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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, proud owner of a stupidly long name.
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: Still just letting you see.
  • Abilities:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: -
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: C. Despite being a Saber, Nero boast a pitifully low magic resistance due to her own lack of interaction with the art.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Divinity: A++ (D). With the family descent from Mars, and holding a direct descent back to the founding of the family tree through her mother, Nero holds a natural level of Divinity. However, through Imperial Privilege--and specifically the Imperial Cult, which holds the dead Emperors as deities and in places and parts held select Emperors as living gods, including Nero--she has achieved the highest possible level of Divinity. Not that this does terribly much, but it's good for her ego.
    • Imperial Privilege: EX. A function of Aestus Domus Aurea, Nero's insistence that a certain ability should be the providence of the Emperor can make this a reality for a period. Such insistence is the entire basis for her class, granting the Emperor a truly impressive grasp of swordsmanship for one that would never have needed to use it, and skills in the various fields of athletics the Romans entertained (including wrestling, even if you're a lion). Such insistence gives her a truly diverse skill set despite her lack of direct combat power, from Riding through to all aspects of leading, arranging, and planning a military campaign from the tactical to the strategic level. These skills also work on the less relevant civic level--legal matters, politics, architecture and city planning; the role of an Emperor is vast. Finally, Nero's belief in her own artistic talent can be fully vindicated through the expression of this skill, although given her lack of taste...
      Only in two regards does this give Nero an ability that could be considered 'supernatural': augmenting the Divinity so attributed to the Emperor, and a link to the Emperor's role as Pontifex Maximus in the guise of casting and reading various auguries. Why would an Emperor possess some power not of this world, save for the gods' favour?
    • Invictus Spiritus: A. A skill born from an anecdote where, three days after her death, a servant thought to cover her body--only for the apparently-deceased emperor to open her eyes and thank him. It is further born from the possibility of a wraith born of her resentment still lingering long after her demise...
      Similar in nature to Battle Continuation, only rather than allowing for her Nero to continue fighting after receiving a fatal wound, it instead means not dying when fatally wounded--at least, not for a much longer period than a Servant should be able to hold on despite the severity. At this rank, stubbornness alone is enough to force survival for several days in spirit form regardless of injury--although on her own, she could never recover from this state.
    • Migraine: B. The greatest limitation on Nero's exercise of her considerable talents is, of course, the frequent recurring migraines. At least her ability to swing a sword is undiminished.
  • Noble Phantasms:
    • Aestus Domus Aurea. Type: Reality Marble. The manifestation of the Emperor's unyielding belief in her own abilities and ego, even in the face of an uncooperative Senate, a coup, and even her own madness. It takes the form of the theatre that at once expresses the combination of her civic abilities in rebuilding from the fire, architectural skill, and a venue for her artistic ambitions. Passively, it grants her the ability to access skills she never learned or at a level superior to her life (see above) and justifies her position as the strongest class of Servant.
      Activated, the world created is a perfect venue for whatever the Emperor might desire--cooking or arts, gladiatorial combat or simply fighting. In the face of the Emperor's magnificence, enemies' statistics are ranked down, progressively getting more severe if the theatre is maintained for long enough, such that none may outshine the theatre's star. And of course, Nero herself is strengthened--the environment of her theatre is always going to match her desires, and within its confines the truly theatrical like a flaming sword and roses are all but guaranteed.
  • Personality: There are several words that can be used to describe Nero's attitude, but inevitably it all comes round to the obvious: if there's anyone in the world that can possibly compete with her by ego alone, then it's the King of Heroes, followed shortly thereafter by the King of Conquerors. She assumes, from the start, that she is the greatest of artists, able to rival the very gods themselves, and that everything she does must be perfect. To that end, she puts a truly vast amount of passion into everything that she does--a passion that she expects to be reciprocated, even if her subjects cannot possibly match it or understand the art produced.
    Her driving desire, besides art, is beauty (and for some reason, competing with Heracles. Given that she's a short girl, wrestling a lion might be impressive but it's a long way off), and it doesn't matter if you're male or female to that end in getting her interest. Because of this, she has little direct interest in wealth or treasure--but the trappings of it greatly appeal to her interests.
    Despite her general attitude being upbeat, she's quite easily angered by criticising her art or refusing to experience it, believing that it is something to be admired and praised even if beyond your comprehension. On the flip side, flattering her is an easy way to get into Nero's good graces and manipulate her.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Pervert Good
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Nagao Kagetora
  • Class: Lancer
  • Appearance: "Bishamonten's protection is upon me!"
  • Personality: At heart, Kagetora is a person who cannot understand the oddities and complexities of human emotions. Born with immense strength that dwarfed that of the people around her, she was never once able to understand the weakness of the humans that she protected thus. Without sadness, without anger, Kagetora herself simply wore a permanent smile upon her face, never once breaking the mask that she put on for herself (and continues to do so even now). With that said, though she is 'inhuman' in terms of both empathy and strength (which she herself acknowledges), her battle-mania means that combat is where her usually boisterous self stops being held back, be it by herself or by others. To charge forth into battle without fear or hesitation to strike down enemies is fun for her, after all, so even as a Servant she is more than a little unruly in that regard. That being said, her own ability as a former warlord is not to be underestimated...
