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▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ P . R . C . U . ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ P . R . C . U . ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

T H E P A C I F I C R O Y A L C O L L E G I A T E & U N I V E R S I T Y
T H E P A C I F I C R O Y A L C O L L E G I A T E & U N I V E R S I T Y

F O R E W A R D:
F O R E W A R D:
Pacific Royal Collegiate and University has grown into a globally influential institute, blessed in abundance with a remarkable student body, first-rate teachers and researchers, dedicated staff and engaged alumni. It holds an international reputation for excellence in advanced research and learning, offering innovative undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

As recently appointed Chancellor, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you, whether you are already part of the P.R.C.U. family or if, at this moment, you are thinking of including P.R.C.U. in your future educational, formative or professional career plans.

Leading P.R.C.U. is an honour and a privilege. It is a challenge I embrace wholeheartedly and I am committed to our pursuit of academic excellence in learning, teaching, discovery and innovation. We will meet this mandate in an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and mutually supportive.

Our community has a responsibility to make sure we give those who study at P.R.C.U. every opportunity for life-long success. I am grateful to our faculty and staff who fulfil this mandate each and every day. There is no better investment we can make as a province and as a country than ensuring our students have the tools to succeed in a rapidly evolving world. At P.R.C.U., we strive to produce critical thinkers with a hunger to give back to their communities. Our institution takes great pride in its community of alumni, who are achieving excellence in all walks of life, engaging in civil debate, and helping to foster success and acceptance in the next generation.

All of us at P.R.C.U. will continue working together to create an environment that encourages a global perspective across all endeavours. Our campus is a place for open and respectful debate that welcomes diversity in our students, faculty and staff. I encourage you to consider what contributions you can make to P.R.C.U. and look forward to the bold innovations and new thinking you will spark in our shared journey.

Jonas Lehrer
Chancellor, Pacific Royal Collegiate and University

C O N C E P T:
C O N C E P T:
You will be portraying a student at Pacific Royal Collegiate & University.

P R E M I S E:
P R E M I S E:
Since our inception, humanity has constantly changed. Constantly evolved. Our way of life as humans is forever adapting to all that surrounds us, shaping to keep up with the world. Society changes and along with it so does our culture. Technology is constantly barreling forward as new devices are being designed every hour of every day. But humanity itself is also changing, in ways mostly unseen to the naked eye but under a microscope, there's a very different story.

On October 18, 1967, Earth was hit by an immense Coronal Mass Ejection During a total Lunar Eclipse. Coronal mass ejections or CMEs, are massive bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields being released into space and often directly at Earth. Most often these CMEs also accompany solar flares which release additional energy from the sun into space only for it to collide with Earth. This massive interplanetary CME doused the entire globe with high-energy particles causing the largest and brightest occurrence of the aurorae ever recorded. Unfortunately, this also brought a geomagnetic storm which ravaged Earth’s electrical transmission lines, causing power outages on a global scale.

It was on this day that the Earth nearly stood still, sitting in total darkness for nearly ten minutes before backup systems began to re-activate. Numerous regions around the globe were left in the dark well beyond that. Cities were powerless for nearly a week while some rural areas were forced to survive for nearly a month without power. This event left a death toll numbering in the tens of thousands becoming known as the Dark Eclipse.

Carried within this event was an unprecedented amount of high-energy particles. Composed primarily of high-energy protons and atomic nuclei, they are of mysterious origin and the limits to their potential remain unknown. The resulting effect of these high-energy particles is an evolution that was first mistaken for a mutation and coined the condition 'Viriumosis'. As research continued, it was realized that the mutation was not a temporary condition but the start of a new species as the 'Homo-Virium' was not the result of disease but rather was born with their abilities. The genetic difference became known as the 'Hype-Gene' or 'Hype-Factor'. The 'Hype-Gene' was a cumulative result of high energy particles stored within the donating parent's chromosomes, who in turn had been bombarded during the Dark Eclipse, which resulted in the creation of the 'Hype-Gene' in their offspring.

