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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Hallway Outside Agent 13's apartment
Skills: Fire Manipulation

Flynn's eyes flashed with anger at Kwassi when he spoke to him, and he just sort of glared at him. This guy was really starting to get on his nerves, and at this rate he just wanted to watch the guy burn completely. "You aren't exactly anything special yourself!" he snapped at him, before the next thing he knew, Kwassi had gotten up and had managed to flip him over the railing and down towards the ground below. This was really starting to be annoying, and a reoccurring theme, people falling over the railing and heading down to the ground, it really needed to stop it already.

Of course, he didn't really want to go splat on the ground, since that would suck horribly, so he decided to try something he'd never really done. His body burst into flames as he managed to catch himself before he hit the ground, and blasted back upwards with fire. When he hit the top floor, Flynn went to blast Kwassi with flames, but instead the fire surrounding him cut out and he more or less face planted onto the ground instead. "Well that didn't work, but considering the fact that I've never really flown that worked better then I expected..." he muttered before he picked himself up off the ground.

Location: The Ground
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

"N-N-No, I think I'll be okay, don't fight or cause problems please, I don't really need that right now," she said towards Amelia, shaking her head slightly as she coughed a little bit. This definitely was not the time or place for fighting given their current location, as she glanced around to see where exactly they had landed. It was a suburb, and there were several people staring at them. Of course, they did just drop out of the sky out of nowhere, so she couldn't exactly blame them, it was something they probably didn't see all the time.

Then came the newcomer, and she had no idea what it was that happened, but something inside of her snapped as the guy feigned actually caring and then sat there threatening them with sending them to the Raft. Electricity crackled along her arms, before she sent a blast straight at Astrad, causing the electricity to slam into him, and causing his hair to start standing up on end. "I don't like people who act like they are entitled and typically oh genius you want to have people say who they are before you start threatening or even reveal who you yourself are, or do they not teach other agents common sense at this point? I am in a really really bad mood and you are NOT helping!" she snapped. She was beyond annoyed at this point and despite her thoughts about fighting earlier, it was almost like she wanted one now.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan and Cassandra Reed

Location: Hallway -> Hallway Outside Agent 13's apartment
Skills: Hacking

Staring at the corpse in front of him, his face turned to horror as he realized what he had just done. Not only was he completely out of control a few moments ago, but this thing was clearly a skrull, and the skrulls knew about his mom. Shaking, he pushed the body away from him, looking down at his blood covered hands. Turning to look at Cas, he put his hands up and stepped away, "I'm me Cas, I promise, look."He said, as the body below him shifted back, "I... I'm sorry. These, these things know about my mom, and they're coming, and I..." He didn't know who to trust anymore. He thought of going to Strange before to get him to his mom, but he was probably a skrull based off what he read a few months ago."Some stuff's been going on, if the Skrull's are attacking, I... We need to talk."

Cassandra looked down at the corpse as Oliver stepped away from it, watching as the body started to shift into a skrull, and she started to relax somewhat now. But still tense as she turned to look at Oliver as he spoke, she knew what was going on with his mother for awhile now. It wasn't really a good time to chat right now, they needed to deal with the current situation but it looked like it was really urgent. "What's going on Oliver?"

Oli looked down at his phone, hoping to turn off the cameras around them, but he couldn't right now. It was too much, he was shakey and scared and it looked like things are coming to a head. "When I first joined the team, I need to you to just listen, okay?" He started, glaring up at the camera in the hall, before closing the distance between him and Cas, lowering his voice, "After that first Skrull showed up, I looked into it, and heroes had dealt with them before. Strange, Stark, Captain Britain, Professor X, Mister Fantastic, and Black Panther, they'd all gone to the Skrull planet before, and they were captured." He was speaking quickly now, maintaining eye contact, "I think, I think they never made it back, and I can't help but think about what he said. The Secret Invasion, I think, this planet is full of Skrulls, I think that some of the most powerful heroes are secretly Skrulls, and I think they're orchestrating all of this. Them meeting us here, they're finally making a move. We have to abandon the mission, we're playing into their hands." He was trying his best not to sound unhinged, but he was clearly terrified. They already knew about him looking into them, clearly, that's why they were trying to use his mom to get to him.

Cass listened closely to Oliver as he told her more of what he had been looking into with the whole skrull situation, she was surprised with the information that he had managed to gather. The Skrulls had infiltrated the team twice now, actually three times now since the way that Flynn was acting and all of a sudden this group of people appeared to attack them. She gently rested a hand on his shoulder, she did believe him for the most part she just needed proof that some of the most powerful people in the world were replaced.

"Listen Oliver, I believe you trust me I really do, but I need actual hard proof that some of the most powerful people in the world are actually what they are. You are asking me to put myself and everyone else on team to put their jobs and lives on the line to. Not to mention that these people, they can easily make us disappear if they really wanted to." She said, and started to remember a little bit of what Novikova had done, she actually got off lucky by just simply getting fired rather then being imprisoned.