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: D+
    • Luck: C+
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: C
    • Riding: C
    • Divinity: C
  • Personal Skills:
    • Fate is With Heaven: A
      A skill that amplifies Kagetora's own personal exploits on the battlefield, and has varying effects depending on what circumstances she finds herself in. On a chaotic battlefield, Kagetora is able to carve through the enemy to bring victory; in a duel, she is able to strike accurately and decisively regardless of the state of the fight itself. Additionally, Kagetora is able to summon multiple other weapons for use in combat, regardless of her class being denoted as Lancer. As an avatar of Bishamonten, such boons are but a given.
    • Armor Upon the Chest: A
      Drawing upon an anecdote where she calmly drank wine and dodged bullets flying all about without a scratch upon her, this skill allows Kagetora to dodge any and all objects fired at her so long as she believes that she will not be hit. The effect of this skill is not absolute, of course—if there are enough shots fired at her, it is possible that this skill will fail and that the projectiles will find their mark.
    • Accomplishment in the Feet: A
      An amalgamation of Military Tactics and Charisma, this skill allows Kagetora (who, in over 70 military battles across her lifetime, had never been defeated) to direct and lead her forces to victory in battle. Of course, her own personal style of combat is more suited for explosive and violent battles, so this skill fares poorly against opponents who prefer to hide away in castles or fortresses or the like.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Bishamonten's Eight Phases Wheel Charge Formation
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
    • Appearance: --
    • Effects: Kagetora's Noble Phantasm does not actually activate without having its name spoken, as it is a technique rather than any sort of tangible object. When invoked while Kagetora is mounted on her horse, she is able to split into eight different copies of herself to strike out at her opponents. Though these eight clones may focus on a single target, their status as a sublimation of her military tactics enables them to be used to direct the flow of battle as well. Wounds inflicted upon these copies do not reflect back onto the original, and though they only last a short while, they are more than able to inflict the same amount of damage as if it was the original lashing out.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Okita Souji
  • Class: Assassin
  • Appearance: "In battle, there is no good or evil... only killing."
  • Personality: Assassin possesses something of a contradictory nature. In battle, she is a very serious combatant, completely focused on the fight, determined to win. She does not consider battle in terms of good or evil, rather in terms of winning and losing. That being said, this does not mean she does not approach battle totally without moral concerns. Rather, she will attempt to win regardless of her enemy's cause. That being said, Assassin is not tolerant of truly evil actions, such as the harming of innocent people without cause or especially the intent to harm children. Indeed, Assassin has an affinity for children, enjoying spending time around them and making them happy. In spite of her conduct in battle, Assassin is revealed to be a very different person outside of combat. Lighthearted, optimistic, and even somewhat ditzy, Assassin is a remarkably cheerful and friendly girl who shows almost no signs of the determined and skilled fighter who focuses utterly on her victory. However, no matter what, she is always very proud of her skills in combat, referring to her ultimate technique as 'perfect' and often complimenting herself on a job well done, after a fight. While she will refer to herself as a Manslayer, and express surprise at someone being open and friendly towards her, that does not prevent her from being open and friendly towards others. Assassin deeply enjoys sweets, especially dango. In spite of her cheerful and energetic personality, she is deeply regretful over the circumstances of her death, wishing she had the chance to fight to the end with her compatriots. Finally, she is quite dismayed at being summoned as Assassin rather then Saber, even though nothing has really changed.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: E
    • Luck: D
    • Noble Phantasm: C
  • Class Skills:
    • Presence Concealment: C
  • Personal Skills:
    • Eye of the Mind(False): A. An innate, instinctive sixth sense, allowing Assassin to sense both weaknesses in the opponent's defense and incoming attack. It almost appears to be a form of prescience, but it is in fact a natural instinct. At this rank, it is possible to 'see' beyond visual obstruction.
    • Weak Constitution: A. A skill inherently similar to Innocent Monster. Due to the modern perception of Assassin's death by tuberculosis, it is possible that Assassin may suffer from a sudden drop in status, accompanied by coughing fits, fever, and weakness. While it may occur at any time, the risk of its occurrence is very low. Additionally, the parameter drop is mitigated due to the advantage provided by her presence in her homeland.
    • Reduced Earth: B. A technique Assassin honed to near-mastery in life, through a combination of breathing and bodily motion she is capable of cutting the distance between herself and her target in an instant, seemingly as if she has teleported from one location to the other. Further advancement of this technique would become dimensional transition.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Mumyou Sandanzuki: A Sword Absolute
    • Rank: N/A
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Technically a skill rather than a Noble Phantasm, Mumyou Sandanzuki is a transcendent sword technique unique to Assassin. It is the pinnacle of her capabilities as a samurai, an attack that is composed of three simultaneous thrusts. This is not to say that the thrusts occur so quickly that they appear simultaneous. Rather, it is three individual thrusts that occur, fundamentally, at the same time, at the same position. Even if it were possible to block an individual strike, the other two would still pierce their target. This contradiction causes reality itself to shatter at the tip of the sword, the relationships between cause and effect breaking down entirely. This technique surpasses virtually any known defense, and even the mere destruction of material objects, allowing it to destroy objects that the sword normally would not be capable of piercing. When the attack has been completed, Assassin comes to a halt behind her target, the point of impact having become a perfectly circular hole. While blocking is impossible, defenses that rely on preventing the tip of the sword from reaching its target are the best measure against it.