As such, a human born without a 'Hype-Gene' cannot develop Hyperhuman abilities no matter how many high energy particles they absorb throughout their life, however, their offspring may be a Hyperhuman. However, whether one parent is a Hyperhuman or both, the child will also turn out as a Hyperhuman and as such the gene isn't exclusively carried within either sex but is a dominant gene within both. Studies are inconclusive on whether power levels are greater or equal within children who have two Hyperhuman parents. Despite the fact that 'Hype-Gene' takes a dominant role during the embryo's development it's practically undetectable until puberty as it lays in a dormant state until puberty. During puberty, the overwhelming release of hormones awakens the dormant 'Hype-Gene' which then begins to develop super-human abilities within the host.

Hyperhuman abilities develop in a wide assortment of powers allowing for various displays of power. While these abilities can be drastically different from one individual to the next, there are notable similarities and overlaps which led to the creation of the Hyperhuman Classification system. This system allows the various abilities displayed by Hyperhumans to be broken down and organized to allow for a quick assessment of abilities and threat levels.

As a whole, society is generally wary of Hyperhumans. Made aware of their existence in 1967 in the aftermath of a global blackout known as the Dark Eclipse; tensions have remained high as Hyperhumans have fought an uphill battle for acceptance and equal rights to regular humans, otherwise known as Norms. These Hyperhumans who for the most part had believed themselves to be one of a kind in the wake of the Dark Eclipse were now aware of the others in the world like them and banded together to make the world aware of their treatment. While the world became aware, they also became paranoid and afraid. Some saw the Hyperhumans as an abomination while others accused them of being aliens masquerading as humans. Laws were passed and mistakes were made as Hyperhumans were forbidden from working in the food preparation or medical industry as well as marrying 'Norms.' Lastly, Hyperhumans were outlawed from donating blood, organs or any other bodily substance.

However, despite the enforced laws, many 'Norms' avoid known Hypes as much as possible. Teachers will refuse to instruct Hyperhumans citing 'personal safety issues along with the safety of their entire class. Employers discriminate against Hyperhumans, refusing to hire them and if they do manage to get hired without being outed, upon discovery many Employers will lay off or outright fire the Hyperhuman employees. Though Hyperhumans and Norms can't legally be married, relationships still happen between them despite the disapproval of society. Those who refuse to end the relationships often become the victims of Anti-Hype Protesters and their extremist sects. These extremists seek out and persecute Hypes, beating them within an inch of life if not downright killing them. Protests plague the world's government and Hyperhuman Identification software is sold on street corners and even in the form of mobile apps. The validity of this software has yet to be seen but people buy it up like it's going out of style.

It's for reasons outlined above that enrollment at the Pacific Royal Collegiate and University has only increased since its doors opened. Parents wanting their child to have a fighting chance enlist the help of the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection department. H.E.L.P., as it's commonly referred to, is the foremost effort in the fight for Hyperhuman civil rights and has erected a safe asylum for Hyperhumans seeking a place of both employment and education.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

P R E M I S E:

On October 18th 1967, Earth was caught in a worldwide blackout in the midst of a total lunar eclipse. During the eclipse, Earth was struck by a massive solar flare. The combination of plasma and magnetic fields doused the entire globe with high energy particles which caused the largest and brightest occurrence of the aurorae ever recorded. Unfortunately, this event also brought a geomagnetic storm that ravaged Earth’s electrical transmission lines, causing the global power outage. On that day, the Earth nearly stood still. Nearly three and a half billion people sat in total darkness for almost ten minutes before back up systems began to reintroduce power across the planet. However, numerous regions around the world were left in the dark for far longer. Major cities were powerless for nearly a week while some rural areas were forced to survive for almost a month without power. This event left a death toll numbering in the tens of thousands and become known as the Dark Eclipse.