Oliver flinched at the touch, before saying, "But, think about it Cas." he started, as the pieces started to click together in front of him, "Who would be the most dangerous in an invasion? The heroes. Not just because they're powered, but because they have the courage to stand." He tried to explain, "Don't you see? When did Stark start keeping an eye on me? When I found that file on Christmas Eve. How many people get personal phone calls from Tony Stark? How many people are watched by Tony Stark on camera? Nobody. They're watching me because I'm one of the only people who know. We have to do something, before it's too late." He was almost pleading with her at this point. Granted, he was sleep deprived, and his mom was dying, and he was chronically paranoid, but this felt real, and he was sure he was right.

"Maybe he likes your hacking skills or something?" Cassandra said trying to lighten the mood just a little bit, as she sighed a little bit and rubbed the bridge of her nose slightly. "Well we are fighting some Skrulls right now, I cant act on anything without any concrete proof once we are done fighting we can try and keep them in our custody and question them. But right now, we need to stay on our mission, just get me the proof and i'll act on that." Cass said, seeing that Oliver did look a little bit tired as well, and probably stress from what his mother is going through. "Is your mom okay?"

Oliver ran his hand over his face, wondering if she just didn't get what was on the line here, or if she was being purposely dense. "You need proof?" He asked, clearly annoyed, "You know what? She's dying, thanks for asking, and unless I can cross the ocean in the next 12 hours, she's going to go without ever seeing me again." His voice was fraught with something that wasn't quite malice, but a kind of pain and anger that was clear. "I'm not going to spend my time chasing down an Avenger, a man that's worth more than all of us combined, when that's just what the skrull want us to do." He said through gritted teeth, "If we're going to be sidelined and useless, I'd rather do it by my mom's side than that. I'm out." He gave her a look mixed with pleading and disgust, wanting her to back down, to listen to him, and to stop this waste of time. If she didn't, he'd be off to be with his mother in her last moments.

Cass closed her eyes for a moment and let out a slight sigh, she knew that he was going through a lot at the moment, with his mother as well as their current mission and the information that he managed to uncover. "Oliver, listen I'm sorry about your mom if you need to be with her then go and see her. But I cant redirect the entire team, if you want I can give you someone on the team to try and get the proof that you need." She said, she really did feel bad for him, and she really didn't want to go against Director Hill's current orders on their mission and going against them and going on a completely separate mission.

Oli rubbed his temples, clearly annoyed, as a plan started to form in his mind. There was one person in Britain that he knew of that would be able to confirm or reject his hypothesis. "Alright. Alright. If you're still going to Queens, I'll go with you that far. If we can, I'll need Niah to come with me." He offered, If he could get Niah, and get Strange to portal him to Britain, they might be able to do something, and still see his mom. "Keep this on the downlow from the rest of the team if you can? I'll ask Niah myself. I don't want anybody who doesn't have to to know about these Skrull."

Cassandra looked at Oliver and nodded towards him, she wouldn't tell anyone at all unless it was really necessary to. "Alright then, and I wont I promise you on that."

"Fine, you're the leader and all." He said, shrugging. Being reluctant to keep the information under her hood was probably a good sign in all honesty, it meant she probably wasn't a skrull. "Let's head back then, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me." Cassandra said as she nodded towards Oliver, and quickly started to head back up the stairs, with Oli following shortly behind
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago










Bonnie Chase

Location: Ground Floor of the Apartment Complex -> Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Anatomy, Throwing Knives
Bonnie nodded slightly. She was pretty sure that the real Flynn would have been incredibly angry with Cass if she hadn't done anything. The only issue was, Bonnie didn't need a man to be cross about risks to her health and safety. She had been an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. much longer than she had been with Flynn. Her life was valuable, yes, but she chose to risk it in order to serve the world. To do anything else would be to betray her core values and to no longer be Bonnie Chase.

She dashed on up the stairs, briefly spotting Oliver and Cass standing over the body of a dead skrull. Had the skrull been alive, she would have gone to assist, but the Flynn imposter was more important. She kept on going until she emerged on the same floor as Captain America's apartment. The imposter had beaten her back on up, having flown up from flames after nearly making the same fall she had. She needed to keep him alive - interrogating him could be the key to saving Flynn.

Bonnie's eyes narrowed along with her focus. She drew a throwing knife and expertly flung it at the false Flynn, the knife embedding itself in his back. It missed hitting any vital organs, but it did come into direct contact with his spine. Her knowledge of anatomy and her accuracy with a knife had served her well. The false imposter was completely paralyzed, dropping to the floor like a rock. "We need him alive for interrogation."

"I'll go call this in," Agent 13 said with a grimace. "Director Hill needs to know what's going on."

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: Aerokinesis
Amelia couldn't remember all of the different secret prisons S.H.I.E.L.D. had - they started to blend together after a while. "Mate, popsicles don't go in the fridge, you chuck 'em in the freezer or they'll melt," she argued playfully. She wouldn't have been surprised to find out that S.H.I.E.L.D. also had a prison called the Freezer or maybe even the Icebox or the Cooler. Had she been asked to name a prison, she would have gone for the Hamster Cage - that just had a fun levity to it.

