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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Hallway > Quinjet

Asohko cough roughly when Bonnie said that Rogers wasn't Jesus but Captain America. She had a point there, Roger's was a real factual person who rallied behind the beliefs of many and solidified American ideals into a singular person. Jesus was a fictional story told to children so that they would behave. He wouldn't say this out loud however as everyone had their rights to their own beliefs and systems. Kwassi stood there and wondered if she truly grasped what it was that she was asking of people? If she understood the dangers of registering their identities even if it was just to S.H.I.E.L.D. Had anyone known his identity when he was a Vigilante then perhaps the crooks who left prison would target his family, friends, or even loved ones. There was an inherent danger to the notion and a registry wasn't too far from internement as Agent Sullivan pointed out.

When Agent Reed took his arm and helped him up towards the Quinjet all he could muster out was a thank you. Sitting down in a chair as he lifted his shirt up and off of him to expose the wound for medical attention. He coughed out "I don't think Agent Chase would have approved of my Vigilante days. She's seems very intent on following orders without thought." Moments later Bonnie appeared in the Quinjet to help aid him. As she was cleaning up the wound and patching him up he asked "I understand how it is that you feel. But S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't infallible. We've had many cases of renegade agents that were secret Hydra employs and now we have a Skrull infestation. What's to stop either of them from stealing the registry and leaking it to a villains sector. Suddenly Spider-Mans family is under seige, or any other hero to be honest. Not everyone can afford the security that IronMan has. Not all heroes have starktech keeping them and their families safe."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago










Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 11:50 P.M.

Agent 13 had pulled a few strings, getting a quinjet for Oliver and Niah. She also had sent word ahead to MI13, Britain's supernatural intelligence agency, to expect them. Their quinjet pilot was a silent Chinese man who whenever someone tried to engage him in conversation, he would purposefully turn his head to look away. His headphones were in as he listened to a podcast about I Love Lucy.

As the ramp lowered, Niah and Oliver would find themselves on the grounds of Braddock Academy. It was the finest school in England, selecting students with the potential to become heroes. It was founded by Captain Britain and his twin sister, Psylocke, with the location being their ancestral family manor. There were a lot of striking similarities between Braddock Academy and Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

"Welcome to Wales, Agents," a Chinese woman with vivid purple hair said, her British accent thick, and she was wearing a flashy purple uniform. "I'm Betsy Braddock."

New York City: 4:50 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 219 West 47th Street
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Bonnie had replied has concisely and logically to Kwassi's concerns as she could. S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't a perfect system by any means, but it was the one that they had. If people were willing to fight for the greater good, then surrendering a little privacy for the security of citizens across the globe had to be a worthy cost. Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D. had state of the art tech and could help superheroes to protect their families. As it stood now, if someone found out who Spider-Man loved, only he would be able to intervene. No one else would stand in the way.

They had taken the quinjet to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in New York City. Unlike most buildings, it didn't have a fun name like the Triskelion, the Hub, or the Playground. If anything, people just called it 219. Cass had landed the quinjet on the roof of the building, which had special tech designed to make it look like a nunnery rather than a base for a secret agency. The team was currently on the first floor outside of the café. They couldn't just walk around Queens in agent uniforms, so they had changed into normal outfits, as if they were just everyday New Yorkers.

A car was waiting for them outside to take them wherever they needed to go. Cass had the keys for it. "Is everyone ready?" Bonnie asked, finishing her chai tea latte.

Levittown, PA: 3:30 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: N/A
Amelia crawled out of the opening in the net that Astrad had made. "Yeah, we really flew, mate! I've got air bending powers like the cartoon, she can fly, and Maria can steal other people's powers. I bet if we got you a hang glider or something, I could tie you to my glider and we could both fly." She wasn't an engineer, so she had no idea what the logistics of that would look like. Maybe Sparky could just carry him. As soon as she thought that though, Sparky protested the idea. Maria showed off with her airbending prowess again, leaving Amelia gobsmacked as she blew down another house.

"Bloody hell..." Amelia whistled, before all hell broke loose.

The thing about Levittown, PA was that it wasn't just home to a small HYDRA cell. This was the community where HYDRA members retired, where they raised their children. The entire town was full of squids. And now with two homes obliterated, they were out of the shadows and into the light, as the entire block poured out of their houses and sirens sounded.

