Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blake rubbed his head as everybody spoke, drawing up a bunch of elaborate plans for how to continue the invasion. He also thought he heard Rumi mention something about "ogres," which Blake took to be some type of elaborate science-speak. After all, it couldn't be the guy from Shrek, right? No way. Blake's pounding headache prevented him from really soaking in any of the information that was being laid out. Patricia's screeching wasn't helping at all. Normally, Blake would use this as a prime teasing opportunity, but his head hurt so much that he was forced to forgo that operation. He did hear Will say something about him charging headfirst into the odors, or ogres, or whatever the fuck they were. Blake shrugged. ”Alright, sounds good. Charge into Octobers,” Blake said, rubbing his head as he walked down the path. A green and out-of-place street sign read Via Appia. Blake glanced at the sign, squinting and reading it. ”Look, it says 'Vine Apple!' Maybe Grace and Eliza are in...an apple orchard!” Blake said, and it was rather hard to tell if he was serious or not. ”Well, let's split up and look. I guess I'm heading to the apple farm...I'll send up a flare if I find anything, so keep an eye out for that,” Blake was casually, before turning. ”Oh, look, TV screen! I wonder if we're on the news!”

Blake was, in fact, not on the news. The news was not on at all. What was on was a live recording of Nero, watching with glee as the heroes struggled to come up with a plan. ”Oh, I'm afraid nobody is going to watch you die. Except my client, of course, but they aren't inclined to help you, anyway.” Nero laughed. ”But I might as well let you get to watch your friends die while you struggle around my wonderful arena! Isn't that nice of me?”

"Yeah, that's pretty cool, thanks man-...oh, WAIT A SECOND!”

Nero laughed as he flicked a detonator in his hand a few times, sending an electric pulse through the rack that Grace and Eliza were currently tied to. It looked almost like some sort of fence, obviously electric, as it sparked blue, causing Grace's body to jolt, her eyes shooting open. It wasn't enough voltage to be too painful, of course, but it was enough to wake them up, and Grace's eyes shot open suddenly with the voltage, immediately taking in the room. It was some type of office, with a lovely Tunisian carpet, green wallpaper and weapon racks everywhere, and a large metal safe against the wall behind a work desk cluttered in paperwork. Even villains had to do paperwork. Look at that.

Grace groaned as she blinked her eyes a few times, looking into the camera that was facing her. Nero was laughing. ”Now, Bypass, how does it feel to be held hostage, thus forcing your friends to fight ogres to the death in an elaborate Roman deathtrap?”

Grace looked over at her arms and legs, which seemed to be zip-tied to some sort of device. "Not good. Can they hear me?"

”Yes, they can. Tell them how you feel! Or how handsome I look in this armor!"


Grace's fast and loud rant was cut off by Nero pressing a button on the remote he was holding, delivering an impressive shock to Grace. She gave a screech that would make an adult screech owl proud as her body jolted for a few seconds, though she was still bound to the electric fence contraption. The blue flickering lasted maybe 10 seconds before it stopped, with Grace hanging limply from the fence. Nero glared. ”That's for messing up the plan. And this-" He gave poor Eliza a quick zap, not as prolonged (only a second or two) but just as painful. ”-is just because I find it amusing. Can you believe they sell these for only a couple hundred bucks on the dark web...so useful for torturing prisoners. Well, good luck!" And with that comment, the screen turned to black.

Blake turned back to the gang, eyebrows raised. "Only thing I caught out of that was Wings of Law...I know they hate us, but paying for a villain to kidnap us and torture us? Fuck..." Blake turned around, his mouth gaping as he saw the pack of ogres approach- about 20 or so, wearing tattered loincloths and holding crude clubs and spears of wood in their hands, hooting at the gang. Blake clenched his fists. "You guys run off and find Grace and Eliza. I'll deal with them. What did she say they were sensitive to, again? Kites? Alright, I got this...” Blake said with a grin, putting both palms together. He then gestured forwards, flames billowing from his hands to form a diamond of fire, a ribbon of smoke trailing behind it. Blake had made a fire kite.

The brightly-burning fire kite caused the ogres to hoot and fall back, clenching their eyes and running away from the fire kite, which was currently aggressively chasing them. Blake grinned. "Hahah, look at those losers, they're scared of kites! Damn, I'm good. Anyway, what was that plan again?"

Hugo Powers was not having a good day today.

First of all, the Zero raid at Armstrong & Armstrong that he had failed at stopping. He was so close, and he had let them slip through his fingers once again, letting them get away with something, another piece of the puzzle. Once again, HERO was in the dark on this mysterious organization's goals and plans. Zero was winning over HERO. This was a bad start to the day.

On top of that, Caustic had decided that he would also strike today by killing Rainbow Dancer, an admittedly very guilty and very bad hero, but a very popular one nonetheless, on live TV. Rainbow Dancer might not have had many accolades in the HERO business, but he had tons of fans. Tons of them. His confession and subsequent execution had caused the HERO lines to be flooded by scores of angry fans demanding Caustic's recapture, and an official HERO alert had been sent on, calling all heroes to HERO One for an emergency briefing on Caustic. HERO One was currently on maximum defense, with a vast majority of the heroes present at the titanic headquarters. If Caustic was foolish enough to attack, it would be his demise. Powers doubted that, but he also knew that keeping everybody at HERO One kept them safe and organized for the time being as he planned out the organization's next moves.

On top of that, though, Powers' authority was being questioned. Seraph had sent Powers a very angry e-mail demanding special protection services for the members of the Wings of Law and other elite HOGs. Powers had responded by saying that hiring special HERO bodyguards for other heroes was not allowed by the organization, to which Seraph did not respond. Powers had enough to deal with right now, and he did not need Seraph's whiny ass bitching about his own safety. If he was as strong as he said he was, he wouldn't need a bodyguard unit. Of course, Seraph was not out on the streets right now. He was holed up in his penthouse under heavy protection. Heavy protection. Powers didn't even understand why he needed heroes to protect him when he had three bodyguard services doing it already.

And lastly, Powers was missing a group of heroes. The usual gang of suspects when it came to tardiness, true, but something didn't add up. They had been at a very wild party the night before, and could be recovering into the morning, but there was something wrong there. Some of his more reliable heroes, less inclined to attend such a rager and drink extensively at said rager, were also absent from HERO One without a word, which was unusual. On top of that, one of Starbright's personal secretaries had called him and informed him that they were not at the von Brandt residency, which was where Powers knew the party had gone on. Powers was fairly certain they were safe from Caustic, but the fact that they were still missing troubled him.

Powers was currently in his office, wearing a heavy robe of thick fur, several empty mugs (along with one half-full one) of hot chocolate sitting on his desk as Powers reviewed a tape of Rainbow Dancer's execution over and over again, looking for any clues, hints, anything, to help Powers find out what the man was up to, and more importantly, where he was up to. An ICOSA agent had sworn that Caustic was in the East Flank, but the lead had turned cold. After a long while of searching, Powers shut the laptop, walking out to the elevator and riding it down to the first floor. He needed some fresh air.

As the Director stepped out the front doors of HERO One, a hero known as Dangerous Bumblebee (he was C tier and not exactly dangerous) ran up to him with concern in his eyes. "Director, there's something moving towards HERO One!"

Powers groaned. He did not need another headache today. "What kind of something?"

"I think a person, sir."

Powers groaned as he walked over to where the hero had guided him to. Bumblebee pointed at a fast-moving...thing speeding towards HERO One. On closer examination, it was a person, wearing an all-black suit and moving towards HERO One at high speeds. This was not a good sign, and Powers was about to handle it in the way Powers did best.

He stood there, right in front of the speedster's trajectory.

Whether or not he made contact with Powers was irrelevant, as it didn't matter either way. Powers' superpower had allowed him to shrug off actual bullets and much more in the past, and a man moving at high speeds was certainly not going to be able to hurt him in the slightest. Powers simply stood still, arms crossed, as the figure blitzed towards him. Whether he hit Powers or stopped himself before, Powers didn't move at all, just standing, before reeling back one arm and slapping the man to the ground. There was a loud crack as Powers literally bitch-slapped the mysterious man in all-black across the face, with more than enough force to send him to the ground. Powers then approached the figure, arms crossed once again, towering over them, glaring down.

"You have ten seconds to tell me your name, occupation, and why the hell you're here, or else I put you in a cell with the meanest bastard in all of Coldwater. So if that idea doesn't sound appealing to you, start talking."

Entering Pandora's Potts was a young lady in her late 20s, with her short pinkish red hair pulled back, wearing a black Division X uniform, a black jacket covered in straps and buckles for holding equipment, a pair of black shorts with a heavy belt that carried two pistols, one on each side of the woman's hipps, and a pair of tall black boots, a combat knife strapped to the side of one of them. The woman, of course Christina Lavender, Assistant Director of HERO, and she looked around the flower shop, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she examined the interior of the store. It was nice. Cozy. Relaxing.

