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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SadistPoet
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SadistPoet Scheming Coward

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Trixie Turnbelle

Location: Yacht

Trixie was at her wits end. She owed a lot of money to more people than she could count. Of-course, most of the people she owed to were less than savory individuals. After-all, who would loan money to a boisterous seventeen year old? No-one in their right mind of-course. Sure, maybe one year ago when she started street show business (along with a little bit of scamming thievery on the side) her profile was small enough to disappear over into the next town over. That was not an option anymore. She was known well enough that people would always come up to her either to heckle her, ask for pictures, and sometimes see a magic trick. So, she was not exactly the hardest person to find.

There was Benny she just bummed money off of not even a week ago. Three hundred dollars to be exact which she claimed would get her through the weak. Benny, who had quite the rape-face, was not happy when Trixie proudly announced that she spent the money on, "Props and fries!" Then subsequently disappeared around the corner. He had lots of questions - what kind of props cost that much? And fries? Did she buy an entire bathtub full? Of-course, Trixie never lies and she did buy a substantial amount of "props" along with more french-fries than she is willing to admit. It was alright though - she would use the money she allegedly to make back the money plus some.

If it had just been a measly three-hundred dollars she owed, then she would have that paid back rather quickly. Just a few rings nabbed off some rich prick, or maybe even the gold stripped out of a few dozen smartphones she would cleverly yoink thanks to her special ability and she would have him paid back in full. Benny was only the most recent fella to come looking for his money. In-actuality, she had accumulated a debt of approximately 5 million U.S dollars with an untold amount of interest on top of it. So who the fuck was Trixie in debt to?

The Israeli Mafia...

It started one to two months ago (maybe more - Trixie is above worrying about time) and she was running a bit low on cash. Pickings were slim, she had no more couches to sleep on, and her belly was less than full, so she wandered into a loan sharking operation. Of-course, she only wandered into the business because of the silly little caps they were wearing (known formally as a kippot). You see, Trixie was not exactly Trixie. She, by a rare and select few, was known as Cochava Kantorowitsch, the daughter of Jewish immigrants. It was rare that she ever mixed her two identities, but this was a desperate situation! She came in pleading with her Jewish kin:

"We are one in the same! Gods chosen! An Abrahamic hammock, us laying as two, bundled with me and you! So uh, lend me some cash my fellow Jew."

Of-course, Trixie thought she was making perfect sense. She is never wrong... of-course any sane person would understand that she was making no fucking sense at-all and she was subsequently kicked out and told firmly, yet gently, to never come back.

Well, her pride would not let those betraying pricks get the best of her. So, as any sane person would, she decided to commission the cash off the guys herself. Trixie could teleport anywhere within 100 yards so long as no one was watching her physically, which made her robbery quite the easy affair. The wayward magician teleported right on into the business and summoned a homemade thermite charge from her personal stash. At the time, Trixie did not know the words "homemade" and "thermite" did not mix very well. Her initial plan was to burn the safe-lock open and take whatever cash was inside then repent for it later. Unfortunately, the sparks flew a little too far and the entire business went ablaze. Then an alarm was tripped, the mafia came running to her, they recognized her, and then she was out of there using the smoke as cover.

What started was a month long game of cat and mouse. One funky magician versus the Israeli mafia. They tried and tried to catch her, shoot her, run her over, and so on - but nothing was working. It eventually ended with them cutting a deal. The fellas knew that something was different about Trixie, but they could not pin exactly what it was. Definitely something supernatural about her - no-one survives the mafia's continued attacks this long, so the mob thought maybe they could get back there losses by letting her try to get the lost money back.

Trixie gladly accepted. She was getting tired of dodging bullets and cars. That was when she got the bright idea to board this "Blake" fella's Yacht and rob the rich big-wigs blind. He was only letting select people aboard and, despite Trixie's self-proclaimed good looks, she thought the three extra pounds on her waist and underage status (despite swearing she is 22) might disqualify her from boarding the ship normally. So she did what she did best and teleported aboard just before the ship set off.

What was the grand plan? Trixie had rented a storage unit right on the coast (which was the alleged "props" she purchased) and bound it as her current stockpile. She was going to scour the Yacht and use her ability to teleport objects and return them back to the storage unit. Trixie had teleported into the lower deck, which at the time of entering, was mostly empty. She found the nearest bar and cleared it of expensive liquor quickly. I hope the mafia is not expecting hard cash. The barter system is still good, right? she thought to herself as she made the bottles disappear quickly one by one. These objects were small, and she ate a big breakfast, so the use of her power had not tired her yet.

She made her way to the deck of the ship to scout out the situation and maybe nab a few items quickly. Trixie, in all her wisdom, thought her magician wear was appropriate for this situation: A goofy wide-brimmed hat, a tight little crop-top, spotted tights, and reflective shoes to top off the level of awkwardness incarnate. Of-course, this outfit was her best option! Sexy kitty or plane Jane were less fitting than this and she did not have the cash to buy a swim-suit. At-least this outfit had an exposed waist.

Now, any good infiltrator knows that the best way to blend in is to act like you belong somewhere. The problem is Trixie looked maybe like she belonged on the boat a little too much. She walked around with her chin up, chest puffed out, and arms swinging widely with infinite levels of false confidence. This attracted some wandering eyes, but nothing too serious yet. She made her way around the deck cupping small items of value in her hands: wallets, sunglasses, jewelry (right off the hands and necks of people), and other bite-sized trinkets. Maybe her over-confident heist would continue as planned if she did not get distracted by a stray platter of shrimp:

"Oh! Trixie will help herself!" She began to stuff the delicious little ocean-critters into her gob, "Wait, this is most certainly not kosher, eh whatever..." Her little gluttonous stop gave security ample time to locate the seemingly underage girl with the big hat who keeps touching people's hands and necks while walking around like she has a stick up her ass.

She felt a firm hand grab her shoulder, "You're coming with me," a gruff man's voice ordered her.

"If I may inquire, where might we be going?" Trixie broke from his grip and stumbled back - she casually popped another shrimp into her mouth.

"How did you even... never-mind, just, come with me. Gonna lock you in a closet or some shit," as he approached, Trixie made her move. From her sleeve she pulled a taser and jabbed it right into his neck and broke for the lower deck. He collapsed, but had time to call out for back-up. Maybe this was not the best idea? Trixie could have robbed a bank. However, the Yacht seemed so much more fun. And the logic was having all these millionaire types in one place would give more return, but that was not quite working as she planned.

Once she made it below deck, Trixie knew what she had to do. Security was on its way and they were too far out for her to teleport back to land (she was not much of a swimmer). Now, she knew that she might have a chance to continually evade these gentlemen if she stirred up enough chaos, yet that evasion would not last forever. She had to find a way to get the boat to turn back to shore, or at-least get security off her ass. 80 proof vodka plus a lighter would suffice. Just before security got to her, she had nabbed a bottle of strong liquor from an open bar. Trixie let out a hearty, joyous, and falsely confident laugh before shattering the bottle on the ground and tossing an ignited lighter on it. Hell, she even used sham sleight of hand to pull a few more of the bottles she acquired earlier from her hat and toss them on the blaze. With the fire obscuring her, she teleported to the nearest location which had no eyes on her, a bathroom stall.

She was in for a fun time...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Expectations, they go wrong."
"I suppose I don't know a lot yet."

Blake's Orgy Yacht... Ew.

Grace raised her brow at Madison before shrugging, "Oh trust me, her first impression... And second were absolutely terrible but uh... You know, I'll steer clear from her once the third fucks me over, but right now I owe her." Said Grace as she took a step back to look at Quinn with her head down, she obviously never cared much for the outfit right now but from the way she was not standing still it was clear that she was relatively restless right now and in need of something? What did she want.

Action. She wants action, she wants to get it going, Quinn is someone with little patience and fucks for the world. She looked over into the water then backed to the main part of the boat, she was tapping her feet since she wanted out of the clothes pretty bad. When Maya asked if they were going to stay right there, Quinn just looked at her and gave a her a look, a look that hopefully told Maya that she really did not want to. But the moment Maya herself got restless, a smile grew on Quinn's face and she knew that they were off to an adventure, will it be good? Probably not? Is there a chance for them to die? Maybe. Either way it beats standing around doing nothing. "That's what I wanted to hear." She said immediately following behind Maya, "I'm coming with you on this... Walk." Said Quinn

Grace was surprised at the sudden appearance of other people, it definitely caught her off guard especially since Madison just showed herself and she did not know if she was to follow or- Okay she was following no stopping it now. She was ready to fight but she'd still rather talk her way out since lightning bolts are definitely flashy and stamina heavy. "Uh... What? You know those people?" Grace asked, apparently there was some weird Hercules thing going on, because Grace knows Hades when she sees a Hades. "Whatever they're doing, it looks like one hell of a good time." Do people say that? Wait do these people say that? Does it matter? No. It really does not.

Quinn removed both her sun hat and aviators and held it to Maya, "This Blake guy knows your face right?" She alternated showing her both the items on each of her hands for her to pick, "Let's make it harder for him, here, take your pick." She then remembered, she raised the hat up real quick to tell her "Oh, this hat isn't mine so give it back to Grace after, or me I don't know, all I know is that she'll be absolutely livid." but she made her lean towards the hat more since it was closer to her and it matched with her outfit- Oh man, Quinn never cared about that before, Grace is not the influence she wanted when she joined the coven.

After she gave Maya whatever she had chosen she went off on her own, Maya could handle herself, this was something Quinn was very aware of. She gave her a quick nod before going in the other direction, who knows what she'll find?


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

"Not lately but he's either up front or with one of his... Nocturnal Activity Mistresses."

"Ya, real way to speak, sis, jus' say bitches-- Say he wit'is bitches."

Real classy.

Madison thought to herself as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Well, to be entirely fair, Madison would have said: "hoes" or "thots" to refer to them. That wasn't as important as knowing that Blake was upfront... but she realized that if he was with his hoes, he probably already got all the attention that he needs. Soooo... her little honeypot plan to get Blake by himself probably wouldn't work. She didn't know. One of the weird shirtless guys took off when the speaker started blaring...

"Eons ago, there lived a hero named Hercules..."

"Now, if you don't mind, honey? I've got a show to do. My cue's in a few seconds--"

"... Word?"

Madison raised an eyebrow as she watched Mariah took off and she put two and two together. This bitch was a performer... and probably still in cahoots with Mr. Schmidt. She had her eyes on her, but it didn't really seem like she knew Madison. Or she did and went running off to tell Blake. Good grief, the more she thought about this plan, the more stupid and half-baked it was. Again, she was not going to admit that, not even to the likes of a newcomer like Grace. Okay, the first thing Madison was going to do was track the little Extra-Normal bitch down because she had a feeling this was kinda bullshit. Just a little.

Uh... What? You know those people? Whatever they're doing, it looks like one hell of a good time."

"No, not one bit," Madison said as she put a hand on her hip and sighed as she heard the music and the performance in the distance. "But, she's magic, and I gotta feeling she's bullshittin' us. So let's make sure she's not going to Blake to rat us out." She shook her head and then turned her head towards the stage.

"Okay, forget about that," Madison said to Grace as she started following after Mariah. In the meantime they can keep chatting (Maybe something not about Quinn). "Can you tell me what you can do... I dunno, I saw you do something freaky."

Just to ease Grace's mind, Madison activated her abstraction, the Jaws. And she was surrounded in a spiral mess of glowing purple bones that covered her from head to toe that formed a shell. It was mostly bones that comprise the arms and legs of a dinosaur, but there were various skulls, claws, and more. It moved with her as she took each step.

"This is my Agent... the Jaws. He allows me super strength, toughness, and flight... like supergirl."

A wry grin formed on her face as she realized that she never even introduced herself to the girl... and she's telling her about her little magic power instead. Ah... it almost made her laugh as her life was becoming more and more involved in the world of the Supernatural. Goodness gracious. It probably didn't matter because they had all the time in the world for their introductions. They made their way to the crowd and looked up at the stage and saw... that same chick performing. Good grief. She gave Grace an elbow as she said.

"I'm sorry but this is the best Blake could get...?" Madison temporarily lost sight of the mission as she crossed her arms. "She's ugly as fuck!" She tried to say over the stage... which was terrible in her opinion. Honestly, gay as hell. She shook her head as she grabbed onto Grace's arm and pulled her away.

"Let's go see if Blake's-"

"... Fire!"

Madison stopped in her tracks as she heard the declaration. Immediately, Madison thought Maya. God damn it, Claud. The thoughts hissed in the back of her head as this had something to do with the Coven.

Always the Coven.

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

“I can’t do it, what are the chances of bumping into him? This ship is massive. I’m going to have a walk around, just a short walk, making sure to avoid the sounds of anything Blake might be into.”

"Maya, no-"

Claudette tried to protest because that was, quite honestly, a terrible idea. Well, as terrible as them hanging around on the open was, but she felt like they had a higher chance of running into Blake this way.

"That's what I wanted to hear." She said immediately following behind Maya, "I'm coming with you on this... Walk."

