Finn Cassidy

{ "Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment." }
- General Characteristics -
|Phineas Holiday Cassidy |
| "Finn" "Cass" and always popular "Kid."|
| 26 |
| Male |
| {Character Image} |

| Found Online |
| Gray |
| {Appearance} |
Finn is a young man, broad-shouldered and well-muscled thanks to his work with Brahmin, as a child of vault dweller and being partially raised in a vault he's rather pale for a wastelander and much healthier than most. With shaggy auburn hair and a pair of welders goggles, stockily built with strong legs and a charming face. Sea blue eyes that can and have made hearts melt when he turns on the charm, his face usually has some oil or grease from tinkering on something. Phineas does have a few small scars on his chest and arms from the occasional tussle. He also sports burn scars on his hands from the occasional cooking incident and his work repairing and tinkering with objects he finds.
Dressed in brotherhood officer's suit worn under a thick bomber jacket, a holster at his left hip. A heavy traveling bag crossing from his left shoulder to his right hip. A rancher’s stetson sat upon his head with a Gauss rifle slung across his back and in his arms, an old battle rifle. Hung over his shoulder and such.
Dressed in brotherhood officer's suit worn under a thick bomber jacket, a holster at his left hip. A heavy traveling bag crossing from his left shoulder to his right hip. A rancher’s stetson sat upon his head with a Gauss rifle slung across his back and in his arms, an old battle rifle. Hung over his shoulder and such.
- Psychological Profile -
| {Personality} |
Phineas is a kind soul and one whose prone to act of compassion and mercy, but he also strongly believes in justice and to get that in the wasteland you need to be willing to put a bullet in someone. As such Phineas finish while trusting is always quick on the draw, with lies and betrayal being the order of the day in the wasteland. Having grown up herding Brahmin and working the land around the vault his parents were born in he's far smarter than he seems and with manners to boot he is probably one of the last Southern gentlemen in existence. Phineas has always had a strong moral compass, more importantly, he has always stuck by it even when it's gotten it him into trouble. The first time he found people who were willing to stand up to raiders and threats of the wastes it was the Brotherhood of Steel, while many were fearful when they appeared in the Broken Banks of the Carolina's Finn stepped up. Helping the Brotherhood find places to scavenge and places to avoid he was given a place among them as a guide, hearing stories of Elder Lyons and started to believe in his vision for a better wasteland.
| {Fears/Limitations} |
Water, growing up living further inland on the vault controlled dairy he never learned how to swim and when he did finally attempt to learn after reaching the sound of Pamlico near New Bern he asked local fishermen for a lesson on swimming. Awhile latter at a small freshwater stream leading into the sound he went for a swim... Only to be greeted by his first ever Mirelurk, outrunning the massive crab alongside his teachers he vowed he was never going in the water again. He will sail with great hesitance but he will never swim and detests large bodies of water.
Finn's time in Carolina has left him dependent on alcohol to a degree he drinks regularly, sometimes he gets worse especially difficult times. As such he is usually the first to look for a bar or drink his own alcohol, he is currently in one of better states, Brotherhood tolerates this for his impressive skill.
| {Place of Origin} |
Vault 55, Carolina Creamery: Buried under the hills of the Piedmont region deep under a modern dairy farm Vault 55 opened 80 years after the Great War. When the vault opened they found a small village of caravaners trying to take advantage of the dairy farms herbs for hauling items. Now known as Creamery 55 the vault dwellers helped restore much of the old dairy and keep it running they have even found ways to cleanse Brahmin milk of rads and cool it the Creamery has helped keep the people of the Carolina's from drinking dirty water.
| {Background} |
Vault fifty-five located in South Lee County North Carolina was the vault of the people it accepted carpenters, engineers, small business owners, teachers, and farmers. Middle-class educators and workers, the vault also hosted an election system and all entertainment was based off the Wild West Americana. The Vault’s experiment was to see if instilling the idea of taming a wild and uncivilized world would help the populace expand and rebuild faster. Vault fifty-five opened after eighty years and began trading with the outside world, rebuilding the dairy farm with traders who were attempting to figure out why so many Brahmin lived in this area.
Born in Vault 55, Phineas did not spend his life underground instead his parents joined the vault residents who had begun living outside working the farms. His mother was part of maintenance while his father a natural born speaker joined up with the caravans that left to trade milk for caps. Phineas even as a young boy would slip away from the daycare and head right off to watch his mother work no matter what they tried the young man wanted to see how his mother took apart machines and put them back together in a way that made them work. It was as mesmerizing to watch and eventually they gave up trying to stop him. Soon each day with little Finn in tow she would teach him about what she was fixing.
Yet, Phineas, it seemed inherited his father's natural charm eventually convincing one of the caravaneers his father worked with to teach him how to shoot. With an old varmint rifle and a handful of bullets, Finn took to the guns the same way he took to other old world machines, with careful practice he learned to clean, repair, and care for rifles. His father fought to keep him away from violence but the wasteland never liked the innocent and eventually. Finn would lose his one day and his mother knew it would be better to teach him to fight than let him live without the skills to survive. Soon Finn and his mother began to practice shooting together and as the young boy grew into a teenager his father knew he would need a better rifle. Upon his next trip out Finn's old man bargained for an older model battle rifle and soon Phineas had his first real rifle and he'd need it soon.