Christina tapped a counter a few times. She coughed to clear her throat, before speaking loudly, her voice bounding through the shop as she searched for the woman that ran the store. "Pandora? Are you in here? Or should I say, Mary?" Christina yelled out, smirking. That should've gotten her attention. From her belt she removed a HERO business card, a phone number and address (not like the latter was that hard to come by) written on in thick, block letters. Christina casually twirled the card in her fingers. "HERO is in need of some assistance, and you seem to fit the bill. Also, do you guys do wedding corsages and bouquets? I need those too. Oh, and I'll take these carnations, too. They look absolutely lovely. You take good care of the flowers here!" Christina kept babbling as she waited for Pandora to approach. Any moment now.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Lots of things happen when you ran especially fast. You get lightheaded after sprinted long enough, your blood sugar drops, and your body feels like it's on fire. This, combined with the dozens of other minor effects from exertion and fatigue lead to people being a bit less perceptive than usual.

Chad was running far from his maximum speed, and he felt none of these symptoms. He'd definitely lie and say he did if ever questioned about what was going to happen, however.

As he neared Savior Island, barely saw the figure of a person in front of him appear before he collided with them. Chad was immediately hit with a sense of unease since he just slammed into what he thought was a person at just under 100 miles per hour, but this was washed away with pain as he was forced back from the collision. Chad was initially very perplexed why he felt so much pain - he ran into brick walls at the speeds he was running with little more than bruises and aches, but this felt like getting hit by a 250 lb Tackle.

To Chad's credit, he didn't fall from the crash - he was only pushed back a few feet and left staggered, thanks to his temporary durability and padded armor.

"Oh shit... Are you oka-"

It was easy to tell Chad's surprise when he noticed who he ran into, even when Chad was wearing a helmet. His arms shot in the air as he screamed loudly.

"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU HUGO POWERS?! Do you have any Invincible Warmonger posters I can-"

Chad might have been able to dodge the blow if he hadn't been distracted, but he wasn't as blessed as other Speedsters when it came to reaction time. Powers slapped Chad with incredible force, and while the helmet may have absorbed some of the blow, Chad didn't have any of his temporary durability to protect himself. He collapsed to the ground on his stomach and reeled for several seconds as Powers spoke.

"You have ten seconds to tell me your name, occupation, and why the hell you're here, or else I put you in a cell with the meanest bastard in all of Coldwater. So if that idea doesn't sound appealing to you, start talking."

"I'm sorry, I don't need the poster, please don't shoot-"

It took a second to fully process that Powers didn't have a gun, and understand what he was saying before Chad instantly relented.

"I'm Chad Connors, Pizza Delivery Man at Porter's Pizza. I want to be a super cool badass Hero, a-and I thought you came to H.E.R.O to be a Hero cause it sounds cooler than I.C.O.S.A. P-p-please don't put me into Coldwater, The C-chainsaw Charlatan will kill me for throwing him in prison!"

Chad might have been slightly concussed from the collision, or too frightened by the prospect of prison to think clearly, or maybe he just talked when he was under stress. Whatever the reason, he kept on talking when he clearly should have been silent.

"My Boss is Percy P-porter, and my hours are 10 to 7. My favorite food is P-pizza, even though I eat a ton of it since I work at a Pizza p-place. My blog is The Bullet Chamber and it's super c-cool, and I don't want to go to prison!!! I-I think my Social Security is 318-"

Chad paused as he struggled to remember his Social Security number, before eventually giving up.

"I think it's on my phone... C-can I please get up? My suit is really hard to clean..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 15 min ago

The shop was unresponsive. There was an air conditioner whirring, and a gramophone playing old songs.


Suddenly, the card twirling between her fingers was sucked out of her hand and behind her, by a sharp, silent gust of wind. Upon turning around Christina would find it flew precicely into the grip of one Jane Smith, one Pandora, one 'Mary Madison'. Looking particularly unamused by Christina's attitude and presence in her shop. Pandora's orange eyes flicked to the card.

"Christina Lavender, hmm?" Pandora asked rhetorically, giving the HERO agent a once over. She squeezed the plastic card in her hand, and then released it, the card having turned into a lavender flower, with it's vertically oriented tiny lavender petals. It, like the card she had altered, was made of plastic. Pandora held the flower in her hands and rolled it between her fingers.

Pandora walked around the other side of her counter. It seemed that inbetween the time Christina had announced her presence and her intentions, and the time that Pandora had silently crept up behind her, that she had done some thinking. This was inevitable, Pandora thought. Infact, this was almost what she wanted. If she wanted to stay hidden, she could have gone anywhere in the world. Instead she went to Castleburg, within line of sight of HERO One. Right now, though, Pandora was indignified. Annoyed that this woman had come in here so sure that she would find help. Annoyed that she was right. Annoyed that despite the fact that Pandora could easily turn her into silly puddy, it was Christina who held the real power of the situation. Still, it wasn't entirely lopsided. They both had something the other needed, she imagined. Pandora had the help that HERO needed, and HERO had the purpose that Pandora had sought out. While theoretically speaking this meant the negotiations should be smooth and amicable, Christina had ticked Pandora off. Not like that was a particularly hard thing to do. Now, the florist was aiming to make the agent work for her paycheck.

"You know what doesn't surprise me?" Pandora asked. "That the thing that finally brought HERO crawling to my doorstep was incompetence. You've come here, to my little flower shop, to plead for my help. It's degrading." She said derisively, looking at the flower in her fingers.

Pandora sighed. "As for your questions...yes, I do wedding corsages and bouquets. Thank you for your compliments, I take great pride in my work." She explained casually, almost slipping back into her American accent.

"Finally: No, you should not say Mary." She practically spat out this last sentence, her words full of venom. Pandora didn't like to threaten people. Normally she thought herself above such lowly behavior. But in this instance, Christina saying that name so flippantly, with that stupid look on her face, had struck a nerve. Now the florist was silent, waiting for this HERO agent to say whatever she had to say.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amethyst


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interacting: Basically the whole gang?

Spots swam into Angelica’s vision as she blinked her eyes open, squinting against the radiant light of bright sun off white marble, her head aching fiercely and still ringing with the echoes of fireworks from what felt like an eternity ago. For a long moment, she laid on the cool marble floor, the incoherent chaos around her making her brain hurt all the worse.

Where were they?

Dimly, she became aware of Patricia cursing at – something. Then her blood turned to ice. She’d mentioned Eliza…

Oh god, mom was gonna kill her.

With a most unladylike groan, Angie pushed herself up into a sitting position, trying to blow a loose lock of hair out of her face and scrubbing at her puffy eyes with the back of her hand – it came away streaked with makeup and she cursed, both for the immediate carnage it had surely caused to her appearance and for the sake of her complexion; she’d slept for gods knew how long with a full face of makeup on…

Of course, she was snapped back to more immediate circumstances by a TV screen in the corner flickering on again, the camera panning over Grace and Eliza tied to some sort of rack, one that sparked blue and caused both girls to gasp in pain. Grace took one breath and rattled off information that Angie’s brain, even in its half-drunk state, mostly managed to retain, though her eyes were on Eliza’s terrified, tear-streaked face.

So the Wings were trying to kill them…great. Wonderful. Absolutely fantastic. And these ogre things – wait, what ogre things? – hate light.

Before she could say anything about lights, Blake raced out the front door, brandishing a ….kite. A kite, made out of fire.

With far too much effort for the circumstance, Angelica pushed herself to her feet, glancing around for something to improvise as a weapon even as her knees wobbled and her vision swam with dark spots. Fuck, this was why she hated drinking. The lack of coordination after was just…awful, not to mention the expense of the alcohol and the havoc it wreaks on other equilibriums in the body, like hydration and skin health and liver function and…

She wobbled off after the others, tapping herself forcefully in the temple with the heel of her hand to try to clear the mental fog, only half-listening to their plans as she went.

Interacting: Grace! @Hitman

How could a night that was so lovely end so wrong?

Eliza was bitterly familiar with the tightness that radiated through her chest, the sparking lights dancing behind her eyes as they jolted open, her arms and legs trembling from current while restrained tightly. She expected to see broken roof slats, or perhaps the shadow cast by an oversized wing, but as her eyes came into focus she saw a … very nice office.

It might have been intriguing, were her chest not gripped by panic, the memory of electricity, the smell of burning and sound of sirens and – everything radiating through her head, pushing out the soft and warm and cuddly feelings that the previous night had been laced with.

