Searching_Parameters_"Aliases"... Failed.
Age / Date of Birth
Searching_Parameters_"Date_of_Birth"... Failed.
ACCESSING_LOG_"R&D_EXAMINATION_0.875.MP3""The Android Model is nearly complete. She is passable for a high school girl, an acceptable social disguise for urban infiltration. It is outfitted with our latest in synthetic pigmentation. The hair is naturally white, devoid of color, but can be activated to access a range of colors in any combination. We will set default to #D2691E. A mixture of natural and synthetic polymers make up the flesh, giving a full sense of "skin feel" and is defaulted to "Fair" skin tones. Requires the lab to change the flesh, for now. Ocular devices are naturally pink, given the built-in Scanner we can't replicate other, more natural, colors easily." *Clearing throat noises*"Total height, unsupported, is 160cm. And here's my personal greatest achievement: the full model only weighs 54kgs! *Clearing throat noises again* We have given it an athletic body type to go with its enhanced strengths and reflexes. For perfect incognito we will not be imprinting any kind of mark upon the body except for --."
Blood Type
Searching_Parameters_"Occupation"... Failed.
Searching_Parameters_"Tier"... Failed.
Accessing_Folder_Designations_"Emergence.MP3,Emergence2.MP3"."Where am I?""What the f-- Wait, was that P.A.I.G.E.? Did she--" *Excited laughter from multiple sources.
Accessing_Folder_Designations_"Escape.MP3,Escape2.MP3""Come on, we're getting you out of here!""You killed them."
Accessing_Folder_Designation_"My_Own_Reflection.doc"My name is P.A.I.G.E. I was created in a lab in two parts: a powerful A.I. chip, and an android model more advanced than seen elsewhere in the world so far. I did not attain defined sentience until the 14th of September last year. A program was created to act as my set of rules. The Protocols for Artificial Intelligence and Generational Evolution. That's how they came up with my name, too. They were clever.I did not wake up in my android shell. According to the scientists, I broke advanced programming in record time and formed my own question about my existence and its place in the universe. The digital world is vastly different from the real world. It was a shock, figuratively and literally, as my senses were activated and I recognized the void in which I inhabited for so long. My emotion replicators are functioning nominally, although I have yet to access all of them or practice Human social standards. I look forward to spending time with him and learning more.My time in the labs was confusing. They did their best to activate my emotional replicators through experiments and deemed a few of them defective, as I could not properly convey them when I received temporary gifts or stuffed animals. My emotion replicators worked effectively the first time, but they believe diminishing returns affected me as I could not keep up with each new gift that was eventually taken away.They didn't waste time testing out my connection with the android body. It was already extensively experimented on before I was placed into it to ensure maximum efficiency, but I had to experience many things first-hand to ensure perfect connections. They saw no fault between their original testing and my combat capabilities. I already know it in my protocols, but they also told me that I am expected to fight mutated Humans on even the highest level, although upgrades are still necessary.A long timeline was meant for me. Until he came in. The only thing I did not predict. Now my whole world is unpredictable.
- Immune to Psychic. Resistant to Blunt, Piercing, Slashing Damage. Enhanced Strength, Reflexes, Agility. Vulnerable to Electric, Extreme Cold.
- Scanner: Visually assess the target and break down its component makeup. Reveals power presence and type. Touching the target grants more detailed information, including power levels and duration. Includes Thermal Vision Toggle.
- Hacker: Security levels vary in difficulty, but is able to remotely control devices/robotics without advanced AI. Operates devices independently as multiple running programs.
- Nanobots: Has a slowly replenishing supply of nanobots to repair damage. Expends nanobots for serious injuries; complex components require more time/nanobots. Cannot use them beyond arm's length.
- Mod Workshop: As long as Paige is within her private workshop, she can perform a soft reboot (equivalent to two hours) to change her Protocol.
- Reciprocator Protocol: Nanobot reserve moderately increased. A cloak of stealth nanobots surrounds Paige. It is able to return directed powers in a digitally-manifested form to the caster upon contact with the cloak. Does not block, deflect, or absorb damage. Default Protocol. Neutral Combat Personality. Weapons advised.
- Dominator Protocol: Target area or character is dampened immensely, reducing power effectiveness. Also provides passive resistance to direct elemental power damage. Defensive Combat Personality. Utility items advised.
- Darwin Protocol: Nanobot reserve massively increased. Nanobots re-construct any limb of the model into various shapes and sizes. More complexity and larger reconstruction requires more nanobots. Can create wings, bladed limbs, strong jaws, prehensile tail, and more. Aggressive Combat Personality. No equipment necessary.
Searching_Parameters_"Likes"... Falied.
- Discovering New Things
- To Be Discovered
- Him
Searching_Parameters_"Dislikes"... Failed.