"Now THIS is a party!" Amelia then tried to send a column of air at some of the HYDRA members, but nothing happened but a gentle breeze. She tried again. And again. But with no results at all. Maybe her powers had been burnt out when Maria took some of them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrad Lungren


Astrad frowned as the members of Hydra swarmed out of the houses in Levittown like a horde of ravenous beasts, or at least, that was what he thought of them. Cold air coalesced around his hands as Astrad brought his Inhuman power to bring to bear, glaring at the Squidheads that were starting to surround them completely in the street. "Hell Hydra..."

Sharp daggers of ice formed into existence all around the group as he used his cryogenic powers once again, glinting with the light of the sun and smoking with water vapor emanating from their utterly cold forms. At the same time, Astrad took the fist of solid ice, withdrawing it from the blasted ruins of the house that he had dented a while ago. It floated menacingly as the ice daggers struck forth unto the nearest Hydra members that were trying to rush the four of them in there, stabbing or impaling no less than six of the Hydra grunts. As their squidly blood spilled out unto the sun kissed pavement, Astrad sent his floating ice fist to plow through another seven, mashing them against a wall like sardines being squeezed into a can. However, their numbers were still very high. Barely a dent.

With the situation getting more dire, he took out his phone and pinged Agent Sitwell. "Agent Sitwell, this is Lungren, Levittown is a HYDRA nest and the three UFOs from earlier are friendlies... where is that secondary team? We are surrounded!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: 219 West 47th Street
Skills: N/A

Cassandra had a cup of coffee in her arms, picking out a simple grey tshirt, jeans as well as a pair of sneakers, she took a sip of coffee and looked towards Bonnie. She did have her concerns that the list wasnt a good thing at all, but that is why they had teams like The Secret Warriors to make sure that the people on the list would be safe. They were just down to her Bonnie, Matt and Kwassi as well now to, Oliver and Niah had gone off to do their thing in England, Maria and Sparky were investigating on where Raynor was and try to bring him back as well.

Cass took out the key fob that she was given and pressed the unlock button finding their car rather easily while looking over at everyone else. "I'm as ready as can be." Cassandra said as she made her way towards the car getting into the drivers side turning on the ignition as she waited for the rest of the team to get into the car. She reached over for the car's GPS putting in the address that Steve Rogers was going towards.

Maria Novikova

Location: Levittown, Pennsylvania
Skills: Archery (Amelia's Air Manipulation & Sparky's Flight)

Maria turned her attention towards the other buildings as she heard the alarms going off in the small town which had set her off a little bit as more HYDRA agents suddenly started to come out of the woodwork. Maria drew out her bow, and reached for her explosive arrows, and fired off ten of them in quick succession. Watching as four of them were taken out rather quickly while the other six arrows missed their targets, which annoyed her a little bit. "I'm all for leaving this town now." Maria said looking at Sparky and Amelia as well as Astrad to.

Maria held out her hand as another large gust of wind came out directly at the group of HYDRA agents sending five of them to the ground and backed up slightly. "So, any of you guys got any ideas on how to get out of here quickly then?" Maria asked, they could easily be overrun in just a few seconds.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: The Ground
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electrical Attacks, Aerial Attacks

Sparky let out a bit of a huffy breath at the mob of HYDRA agents that swarmed into the area due to the knocking down of two houses. "Quickest escape route would be straight up and out of here, but that's just my personal take on it, was suggesting we do that a while ago before all of the chaos but no one listens to me," she said a bit pointedly when people started questioning how to best get out of their current situation. Deciding that she wanted a better view of the chaos around them and how many people were there, Sparky started hovering in the air (though she meant to actually take off into the air completely) before with a slight crackle of electricity along her arm she shot up like a bullet, going fairly high up.

One thing that she noticed was that since there were so many sort of swarming in the area, they were kind of close together. Thing is, being in such close proximity meant that they were more easily able to hit multiple people with one attack. "Well doesn't this look like a perfect setup for me. One Conga Line of Doom coming up," she said as she raised the dagger, the energy crackling along as she fired off a lightning bolt. The electricity arched and slammed into it's first victim, before it hopped from one to another, eventually managing to connect to a grand total of 18 people, sending them all down for the count. "This is more fun," she commented, as she sent out another lightning bolt, which did the same thing except only taking down 10 people. "If we are wanting to get out of here I'd suggest we do so now!" Sparky called out to the others.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 20 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Quinjet -> Braddock Academy
Skills: N/A

To say Oliver was nervous on the flight would be an understatement, it felt like he couldn't sit still, often getting up to pace around the jet. A lot was going to be coming to a head today, and he already knew the outcome of one of them. Looking over to Niah, he said, "Thank you for coming with me Niah, you have no idea how much this means to me." He said, right as the ship landed. Sticking his head towards the door, her took a deep breath as it opened. They needed to talk to Captain Britain as soon as possible, then get to his mother. Even if he didn't end up being a Skrull, he could give them information from when they were captured.