And of course Quinn had to co-sign. Claudette shook her head as she ran off after the two. At least if they get spotted, then Claudette can bail them out. "Please, let's go inside the boat at the very least." Claudette tried to please. "Who knows what Blake has up his sleeve..."

"Let's make it harder for him, here, take your pick."

This made Claud's head spin as she looked at them.

"... Maya's already wearing a hat."

And Claudette awkwardly pulled at her collar as she blankly looked at Quinn. Not judging her or anything... but she heard some footsteps coming up as she smelled the acrid smell of wine. She thought it was Blake but when she turned around she saw a woman wearing a black sun hat... when it was night time, a black swimsuit and high heels... It was Phillis Schmidt and the woman pushed past Claudette and went straight for Maya.

"Why hello there, gorgeous-" Phillis loudly hiccuped before she laughed and took another sip of her wine. "... fancy meetin' you here. I didn't think that Blake would invite you of all people after what you did. Hehehehehe..."

Claudette looked at Quinn awkwardly... Was it true that Maya actually did it? It was hard for her to wrap her head around it but Claudette was tired of hearing about it in the first place. Especially after Ms. Reed looked so defeated.

"I don't know how ya' did it, but I'd love for you to do that again. Your two friends can join in if they're interested..."

"No, no thank y-" Claudette tried to protest before she heard the scream.

"... Fire!"

"Oh no..." Claudette heard various screams and yells in the distance as she knew that it could only have one culprit: The Coven. She was so focused on Maya that she forgot about Madison who was probably just as reckless as Maya if the situation called for it. It was not a good thing to be stuck on a boat that's on fire. Fortunately, she had the key to fixing it. She looked at the rest of the group as she said.

"Stay here."

Before she took off... even though she knows that Maya wasn't going to listen. Claudette wasn't the most athletic of the Coven or in general, but she tried to run to the other side of the boat before her breath started giving out and she began walking. She made it to the raging fire... which had Blake Schmidt in the area and she watched as he tossed wine onto it. Claudette facepalmed as she raised a hand into the air and a wreath of darkness surrounded the raging fire. In time the raging fire stopped spreading as it kept going down and down and down.

And then it was gone.

Claudette sighed. Lowering her hand and the darkness disappeared. Not a single person saw what she did...

The mere idea of there being a stowaway on his boat was not even under consideration by Blake. He was too busy partying with a wine glass in hand... however, when he saw the raging fire explode in front of him his eyes shot open as his heart started racing. Blake had to think fast. He ran over to the table that had all the alcohol on it and grabbed it. He ran over to the fire and began pouring it all on the flames... only for it to explode and Blake felt his arm hairs burn as he threw them up to cover his face. But, the flames began dying down as Blake looked at it. Obviously he did it.

"No need to thank me," Blake proclaimed as he put his hands on his hips. "I have saaaaaaaaved the day."

"... You're an idiot."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“I’m already wearing a hat,” Maya said to Quinn, almost at the exact same time that Claudette did. She shook her head but didn’t get a chance to say anything disparaging as a very familiar woman appeared.

“Phillis?” Her eyebrows raised and she smiled as charmingly as she could, in the sudden situation. She’d expected Phillis to be on the orgy yacht as much as she’d been expected, it seemed. Blake really wasn’t holding back by inviting his wife to his full on orgy. That was probably why she was drunk. “Well, it is nice to see you… Can’t say I was invited, but just don’t tell Blake and it’ll be fine.”

She tapped her nose before stepping forward, slipping an arm around Phillis’ waist: partly to move things forward, and partly because she was drunk and Maya really didn’t want her to fall overboard. “Mmm, I don’t think they’re interested, so why don’t we find a room...”


“... In the opposite direction of that fire! My friend will deal with it, so I wouldn’t worry,” Maya nodded, half to Claudette even though she had no intention of staying there. That would be cruel to poor Quinn to have to watch what would happen. “Can’t say I’ve had a chance to look around so why don’t you show me one of the lovely rooms I’m sure this place has, and we can repeat last time.”

She winked at Phillis and started to head towards one of the doors inside.

This certainly was a nice surprise, and made waiting around while everyone else actually did shit well worth it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vashti focused on the quarter that Herik placed in her hand and listened. It was difficult to think of Herik as the kind of guy who’d punch someone else, let alone punch them with enough anger to send them to the hospital. As for his advice, she was already trying something similar with her meditations in search of achieving gnosis. It had even worked a few times before, but being around the Coven made thinking—let alone trying to find an inner peace—impossible. A focal point might just do the trick. Still, she’d have to be cautious. The Leviathan wouldn’t just break a jaw; it’d rip the whole thing off.

“At this point, I’ll try anything. We never even got the chance to bring up finding someone who can break curses,” said Vashti, rubbed her nail against the edge of the quarter. She glanced over at Emily and frowned. Even with the other girl adding her voice to Vashti’s desires to search for an Adept with lavender Lux, she doubted they would be able to convince the rest of the Coven to offer a hand. Vashti was new enough to not yet have a firm grasp of the pecking order, but it was telling how nobody else had come to watchover Emily in case Babylon came back to finish the job.

Jesus, how could she be doing all of this complaining with Emily in the hospital like this? Vashti sighed, annoyed at herself for being so self-absorbed. Then she thought about Herik’s mother, and how being in a hospital must constantly remind him of her. Vashti couldn’t keep throwing herself a lame Leviathan pity party. Still, she had to keep talking, even if it were just to keep Herik distracted or let Emily’s subconscious know that there were people here for her.

“So, when exactly were you going to tell me you had a magical lion?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vashti accepted his advice. He smiled genuinely. Had it been anyone else in the Coven he doubts they'd have taken his words to heart or listened to his whole explanation. She's levelheaded, that's a good trait to have in a group of hotheads and self-absorbed. He leaned back in his chair, eyes looked over Emily again. He hopes she wakes up soon. It'll be sign of healing and he wants her up and catty and lively. But perhaps she won't be herself at all. Babylon killed one of their own to get out of her. He can't imagine seeing something like that. If he could be in her place he would trade places. Her sister needs her. If she doesn't wake soon, then he'll find someone that'll help all of them with breaking curses and such.

“So, when exactly were you going to tell me you had a magical lion?”

Herik looked at Vashti, his smile cheeky, then laughter bellowed from his mouth. It hurt to laugh, but he couldn't help it. It was funny to him. "I'm surprised as you are, Vashti. I don't know where Asta came from, but he appeared and I'm grateful he did." He rubbed his tattoo, the lion as regal and beautiful as ever. It went back to its original position on his arm. Under the ink he can't see the sigil that was there when Asta stood beside him.

"If I had to guess I think my mother has something to do with it." He caressed the image, eyes far away. The sigil matched the one his mother has. He always thought it was a tattoo, but maybe it was more than that. He's never seen her use powers. Doesn't mean she didn't have them. Just meant he never noticed and not much gets by him when people go through changes. She could have had it his whole life and that's why he never noticed. He'll have to ask when she wakes up.

"But that's just a guess. I know how magic works, but I don't know everything." He looked up, smile sad. "I'll ask her when she wakes up."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The S.S. Orgy Porgy -- On "stage"

They had been in the middle of performing the third song when...

"... Fire!"

"Fire?" Someone in the crowd said as another remarked, "Oh my god there's a fire!" Mariah didn't have time to think about the very palpable wave of panic sweeping the crowd, that they were very in the middle of dancing into, when Tory picked her up. To the a chorus of confusion and mild panic, just as people began to scramble, Tory took her to the edge of the crowd, then turned to face it-- his sword raised and shield ready. He stood between Mariah and the crowd as a few people, simply put, began freaking the fuck out. They were positioned near a railing with the entirety of the crowd at their front, as people began to walk and shove, and drunkenly stumble... and then clap?

"Woah! Blake put it out!"

Rather cheekily, a song began playing over the speakers, and Mariah turned her eyes upward. Of course she immediately locked eyes with Maxi, who shrugged innocently. Deeply sighing, Mariah patted Tory's sweaty-as-hell shoulder, and told him, "I am not. Jumping overboard. And ruining this good wig."

Tory laughed then snapped at someone who got a little too close-- "BACK UP!" The person drunkely panicked in the other direction at the sight of the sword, and Tory spit to the side. Tory yelled at a couple that stumbled toward them, brandishing his weapon and growling, "Don' touch the fuckin' goods-- que mierda quieres hijueputa?!"

Mariah threw her hands up, raised her brows, then opened her fan to fan herself as she leaned against the railing, mumbling, "Estoy perdiendo mi puto quicio, but at least we got paid already."
Tory whistled lowly,"How you talk him into paying upfront?"
"Oh, that was all Ma. You know how she is. Probably give him some dick growth Santeria bullshit," Mariah shrugged, "I hate when she fake bein' a Mexican Exorcist Fortune Teller Witch whatever the hell."
Laughing again, Tory replied, "We good den, huh? Fire no fire, we good. Dance or not we good. Shieeeeeeet. Fuck'em."
"Fuck 'em," Mariah agreed, staring at the upper floors with a chuckle, as Maxi began dancing to the music.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The boat was busy. The amount of girls present on the boat had to be breaking the maximum capacity limit. Lyss had already downed half of the champagne glass to even gather the energy to move past the girls shaking their ass and spilling their drinks. She wasn’t opposed to a party, but today she had more important plans than getting fucked up. There could be no distraction while she looked for Blake Schmidt. It was already a bad sign that she felt the presence of several apparitions nearby, and that wasn’t counting the ones that lived within her friends. The possibility that Blake already had other extra-normal friends would make this a challenge. She wasn’t going to let that stop her, though.

The back of the boat proved to be a dead zone for a middle aged sugar daddy, so Lyss moved inwards. She could cover all five floors while the rest searched the front. Her eyes peered over the crowd at the bar on the first floor before she headed up a staircase onto the next. From there it was just a sea of women lounging in chairs with their drinks. Some looked bored. As if they were there just hoping that Blake would notice them and they’d be set. The others were just on the boat for the free tan and alcohol with their girls. She’d made it all the way to peek at the helm of the ship before she realized she’d wasted time. There was no way a narcissist would hide himself away above the party. He was either center stage or he’d already made his way below deck with some of the thirsty girls.

Lyss huffed before turning towards the stairs. She made her way down to the third floor of the deck before she heard a man’s voice playing from speakers towards the front. Her feet slowed to a stop, and then she slowly made her way towards the railing that overlooked the front of the boat. When she neared the edge, she found her viewing spot blocked by a woman standing on the railing. A microphone in hand, blue and white lights lighting her up as she held onto a silk fabric that was (hopefully) tied up above. Lyss raised an eyebrow as she watched the performance. Her hip was cocked and she sipped onto the champagne as the woman made her way down the silk and onto the floor below. Lyss took this as an opportunity to make her way towards the very spot the woman balanced herself on the railing. She leant onto it and found herself overlooking the entire front of the boat. It was just as busy as the front, but Lyss could spot her Coven girls within the crowd.

The woman that was lip-syncing was on stage now, and Lyss took this as an opportunity to look at every inch of the front deck. Blake had to be here. Otherwise he was off doing some type of nasty shit and Lyss absolutely did NOT want to barge in on that. She noticed Madison activate the Jaws, right in the middle of the crowd, and frowned. The apparitions that were present had an energy was focused at the front. If anyone here was Extra-Normal, they would have seen her little display. Yet as her eyes travelled over the crowd she could see no one had noticed. Lyss downed the rest of her champagne and was just about to turn away, to make her way to the front deck, when she heard many of the girls shout:


Lyss turned back and she found the exact location of the concern. By some will of satan, the exact man she was looking for came to put it out. Lyss grinned. “Gotcha, Schmidty.” She murmured before turning towards the stairs at the back of the deck. This time she didn’t waste a second. She slipped her way easily through the crowd and even managed to grab another glass of champagne from a confused waiter. Poor sap wasn’t sure how to calm the girls that were now leaving the front because of the mishap.

She could see Blake Schmidt standing next to the charred spot. He looked obnoxiously smug as he placed his hands on his hips. What a hero. She thought snarkily. As she drew closer Lyss downed the glass of champagne, set it on a waitress’s tray, and put on her best grin as she walked straight up to Blake fucking Schmidt.

“I’ve been looking for you.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

"Shouldn't we go back to shore?" One of the security guards said.

"Nonsense, you see that the fire's gone?" Blake said as he put his hands onto his hips triumphantly as he looked around. "Let's keep this party going! Why stop!?"

"... Because it's proce-"

And suddenly Blake shoved a wad of money (actually a hundred on top and a bunch of ones on bottom) into the security guard's breast pocket. As he whispered, "Scour the ship and look for that stowaway that started this fire for me, okay?" He said because while some of the girls looked a bit disheartened, he was going to keep this party going until he got his satisfaction! Regardless of what happens because it was just a little fire? It wasn't like somebody died or was in any danger. These women were such wusses, but maybe his attempt to save the day will endear them to him!