Just after Phineas's seventeenth birthday after all of the milk caravans had left and the town was quiet, the stillness of an autumn day in the wasteland. A pack of Deathclaw's moved in, tracking a recently arrived herd of beef cattle Finn's town left to defense putting their rifles and turrets to work. Every trader, guard, and farmer poured lead into the beasts the heard was small thankfully only five 'claws but they busted through the wall near Finn's section. Finn aim true as ever took out the eyes of the beast leaving it blind and flailing enough time for several others to wheel about and open fire on it from all directions.
After these years, at nineteen, Phineas met a girl, she was young and capable she was from a small farm that worked in vegetables while profitable the land would be better suited to cattle in truth. After a year of getting to know her and her family, Finn made an offer to take his savings and combine it with their profits to start a small cattle ranch in this part of the state. Shortly before they had fully agreed, Finn asked Jessamine Blossom to be his bride. She said yes, her father agreed to convert his farm into a ranch against his brother's will. So Finn left them the money while he headed over to tell his parents the good news of his coming marriage, it wouldn't stay good news for long.
Finn returned three days later the cattle gone, horses too, along with anything valuable that had been left within the place. Behind the barn he found three shallow graves one for his beloved fiance, one for her brother finer friend Finn never had before, and her kind pa who had given Finn his blessing to marry his daughter. With Ezrah Blossom not being among his families graves, Finn knew who was responsible for what had happened to this kind and decent family.
Phineas Holiday Cassidy was taken on as Deputy Marshal by Senior Marshal Sam Smith, who taught him much of what he would carry through his life. Adding the combat skills of a Marshal, Finn would spend nearly a year learning from Sam before Ezrah Blossom resurfaced. Finn hid the information and pursed Ezrah out of Noth Carolina to a mountain near Virginia. Finn went alone, believing that this was his fight and no one else's many people remember the story of the young Deputy Marshal who brought down a gang of ten alone. Finn was reprimanded after he took his vengeance, seeing Ezrah Blossom hang for his crimes. He would sell much of the goods taken from the corpses he made that day, before quitting the Marshal's, understanding that his attitude as he was would get someone killed.
Over the next few years Phineas would become bounty hunter, tracking down targets or people the Marshals or Tarheels couldn't be bothered with. He would range out into Virginia, Tennessee, and South Carolina on several occasions during one such trip he would acquire his six string which he would keep pristine for years to come. During this time, Finn drank heavily and developed his problem with alcohol even learning to brew it to make drinking cheaper. He was broken by the death of his loved ones and the loss of his entire plan for himself living just to find a place to be killed.
A Brotherhood squad arrived in North Carolina four years ago to search for tech and learn about what the locals were doing perhaps even establish an outpost here. Many were fearful of the men and women in power armor yet Phineas ever the tinkerer walked right up and began to ask about the features and what they had gotten working on the armor. Phineas himself had recovered a busted up suit of Power Armor from a Vertibird he'd stumbled across and wanted to know more about the working models before him. While the tight-lipped brothers didn’t say much at first upon discovering he hailed from a Vault that had built its own community they decided to investigate. They eventually agreed to have Finn show them the way to Creamery and around the Carolina's in general.
Bringing the Brotherhood to the Carolina Creamery built above Vault sixty-six, he introduced them around and showed them what they had managed to get working. Even demonstrating a few people tinkering with the idea of getting motorcycles or ramshackle cars built to make milk runs easier. However, according to the Knights on the mission, the greatest discovery of the entire mission was that the Vault dwellers had a working icecream maker. Watching a bunch of power armored knights and normally stuffy scribes line up to taste ice cream and groan with joy couldn’t help but make Finn smile.
After this introduction, the Brotherhood decided to set up their base with the friendly and easy to trade with locals of the dairy. Phineas became the go-to person and began to travel with the knights who opened more and more over time. Phineas heard tales of the Capital Wasteland and other places the Brotherhood had been, how they had helped people under Elder Lyons and done so much good even protecting people. When a group had to return home to join up with the others, Phineas was invited to come with them. During his time with the group, he’d proven a capable combatant and knowledgeable about old world tech and culture in ways on Vault dwellers could be. Joining as an initiate Finn would be promoted to Knight when the Enclave Brotherhood war broke out, Finn would perform admirably throughout at several combat sights. With special commendations being awarded for bravery and service during the battle of Addams Air Force Base, he was promoted to Knight Sergeant by the end of that war.
The Brotherhood then took it's new martial strength and brought it full force down on the Super Mutants, Finn and many other Knights battle hardened by the Enclave taking the fight to Vault eighty-seven. When the super mutants of the capital wastelands were finally beaten, Phineas's squad would evacuate Little Lamplight during their retreat. Saving nearly a hundred children, who were taken in by the Brotherhood. Finn would be promoted to Knight Captain for his actions in the destruction of the super mutants home turf. Finn would be rotated off combat duties and they put his talent to tech to work making him part for several salvage units and recovery squads deployed across the capital wasteland.