Speaking of levity, even as Sparky attacked Lungren (and she assumed Maria had too, from the way Lungren stumbled), Amelia wasn't about to stand down. He had attacked them first after all. She tried to send a gust of wind at him to knock him off his feet, but she was majorly off her game. It took her about four tries to get it right - she was still relatively new to her powers, having only had them for a few months. She twirled the staff Sparky had given her and a large burst of air struck Lungren, knocking him backwards and to the ground about fifteen feet.

"Sparks, shall we be off then?" Amelia asked. "We're making good time to see Strange."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"Ouch... that hurt."

Astrad slowly stood up from where that lady with electric powers had thrown him towards, slightly pained and dazed, but very much alive and well. It was going to take a lot more than that to take him down, and a little more to actually knock the daylights out of his mind. He had been hit with worse things in the time that he had been an Agent of SHIELD. His mom often complained in her calls that his job was too dangerous, even more so than his time as a detective for the Stockholm Police Department, but he had no intention of coming back to that old desk job that bored him to hell. No. Operations and fighting the enemies of humanity was his thing now. But this people were apparently in a very bad mood.

"Okay...", Astrad stood back up, stretching his bones and joints as he recovered from the attack from earlier. "I see and I am sorry. Now we have to-"

whoosh. The third and last member of the female trio had just sent a blast of wind against him, knocking him back even further by fifteen feet. Ouch.

"I really need you people to stop doing that...", he said as he stood up relatively quickly, even after getting slammed with three separate attacks. To be fair though, none of them were just expressions of frustration, or so he gathered. "I should tell you that my orders from Agent Sitwell were to take you down if I had a clear shot, which is in this case... cough, a sniper bullet. You should give me more... credence. He said that you were not ours."
Facepalming himself at the incident, he shook his head and adjusted his scarf to make sure it was still covering his face. "You need to get off the street. Now. The Fenris Twins and HYDRA's grunts are lurking in this area. They may have detected your arrival."

If there was one thing that the three might notice, it was that this man had a marked Swedish accent. Probably because he was Swedish.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Steve Rogers' Apartment Hallway
Skills: N/A

Cassandra made her way up back to the top floor, just in time to see Bonnie throwing a knife at imposter Flynn, seeing him going down rather quickly and the knife embedded into his back. Wincing slightly as she looked over towards her friend, she knew that Bonnie was really good but lately she had become a lot stronger. "Remind me to not make you mad at all Bonnie." Cassandra said as she walked over towards Flynn and looked down at him, before turning to look at Agent 13 when she said that she would have to call Director Hill in for this and nodded slightly.

"If you are okay with we will take Flynn with us, the others can go into SHIELD custody." Cassandra said looking over towards Bonnie for a moment, the Skrulls had gotten three members of her team replaced and she really wanted to know what they had planned. "I am really sorry that you got attacked, do you need any kind of medical assistance Agent Thirteen?" She asked, she did feel partly responsible for what had happened and getting attacked.

Maria Novikova

Location: the Skies Over Levittown, Pennsylvania
Skills: (Sparky's Flight & Electricity Manipulation)

"Well a three on one isnt really smart in the first place, unless you are like the fucking Hulk or Captain America or something, you'd get your ass handed to you." Maria said crossing her arms over her chest and smirked slightly seeing Amelia and Sparky getting a few hits on Astrad as well. Maria listened to what Astrad said what his mission was and that he was going after the Fenris Twins, which she didnt know who they were.

"It could be fun trying to take out the wonder twins, could we do that or something?" Maria asked looking over towards Sparky to see what she wanted to do, Strange could wait a few more minutes really. "I mean its your call this is your mission after all to go and see Dr. Strange as well." Maria said shrugging slightly as she looked at the group of people there still.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The hall outside Agent 13's apartment

Niah let out a small sigh of relief. All of the Skrulls and More-Psycho-Than-Usual-Flynn were taken care of. She lowered her ICER. "Alright I'm just gonna come out and say it. Something funky is going on. I was agreeing with Flynn. We need to stop this stupid law thing. But I guess it makes sense I was agreeing with him since apparently he is an imposter. We need to figure out what is going on." She spoke mostly to Cass, but she didn't care who else heard her.

"Bonnie, is your test good? Like are they copying our DNA? Is that why they have powers, our powers? They seem to be getting better at faking it. If they aren't copying our DNA we need to set up a quick way of checking anytime we have been alone." There was so much going on. With the new laws that Hill was pushing for and now all these damn Skrulls showing up. A part of Niah was regretting going back into the field, but she couldn't imagine how guilty she would have felt if she hadn't been here and Bonnie or Cass or any of the team had been hurt that she might have been able to help. Just like the guilt, she felt from not going to the Moon.

Location: Hanging from the banister on 2nd floor -> The hall outside Agent 13's apartment

Skrull? LMD?...Fake-Flynn fell down the stairs just like almost everyone else on the team. It seemed like it had become an important part of being a part of the Secret Warriors, fall over the banister in Captain America's apartment complex. He was toasted by fake-Flynn so elegantly making his way back up like he was a rocket. If the building was going to burn down he was gonna pump so much paralytic into Fake-Flynn he never walked again.