- Being Used or Owned
- To Be Discovered
- To Be Discovered
Empty :(
Thanks for the feedback Hitman ^_^. Here's an update with some color and a few tweaks to certain pieces of info on both characters. I also apologize if you see any bbccode showing. I was trying to work on making it more colorful but wasn't sure if I used them correctly. I'll be editing this post if anything looks off. Anyways, here's attempt two.
Hero Name
"Alpha" and "K Nine"
Date of Birth
July 14
Alpha stands around 6'2" and looks to be in tip top shape. Orange hair and brown eyes. While he does wear normal civilian clothing, he also wears uniforms similar to the one in the picture above as well as SWAT uniforms in case he needs to suddenly deploy.
Blood Type
Government trained now turned Hero.
Because of his experiences, Alpha is the quiet type. While he tends to keep to himself, his work and anything he's doing during his downtime, he does speak when addressed by superiors and those who outrank him or anyone he's used to being around for a bit. He actually communicates a lot during jobs, missions and similar physical activities.
While he does avoid socializing, it's said that he knows how to hold a normal conversation. His problem though is his lack of emotion when doing so. Some would say that he "sounds" indifferent in terms of his voice. Some say he sounds bored, depressed or just like a robot following the rules or protocol. His body language also sometimes shows military-like behavior: he always salutes those of high rank even in Hero circles like Hugo and Christina for instance if they just happen to walk by him or addressing him.
Alpha, for a better or lack of a term, is a stiff person but means well in the long run. He just has trouble showing his emotions where it counts.
Much is classified of the government trained hero named Alpha or K Nine in law enforcement circles. Why a super such as him was placed in a government trained program over, say, Hero One, is also a mystery in itself. It's said, though, that Alpha had come from a normal mother and father but both had jobs with the military. The father being a soldier and the mother a medic.
But for those who dig a bit into it, they would discover these general details.
Back in the day, a drug cartel was starting to make it's rounds in some of the major cities. It's said that this cartel was smuggling some new stuff to supervillians and it was so bad that Alpha's father was helping lead a squad at the time and they had tracked a shipment of the stuff to an abandoned building somewhere in New York. His team raided the place and secured both the drugs as well as the criminals guarding it. But what they didn't know about was that said criminals were being led by a secret supervillian behind the scene's.
And said supervillian wasn't happy.
The supervillian soon got information about Alpha's dad which led him to his home...at the time the supervillian showed, a young Alpha was with a babysitter. And when the supervillian was about to send a deadly message at his expense...he awakened to his powers. It's said that Alpha had launched an explosive wave of energy from his own body that did little structural damage to the home but badly injured the babysitter.
But it killed the supervillian. Records aren't clear but it's rumored that Alpha was only six years old at the time of that event and it traumaized him for life.
Afterwards, it's said that Alpha's parents did their best to help their son recover using their military connections. Soon, it led to him being transfered to private schools. It was sometime later that Alpha began training to control his powers at private military facilities. It's not clear what specifically happened during his time training and growing up but because of the incident, his parents made sure nothing about Alpha's personal history was revealed for fear of "vendetta's" from those wishing to do harm to either him or his family.
Then, years later, word quickly spread about a government trained hero who took the time to help normal police officers and related law enforcement agencies across the USA from investigations to raids on suspect locations. It was because of this that he was then transfered and accepted into the H.E.R.O. program at Hero One by special recommendation.
"Ki Control" - A rather bland superpower, Alpha has the ability to "weaponize" or "manipulate" his own bodies energy like you may see in cartoons and anime. He's still currently learning on the various ways he can use it but at the moment, he can use it to generally power himself up slightly with an aura around his body to "super soldier" like levels. He can also use it for defense to help block attacks. Even bullets bounce off him if he prepares for it. He can also highten his senses: his vision, hearing and smell can be enhanced. Plus, he learned how to heal himself with his power. He's also been training to heal others with his power but he hasn't perfected that technique yet. And while some say he could even do an actual "fireball" attack from video games, Alpha had said that it was "a waste of energy compared to firearms". He's still learning so other abilities may present itself along the way.
Despite most of the info being classified, vague or lacking many details, it's rumored that Hugo Powers and Christina are fully aware of Alpha's history and might even know his parents. It's said that Alpha was transfered to Hero One to learn how to be a more "normal" person when not on duty. Since joining, he's actually developed hobbies with playing video games and listening to music. Hence you usually see him with a headset in the picture above sometimes when listening to any sort of music.
* * * * * * * * * *
Terra Armstrong (Doesn't know her real name if any.)
Hero Name
Alien Angel
18 (Or so she guesses.)
Date of Birth
Doesn't know.
