Name: Niko Renzo
Alias: Eclipse
Age: 20
Species: Human
Max Health / Power Level: 700
Focuses: Speed > Attack > Defense
Niko stands at about 5'8" and looks to have had physical training to the tune of more an athletic approach than bulk strength. He is a wiry sort, rather flexible in terms of build. Generally seen in collared shirts and jeans, gloves or not. Usually in darker colors out of preference, but he has others in his wardrobe. Also, he has a tendency to stare, like he's either people-watching or lost in thought. Sometimes, it looks more like he's trying to figure something out, specifically in a combat-related sense.
Biography: Even in the future, things go wrong, sometimes. We may have increased scientific advancements in technology, medicine, and so on...but we can't cure things like human greed. That's taken willingly by anybody who ever did something crazy to make a buck. For instance, let's talk about that colonization of Mars. Not many people live there, but certainly you could
mine there for new sources of material, fuels, chemicals, etc. When the door slammed open to allow access to all that Mars had to offer, the top company to make it big was the all-in and somewhat-dubious Martian Mining Corporation (MMC), staying only a small margin ahead of Resource and Management Incorporated (RAMI). This was due to the company somewat gambling its future, and also because of an incident that's been in litigation hell for a while now, the supposed sabotage and destruction of a vessel containing mining equipment and employees...including the parents of Niko Renzo.
Niko and his brother lost their parents at about the high school age. They had gone to Mars to oversee equipment personally and get more money for the boys' upcoming college years and...died in space, owing to what many believe was a deliberate act against the company, but could never be proven. With priorities changing towards a powerful need to support their lives, the two of them lived off of what their parents' deaths provided for them until they could join the armed services and train up to something useful. They were both naturally very sharp, and took to armed and unarmed combat training well. Niko managed especially well in his training, but
accelerated in fighting in the dark or blind, and was a natural in sniping and gunplay. So, in his time, he was sometimes called upon to take out dangerous targets, spot for other soldiers, and essentially work in stealth when he had to get up-close-and-personal.
This all seemed to work in the act of supporting oneself, but for Niko it wasn't enough for two important reasons. First, although he was good at it, Niko didn't enjoy sniping. He performed his tasks because they were
necessary, not because they might somehow amuse him. And the second was that his never heard anything about whether or not the MMC was responsible for the explosion in space. It
could have been an accident, but it was the information was too scarce to really tell, or had been obsfucated. He wanted to do something about this, but how? This was a
company. He couldn't just shoot them. He needed to find some way to re-open the case, locate new data, and so on. That was going to cost money, money he didn't have. Except...there WAS this martial arts tournament coming up, and there could be no doubt that he could fight as well as he could shoot a gun. What could he lose by trying?
Special Techniques: Tatsumaki-Ken (Tornado Fist) - Attack Boost
Theme!: For the heck of it.