It has been nearly eighteen years since the day of the Dark Eclipse and while the world has resumed its original course, the aftermath of the Dark Eclipse reached far further than anyone could have ever anticipated. The resulting effect of the high energy particles was a mutation appearing in one person of every one million individuals. While public knowledge of the mutation remains vague, selected sects in the scientific community are aware of it and have dubbed the emergence of the mutation ‘Viriumosis’. In more common jargon, the possession of a mutation is referred to as the ‘Hype-Factor’ or ‘Hype-Gene’. Collectively, these mutants are referred to as ‘Hyperhumans’.

One such Hyperhuman, a girl by the name of Vanessa Bordeaux, was a student at Mather Memorial High School in the sleepy hamlet of Crestwood Hollow. Her secret was unknown to the vast majority of her peers and even her closest friends, but unfortunately, someone found out. Vanessa's body was discovered a week ago, brutally murdered. At this point, the police have no leads are at a total loss towards the killer's motivation due to the secret around Vanessa's true nature.

You will be taking the role of Vanessa's closest friends and peers. Players will be asked to create fellow students who through an event occurring in the first IC post, will also become Hyperhumans who have to come to terms with their new abilities. These students could be Vanessa's sibling(s), best friend, her lover, her crush etc. Stricken by grief over their deceased friend, the player base will be brought together by Mather Memorial's new and enigmatic school counsellor, Jonas Lehrer. Concealing a secondary agenda not initially disclosed to the group, Jonas himself has knowledge that some might describe as uncanny and was brought to Crestwood due to a premonition surrounding Vanessa's friends. Plagued by visions of a dark figure hunting Hyperhumans on a vengeful quest, Jonas' premonition showed him the only way to stop the evil force was by uniting the group of teenagers and training their potential. Using the guise of a grief counselling session to unite the group, the RP will progress by the group transitioning into a team and training group.

S E T T I N G:

C R E S T W O O D H O L L O W || E S T . 1 6 8 4 :
Situated along the Eastern Coast of the United States between Hampton and Portsmouth, Crestwood Hollow is a small New Hampshire city originally founded in the year of 1684, shortly before the infamous Witch Trials. Settled in the fertile Orlaith Valley, the city is home to a largely rural area, boasting a very fruitful agricultural industry. The largest export of the city is the Golden Delicious Apple. Beyond the valley lies densely populated forests of oak, maple and cherry trees. This contributes to several lumber mills in the area that provide a secondary industry to the city.

To the North of the Orlaith Valley is the Great Bay Lake. From the Lake, the River Shannon flows South before turning East towards the valley and continuing through the city. The downtown of Crestwood Hollow is split by the river with one street travelling East on the Northside of the river, while on the Southside the road only goes West. Located every few blocks is a draw bridge that both connects the city and separates it when the need arises for a ship travels upstream. Towering buildings look down on the river ranging from hotels to banks, to professional firms and apartment complexes. The Northern side of the city is known for being rougher than its Southern Sister. The 'Beau' half of Crestwood Hollow is home to the Mather Park, in the middle of which is an ancient white oak known only as the Hanging Tree. The Southern half of the city, the 'Belle,' is newer than the Beau and is home to several more residential areas than the North. The further south one travels in Crestwood Hollow, the more construction they seem to encounter as the city is continuously expanded to accommodate new subdivisions.

Towards the eastern edge of the city, the Shannon empties into the Atlantic Ocean, flowing through the Crestwood Port before it is swept away by the tides of the Atlantic. Due to its location within the Orlaith, Crestwood Hollow has very few visits via train and does most of its imports through truck and ship. As such, the Port is often a thriving hub of life with new ships visiting each day. Several fisheries dot the piers but have fallen upon hard times in later years due to over-fishing in the Atlantic. Numerous recreational boats fill the docks and full warehouses litter the boardwalks.

M A T H E R M E M O R I A L H I G H S C H O O L || E S T . 1 9 4 7 :
Mather Memorial High School is Crestwood Hollow's largest secondary school in the city which collects the graduates from several of the city's more populated elementary schools. One of the oldest buildings in all of Crestwood Hollow, Mather Memorial was originally the city's courthouse when it was built in 1654, before being transformed into a county jail for nearly a decade, spanning from 1802 until nearly 1869.