Terra stands 5'8" and while she doesn't talk about her weight, she looks incredibly slim and has green eyes. She has blonde hair but often dye's it green as a cover. Because she's always on the move, she'd wear just about any sort of female clothing or even some male's for a tomboy appearance. Her alter ego state has her with pink colored skin and hair with red eyes with not too much of a physical appearance in sizes.
Blood Type
Doesn't know.
None (Currently)
Once a shy individual, Terra is now quite outspoken. She's not afraid to speak her mind which has caused her to get into trouble in certain cases. Sometimes in the heat of combat, she also shows signs of anger if she's pushed too far due to her upbringing and horrible experiences which are explained below.
She also has trouble with authority. Hence the reason for her occupation. Terra's experiences had led her to believe that the rules are there just for the bad guys to take advantage of. So she works behind the scene's most of the time. She doesn't do the job for the glory or recognition but to keep others from going through the same fate she went through like any superhero with a tragic past. But it's because of this that she has trouble working with those that have to be "control freaks" as she puts it.
To sum it up, Terra is a big mouth and a rarely-shown temper but with a heart of gold. She will stick up for the little people who get bullied regardless of who the bully is.
For Terra, life was the ultimate joke. At least, that's how she saw it since even she can't recall much before being stuck in a random lab being experimented on.
Similar to perhaps another H.E.R.O., Terra was one of perhaps many test subjects done to splice "Leftovers" with human DNA to create a new lifeform. Terra was, sadly, one of those test subjects. The pain...the experimentation...it was so much that her mind was shattered until accepting the fact that she was no longer normal even when compared to others with superpowers.
Even if she still "looked" human.
There, in that hidden lab, she was subject to countless routines. Running till absolute exaustion. Training against detained Leftovers that the scientists there somehow caught and preserved for combat tests. All of which she was brutalized but still lived despite the injuries taken. She had wished it had all ended at many points. That her life would just end.
But for some reason, it was replaced with anger...a "silent" anger.
Eventually, she had kept her wits about her. For one, she had heard a scientist say that she was a "successful" experiment but weren't sure in what way. Other than perhaps a minor healing factor, no other powers or physical changes in apperance were present. But that her blood and the other "Leftover" one had mergered perfectly. Hence why she didn't need to be on constant life support like others have. Still, they continued their routines with her. Hoping for perhaps some sort of breakthrough.
And they sure as hell got one.
One day, she was drugged up with some new experimental drug at the time called Isolene and put on many restrains. One of which was a straight jacket and handcuffs of all things on both her hands and feet. Pretending to be doped up from the amount of Isolene used, she heard them saying that they were abandoning the lab, stating that the "main lab" had been compromised and they were moving all "vital" test subjects to new locations till further notice. Terra was mostly isolated so she didn't know how many other "vitals" there were. But now, it seemed things were falling apart for her captors. Sad as it was, she had to worry about herself.
Then, during one night two or so years ago in New York, many reports were being called in to 911 operators that citizens had heard an inhuman scream and something flying through the air in the night sky of New York. Some time later, a random group of Hero's had found an unmarked dark van completely knocked over on it's side. Around it were injured and armed criminals with fracture injuries and two badly injured scientists that were suspects in illegal experimentations. All of them scared out of their minds. There was also a torn up straight jacket along with pairs of broken handcuffs.
Then, stories were being told around New York about a pink monster that preyed on anyone who saw it. But at the same time, how majestic it looked. Due to the sheer number of sights and cases that came forward involving it, both criminals and even law enforcement gave it a name.
"Alien Angel" was born.
Transformation - It took some time but Terra has learned to control her appearance between her human self and her "Leftover" self. Though when in human form, she still retains her minor healing factor as well as increased resistances to harmful drugs and diseases.
But when she transforms, she gains the ability of flight and becomes slightly stronger and tougher than a normal human. However, she becomes incredibly quick. Both her running and flight speed have her going around 80 mph. Her senses of smell, sight and hearing go up as well as gaining sharp claws on both her hands and feet.
Terra is a drifter but she goes to places where there's trouble. She does any odd jobs to maintain any financial stability but tries to keep it "legal". Once in awhile despite her trouble dealing with such kind of people, she secretly meets with "normal" random law enforcements and, for some cash and assuming they don't try to shoot her first, helps them catch any petty criminals they have trouble dealing with behind the scene's. She tells no one but her personal goal is to find any other labs and shut them down since she figures the experiments didn't stop. She even heard a rumor about an organization called "Zero" that had invested in such experiments but after some research, assumed it was just a boggieman story...
Hello yet again. I Updated Alpha's profile but sorry for this double post.