She glanced over her shoulder at the loud, rapid-fire words suddenly spoken, the tears welling in her eyes spilling over as she took in Grace’s battered appearance, and the defiant look in the older girl’s eyes as she shared as much information as she could. The screech of pain caused Eliza to whimper quietly in sympathy, a murmured “no, p-please…” trickling from her lips. Maybe it worked, because Grace stilled, the older girl panting from the pain and the – sickening terrifying Roman figure, who Eliza had not noticed up until this point – grinning sadistically behind his helmet.

She scarcely had time to process what he said before pain bloomed in her chest, her throat tightening and her arms feeling as though they were being wrenched out of their sockets. A tiny, choked whimper escaped her, her eyes visibly glazing over as her mind flicked again, briefly, back to Paris, and her assorted screw-ups on that mission that had led to her being accidentally electrocuted by the same blast that killed the Scavenger…

She’d been helpless then, and she was helpless now. But this time, people were going to get hurt to rescue her… and for what? What good had she ever done on missions?

The pain from the shock subsided soon enough, but the ache in her heart remained, remembering Patricia’s sleepy kiss on her forehead the night before, the way the two of them had almost fallen asleep on each other’s laps, the ambient classical elevator music of the documentary lulling them both into an ease that even fireworks couldn’t completely disrupt.

She realized, in that moment, that she’d forgotten to tell her – to tell her girlfriend the good news. About their … rainbun grandchildren? The vet appointment for Bow had just been the morning before the party, so she’d only just found out herself, and she’d kept it as secret as she could, to make it a surprise... She had saved the ultrasound pictures on her phone to tell Patricia in person, but in all the chaos and noise and loud and aaaaaaaa she had completely forgotten.

And now she might never have the chance… the easily-terrified part of her, amid her rising panic, just hoped that Patricia’s parents might be understanding enough to let her keep the rainbuns. Even – even if Eliza didn’t get to go home, her mom or Angie would make sure Patricia got to keep them, and would help her take care of them, right? Right? Cloud and Bow and the on-the-way babies would be fine, and maybe Patricia could be happy, too…

Her gaze flickered vacantly over the armored figure in front of them, though she said nothing – the numbness in her throat made it so she could scarcely feel her tongue, nevermind control it well enough to construct words, and her mind was far too chaotic to formulate thoughts into anything coherent. Tears welled freely, spilling over her lower lashes and trickling down her cheeks pathetically, and her jaw visibly trembled, as did her fingertips, her arms rattling her bindings with her obvious terror.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Brie was pretty sure that she'd nodded off whilst everyone else had been talking. Or at least taken several microsleeps. It was Wills fault - he was far too comfy to lean against, the body heat that was radiating off him lulling her out of consciousness. That and she found planning extremely boring. Nothing ever went to plan on missions — she'd learnt that during the whole mafia shambles — so she didn't really see the point in making one to start with. Blinking, she looked up at Will as she caught mention of a bathhouse. Yes, that sounded good. Her whole body ached like she'd just run a marathon. She briefly recalled falling over and glancing downwards, she could see that there was a couple of bruises scattered across her legs. Well, she'd definitely done worse when she'd been drunk...even being abducted by a crazy roman dude didn't make it into her top five.

Trying desperately to stay awake, she glanced between the others as they continued to discuss their options, having nothing productive to offer in response. It was taking all of her concentration just to stand upright, her body still swaying slightly despite the effort. A rush of dizziness would intermittently overcome her, making the room look like it was going all topsy-turvy. She did manage to catch a few snippets of what they were saying but it was guaranteed that she would remember none of it. Oh well, she trusted the others to know what they were doing. They were all smart. Well, mostly.

As she was absentmindedly nodding in agreement to Blakes declaration that they should split up, the television suddenly flickered into life once again. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched the scene unfold, eventually having to dart her eyes away when the shocks were sent through the bodies of her two friends. Brie was used to shocking people, it was her job after all, but it was still difficult to see people she cared about in pain. She couldn't imagine how Angie must feel, watching her sister up there. Thankfully, they weren't forced to watch for long, the television soon fading back to black. "Stupid asshole...what sort of fancy dress costume is that anyway? He looks like a total poophead." She mumbled petulantly to herself. Hungover Brie clearly was not good with insults, having resorted to those that she had used as a five-year-old. The intention was there at least, even if the effect was extremely juvenile. Glaring at the now empty screen, a few sparks suddenly emitted from it as she short-circuited the system. It was too late but at least his dumb poophead face would stop popping up on the TV now. Or at least she hoped so anyway.

Slowly plodding after the others, her face fell when she left the temple. Even from this distance, she was able to catch a whiff of the stench that was emitting from the pack. It was disgusting and extremely overpowering. Did ogres (that was what they were called, right?) not shower or something? "I'm gonna throw up if I go near those things. They smell gross." Brie shook her head, her face paling as another wave of nausea overcome her. "Nope, sorry, no can do. Um... maybe we should go to the bathhouse like you said? It didn't look like they were near any water but there might be a clue or something?" Turning back to Will, she shot him an unsure smile before suddenly darting off in the direction of said bathhouse. At least, in the direction that she thought it was in. She couldn't really remember what the map had looked like but she figured it had to be nearby. As long as she was far far away from the ogres, she didn't really care.

@Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tom was only vaguely listening as Will seemed to take charge of the planning aspect of things, dividing everyone up into groups. He did roll his eyes out of view when he heard Will place himself in a group with Brie... Of course he did that. Tom looked over, nodding. Himself, Blake and Sam. That was a pretty solid group... They were totally going to kick ogre ass with that group. Tom still couldn't believe that he was going to have to fight fucking ogres... But this was a world with giant birds and walking plants, so he probably should have expected ogres to come up at some point. Italian ogres, no less... Tom wondered for a moment if they could be lured with pizza, but then he remembered they did not have access to any pizza, or even meatballs. He looked over as some other people also woke themselves up and came over. Patty, Jamie, Angie.

And then, suddenly, Will decided to change the layout of the groups. Tom wasn't sure why he was just letting Will dictate who should go where, it was just Will after all, not like they were trapped here with Powers or Christina. But he was too tired to argue. Now he was with Will, who put himself with Brie again (of course), and Tom tagging along as a third wheel of sorts. "Yeah, sure, whatever, sounds good." He said, running his hands through his messy brown hair. He heard Blake's voice doing something to the TV, then turned his head suddenly as he heard the now familiar voice of Nero pop back up on the screen.

Tom went deathly pale, as he watched a jolt of electricity run through Grace's tied up body and wake her up with, well, a jolt. That was of course before she went on a loud and uninterrupted explanation about how the reason they were stuck in this sticky situation was the fucking Wings of Law. Tom cursed. "Seraph is dead. He's so dead, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him when we get out of here... I knew he was a fucking crook, but I didn't think he'd stoop to kidnapping and hiring villains who run electric shocks through innocent people!" And speaking of which, Nero then decided to run an even larger jolt through Grace, and another through the tiny Eliza. Tom yelled something indecipherable before whipping his head around to the others.

At this point, the notion of Will's plan had completely left his mind. He looked at Will and simply said "No time for a plan, we just have to rush them!" before following Brie out of the room, intending on going and helping Blake. He arrived just in time to see that Blake was apparently making the ogres go on the retreat. He looked around, grabbing a couple large pieces of marble off the ground before floating up and closer to the lumbering ogres - being careful to avoid Blake's fire kite - before sending the pieces down towards the heads of the ogres with as much force and use of his powers as he could muster. "Take that, and that! You ugly bastards! Take that!"

@Hitman @Infinite Cosmos @Danvers
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The man bounced off of Hugo's indestructible body like a rubber ball off a concrete wall, and Powers' follow-up slap sent the speedster directly to the ground. There, Powers stood there, towering over the fallen individual, who Powers was already beginning to suspect was not a villain. He just didn't seem...villainous. Either this mysterious person was an incredible actor that used sympathy to catch his victims off-guard, he was the worst assassin in the history of assassins, or he was somebody else. As he began to speak, the last option began to seem more and more true.

"I'm Chad Connors, Pizza Delivery Man at Porter's Pizza. I want to be a super cool badass Hero, a-and I thought you came to H.E.R.O to be a Hero cause it sounds cooler than I.C.O.S.A. P-p-please don't put me into Coldwater, The C-chainsaw Charlatan will kill me for throwing him in prison!"

Powers sighed, shaking his head. He might've actually preferred if this Chad fellow was actually an assassin and not a wannabe hero. At the very least it would've made for a more interesting scene. However, Powers was rarely one to say 'no' to new hero recruits. While his powers were clearly not under full control, and his entrance was the textbook definition of "lame," he did seem to have the build of a pro athlete and a power that, while untapped, was still useful in the business. And the organization did need all hands on deck in this time of crisis.