Matt was literally on fire. He pulled himself up having been able to shift his weight enough that his shoulder wasn't rolled weird. On the second floor, his eyes darted around looking for a way to put himself out. But he didn't see one, so he just did the classic thing all kids are taught to do when they find themselves on fire. A problem that up till today he hadn't encountered much. He stopped-dropped-and rolled, which did the trick. He was no longer actively on fire. He cursed to himself colorfully and started up the stairs. Lucky Flynn, Bonnie had beat him up there and there was a dagger in the back. He suspected that was how Bonnie felt at the moment. He was, of course, assuming that it had been Bonnie, but the dagger looked like hers.

He raised an eyebrow at Niah who had admitted to agreeing with Fake-Flynn. Break orders. Had she been replaced too? He didn't know her that well, and considering the situation with her sister...well he had his opinions about Niah.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Hallway
Skills: Mixed Martial Arts

Kwassi began to breathe a bit slower, relief filling him for a moment as Flynn plummeted downwards to what was hopefully he demise. He closed his eyes and took in a breathe until he felt heat rising and saw Flynn flying back up and launching two fireballs towards him. Kwassi managed to dodge them both, the second having him hit the wall and slide down while still grasping onto his wounds. He let out a large breathe as his ribs pulsed with pain when they made contact on the wall. "Note to self: work on regenerative nanobots to nullify pain and speed up regenerative properties" Before he could stand up to fight, Bonnie came to his rescue and disabled Flynn while Niah took care of the runaway. His eyes darted about as he wondered which of the agents he could trust and which of them were shifters like Flynn. When Niah spoke out about agreeing with Flynn Kwassi simply wagged his finger at her as if to say I told you so.

" Agent Bautista seems to understand. Whether she is aligned with this imposter Flynn or not has yet to be seen. But like I was telling the Flynnposter, disagreeing with the mandate would require more than a hot head to combat it." Kwassi gripped his half of the staff and extended it, using it to help him up and stay stable through the pain. "You're all rather gifted, but Agent Bautistas ability is extra-ordinary. Psychometry. Being able to see events that have transpired by glimpsing the memories of an object. You could've easily seen what had happened before the good old Captian took his exit. Hopefully it can help with these doppelgangers too. If there's ever a period where they shift out, contact each other, anything. My worry is...if these terrorists were so happy to stand between us and Rogers...is he aligned with them? Or worse, one of them. If possible I'd like to bring Agent 13 with us as well. Make sure she wasn’t replaced during her post here, or perhaps she may have seen something off about Rogers."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: The Ground
Skills: N/A

"Yeah well you clearly screwed up in general given everything you've done in the past few minutes, how long have you been an agent? Since you are sounding like a rookie," Sparky grumbled, glaring at Astrad as he started to explain everything, since the guy was really starting to get on her nerves, and she crossed her arms. The guy really needed to just not keep talking or trying to explain himself, she had half a mind to smack him around a little more in order to get that through his seemingly thick skull. She wanted nothing to do with him, and she glanced over at Maria as she asked a question.

The question was if they could stick around and maybe help Astrad out instead of doing the task she had set her mind to earlier in the day. "No thank you I am not sticking around to help him out, especially since he seems from the sounds of it to not need any and has everything sorted out. Especially since it has been a few months and I am not putting this off any longer, you can stick around if you want to Maria, I'm off to go see Strange, have fun dealing with him if you want to stay here," she said with a bit of a wave before looking at Amelia, "Let's get out of here." Sparky typically wasn't this mean to people she didn't know (hell she had only met Amelia earlier that day) but mood swings were a thing, and given how stressful and horrid her life had become in the past few months, it was totally understandable.

"You bitch!" he snapped instantly when Bonnie threw a knife into his back and caused him to fall to the ground and he was unable to move, yup he most definitely was more then a little bit pissed off now with what was going on. Hearing Bonnie then say something about needing to keep him around for interrogation or whatever it was caused him to roll his eyes slightly at the group and laugh a little bit. "So, tell me what it is exactly you think I'll tell you? Just more then a bit curious, since I'm not gonna tell you anything despite what it sounds like you think." This was more then a little bit amusing from his side of things.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

Oli watched Flynn got stabbed, and was initially confused, but then put it together. They'd been infiltrated by another skrull. exhaling, he rubbed his temples, "If anybody else is a skrull, would you please consider shifting back now? It'd make things so much easier." he dryly said. He was starting to be disillusioned with the team at large, or at least, any of them still had blind adherence to the mission. Niah's words, however, put a smile on his face, "Finally, somebody said it." He said, almost relieved, before continuing, "On that note, I'm going home for.. several reasons" He said, opening that up to the group.