Unfortunately, a fire brought down part of the building, resulting in numerous convicts being unleashed on the unsuspecting city proper. Opting not to rebuild a jail in the middle of the town, the building sat empty for nearly thirty years until a young architect wanting to make a name for himself opted to propose the structure be revitalized and renewed as a school. In 1902, the school opened its doors under the original name of Mather Memorial Highschool.

Due to the long-standing history of the school, it comes as no surprise that many of the locals consider the building to be haunted. One of the most prominent local urban legends says that the large oak standing in the school's front courtyard was the very tree used to hang the men and women found to be witches during the Witch Trials. As Mather Memorial sits on the edge of Mather Park, this tree is the same white oak referred to as the Hanging Tree.

H Y P E R H U M A N B A C K G R O U N D:

H Y P E R H U M A N S || H O M O - V I R I U M :
Hyperhumans are individuals who have undergone a mutation process known as Viriumosis which leads to the creation of a ‘Hype-Gene’ and development of extranormal abilities. Viriumosis occurs when high energy particles create an insertion and add one or more extra nucleotides into the host DNA. As insertions in the coding region of a gene may alter splicing of the mRNA, or cause a shift in the reading frame, this almost always leads to a significant alteration in the gene product. These alterations lead to a wide variety of effects which are often looked upon as super-human abilities.

While Viriumosis was only able to occur in the individuals who were alive during the Dark Eclipse, the Hype-Gene is passed along through reproduction. This is a cumulative result of high energy particles stored within the donating parent's chromosomes. A portion of these particles is replicated and passed along to through genetic material resulting in the offspring going through Viriumosis in utero. Naturally, this leads to the creation of the 'Hype-Gene' in the offspring allowing them to display abilities akin to those of their parent(s).

The process of Viriumosis itself has a rather high fatality rate, and the sudden incubation period contributed to the death toll during the ‘Dark Eclipse’. This additionally extends to the unborn fetus, contributing to an above-average rate of miscarriage in couples with one or Hyperhuman parent. A human born without a 'Hype-Gene' will not display, nor gain Hyperhuman abilities unless subjected to Viriumosis. Due to the technological constraints and the rarity of high energy particles, there is currently no way to artificially replicate the process which created the ‘Hype-Gene’ during the Dark Eclipse.

The 'Hype-Gene' isn't exclusively carried within either sex but is a dominant gene within both exponentially increasing the chances that the child of a Hyperhuman will be one themselves. However, due to a lack of willing subjects, there are no studies as to whether power levels are greater or equal within children who have two Hyperhuman parents compared to those who only have one.

Hyperhuman abilities are incredibly diverse and more often than not allow the host to accomplish superhuman abilities. When a Hyperhuman is born, they have unlimited potential as to what abilities they will develop. Hyperhuman abilities are not predetermined by parents but instead are developed during puberty in the majority of hosts. However, children are ten times more likely to develop abilities related to or similar to those displayed by their parents. It is possible for those subjected to extreme trauma at a younger age to prematurely develop their abilities. Environment and circumstance surrounding the time of ability development will contribute to determining the host’s abilities.

Every Hyperhuman goes through a period of ability fluctuation. During this period, the host may display several different but ultimately similar or related abilities before their body locks onto one as their own. Hyperhuman abilities are distinctly categorized between ‘internal abilities’ or ‘external abilities’. While there is overlap between abilities in either category, it is how these abilities are accomplished that determines their categorization. Internal abilities are Hyperhuman powers which are characterized by internal manipulation of the body or energies held in the body created by Viriumosis. The most basic example of an internal ability would be hyper-strength. External abilities are Hyperhuman powers characterized by being able to manipulate the world such as the ability to bend and control fire.