"Alright, alright. You could've called up ahead of time, might've simplified this whole process, but I guess you're here now. We can start the registration process soon..." Powers trailed off as he picked up the last part of Chad's sentence. "Wait, scratch that, hold on a second. Who the fuck is the Chainsaw Charlatan?"

Chad obviously did not hear or was not in the right state of mind to respond and continued talking. "My Boss is Percy P-porter, and my hours are 10 to 7. My favorite food is P-pizza, even though I eat a ton of it since I work at a Pizza p-place. My blog is The Bullet Chamber and it's super c-cool, and I don't want to go to prison!!! I-I think my Social Security is 318-"

Powers shook his head. "We don't have to go into this, you know, you told me enough. You're not going to go to jail...for Christ's sake, I don't need your social security number, why the hell would I need your social security number..."

"I think it's on my phone... C-can I please get up? My suit is really hard to clean..."

"Yes, for the love of God, please get up." Powers gave Chad a serious look. "Listen, Chad, this is a serious organization that grapples with serious villains and serious situations. Our organization is currently under attack by a terrorist that wants to destabilize the entire city and cause as much chaos and death as humanly possible. Before you join us, you have to acknowledge that as a superhero for HERO, your life may be put in serious jeopardy and even taken in the pursuit of justice. You will be fighting against criminals, villains, and creatures that can cause danger on a catastrophic level, and you're bound to take it on headfirst and fight against it with every fiber in your being, and to do right any time you can." Powers' gaze was somber and serious. "If you're still willing to join the organization..." Powers extended his hand. "Then we can get to work. There's more paperwork that you'll need to fill out to be an official member, of course, but in this time of need, I'll be willing to temporarily skip over the official forms and get straight into business."

"So, what do you say? Are you in?"

Christina seemed surprisingly unperturbed by Pandora's entrance, and her words seemed to have little impact on the young assistant director's state of mind. She stood entirely unaffected, a grin still on her face, as Pandora spoke. "Christina Lavender, hmm?" the woman had said, her voice oozing with gravity. This was a woman that had seen a lot, a woman that was bold, a woman that knew her shit. That was what the dossier had told Christina, and that was what she was prepared to find.

Christina gave a wide smile and a peppy nod. "The one and only. Unfortunately I don't have any posters or anything, but I can you a nice autograph if you want. Of course, you can always Google me...always ticks me off that some of the top search results are weird Tumblr fanclubs, but I guess that's the price of fame." Christina was not gloating just because she could, but rather, she had a plan, a plan she was about to set into motion.

"You know what doesn't surprise me?" the woman asked, and Christina could sense a strong dose of blistering enmity in her voice. "That the thing that finally brought HERO crawling to my doorstep was incompetence. You've come here, to my little flower shop, to plead for my help. It's degrading." Pandora said jeeringly, looking down at the flower in her hands.

Christina smiled softly, waiting for the woman to finish before speaking. "I think you have a few misconceptions about why I'm here," Christina said casually as she looked at Pandora, smirking. "So let's clear that up right away. First off, I'm not here to beg for your help. Simply put, we don't need your help. Your help would be very nice, sure, and I'm sure we'd have a whale of a time together, but the fact of the matter is, we don't need you in the organization. Just like you don't need us." Christina's tone hardened as she spoke, by the end her tone growing to a serious level, a depth and solemnity that would've made Powers impressed. "The reason I'm here is that I'm offering a business proposition. You have a great set of skills and powers that would be very helpful for us to have. On the other hand, we have the power to allow you to use those skills and powers for something other than running a flower shop. That was the reason HERO was founded, along with the other hero agencies across the globe. To give people with extraordinary abilities the power to do something more. You've been around for some time, and you've done a great deal of things, for sure. But the idea that you've come to Castleburg only to run a flower shop and wallow through the rest of your life is, quite simply, laughable." Christina's speaking became more and more derisive as she spoke, her tone snowballing as she continued her mini-speech.

"Of course, on the off-chance that I'm wrong, and that your only life goal is to run a flower business, then I'll just get this nice pot of daffodils and maybe arrange for some lovely wedding flowers, and I'll be on my merry way. You won't ever have to see me again. But I have a feeling- a good soldier's sense, you know- that you want more than this." She gestured around the flower shop, before quickly adding, "Your flowers are lovely, don't get me wrong, but a person with your powers could be doing so much more. And HERO can help you with that."

"Oh! And also..." Christina leaned across the counter, her eyes turning steely and serious, as she spoke again. "You may call yourself Pandora, if you want, but your name is Mary Silverstone, nee Madison, not whatever identity you've contrived for yourself." Christina looked down at her nails, which were a deep shade of burgundy, a golden ring with a shimmering diamond implanted in its center currently resting on Christina's ring finger. "Technically, you've broken a few laws trying to escape your old life. Quite a few. I could list them off, of course, but that's more of ICOSA's job than mine. I'm not going to come after you for that, obviously, it's your right and all that...but if ICOSA was to catch wind of your flower shop, maybe send some agents to Castleburg for a quick visit, well, I guess my hands would be tied. I wonder what it would be like to spend eternity in jail...? Just a hypothetical question, of course." Christina slid her glove back on. "Well, anyway, do we have an agreement? You working with HERO would be huge for both of us. Also, I'd like to mention that we keep ICOSA away from our employees...on the off-chance that they have broken international law and are technically on the lam from the international superhero police. It's not like I know anybody who falls under that category," Christina said, her daring, vivacious eyes looking up at Pandora's own.

"So, what do you say? Are you in?"

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 5 days ago


|| Morning ||

|| @Hitman, @CanaryRose, @DarkRecon ||

Samson's eyes roved among the others now as they all seemed to resort to their own versions of a plan. Splitting up seemed to be the only option in their heads, despite his reservations against such an action. "Nature is cruel to a herd that scatters," common knowledge for a hunter, but that may not have exactly translated to the others. For one, clearly from the lingering smell of alcohol breath in the air, a good many of them were hungover from the night before. Which, was going to be doubly dangerous for them to be going into battle.

While he may not have been the brightest tactician, their impaired thinking was showing with the presentations with which the groups would be split. William even changed his mind twice. Shaking his head, Sam was soon to follow after Joseph when he caught wind of another strange, yet familiar smell. Refocusing his sense of smell to his more immediate area, Sam sniffed the air. Horsehair and...Wood? The combination of these two scents seemed entirely out of place for this environment.

His nose kept shifting and he turned his head to Patricia. Mulling over the smell again, it was horsehair, and a sort of pine...two were main components in the composition of a violin; Eliza's scent. This was a development that could lead to their friends' rescue. His eye quickly turned as he saw a monitor come to life. A man's voice, with both Eliza and Grace on screen. The man spoke with an arrogant air that made Samson narrow his eyes. Though, his skin tensed when they were shocked awake.

It was clear that this villain's arrogance betrayed him though, when Grace managed to quickly shout out a key weakness in ape-like leftover's senses. Along with that, the perpetrators for their situation. The Wings of Law? Meaning the group that worked under HERO along with them were responsible for putting them in this peril? The blatant betrayal made his blood boil. Childish rivalries were one thing, actively placing women and children in life or death situations was another.

When punished for the villain's own incompetence, Sam silently thanked Bypass before walking over to Patricia. Eyeing the monitor again, he kept his voice low. "I may be able to find our allies through my senses. As it currently stands, you have Murmur's scent attached to you. I will not make assumptions about how, but it is the only lead we have."

Kanati then briefly closed his eyes to focus on his sense of touch to follow the air flow. Focusing in on the fine spruce scent, he found himself turned in the direction of the Basilica. It would make sense to hide in the area most protected, though it would be too obvious. Too obvious for someone who overthought things, like he did. Thus, there had to have been some merit in going there. Currently, Firebird and Spacewalker were driving the beasts back who were managing to close the distance. They were clearly running out of time.

"Alpha, take my place in the group with Joseph. I am unaware of how many monitors he has on this place, but my senses allow me a means of locating our teammates. I am unsure if this villain will let arrogance strike him twice, so we split his attention to multiple places."

Sam rolled his shoulders and went on in the direction of the ogres. The hunter called out to the others as he started on his path:

"Everyone moving, move quickly!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 15 min ago

Pandora had long since stopped making eye contact with the young agent, instead focusing the varnish of the wooden counter she was standing behind. When Christina stopped talking and asked a question, the orange-eyed woman blinked and looked up at the agent, seeming mildly surprised. "Oh, I get a turn to talk, too?" She asked, feigning incredulousness, like she had come out of some boredom induced stupor. Truth be told, she had listened intently to every single word, and had come to the conclusion she disliked Christina Lavender strongly.