Putting his hand to the back of his head, he said, "My mom is... she's not doing well, and if I want to see her again, I gotta leave. But it's not just that!" He continued, before carefully saying, "I have good reason to believe that Captain Britain has been replaced with a skrull, I can't say why, but if he is, that'll tell us a lot about who else is. If anybody wants to join me to find out, I'd appreciate the backup and... support." He said, clearly uncomfortable about asking for emotional support in the former matter, but he knew he was going to need it. "Niah, namely I'd appreciate your help, if you'd be willing to lend it. If Captain Britain isn't a Skrull, well, it'd be bad if we just murdered him. Your powers should be able to tell us if he's telling the truth or not when we ask him, no?" He added hopefully.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago










Bonnie Chase

Location: Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Agent 13 shook her head at Cass. "Occupational hazard. I'll be fine," she reassured her. Despite having been attacked by aliens, Agent 13 was rather calm. Maybe she had seen far weirder things during her time living next to - and dating - Captain America. "As a favor, I won't mention to Hill that you're debating defecting. Professional courtesy."

"My test? It just looks at DNA samples. If they can perfectly clone the DNA of who they resemble, then it's nothing," Bonnie explained. "I'll try to develop something more precise since we have a living subject here for me to work on... Another option would be to try to liaise with a psychic, they might be able to look at the problem from another angle and sort things out. Or... maybe you, Niah, might be the answer. If you use your powers, you could scan our histories briefly. It would mean relinquishing our privacy."

Agent 13 raised an eyebrow at Kwassi, a bit interested in why he was talking like she wasn't present.

Bonnie's face fell slightly, hearing Oliver's heartbreaking news. She couldn't imagine dealing with the death of a family member on a good, slow, boring day - it was equally unfathomable on the day Captain America defected and another cell of skrulls were revealed. They had found less than a dozen skrulls since Roman first was revealed to be one of the aliens. The invasion could have just been beginning, perhaps they were scouts - or maybe it was already too late. "I'm sorry, Oliver. That's rough."

She couldn't go with him though - she needed to track down Captain America and learn whatever she could from the Flynn imposter. One step at a time.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: Aerokinesis
"Crikey, they've got you going after the Fenris Twins?" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes wide. She had heard rumors about those two. Supposedly, they were the best of the best over at HYDRA and when the twins were together, the amount of force they could project was enough to topple buildings. They were considered a top threat to the stability of the country. One of her old classmates had even theorized that if they wanted to and the Avengers were having an off day, they could take the White House. "That's so legit. Damn. I feel almost a bit bad for knocking you on your ass."

Amelia was about to turn to Sparky and say something, when the sound of glass shattering broke her train of thought. She felt tiny things moving quickly through the air at them and Amelia shoved everyone down to the ground just in time, the bullets going harmlessly over their head. "Wild. Didn't know I could do that, mates!" she said, clearly a bit amped and pumped. "Alright, where's the shooter? And I'm guessing since they're probably HYDRA, you're going to have to leave with us, Agent Swede. The whole block probably just heard you."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"They have found us.", Astrad said to all of them in a fit of urgency as he got up from the ground with a very surprising speed for man that just got pummelled by a kick, a wind blast, and an electric surge. There was no mistaking it. HYDRA's grunts have detected the arrival of the trio of women; after all, seeing three unsavory characters drop out of the sky like that was surely a strange thing to see, and if HYDRA's previous incursions have been any indication, they will seek out enhanced assets and taken them in through the Faustus Program. Or take them out, if they cannot be subdued. And there were no less than three enhanced individuals in this one place alone...

"I know a way out of here. Follow me to the safe house. There is a trap door that leads directly to the tunnels under this place... that is, if you don't mind the smell of the neighborhood's collective waste."

He did not waste any more time as he conjured an ice shield, positioning it with his cryokinetic powers to shield himself and Sparks from gunfire. "Just so we are clear, I totally do not mind the tousling you gave me."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Steve Rogers' Apartment Hallway
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked over her shoulder seeing Matt coming over towards them seeing that he looked like he was burned and quickly went over towards his side gently resting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you doing okay love?" She asked whispering towards Matt so only he could hear her, she cared for him deeply and was worried about him as well. Before turning her to look at Niah letting out a slight sigh the reappearance of Skrulls again was worrying to her. But they still had their own mission still to hunting down Captain America, she'd need approval from Director Hill before anything else really.

When Oliver mentioned what was going on with his family, as well as what he had told her with what he had found. "Which is why i'm sending you and Oliver over solo if you are willing to take it anyway. And i'm sorry about your mother Oliver." Cassandra said, hoping that Niah would take up on the mission. She turned her attention towards Kwassi for a moment and talking as if Agent 13 wasnt even there which annoyed her quiet a bit actually, Agent 13 handled herself really well. "I dont think Agent 13 is a skrull, she fought against them so that wouldnt make any sense at all." She said looking over at her, if she could she would recruit Agent 13 onto the team when Bonnie brought up her test.

"I'm fine with forgoing some of my privacy, i'm not going through the whole blood drawing through the eye thing again." Cassandra said shuddering slightly, she was the cure for M-Pox but due to her skin being bullet proof the only way to get blood was through that and nearly died from that process. "We are going to continue with our mission, but we are going to listen to his side of the story first whenever we catch up to him." Cassandra said, she didnt like the whole Hill's Laws at all one bit.