    • Name: Chikai no Haori ~ The Colors of the Shinsengumi
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: The haori worn by Saber
    • Effects: The distinctive haori worn by officials that were part of the Shinsengumi in Kyoto during the Bakumatsu period. When clad in this garment, Assassin's very mentality causes her capabilities to be ranked up, both in terms of her parameters and the weapon that she wields. Her physical parameters are ranked up, and she receives her beloved katana, Kiku-Ichimonji Norimune to replace Kojiki Kiyomitsu, her usual weapon. As this Noble Phantasm instantly reveals her identity, she is unlikely to use it unless she absolutely requires the enhancements that it provides.
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Changes: N/A
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Anza
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

  • Name: Nana Miriam
  • Class: Archer
  • Appearance: "I am only a woman, but we will see what happens today."
  • Personality: A simple, gentle girl who only wants to live out her life in peace. Miriam doesn't care about such things as power or superiority, so long as she can eat plenty of meat and run through the fields and sleep in the shade whenever she likes. One's nature or background doesn't matter, so long as one treats her respectfully she can get along with just about anyone.
    If something does end up irritating her, however, then obviously she's going to do something about it. It doesn't matter if it's a king or a monster or even a god, such titles are no big deal from Miriam's point of view. "If it's causing trouble, then it should just disappear, no?" she will say, with a completely innocent look in her eyes. If one does not take care to restrain her, then things can get quickly out of hand.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A+
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: C
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm: A+
  • Class Skills:
    • Independent Action: A
    • Magic Resistance: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Natural Body: A. The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth, which grants a bonus modifier to her Strength. No matter how many calories she consumes, her body shape will never change.
    • Animal Communication: C+. Communication of intention with animals that do not speak human languages. Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, complex nuances are not conveyed. However, if she were to speak to a hippo, then it would no doubt do anything she said without question.
    • Shamanism: B. The ability to enter a dialogue with spirits of nature and make use of their powers via contract. On a basic level it's similar to the skill possessed by the servant Geronimo, but Miriam learned from a different school, and makes use of this ability far more aggressively.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Genesis Genocide
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: "Father, give me an egg."
    • Effects: The egg with which she is said to have killed every living hippopotamus but one. A vessel containing a deadly curse, that will explode upon being thrown and drain the life from all targets in its radius. However, due to the legend of a single Nile-horse being spared, it is possible to withstand the curse by succeeding in a Luck check.

