Greetings, one and all, and welcome to this interest thread for a pretty self-explanatory RP; if you've read the title then you already know where I'm going with this.
I'm looking for a small band (a 'brotherhood', if you will) of around 3-5 other writers/players to join me in a tale of heroics and furious battles against the forces of Chaos and plausibly others. The Great Rift has shredded reality and torn the Milky Way in two, servants of the Ruinous Powers pour into realspace in all forms, the venerable Ordo Malleus - and by extension 'their' militant arm - coming to a true test, possibly the largest since their inception by the Sigillite himself.
Although we will be taking on the roles of what are essentially hyper-psychic mythological heroes of the Imperium it will be through the writing and a continuous plot-line that I hope to show why the Grey Knights are truly some of the most badass warriors - yet some of the most invisible - in the entire 40k galaxy.
If you're not going to disappear on me, are comfortable in an Advanced writing enviroment, and like the sound of any of the above, then please feel free to say so in this thread or better yet join the Discord server here: discord.gg/ySX3qWS
As always, the Emperor Protects.
Andrey asked a reasonable question, and that is at what stage of the GK life-cycle we shall begin, and I can say between completing their initial trials and their first action together as Battle-Brothers.