Claudette made sure to slink back into the middle of the crowds as the last thing she wanted to do was be noticed. She understood that she was a bit... noticeable. Of course, Claudette didn't think that someone like Blake would commit her to memory unlike somebody like Lyss, Kayla, or... Maya. Given that the very latter was on top of the Outsider's hitlist when she attacked. Oh, wait. Yeah. Claudette should get back to Maya - who was probably making love to Phillis. Euuuuugh. Claudette cringed as the thought came-

Alyssa just walked up to Blake and put a grin on her face and Claudette's heart just started racing. What was the- and then Claudette suddenly remembered that Lyss wasn't as... well, batshit crazy as the rest of the Coven. In the distraction that the fire provided, the woman grabbed a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass as she found herself a seat. She carefully watched the scene unfold just in case something went wrong and she needed to use that fancy abstraction of hers.

When fucking Lyss walked up, Blake almost dropped the bottle of wine in his hand as his heart began racing. "I... I thought the Outsider killed you! How are you still here? Why... How did..." Blake took steps back from the girl in horror as he tried to rethink the whole party.

“Can’t say I’ve had a chance to look around so why don’t you show me one of the lovely rooms I’m sure this place has, and we can repeat last time.”

"Of cooooooooooourse," Phillis purred as she downed the rest of her wine. "Honestly, I never been on this expensive piece of crap before this, but I know this is probably where Blake takes all his little whores and hussies."

She hiccuped again. "... I wouldn't walk anywhere on here barefoot."

Then she looked over her shoulder at Quinn as she said, "What's your name, hun? How'd you get wrapped up in this... actually, how did all of you-" She was about to continue but she drunkenly slapped herself on the forehead. "Oh, right." She chuckled.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm an idiot."
"Not as bad as my dad at least."

Blake's Orgy Yacht... Ew.

Grace was honestly surprised at people like that, people so expressive... She wished she was like that, but corporate daddies are not always so easily swathed by being yourself. Grace could not help but smile as she watched them go onto the stage.

"But, she's magic, and I gotta feeling she's bullshittin' us. So let's make sure she's not going to Blake to rat us out."

"Okay! Recon mission, cool cool." Said Grace following quickly to what Madison did which was turn to the stage. Madison then went on to ask what Grace could do as they started following this other girl. Grace then raised her hand up to the height of her chest and did a weird spinning hand gesture but before she could say something, the Jaws manifested around Madison and she took a step back in shock but quickly got used to it. It was definitely freaky so she wanted to show Madison since there were now others like her, she then wriggled her fingers and sparks bounced from finger to finger, "I wouldn't say freaky, lightning isn't that freaky, it's just uh... Devastating." She said with a small giggle in her voice, she then followed that sentence up by swivelling herself by her heels to do a quick 90 degree turn towards the left side of the stage and continued, "I can also run really fast, but dang is it hard to see when I'm going so fast."

"Nope, yeah no, I'm an idiot." Said Quinn as she facepalmed pretty hard, now only seeing the hat and sunglasses on Maya's face. She put both the items back to hide her shame because that was real embarrassing. "Just throw me off the boat." Then the sudden appearance of a woman snapped her out of it, she looked older- oh and Maya already knew her apparently. She must have missed something... It was back at the hotel, the time where she was late. She was still trying to piece everything together, the back and forth dialogue had Quinn thinking. She really was wondering what had happened.

When Madison's elbow hit Grace a jolt ran down her body and her eyes started bouncing around trying to see what Madison wanted her to see, upon the verbal cue that it was on stage, her eyes immediately darted to the stage while listening to Madison's comment.

"I wouldn't say ugly, I'd say... Aesthetically challenged." She joked, laughing at herself a little at that silly little joke. Madison then lead on but her sentence was cut off by someone exclaiming that a fire had broken out.

"Not Good." Said Grace.

"Fuckin' finally!" Exclaimed Quinn.

"Quinn this better not be you..." She whispered to herself, Grace knew that the girl's reputation was already pretty shit and if she started this fire this would definitely not be good for that same reputation. "You think that's Schmidt or our girls?" She asked Madison.

"Okay I at least wanted to see a little bit of the orgy." Said Quinn, now thinking that due to the fire that orgy would stop. She watched Claudette stop the fire pretty quickly and Maya go in the other direction. As that woman and Maya walked away, the cogs in Quinn's head started to turn, and in a flash she finally got it. She blinked twice in quick succession and looked at Claudette, "Wait... Did Maya and that woman have se-"

Back to Grace, she steadied herself as she heard the screaming just stop since the fire had just stopped apparently. She turned to Madison in completely confusion and asked, "Uh... Was that one of ours? I'm still trying to learn everyone's name and uh... Abilities." Said Grace as she looked left and right trying to see if the fire really was out.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

"I wouldn't say ugly, I'd say... Aesthetically challenged."

"Girl, she looks like a man in a wig."

Madison dissed her as she chuckled a bit. So Lightning. That was kind of cool, but Madison was happy with the Jaws. Still, a bolt of lightning could be pretty noticeable here... she knows the Blind can't see their abstractions in action, but she didn't want to risk it. With a nod of her head, she noticed that the whole scene with the fire was dying down. Unfortunately, they don't have much to worry about. However... the boat might go back to shore and they'll lose this golden shot at Mr. Schmidt. This means they had to stop fucking around and find Blake as fast as possible. Though, she was curious as to what Lyss was doing and... it doesn't matter.

"Uh... Was that one of ours? I'm still trying to learn everyone's name and uh... Abilities."

"Not a clue," Madison started as she looked around, "But it ain't important, sis."

Now, Madison had a stupid idea. A dumb one because if she was going to be entirely honest, they would be spending hours on this damn boat looking for Blake. And the longer they spend on this boat, the more likely they'll get caught and probably end up having to haul ass with their tails in between their legs. And probably making Blake stop fucking 'round and start sending actual hitmen after them (Madison knew the Coven couldn't handle). So she came up with another idea to draw Blake out of hiding... one that was probably not the best decision but she didn't have a whole lot of options given that all that ended up happening when she asked was that she got the runaround.

"What is important is that we find Blake soon as possible before the party's over," Madison said to Grace as she focused a bit on little Hades here and her two backup dancers. This was dangerous, but wit the Jaws Madison felt like she could take anything they send her way.... and then she was promptly reminded that the last thing the Jaws made her feel invincible there was a hole put in the last fight she got into. However, this was going to go better as Madison slowly closed the distance between herself and Mariah.

See, if she causes a big enough fuss then maybe Blake will come out. Or another member of the Coven will get their hands on him.

"Hey, bitch," Madison started off to Mariah with her hands on her hips... and she wasn't going to be subtle with the antagonism. "I thought you said Blake was on the front of the boat? We look back there and he ain't even there. What 'fraid we'll take your little sugar daddy from you?"

She shrugged as she walked up.

"Not my fault that you're ugly."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The S.S. Orgy Porgy Borgy

"Hey, bitch--"

Mariah didn't even look over, she just continued fanning herself casually. It was Tory who looked at Madison and barked, "I ain' no bitch-- who you callin' bitch, ya bitch?!"

"I thought you said Blake was on the front of the boat? We look back there and he ain't even there. What 'fraid we'll take your little sugar daddy from you? Not my fault that you're ugly."

And of course, Tory was practically growling like a damn attack dog, before Mariah placed a placating hand upon his shoulder. With a pat pat, she turned to face Madison, Tory between them, and she began to fan him. In a rather warning tone, she began, "Sis..." her brows raised as she looked from Tory, to Madison, as if trying to non-verbally communicate Madison had better chill.

"I ain't sure if you notice but," with her other hand, Mariah gestured quite dramatically to the ship, "Number one, this ship big as fuck. Number two? Do it look like I got a damn GPS tracker on a damn millionare? Number three, who the fuck is you wit' yo Purple People Eater swimsuit havin', Mad Max wanna be haircut head, hot-air balloon titties havin' ass?"

Tory started laughing as Mariah continued, actually lowering the volume of her voice, "We been called worse by betta-- you can go take them ashy lips, knees, and attitude back to the Motel dumpster mattress ya mom scraped you off for child support for you fuck around n' sink the ship, with yo' fat ass Godzilla steps-- felt you walk over here before you even said shit-- Plus Blake over there puttin' out fires n' shit anyway. Bye." Sure, she could have lead with that but Madison has just called her friend a bitch-- an ugly bitch. That man didn't deserve that. At this point, Tory was doubled over wheezing in laughter, and Mariah continued fanning him. Her face? A stoic and neutral mask as she projected hella 'say something else' vibes.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The look on Blake fucking Schmidt’s face was priceless. Lyss felt her grin growing wider as she saw the fear in his eyes. She even took a step towards him as he stepped away from her. It would have felt so good to just sock him in the nose right at that moment…

… but she knew it would only get herself and the Coven into trouble. She needed to get him alone before he would get what he deserved. Somewhere private, like, ugh, one of his rooms below deck. So she kept her composure. Even though the grin was still on her face, she didn’t make any move to threaten him. Instead, she relaxed her body and allowed it to be fluid and graceful as she edged her way towards him.

“Don’t you recognize me in this meatsuit, Mr. Schmidt?” She let the words fall off of her tongue like sugar. “I know she’s not exactly your type, but she is a suitable vessel.”

She was close to him now and could see that he was beginning to realize what she was getting at. Her hand came up to rest on his shoulder, and she leaned forwards to whisper in his ear. “That pesky Coven is gone. I wiped them off of the face of the Earth like I will to all of your enemies.”

She pulled away from him now, and her hand reached to stroke the scruff on his chin. To her disgust, Blake suddenly had a devilish smile on his face. She couldn’t let her disgust show. So instead she turned from him and walked a few paces towards the back of the boat. “Come now, Mr. Schmidt. I think we have to discuss our next moves privately.” She rolled her eyes to herself before turning back to give him a sultry grin. “I understand there is more to give you now that I have a body.”

His fucking eyes are about to pop out.

Now completely immersed in his thoughts of… whatever “The Outsider” might give him behind closed doors, Lyss led him down to the bottom floor. She made sure he followed, but kept a distance between them that would ensure that he’d think she still held the cards. He was following her. The real Outsider would have created chaos above deck, but he had no idea. Whatever deal they’d made before she attacked the girls, The Outsider definitely agreed to give him more since he freed her. Lyss assumed that she was most likely going to just give him some sort of extra-normal curse or blessing and be on her way to destroy the world. Whatever would satisfy Blake Schmidt until she destroyed his empire as well.

They were now nearing the doors to the various rooms. She turned to look at him. Her eyes were firm, but she needed him to pick the room. A room that he would know was entirely private. Well, private until the rest of the girls made their way downstairs. She’d noticed Claudette looking their way. Claudette would be smart enough to know to gather the others and send them this way.

Once Lyss had followed Blake into a room, she found herself a chair to sit in and gestured for him to sit across from her.

“Now, Mr. Schmidt. You freed me, and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful that I have now found a vessel because of you. What can I do to repay your generosity?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

Madison's "plan" was going perfectly. She was attracting all this attention her way and maybe if she stretches it far enough, she can lure out Mr. Schmidt. Though, some of the comments this little Manny Pacquiao looking motherfucker said to her started getting under her skin. So her plan wasn't going perfectly.

"The fuck you just say to me?" Madison said, moderately heated. "I think you don't realize, but no was talkin' to your baby dick having ass in the first place. So goodbye. And while yo' is gone, get your eyes checked out. I know you're used to fuckin' methed out old bitches behind dumpsters, but I ain't fat at all, dickhead."

Tory whistled lowly at the response from Madison. Mariah, smirking, returned with a, "Oh honey, anyone'd rather fuck a meth-head behind a dumpster than you." She fanned herself now, taking up a tone of voice that indicated she was used to this kind of thing, as she continued, "I bet your pussy's like goin' into a crypt-- dry, full of webs, and dead. Can smell it from here, sis."

"Only thing you're smelling is your own, sister," Madison smugly said as she looked around. "I'm sorry I actually look like a chick instead of some ugly ass man in a wig. Can't wait to see your ass in twenty years after you gained thirty hundred pounds and got twelve kids."

Mariah couldn't suppress a slight chuckle then, "Hard to smell anything when you're smellin' your own breath, ain't it?" Tory was leaning against the railing now, clearly chill with the situation. He was just shaking his head and laughing along to the insults-- probably taking notes. "And I'd rather look a man than a chick that got hit by the train-- but only in the face," she finished with amusement.

"I can get hit with a train and still look fly," Madison boasted as she crossed her arms. "You on the other hand, if your dollar store ass makeup gets smudged you'd look like Jason without the mask on."

Mariah laughed and Tory did too at that last one. Were they just having fun at this point? Mariah didn't skip a beat as she said, "You did look fly gettin' bit by that train, sis, but I can tell ya landed face first." She shook her head, then told Madison, "Name's Mariah, by the way, Mariah Mainline-- Drag Queen. Performer. Spicy bitch."

Grace moved towards Madison and shuffled to stand in between the two, "Hey! Hey! " She exclaimed, She looked at Mariah and mouthed a quick, "Nice to meet you." before jumping her attention to Madison, "Can we calm down for just a second?" She was not sure if this was friendly insulting or full-on insulting but hey it did sound like fun.

Drag performer? Madison thought to herself. For a moment, Madison felt a little bad about calling Mariah a man in a wig after hearing that. However, she sighed for a moment. "It's cool, Grace," She started, without even looking at the newbie. Her full attention was on Mariah Mainline. "Madison Brown, uh..." She tried to find a way to give herself a title. "... Instagram model, exotic dancer, and... Witch."