    • Name: Three Thousand Days' March
    • Rank: A+
    • Type: Anti-unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: The unmatched throwing power of Nana Miriam, manifested as a Noble Phantasm. Any object thrown by her, whether a pebble or a tree or something else entirely, becomes a weapon capable of damaging Servants, traveling fast as an arrow and gaining a bonus to the strength of its impact. The True Name of this ability, however, can only be unleashed when Miriam lays both her hands upon an enemy: an instant-kill attack where she throws the target hard enough to send them flying beyond the furthest reaches of the atmosphere.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Changes:
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 14 days ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Anza
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

  • Name: Clarissa Lafaille Delaforte
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "It has to be cute, or it's no good..."
  • Personality: A very dangerous person. Her ability as a Magus may be top-class, but... Her mind has been overtaken by the ideas of 'cuteness' and 'cute things,' so she views other individuals as nothing more than pretty dolls to be dressed up and appreciated. Someone's nature or personality is irrelevant; her behavior towards others is entirely based upon their appearance. If an individual is deemed cute, then she will sweetly dote upon them; if they are deemed un-cute or ugly then she will ignore them or even lash out in a sudden rage. Her body language and manner of speaking may make her seem gentle or even vulnerable at times, but this is only her way of trying to appear cute, and not a reflection of her inner personality. No matter what, one should always be wary of her, or one may end up being dressed in all kinds of weird costumes and forced to say embarrassing lines... Truly, she is the absolute worst!
  • Skills:
    - Tailor: She loves clothing, and has studied it in all its various forms. Though the process itself is normally accomplished through magecraft, she possesses the knowledge to recreate almost any form of apparel, from the elegant to the downright adorable. She can even design custom outfits specifically fit to an individual, so long as she knows their proportions.
    - Makeover artist: An expert in the various facets of physical beauty. Whether it's diet, cosmetics, hair styling, hygiene, fashion, or even things like one's posture and gait, she'll always have plenty of suggestions for anyone who wants to look cute.
    - Vocal talent: Her voice has a wide range, and she can sound nearly however she likes with a little effort. She is also an excellent singer. This talent even extends beyond human speech: she can imitate animals such as birds and cats with impressive accuracy.
  • Abilities:
    Her magecraft is mainly based around Transmutation and the manipulation of physical matter. Specifically, she can channel her mana through threads and fabrics to take control of them, allowing her to rapidly weave, unravel, or remodel items of clothing. The strength of this control isn't very high (she can cause someone's clothing to constrict around them, but it would not be enough to break their bones), but her precision is excellent, surpassing even talented tailors using modern equipment.
    Her true ability, however, is making wearable Mystic Codes. By incorporating certain materials into her creations, she can turn any item of clothing into a magical tool, giving it minor magical properties or even tuning it to resonate with the wearer's magic circuits and respond to the movement of their mana, enhancing their physical attributes and drawing on energy stored within the clothing itself to improve the effects of their magecraft. Her best works (according to Clarissa herself) are her 'transforming' outfits, which look like ordinary clothing but will automatically unravel and restructure themselves into a combat-ready (and extremely cute) ensemble at the wearer's command. Due to her family's long history and extensive specialization, Clarissa can design and create such Codes with unusual speed, though she remains limited by material supplies.
    Her own clothing is a particularly powerful variant on this model, possessing several 'forms' that grant her different enhancements. Some of the combat-capable variations put her on par with a Grand-ranked mage in terms of raw power, though without the skill and finesse to match.
  • Brief Backstory:
    Even though Clarissa's family is old and wealthy and should be well-respected among mages, they have a bad reputation floating about them, being called things like 'eccentrics,' 'frivolous aesthetes,' or even 'degenerates that can't even be called human anymore.' Somewhere along the line, this clan's goal had changed from finding the Root to achieving the ultimate beauty of the human form. They are obsessed one and all with things such clothing and style and accessories, and even some degree of body modification. As the heir of this distorted family's Magic Crest, there is no doubt that Clarissa must be one of the worst among them.
    Though ostracized for the most part by the Mage's Association, their financial assets and skill in creating Mystic Codes mean they still have many contacts within the Clock Tower, through which they caught wind of the ritual in Japan. Though not directly invited, a certain mage who was supposed to be one of the Red Masters ended up disappearing under suspicious circumstances at the last minute, with Clarissa quite suddenly appearing to claim his spot.
    Nobody knows for certain what her wish for the Grail might be, only that it is probably very bad and that the Grail must absolutely be kept away from her.
  • Faction: Red
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Heavy Snark
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Heavy Snark Eternaly Salty