She was the fifth of her kind to come her way, trying to wrangle Pandora out of retirement, using some tactic or plan or whatever. They assumed that just because she was still in fighting shape that her retirement was somehow immoral, undeserved, something to be rectified. It was drilled into these people that humans are only deserving of a rest once they have no more to give, and since Pandora had more to give, she wasn't deserving of a rest. They wouldn't be happy until Pandora sacrificed herself in some sort of grand redemptive gesture. The best way for people like Christina to die was young, beautiful, and optimistic. With a little look of shock on their face because they never imagined it could actually happen to them:, not after all they had done, no! Otherwise, they would live long enough to either become bitter, or fool themselves into thinking they had actually given the children they never got to raise a better world to grow up in.

But she didn't want to waste her time or her breathe expositing all of this to this tragically self-righteous young woman, since it would most likely go over her head. It would most likely be interpreted as petty insults to be brushed away with a dismissive, forced grin rather than anything to actually consider. Her servitude to the system was such that she could't even comprehend the idea that Pandora's self-chosen name was legitimate.

Christina was right, in that Pandora did want to join HERO. The last light of her life had spent some of her last moments imploring Pandora to take up her old torch. Mary Silverstone had made a promise that she intended to keep. The only reason she was joining was because of what she owed. HERO could have sent a letter or left her a voicemail and she would have joined all the same. But Pandora's apathy was such that she wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to go plunging headfirst back into hero work. Even on the back of a promise.

So for Christina to come in here with self-satisfied threats of ICOSA involvement, or attempting to shame her for her alleged "lesser actions", was annoying. Annoying in the way a fly is, when it has the arrogance to land on your food the fifth time after shooing it away. At some point, one just wants to destroy it, if only to punish it for is hubris.

And truth be told if this was the 90's, this kind of disrespect would make Pandora stick a finger in Christina's forehead and lower her IQ by 20 points. But now, that would go against her goal of joining these people. So she held back on the flyswatter, for now.

It was just the fact that Christina would assume her little speech there would be the reason behind getting Pandora to join was...annoying. Christina was annoying. Her organization, HERO, was annoying. The systems and people HERO was inplace to protect was, and you're not going to believe this: annoying. Unfortunately, they had set themselves up to be the only avenue of putting her abilities to good use. They had thoroughly squashed reasons like "being kind to one another" and "making the world a better place" and replaced them with "money" and "protection from the legal consequences of misconduct." Superheroing was a career opportunity. Blegh. Pandora was confident she had gotten a read as to the type of person Christina was, and it was one of her least favorite.

All of these demeaning thoughts, though, would result only in an unimpressed facial expression. Pandora spoke only a moment after asking her mocking question. "Yes. I'm in. You could have just asked nicely, and we would be halfway to HERO One by now. But then I suppose, you wouldn't get to feel like a big girl." She mocked Christina with a faux-sympathetic childish pout, tilting her head to the side. It was not good natured teasing. Pandora had decided already that she would never, ever, like Christina.

Not waiting for a response, the florist spoke:"I beg your pardon." Pandora floated silently from her standing position and through the ceiling. She had the intention of travelling to her bedroom.

There, sitting by the windowsill, was a proud red rose in a vase. The redhead did something she rarely did- genuinely smile- as she gently ran her fingers over it's bold crimson petals. "Apologies for the delay, sweetheart." She murmered softly under her breath to the flower. Carefully she removed it from the vase and tucked the green stem behind her ear and intertwined it with her hair, using her red strands as an impossible bobby pin to keep it in place. Then, she took off her green apron and lay it on the bed.

Phasing back downstairs, Pandora was no longer in her uniform and had the big red rose on the left side of her hair. Everything else, the short jeans, grey crop top, and overall buffness, had not changed. The lavender flower that used to be a HERO business card had fallen out of her jean pocket and onto the floor. Now the florist looked at Christina expectantly, wondering if they were going to head right to registration or if there was yet more displays of her 'power' she had in mind. Pandora would have to close up shop.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 7 days ago

"Yes, for the love of God, please get up."

Chad rose to his feet somewhat unsteadily, more a result of his anxiety at the prospect of going to prison rather than the collision. Chad was a few feet away from Powers when he found his balance, and on guard, in case the older man attempted to slap him again.

Chad couldn't tell if Powers noticed this in any way, but the older man probably did notice Chad's posture becoming less tense as he spoke. For a normal person, the thought of putting themselves in harm's way was an incredibly dangerous, terrifying, and usually unnecessary prospect. Even a person with superpowers would prefer to avoid a situation like Powers was describing - a terrorist with the ability to destabilize an entire city was horrifying to imagine, let alone directly go up against.

And if it wasn't the prospect of fighting a superpowered terrorist that scared a person, the very real fact that death was extremely common in the field would probably do it. Chad had actually never thought about dying as a hero before - his visions of death were usually much more mundane. Things like getting hit the wrong way in a tackle, or falling from too high, or breathing too much helium for too long. Maybe it was his love of the theatrical and dynamic, but rather than turn Chad away from the job, Power's statement only made the young man more excited to become a hero. Dying in a blaze of glory, after all, was far superior to sputtering out with a whimper. At least, in Chad's mind it was.

And that wasn't even mentioning the fights! Slamming into another person with all his power was exactly the thing that Chad needed - at least, in his opinion. He had been training his power ever since he discovered it, and while running down the road was pretty fun at Mach speed, Chad knew that H.E.R.O was the best way to master his ability. Percy had always told Chad that becoming the best version of themselves was what a lot of people would wish to accomplish - and Chad had followed that advice as much as he could ever since he heard it in Middle School. He trained hard, followed a strict diet during his cuts, and he studied things as long as they actively interested him.

Becoming a hero was simply the place Chad thought he could be the best version of himself. And being able to help people wasn't bad either!

When Powers extended his hand and finished his warning to the man in black, Chad was slightly taken aback.

"Wait, I'm starting right now?"

Chad shook his head and zipped over to Powers, grabbing Powers' hand in both of his own and shaking it very quickly.

"I-I mean definitely! I'm in, I'm in, I promise! Oh god, I haven't been this happy since I became a Co-admin on the Heroes in Lavender Fanclub! Hell, this is infinitely better! You're a God, Mr. Powers, I swear you won't regret this - I'm pretty fast, y'know?"

Chad finally let go of Powers' hand and did his best to adopt a more serious demeanor, considering how serious Powers' speech had been only a minute or so prior. As a matter of fact, he even held back from asking again about the Invincible Warmonger poster!

"But, um... if you don't mind me asking, what's so important that we're skipping over my registration papers?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

Wings Of Law.

Wings Of Law.

Wings Of Law.

Wings Of Law.

The thought slowly materialized in his mind. Seraph’s smirk. Mr. Impressive’s smug smile. Sea Serpant’s...fucking face. These lowlife, scum of the earth, no good, second rank motherfuckers. They were the ones behind this shit. There has to be a way to get a recording of whatever was said between Nero, Grace and Eliza. William was going to make sure the Wings of Law no longer existed after this ordeal.

Some dark, disturbing things popped into his head along the way. Things that sounded like the word lay.

Taking a deep breath, his previous feeling of inebriation is now completely gone. The group has split up. At this point, it no longer really mattered how they were split. After all, everyone present are capable, powerful heroes in their own right. And if Nero, or Seraph, was to kill any one of them, it would be hell to pay. Nero surely isn’t so dumb that he thinks that it would be ok to fatally harm an official hero.

William hoped anyways.

William exhaled heavily at the mention of the stench. His mind had been too boggled previously to have paid attention to it. Now that he has snapped back to reality, it was as if all of gravity hit him all at once. The smell came with it. William shuddered.

“If this fuck willingly employ such creatures, he shouldn’t be alive... They smell so foul...”

Brie then took off towards the bathhouse, saying something but the ogres not being there, and how there would possibly be a clue there. There wasn’t much choice. He wasn’t going to split himself up away from Brie. He gave an encouraging nod to the rest of the heroes present and took off to chase after Brie, as per usual at this point.

“Hey, slow down, let me go in there first!”

William called out to Brie before the part, and whoever else decided to join them, entered the bathhouse.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Patricia scoffed at Will as soon as he finished talking. She crossed her arms, about to go on the attack. What a dumb plan. It would get them all killed! She was about to pipe in to yell at correct him when the TV flickered to life again. That caught her attention immediately, drawing her away from her derisive anger. Because, despite all her angry posturing, there was one thing here she was genuinely concerned about- Eliza. Her girlfriend was strong and could fight for herself (something that others seemed to forget often, which frequently irritated her). But today… Patricia couldn’t help the fear that was rising in her chest at the sight of Eliza tied helpless to that rack.