Madison was slowly but surely adjusting to the idea of being a "Witch" even though they didn't do any weird witch stuff. "I think there was a misunderstanding here, and I apologize for that, but before I continue..." She said as she put a hand on her chest.

"... Are ya'll with Blake? Like, in his pocket or something?"

"Yeah, sis," Mariah said to Grace then, "We calm-- and no. Blake? Not only no but FUCK no. We just here to get paid. You know. Performers n' all," Mariah shrugged as Tory started doing... squats? Narrowing her eyes at the dude, Mariah went on to say, "And you're a Witch? Funny. Technically I am too but, you know, can't claim every title. Intro'd be too long." Smiling then she told Madison, "Nice to meet you. Ain't every day I find somebody that don' crumple into a weepin' mess after a round of jabs like that."

"Yeah, I'm tough," Madison said as she balled her fist. "In more ways than one... but I saw that little magic trick you pulled over and got suspicious - okay, it's a long ass story but... shit, where the fuck do I even start, sis?" She chuckled.

"Blake pulled some shit and we're here to get back at him... and by we're I mean as in the..." Madison stopped as she finger quoted. "... The Coven."

When Madison mentioned the coven, Grace could not help but smile, as she finally part of it now? Like... Fully? After the introductions, Grace then shook her head to snap out of thinking about being in the coven to say, "Oh! I'm Grace Chua." She wanted to join the train and add titles so in her quick (But terrible) thinking she said, "Normal... Rich Asian? I guess?" She let out a small chuckle since that was pretty awkward in some right.

Mariah imitated the finger quotes as she said,
"And, Grace? Normal Rich Asian Grace is also part of 'The Coven' too, I assume?"
A moment of pause passed before Mariah said,
"How y'all gettin' back at Blake? Ain' much that can touch a Millionaire unless y'all tryna file a lawsuit."
Tory decided to add,
"They prolly is-- claim he touch all they butts o'some shit," said the guy who was still doing squats.

"Well," Madison chuckled as she said. "I'll just say normal people-" God I wish that was me. "-can't see magic, so we'll use it to scare the piss out of him, but hey..."

She trailed off for a moment as a golden idea popped into her head. "... How about we forget about that for a second? And how about you join us?"

"... And we're fo' sure not a cult." Madison had to specify because they were one.

Grace clapped her hands and let out a smile, "Oh please do join us! I've been told that the more merrier when taking a rich one down!" She exlaimed, looking over to Mariah now as waited for her answer. Maybe this one is not as big as an asshole as Quinn was when they first met. "Absolutely not a cult! It actually took some doing for me to get in it." She laughed but she was a little jealous that it took this girl literal seconds of being inducted in the coven when Grace had to do weeks of research on Quinn just to get her to take her to the coven. Life is so unfair.

"That sound like somethin' a cult say," scoffed Tory. Mariah rolled her eyes, "You mean join the cult or join y'all in beatin' up Blake? Cause either way, honey? I'm in." And of course, Tory started singing teasingly, "Cause we got pre-paid and we don' even care.~"

Madison shrugged.

"... How about both?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 2 days ago

Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.

“Now, Mr. Schmidt. You freed me, and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful that I have now found a vessel because of you. What can I do to repay your generosity?”

"Oh, I can think of something,"

Blake said as he hooked his hands into his swim trunks and almost immediately dropped them around his ankles and Lyss got a full view of his three-inch pincer. There was an immensely wide grin on his face... but, the door swung open and suddenly the walls were blanketed with darkness as several women came charging in the room. And then Blake recognized them.

"Oh, no..." Blake groaned as he realized it was the Coven. He screamed, "Help, guards!"

"They can't hear you, motherfucker!" Madison shouted as she charged him head-on and Blake tried to scramble backward and only ended up falling on his ass. His testicles hit the floor with an impact that made him scream that was absorbed by the darkness. He tried crawling away, but he felt something pressing down on his leg.... he couldn't see it, but Madison activated the Jaws and hands clamped down on him.

"Whoop his ass!"

And all Blake felt was a barrage of feet and other limbs beating the ever-loving shit out of him as he wondered why in the world was nobody saving him. What did he do to deserve this? He was a good person! He was only trying to do the right thing. He felt pain like no other as he was beaten near to death and he could only help but start crying as he curled up into a ball. Then he remembered the solver of all problems:


"Please stop!" Blake said as the barrage of feet relented. "I'll do anything! Just stop beating me up!"

"We want you to leave us alone, asshole!" Madison shouted. "Or we'll, um, tell people you touched our butts or something."

"Don't do that either!" Blake said, "I'll do anything. I'll give you money, whatever you want, wait..." Blake thought about it and then bit the bullet.

"I know what will make this all better..." Blake said as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a set of keys. "You can have my beach house! You can leave behind that ratty little amusement park you meet at and get a real Witches lair!"

"... This better not be a trap,"

"Please, I promise you, I'll drop off money every week so you all can be happy, just don't tell them I touched you, please!" He pulled a hundred dollar bills out the same drawer and threw them at their feet in hopes that they leave them alone.

The girls looked between each other and smiled.

The new lair.

"Holy shit!"

Madison said as she approached the house in her car with Claudette (and a few others) and parked in front of the place. The others had their ride but Madison stepped out as she looked at the place. If she wasn't mildly convinced that Blake was bullshitting them she wouldn't mind living here. Claudette was the one with the keys however as she walked up.

"Ah, the moment of truth," Claudette said as she stuck the keys in and turned it. Not that it was in any doubt because she knew that Blake wasn't going to risk it. She pushed the door open and the first sight was a lavish living room that was well furnished-

"... I wouldn't walk in here barefoot," Madison chuckled. "There's probably a little bit Blake on every surface." She laughed again as Claudette around.

"Well... say hello to our new lair!" Claudette said.

"Hello new lair," Madison chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders and looked around. "I think we should clean this place sometimes, but that sometimes ain't now."

Madison said as she turned around and walked out the door.

"I'm gonna get high as fuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

The next night Madison tried to call Kayla and yet again her answering machine dinged. Madison just left a message and... let it all out.

"Oh, hi, Kayla. I know I called you a few times and you haven't been answering so I decided to be corny and just leave a voice mail. I'm kinda surprised you got one set up in the first place, but I don't know what's going on in your life or if you just got tired of us. I just wanted to say.... well, thank you for everything you've done. With the Hound and all and taking charge when Agatha left. I know it didn't last long but thank you. Mr. Schmidt didn't take getting side hoe'd too well so he sent a monster after us but don't worry, we beat it. Now we got a brand new place and it's starting to get better just, um, please just give me a call or something. Just to make sure that you're okay or if it really was something I said, please just give me a chance to make it up to you. If not, then, at least I tried. Love you, sis."

A few hours later, Madison got a reply.

Hey Maddie,

I apologize for falling off the grid. The law caught up with me some, and I’m laying low. I’ll spare you the details, because the less you know the better. I’m staying with the only family I have left until this all blows over.

I’ll return soon. Don't die in the meantime.

Tampa General Hospital.

It took Emily a few hours to regain consciousness... her fucking eyes were burning as the first thing she saw was the, well, overhead light. She instinctively closed her eyes as she slowly opened them up as her eyes adjusted to the light. Emily heard the beeping of that vital signs monitor and it was driving her up the God damn wall. Well, she her heart was definitely beating, so she didn't need it. Though, while the temptation to pull this wire off of her body was great, she didn't want to fuck something actually important up.

It took a minute or two before she could finally fully open her eyes and actually see and that was her prompt to see upright. She looked around. She was definitely in a hospital room, probably the same exact hospital that her younger sister was in.

A sigh escaped Emily's lips.

She looked up and saw the new chick she met the night prior and Herik... and what was strange was that there was a green strand connecting them to each other. It was like a glowing string... that began on Herik's chest and connected itself to Vashti. Perfectly straight and erect as if it was being pulled to its limit, except not.

"Huh...?" Emily trailed off as she pointed at it, "... What the hell is that thing? You guys can see see that, right?"

"Oh my gosh, Emily, you're awake!" Vashti sprung up from her seat with a wide smile and a surprised look in her eyes. She took a few steps towards the girl and froze when Emily pointed, following the finger past her towards the wall. For a moment, Vashti was ready to see something horrible looming over where she had been sitting. However, she saw nothing. In a way,that was worse.

"See what?" asked Vashti, her eyes darting between Emily, the wall, and Herik. She bit her lip as she realized that Emily might not be fully lucid and walked towards the door, extending the green strand as she moved further away from Herik. She paused with her hand on the door handle and said,"I'm gonna go get a nurse."

"Wait, stop!" Emily commanded for two reasons... for starters, she saw the strand stretching between the two and didn't know what it was. And also she didn't want the nurses of this place thinking that she was any crazier than usual. "There's a green string attaching the two of you... I'm the only one that can see it right? It's because I've finally snapped and gone crazy, right? Or..."

Emily looked at her hand.

"... It's something magic, right?"

"Yeah? Yeah, it's totally something magic," said Vashti, trying to be supportive. She stopped and let go of the door handle, looking back and forth for the green string that Emily was so insistent on existing. She leaned against the door. If she wasn't going to get a nurse, she was going to at least make sure that Emily wasn't losing it.

"We can figure out what that magic is in a moment, but first are you feeling okay Emily? Do you remember what happened?" asked Vashti.

"Yeah, I do," Emily damn near hissed as the mere thought started pissing her off. "Babylon betrayed us... please tell me you all didn't go after her..."

There was a brief moment of concern on Emily's face before she finished.

"... Because she's mine."

For Lyss, it was almost yet another meeting with Maximilian. He requested that they meet at a place known as The Coffee House. Lyss had taken a seat towards the back. Somewhere private, where they could speak without overeager ears nearby. She wasn't sure whether this was one of their scheduled meetings, or something different. She was hoping it was just a checkup. After the look on Meifeng's face after the Outsider attacked she wasn't sure if they could continue without interference.

So, she sat sipping her coffee and wondering how she could respond to either situation. If it was just business, she'd need to hide the "illegal" actions against Blake. If it wasn't, she'd need to find a way to ask him to slow down. Letting him down would be the hardest.

"... Oh, hello there, friend," Lyss heard the familiar voice of Meifeng Liao as she walked up to her spot. She was wearing sunglasses, a plain black baseball cap, a grey hoodie with black leggings, and blue and white Nike sneakers. "Fancy meeting you here."

Lyss slowly set her cup down onto the table. Her eyebrow rose as she met Meifeng's eyes. What the hell is she doing here? Her tone was cool and collected, but her face expressed the tiniest bit of annoyance. [colorr=D3D3D3]"What's the occasion, Agent Meifeng?"[/color]

"Oh, we're friends now?" Meifeng chuckled at the usage of her first name. "We're on a first-name basis...? Oh, I guess didn't get that memo..." She trailed off as she sat down next to Lyss and crossed her legs. She casually fiddled with her fingertips as she looked down at her feet before she said.

"... Just like the memo of you and Cornell's little entanglement - but since we're on a first-name basis now, Maximilian."

Lyss shrugged her shoulders, although inside she was cursing herself. For satan's sake, Lyss, why did you have to fuck one of her agents? She took a deep breath and looked Meifeng right in the eyes. "It was a judgment made under the influence of alcohol. I have no intention to," she put air quotes around the next word, "corruptyour agent."

"Or was it? I don't know, I wasn't there," Meifeng shrugged as she tried to blow off that comment as she narrowed her eyes. "Nor am I in your little head, missy... This could all be a little play by your Not-so-Lesbian Sex Cult to get information from my organization."

Meifeng smiled as she said.

"... I'll just play stupid until it's your turn."

For a second she almost let Meifeng have the next word, but she knew that this wasn't the only reason for her visit. "Why are you here?"

"Well," Meifeng shrugged. "I wanted to personally put a stop to this whole thing between you and Maximilian because it's clouding his judgment... I need my agents in tip-top shape, physically and mentally. I don't know what he told you, but if he told you what I think he-" Definitely "-told you, you know that he might just be the savior of us all." She then scoffed.

Lyss's jaw tensed at Meifeng's words. She couldn't agree more that it should end, but somehow hearing it from Meifeng made her want to keep going. Plus, it sounded like Maximillian was feeling the same way as her. She sat back in her chair and sighed softly. If anything, she wouldn't contact Max again. If he contacted her first... well, she wasn't sure what to do then.

"But, I do have a reason...." Meifeng chuckled. "... What business do you all have with Babylon the Great? You know that thing is the embodiment of evil, right? It puts your little Coven in a different light, so to speak." She continued playing with her fingers.

Her eyes narrowed for a moment. It sounded almost like Meifeng was blaming the entire Coven for Babylon's treachery. As if they harbored an evil spirit because they were in league with it. To be honest, Lyss was surprised that the apparition had been so "kind" to the Coven up until it looked like the Outsider had won. So Lyss relaxed and continued.