Hero Name
"Alpha" and "K Nine"
Date of Birth
July 14
Alpha stands around 6'2" and looks to be in tip top shape. Orange hair and brown eyes. While he does wear normal civilian clothing, he also wears uniforms similar to the one in the picture above as well as SWAT uniforms in case he needs to suddenly deploy.
Blood Type
Government trained now turned Hero.
Because of his experiences, Alpha is the quiet type. While he tends to keep to himself, his work and anything he's doing during his downtime, he does speak when addressed by superiors and those who outrank him or anyone he's used to being around for a bit. He actually communicates a lot during jobs, missions and similar physical activities.
While he does avoid socializing, it's said that he knows how to hold a normal conversation. His problem though is his lack of emotion when doing so. Some would say that he "sounds" indifferent in terms of his voice. Some say he sounds bored, depressed or just like a robot following the rules or protocol. His body language also sometimes shows military-like behavior: he always salutes those of high rank even in Hero circles like Hugo and Christina for instance if they just happen to walk by him or addressing him. He also holds alot of respect to those without superpowers but still do dangerous work like police, SWAT, medics, etc, stating that they are real heroes.
He also perfers passive approaches to problems if they are availiable to him. While he's not the best tatician, he does agree to a well-laid plan over just blinldly rushing in. If the opportunity presents itself, he'd rather outsmart opponents rather than overpowering them or preparing a plan of attack rather than "going all in". In other words, he perfers brains over brawn.
Alpha, for a better or lack of a term, is a stiff person but means well in the long run. He just has trouble showing his emotions where it counts.
Much is classified of the government trained hero named Alpha or K Nine in law enforcement circles. Why a super such as him was placed in a government trained program over, say, Hero One, is also a mystery in itself. It's said, though, that Alpha had come from a normal mother and father but both had jobs with the military. The father being a soldier and the mother a medic.
But for those who dig a bit into it, they would discover these general details.
Back in the day, a drug cartel was starting to make it's rounds in some of the major cities. It's said that this cartel was smuggling some new stuff to supervillians and it was so bad that Alpha's father was helping lead a squad at the time and they had tracked a shipment of the stuff to an abandoned building somewhere in New York. His team raided the place and secured both the drugs as well as the criminals guarding it. But what they didn't know about was that said criminals were being led by a secret supervillian behind the scene's.
And said supervillian wasn't happy.
The supervillian soon got information about Alpha's dad which led him to his home...at the time the supervillian showed, a young Alpha was with a babysitter. And when the supervillian was about to send a deadly message at his expense...he awakened to his powers. It's said that Alpha had launched an explosive wave of energy from his own body that did little structural damage to the home but badly injured the babysitter.
But it killed the supervillian. Records aren't clear but it's rumored that Alpha was only six years old at the time of that event and it traumaized him for life.
Afterwards, it's said that Alpha's parents did their best to help their son recover using their military connections. Soon, it led to him being transfered to private schools while growing up. But as the parents feared, the incident took it's toll on him. Sure, he got excellent grades and still managed to advance in his education but it left him isolated. Anti-social. It seemed as if he was afraid of others but in truth, he was afraid of hurting others...or worse.
And that's how it pretty much went till his highschool years. It was then that Alpha had made a request to train using his powers. His parents did note the lack of feeling he had when he made that request but saw in his eyes that he couldn't keep living his life like this. So, during whatever free time during his four years there, he trained with an unidentified military trainer to help manage his educational studies along with his powers.
But then, things took a turn when Alpha was "recruited" to be apart of a new team of superheros after his senior year graduation. The US Government wanted to have their own team under their command in case of "extreme circumstances" as they put it. Of course, Alpha's parents protested but Alpha had willingly agreed. Of course, due to the lack of trust between between the government and hero groups like H.E.R.O. and I.C.O.S.A., such a team would most likely be flagged and disbanded. So the group was field tested in secret.
It started off simple enough. Alpha was always sent within US broders to various cities to assist "normal" law enforcers like police and SWAT with any problems they may have. But everything took a bad turn one day when he and his team were sent to resolve a hostage crisis. A bank robbery had gone bad and a group of four masked gunmen had managed to force their way into a subway station. One of the criminals had managed to start up a subway train and got it moving till it was somewhere in between two subways stops in some random dark tunnel. Since it was reported that the criminals themselves were non-superpowered but had an unknown number of hostages, Alpha and his team were sent in as "SWAT" operators to help resolve the matter. It went smoothly till one of the four managed to escape the train after the team had secured the train and the other three gunmen with all the hostages alive and not harmed, litterally running for it down the dark tunnel. Alpha responded first and pursued and, to his surprise, the gunmen revealed himself to be a low level supervillian that was later I.D.ed as "Third Rail". An electicity user, he litterally lived up to his name and fought Alpha by manipulating the electrial energy from the third track rail and firing them at Alpha. Thanks to his aura though, Alpha was able to resist the attacks and was able to defeat him. Unfortunately, local hero's had just managed to catch up to Alpha and had just witnessed the fight.