Oliver wasn't even a little surprised to see they had a greeter, and smiled at Betsy, saying, "It's good to be home Miss Braddock, I'm Agent Sullivan, and this is Agent Bautista." He said, gesturing over to Niah. "I hate to rush, but we're on a rather tight schedule, if we could speak to your brother as soon as possible, we'd appreciate that." He didn't want to slip in the fact they would be working around a literal deadline. That felt like undo pressure, especially if this place wasn't crawling with skrulls. He took a moment to breath, missing his home, and feeling almost a bit safer just from being here.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Braddock Academy

"You do know that I can only focus on one sense at a time and when I do I lose another one." It had been an odd part of her power that she never quite understood. It helped keep her from being overwhelmed but she had to be certain that she was safe if she did certain senses. Thankfully sound was easy enough to do. She'd only lose her sense of taste.

"Of course. And I have a better idea than you know Oliver." She had changed reality for her sister, to bring her back. It had worked too, even if it hadn't been in the way she anticipated. She gave Oliver a reassuring smile.

As they debarked the jet, thank you Agent 13, Niah followed after Oliver. This was his mission and his life. More importantly, his life that she felt like an intruder on. She didn't know Oliver all that well. They had only really interacted on Christmas, and then a few times since then.

"Pleasure to meet you Betsy Braddock. Thank you for letting us land and everything. We appreciate your assistance." Niah told Braddock after Oliver introduced her.

Location: 219 West 47th Street

The caffeine was a good hit to Matt's system. He was dressed down for what he normally wore, but at least he had a button-up shirt on still. Button-ups were a joy post top surgery. He smiled at the thought. Then nodded as Bonnie asked if everyone was ready. He finished his drink and climbed into the SUV. He trusted Cass's driving. She had been the one driving for their date even. He could drive, but preferred his motorcycle enough that he rarely drove a car.

With the team reduced down to four people, and one of those four a complete newbie to SHIELD. Matt was nervous. He knew Bonnie and Cass and easily trusted both of them at his side in a fight. Bonnie and Cass were terrifying in a fight. He knew where everyone was on the team about Hills laws. And Matt was nervous about Kwassi, he didn't know how much he could trust the guy. He frowned a bit thinking. Also, Kwassi was injured. Bonnie was good at medical stuff, but would it be enough for Kwassi in a fight? Would he be able to stand against Captain America?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet > 219 West 47th Street
Skills: Trivia

Kwassi wasn't going to press the issue any further than he already had. It was clear where Agent Chase stood. She placed too much trust in the system, something that Kwassi may learn as he progresses in S.H.E.I.L.D. but for now it left him wanting. There was precedent already for Heros rescuing others without the need of Big Brothers supervision. For all we knew Spider-Man had already saved his loved ones thrice over. If anything it made Kwassi want to dog through surveillance for every encounter the big eyed hero had been in and see if there were any reoccurring innocents in distress. If he could narrow down the list he may find the hero himself and gain some knowledge on how he feels about this new mandate as well as how his webs work. Perhaps they could work together on a new use for them? But that was neither here nor there.

Kwassi had dressed in typical New Yorker fashion. White button up shirt with an open suit jacket, a coat over it, some dark slightly baggy pants, Timberlands, and sunglasses. He had brought with him a few flash grenades that emitted a blinding light in the event that Cap tried to run or that another mess of Skrulls appeared. He grabbed himself a latte as he made his way towards the car, looking over the team to see how they were feeling. Bonnie appeared to believe he was misogynistic but he wasn’t sure why, Matt seemed concerned and unsure towards his addition especially with his injury, and Cassandra thought he was cocky; which...he was. Kwassi slid into the back seat trying to think of a way to break the ice. "I'm as ready as I can be. ... ... Did you know one of my greatest idols growing up was Marie Curie? Woman was a pioneer of science and developed the mobile radiography units to provide X-Rays to field hospitals during the first World War. I feel this world would be much further along if men hadn't held women back for so many years."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago










Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:00 A.M.