"Babylon was affixed to Emily. None of us liked her presence. I'm assuming she was attached to Emily because she thought the Coven would grow in power." She shrugged again. "To me, it looks like Babylon decided to cut loose when the Outsider showed. I do have an intention to search for her, but at this point, I'd assume she is long gone."

She suddenly frowned. "If I ever see her again, I will ensure that she is sealed into the smallest cage possible and tossed into the world's deepest hole."

From what Lyss was saying, it seemed as if the Coven was ignorant of her true nature... However, it was that Emily girl that she needed to have a word with. For now, Meifeng just said, "Noted, I take it the rest of the Coven didn't know... or were too frightened to deal with her."

She suddenly remembered what Meifeng said about Babylon and tilted her head to the side. "What happened when you first met Babylon? You mentioned that you'd dealt with her before."

"I crossed paths with her a few months ago while in Pennslyvania..." Meifeng trailed off for a moment. "That thing tried to kill my son, and also declared that it would kill my entire family, so..."

"... I don't have a high opinion of Babylon."

Lyss frowned. While she'd never had a child of her own, and most likely never will, she was sure that it would piss anyone off if their young had been attacked. Especially by an apparition that then threatened her entire family before disappearing into a Coven. Meifeng's story was slowly becoming clearer every time Lyss spoke to her or Max. As much as Lyss still disliked the woman, she didn't hate her.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Really." She sighed softly, looked at her coffee for a few seconds, and then looked back at Meifeng. "I understand that you have more pressing matters than chasing after Babylon."

"I will turn the Coven's focus onto hunting her down. I can't promise anything, but I can take that burden off of your shoulders and the DENs priority list."

"No need," Meifeng nearly hissed but stopped herself. "It is the DENS' responsibility to handle Extra-Normal threats, not yours... if anything, it is my fault that it happened in the first place." She sighed with a soft sigh. However, there was something else that Meifeng had to say but she wasn't sure if it was a great idea.

"I came here for another reason, it's a bit rough..." She played with her fingers a bit before she continued."... I'm sad that it's coming from me, but a few days ago we found one of your little friends dead."

Meifeng started. "I won't show you the pictures because it's pretty ugly, but we've identified her as..." Meifeng shook her head.

"... Izumi Sasaki."

Lyss knew there was something wrong when Meifeng started fiddling with her fingers. The touch of anxiety and remorse was extremely human for the agent. She wasn't expecting good news, but she wasn't expecting something this... horrible.

Lyss felt her heart drop into her stomach. She pressed her lips together and her eyes searched the coffee cup for some way to handle the grim reality. Two members of the Coven dead. Within days of each other. Agatha wasn't the best leader, yes, but no one had died under her supervision either.

She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath through her nose before exhaling slowly. When she spoke, her voice was strained. "How did she die?" If this had anything to do with Babylon, she was going to hunt the bitch down to the ends of the Earth.

"She was killed by..." Meifeng paused as she tried to find some way to phrase this. She didn't want to play this game of ambiguous with Lyss, but she knows that Lyss knows what she knows. She sighed. "... Annabelle Heart, it's consistent with her other killings. There's no ambiguity about it."

It was distressing... Annabelle had killed so many innocent people and they were seemingly helpless to stop her. If they had the resources they would seal her off in another dimension, but they'd just be making her someone else's problem. Meifeng still had something to say.

"I... just wanted to let you know. Just be... careful out there. I know we started on the wrong foot, but I think people like us need to look out for each other, yes?"

Lyss continued to stare at her coffee as she listened. Her grip on the mug tightened, but she made no other expression to show her anger. Why did Annabelle attack her? Izzy wouldn't have sought her out on her own. It couldn't have been random, could it?

Lyss finally raised her eyes to look at Meifeng during her last few words. She had a million things to say in return, but instead, she just nodded.

"Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist the DENs. While my friends may not be so keen, I am willing to ally with you to put this Annabelle curse to rest."

Meifeng shook her head again.

"Again, it is not my place to ask you for help," Meifeng softly began. "All I ask is that you make sure your sisters don't do anything else brash or reckless and stays safe. That's all."

Lyss nodded again and let go of her coffee cup. She took another breath before standing. "I should go tell the others what has happened." She looked at Meifeng, almost reluctant to say: "Thank you... For telling me about Izzy. I think we can look past our first meeting now."

"We have come to terms," Meifeng shrugged as she got up from the chair and began walking off. "Stay safe, friend."

After she got up, Maximilian conveniently texts her.

"Hey... do you want to meet sometime today?"

Despite Meifeng's warning moments ago, Lyss texted back.

"Yes. Meet in an hour?"

The Greenwood Coven.

Shit, are we too late?

Kimberly thought to herself as she was running up through the gates of the Greenwood Estates, or the Greenwood Vampire Coven as she's come to identify them as. There was a fire... she could see the orange glow it gave off and the smoke that came from it. Good thing that she worked on her cardio because she was running fast as she could... and Rowan at her side. At this point, she wasn't even worried about whether or not the camera was rolling because she had to get there.

Kimberly stopped when she saw blood on the ground and it made a trail behind a trailer. She peeked around and saw... shit. A skeleton that was completely stripped of all flesh and was barely even a few puddles of blood left. Then she saw the various other dead bodies, leaving a trail of destruction straight to her. She looked back at Rowan before she nodded her head.

She reached into her satchel and pulled out a mason jar with a glowing blue liquid in it.

"You got one chance, Kim," Rowan said.

"That means we can't fuck it up," Kimberly said as she shook her head... If it even works in the first place. Kimberly looked at the jar.

They heard a man scream in the distance and nodded again as Kimberly pulled out her camera and began taking photographs of various points. As she ran up to the center of the Greenwood coven... it was where all the dead bodies of the vampires were laid all over the place. Ripped to shreds by her... some were missing heads, cut in half and Kimberly wondered what prompted this madness.

And her.

"... Please, I don't know what we did to piss you off, lady!" Frederick shouted as Annabelle Heart, in her black robe, held him up by the cuff of his shirt. "But, let us live! I don't know what you want."

And Annabelle Heart didn't even reply as she yanked him forward with one hand and began chomping down his neck. She kept eating away at his neck until his head rolled off his shoulders. She threw him to the ground as the Greenwood Coven was left in pieces... and it was time for her to feast. She knelt as she began eating away at him as fast as she could, shoving limb by limb down her throat until there was hardly anything left.

While this was going on, Kimberly nodded at Rowan as they enacted the plan that they had rehearsed time and time again. She sighed as she tried to harden her resolve as hard as she could. Because she could solve this in one minute if she just gets this potion on her. It all was on her shoulders, and as her legs and arms began shook, she took step after step.

Annabelle Heart, in the heat of her gluttonous rampage, was nearly blown in two as a bullet dug a massive hole in her body. A second later Kimberly heard the sniper shot. A few moments later the wound began to close up as Annabelle Heart whipped her head around towards Kimberly.

"... You!"

She shouted as she dropped the arm of that Greenwood vampire she was eating and lunged at Kimberly, only for another round to cut through the air and hit her. It hit her directly in the chest and blew off her arm and it quickly began regenerating as Kimberly figured that it was time to stop fooling around and throw the potion. It flew through the air directly towards Annabelle as Kimberly was banking everything on it finally curing her. The potion shattered on contact and covered her in the blue liquid and Kimberly smiled widely.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" Kimberly hopped up in the air in joy as the terror of Annabelle was finally over...

... And she stopped when she realized that it wasn't doing anything. That smile turned upside down as Annabelle quickly regenerated from the wounds and stood straight up. "I told you to stay away, Kimberly..."

"I told you to stop hurting innocent people," Kimberly said as she pulled out a photograph as she knew a direct fight with Annabelle was suicide. She took steps back towards Rowan as he began walking towards her.

"I won't stop until I kill Saul..."

"Saul's not here, Annabelle," Kimberly sharply said.

"I..." Annabelle was at a loss for words as she walked towards Kimberly- and yet another bullet hit her in the chest and brought her to her knees. However, a man soared through the air at lightning speeds and collided with Annabelle, and the impact sent shockwaves through the air and earth. It was enough to knock Kimberly on her ass as Annabelle went flying into a building.

Kimberly was helped to her feet by Rowan as she saw a tall man floating through the air with his arms crossed. Honestly, she was a bit stunned by the whole getting knocked over on her ass thing. The man looked over her shoulder, as he said,

"Kimberly Walton," Maximilian said to her, "Get out of here."

"Don't have to tell me twice..." Kimberly muttered as she pulled out another photograph of her motel room. The two focused on it and they disappeared in a flash of light not too different from a camera's flash.

Out of the wreckage of the building Annabelle came charging out on all fours. Her robe in tatters from being repeatedly shot to pieces and running through a building... she turned her head towards her aggressor, Maximilian Cornell.

"... Now, who the hell are you?"

"Nothing personal, but I have to stop you," Maximilian said as he pointed his hand towards Annabelle and a barrage of blue crystals came out of his hand that was long and spear-like. They dug themselves into the ground, and several impaled Annabelle. She loudly hissed as she swiped her claws and sliced them to pieces as she began running. Maximilian kept the assault as Annabelle Heart ducked behind a building, and he pointed his hand at it, and out came a massive stream of blue crystals like a beam that broke through the building.

It caused an explosive growth of crystals that destroyed the house but Annabelle hopped on top of it and lunged at Maximilian. It was so fast that he barely managed to put up a barrier of crystals to stop her from impaling him. However, he was falling backward and quickly activated his abstraction that halts his momentum. He came to stop mid-air as Annabelle was savagely clawing at him and tearing off the crystals. Maximilian swung around and slammed her with his hand and caused a massive impact that sent her flying off of him.

In mid-air, Annabelle flipped over and landed on her feet and came to a skidding stop... and dropped her weight as she lunged at Maximilian again and swiped her claws at him. He put up both hands and created a shield of crystals that stopped the slashing but Annabelle slammed her arms on them. She slammed them on one time that caused the crystals to begin cracking, but Maximilian sent them flying directly at her and slashed up her robe. He cocked his fist for another punch but Annabelle dodged it when it came and slashed his fast...

... However, her claws didn't do as much damage as she was hoping due to Maximilian's Emotional Field on overdrive. She then tackled him to the ground as she kept slashing and slashing at him, and eventually, a massive grown of crystals came out of his body and launched Annabelle up into the air. And Maximilian flew towards her and punched her square in the stomach as a massive impact that would have killed anyone else caused several bones in her body to crack.

She went skidding across the floor and when she stopped she coughed up blood and began laughing.

"... You finally made me bleed."

"I'm going to do more than that!" Maximilian shouted as he charged her yet again and Annabelle Heart sidestepped it and kicked him square in the back and grabbed him by the leg. She slammed him to the ground effortlessly, again and again, swinging around a grown-ass man like he was a rag-dog.






She raised him for one final slam and pounded him onto the ground.


He hit the ground but he activated his impact force and the resulting shockwave sent Annabelle flying... it was enough to get her to let him go. Maximilian got to his hands and knees as he coughed - which he quickly covered before he looked at it.

"See? You made me bleed, too. Guess we're even."

Annabelle let out a hellish screech as she grabbed at her helmet and tore it off... finally revealing her face. Or lack thereof. Her eyes were sunken, and glowing red, as her facial features were strange, lengthened. Her skin was chalk white and there were only scraps of brown hair on the top of her head. She then tore off the rest of her robe... and she was skin and bones. There was not an ounce of fat nor muscle on her body as she looked as if she shouldn't even be able to take a step without collapsing. Not take punches that'd knock over buildings or throw grown men around. She was caked with the blood, sewage, and the various fluids of her victims and that contributed to her horrid odor. Annabelle's hands and feet were stretched out to be massive claws that could impale a man easily.

"... You're just another sympathizer of that fucking monster!"

Maximilian raised a hand to signal his little sniper to ease off with the shooting. He got up to his hands and feet... he wasn't going to let her know that it felt like he broke a rib or two during that attack. He spits out blood as he looked at Annabelle, despite his mission to kill this woman (and it was not going well as she was seemingly unkillable).

"... Who? What exactly cause all of this?"

Annabelle started laughing as she began clawing at her face.

"... You know, you're the first person to ask that," Annabelle said, "It's all Saul's fault."

"Who?" Maximilian said as that wasn't very descriptive.

"Luther Saul!" Annabelle screamed into the heavens. "He... killed my friends. It's because of him I am this... and it's why I have to kill him to stop!"

"What did he do to you?" Maximilian said before he seethed in pain. "Please, I don't want this to ever happen again."

Annabelle's eyes narrowed at Maximilian.

"It's never going to happen again..." Annabelle hissed. "... Because I'll drown the world in blood just to kill him! Now get out of my way or you're next!" She lunged at Maximilian... before another round pierced through her body and put a hole in her.

Maximilian took this golden opportunity to charge Annabelle with his abstraction and shoved his fist into the open wound and created as many crystals as he could. In an attempt to stop her healing.

He felt something impact him in the stomach as he lunged forward, coughing up blood... and he looked down to see Annabelle's claws piercing through his stomach. She yanked them out as he took a few steps backward out of sheer shock and fell to his knees.