Finn was selected to command the BoS detachment due to his experience in the region and the fact that many Knights were to assigned rather than a Paladin to help ensure the most critical members of the Brotherhood were close at hand especially after recent losses.
- Survival Characteristics -
| {Non-Combat Skills} |
Forged in War: "Does it say captain, anywhere on my uniform?" Finn has served and commanded Knights since his early days helping to lead other initiates into battle. Finn's time spent leading men over the past few years have made him into a decent commander but more importantly helped him to understand how best to face threats as Super Mutants or Behemoths. Having gained much of calm under fire attitude and how to deal with troops while under fire, Phineas is a capable soldier and his skill as a leader is impressive in one so young.
Gifted Builder: While he lacks computer skills most Scribes have Finn is one hell of a grease monkey from guns to motors, even good old fashion robots Phineas can repair them all, even laser and plasma weapons he understands how to replace, repair, or upgrade. That said he is not a miracle worker don’t expect him to be able to magically slap an elevator and it kicks in. Given time he can decipher most any machine, computers, however, is not his strong suit he can however work on them and perform low works and with more time higher difficulty tasks on them.
Pickin and grinnin: While not the most common talents it is one Phineas wishes he got to put to better use, he is capable of reading sheet music and playing three instruments. Banjo, guitar, and his personal favorite the fiddle which he will argue into the ground is the proper name for the instrument. He adores playing music and has plenty of copies of songs from his vault saved on his pipboy.
Southern Charm: Phineas Holiday Cassidy is a smooth talker even if he doesn’t know it, he has a way with words and way with people. Finn is good at getting people to talk and very open to hearing about others, people get a sense he is always listening and trying to really care for the others around him. Some perceive this as naive to others it refreshing and reassuring to have someone so willing to listen and care about the problems others face in the wasteland and be willing to try and offer some comfort or help. Naturally, Finn will always try to talk his way through a problem with others before resorting to a lead spitting competition.
Southern, Cooking: Phineas has knife skills, in the kitchen or on the road his home in the Carolina’s found ways to continue cooking good old fashion southern comfort food even after the end of the world. Just about every Cassidy since Finn’s vault opened has learned to make everything from sweets to biscuits with gravy. If you need someone to turn an unappetizing caravan lunch into something tasty Finn’s got a spice or a method to cook weird meats, he's got it. More impressively is his ability to brew booze from just about anything needed, southerns are proud of the booze they make.
| {Possessions} |
Acoustic Guitar with case
Ice cream recipe
Brotherhood Holo-tags
Canteen of purified water
Assorted fresh vegetables
Collection of half full booze bottles
Music holotapes
| {Combat Skills} |
Silent, Vigilant, Deadly: “A sniper is like a genius - it’s not enough to be one, you have to be one at something.” Finn is a marksman and a damn good one, able to pick off an enemy commander with a gauss rifle just outside of what should be the weapons maximum range. While not quick to jump to violence if it required he just needs a line of sight, preferring bullets and guns to energy weapons, for the most part, the Gauss rifle he carries is his personal method for dealing with some of the more nasty creatures that exist in the wasteland.
East Coast Cowboy: With a pistol at his side and a steady hand, Finn can draw and fire with astounding speed, combined with his natural precision he is a deadly duelist and good at reacting to an ambush. Even with his favored battle rifle, he is a well practiced and disciplined shooter staying calm even when bullets are raining down and wasteland critters start closing in. He can reload and clear a jammed weapon quickly thanks to practice and care, well versed in practical weapons he knows just how to use to his advantage.
Power Armor Training: Thanks to the Brotherhood Phineas can operate power armor and fight just as encased in it as he can outside. Though he does generally does prefer energy weapons or big guns while in the armor finding they are better for use with it's targeting systems.
Discretion and Valor: When not in power armor Phineas can blend with a crowd or slip into the wastes like a ghost, preferring this method when a straight-up fight is not needed he also knows how to hide a weapon on his person or slip past a patrol of guards to lay a landmine in the path of the patrol. His sneaking skills make him a great choice as a scout, he mastered the skill early on poking around old military bases along the east coast.
Big (Guns) Damn Hero: When his brothers and sisters are on the line when people are in danger, or if it seems like it what needs doing you can bet Phineas will be the first one in line. Phineas is part of the Brotherhood of Steel and he’s well versed in their assault tactics usually playing but he’s also been known to pick up a minigun and charge into the fray to try and protect his friends and family in the Brotherhood. His love of machines extends to some of the bigger weapons in the wastes as well and while he might prefer picking off target it doesn’t mean he won’t be right beside the people he wants to protect if that is what has to be done.
| {Gear} |
.45-70 Gov’t Revolver "Piecemaker"
Battle Rifle “This Machine”
M-72 Winterized Gauss Rifle "Can Opener"
Brotherhood Officers suit
T-51b Power Armor
Filled ammo bags
Bandoleer with .308 rounds.
Box of .45-70 rounds
Ammo box for spare rounds.
A case of 2mm EC