Tampa General Hospital - Parking Garage.
“I did exactly what Vashti said, I was so good that I made someone awaken when we slept together. Buuuut that’s not important right now. I’ll tell you all about it later.”
Trevor's cheeks turned a rosy red as Maya talked and he looked off to the side. Part of him was morbidly curious, but he knew that if Meifeng (or anyone in the squad) wouldn't like him asking about it. That sounded like a huge ass HR nightmare, the type of nightmare that Trevor didn't want to have. So he just coughed as he awkwardly said,
"Noted," He said before he addressed the rest of the Coven. "Now be careful out there... and by that I mean don't do anything crazy because Meifeng's already a Lil' pissed about Babylon."
They seemed to be working out their little drama and whatnot, so Trevor felt like it was time to leave. He didn't want to overstay his welcome, at least before Meifeng got suspicious that
he was consorting with the Coven, too. While they were talking Trevor casually slid off behind the SUV without them even noticing his footsteps. Years of huntin' n' killin' allowed Trevor to perfect his ability to be quiet as fuck. Of course, Trevor made sure to give Maya one wave goodbye before he moved on.
“Yeah. Use protection. Look, I’m sorry if I came off as a jerk. I barely know any of you, but I still don’t want anyone else to get hurt. The Outsider couldn’t stop us, so a rich loser caught with his pants down will hardly be a problem for you girls. I guess that’s why I didn’t see it as something that should be such a priority. But I respect your decision. That said, I’d only be getting in the way. But I’m not gonna go look for Kayla or go home.”
It seems Vashti was smart enough to call a wild goose chase when she saw one. For that, Madison
almost had to applaud her. Almost. Then she had to keep running her mouth. Most of what Vashti said went over Madison's head... to be honest, all Vashti had to say was "I don't want to go, bye". But noooooooo, little miss sunshine right here thought that everyone gave enough of a shit about somebody who just joined the Coven. She hadn't been filled in on the whole situation here... or else she would know that
several of Madison's friends and coworkers were sacrificed because of that dickhead. And she thinks it's "low priority".
Bitch, I'm outta a job because of him, not just that, several people are dead, Madison was about to say. It was tough for her to keep her mouth, and she realized that it probably spoke for her. Hopefully.
“I’m going to go sit with Emily so that there’s someone there when she wakes, Or, you know, in case Babylon comes back for her. Oh, did we all forget about the bitch that actually killed one of us and nearly murdered another!? Well, anyway... Enjoy your FUCKING orgy!”
When Vashti closed the door, Madison couldn't contain it anymore.
"... I'm really startin' to hate her ass."
Madison spoke to nobody in particular as she rolled her eyes. Jesus Christ, it was like dealing with
another Emily... still, Madison couldn't say that Vashti was wrong. They
had to handle Babylon at some point and to be honest with herself they never should have trusted Babylon at all. That was no excuse for Vashti to be irritating as all hell, however. They'll cross that bridge when they get to it.
She shook her head as she faced the group.
"... We'll have to deal with Babylon later," Madison tried to justify her decision not to go after Babylon. Probably more to
herself than the rest of the Coven. "We have to remember that Blake gave Babylon the cover she needed
and right now I think he's the bigger problem..." She stopped herself as she realized how obvious it was starting to sound, but Madison was too stubborn to even admit that she could be
"I have an idea, Lyss," Madison pipped up, "We use Chompy, Quinn's Harry Potter ass summons, and the Jaws to get ourselves onto the boat and then we blend in. I sincerely
hope you guys have bikinis. We blend in, and maybe..."
Madison had a different idea that she
knew that
nobody in the Coven would agree it. And it was also fucking insane.
"... We catch him by himself and then we give him a good reason not to fuck with the Coven ever again."
It was a loose plan, but Madison knew that the Coven was a borderline anarchic force. It was better to just direct them at something and let them do their thing rather than trying to micromanage each one of them. But, she had something to say to two of the members.
"Maya, please stay out of sight, because he'll
definitely blow a gasket if he sees you,"
Though maybe we can use that in our favor. Madison thought to herself before she turned to Quinn. "And
Quinn, I'm gonna need you to pay attention. Like seriously, we can't have you fucking us up because you didn't catch the fucking memo."
She rolled her eyes. She didn't know about the other girl, but part of her didn't trust her... but another part of her came up with a
genius idea. One that she wasn't going to share with the rest of the Coven.
"Are we on the same page here? Good, let's meet on the Tampa bay in an hour."
The day was
glorious! That pitiful Coven was gone, he presumed. The Outsider didn't come back yet but he trusted that the Outsider was the most dangerous thing in Tampa
and beyond so of
course it did.
Or those rednecks sold him a crappy Apparition.
Either way, he was probably going to hear
all about the Coven's destruction in the news. Then he was going to find some other way to gain the magic powers that he so desired. But he had to celebrate! Also, he had to rebuild his... catalog of women. And what better way to do that than to invite a bunch from various circles and invite them onto his
yacht! It was the greatest thing on earth, his yacht! Five stories tall, and lots of rooms for his escapades, Blake bought it with the finest money on earth! It was his palace of the ocean and the only let the select few (Aka. the rich and/or the hot) onto it.
Blake was wearing black swim trunks and Gucci slides as he stepped out with a glass of exquisite wine in one hand and raised it.
"Let the good times roll!" Blake shouted and all of his sycophants started cheering.
An hour later, the Coven launched their secret mission against Blake Schmidt. His boat was massive.... and that made their little plan a lot harder. Of course, Madison had a plan of her own. One that Grace
probably won't like. The Coven arrived at the side of the boat because showing up at the back would be suicide right now and Chompy slinked off the side and went to look for an infant to eat. Madison put her hand on her hips as she was wearing a purple-one-piece bikini and Nike slides. And she had to go out and buy this because she didn't have a bikini that wasn't a two-piece
(or a thong). She had to cover up that wound on her side or else she'd stick out like a sore thumb. She looked at the Coven as she said,
"Okay, we need to find Blake fast as possible," Madison stated, "Because the faster we get this over with, the faster I can go take a nap...."
And get high as fuck.She looked around as she said, "Split up into groups so we can handle this."
"I'll be by your side," Claudette said.