Hyperhuman abilities are closely linked to Earth’s electromagnetic (EM) spheres. These electromagnetic spheres could be considered to be the source of all Hyperhuman abilities and without their presence, Hyperhumans would be rendered powerless. In the same vein, the more of them that are in close proximity, the weaker they become as they fight to draw from the same EM spheres. However, there exists a phenomenon where Hyperhumans with a strong relationship or allied cause, can instead lend their strength to another and amplify their abilities. Further synchronization between two or more Hyperhumans can actually lead to temporarily accessing each other’s abilities. The limitation to this total synchronization is that only one ability can be active at once meaning all parties must be of the same intent.

All Hyperhumans are discernable from regular humans through the presence of HZE ions in their bodies. These HZEs or 'hazies' fluctuate with the usage of the Hype-Gene meaning that the usage of Hyperhuman Abilities can be detected and residual HZEs can be tested to determine how recent abilities have been used. As Hyperhuman Abilities require HZEs, abilities can also be suppressed through electron overloading or irradiation. High profile enforcement agencies have begun to implore experimental weapons and restraints which bombard the Hyperhuman body with electrons in order to keep known dangerous Hyperhumans suppressed and under control.

However, the majority of 'Hyperhumans' live their lives without knowing they even possess abilities. Most dismiss a few odd occurrences as being the work of heightened adrenaline or delusion. But there are the few who learn to embrace their nature and use their abilities to accomplish extraordinary feats and others who embrace their nature to manipulate the world and take what they want.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

R U L E S:

As the GM, I reserve the right to deny, veto or otherwise reject any character application based on any number of factors that I find make the character unfit for this roleplay. This can include player history, perceived literacy, lack of understanding of the game's concept, unruly behaviour in the iCheck/OOC/Discord or towards the GM, other players or simply a generally poor attitude. Other reasons for application denial will be listed in the following rules.

All Character Sheets will be submitted to the GM(s) and must include the requested information found on the Character Tab. Character Sheets that do not include the requested information will be rejected and asked to revise. All applications must be posted in the OOC for review before being reposted in the Character Tab. No review or feedback will be provided on incomplete sheets although the GM will be happy to answer any questions about the game, its world or lore.

All characters sheets submitted will become 'Hyperhumans' in the IC and should be written to reflect such. No character will be starting off aware of their true nature nor possessing any abilities. Keep weaknesses, flaws, and limitations in mind while writing your sheet. Give them reasons that make them need a team or allies to support them. Most importantly, give your character room to grow and develop. A large part of the RP will be based on the growth and development of your characters and their abilities so keep that in mind.

Failure to adhere to any of the character creation rules will lead to rejection of the application with a citation of the broken rule(s). Critique will be given on Character Sheets which don't break any rules but aren't quite up to an acceptable standard. Please be willing to work with the GM in the event of this.

A Discord will only be created for this RP if all players are willing and able to participate within it. In the event that this is not the case, the OOC will remain the primary medium for discussion and game announcements. Any player is welcome to reach out to me through my Discord found in my signature in the event that this is easier for than using the OOC or PMs.

Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter will be tolerated in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon.

Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar are also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.

This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's subplots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However, we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

In this RP, I realize that relationships are a part of this. While I have no problem with this, I do want it kept a specific way to avoid breaking any rules. As part of RPG's rule, mature content is forbidden on the forums. You may, however, use the standard fade-to-black technique if you desire and that will be fine, just keep it PG-13/14A (May contain: violence, coarse language and/or sexually suggestive scenes.) both leading and following up. Please use your common sense if you're going to seek a relationship within the RP. You have been warned of my expectations on this matter and should you fail to follow through you will be asked to leave the roleplay and reported for breaking site rules.

F . A . Q .:

0 0 1 || I S T H I S A N O R I G I N A L U N I V E R S E ?

Yes, it is a hard reboot and adaption of my previous original universe RPs.

0 0 2 || D O R E A L W O R L D L O C A T I O N S E X I S T ?

Simply yes, while Crestwood Hollow itself is a fictitious city, it is still set inside the very real state of New Hampshire and country known as the United States of America. Real-world cities such as New York, San Francisco, all exist with no changes outside of the technological advancements made in the lore.

0 0 3 || W H E N D O E S T H I S T A K E P L A C E ?