Grace’s revelation didn’t shake her to her core. But it did stoke the flames of her fury. The Wings of Law? Seraph had hated her since day one, that much was true. He had tried so hard to make her career at H.E.R.O miserable, to make her quit. Which was shitty for a guy that had two decades on her. Yet, somehow she had thought that they might be decent enough to not attempt fucking murder. Mr. Impressive, Sea Serpent, Seraph, all of them… they could go fuck themselves, because Patricia was coming for them. “FUCK!" she screamed, unable to sum up any coherent words. Her hands tightened into claws. How dare they.

She had to try her hardest not to burst into tears when Eliza was shocked. But when the broadcast ended, she was given something else to focus on. Sam leaned in to speak to Patricia, and her eyes widened, staring at him. Her cheeks pinkened. Of course she smelt like Eliza. It only made sense- they had been holding each other all night. Sam started to walk towards the ogres, and she had to make a choice. Obviously, if they were over there, then there would be no merit in going to the coliseum. And plus… well, she had a few bones to pick with Nero. That she would settle. With mind control.

So, after a few moments of thought, Patricia spedwalk after the giant, towards the danger. “I’m coming with you,” she asserted, looking up at him, her obstinance reflected in her gaze. She wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “And you can’t stop me, so don’t bother trying.”


Jamie nodded at Will once he finished, giving him a thumbs-up. That seemed like a good plan! It wasn’t like she could come up with a better one, anyways. Blake, her, and Rumi… just like the mafia mission. And that had gone super well, so maybe this would too! The ogres didn’t look too fragile, though… Jamie looked at her hands, and then looked up at the encroaching Leftovers. A whiff of their scent hit her nose, and it just made her headache worse, for some reason. So did the sun. And everyone talking. And that TV going in the background… wait, what?

“The Wings of Law… what?!” Jamie looked genuinely stunned at this revelation. She had of course known that the group didn’t exactly like them much, but to want them dead? No, no, it couldn’t be true. But Grace wasn’t exactly a liar, and Jamie believed her. The Wings of Law were, like them, the good guys- heroes. Even though Mr. Impressive was a douchebag and Sea Serpent was a total bitch, they were still heroes. Surely they couldn’t want to hurt them. But the evidence was apparently staring her right in the face.

The broadcast ended, and Jamie’s attention was drawn back to the ogres. Everyone was splitting up, it seemed- Patricia and Sam were going to the area directly behind the ogres, and Will and Brie were going to the left. Remembering Will’s plan, Jamie decided to stay and fight the ogres. Her power was usually useful for this sort of thing. Looking at the ogres a bit closer, she noticed how durable they seemed. She tried out a blast on one of the ones closest to her- and it didn’t crush it. Rather, the ogre just seemed to be annoyed. This was not going to work.

Suddenly, she had an idea. “BLAKE!” she shouted, and winced at how loud her own voice was. “HERD THEM INTO THE BUILDING! I HAVE AN IDEA!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

B R E A K I N G N E W S!

The cameras in the studio panned to a glass table with a group of dolled-up people sitting in a semicircle around the table, papers and coffee on desk, a fake smile painted over a flustered look. At the center of the table was a man in a dark suit and red tie, his black hair combed meticulously, square glasses perched on his nose. "Good morning, Castleburg, This is Jack Roberts, here with some breaking news. Legendary hero Rainbow Dancer was murdered on live TV last night by renowned super-villain Caustic. He was kidnapped and executed in a mysterious warehouse in Castleburg. Let's take a look at the clip."

Onscreen, the video footage of Caustic's manifesto and Rainbow Dancer were played, though the footage cut off right before Caustic gruesomely murdered Rainbow Dancer, instead flicking back to Jack Roberts' face in time. Jack Roberts held up his papers, shuffling his notes. "Rainbow Dancer is one of Castleburg's most well-known heroes and was responsible for a slew of villain defeats in the late 2000s that prompted his rise to fame, and he later became one of the inaugural members of the Wings of Law. He would later take part in a gripping legal battle over the beating of Riptide Boy, AKA Josh Edwards, though he was acquitted. He was a few years into semi-retirement when this horrific murders took place. I'd like to extend my condolences on behalf of all of CCN to his family." Jack played with his red tie a bit. "With the supervillain Caustic making some bold moves now, citizens of Castleburg are calling on HERO to ask fast and catch Caustic once again. Director Hugo Powers could not be reached for comment. Now, here to talk about the resurgence of Caustic and what Rainbow Dancer's untimely death means for the hero community and Castleburg at large is our panel. Please welcome Dr. Louis Hennessy, professor of criminal justice at the University of Castleburg, Mackenzie Bell, a junior reporter at the Castleburg Times, Arnold Buckner, Director of Security at CSDC, and superhero Seraph, who has, despite threats on his life, insisted on joining our panel again today. Welcome, you guys. Glad to have you."

The panel nodded in agreement.

"Now, Seraph, to you first. As one of HERO's leading superheroes, what steps are you going to take to bring people like Caustic to justice and stop this senseless tragedy from happening again?"

Seraph, who was wearing a solemn dark suit, straightened his jacket. "Well, Jack, let me start by saying that I've been absolutely crushed by this news. Rainbow Dancer was one of my closest friends and a confidante of mine, and we've worked together countless times to defeat many dangerous villains. Even after being racked by false accusations and forced to lie about them in his final moments, he still carried himself with dignity, grace, and poise." Seraph dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief. "But it's important to ensure that this never happens again. Never. To have superheroes kidnapped by a supervillain, held against your will, and forced to jump through hoops to save your own life is something atrocious, and anybody who commits such a heinous act deserves to suffer." Seraph took a prolonged, shaky breath. "I think what's important, Jack, is that HERO has some leadership from the top to deal with this crisis."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Director Powers is a great leader, but he's responsible for dealing with all of HERO's many employees, some of whom are loose cannons. So while the Director keeps the rogue heroes in check, I think it would be best for all of Castleburg if I lead a special division of high-tier heroes to help hunt down and defeat Caustic."

"I'm sure many people will be happy to hear that you have their backs, Seraph. What about the rest of you, panel? How should HERO handle this crisis?"

Mackenzie Bell, a young woman of 20 or so with blonde hair fastened back in a ponytail, spoke. "Jack, thanks for having me here today. And let me just say that I think there are other heroes that HERO can call upon to help bring Caustic down. Heroes like Quake, Spacewalker, and others."

Louis, a balding, middle-aged man with thinning red hair and round spectacles, chimed in. "Right! The younger heroes, the next generation of HERO. They may be rowdy sometimes, but you have to admit that they have style and, more importantly, strength. Maybe enough to beat Caustic."

"Well," Seraph quickly chimed in. "They are young, yes, but calling them the 'next generation of HERO' is a bit of a stretch, no? They are known for dealing a lot of damage through the city-"

"I'll tell you what they did a lot of damage to! The mafia!" Professor Hennessy interjected. "And while Vinnie Gugliano might not be Caustic, he was no pushover! Remember the rhino video?"

"Right right right right right, but let's just say that something were to happen to those heroes. Something tragic. Considering their penchant for damage, I wouldn't doubt it. Then, well, I think it's up to the Wings of Law to deal with villains like Caustic. We are, after all, the highest-ranking and most prominent HOG in all of HERO. We are more than equipped to deal with this acid-producing scoundrel."

"And what if those heroes were to found their own HOG?"

Seraph clenched his teeth and was about to say something nasty when Jack Roberts spoke up. "Great conversation, you guys, but we have to take a quick break for commercials. Coming up next- kitties. Our friends or worst enemies? We'll find out after the break."

Blake guided the kite above the heads of the ogres, allowing it to soar past them, drawing their attention (or more likely, hatred) as it glowed brilliantly. ”What did you say, Jamie?! Guide them into the building?! Sure- oh.” Blake's kite accidentally clipped a bronze pillar in the forum and ran out of fuel, sizzling into fiery sparks before vanishing. Blake cursed. ”Fuck. Should've seen that one coming,” Blake cursed, rubbing his head as the ogres, now regaining their senses, growled and charged towards the group. Tom's projectiles and Jamie's blasting only seemed to piss them off and temporarily slow them down as they rushed over. Blake grumbled as he ignited two fireballs, one in each hand. ”Alright, I'm going to roast them alive. That's it,” Blake muttered, before flinging the fireballs at the bull ogre. He stepped back, the blast singing him, before he rushed Blake, picked him up, and threw him directly into a marble pillar.

The pillar cracked as Blake fell off, rubbing his back. That would be bruised tomorrow. "Fucking pieces of shit...” Blake grumbled as he lifted his arms, sending a very bright wave of fire at the ogres. While the fire didn't do much to hurt them, the light burned their retinas, and so the ogres were once again on the retreat, scampering into the elaborate forum, which had several large fancy-looking roman buildings and several large bronze statues of Nero (the villain, not the emperor) positioned about. Blake panted as he stopped the flames, the ogres having scattered about the forum.