"Maximilian!" Sonya screamed from her vantage point as Annabelle turned towards her. Shit. She quickly got down behind her Barrett M82A1 and looked down the scope and shot Annabelle Heart directly in the head. The 50. caliber round blew her head clean off as she fell over, but Sonya looked over to Maria. "Get him out of there!" She just prayed that Meifeng and the others would get here in time.

And Maria melted herself down into a black ink as she cut through the environment straight towards Maximilian. She engulfed him like a massive wave while applying bandages to his wounds and carried him away. Annabelle had regenerated her head at this point, but Sonya fired around round to disable her while Maximilian was getting out of here. She kept firing, and firing, to no effect other than slowing her down for a few moments. Eventually, she emptied the mag but Annabelle near-instantly regenerated all of that.

She climbed back to her feet as she looked at Sonya. She took off into the woods at lightning speed and Sonya hissed.

"Ribbit," Sonya said as she shifted into her frog form and packed up the 50. cal rifle and slung it over her shoulders. Meifeng would kill her if she lost Annabelle. She trusted that Maria would get Maximilian to safety...

Annabelle's lair.

A few hours later, Annabelle Heart slowly trudged her way back to her lair. On the way back she grabbed some black bed sheets that were hung out to dry but forgotten and wrapped them around herself. She'd have to go out to find another deer-skull or something... she sighed as she kept walking towards an abandoned house far east outside of Tampa towards Seffner. She clawed her way inside as she sighed.


Annabelle near-instantly heard the chipper voice of Sophia. She was wearing a black hoodie and jeans and Adidas sneakers and... Annabelle stepped past her as she slumped herself down against the wall. She looked up at the night sky through the hole in the ceiling.

"What's wrong, Annabelle? Giving me the silent treatment?"

"I..." Annabelle said. "Am just not in a talking mood."


"It's just... hard," Annabelle sighed, "Doing all of this."

"Then why not stop, sis?" Sophia said.

"Because... people like that bastard would let Saul burn the whole world down."

"Well, ummmmmmm..." Sophia said, "How about we talk about... something else? Like you need some TLC, big sis!"

Annabelle sighed as Sophia walked over to her.

"Just look at yourself," Sophia chuckled, "Always walking around in robes, and cloaks, and bedsheets? What are you? Batman?" She giggled as she covered her mouth as Annabelle rolled her eyes.

"I do look at myself," Annabelle answered, "I'm not even human anymore, Sophie."

"Well, ummmmmmmm..." Sophia answered, "Humanity isn't... like... what's on the outside, you feel me? It's on the inside."

Annabelle started chuckling.

"I feel even more monstrous on the inside!" She laughed before she slowly cut off. "I want to go back... back to the old days..."

"Doesn't everyone, big sis?" Sophia said. "I missed the days of living right on Virginia Beach! We could just walk out and go to the beach! Anytime we wanted! But dad said it was too expensive and then we had to move away... but... stuff happens, you know?"

Annabelle Heart sighed before she curled up into a ball on the ground and started crying.

"... This is all my fault," She started, "If I didn't suggest we go to the beach, then we would have never got stuck out there! All of us would still be alive and I wouldn't be this thing!" She loudly cried as Sophia patted her on the side.

"There, there..." Sophia said. "... It wasn't your fault at all. Sometimes... Shit just happens."

"When Saul's dead... I will stop, I promise," Annabelle said.

"... Are you sure you can even keep that promise?" Sophia said, "You know, you say that you'll stop at Saul, and then when he's dead, then it'll be you'll stop when you want to."

And to that, Annabelle had no response.

"But, how about we go for a walk? Get some fresh air?" She said as she offered a hand. "It's too musky in here."

"... Sure," Annabelle took her hand as she wiped the tears away. "Let's go."

The Forgiven Compound.

The very night of the destruction of the Greenwood estates, Luther Saul was in his office and pouring whiskey into, well, a whiskey glass. He was sitting on his desk as he sighed before he took a sip of his whiskey. It was all the same thing again, and again.... and he looked forward and saw a portal, a circular and otherworldly thing, open up on the other side of the room. The portal was glowing with a bright orange light and had several lengthy orange tendrils extended from outside the portal. Looking into the portal seemed to be less like a portal into a different place and more like the entrance to a living being. Like it's gaping maw.

And out stepped the Messiah, looking glorious and regal in robes.

"Messiah!" Saul was almost compelled to bow down. He dropped to his hands and knees as the Messiah walked up to his side.

"I wanted to know your progress, Saul," The Messiah softly spoke.

"Messiah, the Greenwood Coven is no more,"

"... Was it by your doing?" The Messiah asked. "Because it seems like Annabelle consumed them in an attempt to get even stronger."

For once, Saul was at a loss for words, "... At least those dredges are gone."

"Which leaves Annabelle, the government dogs, and the Witches..." The Messiah said as they put their hands together from underneath the robe. "Government dogs seem to devote a lot of energy into defeating Annabelle, however..." The Messiah trailed off.

"... They are not able to stop her, I can feel it."

"Then who can?" Saul asked.

"Mother can... are you doubting her infinite power again, Saul?" The Messiah gave Saul the side-eyed and Saul almost pissed himself. "Remember what I told you the last time you doubted her? What would happen?" The Messiah put their fingertips together.

"No-no, Messiah!" Saul quickly answered.

"Good," The Messiah said, "Because if you place your faith in Mother, she will grant you everything you want and desire and grace you in her loving glow... On your feet."

Saul immediately hopped to his feet and he looked at the Messiah as they walked towards the door. "Mother requests an offering to remain happy... you better have one."

"Of course, Messiah!" Saul said, "Everything is ready!"

"Good," The Messiah trailed off.

"... Then show me."

In the deep dark depths of the Forgiven compound, there was a place that nobody knew about, except for those in the know. The high ranking inner-circle of Saul and the Messiah... and they walked through the basement up until they reached a metal door. Standing at each side of it was Savannah and Dean Farrow, and they both opened the door for the two leaders of the Forgiven. When the door opened, the small room was illuminated with dozens of candles which gave it an orange glow... and in the middle of the room was a table, with a woman that was bound to each end. Completely nude, and her body was covered in various symbols - primarily REDEMPTION was written all over her body.

Her eyes were covered with a cloth as she screamed as possible when she heard the door open... but it was slammed shut the very second that the two stepped in. She was loudly gasping for air as she tried thrashing around, but the Messiah walked over to her and put their hand on her chin. They rotated it until they saw the brand on the side of her neck. The Messiah smiled.

"... Calm down, child," The Messiah started, "You will be presented to Mother shortly for judgment."

"I don't know what's going on!? Please let me go!" The woman shouted.

"You lived a long and sinful life..." The Messiah let go of her face as they took a step back. "It's time for you to be... Redeemed."

The Messiah raised both hands into the air and the woman felt a strange presence... a massive hole, in reality, was ripped right above her. It went into an orange void of spark and embers... but the light that was emanated off from the void felt like a living creature touching her. Slowly came out several tendrils that appeared to be made out of sparks, dying embers, and orange light that hid a horrific black mass withering underneath it. The tendrils descended and wrapped themselves around the woman and violently ripped her from what bounded her. It was so violent that it broke her arms and legs, and it gradually dragged her into the void, screaming for mercy from a thing that couldn't understand nor care. As she went into it... the Messiah floated up alongside her.

The two disappeared into the portal and the portal closed, disappearing without a trace. Leaving Saul, Savannah, and Dean in the room.... and Saul turned around as he said, "... I want you two to track down the Coven that's in Tampa."

Dean nodded.

"And then what?"

"I want you to watch them, figure out what their plan is, and what their next move is..." Saul sighed as he put his hands into his pockets. "... We will eliminate them, and whoever else is affiliated with them."

Kimberly Walton's hotel room.

In a liquor store not too far away, Kimberly was wearing a purple hoodie that was so oversized that it covered up the fact that she was wearing short-shorts. She walked in and threw the hood up as she walked over to the whiskey section... she wasn't much of a drinker, but she just grabbed the most expensive bottle of whiskey that she saw and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a photograph of her hotel room and focused on it... almost instantly teleporting over to her hotel room in a flash. A flash that the blind couldn't see, and it just appeared as if she disappeared in thin air.

Kimberly immediately grabbed the cap and turned it and downed as much as she could... before the burning hot sensation filled her mouth and throat and she ended up coughing it up. Kimberly awkwardly wiped the whiskey off as she went over to the bed and sat down.

"... You know that was stupid, right?" Rowan said as he leaned up against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

Kimberly hiccuped, "Eh, what does it fucking matter?" She said as she took a smaller sip of the alcohol and almost instantly felt the buzz overcome her. "We got these powers for a reason! Might as well fucking use them!" She took another sip as she was getting drunk as hell.

"Kim," Rowan said, "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

Kimberly grinned.

"You know what's wrong, Rowan!" Kimberly shouted, "Nothing we tried ever worked!" Kimberly chucked the bottle of whiskey across the room until it hit the wall and shattered instantly. Tears began running down her face. She pointed at the window.

"And she's out there, killing more people, getting even stronger! What the fuck is the point of even trying anymore? We're not strong-"

Rowan broke the distance between themselves and put his hands on her shoulders and gave her one solid shake to end her rant. He looked her dead in the eye as he said, "Kim, we'll find away. I promise."

"Well..." Kimberly slurred, "... Don't make promises you can't keep."

"You need to sleep off that alcohol... we need to take a break, we'll drive ourselves crazy obsessing over t-" Rowan tried to say before Kimberly lunged at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She planted a deep kiss into Rowan's mouth that wasn't entirely unwelcome.

"... Let's both take our minds off of her." Kimberly said as she began taking off her hoodie.

Orlando, Florida.

The tea kettle loudly began whistling which barely obscured the... other sounds.

The young woman came and poured herself a nice glass of tea in the white mug... which turned a dark brown color as she stirred it around with the honey and lemon inside. After letting it simmer a bit, she took a sip... and then she turned her head around towards the family that was so gracious to take her in. And so gracious to give her their money. And the young woman repaid their kindness by just placing them underneath her spell. They were having sex with each other since the night she came and knocked on their door and the morning light came and they were still doing it. Probably until they died.

It was unfortunate that she had to, but this was the easiest way for her to gain access to their resources. It was awhile since she was in a meat suit and forgot that she was bound by their stupid meat suit rules... she had to eat, sleep, and all of that nonsense. Which was that she was so excited to make the multiverse fear her yet again so she can dump it for her true form.

The empire of sin and degeneracy will begin anew!

This body was not to Babylon's liking... not attractive enough for her tastes, and Ellie was definitely not physically capable of taking ravishings as Babylon appreciated. Babylon took another sip of her tea as she watched... part of her wanted to join in, but she had to leave as soon as possible. That pesky Coven was probably hot on her trail and the last thing that Babylon wanted was to deal with those stupid upstarts ever again.

Bah! The mere thought of them upset Babylon, so much potential, thrown away! Kayla wielded power like no other but she was misguided, narrow-minded, and foolish. Alyssa was far too busy worrying about doing the wrong thing and flaunting her heritage than realizing she was a Black Lux... the most feared type out there! Quinn was a similar, narrow-minded, fool that had wasted her golden Lux. Madison had the Jaws at her fingertips and barely uses his strength. Herik had so many women at his beck and call, yet he tried to be nice. Claudette... well, she's not long for this world. At least Maya spoke her language from time to time. The point was that they could if they had more than two brain cells to share, become one of the most powerful organizations out there! Yet, they sat on their ass and bickered.

No wonder Agatha left. Oh! Maybe I'll visit her later.

Babylon finished her tea. It was time to leave... before anyone got suspicious. It didn't matter long as she got away from the Coven, but she figured that the little government strike team was more of a problem. Which meant that she had to play her next few moves very carefully. That meant not leaving a discernible trail of chaos behind her that they could track. Worst comes to worst, she could dump this meat suit for a different one. Babylon could take over some little girl and pose as a kindergartener for awhile...

The ancient apparition grabbed her backpack full of all of everything that she needed and went straight for the door... and she stopped dead in her tracks when she sensed an Extra-Normal. Ah, it didn't take them that long to track me, did it? She thought to herself. Babylon immediately knelt as she walked up to the door and peeked out the window.

Standing there she saw a man she didn't recognize. He was wearing Nike-shorts, he was tall, and had on a tank top. He had his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the door. He was the Extra-Normal... and she took it that he already knew that she was in there. Babylon-in-Ellie grinned as she pulled out a lengthy kitchen knife from the backpack and opened the door and moved to the side.

When he stepped inside, Babylon lunged him with the knife... but he grabbed her wrist and near effortlessly stopped her as he stepped inside the house. He shoved her inside and closed the door behind her with his foot. Babylon smiled like a madwoman as she lunged him again and slashed at his throat and sent blood everywhere as she cut his throat... and he was still standing.

Babylon raised an eyebrow as the wound closed in a few seconds.

"... Ah, Babylon," A feminine voice came from the man. "After all this time, you haven't changed one bit."

Babylon stopped as she put the kitchen knife back in the backpack and began laughing.

"... Hemorrhagia!"

And out of Luis, gallons of blood came out of his body that seemed to be completely unnatural and it formed an Apparition made out of blood. She floated at his side as she smiled at Babylon.