"He's in Otherworld at the moment speaking with Roma," Betsy explained. "His daughter's been missing. I don't imagine S.H.I.E.L.D. would know anything about that?" she asked, motioning for them to follow her into the academy. The gigantic school looked to at least be a few centuries old, a testimony to the long history of the Braddock Family. They were the British equivalent of the Starks - rich, powerful, and ever present. She lead them down a series of hallways and staircases, until she pulled a book from a shelf and the bookcase slid aside to reveal a hidden wing. Down the hallway, voices carried, likely belonging to the members of Excalibur - "Katya, stop tickling me!!!" a teenage girl shrieked with a soft Russian accent.

Psylocke led them straight ahead from this point into what appeared to be a massive study, the sort that the professor in Narnia would own. Medieval relics covered the room and in the center was a gigantic pool of water, its surface so clear it was essentially a mirror. "Brian will be here soon, but in the meantime, you can begin telling me why you've come here."

New York City: 5:20 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 219 West 47th Street -> 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition
Bonnie went and took the shotgun seat in the car, not leaving it up for debate or argument. She had been working with Cass longer than most of them had been a part of S.H.I.E.L.D., including their time spent at the academy. She looked in the rearview mirror as Kwassi started talking about Marie Curie. At first, Bonnie was a little bit excited to hear someone discussing one of the greatest female scientists to ever live - but then, she realized something. It seemed like Kwassi was just bringing up Curie in order to win her favor. She frowned ever so slightly. "What's your opinion on Esther Lederberg?" Bonnie asked him, her tone calm and even.

It was currently rush hour in New York City, meaning the traffic had come to a grinding halt. They were lucky that the issue wasn't compounded by supervillains fighting with heroes in the sky. The most activity that happened while they were crawling along at a snail's pace was that Spider-Man swung on by, a girl held securely in his arms, but they were moving too fast to really make out any of her features.

By the time they pulled up outside of the address in Queens, thirty minutes had elapsed in the car - a mercy, as it easily could have been much, much longer. A billboard across the street was advertising a concert being played at Madison Square Garden that evening by Dazzler. Selena Gomez was opening for her.

Levittown, PA: 3:40 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: Aerokinesis
There was no response on Astrad's phone. Maybe Agent Sitwell was tied up with something of his own, the message hadn't gone through, or was the cell signal in Levittown just really poor? Had HYDRA set off an EMP without anyone noticing? There had to be a rational, logical explanation for why Sitwell just hadn't answered Astrad at such a crucial moment... right?

"Right, let's get cracking then. One of you is going to have to carry him, we can't leave him here, he'll get killed," Amelia argued. She didn't care if Sparky was in a bad mood, either she or Maria would have to deal with holding Astrad. She privately hoped that Sparky would be the one to decide to carry him, as Maria had a habit of trying to get people to plummet out of the sky. Amelia took a breath and she ran in circles, her glider perpendicular with the ground, as she built up momentum and then pushed the air towards the HYDRA goons. They fell down like dominoes, but it was just a temporary tactic, they'd be up on their feet in no time.

She had to trust that Maria or Sparky would make sure Astrad was okay. Amelia took a breath and then went at a bit of a run, launching herself into the air as her glider caught the currents moving around her and lifted her up higher, higher, and higher, until Levittown seemed so incredibly small.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: 219 West 47th Street
Skills: N/A

Cassandra leaned back in the driver's seat New York City traffic was always really terrible, it wasnt her first time being in the city either, she had spent some time in the city during her time working with the X-men as well. She looked at Bonnie for a moment and smiled towards her friend, glad that she chose to take shotgun, not that she didnt mind having her boyfriend Matt sitting next to her either. But she had known Bonnie for a really long time, and Bonnie had helped her a lot in the past as well especially when she had M-Pox as well had helped her when she almost died during that time to.

Cass caught a brief glimpse of Spider-Man swinging through the sky, but couldnt get a good look at who he was carrying, when Kawassi brought up Marie Curie a name that she didnt really recognize at all. But when Bonnie brought up Esther Lederberg, Cass recognized the name even though she was a computer coding major from MIT, and microbiology was something she had very little knowledge about. She was bored and sometimes would just read something at random. "She was really well known for being a pioneer of bacterial genetics, who made notable contributions of the bacterial virus by specialized transduction, the development of replica plating and the discovery of fertility factor F." Cass said while looking over at Bonnie, by then they were finally at their location and climbed out of the car seeing the billboard of an event that Dazzler was going to be playing at Madison Square Garden.

