconscious mind. A notable exception to this quirk is her ownership of Kokoro's Mask of Hope, which she can use to experience the true emotion of hope and inspire hope in those around her. If she makes her presence known to someone else and then leaves, their memory of the interaction will gradually fade but the feeling of hope will remain. Koishi has the power to possess susceptible minds but is also vulnerable to possession herself.

  • History

    Koishi is a satori who once held the ability to read minds. After facing years of ridicule and hatred for her gift, she permanently closed her third eye, sealing off her mind—and her ability—forever. Since her decision, she has wandered Gensokyo in search of unique and curious things; one of the more exciting events she experienced was watching her older sister Satori's pet raven obtain the power of the sun and throw the Underworld into disarray. Seeking the same kind of consciousness for her own pets, she climbed Youkai Mountain to pray; at the top, she ran into Reimu and Marisa and engaged in a danmaku battle. Despite her loss, Koishi decided that these interesting humans might be worth knowing, and for the first time longed for her third eye to open.

  • Personality

    Koishi's thoughts are often a mess of abstract and ethereal constructs. What she lacks in intentionality, she makes up for in her unrelenting authenticity—Koishi places no real filter on her thoughts and struggles to conceal her motivations from others. Her unapologetic honesty has led to several friends and a handful of enemies, most of whom forget the interaction and relationship before the day's end. Koishi spends a great deal of time fighting the loneliness of her non-existence and is delighted when someone in Gensokyo remembers her, even faintly. Since her encounter with the shrine maiden and the witch, she has participated in more danmaku battles; she believes that her opponents' attacks reveal more about their hearts than their minds ever did.

  • Other

    Koishi has been on bad terms with Kokoro ever since she found and never returned rightfully kept her Mask of Hope.

    Koishi recently converted to Buddhism at Byakuren's request, but isn't entirely sure what that means.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Fractured: Accepted.

I suppose that it's not fun if I don't also have a way of directing things from within a scene, so time for a character of my own.

  • Name: Hinanawi Tenshi — Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception
  • Appearance: "What, you thought you could have fun without me?"
  • Ability/Skills: As a Celestial, Tenshi's body is extraordinarily tough, able to resist damage that would usually leave lasting wounds upon most other people. She can hit back just as hard by dint of that, which is technically helpful in combat (though it also makes her prefer close-quarters combat over danmaku battles when it comes down to it). Of course, being a Celestial also means that she is also overly sensitive to the presence of death (it's rather distasteful for her), and she can't get sick or be bound by ordinary problems present to those of the flesh.
    Other than that, Tenshi has the ability to manipulate the earth by means of keystones, which she makes liberal use of in combat and flight alongside her weapon, the Sword of Hisou. The Sword itself allows her to manipulate the 'ki' of others, which she can thus change into something meant to target the weaknesses of her opponent. This only really means that she can change the weather around people for the most part, though, which can be both a good or a bad thing. Otherwise, it's a great weapon for close-quarters combat, and when used in conjunction with her keystones, allows Tenshi to maintain pressure in combat if left unchecked.
  • History: A child of the Hinanawi family who only became a Celestial because the Nawi became divine spirits, Tenshi has never actually cared much for her life in Heaven. To her, the idyllic days that most other Celestials enjoyed were filled with nothing but boredom. It didn't take long for her to decide to cause havoc down in Gensokyo to break her boredom, of course, and with that came the chain of Gensokyo residents one after the other to beat her up in an attempt to resolve it. Though her temperament has not changed much since that time, she does end up frequenting the lands beneath Heaven in order to kill time (or when she is forced out), causing her to become somewhat well-acquainted with those who frequent the Hakurei Shrine.
  • Personality: Tenshi is, without a doubt, a spoiled child who under normal circumstances would probably not have become a Celestial. As far as Celestials go, she is unusually worldly, and her (generally) unchecked selfishness has led to her being banished from Heaven more than a few times. Of course, she is the instigator of her own share of incidents and has ended up on the receiving end of a good chunk of Gensokyo's residents' attacks because of this, but it isn't necessarily like she's a bad person at heart. Rather, the boredom of Heaven combined with an untempered heart have led to her becoming rather self-centered and arrogant. All things considered, that might be for the best; she seems much more at home in Gensokyo than in Heaven, despite being forced to return every so often for whatever reason.
  • Other: As mentioned earlier, she has a fairly decent relationship with the people who frequent the Hakurei Shrine, so long as she isn't being particularly blockheaded during a given incident. She'll occasionally drop by to hang out there, just as she might the hermitage of a certain Ibara Kasen.