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago

"I knew it was going to end like that some day. It may be a sad story, but I don't think it was a waste."

Class: Saber

True Name: Olivier de Vienne「Knight of the Olive Branch」

Alignment: Lawful Good

Bio: Saber is one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne, a group of heroes often compared to the Knights of the Round Table in both fame and feats.

In life, she was said to be Roland's foil: equal in every aspect but having an opposite personality. While Roland sailed in the winds of passion like a ship with no rudder, Olivier was firm and shone like a lighthouse of reason, always guiding others back to safety.

In other words, she is a dependable "big sister type" who was the only sane person in the Holy Emperor's loony court.

Nevertheless, she had many exasperating adventures both beside Roland and the other Paladins, as well as on her own. Between facilitating the reform of the giant warrior Fierabras, helping Roland recover his lost sanity, all the way up to their last battle in Roncevaux, it's safe to say that Olivier never had a dull day during the time she spent in Charlemagne's court.

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: B
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: B+

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance B: Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Riding B: Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuation B: Olivier has an iron determination, never giving up no matter what. Furthermore, even after being stabbed in the back with a spear, she was able to deliver a fatal blow to her killer before breathing her last.

Calm and Collected B: Provides a bonus to mental resistance, especially against confusion and impatience. Even if she takes on hundreds or thousands of enemy soldiers, Saber will never be bewildered. Additionally, this skill also qualifies Saber to be a superb maid.

"Dealing with Roland's temper and being the only person in Charlie's court who thought things through before acting was hard."

Knight of the Olive Branch A: The olive tree is associated with wisdom ever since Antiquity. In addition, its branches are a traditional symbol of peace, traditionally offered to the other side to signify a truce request.

In practice, this skill works like the Proof of Friendship skill, but since Olivier can actually gift others with olive branches, it's effect is such that she can get even the most maddened Berserker, and even those who have the Mental Pollution skill, to sit down and talk at least for a moment.