Maria Novikova

Location: Levittown, Pennsylvania
Skills: (Amelia's Air Manipulation & Sparky's Flight)

"I'm up for flying away now." Maria said as the HYDRA agents continued to swarm around them, Sparky had flown up into the air now at this point and managed to take out a number of HYDRA agents. And Amelia started to take off as well, closing her eyes for a moment letting out a bit of an annoyed sigh. "Alright Ice Monkey, I guess I have to carry you." Maria said as she quickly lifted up Astrad into her arms, and started to make a run for it. She jumped but couldnt get any kind of flight, maybe the new guy was really just heavy or fat or something like that. "You need to lose weight man, you are heavy as fuck!" Maria said.

She made another run, and this time she managed to take off, using Sparky's flight and the help of Amelia's air manipulation she easily started to climb higher and higher. "Next stop, New York then." Maria said as she held Astrad in her arms, he was pretty heavy as she played the idea of doing another trust fall exercise with the new guy some as well just for fun but decided against it for now.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

This was really not Astrad's day.

Not only were they being swarmed by a veritable legion of HYDRA minions and grunts that were all out for their blood and maybe their brains, Agent Sitwell had also left him hanging in the air. The line with his superior had been producing nothing but the characteristic white noise that can either indicate that Sitwell was ignoring his call, had been disconnected, or was preoccupied with something else. This was very much unlike Sitwell, though, as that bald man had always been a rather upright agent that somewhat commanded respect out of Astrad, even if the former had a rather slick and laid back attitude when it comes to communicating with those he is a little… well, chummy with. Still, there was no denying that Agent Lungren was very good at his job… most of the time.

But, as was stated earlier, things were getting bleak in here. Amelia and Sparky had already flown off, and the horde was nearly upon them. "Come on…", Astrad muttered as he prepared to pummel another set of HYDRA minions with his massive floating ice fist… only for Maria to confirm that she was going to… Uhm. Carry him.

He hesitated, tilting his head a little bit as he was concerned that she would have a hard time carrying someone of his weight. "Are you sure you want to- AH!"

It wasn't long before Levittown was way below them, a patchwork of buildings and streets that wanted to kill them a few moments ago. Now, they were safe as they could be in this kind of situation, high up in the clouds. Hopefully HYDRA didn't have any air assets in the area.

Looking around the three women that were just strangers at this point, he began speaking a bunch, a little embarrassed that Maria really was having difficulty carrying him. "So… is it just me, or did my superior ignore my distress call right in the middle of that HYDRA horde attack? I called for backup… and I was only met with white noise. It… makes absolutely no sense for him to hang up on me like that. Unless if we were being jammed…"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Back in the Air again
Skills: Flight, Electricity Manipulation, Electric Attacks, Aerial Combat

Sparky was still somewhat annoyed that the guy who had attacked them first was tagging along, but she didn't say anything about it immediately as she sent another bolt of lightning slamming into a few HYDRA agents. It wasn't as impressive as her first round of attacks (only taking out 3 people in total) before she decided to say screw it with everything that was going on and just leave them entirely to do whatever it was that they were probably going to do. She didn't know if they'd follow after them (they probably would) and if she did she was perfectly fine with that, she had some anger and annoyance that she needed to deal with at the moment anyway.

However, as she caught up with the others, she froze and glared at Astrad with his words. He seemed so self-centered on what his job was, or whatever, and not caring that they very well could have just left him and instead he was being dragged along with them when he could be very much dead. "How about you just shut up for two damn seconds, since you aren't on your mission anymore genius, you're on ours, which has been put off from being done for 3 months. Ever heard of a signal jammer? Those are not rocket science to make, rather simple actually, so how about either you get your focus away from what your mission was before or I will make you drop out of the damn sky, got it?" She typically wasn't this rude to people, but she was in a bad mood already, and this guy had managed to make a really bad impression on her by pretending to actually care after she had fallen out of the sky before attacking them. That meant that currently she was perfectly fine with any reason to toss him out of the sky and to the ground.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 20 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location:Braddock Academy - Study
Skills: N/A

Oliver followed her down the hallway, and had to keep himself from being awestruck at the hidden passageway behind the bookcase. That was basically every nerd's dream, and he actively wanted a house one day that had one, unrealistic as it might be. This building was old though, and that was something he missed about this side of the pond. America, as great as it was, was young. The entire country felt old to him, and he liked it. Stepping into the study, he couldn't keep himself from grinning. This was cozy, almost everything he wanted, if the man wasn't a skrull, Oliver might actually feel a bit jealous of him.