This roleplay is set eighteen years after the 'Dark Eclipse' making the current year 1985. As such, all real-world technology, pop culture, fashion and society should represent the state of the world during the mid-Eighties. If you have any questions or hesitations, a quick Google will likely bring you up to speed.

0 0 4 || C A N I M A K E A N O R I G I N A L C H A R A C T E R ?

Yes, in fact, that would be preferable to adapting a character originally conceived for another RP. However, there is no penalty for re-using a character and it won't slow or affect your acceptance. I just prefer fresh ideas, especially with the Hyperhuman concept.

0 0 5 || H O W M A N Y P L A Y E R S W I L L T H E R E B E ?

The aim is to gather four to six reliable players who will make up the group.

0 0 6 || W H A T K I N D O F P O W E R S C A N I U S E ?

The ideal powersets will be those which allow the character to affect the world around them. Powers that leave the character with physical deformities will be given a low priority in acceptance as the RP is based on the players attending a public school. Throughout the RP, the character's abilities will grow so they should be written with development in mind.

0 0 7 || C A N I U S E M O R E T H A N O N E C H A R A C T E R ?

No. However, in the event that your character died in the IC, you may create a replacement player provided you weren't removed from the RP.

0 0 8 || C A N M Y C H A R A C T E R B E A N A N T A G O N I S T ?

Your character should struggle with morality, after all, suddenly being gifted with powers above those of mere mortals could lead to some overwhelming temptation whether to get revenge or use them for self-gain. But that said, your character should not spiral out of control, or at least the group should step in before then. The overall idea is that our characters do become heroes in the end.

0 0 9 || W H A T W I L L T H E P L O T B E L I K E ?

The plot will follow a group of students who are being taught to embrace their Hyperhuman nature and learn to use their abilities. The group will ideally bond and grow together eventually leaving the classroom behind to protect their home from both others like them and forces no one has ever seen before.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShepherdOfHope
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hi! Sorry, I'm just a little confused. The rules say we need to use a provided skeleton, but your post in the characters tab says you won't be requiring one?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hi! Sorry, I'm just a little confused. The rules say we need to use a provided skeleton, but your post in the characters tab says you won't be requiring one?

Whoops missed that in my editing. I'll update the rules to reflect what's in the character tab.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lirriia


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

On the subject of character sheets, if we want to provide a face claim, what kind does it have to be: artistic or realistic?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

On the subject of character sheets, if we want to provide a face claim, what kind does it have to be: artistic or realistic?

Up to you, I always use realistic and think it fits better with the RP's tone but I'm not enforcing anything so I can see how you approach a CS.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Red X
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Red X

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Wraith
Is there anything you're willing to share about Vanessa Bordeaux?
Like her age?
Was she a popular girl, a slut, or a total spaz?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Lord Wraith
Is there anything you're willing to share about Vanessa Bordeaux?
Like her age?
Was she a popular girl, a slut, or a total spaz?

The idea was to let you guys define Vanessa. Each player would contribute to the idea of who she was, filling out the picture.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I have an idea for her to fall towards a more evil side somehow, like a magneto situation where she’s doing bad things for a good reason. That is of course if A) That’s allowed and B) If someone would be willing to pull her back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I love how it seems that we all planned to be raised by single fathers in one way or another.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Red X
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Red X

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I love how it seems that we all planned to be raised by single fathers in one way or another.

Welcome to America where marriages just don't last.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I've updated the rules to reflect the lack of a standard CS format. The wording has been changed to focus on the relevant information requested instead.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m already foreseeing some kind of Detroit: Become Human stuff happening lol.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I’m already foreseeing some kind of Detroit: Become Human stuff happening lol.

I'm not familiar with that one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I’m already foreseeing some kind of Detroit: Become Human stuff happening lol.

I'm more looking forward to Wraith losing all control over the direction when we turn the roleplay into Footloose.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

I'm more looking forward to Wraith losing all control over the direction when we turn the roleplay into Footloose.

Furiously writes down notes.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blushing Donkey
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