"I see you're still subtle as always, Babylon," Hemorrhagia looked over her shoulder, and fortunately she couldn't see the sex pile that Babylon made out of that family. "But, I haven't seen a problem you haven't tried to solve by killing it or trying to fuck it away."

"Sometimes I do both in that order!" Babylon said with a stupid grin on her face. "But, I only killed three people on the way here." She laughed.

"... That you know of," Hemorrhagia shook her head. "Even if my organization didn't rule the Extra-Normal scene in Orlando, even if we weren't attached by a thin thread, I could still find you."

"Well, if you don't mind, I have to go..." Babylon tried to walk off, but the man grabbed her arm.

"Ah, have you met my new host Luis?" Hemorrhagia said with a cheeky grin on her face, "I'm sad to say it, but you're not going anywhere, Babylon."

"Come on, Hemorrhagia!" Babylon muttered, "I have people after me."

"Then we'll make accommodations..." Hemorrhagia floated around to Babylon-in-Ellie and grabbed onto her face. "For centuries I served you... and in return, you promised me a spot in an empire that never came to be."

"Well, there were a few hiccups."

"You were defeated by a human! Several times!"

"I also defeated several humans... if that counts for anything."

"But, I've wisened to your ways... and your incompetence," Hemorrhagia softly said. "And I was hoping that I would run into you because I want some repayment..."

"What are you looking for in return, Hemorrhagia?" Babylon said with a raised eyebrow.

"You serve me, and my new organization..."

"... And who are they?"

"... Dollhouse," Hemorrhagia, "It's an organization of Extra-Normals that give bodies to Apparitions, mold the perfect body for humans, and also we dispense cures for the various afflictions out there... also curses."

"And where do I come in on that?"

"What you do best," Hemorragia said with a smile. "Intimidation and brute force... we can give you a brand new body to throw those people you pissed off."


"But, I'm gonna have to ask that you behave yourself," Luis said with a shake of his head. "We can't have someone like you drawing unnecessary attention to us."

"Oh..." Babylon heard the moaning get fainter and more hoarse as they're probably low on water and hydration. "No promises."

Luis looked over his shoulder.

"What about them?"

"We'll have to leave them," Hemorragia said, "At this point, they know too much.... but we aren't doing this again, Babylon."

Babylon giggled.

"... No promises."

The Reed Household.


Fortunately, for the day before the Fourth of July, all Paragon Industries employees had the day off. Not that it made Emily any difference... Mr. Schmidt was so scared of her that he was practically paying her to stay away from him. He told her that he'd keep paying her as if she was working long as she stayed away. Whatever the Coven did get him scared, not that Emily cared. She had plenty of free time these last few days and intended to make the most of it.

It was primarily practicing her new abstraction... and Emily was sitting on the side of her bed and she pointed her fingertips at the glass of water that she had placed on her dresser. And out came several green tethers that attached itself to the glass and lifted the glass. Emily carried it over to her hand and looked at it. The tethers disappeared as Emily downed it. Since her awakening, she has been practicing using her abstraction. Unfortunately, this meant that the Coven was probably not going to take too kindly to her anymore. It was the looming threat of Babylon that probably kept most of them, except for the dumbest from messing with her.

However, things change, Emily has changed.

And that reminds her. Emily pulled out her phone and began scouring news articles for any trace or trail of Babylon. The rest of the Coven gave up on finding Babylon and it was obvious that she skipped town. When she looked at the news articles, it was that strange trail of murders (including the destruction of the Greenwood Vampire Coven) that took precedence. The situation in Tampa was getting a lot worse and Emily wasn't sure if maybe Agatha was right or not about looking into the murders when they had the chance.

But, Agatha wasn't that important.

One thing that caught Emily's eye was the headline: ORLANDO FAMILY DIE IN INCESTOUS ORGY. She narrowed her eyes as she kept reading and reading and it sounded like Babylon. This was something that she had to bring up with the Coven. Fortunately, they were having a meeting today... so Emily put on an outfit that consisted of black leggings, black converse, and a black pullover hoodie as she walked out the door to her moped.

Unfortunately, the whole trip to the beach house was going to take a bit since Tampa Palms was far away from everything.

Al Lopez Park.

In Kayla's absence, the position of leader was more or less thrust upon Claudette.

It wasn't something that she wasn't wholly opposed to, because it just made sense. For starters, Claudette and Alyssa both shared the role of den mother to a bunch of idiotic lesbians. The difference was that Lyss was adamantly against being the leader, so, naturally, that meant that Claud had to step up to the plate. Claudette was more of an authority figure to the Coven, and what helped was the fact that she tried to maintain some semblance of civility. The Coven is a rowdy bunch, but that was okay because Claudette was going to try to convince them to do something productive. Claudette wasn't exactly a veteran of the group unlike some of the others, but she knew that the Coven had some "in with a bang, out with a whimper" leadership. And by that she meant that the leaders of the Coven come in and talk big... but barely fail to accomplish much.

She witnessed it with Agatha, seen it with Kayla, and she was definitely going to avoid the trend. Or at least try to leave with what she came for. Claudette sighed as she walked through the beautiful Al Lopez Park. Apart from being the leader of the Coven meant that they had to induct new members into their ranks. Which was okay with Claudette... not to frown upon Kayla (Or Agatha, or the person who came before her, or came before her), but the Coven needed a more mature, grown-woman, method of making decisions like letting people in. Maybe that would help stop the constant bickering if they tried to filter out the people that obviously would cause trouble.

Still, Claudette found the gazebo that she told the new member of the Coven to meet her, and there were a few other members of the Coven on their way. Claudette sat down and looked around as she pulled a book out of her purse and began reading. The new inductee should be smart enough to figure out that she was the person here o meet her.

The Beach House.

Emily arrived at the fancy beach house Mr. Schmidt was kind enough to gift the Coven to leave him alone... to be fair, they'd probably be better off renting a library. The rich folks around here would definitely raise a fuss seeing a bunch of girls suddenly hanging around this place. On the other hand, they'd probably be used to Blake carting his whores in and out of the place. So maybe they'll think they're all his sugar babies and leave them alone. The other issue was attracting the attention of the feds... but, they seem to be super hunky-dory with the Coven. Emily stopped the moped in a parking spot and got off and walked up to the front door.


Emily heard Madison's voice as she took in a deep breath and then she opened the door to the living room of the place and stepped inside. And sitting there, like it was nothing, was some random bitch wearing a beanie cap... in fucking Florida. Emily gave her a look, but what was curious was the fact that she didn't have any threads or anything connecting her to anyone here. She was just there.

"Who in the cinnamon-toast-fuck are you?" Emily asked the girl as she tried to find something to use as a weapon.

"... Okay, that was the whitest thing I ever heard in my life for real y-" Madison said as she walked in, downing Blake's expensive imported wine like its water. She stopped joking when she also saw the weirdo that she didn't recognize. "Okay, yeah, who the fuck are you? More importantly, why is yo' boney ass here?"

Madison shook her head as she said, "The Jaws." and activated her abstraction and a shell of glowing ghostly bones. What didn't help was the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra and had on a white t-shirt with Adidas shorts on. Not exactly what she wanted to wear around a complete fuckin' stranger. Fortunately, the Jaws made that hard to see.

"Better start talkin' quick," Madison said, "Before I toss you out of here so hard you'll bounce on the ground."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mariah's Apartment...

... was truly only "hers" because her name was on the lease. Between herself and The Boys, the apartment was paid for most of the time. Most of the stuff in the apartment was shared but even she admitted she hadn't bought most of the furniture. What? She'd paid for the curtains-- shower or otherwise-- so that was important. "Dearest Maxwell," began Mariah as she fanned herself, "When the hell we gon' get an AC?" And she was asking Maxi because he was the one who paid for nearly all the furniture-- and cause he actually had a steadily paying job. Looking up from the newspaper he insisted on keeping a subscription to, Maxwell stared across the card table at Mariah and asked, "Usin' my Guv'ment name? And-- why you always hot?"

Rolling her eyes, Mariah shook her head, "Because you light a fire in me-- but we can't all run as cold as a corpse, Maxi," as she leaned over and pushed the open dining room window even further up, "I run hot cause y'all run my blood pressure up now-- where the fuck--"

Noisy jangling at the front door answered Mariah's question. "Fuck-- Fuck-shit-- How the fuck you keep shoes there--" shouted Tory as he came in with a slam of the door. Mariah and Maxwell stared at each other as they listened to Tory's half-spanish ranting, then the bathroom door slammed. Maxwell opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Tory shouting, "--WE AIN' LATE!"

Mariah made a face of profound doubt as Maxwell laughed.
"What you think he do," Maxi began lowly with a lean toward Mariah, "Think he forgot?"
"Oh jefito definitely forgot," replied Mariah in the same manner.
"Probably was tryna get one extra round of squats in."
Mariah clicked her tongue, "You seen him lately? Like. Dios mios-- save some muscles fa the rest of us."
Maxwell laughed as the sound of the bathroom door hitting the wall was followed by noisy wet feet on wood flooring. As the boards creaked, announcing his proximity, both Mariah and Maxwell looked Tory over, as he stood in front of them soaking wet, in only a towel asking, "Seen my razor?" Maxi and Mariah exchanged glances.
"Uh? What... the. Shit," Maxwell lowly mumbled in confusion.
"Uh. Tory. Hector. Sweetie. You know you got uh," Mariah stopped fanning herself to gesture at her chest, "Some... Nipple. Bones?"

Al Lopez Park

As they pulled up to the park, Tory revved the engines on his motorcycle loudly, because of course he's one of those guys, as he parked it in the space between the handicapped parking spaces, because of course he did. Mariah dismounted, took her helmet off, then immediately began preening in the mirror on Tory's motorcycle. "You hair always look like shit," Tory casually told her as he took his helmet off. "I know, hun, just gotta make it at least look together. You can be shit but not sloppy shit," Mariah told him with a single finger boop on his nose.

While she was definitely wearing Goodwill clothes she at least didn't want to look like she just bought them. There's a difference between the well worn goodwill Rebook plain white high tops and a spray painted set, like the ones she wore, so that they at least looked all the way white. Her shirt, formerly the oversized pale pink tie dye abomination, had been cut into a crop top that hung loosely on her skinny and flat chested body, and she paired it with black pleated skirt of the boarding school kid variety.

Tory shook his head at Mariah, as she opened a pink hello kitty parasol in one hand, and opened her fan with the other. He sucked his teeth loudly. Mariah lowered her oversized sunglasses-- which were also from Goodwill and were probably for the blind-- as she told Tory, "This they first time not seein' me in Drag so I at least gotta not look like I came crawlin' out the swamp. And besides." Mariah leaned in toward Tory and lowered her voice, "At least I ain't the one who got nipple bones, Hector."
He SUCKED his teeth, "Oye--" he sucked his teeth practically every other word in distress "-- stop you ain' to be like that usin' government name. Cáchate, te voy a hacer una mierda liquida-- voy a madrear-- you fuck. You mom. Fuck... your mom. You."

Mariah had started walking away from him the MOMENT he sucked his teeth all loud. She knew where that was going and she had places to be-- important stuff to worry about like, who the hell was Claudette? While pleasantries had been exchanged kinda-sorta-in-a-beating-a-millionaire-senseless-way, Mariah didn't consider herself an expert on "The Coven"-- she air quoted the name in her head and probably always would. As far as her mind had catalogued Claudette, she was simply known as "the other one" that had a very racial connotation to it, so when she walked up to the Gazeebo and saw her sitting there, she knew she was in the right place.

Being here had been sort-of-semi optional for Mariah. Inwardly, she just admitted she liked hanging out at the park, rather than a... weird Rich House. There simply weren't enough broken bottles of gin and suspiciously piss smelling breezes there for her. Casually, she leaned against one of the Gazeebo supports, as she greeted Claudette with a, "Hey lil mamma, I think I must be a Park Ranger, cause you've started a wildfire and I'm gonna have so much paperwork to do about it." Mariah wiggled her brows but kept a straight face to further sell the weird humor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been a long week for Isla.

First of all, waking up in Florida rather than Scotland had really thrown her. Then there was the whole spent a couple of days in some random reality after the whole world ended shit that had happened. It would’ve really messed with her head, if her head wasn’t already kind of messed up. But Isla being Isla, she just put it into the section of her mind she’d labelled “things I should remember, but don’t need to think about too hard.”

Instead, she’d concentrated on getting on her feet in this new city. She’d gotten a room in a hotel (with stolen money), and gotten herself some more suitable clothes (by stealing them). Then with a little digging around the internet (in a totally non dodgy way) she’d found out about the Coven in this very town. What a happy coincidence. And it had been through sheer luck (probably, totally not through any social media stalking) that she’d found one of the Coven members… then followed (stalked) her to the group’s meeting place.

A beach house.

A really fucking nice beach house.

With plenty of bedrooms and much nicer beds than the hotel she’d been staying in the last few nights. So she’d made herself at home. It hadn’t even been hard to get into, what the massive windows that meant she could see inside… and thus very easily blink right in.