As Psylocke asked them why they were here, he cleared his throat. "Right, it's a bit complicated." He said. He didn't want to immediately make things obvious for her, especially if this place was crawling with Skrulls. "Basically, your brother went on a mission not too long ago, and we're worried that the threat he faced may have escalated in a big way." He said, not lying, but keeping his response vague. Hesitating for a moment, he said, "They're called Skrulls, and according to all the records I could find, he and the team he worked with, were the first to encounter them. Any information he could provide would be invaluable." He hoped that satisfied her curiosity enough, though he was still on guard, ready to retaliate if she was secretly a Skrull herself. If Captain Britain was, it followed that the entire family could be too.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Braddock Academy

Niah let Oliver talk. This whole thing was his idea, she was just there for moral support. Though, she was pretty excited about being here. The place was neat. She wished growing up that she had had a school like this. Well, she hadn't grown up with powers so it wouldn't have been a school for her. But she could imagine sending a potential future child of hers to a special school for kids with powers.

She imagined for a brief moment having a kid of her own, but she had no idea who she would have the kid with. Niah's heart hurt. Only Antonie and her had gotten close enough for her to feel comfortable with the possibility of that sort of thing. It felt like ages since Antonie had died, but as far as her heart was concerned it had only been days. Niah also considered the fact that Antonie had not been in House of M. As much as she loved him he had not been her heart's wish, it had been Dalisy.

"We do apologize, but we do have to hurry. We have something else we must do very soon." Niah added. Oliver was avoiding the subject and Niah didn't want to say what else they needed to do, which had precious little time to do.

Location: 219 West 47th Street

Matt decided to keep his mouth shut on the conversation. He was not a science person. He never had been. Even when he would have tried to identify with a woman in power. He wondered though if Bonnie or Cass knew of any trans-scientists. "What about any trans scientists?" He asked. That would be cool to know. Currently, he'd just say his favorite scientists were those on the team, save for Niah and Asokho at this point. But he was biased.

Matt didn't quite get why Asokho brought up Marie Curie anyway. He drank his coffee, watched as Spiderman flew over their heads. Technically, he thought, Spiderman was breaking Hill's laws. He was a vigilante. Was the girl in his arms his girlfriend? And by proxy was in danger. What side would Spiderman land on of the laws? Would he decide to work with SHIELD? Or against? Matt frowned thinking. SHIELD wanted to protect Spiderman and people like him, they wanted to have accountability. What if Spiderman killed an innocent person? They'd have to know who to bring in. Matt who had been uncertain between the arguments landed firmly on the side of SHIELD at that moment. They had to know so they could help.

His eye caught the sign of the Dazzler being in town. He hadn't ever seen a show of hers but had been interested. Just for the visuals. He'd have to ask if Cass wanted to go to a show of hers sometime.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: 219 West 47th Street
Skills: Trivia

Kwassi quicker an eyebrow towards Agent Chase when she asked him about Esther Lederberg. The traffic was as horrendous as usual and that afforded them all some time to talk and mingle. After all they should get to know each other better so that they would work as a more cohesive team. Before he had the chance to answer her however, Agent Reed spoke up about Lederbergs accomplishments and designs. "I have to say, as outstanding as her accomplishments were she wasn't in my wheelhouse of study. I don't wish to open up bio-weaponry in that sense. I mainly work in toxins, but have been known to use acids or other such means to help find my way past locks or concrete walls. As for Marie Curie, her designs in portable x-ray helped to not only shape the medical world but also our world as Agents. Take for instance 'The Window' a thin portable machine that uses X-Ray technology, enhanced ofcourse, to help view into other rooms as if it were a window. Brilliant and all thanks to her."

Kwassi watched as Spider-Man swung by them, carrying a passenger that was too blurred to see. "Now that's an interesting point to bring up Agent Moss. I personally am unaware of any Trans scientist's, though I suppose I would be curious to see how the media would paint them. Woman's achievements tend to either be downplayed or not as visibly shown thanks to the patriarchy but even when they are many times its more of how amazing it is that a woman found it. So I'm not sure how the media would handle it. Would they say, for a trans woman, that ofcourse she was capable of doing so because she had a man's brain? Even though science has shown that trans peoples brains are more closely related to the brain they associate with notnwere born with? Honestly this is a side of science i think I may need to read more on once we are done here. I appreciate the new material you've added for me to research."
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:10 A.M.