Noble Phantasm:
Name: Hauteclaire「Brilliant Blade of the the Fragrant Olive Tree」
Rank: B+
Type: Anti Army
Appearance: A beautiful golden sword.
Effects: Olivier's sword which holds the power of sacred olive tree, venerated as a gift from the gods to mankind ever since Ancient Greece.

It can absorbs sunlight and magical energy to grow in power much like a tree being nourished by the bountiful Earth Mother and the Sun's gifts. The stored power can be released in many ways such as: a beam, cause olive trees to burst from the ground, potentially restraining others with their branches and roots, providing cover, etc.

Extra: Born as Aude, Roland's betrothed who got forgotten in favor of the bewitching Angelica.

After hearing about Bradamante's adventures in search of her (constantly kidnapped) beloved Ruggiero and becoming infatuated with the gallantry of the other girl's actions, she begged her uncle to allow her to join the Holy Emperor's court. He accepted her request under the condition that would have to prove her worth by defeating Charlemagne's chosen champion in a duel.

After renaming herself Olivier, she claimed the mantle of Knight of the Olive Branch, fought Roland to a standstill and, eventually got everything she could ever wish for. Pursuing the love of a dense man was hard, but Olivier never regretted doing it. Even though Roland never seemed to notice her efforts, her days were plentiful just by being beside him and the others.

"It certainly vexed me. How could anyone be so dense? Perhaps, was it because he was so oblivious that I couldn't help but want to be by his side? Or maybe, was it I who was too coward to say what I really felt like?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago

Name: Shelk L. Feldinan

Age: 19, though she looks to be a couple years younger

Gender: Female

Faction: TBD

Bio: Shelk is the heiress of a traditional family of astrologers whose recorded history dates back to the Pre-Islamic Middle East, from where they migrated to their current homeland at the mountains of Northern Spain more than a thousand years ago. It's safe to say that Shelk lived a rather normal life by the standards of any magus, being concerned first and foremost with inheriting her family's legacy while doing her best to balance that with a regular life.

She likes romances, especially knightly romances be them fictional or based on harder historical facts. Because of her tastes, way of dressing as a "modern days knight", actually noble bloodline, and—more importantly—her flashy, yet gallant attitude, Shelk usually gets called a prince by some of the people closest to her.

Recently, she moved to London, to take lessons in the Clock Tower which was also how she got to know about the Holy Grail War and find her way into one.

Skills: As natural for a mage that deals in astromancy, Shelk is skilled in mathematics, astronomy, and physics, along with other related topics like clockwork, etc. She has an interest in modern computers and their possible potential when integrated with magecraft, but hasn't managed to work on her theories regarding this. Furthermore, she's very good at household chores such as cooking and cleaning, mostly because she has been living alone a year or so giving her plenty of time to practice.