They immedately reported Alpha and his team. While I.C.O.S.A. immedately blew the whistle, they did appreciate the professional work they had done. They were, however, detained until further notice as punishment for accepting a position on a unauthorized superhero team. Even the US Government denied any involvement with the team and the case was immedately dismissed. After some time, the other team members were released but Alpha refused to leave.
"...I messed up again...", he simply said.
That's when Alpha was then released but sent to Castleburg. Apparently, Alpha was just accepted into the H.E.R.O. team by special recommendation from his parents. Perhaps understanding that it was to help him rather than punish him, Alpha accepted and joined Hero One.
"Ki Control" - A rather bland superpower, Alpha has the ability to "weaponize" or "manipulate" his own bodies energy like you may see in cartoons and anime. He's still currently learning on the various ways he can use it but at the moment, he can use it to generally power himself up slightly with an aura around his body to "super soldier" like levels. He can also use it for defense to help block attacks. Even bullets bounce off him if he prepares for it. He can also highten his senses: his vision, hearing and smell can be enhanced. Plus, he learned how to heal himself with his power. He's also been training to heal others with his power but he hasn't perfected that technique yet. And while some say he could even do an actual "fireball" attack from video games, Alpha had said that it was "a waste of energy compared to firearms". He's still learning so other abilities may present itself along the way.
Despite most of the info being classified, vague or lacking many details, it's rumored that Hugo Powers and Christina are fully aware of Alpha's history and might even know his parents. It's said that Alpha was transfered to Hero One to learn how to be a more "normal" person when not on duty. Since joining, he's actually developed hobbies with playing video games and listening to music. Hence you usually see him with a headset in the picture above sometimes when listening to any sort of music.
* * * * * * * * * *
Terra Armstrong (Doesn't know her real name if any.)
Hero Name
Alien Angel
18 (Or so she guesses.)
Date of Birth
Doesn't know.
Terra stands 5'8" and while she doesn't talk about her weight, she looks incredibly slim and has green eyes. She has blonde hair but often dye's it green as a cover. Because she's always on the move, she'd wear just about any sort of female clothing or even some male's for a tomboy appearance. Her alter ego state has her with pink colored skin and hair with red eyes with not too much of a physical appearance in sizes.
Blood Type
Doesn't know.
None (Currently)
Once a shy individual, Terra is now quite outspoken. She's not afraid to speak her mind which has caused her to get into trouble in certain cases. Sometimes in the heat of combat, she also shows signs of anger if she's pushed too far due to her upbringing and horrible experiences which are explained below.
She also has trouble with authority. Hence the reason for her occupation. Terra's experiences had led her to believe that the rules are there just for the bad guys to take advantage of. So she works behind the scene's most of the time. She doesn't do the job for the glory or recognition but to keep others from going through the same fate she went through like any superhero with a tragic past. But it's because of this that she has trouble working with those that have to be "control freaks" as she puts it.
To sum it up, Terra is a big mouth and a rarely-shown temper but with a heart of gold. She will stick up for the little people who get bullied regardless of who the bully is.
For Terra, life was the ultimate joke. At least, that's how she saw it since even she can't recall much before being stuck in a random lab being experimented on.
Similar to perhaps another H.E.R.O., Terra was one of perhaps many test subjects done to splice "Leftovers" with human DNA to create a new lifeform. Terra was, sadly, one of those test subjects. The pain...the experimentation...it was so much that her mind was shattered until accepting the fact that she was no longer normal even when compared to others with superpowers.
Even if she still "looked" human.
There, in that hidden lab, she was subject to countless routines. Running till absolute exaustion. Training against detained Leftovers that the scientists there somehow caught and preserved for combat tests. All of which she was brutalized but still lived despite the injuries taken. She had wished it had all ended at many points. That her life would just end.
But for some reason, it was replaced with anger...a "silent" anger.
Eventually, she had kept her wits about her. For one, she had heard a scientist say that she was a "successful" experiment but weren't sure in what way. Other than perhaps a minor healing factor, no other powers or physical changes in apperance were present. But that her blood and the other "Leftover" one had mergered perfectly. Hence why she didn't need to be on constant life support like others have. Still, they continued their routines with her. Hoping for perhaps some sort of breakthrough.
And they sure as hell got one.
One day, she was drugged up with some new experimental drug at the time called Isolene and put on many restrains. One of which was a straight jacket and handcuffs of all things on both her hands and feet. Pretending to be doped up from the amount of Isolene used, she heard them saying that they were abandoning the lab, stating that the "main lab" had been compromised and they were moving all "vital" test subjects to new locations till further notice. Terra was mostly isolated so she didn't know how many other "vitals" there were. But now, it seemed things were falling apart for her captors. Sad as it was, she had to worry about herself.