Psylocke considered Oliver and Niah's information carefully. She didn't jump into accusations or fake outrage over them insisting on speaking to her brother as some may have. "Brian mentioned he and the Illuminati encountered the skrulls," Psylocke said, breaking her silence. "From what he told me, if I remember correctly, their primary enemy was the Kree... Has there been some escalation of that conflict spilling into our system?" she inquired.

The surface of the water began to ripple, until suddenly a figure burst out of it, dressed in the uniform of Captain Britain. "No luck. Roma hasn't any clue where Luna is..." he said sadly to his sister, before Brian Braddock turned and took in the two agents. "Who might you both be?" he asked.

New York City: 5:30 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Bonnie was a bit annoyed that Cass answered before Kwassi had a chance to - it ruined her little trap she had set. She wanted to prove that Kwassi didn't know what he was talking about, that it had just been a ploy to get her to like him and to think that he wasn't misogynistic. But since she was best friends with Cass, Bonnie was totally tempted to express her annoyance in the mature fashion of kicking her shin. Fortunately for Cass' fortitude, though, Matt distracted Bonnie from thoughts of revenge with his question.

Her mind conjured up one name in particular after his question. She ignored Kwassi's little speech about how challenging it was to be a woman in science. Ignoring him seemed to be a safe bet. "There is - was - Ben Barres. He passed away from cancer a few years back. He was a huge name, published a lot of papers in Science, I think he worked on the brain some. Well, more specifically the nervous system." Although the non SciTech members of the group wouldn't know, Science was one of the most prestigious publishing journals. A publication in Science or Nature was a dream for most researchers never achieved.

Bonnie got out of the car and looked at their destination. It looked like an ordinary apartment building. The trash cans were overflowing and the recycling bin had tons of flattened down cardboard boxes leaning up against it. A lady walked by with a purebred white poodle, listening to something with her airpods in. "We should be prepared for anything," Bonnie recommended, before heading up to the door of the apartment building. She pulled on it and it swung open easily, not even having a lock.

New York City: 4:20 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: Aerokinesis
Forty minutes of flight time later and the unlikely foursome landed in Manhattan. Amelia was pretty beat as she let go of her glider, the engineering creation turning to look just like a staff. Beads of sweat were coming off of her forehead, but she never looked happier. It had taken a lot of work in order to keep her flight sustained so long, breaking her previous records for sustained use of her powers. She was feeling pretty chuffed with herself and she couldn't wait to break the record again. Maybe she'd see if she could breathe air in space by using her powers next!

They were outside a rather old looking building. It had an odd window on the top floor, shaped almost like a giant egg. People on the sidewalk didn't pay much attention to the building, their eyes naturally just avoiding it like it didn't even really exist. Amelia whistled appreciatively. This definitely was the sort of old, spooky manor she expected wizards to live in. "So like, is there a secret knock or something we gotta do, mate?" she asked Sparky, since she seemed to be the one leading this mission. "Or maybe a special phrase or passcode like abracadabra?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Cassandra Reed

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked over towards Matt for a moment, sadly she didnt really know any trans scientists that had come to mind as she crossed her arms over her chest for a moment looking at Bonnie as she answered Matt's question though. She watched the woman walking her dog on the other side of the street and the large poster of Dazzler. She remembered her playing at Guin's wedding which was really nice to see, Cass turned to look at both Matt and Kwassi. "Matt and Kwassi, I want you guys to look and secure any other exits if Rogers is here do not engage first unless he does and report anything in as soon as possible." Cass told them, now wanting to focus on the mission at hand right now.

Cass watched as Bonnie went to open the door to the apartment building, she was actually surprised that it was unlocked and started to make her way over into the building. She did want to have a bit of alone time with her best friend as well, and make sure that she was doing alright still. "How are you doing an did you want to talk about anything Bonnie?" Cassandra asked Bonnie as she entered the apartment building with her.

Maria Novikova

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: (Amelia's Air Manipulation & Sparky's Flight)

Maria was sweating a little bit having to carry a full grown man in her arms was probably the longest forty minutes of her life as she plopped Astrad ungracefully onto the ground. Groaning slightly as she stretched her arms slightly and cracked her hands slightly as well as her neck. "You really need to lay off the icecream Ice Monkey." Maria said looking over at Astrad as her attention turned directly over towards The Sanctum Sanctorum the home of Dr. Strange. "I guess, try and open the door maybe?" Maria said looking over at Amelia as she started to make her way towards the door.