Abilities: Shelk is an accomplished Astromancer, knowledgeable in the practice of numerology, metalworking, and conversion of magical energy. However, Shelk's most impressive attribute is being the bearer of her family's Finality—their Magnum Opus—Aster Astrolabe, a "probability control" Bounded Field that encroaches so much upon the world that it's just a few steps shy of being a Reality Marble. The Bounded Field doesn't need to be fully deployed for Shelk to make use of its powers, but the more she unleashes, the stronger it'll be. Its default, passive state, Aster Astrolabe provides a sharp increase in luck and resistance to curses. At its maximum output, it might even be possible to influence the result of a battle between beings on the level of Dead Apostles and Servants, if it's used strategically.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Astrid Kim
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "I'm aware that I look a little young, but that does not change much of anything. I would recommend you not underestimate me."
  • Personality: Given her lineage, one might expect Astrid to be constantly seeking for battle, but that is far from the case; her job as an Enforcer means that regularly killing and disarming problematic magi has become second nature, but doing so is only a job and no more. She is polite and professional, even outside of her job, but her guise slackens when among friends and allies, and she becomes a bit more playful (though still somewhat stoic) when around them. To enemies, though, Astrid shows no hesitation nor remorse in cutting someone down, be it verbally or physically. As she does have the morals of a modern era human, the latter is less oft used, but as an Enforcer, sometimes the taking of a life is all but necessary. That being said, Astrid herself does not share the Valkyries' perogative to bring souls to Valhalla, as Ragnarok has already long since passed for her. A life of peace would be ideal, of course, but even she acknowledges that there must be sacrifices to achieve that much in the first place.
  • Skills: Astrid is well-versed in the nuances of spearplay and taekwondo, having been instructed in both from a young age by both of her parents, and even without the influence of any sort of magecraft, she is able to strike, defend, and counterattack far faster than the average human is able to. Aside from combat, though, Astrid is versed in multiple languages (English, Danish, Hangul, Mandarin, and Japanese) and is fluent in each of them. Besides that, though, she can sing—quite well, in fact, though that is something more reserved for the karaoke room.
  • Abilities: As the child of a Valkyrie and a human, Astrid has inherited qualities from the former that would make even some modern magi balk at the mere possibility of her existence. First among them, of course, are her 'wings'—while they do not appear on her person on a day to day basis, Astrid can summon her own at will and use them to fly about. These may only last a limited amount of time per day (an hour or two on average), but consume no mana to use and may regenerate otherwise. While they are active, Astrid's eyes turn red, calling towards her own heritage.
    Beyond that, though, Astrid has knowledge of primeval runes and how to activate them. The runes themselves are rather multipurpose, able to stun, disarm, defend, or attack depending on the situation; the downside, of course, is that she must prepare any that she wishes to use well in advance of any fights. In addition to that, Astrid also has a copy of her mother's own weapon, however degraded it may be from the original, that mimics the original functions thus.
  • Brief Backstory: The child of a Korean soldier and a Valkyrie that wandered the Earth long past the Age of Gods, Astrid was brought up in a very militant household. Though not as warlike as her mother might have hoped, the half-valkyrie still showed considerable physical prowess, likely in part due to her own heritage, and thus was put through a rigorous training regimen from a young age. Despite her own quiet personality, though, Astrid never shirked from either classes or training, regardless of what little time it left her for anything else.
    The presence of the Church in South Korea, however, meant that those studies be put to waste. To that end, Astrid's mother, having pulled some strings during her own time wandering the land, managed to place the young woman in contact with another Enforcer from the Mage's Association rather than end up anywhere near the Church. In a way, she was a natural fit for the job; being able to smoke out her designated targets and execute them with relative impunity led to her being assigned more and more targets, and eventually her reputation began to precede her.
    The sudden appearance of a call to arms by her superior and a set of Command Seals on the back of her hand, though, had set her life on a direct course to Mifune City. To her, this was simply another job, but...
  • Faction: Red
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Shinonome Akira
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "And so, the truth is...!" She is quite short, and sometimes mistaken for a girlish boy.
  • Personality: A no-nonsense and serious girl. There's no doubt that Shinonome Akira's pursuit of her duty is one of the primary objectives in her mind at any given time, and thus she has low tolerance for any mischief-making or similar pursuits, if they interfere with the current objective she has in mind. She is quick to become irritated with such distractions, but does herself have something of a sarcastic disposition in spite of her no-nonsense demeanor. Akira's tendency to make sarcastic comments towards others is not exactly restrained, either. While she is quite patient when it comes to discerning the facts of a given situation, this patience is largely much more thin when involving other human beings. She also has a high degree of confidence in her capabilties. She is actually rather easily embarrassed, in spite of her self-confidence, and becomes incredibly flustered when wearing feminine clothing. Even if being mistaken for a girlish boy also irritates her.