Maria Novikova

Location: Levittown, Pennsylvania
Skills: Power Absorption (Amelia's Air Manipulation & Sparky's Flight)

Maria felt Amelia shoving her down onto the ground, just as she heard some gunshots going off, she looked up at Amelia and gave her a slight smile. "Thanks for that." Maria said as she stood up and dusted herself off and looked where the gunshots had came from and looked at Sparky and nodded. She would continue going on with the mission to search for Raynor right away looking at Amelia for a moment as she took off her glove. "You are gonna probably feel sick or something just so you know." Maria said reaching to grab Amelia's hand and felt her power coursing through her and smiled turning directly towards the building where the HYDRA agents were shooting from.

"Hey have you ever tried doing this before?" Maria asked looking at Amelia as she held out her hands, using the air around her and then sent a very power gust of wind directly at the building where the shots had came from destroying the building completely. Maria tucked a few strands of hair out of her face looking over at the three of them like nothing had happened. "So, was that all of the Squid Heads here, or should we continue to New York now and visit Dr. Strange?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The hall outside Agent 13's apartment

"Thanks." Niah nodded at Agent 13. She frowned thinking about having the group's secrets. "I don't know how well it'll work. Admittedly I wasn't trying to see if Flynn was lying but he seemed to understand what I meant when I...uh..." Niah shifted uncomfortable, she clearly didn't want to repeat it in front of Agent 13. "The thing I said was a reference to when we time traveled. It is what I said when I left them to talk with Pym."

She took a quick breath, "However, I wasn't at the time trying to see if he was lying. I have done the whole lie-detecting before. And yes Oliver I will go with you. Even if it is just to see your mother." She gave him a soft smile. One that those who had known her the longest would recognize. There was kindness in it, and sympathy, but no pity. Niah wasn't that type of person. She genuinely cared about those on the team.

"About Captain America's side, I saw what he said to Hill and I agree with him." She paused and then said, "The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- 'No, YOU move.'" Quoting him from her memory. It had meant a lot to her. She had fought hard to get the world back to her normal and she was determined to keep it going well.

Location: The hall outside Agent 13's apartment

"I'm okay, thanks, dear. Just Fake-Flynn's antics lit me on fire. I was able to put it out before too much damage was done. I however should get a change of clothing." He put his hand on Cass's. It was was a pleasant soft moment and he appreciated it. It was time to focus on work. He listened to Niah and frowned. She had a point, but he believed in SHIELD. He believed in what it stood for. Hills laws were just trying to protect people.

"I get where you're coming from Niah, I just don't agree. This makes sense. There should be oversight. We can't have random untrained people out there doing whatever they think is right. I, however, will follow Cass. I'm going to see if I can find something to change into." There was something very purposeful about how Matt didn't say orders when he said he would follow Cass. She couldn't order them to defect and he would follow her if she decided to.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Hallway

Kwassi looked towards the Flynnposter and rolled his eyes as he scrame about how he wasnt going to tell them anything. "Can someone muzzle the damn asshole? I'm tired of hearing his voice. Oh and whoever you are, we have ways of making you soeak even if you aren't the one singing the tune." Most of the team seemed dissmisive over the fact that Agent 13 could be a skrull as well. Their reasoning wasn't sound and honestly it was rather annoying. Just because she helped fight them didn't mean she was free from scrutiny. Hell by that merit Flynn had helped S.H.I.E.L.D before and yet here he lay paralyzed and awaiting a spill session. But Kwassi threw his hands up in defeat as he began to make his way towards Agent 13s bathroom.

"I will leave it to you commanding officers to determine if you believe a singular instance of alliance warrants being looked over for being a skrull. We shouldn't rule out that Captain America is one however, there is a chance any if not many of our great heroes may have been replaced." Once he made his way in he began to search for any first aid supplies, his vision getting hazy as he became more and more fatigued from his wounds. Unable to find anything, Kwassi made his way towards the apartment entrance as he slurred out "Any chance we could look at this..." removing his hand from the wound as blood coated it fully. His left shoulder went diving into the wooden frame, now using it as support as his legs began to weaken.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago










Bonnie Chase

Location: Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena
The revelation that Flynn was a skrull had been a distraction, Bonnie realized in hindsight. Skrulls had slowly been popping up for months now. Their bark was louder than their bite, but the mission in front of them hadn't changed. They needed to bring Captain America in. They needed to arrest the Sentinel of Liberty. She didn't have qualms about arresting Captain America because of who he was. Had he not been famous, would everyone on the team be objecting so harshly? Would this division be here?

No, Captain America was the same as everyone else and he had to be held accountable. If he couldn't abide by Hill's Laws, then he couldn't legally operate as an Avenger anymore. Things had gotten out of control in the last ten years, with the number of vigilantes and beings with extraordinary power growing at an exponential rate. And it wasn't just that, there were children with powers - kids who might see Spider-Man swinging on a web and try to fight crime, only to end up killed.

