The Gay Grove.
”Well. Who’s going where? How do we decide leaders?”
"I'm going to trust you all to take initiative..."
As bad of an idea that
was. Claudette answered Kara as she took the flag back and held it in her hands. Maybe Kara was overthinking a bit but Claudette just thinks that she just needs to get used to the...
special type of thinking that the Coven employs.
Well, if she doesn't run for the hills screaming.
that doesn't work, I'll choose who goes on what team- but it seems like everyone has worked that out," Claudette said as she looked over her shoulder as Herik and Maya more or less took over for their respective teams.
"I'll be watching the match..." Claudette said to the whole as she walked over to the treeline. "... To make sure that nothing goes wrong. I just have to ask everyone to
remember we're training as a group. Not individually, so try not to ruin the match for everyone."
She created a ring of darkness overhead to block the harsh sun rays.

The Gay Grove.
"Considering you have a hard time getting along with most people, Emily, we can't let Madison or Maya on our team. You'll argue the whole time...."
Emily was totally on board with the first half of Herik's little speech. She was. The last thing that Emily wanted was Maya on her team... though, she thought that maybe having the flying brick on their team would be beneficial. There was something inside of her that just
burned at the thought of taking orders from Herik, especially from a junior member of the Coven. She couldn't help but grimace a bit but she had to hold her tongue as she realized that maybe, it'll be beneficial for her in the long run. All she wants is her damn sister cured.
"...I think Isla would be a good member. Having her means an easy win, but we won't get much training if she can get it and come back."
"... No, no, no,
please I don't want to deal with
that weirdo," Emily said as she desperately didn't want that chick on her team. She didn't even care about winning, she just didn't want her on the team...
“... I can’t actually get it and come back right away… I can mostly just short distance teleport, so it won’t be that easy. If that’s alright I’m happy to join!”
And almost on fucking cue this weirdo appears out of nowhere right at their team. If only Herik didn't mention her first... if only Lyss didn't fucking let them throw her out again but it seems that Claudette's convinced that she's apart of the Coven. You know,
despite it all. Emily rolled up into her head and facepalmed, hunched over, and loudly sighed.
"At least we don't have Quinn." Those two are probably off having sex in the woods.
"Uhuh--Yeah-- If she on your team? I'm on your team," Cause obviously she the game breaker--- I'm on your team, sis!"
“Well, I guess that settles it! Good to be on your team! I can short distance teleport an awful lot, but the longer distance is more of a problem for me… so I won’t be able to just win the game for use! No need to worry about there being no training because of that.”
... Aaaaaaaaand, of course, Mariah doesn't help.
Emily stopped facepalming and decided to massage her temples as she realized that she was on a team of mostly newbies... of course. Fortunately, it seemed like some of them had an idea of what to do, but Emily was still unsure of Mariah and the obvious. Mariah because she just didn't know about her and her abstraction... of course she could always ask, however they seemed to be the best good so far.
Even if Emily, innately, just wanted to hit Maya in the face.
"Mar...iah...?" Emily said as if she was unsure of the chick's name, which she was but she wanted to sound at least somewhat nice. "What exactly can you do? Because far as I can tell all we have to do is have Isla teleport to the flag, haul ass, and we cover her... which will be made difficult by the likes of Madison and... Maya."
She shrugged.
"Eh, leave Maya to

The Gay Grove.
“We got enough for six people per team, so I need five more.”
"Four," Madison said with a grin as she placed a hand down on Maya's... before she loudly hiccuped in an unladylike fashion. She wasn't super competitive but she kinda wanted to win because she was certain that they had it in the bag. After all, they had that weirdo teleporter chick. Then again, this was all training. Madison leaned into Maya's ear as she quietly said, "I wouldn't count on Vashti doing anything, you can tell someone who's all-bark in a look." She chuckled.
Though, she did transform into a giant lizard monster... that got wrecked by the Outsider. Madison wanted to ask what that was about but she doesn't care for Vashti enough for it not to get misinterpreted. For now, she was going to help enact her plan to win, which was again, gonna be tough with Isla but there was something that probably only Madison knew about.
"Yo Grace, and the new girl, come here!" Madison called out to Grace and Kara... whose name that she honestly didn't know because she wasn't paying attention when she was introduced. If she was introduced. Either way, she hopefully won't be useless as a lot of the Coven sisters loved to be.
Then she spoke to Maya (and whoever else was there) and talked about her plan.
"Okay, so they're
probably going to open up with that teleporter chick immediately warping over to the flag. If
I get the flag, you damn well know they're not going to get it back. Problem is my sistas is that I won't be able to get over there in time, but Grace probably can and..."
Then she looked at Maya as she trailed off, unsure of the best way to phrase it. Honestly, she realized that she was going to sound crazy regardless of how she says it, so she'll just say it.
"... And I'm just gonna make a long story short and say I'm going to throw you at the flag."
She shrugged as she looked at Kara. "And what exactly can you do?" Madison knew that chucking a newbie was a
terrible first impression to make. With Maya, Madison knew that girl was so batshit crazy that she'd be down for almost anything. Kara? She looks like she needs to loosen up a bit around the Coven... they are
far from the most professional people in the world.