She tried to open the door, only to find out that it was locked letting out a little bit of an annoyed huff, she looked over her shoulder at the three of them. Maria was pretty sure that the building would stand pretty well against it, but she attempted to use Amelia's powers on the door, a huge gust of wind hit the door. But it didnt have any kind of effect, Maria shrugged slightly as she went over towards Sparky. "Your turn to try." Maria said to Sparky.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Location: Back in the Air again - Outside the Sanctum
Skills: Flight

Sparky more or less just ignored Astrad's existence during the flight, and she was glad that Maria didn't seem to get the idea into her mind to cause people to fall from the sky yet again. Made her life a hell of a lot easier, since she didn't have to worry about hitting the ground and going splat. Right now, her mind was just focused on the one thing, that being that she needed to find Raynor, and it was a thought that wouldn't leave her head no matter what it was that she did. This whole thing had been put off for too long, and she wasn't going to let anyone get in her way of finding him.

Landing outside the Sanctum, she wasn't at all surprised that Amelia instantly was confused as to how they were going to get in. Actually she wasn't a hundred percent sure what to do now, but one thing was for sure she knew that Maria's approach likely wasn't going to work, and if anything it likely was going to make it harder for them to get Strange's help. "Would you stop that! That's probably going to annoy Strange if anything, don't attack the door, or anything!" she snapped at Maria, clearly a bit annoyed before she took a deep breath and walked calmly up to the doors, before knocking on them. "Excuse me doctor, it's Theresa Sparks, you offered a few months ago to help me find someone, but given the chaos since then I haven't exactly had a chance to come, and I was wondering if that offer by chance still stands..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

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Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

Astrad didn't mind if Brunnet Sparks here ignored his very existence; after all, all of their interactions so far had been of hostility, and it be honest, the last thing anyone would want to annoy was a pregnant woman. Seriously though, why was she flying around in the sky while pregnant? Weren't G forces bad for children in the womb?

Either way, he thought about his former mission, and now this one. Apparently they were visiting someone called Doctor Strange. Astrad guessed that this Strange character was a... well, a doctor, and was going to help these women do whatever they wanted. They hadn't really given any specifics to him yet, nor had he asked. Seeing and hearing what Doctor Strange would do seemed to be a better alternative than anything else.

When they had landed in New York City, one of the first things Astrad heard was Maria's complaining about him being heavy. Of course he was heavy for her! He was a guy with totally average height and average weight, and she didn't look particularly imposing when it came to physical form. "Lady,for the record, I'm a guy with less than average height and a totally appropriate weight to match with it. And the last time I had icecream was... last week."

Either way, while Sparky began knocking on the door, Astrad inched a little to Amelia; he found her to be most amicable of the three, and maybe not as pissed. "So.", he fidgeted rather sheepishly. "Sorry bout earlier. I was just being, uh, sure. I hope we can out that unfortunate incident behind us."

This does not look like a doctor's office...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

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Oliver Sullivan

Location:Braddock Academy - Study
Skills: N/A

Oliver was visibly surprised that she knew about the Illuminati, and weighed her knowledge for a moment, before continuing. "Well, not exactly." He said, not knowing much about the Kree, "I'm unsure of the reasons for why, but Skrulls have started to come to Earth. We know for a fact that multiple agents have been compromised, and we worry that they've started a kind of invasion." He explained, crossing his arms. As the water rippled, he took a step back, before Captain Britain emerged from it. Giving a smile, he nodded at him, before reintroducing himself, "Agent Sulivan, and my partner, Agent Bautista." He said.

"As we were just explaining to your sister here, it appears that the Skrulls have started appearing on Earth, and given that you and the rest of the Illuminati had first contact with them, we thought it'd be prudent to come have a chat." He explained, before giving a brief side eye to Niah, hoping she'd be paying attention to read Britain's response, "We've come to understand that you and your team were captured by the Skrulls during your encounter with them, would you mind going into detail on that, specifically with regards to your escape? I know this is sudden, and I hate to rush, but time isn't on our side at the moment." He smiled at him, in the event Britain wasn't a Skrull, any knowledge he had could be of great use and importance, so he looked forward to hearing what he had to say.
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