Nyx had been stuck all morning attending a rather dry and tedious faculty meeting. Discussions about weekly student performances, minor edits to the curriculum layout, professors' specific lesson plans, blah, blah, blah. Nyx yawned in his seat; his eyes wet with boredom. Some of the other twenty-four professors in the room glare at their fresh-faced colleague. His behavior is certainly unbecoming of a professor belonging to such an esteemed institution. Some knew better to just ignore it. Headmaster Augustine—once again appearing as an old man due to the time of day—begins to speak.
"Last night, we received a report concerning the theft of a magical artifact from our very own archives underneath the academy library. The scoundrels responsible for the crime are known magic users. Fortunately, we know the general area in which they have absconded to. The city guards have already been sent to set up a perimeter. We'll send in the Miracle Seven to locate the thieves and retrieve the artifact. Rest assured, none of the library staff were harmed in the incident."
Nyx perks up after hearing the report. This could be a prime opportunity to give his students some real world experience in what they can expect if they decide to pursue the life of an adventurer after graduation. Not to mention it'd be great for Nyx- or, rather, his students to have some time away from academy grounds. It already has been two long weeks since the start of the semester after all. "The Miracle Seven? For some lousy thieves? Nonsense. I propose that my class be allowed to handle this matter. Class-C has been viewed as a joke for a good decade now, I say that my students be given every opportunity to disprove that." Nyx explains.
"With all due respect Professor Nyx, what you're asking for is extremely dangerous. We're not talking about supervised sparring sessions on campus. If your students confront these thieves and it results in violence, well... I believe it would be a matter of life-or-death." Professor Charlotte of Class Marigold speaks out against the idea.
"Good. Motivation to perform. Besides, I'll be there to supervise them and make sure they don't get themselves killed. You wanted the Miracle Seven? You have it. The former Second Seat. That should assuage your fears."
"I like Nyx's bravado. I say let him and Class-C take care of this. What's meant to be will be." Professor Uejima of Class Sakura chimes in with support. The rest of the present professors are indifferent on the matter. They have their own classes to worry about rather than interfere with the business of the infamous Class-C.
Headmaster Augustine strokes his beard as he contemplates the proposal. After a brief moment of silence, he finally responds. "Very well."
A day later...
Nyx had instructed the class to meet him at Genelogia Station for the mission. He told them to pack the bare essentials, seeing as how they would be staying at a local village for the duration of their trip. Their destination is a forest region on the outskirts of the city. Despite the close proximity between Genelogia and the local village, interaction between the two settlements were kept to a minimum. Nyx studies the wanted posters of the two thieves responsible for the crime. A pair of twins known simply as Sice and Pictor. It seems they have eluded capture before in another city.
Unfortunately for the pair, Genelogia's city guards were fast in their response, cordoning off all possible routes of escape from the area they're currently hiding in. Class-C just needs to fish them out. As usual, the Genelogia Station is a busy place. Housed in a grand three-story building, the station has three trains operating at any one time. Class-C is bound for the 'A' train that leaves in about an hour. Luckily for Nyx, the tickets has been paid for by the academy. In addition, Nyx has received a hefty fare for any expenses relating to the trip.