"Haha!" Blake declared triumphantly as some of the ogres retreated into some of the large Roman chambers. "Alright, Jamie, mission accomplished. I think a third of them are inside now," Blake said, pointing to a large marble building adjacent to the basilica that was titled "Senatus et Camera." "Go do whatever...OW! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

Blake began to curse as a small creature, a Vermile, had scampered out of one of the buildings and, upon seeing Blake, lunged at him, biting into his ankle. Blake was now hopping around, holding the wound, as the Vermile just sat there, staring at him. "HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST, THAT HURT! ARE THESE THINGS VENOMOUS? OWWW, FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

Meanwhile, the bathhouse was exactly what one would expect from a Roman bathhouse. A large marble building with a steamy hot pool in the middle, bubbling with warmth. As Brie and Will stepped inside, though, the heavy marble doors to the building slammed shut, a heavy iron lock falling into place to seal them inside. A TV screen turned on, with a hysterically laughing Nero appearing onboard. The lack of kidnapped girls behind him indicated that this was a pre-recorded Nero tape.

”Greetings, heroes! It seems you've found my bathhouse. A pleasant place to relax, enjoy a nice soak...unless, of course, the water is infested with Swampjaws." From the bubbling water, several pairs of reptilian eyes emerged, glaring directly at Brie and Will. "Worry not, though, because your journey was not in vain! For if you do survive, I'll give you the key to my hidden lair in the bas-...the somewhere. Not like you're making it out alive, anyway! ATTACK!" The Swampjaws, as if by command, promptly lunged out of the pool and attacked Will and Brie, There would about 7 or so of them, and they were moving fast as they leaped towards Brie and Will, jaws ready to chomp.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Midas sat back on his newly fashioned throne of crates, overlooking the Turnpike operation. He was happy to see how efficiently it all ran, unlike his fighting rings. It was refreshing he had to admit, chaotic environments where anything could happen were good for making fighters but something like this? Well it gave himself some sense of legitimacy in this world. But his daze of smug contemplation were screeched to a grinding halt as he saw the news broadcast on the TV hung in the corner.

So it wasn't some staged event. This Caustic guy really did that to a HERO and didn't get caught, a Wings member to top it off. Of course it wasn't unheard of, Midas had done that plenty of times. But the level of humiliation he brought to that hero made even Midas feel like vomiting. At least when Midas puts someone out of commission they still get to keep their image as a hero. This meant very bad things were coming, first the Gugliano's 'ally' and now this. Any more going down and HERO, or even worse ICOSA, will crack down on everyone. The heroes were nice and lazy earlier especially Wings, but with one of their own dead they will be out for blood. It was time to lay low and listen. To see what HERO will do because of this and to get any information on this Caustic guy.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Having rushed ahead, Brie looked back when Will called out to her, seeing him trying to catch up. "Oh, sorry!" She smiled, slowing down in order to match her pace to his. She still felt like she'd been hit in the side of the head with a mallet but was trying to ignore it the best she could. "Those ogres just stunk so much." Pulling a face of disgust as they strolled into the bathhouse, she instantly spotted the pool in the middle of the room. It looked amazing. So warm and bubbly and relaxing. Probably not something she should go in whilst they were in a life-threatening situation but surely a quick dip wouldn't harm anyone...

About to turn back to Will and suggest exactly this, Brie was rudely interrupted when yet another TV screen flickered into life, Neros face popping into view once more. "Urgh, him? Again? God he's such a douchebag." Pouting, Bries eyes darted over the messy lines of electricity that she could see were feeding the television. Maybe she should try to blow the whole system this time. It really was annoying to have to see his stupid dumb face everywhere they went. Before she could do any such thing however, her attention was distracted by several pairs of eyes peeping out of the water. She recognised them instantly (handily from her book on leftovers that she'd been gifted for Christmas). Swampjaws. And not just one - but seven!

Instead of running away or attacking them, Brie actually squeaked, her green eyes widening. "Oh. my. god!" She blurted out excitedly. She'd seen the odd one near the sewers in Brookside but never this many! Maybe Nero wasn't such a bad guy after all. Well he was, but it was still kinda cool to get to see swampjaws up close.
"I love swampjaws! They're SO cute! I wonder if they'll let me pet one of them, oh I bet they will—fucking hell!" Cut short, her enthusiasm rapidly faded when the pack lunged at them, Brie yanking back her outstretched arm. Any slower and she would have been down a hand, one of their jaws snapping shut only millimetres away from where her fingers had just been.

"Why are they attacking us?! That's not fair!" Brie exclaimed as she backed away. Unfortunately, they were extremely agile and she barely had time to react before another had charged towards her. In what was more instinct than anything, she raised a hand at the offending creature, sending a bolt of electricity squarely at its nose. Stunned, the swampjaw drew back, although it really seemed more irritated than particularly hurt.

"Bad swampjaw, bad!" Pointing a finger sternly at it, Brie acted like she was simply telling Dog off for chewing yet another of her shoes, rather than facing a creature that would be more than happy to eat her for breakfast. She really didn't want to hurt them but she also really liked having all four of her limbs. "What should we do?" Stepping closer to Will, Brie looked up at him, hoping he would have some sort of plan. She could probably try shock them all at once (thank god this place seemed to have an abundance of electricity) but she didn't want to harm him in the process.

And they were just SO cute.

@Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

"It's as good a plan as any," Rumi said to William, rolling up the map. "I'll try to keep Blake and Jamie out of too much trouble." Will clearly put some thought into it, dividing the group by familiarity between others for the most part and sending them to areas where they would thrive the best. After they split up, Blake found a TV screen which lit up, revealing Nero taunting them with the image of Grace being tortured. Fortunately, it seems Grace hadn't given up as she was still able to reveal the masterminds, the Wings of Law, as well as one of the ogres' weaknesses: overloading their senses. It wasn't much, but it was a start. A horde of ogres also appeared just around the corner, and Blake and Jamie went off to deal with them.

While the ogres were distracted, Rumi took the time to take inventory. "Right, let's see here..." Rumi said, raising his arms and pressing two buttons on either side of his glasses. He then went down and pressed a button on his belt. At once, a large number of Nanobots swarmed out from within it and his clothes, and they began to envelop Rumi, covering him from head to toe in a suit of chrome armor. A blue light also began to envelop him only to quickly fade away a second later. His facial area had no features save for a thin visor that glowed green. A series of icons and status bars flooded his hud before organizing themselves in his peripheral vision. Flexing his fingers, Rumi found it unsatisfactory compared to how much tech he usually carried, but he figured it would have to do for now. Rumi looked over at the TV that had shown Nero and proceeded to quickly dismantle it, using his nanobots to form the appropriate tools to take it off the wall and strip it for parts. Many bits of plastic and metal were discarded, while others were melted and bent together to create a pair of rods, which integrated themselves on each of Rumi's arms.

Much of Rumi's tech he had been carrying at the time had been confiscated by the Wings of Law, who were clearly thorough in their search, but it seemed like even they could not account for everything. That being said, though, all he had left was his backup suit and single power source, along with any other tech he could salvage from this roman set. Rumi ran off to catch up with Blake and Jamie, who had managed to lure the ogres into a nearby building and force it to collapse onto the horde. It was not a bad plan, but Rumi wondered if it would be enough against 20-something Ogres. There was no time for that thought, however, as Blake began to swear like a sailor, having been bitten by a Vermile. "Ooo, that's not good," Rumi remarked, taking a look at the wound. "Vermiles are venomous, but the venom itself is not strong enough to kill a human. That being said, though, you should probably get medical treatment on that thing soon."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I-I mean definitely! I'm in, I'm in, I promise! Oh god, I haven't been this happy since I became a Co-admin on the Heroes in Lavender Fanclub! Hell, this is infinitely better! You're a God, Mr. Powers, I swear you won't regret this - I'm pretty fast, y'know?"

"No, I'm definitely going to regret this. Definitely. But you are fast, I'll give you that much..."

After holding onto Powers' outstretched hand for an uncomfortable period of time, Chad finally let go, before tentatively asking a question. "But, um... if you don't mind me asking, what's so important that we're skipping over my registration papers?"