Should post characters in characters, I suppose.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Fairy maid didn't work out so I decided to do something almost as dumb instead. Whee.

  • Name: Ruukoto
  • Appearance: Multi-Purpose Android
  • Ability/Skills: Unlike the majority of Gensokyo's inhabitants, Ruukoto is not magical in any way. She is in fact an android, a machine designed to look like a human, and her origin is purely scientific. Her mechanical body possesses far greater strength and durability than humans and even most youkai, and she is equipped with an anti-gravity unit allowing her to fly. Due to being a mechanical construct with a computer instead of a brain, a lot of abilities that affect either the bodies or minds of living beings are ineffective against her. Despite being a maid, she is very bad at any kind of maidwork, yet her combat capabilities are far more competent. She is equipped with multiple features that don't seem very useful for a maid, such as eye beams, fingertip-mounted laser blasters, rocket punches, hurricane breath, a chest blaster and a seemingly endless supply of missiles. Why a maid of all things would need these is a mystery for the ages.
  • Personality: Cheerful and overly-enthusiastic about her work as a maid, although her enthusiasm doesn't really make up for her lack of skill at household tasks. She's always happy to serve, however, and will always do her best to help others (whether they like it or not). She holds both Reimu and her former mistress in high regard, and whilst she's always unfailingly polite to others she might be a bit more curt with those who badmouth them.
  • History: A nuclear-powered robot maid gifted to Reimu Hakurei when she was young by a visitor from another world. However, despite her enthusiasm she was never really any good at maid work. Her time at the Hakurei Shrine was also rather brief, as one day she went out to get milk for her mistress... Only to never return to the shrine. Apparently, she got lost on her way to the store. For several years. And even if she does find her way back, Reimu has long since forgotten she even had a maid to begin with, not to mention that the milk has long since gone off. Still, she wants to get back to her job at the shrine as soon as possible. Reimu is her mistress, after all, and what good is a maid without someone to serve?
  • Other: Due to how little information there is about the canon Ruukoto, some liberties were taken.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

  • Ability/Skills:
    In general, Yuuka is an incredibly powerful youkai, physically and magically, though she likes to keep it ambiguous as to how strong she truly is. Oddly, she tends to take her sweet time getting anywhere - if you happen to spot her wandering around, it'll probably be hours before she catches up to you. Until you turn your back on her.
    Yuuka also has the ability to manipulate flowers. She can make them bloom, move around, even rejuvenate them. It's a simple enough ability, with surprisingly destructive applications should she feel so inclined. She can also create a copy of herself for some reason; it has yet to be verified if she's cutting her power in half to do so.

  • History:
    Yuuka has not done a whole lot for a long time. The last time she caused a stir was during the flower blooming incident, even though she ultimately had nothing to do with it. There may have also been a time when Yuuka caused Reimu's shrine to be destroyed and strong words were exchanged, but that's all in the past now. Otherwise, Yuuka makes sporadic appearances at either the Garden of the Sun, or maybe even in or around the human village.

  • Personality:
    Generally polite and cheerful, Yuuka tends to present herself as a pleasant passerby, despite her reputation among humans. She seems to hold a smug superiority over those she considers weaker, but rarely gloats openly about the difference in strength. It's way more fun to simply let her presence cause unrest and anxiety! Even putting that aside however, Yuuka is rarely an instigator in any altercation, and what few appearances she makes outside of flower fields tend to be at the Hakurei Shrine, or maybe even the human village to chat. If someone happens to catch her interest however, be prepared for a lot of needling.