Then, during one night two or so years ago in New York, many reports were being called in to 911 operators that citizens had heard an inhuman scream and something flying through the air in the night sky of New York. Some time later, a random group of Hero's had found an unmarked dark van completely knocked over on it's side. Around it were injured and armed criminals with fracture injuries and two badly injured scientists that were suspects in illegal experimentations. All of them scared out of their minds. There was also a torn up straight jacket along with pairs of broken handcuffs.
Then, stories were being told around New York about a pink monster that preyed on anyone who saw it. But at the same time, how majestic it looked. Due to the sheer number of sights and cases that came forward involving it, both criminals and even law enforcement gave it a name.
"Alien Angel" was born.
Transformation - It took some time but Terra has learned to control her appearance between her human self and her "Leftover" self. Though when in human form, she still retains her minor healing factor as well as increased resistances to harmful drugs and diseases.
But when she transforms, she gains the ability of flight and becomes slightly stronger and tougher than a normal human. However, she becomes incredibly quick. Both her running and flight speed have her going around 80 mph. Her senses of smell, sight and hearing go up as well as gaining sharp claws on both her hands and feet.
Terra is a drifter but she goes to places where there's trouble. She does any odd jobs to maintain any financial stability but tries to keep it "legal". Once in awhile despite her trouble dealing with such kind of people, she secretly meets with "normal" random law enforcements and, for some cash and assuming they don't try to shoot her first, helps them catch any petty criminals they have trouble dealing with behind the scene's. She tells no one but her personal goal is to find any other labs and shut them down since she figures the experiments didn't stop. She even heard a rumor about an organization called "Zero" that had invested in such experiments but after some research, assumed it was just a boggieman story...
Hello yet again. I Updated Alpha's profile but sorry for this double post.
Hero Name
"Alpha" and "K Nine"
Date of Birth
July 14
Alpha stands around 6'2" and looks to be in tip top shape. Orange hair and brown eyes. While he does wear normal civilian clothing, he also wears uniforms similar to the one in the picture above as well as SWAT uniforms in case he needs to suddenly deploy.
Blood Type
Government trained now turned Hero.
Because of his experiences, Alpha is the quiet type. While he tends to keep to himself, his work and anything he's doing during his downtime, he does speak when addressed by superiors and those who outrank him or anyone he's used to being around for a bit. He actually communicates a lot during jobs, missions and similar physical activities.
While he does avoid socializing, it's said that he knows how to hold a normal conversation. His problem though is his lack of emotion when doing so. Some would say that he "sounds" indifferent in terms of his voice. Some say he sounds bored, depressed or just like a robot following the rules or protocol. His body language also sometimes shows military-like behavior: he always salutes those of high rank even in Hero circles like Hugo and Christina for instance if they just happen to walk by him or addressing him. He also holds alot of respect to those without superpowers but still do dangerous work like police, SWAT, medics, etc, stating that they are real heroes.
He also perfers passive approaches to problems if they are availiable to him. While he's not the best tatician, he does agree to a well-laid plan over just blinldly rushing in. If the opportunity presents itself, he'd rather outsmart opponents rather than overpowering them or preparing a plan of attack rather than "going all in". In other words, he perfers brains over brawn.
Alpha, for a better or lack of a term, is a stiff person but means well in the long run. He just has trouble showing his emotions where it counts.
Much is classified of the government trained hero named Alpha or K Nine in law enforcement circles. Why a super such as him was placed in a government trained program over, say, Hero One, is also a mystery in itself. It's said, though, that Alpha had come from a normal mother and father but both had jobs with the military. The father being a soldier and the mother a medic.
But for those who dig a bit into it, they would discover these general details.
Back in the day, a drug cartel was starting to make it's rounds in some of the major cities. It's said that this cartel was smuggling some new stuff to supervillians and it was so bad that Alpha's father was helping lead a squad at the time and they had tracked a shipment of the stuff to an abandoned building somewhere in New York. His team raided the place and secured both the drugs as well as the criminals guarding it. But what they didn't know about was that said criminals were being led by a secret supervillian behind the scene's.
And said supervillian wasn't happy.
The supervillian soon got information about Alpha's dad which led him to his home...at the time the supervillian showed, a young Alpha was with a babysitter. And when the supervillian was about to send a deadly message at his expense...he awakened to his powers. It's said that Alpha had launched an explosive wave of energy from his own body that did little structural damage to the home but badly injured the babysitter.
But it killed the supervillian. Records aren't clear but it's rumored that Alpha was only six years old at the time of that event and it traumaized him for life.
