I follow the doctrine of the Second Meijin.
Name: Daigo Seiho - Meijin Kawaguchi V
Age: 23
Personality: An exceedingly prideful person, Daigo rarely speaks to anyone he deems unworthy of his praise. He inherited the title, Meijin Kawaguchi V after recieving praise from Lady Kawaguchi and acknowledgement from the third. Because of this he has a haughty air about him. In regards to those he deem worthy, he comes off as a tad self-important but otherwise is humanized by his compassion, determination, and overall passion for Gunpla.
Appearance: He wears the clothes in the image.
Name: 009-FZG-Fierce Zeta Gundam
Base Model: Zeta Gundam
Base Model: Zeta Gundam
- 2x Beam Sabers (capable of being attached to create double-blade Beam Saber)
- Fierce Zeta Shield (acts as snout during Disasterider Mode as well as being capable of blocking beam shots and concentrating beam energy at its tip for extra penetrating power.)
- Savage Buster Rifle (capable of high-output and high-mega-output when coupled with the Fierce Zeta Shield.)
- 12 pod missiles. (6 on each shoulder.)
- Disasterider Mode (FZG's version of Waverider mode. Doubles its speed and is capable of high-mega-output.)
Give me all you got, right from the heart!
Name: Beeyond "Bee" U.
Age: 20
Personality: Bubbly, street-smart, and kinda childish; Beeyond is one of those people that you either like or hate. Usually there is no in-between. Unlike most Champions before her, she's not much of a role-model, instead she basks in her fame and fans with as much tact as a misfired missile. Due to her abundance of love for Gunpla and GBN, she refused a certain contract with GBN's administration and instead became an independent party in the company's overall goals. She was the first to defeat, Daigo Seiho since his arrival on the scene.
Name: Gundam Exalt: Vidar
Appearance: It appears much like the Vidar, except is colors are changed from black and purple to black and pink. Though it seems less like a custom and more like a replica, once one combats the machine they'll learn otherwise.
Base Model: Gundam Vidar
Appearance: It appears much like the Vidar, except is colors are changed from black and purple to black and pink. Though it seems less like a custom and more like a replica, once one combats the machine they'll learn otherwise.
Base Model: Gundam Vidar
- Beyond Burst Saber (A slim hot-pink saber capable of striking and stabbing. The blade is capable of being detached and detonated to create a small explosion. Beeyond has four of these blades stored on Vidar's hips, two on each. On top of which these blades can be guided as funnel-type weaponry.)
- 2x Beam Magnum Sidearm (Capable of dealing high-output damage in exchange for range.)
- G.G.U.D System (Good.Grief.Ur.Dumb System. Beeyond's unique power up. Hidden behind its sarcastic name is a complex system that throws out the time-limit restriction by allowing instant but dramatic increases in performance. When active the Gundam Exalted Vidar's performance and energy output are multiplied by eight. Its only downfall is its minute cool-down after each activation.)
Name: Yoko Hosokawa
Gunpla: GN-00V Valkyrie Gundam
Base Model: GN-007 Arios Gundam
She incorporates the GN-007's ability to transform and uses it in conjunction with a powered lance weapon to open battles with devastating charge attacks. She was also Kiyotaka's girlfriend, so she knows Takatora quite well.
Gunpla: GN-00V Valkyrie Gundam
Base Model: GN-007 Arios Gundam
She incorporates the GN-007's ability to transform and uses it in conjunction with a powered lance weapon to open battles with devastating charge attacks. She was also Kiyotaka's girlfriend, so she knows Takatora quite well.
Name: Adam Roman
Gunpla: The Blood Baron
Base Model: Tallgeese II
Never said the team members were all strictly from Japan. Adam is from Eastern Europe (Romania, actually) and is quite the fan of both Char Aznable and Zechs Marquis. He uses the greco-roman style Tallgeese II but gives it a distinctly Char-inspired red paint job. Even his online avatar uses a Char-based Zeon Uniform combined with a Zechs-inspired Mask Accessory.
Gunpla: The Blood Baron
Base Model: Tallgeese II
Never said the team members were all strictly from Japan. Adam is from Eastern Europe (Romania, actually) and is quite the fan of both Char Aznable and Zechs Marquis. He uses the greco-roman style Tallgeese II but gives it a distinctly Char-inspired red paint job. Even his online avatar uses a Char-based Zeon Uniform combined with a Zechs-inspired Mask Accessory.
Name: Jesse Gatlin
Gunpla: Gundam Lone-Star
Base Models: Gundam Maxter and Unicorn Gundam
Jesse is from the States, Texas to be exact if the Gunpla name wasn't already an indication. He's unique in that his Gunpla is actually a hybridization of two base models: Maxter and Unicorn. It has the Maxter's boxing fists and surf board, but it's head unit and body frame are primarily the Unicorn. This lets it utilize the Unicorn's burst system. As an added customization, the horn is sculpted to be curved. This has the distinct effect of causing it to split into bull horns whenever it enters the burst mode.
Gunpla: Gundam Lone-Star
Base Models: Gundam Maxter and Unicorn Gundam
Jesse is from the States, Texas to be exact if the Gunpla name wasn't already an indication. He's unique in that his Gunpla is actually a hybridization of two base models: Maxter and Unicorn. It has the Maxter's boxing fists and surf board, but it's head unit and body frame are primarily the Unicorn. This lets it utilize the Unicorn's burst system. As an added customization, the horn is sculpted to be curved. This has the distinct effect of causing it to split into bull horns whenever it enters the burst mode.
Name: Sento Sakuraba
Descriptive: Runs a hobby store called "Sakuraba Plastic Models", and is known in his particular neighborhood as an unmatched genius when it comes to building. Supposedly he used to be a battler as well but running the store and teaching neighborhood kids how to build has become his full time job, so he quit battling long ago. However, he never stopped creating Gunpla Builds. He's built and built, and now has 200 Gunplas on display in his store. Half of them are straight assemblies for display purposes, but the other 100 are his personal creations. Each one distinct and customized, and amazingly enough, none of them having any reused parts or ideas from one to the next. Each one is a hundred percent unique from all the others.
Descriptive: Runs a hobby store called "Sakuraba Plastic Models", and is known in his particular neighborhood as an unmatched genius when it comes to building. Supposedly he used to be a battler as well but running the store and teaching neighborhood kids how to build has become his full time job, so he quit battling long ago. However, he never stopped creating Gunpla Builds. He's built and built, and now has 200 Gunplas on display in his store. Half of them are straight assemblies for display purposes, but the other 100 are his personal creations. Each one distinct and customized, and amazingly enough, none of them having any reused parts or ideas from one to the next. Each one is a hundred percent unique from all the others.