Powers nodded, at the very least respecting this newcomer's attention to detail. Well, selective attention to detail. Powers gave a nod. "My secretary just got a call from Starbright- yes, I see you've heard of him before- one of his agents. In essence, he has indicated he has strong reason to believe that a group of heroes were kidnapped by a supervillain last night and are currently being held against their will somewhere. I don't know the specifics, obviously, or I would've found them already. But with all this Caustic nonsense going on, I've been busy managing the response." Powers reached down to his belt, unclipping a square device from it and twirling it in his fingers. "This device is a multi-purpose tool called an IDD. Irregularity Detection Device. It's a very common tool for our restorative units, and its interface allows for the detection, isolation, and identification of nearby scientific anomalies. For example, on this interface, there's a miniature seismograph that can pick up on nearby vibrations. The device can also pick up on abnormal temperature, electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, temporal fields, atmospheric pressure, basically anything that can be modified by superpowers." Powers tapped the interface of the device. "In short, unless all of the heroes are really drugged up, this device should flare up once you get anywhere near them." Powers tossed the device over to Chad. "The profiles of the missing heroes is also loaded into the device. Obviously, it's a big city, but your powers lets you cross it fairly quickly, I imagine. I'd check out Brookside and Watervale first- it's probably easier to abduct people there then anywhere else."

Powers looked sternly at Chad. "Once you've found them, report back using the device. There should be a communication button on the side there. We also have a GPS on that device, so once you give us the call we can get reinforcements into the area ASAP." He gave Chad a curt nod. "This is your moment, Chad. Now go make the most of it." Powers turned on heel, walking over to HERO One. "Make sure to call once you've found them. Now I need to make a call of my own."

"Good luck," he added, before entering HERO One and vanishing again.

"Great!" Christina said with a wide smile. "You won't regret this decision. This'll be a good place for you." Christina watched, an amused expression on her face as Pandora promptly phased away, returning later after turning Christina's business card into a flower. Nice. Christina looked up at Pandora, a warm expression on her face. "Well, I'm glad you've decided to join us, and I'd really love to show you around, but I have a meeting I need to get to, STAT. Caustic's thrown a wrench into the works, for sure..." Christina reached down to her belt, her hand going past her pistol and removing, from her back pocket, a blocky square device and putting it on the table. "But I do have somebody that would like to speak to you. Best wishes," Christina said with a wave, before stepping outside and walking over to the cool-looking motorbike parked outside of Pandora's Potts. She straddled the bike before, with a loud whir, zooming off onto the street towards HERO One.

The device, meanwhile, softly flickered blue before projected a glowing image of an ebony-skinned bald head with cold, hardened eyes. Hugo Powers. "Pandora," the blue, floating head said, his dull animated eyes looking over at Pandora. "I can't see you on this end, but I trust you can hear me well. I'd like to, first and foremost, congratulate you on your business success. Small business in Castleburg isn't always the easiest task to uphold. Secondly, though, I'd like to get to business, if possible, as soon as we can. HERO is in a time of need, and your services would be greatly appreciated at this time. The device that I'm emanating from is our newest line of IDD. Irregularity Detection Device. A tool that detects nearby scientific anomalies. Just recently, a group of some of our best heroes went missing, and we believed they've been abducted. Your skillset may be of importance to help get them back. They may be disorganized, but they are honest heroes, and your help would be highly appreciated." Powers paused."This device should signal you if you get near the heroes. Knowing them, even if they are in captivity, their power levels should be enough to set the device off even without actively exerting too much of their powers. What I need you to do is help locate them and free them, if possible."

After some background noise, Powers looked back at Pandora. "Thank you for giving us a chance. As an organization, I assure you that we won't let you down," he said, his holographic face flickering as the connection buffered for a moment before stabilizing. "If you need to reach me, just use the device to communicate. Take care," he said, before his face flickered away to nothingness, leaving Pandora alone again in the flower shop.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Blake’s fire herded about a third of the ogres into one of the buildings near them. They detested his fire, which was awesome for her. Because if they could get them all into a building Jamie could use her own signature move. Collapsing buildings. Finally, that skill was useful! On a normal day, her pay would’ve been docked for destroying a building. Somehow she didn’t think that would be the case today. She examined the building for a moment. Not just with her eyes, but with her power too. It didn’t seem that sturdy of a building. The Romans must not have been too good at building stuff, because it would collapse pretty easily. Which was great for now, but the ancients who lived here once couldn't've been very smart to build their stuff like that.

Once she felt that most of the ogres that would get into the building were in there, Jamie backed up and extended her hands. The building began to shake, several pieces of its drywall falling off and obstructing the doorway. “STAND BACK!” she yelled, before she yanked her arms back, and with them, the building. It collapsed to the ground around the ogres with an earth-rattling noise and sensation. Jamie had to put her hand on a pillar to stabilize herself, breathing heavily. God, she wished she had brought her goggles. Dust from the collapse exploded out from the collapse, carrying with it the ugly smell of the ogres. She flashed a thumbs-up to Blake, who was currently struggling with a Vermile.

Hopefully that had worked. Making sure to stay far away from the alive ogres, Jamie drifted towards the collapsed building as soon as the shaking seemed to stop. She covered her mouth and nose with her arm. Those ogres were probably dead, but it was worth it to check. She didn’t want to use another big blast of her power like that (her arms were hurting now, ow), but she would if she had to.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

Having caught up to Brie, William rested his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Has Brie always been this fast? Or was it fueled by adrenaline? In any case, he looked up and surveyed the area. A ‘classic’ bathhouse. Marble everywhere. Water in the center. Could it really be this easy?

What would they have to do to get through this ‘challenge’? Just as that thought exited his mind, the TV in the room came back on. William looked up, side eyed, and waited for Nero to speak. Nero, in typical fashion, made what essentially is a torture chamber with a hot tube sound grandiose.

He then said the word ‘attack’.

In that moment, William noticed the glowing eyes. Thats never a good sign. Brie, being the leftover lover like she is, recklessly approached. Squealing about how cute these overgrown, monstrous crocodiles are, William sighed and if they weren’t under a potentially lethal situation, he would have facepalmed. However, he did not have the time nor mind to do that. Seeing Brie nearly have one of her arms torn off, William just shook his hand and sprung forward to pull her close to him.

He looked her up and down, to make sure she was not hurt. “Ok. So, we need to incapacitate these things... And I’ll do it, knowing the fact that you don’t want to hurt these things. And no, we’re not keeping them as pets. Dog would not get along with these things nor do we have the space for them to live a good life, in relative terms that is... So. I figure we can drop something heavy on their heads to knock them out?” William said, looking around. “Though, there aren’t anything in particular that I can pick up...”

William sighed. “Ok, this is what we’ll do. You, please keep yourself safe and look for a way out. I’ll trap these things in some really strong streams of upwards flowing water, pinning them to the ceiling for the time being...” He said, snapping his fingers once.

Several discs of water appeared around the room, one under each of the seven Swampjaws. With a steady exhale, William waved his right arm upwards as streams of water, large enough to lift and contain the majority of the Swampjaw’s bodies, erupted from the floor, occasionally drawing more water from the tub in the center of the room.

“Any luck on finding a way out?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 5 days ago

|| Roman Replica ||

|| Morning ||

|| @CanaryRose ||

Samson kept an even pace, though the cogs of his mind went on quicker. Only a few of the Ogres were deterred by the bright kite Firebird had constructed. Looking at the still rather large troop of ape like creatures that remained ahead, Sam made note in his head to keep them in front of him. Especially now considering that Patricia was following. Being that she was going to stubbornly go along with him, he decided not to actively go into battle yet. The girl's bravery was admirable, but her determination alone wouldn't make her strong enough to wrestle with apes. Much less giant flesh-eating primates.

Still the stench of the ogres was getting worse on approach, now recognizing the metallic smell of blood mixed among the musk. It would be easy to lose track of the scent of Murmur, though Patricia's stubborn trailing would be useful in this manner.

Sam kept to the side of the path leading up to the Basilica, subtly cueing Patricia to stay close. His movements were deliberate and slower when in the thick of them, trying not to draw as much attention to himself. His hope was that Blake's antics would prove too much of an eye sore for the other ogres to approach them as openly.

Several seemed to sniff the air and turned in their direction. Positioning himself between the group and Patricia, Sam was anticipating a fight. Yet, that's when the vibrations met his ear. First it was in the air, and when his head turned, a structure crumbled where Blake led the smaller pack of ogres. The explosion caused by Quake made him jerk his head away with grit teeth. The smell was a haymaker to his own senses, bringing water to his eyes. Words could only barely describe the foul fragrance.

By the time he finished wiping his eyes with a forearm, an ogre was fast approaching on all fours. Out of reflex, Sam quickly extended a leg to kick the beast. Catching the primate prepared to pounce, the kick shattered bone in the leftover's face; knocking it to the ground, slumped.

Meanwhile, the others creatures were pushed into a frenzy, scattering quickly due to the sudden explosion. A couple of them randomly barreled towards the duo. Thinking on his feet, Sam balled his fists near his head watching their body-language.

"Aria, what's the highest note you can sing?"
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