  • Skills: Excellent at deductive reasoning, and also has some training in hand-to-hand, utilizing her small size. Never ask her to cook.
  • Abilities: A magus with a middling amount of magic circuits that are of above average quality. Her elemental affinity is Fire, and thus it is only natural that most of her magecraft is related to fire or destruction, though this does not encompass all of what she can do. While she can generate blasts of fire and ignite targets, her preferred method of offensive and defense is through the used of her mystic code, Salamandra. A pair of black gloves, Salamandra directly utilizes Akira's mana when she snaps her fingers, automatically producing arcs of flame, balls of fire, igniting a target if she has perfect line of sight, or coating the gloves themselves in fire. Combined with reinforcing the muscles in her arms, the final function allows her to strike hard enough for her fist to penetrate a target and then release the flames in an explosive reaction.
  • Brief Backstory: The Shinonome family has maintained close ties to the Association for a considerable amount of time. While they are not considered to be something like an enforcer, scions of the Shinonome family have worked as something of special investigators under the employ of the Association. Primarily they do so out of Japan, but in the past they have travelled to other countries in order to perform their investigations. Akira is no exception, though she has not yet traveled the the association for formal education herself. As her family currently lives in Mifune, it is no surprise that they were contacted to send a representative to confront the Ainsworth family.
  • Faction: Red Team
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Charname Avilone
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Beware the quiet ones. The glasses are, in fact, normal glasses… though given the nature of her employment, blocking mystic eyes also became a necessary backup.
  • Personality: Charname isn’t a terribly confident person in some regards, particularly not socially, but nor is she excessively shy. In the end, though, she would be happier in the stressful situations that most people avoid, where her skills and upbringing are of more use—rather than having to make conversation over things that simply don’t matter.
    Her opinion on maids is a conflicted one. On the one hand, she likes the look and would join Erika in appreciating them… on the other hand, she very much does not like being dressed as a maid and wishes she could have some more intimidating attire. This might explain why she stands up to her boss where she would silently accept other people.
  • Skills: Despite her employment, Charname lacks the abilities of a maid. Cleaning? An excellent way to get something broken or parts overlooked. Cooking? She can determine if your food has been tampered with but not actually cook something herself, in which case poison is the expected result. The real bulk of her skills are hand-to-hand skills, with a particular focus on knives as both useful where magecraft is concerned and simply for dealing with threats, but experience with other weapons as well. Quite unbecoming for a magus, she doesn’t scorn the use of firearms—depending on the situation, quite anything could be of use.
  • Abilities: Despite their lack of interest in the conceptual possibilities of magecraft, the Avilone have had through the generations a strong desire to perfect the practical use of such things for their own needs. For instance, their approach towards Bounded Fields is peculiar; rather than focus on grand defences and territory, it is one of “what is most useful on the individual scale”. For instance, what is the distinction between delineating inside and outside on clothing rather than buildings? Even in part, buildings will move, and that within them switch about. A narrow loophole that, through sheer pedantry, allowed for establishing bounded fields on their attire. In Charname’s case, this gives her deep pockets. Very deep pockets; every implement or weapon that she feels might be reasonably useful on her person, at once.
    Her preference for using knives follows a similar route, a brief field established by carving runes is an excellent emergency barrier, or trap. Of course, even the non-bounded field uses are useful… as are rune-based curses like Gandr.
    Given the amount of armament both physical and metaphysical that Charname carries, it should be no surprise that part of her contract—one not even necessarily stated to her owner—includes a particular geas: if she should need to give her life then it will be done, regardless of her possible thoughts on the matter. For this reason, self-sacrificial techniques are also within her abilities.
  • Brief Backstory: The Avilone family is one with no interest in reaching the Root, no grand history or lineage to draw on. They are a lineage who took one look at the wealthy, established magus families and came to the conclusion: the best way to prosper is to attach ourselves to them. Thus, for generations the main line has itself provided protection to the Maidandora and trained their heir as such. That which would not be of use in their chosen role and hangers-on to luxury was ignored.
    The demand that she be employed as a maid was quite the insult to Charname’s pride, even if there was no escaping the requirement.
  • Faction: Mage Association
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by samakama
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samakama はいどうもー / バーチャルニートサマカマです

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