She sighed a bit as Niah made her impassioned case for Captain America's side. "He's Captain America. He's not Jesus," she said somewhat bluntly. "Do you honestly find anything wrong with anything Hill's put in motion? Revealing their secret identities to S.H.I.E.L.D., making sure that if people are going to fight crime they're trained for it, keeping kids from playing Avenger - what part of that is so bad? Cap's been above the law so long, all the capes have been. We don't let normal citizens go around with guns stoping burglaries, so why is it different if they can shoot lasers from their eyes?"

Agent 13 hadn't left yet, still standing there with her arms crossed. "It's the age old debate - freedom or security?" she commented. "But once you start making lists of people because they're different, well... That never ends well. That's something else."

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: N/A
Amelia wasn't a huge fan of tunnels, largely since she adored being out in the open, flying through the sky. Ever since she had burst from that cocoon, she was able to manipulate the air around her. She had never felt more free. Down in a tunnel under the earth would cut her off from her newfound source of freedom - and of course, she was pretty certain the HYDRA operatives would find some way to meet them in the tunnel. They'd be trapped down there. "Captain Popsicle, that's pretty sick, the shield ya made, but we've got air travel. It's safer than going underground."

After Maria drained some of her powers, Amelia had a dizzy spell. The world was twirling before her eyes, even doing some pretty sick flips, before things stabilized. She came to just in time to see Maria dominate with her powers, sending a blast of air so powerful it knocked down the house the snipers had been hiding in. "That was... totally EPIC!" Amelia squealed. She was still mad at Maria for the trust fall stunt, but it was hard to be angry after seeing such an amazing display of power.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only house with HYDRA agents. A weighted net shot out from the windows of a house to their right, ensnaring the four.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"So, you really didn't just fall off some plane and were actually in flight mode?", Astrad replied to Amelia as the latter suggested to just go fly in the skies above like eagles with wings. A good look at Amelia would tell him that this was the kind of person that didn't like tunnels; one who adored freedom above all else. Of course, he was something like that as well; after all, he didn't comply to Sitwell's orders to the letter, instead preferring to do things his own way. And now, well, he had been spared of a bad case of friendly fire. Still, there was the matter of HYDRA's grunts that had indeed infested this neighborhood like a virulent plague of squidheads and mindless minions that had a thing for tentacles. Astrad was about to launch his cryogenic powers against the building that had been shooting at them when Maria fired a blast of wind that blew the entire thing apart. It was a mesmerizing sight, to see the house explode into splinters through the power of the wind. Did the wind have color? Nah. What a shame. Could have been called the colors of the wind.

"Alright.", Astrad said as he kept the ice shield in the ready. "I'll just go with what you said, as it looks like you know better-"

It was at this moment that a weighted net shot out of another house to the right, ensnaring not just one, not two, not three, but all four of them. Astrad, however, remained calm under the net as he brought no less than a dozen ice hooks into existence that coalesced from the cold air that emanated from his hands. Wasting no time, the hooks were brought to bare with his cryokinesis, ripping open a hole in the net that was large enough for him to get out of. Jumping out of the net, he glared towards the house out of which the net gun had been fired, fury filling his eyes. Clenching his fist, Astrad brought his icebound power to bare once again, this time creating a massive hand made of ice. Recollection flashed in his mind as the hand clenched itself into a fist in response before pummeling the house, creating a dent on the wall. Destruction.

"Are we going to fly or what?", Astrad looked around frantically as he hid behind the ice shield that he had conjured earlier. "I might not be able to do that again if we get netted again."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: The Ground
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electrical Attacks

Sparky really wasn't too sure what to think about the agent who was hanging around them at this point, and personally didn't really want him tagging along at this point. She still wasn't even a hundred percent sure that she wanted Amelia tagging along since to her what her mission was was kind of a bit personal, and unlike with Maria she didn't really want them around with something like this. Amelia wasn't too bad, but she still wasn't too sure at all about all of this. "I still don't really trust you," she said bluntly to Astrad, before the chaos continued and Maria blew up a house.

"Nice one," she said to Maria, giving her a slight smile, but she shot an annoyed look at Amelia when without even really asking she just decided to invite the new guy along. Her attention was drawn elsewhere as they were attacked once more, and a net ensnared them. She didn't say anything to Astrad as she climbed out of the net through the hole that he had made, and looked up towards the house. "Alright Lyting, let's see what we can do..." she said, before she pulled out the Asgardian dagger from her pocket and felt the electricity crackle along it, before she sent a lightning bolt towards the house.

Her first few attacks missed entirely, but her last one sent a bolt of lightning sending sparks flying as she knocked out two of them, and she glanced over at Astrad when he said something about flying. "I am not carrying you around and from what I can see so far you can't fly so how do you plan on keeping up? Since we specifically chose no jet since it would draw waaaaaaaaay too much attention. So how do you plan on keeping up with us as we use our powers to fly through the air?" she asked him rather bluntly, rolling her eyes a bit at him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

Oliver crossed his arms and looked at Bonnie, initially softening from her condolences, but hardening after her argument. "Japanese Americans, 1942." He started, "None of us are idiots, we all know what America did, but do you know how they got the locations and addresses? The Census Bureau broke the 20 year seal on their data, and gave it to the executive branch." He explained, "Now, we can say S.H.I.E.L.D will handle the data on powered individuals more carefully, but the argument looks identical: "These people pose an existential threat to the state by nature of who they are, we need to put them all in one place until we can figure out what to do with them." Except now the individuals have powers the world has never seen before. It will happen again, people will get scared, and scared humans might be the most dangerous thing in the universe."