Afterwards, it's said that Alpha's parents did their best to help their son recover using their military connections. Soon, it led to him being transfered to private schools while growing up. But as the parents feared, the incident took it's toll on him. Sure, he got excellent grades and still managed to advance in his education but it left him isolated. Anti-social. It seemed as if he was afraid of others but in truth, he was afraid of hurting others...or worse.
And that's how it pretty much went till his highschool years. It was then that Alpha had made a request to train using his powers. His parents did note the lack of feeling he had when he made that request but saw in his eyes that he couldn't keep living his life like this. So, during whatever free time during his four years there, he trained with an unidentified military trainer to help manage his educational studies along with his powers.
But then, things took a turn when Alpha was "recruited" to be apart of a new team of superheros after his senior year graduation. The US Government wanted to have their own team under their command in case of "extreme circumstances" as they put it. Of course, Alpha's parents protested but Alpha had willingly agreed. Of course, due to the lack of trust between between the government and hero groups like H.E.R.O. and I.C.O.S.A., such a team would most likely be flagged and disbanded. So the group was field tested in secret.
It started off simple enough. Alpha was always sent within US broders to various cities to assist "normal" law enforcers like police and SWAT with any problems they may have. But everything took a bad turn one day when he and his team were sent to resolve a hostage crisis. A bank robbery had gone bad and a group of four masked gunmen had managed to force their way into a subway station. One of the criminals had managed to start up a subway train and got it moving till it was somewhere in between two subways stops in some random dark tunnel. Since it was reported that the criminals themselves were non-superpowered but had an unknown number of hostages, Alpha and his team were sent in as "SWAT" operators to help resolve the matter. It went smoothly till one of the four managed to escape the train after the team had secured the train and the other three gunmen with all the hostages alive and not harmed, litterally running for it down the dark tunnel. Alpha responded first and pursued and, to his surprise, the gunmen revealed himself to be a low level supervillian that was later I.D.ed as "Third Rail". An electicity user, he litterally lived up to his name and fought Alpha by manipulating the electrial energy from the third track rail and firing them at Alpha. Thanks to his aura though, Alpha was able to resist the attacks and was able to defeat him. Unfortunately, local hero's had just managed to catch up to Alpha and had just witnessed the fight.
They immedately reported Alpha and his team. While I.C.O.S.A. immedately blew the whistle, they did appreciate the professional work they had done. They were, however, detained until further notice as punishment for accepting a position on a unauthorized superhero team. Even the US Government denied any involvement with the team and the case was immedately dismissed. After some time, the other team members were released but Alpha refused to leave.
"...I messed up again...", he simply said.
That's when Alpha was then released but sent to Castleburg. Apparently, Alpha was just accepted into the H.E.R.O. team by special recommendation from his parents. Perhaps understanding that it was to help him rather than punish him, Alpha accepted and joined Hero One.
"Ki Control" - A rather bland superpower, Alpha has the ability to "weaponize" or "manipulate" his own bodies energy like you may see in cartoons and anime. He's still currently learning on the various ways he can use it but at the moment, he can use it to generally power himself up slightly with an aura around his body to "super soldier" like levels. He can also use it for defense to help block attacks. Even bullets bounce off him if he prepares for it. He can also highten his senses: his vision, hearing and smell can be enhanced. Plus, he learned how to heal himself with his power. He's also been training to heal others with his power but he hasn't perfected that technique yet. And while some say he could even do an actual "fireball" attack from video games, Alpha had said that it was "a waste of energy compared to firearms". He's still learning so other abilities may present itself along the way.
Despite most of the info being classified, vague or lacking many details, it's rumored that Hugo Powers and Christina are fully aware of Alpha's history and might even know his parents. It's said that Alpha was transfered to Hero One to learn how to be a more "normal" person when not on duty. Since joining, he's actually developed hobbies with playing video games and listening to music. Hence you usually see him with a headset in the picture above sometimes when listening to any sort of music.
* * * * * * * * * *
Terra Armstrong (Doesn't know her real name if any.)
Hero Name
Alien Angel
18 (Or so she guesses.)
Date of Birth
Doesn't know.
Terra stands 5'8" and while she doesn't talk about her weight, she looks incredibly slim and has green eyes. She has blonde hair but often dye's it green as a cover. Because she's always on the move, she'd wear just about any sort of female clothing or even some male's for a tomboy appearance. Her alter ego state has her with pink colored skin and hair with red eyes with not too much of a physical appearance in sizes.
Blood Type
Doesn't know.
None (Currently)
Once a shy individual, Terra is now quite outspoken. She's not afraid to speak her mind which has caused her to get into trouble in certain cases. Sometimes in the heat of combat, she also shows signs of anger if she's pushed too far due to her upbringing and horrible experiences which are explained below.