  • Other:
    May or may not have a mansion guarded by a cute girl somewhere.
    Yuuka is pretty much always seen with a parasol durable enough to block danmaku.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Rin@RolePlayerRoxas: Both accepted.

I think this is at least enough to kick things off; @Sylph de Graaf, you can slip in your form whenever and still be able to get into things. I don't think the group will get too far, so you should be fine on that front.

Well, it might be a bit too late for that right now, though. Expect an opening post in a few hours from now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Geh, double posting again because I actually can't let this sit right now (damn this random bout of insomnia).

@Fractured: It's been brought to my attention that there are a few issues with regards to character interactions between Koishi and... Well, everyone else, if only because of the emphasis on everyone forgetting she was there in the first place. Don't get me wrong, that is how it works, but it does create some weird logistics problems in the long term because none of the character interactions end up... Well, sticking.

Plus, motivation for getting involved in the incident isn't as clear with Koishi; most others either have 'bored' or 'wants to actually resolve' as a driving force, but Koishi is by nature super wishy-washy.

I'm sorry to spring this on you right as we're about to kick off, but I at least want to try and address this before that happens. If you're still okay with Sanae, I can fast-track you in if you swap between the two, or we can try hashing something out with Koishi to work around these issues. I'd prefer the former, but I'll leave the choice up to you.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Foxtrot

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I don't think the motivation is all that difficult—Koishi's perspective was totally changed by her interactions with Reimu and Marisa on Youkai Mountain, and I think that she would be overjoyed to have an opportunity to resolve an incident.

Her ability has been shown to not be all-encompassing forgetfulness (otherwise Hopeless Masquerade couldn't have happened), so I choose to interpret it more long the lines of being gradually forgotten by anyone without any real connection to her. Given the length of time most indents are and the hope that it'll build some real relationships between her and the other 2hus, I had figured it would make for some interesting situations with NPCs without harming any interactions with the main cast. If it's still a problem, a magic forget-me-not could be used to write around it.

I can switch if you think it'll harm the story, but I think that ZUN gave her character enough slack to be included in incidents.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Fractured: Hm... I suppose that works as enough justification, then. A bit of my worry was rooted in her ULiL scenario, where she sorta just goes around not really doing anything directly related to the main plot until she ends up accidentally spooking the living daylights out of Sumireko. It's sorta that weird in-between that makes things a bit tough.

Well, in any case, that's that cleared up, then. I'll be making a start to this in a bit.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sylph de Graaf
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Sylph de Graaf: Kokoro accepted.

I think that's everyone, then?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sounds like it. Did you want to start off by having each character meet up and form a team to solve the incident?

And as an aside, what did you have in mind for combat?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I think the ideal thing to do would be to have people just sorta meet up in the Human Village for starters. Solving the incident isn't going to be as straightforward as 'find culprit, beat up culprit' this time, but teams will go a long way in starting that process up.

As for combat... Honestly, a mix of danmaku and actual fights is probably what I had in mind. It's not like most of the cast is in a fighting game anyhow, right?

But seriously though, so long as it feels interesting and dynamic, it should be fine. I'm not going to do anything weird like relying on RNG; so long as we end up with a good story, it should be fine.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sylph de Graaf
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Sylph de Graaf Delictively Charming

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll have a post up tomorrow. I've a group dinner to attend later today and I'm going to squeeze a nap in.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 2 days ago

I tried to avoid taking too many liberties, but if I need to change any details or tone, let me know. The opening post is always the hardest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

This post should make it easier for everyone to transition to the Akyuu manor to get them (mostly) on the same page. If I waited, there's no doubt that the scene at the village would've ended up a brawl or something lol
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 2 days ago

To clarify, the red mist is present in the alternate Gensokyo through the portal but not the original, right?
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