With that, he smiled at Niah, and gave an exhale. He was not in the mood for bullshit, and wouldn't be debating the topic further with Bonnie. "Thank you Niah I... I really do appreciate that." He needed the kindness right now, and the knowledge that this whole skrull situation that had been itching his brain for months would soon come to a head, one way or another, was a comfort. He needed to know if these people, the most powerful heroes on the planet, had been replaced by the skrulls or not. That was paramount, and it was the difference between sleeping easy in his bed, and literal war.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Steve Rogers' Apartment Hallway -> Rooftop Quinjet
Skills: N/A

"I'm pretty sure that there is a change of clothes in the Quinjet maybe." Cassandra whispered back to Matt and gave him a loving smile, before turning her attention towards Niah as she mentioned what she had meant earlier. And what she had seen with Captain America in the conference room with Director Hill earlier. As much as she didnt like the laws right now, they had their orders right now she understood that listing people was never a good thing. But Cass believed that having untrained people out in the frontlines fighting any kind of crime was a bad thing and did way more harm than good.

"I get this Skrull threat is an issue, but we have our orders that isnt our mission, Oliver i'll drop you and Niah off in New York after that you are on your own from there. Right now we need to focus on the task at hand we will investigate it later but now we need to go, we have lost enough time as it is right now. We will try and talk to Cap first before anything else and try and understand his side as well." Cassandra said, right now she was done with the subject as she looked at the new agent Asokho and seeing his injuries were really bad, and made her way over towards him.

Cass took his arm over her shoulder and started to help him back up to his feet. She looked at Agent 13 and gave her a slight nod knowing what she meant. "We will get you treated quickly." Cassandra said made her way towards the rooftop and towards the Quinjet gently setting Asokho on a nearby seat and made her way towards the cockpit.

Maria Novikova

Location: Levittown, Pennsylvania
Skills: (Amelia's Air Manipulation & Sparky's Flight)

Maria turned and looked at Amelia and Sparky she smiled slightly at the compliments as she heard a netgun going off and the four of them were ensnared by a weighted net. "Really who uses nets now? They are so old and dont really do anything." Maria asked as soon as the net was cut open Maria got out of the net turning to where the net had shot out from as Astrad and Sparky attacked the building. Maria grinned slightly to herself getting the idea of destroying the building as well, and held out her hand as another heavy gust of wind suddenly destroyed the building as well looking at the three of them.

"You know it feels like i'm doing all of the work here." Maria said jokingly as she looked at Astrad for a moment, he didnt have any kind of flight powers as far as she could tell. "Elsa's brother could maybe make an ice slide or something or whatever to fly around on or whatever maybe?" Maria suggested while looking at him. "Or I could just carry him like he's my bride or whatever to, though i'm pretty sure that my wife would hate me doing that to." Maria said shrugging slightly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The hall outside Agent 13's apartment

Niah's heart broke a little hearing Bonnie disagree. She had a good reason and couldn't blame her. But Niah knew what the fall into fascism looked like. She bit her lip, but sighed and let it go. "Thank you." She said to Cass. Niah was actually thankful she was being sidelined from the mission. She didn't want to actively go against the mission.

Niah liked working for SHIELD. She remembered a conversation with Antoine. The last one. He wanted to help people. He wanted to make the world a better place. Niah didn't think that Hill's laws would help that happen. She felt it would be the opposite. Niah couldn't put words into his mouth, but she felt he'd be with her. They'd be trying to stop lists from being made. Being put on a list like that was a one-way ticket to being eliminated. People feared mutants too much. People feared different too much.

Turning to Oliver she asked, "How do you think we can get to England for your mother? Can you carry me and run there on the surface of the ocean? Or is that something you haven't tried?" Niah's voice carried a weight of sadness. It wasn't the same as it had been after Ultron, but still, it was there. She started walking with the group to the quinjet.

Location: The hall outside Agent 13's apartment -> Quinjet

Matt made his way to the quinjet and looked for a change of clothes. When he found it he went to the bathroom to change and then came back out as the others joined; he smiled at Cass. He settled into a seat near her. He wasn't going to continue the argument about if they should go after Cap or not. "Glad you're okay. I was worried for a minute there. You just jumped. I'm glad both of you are okay." He added the last bit to Bonnie as well.

Asokho was being patched up, which was a good idea. Fake-Flynn had done a number on him. "Uh, before we leave. We didn't kill all of the Skrulls, what are we doing with the rest of them? I know Niah shot a few with the ICER darts." He didn't know what had happened with the one Oliver had fought, but he could make a guess since he was covered in blood. "Oliver, take a shower before you see your mom." He suggested.
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