After that all she’d had to do was wait for someone to show up… and explore the beaches that Florida had to offer. It was nice actually being able to relax in the sun for once, rather than worrying that she would freeze to death or die in the rain for daring to step foot on some sand. On the other hand, she’d grown up in Scotland and was not used to this weather at all.

She was on her way back from another beach trip when she saw someone pull up outside the beach house. Finally! Isla grinned, a skip in her step as she headed towards the beach house and blinked up onto the Veranda, then into the living room area. She flopped right onto one of the incredibly comfortable couches and fanned herself. While she was wearing a tank top and shorts, her hoodie tied around her waist, the heat was intense… especially with her beanie on her head.

"Who in the cinnamon-toast-fuck are you?"

She’d barely sat down when some brown haired girl walked right into the same room as her… and then another girl, who was downing a bottle of really fancy looking wine. Isla was definitely keeping it to herself that she might’ve taken a bottle or two of the stash that was here.

“Whoa, that’s so cool! How do you do that?” Isla gasped, completely ignoring the questions in favour of staring at the ghostly bones that girl number 2 had conjured up around her. She leaned forward where she was sitting, posture completely relaxed even as her eyes flickered between the two. Right, she definitely should’ve expected people to be on edge finding a stranger in their secret meetup location.

"Better start talkin' quick, before I toss you out of here so hard you'll bounce on the ground."

“Oh, shit, yeah,” Isla put her hands up, jumping to her feet as she kept her attention on Madison… who looked most likely to be able to beat her ass. Her beanie glowed with purple sigils as she blinked behind the couch she’d been sitting on just to put some distance (and an object) between them. Just in case. “I’m Isla!”

“As to why I’m here, welllll,” she drawled out, accent thickening. “That’s a long story so I'll just give you the basics. As you can probably tell I ain’t from around here. And if the accent wasn’t a massive giveaway, well…” she shrugged. “Now you know. Can’t say I planned to end up here. You see, what happened was that I was on a little holiday to this great country. Was meant to just be a few weeks of travelling around the place. This place, uh, Tampa wasn’t exactly on my list but I fell asleep on a train and ended up here. I thought, why not explore what it has to offer! So I spent some time looking around and trying not to die in the heat and then passed out on a park bench cause y’know how it is, sunny days just make most people sleepy. And when I woke up…”

She paused for a moment, twirling a strand of hair around her finger as she quickly figured out how much of the truth to tell from that point. “Well, my backpack was gone and with it everything I had on me… my wallet, passport, you name it. The only thing I had left was my phone which is completely useless here.” To punctuate her point she pulled that out of her pocket, waving it towards them. “So, I was stuck here! Which was completely shit, but I decided to make the most of it. I had a lil money left cause whoever took my bag hadn’t rummaged round my pockets so I got a hotel and started looking around for ways to figure it all out.”

She grinned, pointing her fingers towards Emily and Madison. “And that’s where you come in! I found out about your group of witches on the internet and figured it was pretty perfect for me. Since y’know, I’m a girl and I’m stuck here and could really do with some help.” She nodded as if that made perfect sense for why she’d just turned up in their beach house. “Oh, also, most importantly I’ve got supernatural powers and all that too.”

Isla threw her phone into the air, flattening her palm and levitating it above her hand as it fell. She ignored the twinge of a headache as she did, adjusting her beanie with her free hand. “See! Magic.”

As if she hadn’t already proved it when she teleported behind the couch. “To get to the point, I want to join your coven because I have nowhere else to go and the beds in this beach house are great to sleep in. Also, y’know, to help me get back home.”

She shrugged as she let her phone fall onto her hand, putting it back into her pocket. More than half of what she’d said was a lie, but it was easily delivered as if it was the truth. It was better to give a believable lie than a completely ridiculous truth, anyway. Who would believe that she’d teleported there from some weird abstraction created world? Certainly not her.

“Oh, also, you should definitely turn off your snapchat maps. It makes it way too easy to find where your hideout is.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kara Samson

Al Lopez Park, Florida

It was a pretty nice day out, perfect for meeting up with a woman who claims to have supernatural powers like Kara’s. That was why the young woman chose to give this meeting a chance. The woman she got into contact with never disclosed her name, or anything like that, just to meet her at this exact place. However the hell she got a hold of Kara’s cellphone number wasn’t important, right? In any case, Kara made a point of at least somewhat describing herself so this mystery-woman would recognize her. Pale hoodless jacket, baggy jeans, generic converse shoes, hip-length hair, and a spirally thing on her arm. She left her car behind roughly 20 minutes ago, and was waking in silence the whole time to the gazebos on the other end of the park. There weren’t many people out today, so surely it wouldn’t be hard to spot whoever this woman was. Kara’s hands were in her jacket’s pockets and fidgeting with her so called “Abstraction” as it was described. Her fingers were shifting from skin to tree bark slowly, back and forth from one to the other like water. Was she nervous? Probably. For all Kara knew, she was about to get kidnapped. There they were... Kara was looking forward to this meeting, admittedly. She spent a very long time not knowing much about the supernatural world, except for the fact that she could make trees spiral out from her fingers and the ground, since that fight at school, she had been messing with her powers, making wood blocks come out of the ground here and there, adding weight to her arms with tree bark, it all actually made her out on a pound or two of muscle in the end.

There were the Gazebos, and surprisingly there was just one other person. A tall woman, tough looking. Sweet ass hair. She was definitely Kara’s type, but that’s not important. She stood a little distance away from the gazebos, thinking of how to go about this. “Hi, I heard you know a thing or two about paranormal tree branches, I’m Kara!” Yeah to hell with that...Kara just slowly walked up to the only Gazebo with anyone in it. Walking in such a way that her footsteps would be heard, she didn’t want to startle the woman who was visibly taller than her. ”Hello? My name is Kara. We talked on the phone yesterday.” Gotta start somewhere. It was just the two of them, for now at least, so they had plenty of time to discuss whatever she was told to come here for. ”You said you needed to talk in person, about something, but you didn’t say what.” She said, the woman’s back was still turned to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Al Lopez Park.

It wasn't long until somebody showed up... and it was some tall ass girl that Claudette didn't recognize and she sure as hell knew that she wasn't the person that she was supposed to meet. It threw Claudette off before she remembered that this person was that friend they made while on the yacht. And it astonishes Claudette that the Coven were able to make friends in such strange places. Claudette put the book that she had brought to read down as she looked at the person. She tried to appear friendly, and open and...

"Hey Lil mamma, I think I must be a Park Ranger, cause you've started a wildfire and I'm gonna have so much paperwork to do about it."

Claudette looked off to the side like she was expecting there to be a camera there. The joke, flirt, whatever you'd call it was so terrible that it felt like it would give her cancer. She fake-coughed into her fist before she realized that she was being mean and decided to at least give her a chuckle. And for some reason that felt like she was being even meaner. She ended up looking up at the gal as she said,

"Um, moving on..." Claudette started, "My name is Claudette, I'm the-" Current "-leader of the Coven, what is your name?" She asked, her Canadian accent slipping in with each word before she shook her head. She wondered where the others were who she asked to come, but she was more than capable of handling herself-

”... You said you needed to talk in person, about something, but you didn’t say what.”

Claudette nearly jumped at hearing that voice behind her! She was so focused on the person in front of her that she didn't even notice what was behind her. She had to mentally gripe that Mariah didn't at least tell her, but whatever. Claudette turned around and looked at the girl that she talked over the phone with. She was a fairly tall, Caucasian girl (Similar in height to Emily) with some soft features that Claudette thought were reminiscent of a child. However, she had a look about her that Claudette could almost immediately tell she was going to fit in with the rest of the Coven. Still, she had to make sure.

"Oh, good, you're here," Claudette said, "No offense, but I wanted to confirm that you were what you say you were. The Coven has had some encounters with some undesirables and people who straight up lied about everything they told us."

Besides, Claudette wanted to make sure that this person wasn't a stalker, kidnapper, or a member of the little FBI. She was going to vet her to the best of her ability, and then see if she was a good fit - same with the other person. Now that they were here, they could get to business.

"Let me just say, I'm Claudette Jones, the leader of the Coven, and while I want to welcome you to the Coven, I have to ask some questions just to make sure that you're a good fit. And tell you some information so it's not a surprise later."

Claudette sighed, "But first, let me just ask you two to tell me about yourselves. Why you want to join, what you can do, and anything else you feel is relevant..."

Claudette was going to focus on everything they said and did, and how they did it. It was an important part of the good old vetting process that she reads what they say and what they mean. She didn't care if both of them talked her head off, at least she'd gain something from it.

The Beach House.

“To get to the point, I want to join your coven because...”

The girl talked their heads off and when she reached this point both Madison and Emily looked at each other in abstract shock. As they knew what needed to be done, yet they couldn't say a word. This was likely the most in sequence the Coven has ever been since they've formed. Emily and Madison nodded at the same time as the latter was the first to speak.

"Aw hell naw!" Madison said in a thick accent as she charged the girl and grabbed her by the upper arm. "Sorry sis, but the Coven's closed."

"I'll get the door!" Emily said as she decided to flex her new abstraction and stuck her fingers towards the doorknob and the ethereal threads launched out and connected to it. The doorknob turned and Madison smiled as she saw the beautiful beach in front of her...

... She almost felt bad for ruining it with a weirdo.

Madison grabbed Isla by the back of her shirt and the waistband of her pants and floated over to the door. She just outright yeeted her as far as she could go assisted by the Jaws (which was pretty far). Hopefully, a wave will come and take her ditzy ass away and Madison slammed the door.

"Good job!" Emily said as she hi-fived Madison doing the most dramatic and gay fashion that they could.

Tampa General Hospital.

The heart rate monitor beeped again and again... Maximilian was lying on the hospital bed completely unconscious as various tubes and wires were connected to him. The rest of the DENS were right outside the door as they quietly stood around in a circle.

"I..." Sonya was leaning up against the wall, playing with her fingers. "... Messed up. I should have-"

"Mayfield," Meifeng hissed as she had her arms crossed, looking down at her feet, "I am not in the mood for a pity party right now."

Cindy was standing in the middle of the hallway and put her hand on her hip. "We'd be here all day trying to figure out who's fault this was. At the end of the day, we weren't at full strength and that was what Annabelle took advantage of."

"I just don't get it," Trevor said as he had his hands in his face. "I thought he was the one that was supposed to stop 'er?"

Leon stepped up as he had his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I know ya'll were attached to this idea that Maximilian was going to be the savior, but ya'll gotta remember two things."

Leon raised one finger.

"One: Maxi had a forty percent chance of stopping her in the first place."

"... Still higher than everyone else here put together." Trevor muttered underneath his breath.

Leon raised another finger.

"... And two, Maximilian could always pull through. He ain't dead."

"He's just close to it," Meifeng shrugged.

"He can always pull through, we know he's tough..." Sonya said, "He's the best of us."

"But, we always gotta be prepared for the worst-case scenario," Meifeng shrugged.

"To hell with that," Trevor said. "There's gotta be someone who can help him, what about that Coven?"

"I don't know," Meifeng shrugged, "I doubt they'd help us even if they did have one."

"It's still worth a shot!" Trevor said.

"But, if they can't, and Maximilian doesn't make it..." Meifeng trailed off, "... Then I'm going to claim his Collective."

"Meifeng, with all due respect..." Leon sighed as he stepped up. "... You know what the Director said, it has to go to Trevor."

"Trevor's still a baby," Meifeng was quick to say.

"Ey, I'm right here!" Trevor pointed thumbs at himself which was ignored.

"But..." Leon sighed as he said, "... Trevor doesn't have a ninety-five percent chance of dying if he ever comes in contact with Annabelle." He softly spoke and Meifeng was taken aback.

"Sorry, but you got kids," Leon said, "I'm just going off of what the Director said."

"But, the Director isn't omniscient!" Meifeng hissed in retaliation as she shook her head. "This is our problem. We're going off of what some magic power says over what's right in front of us! And it's the inevitability of Maximilian's death and everything falling apart!"

She stepped up into Meifeng's face. "Damn if I let some crazy bitch kill my children because 'the-director-says-so'." She air quoted.

"Meifeng," Cindy grabbed onto her arm, "How about we step out for a bit and cool off?" She said and Meifeng sighed and walked off with her. The two walked outside as Cindy said,

"I know you're a bit heated..." Cindy trailed off, "But, everyone just wants to make sure everything goes well."

"I know..." Meifeng said as she put her hands into her pocket. "I just feel like we're limiting ourselves too much, especially when it boils down to chance." She shrugged.

"We're jumping the gun," Cindy said, "We're just a bit hurt about Maximilian, but we're going to find a way to stop Annabelle."

"... But, how many more people are going to die beforehand?" Meifeng stopped as she asked. "She already wiped out an entire trailer park... and we were following the Director's orders to the letter."

And Cindy was quiet for a few moments before she said.

"... I honestly don't know," Cindy started, "But, we can ask that Coven if they know anyone who can help Maximilian."

Meifeng shrugged again. She didn't exactly approve or trust the Coven, but if it was for the greater good then she had no other option. Trevor already tracked them to another lair, maybe she would pay them a visit.

"... Yes, let's."
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