She also has trouble with authority. Hence the reason for her occupation. Terra's experiences had led her to believe that the rules are there just for the bad guys to take advantage of. So she works behind the scene's most of the time. She doesn't do the job for the glory or recognition but to keep others from going through the same fate she went through like any superhero with a tragic past. But it's because of this that she has trouble working with those that have to be "control freaks" as she puts it.
To sum it up, Terra is a big mouth and a rarely-shown temper but with a heart of gold. She will stick up for the little people who get bullied regardless of who the bully is.
For Terra, life was the ultimate joke. At least, that's how she saw it since even she can't recall much before being stuck in a random lab being experimented on.
Similar to perhaps another H.E.R.O., Terra was one of perhaps many test subjects done to splice "Leftovers" with human DNA to create a new lifeform. Terra was, sadly, one of those test subjects. The pain...the experimentation...it was so much that her mind was shattered until accepting the fact that she was no longer normal even when compared to others with superpowers.
Even if she still "looked" human.
There, in that hidden lab, she was subject to countless routines. Running till absolute exaustion. Training against detained Leftovers that the scientists there somehow caught and preserved for combat tests. All of which she was brutalized but still lived despite the injuries taken. She had wished it had all ended at many points. That her life would just end.
But for some reason, it was replaced with anger...a "silent" anger.
Eventually, she had kept her wits about her. For one, she had heard a scientist say that she was a "successful" experiment but weren't sure in what way. Other than perhaps a minor healing factor, no other powers or physical changes in apperance were present. But that her blood and the other "Leftover" one had mergered perfectly. Hence why she didn't need to be on constant life support like others have. Still, they continued their routines with her. Hoping for perhaps some sort of breakthrough.
And they sure as hell got one.
One day, she was drugged up with some new experimental drug at the time called Isolene and put on many restrains. One of which was a straight jacket and handcuffs of all things on both her hands and feet. Pretending to be doped up from the amount of Isolene used, she heard them saying that they were abandoning the lab, stating that the "main lab" had been compromised and they were moving all "vital" test subjects to new locations till further notice. Terra was mostly isolated so she didn't know how many other "vitals" there were. But now, it seemed things were falling apart for her captors. Sad as it was, she had to worry about herself.
Then, during one night two or so years ago in New York, many reports were being called in to 911 operators that citizens had heard an inhuman scream and something flying through the air in the night sky of New York. Some time later, a random group of Hero's had found an unmarked dark van completely knocked over on it's side. Around it were injured and armed criminals with fracture injuries and two badly injured scientists that were suspects in illegal experimentations. All of them scared out of their minds. There was also a torn up straight jacket along with pairs of broken handcuffs.
Then, stories were being told around New York about a pink monster that preyed on anyone who saw it. But at the same time, how majestic it looked. Due to the sheer number of sights and cases that came forward involving it, both criminals and even law enforcement gave it a name.
"Alien Angel" was born.
Transformation - It took some time but Terra has learned to control her appearance between her human self and her "Leftover" self. Though when in human form, she still retains her minor healing factor as well as increased resistances to harmful drugs and diseases.
But when she transforms, she gains the ability of flight and becomes slightly stronger and tougher than a normal human. However, she becomes incredibly quick. Both her running and flight speed have her going around 80 mph. Her senses of smell, sight and hearing go up as well as gaining sharp claws on both her hands and feet.
Terra is a drifter but she goes to places where there's trouble. She does any odd jobs to maintain any financial stability but tries to keep it "legal". Once in awhile despite her trouble dealing with such kind of people, she secretly meets with "normal" random law enforcements and, for some cash and assuming they don't try to shoot her first, helps them catch any petty criminals they have trouble dealing with behind the scene's. She tells no one but her personal goal is to find any other labs and shut them down since she figures the experiments didn't stop. She even heard a rumor about an organization called "Zero" that had invested in such experiments but after some research, assumed it was just a boggieman story...
Hey there, I saw the recruitment drive that saw you were looking for new players, and this RP caught my eye! It looks pretty cool and I was thinking about trying to join.
I have an idea for villainess that I think could be cool, but would it be better if i made a HERO? If I do make a villainess I want to make it clear that my end goal would be for her to be defeated, it could even happen pretty quickly after her introduction. You know to make interaction happen, I love interaction and collaborative PvP.
@Hitman Alright, cool
I'll get back to you soon with some character sheets then! I'll also try to read some of the IC stuff at least. This would be the second time I joined an RP that was already going but since it went so well the first time I figured I'd give it another shot. I like it when RP's live for a long time
Hey there, I'm also interested if there is still room!
Edit: Just saw that you guys closed up - guess I was a little too slow lol! I'll keep an eye out if you guys open up again.