Character you have created: Dr. David Anderson Jones
Alias: Terra Firma
Speech Color: Hero Time: ed1c24 Human: Normal/White
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Secret
Character Personality: David is a patient, focused person, qualities driven into him by his long years studying archaeology, along with raising his daughter. At most times David tries fashion himself as a playful, talkative person who loves to prank others. Although he tries his best to seem ever joyful on the outside, he worries intensely about those closest to him. He drives his friends up the walls sometimes with his antics, but he likes to think they love him anyways, and their continued presence confirms it.

Origin Info/Details:
Dr. David Anderson Jones was an American archaeologist who made a name for himself after publishing several papers proving the existence of numerous other undiscovered ancient tribes. After spending several more years and participating in several guest lectures at universities, including Lost Haven University, David finally found the location of an ancient ruin left behind by one of said tribes in the deep forests of South America. Eager to discover what awaited him inside the newly found ruins David eagerly set off by himself.
After spending days navigating the forests, using his altered maps, he finally found what he had been looking for. The structure itself seemed like a small two floored pyramid, but the inside presented him with what seemed like a maze that went on forever. After a few minutes spent navigating the hallways a feeling began to call to David, a feeling he couldn’t ignore, following that feeling took him half an hour, but he finally made his way to a large room. The room itself was massive, paintings, scriptures, and all sorts of symbols adorned the walls around him. The centerpiece of the massive chamber held a large, almost rainbow colored, crystal which illuminated the entire room, waves of energy fell off almost like a heartbeat.
Upon touching the crystal David’s vision flashed to an entirely different scenario, a scene from the far past. A being pulsating with colors, similar to those radiating off the crystal, was floating above a battlefield of some kind. Various different looking tribesmen where flinging spears and arrows at each other and the being, suddenly lighting struck down onto every tribes’ weapons, destroying them in a violent light. The vision changed again to a scene of those same tribes, but this time they were eating together, and even dancing and drinking around the same crystal David was touching. Then the vision flashed onto modern day, with cars driving by, people walking past, and almost violently the scene changed again. This time there were no tribes celebrating, or people passing by, instead buildings lay in ruins, and the earth burned everywhere he could see.
“How..” David mumbled to himself, he then tried to pull away from the crystal with no avail, suddenly he heard a voice in his head “Danger comes. Change needed. Host needed.” Unable to pull away from the crystal David felt himself being swallowed. When he awoke he found himself exhausted and adrift in the ocean until a fishing boat drove by to pick him up. When they asked what happened David simply told them he didn’t remember, which wasn’t far from the truth as he realized he had a serious gap in his own memory. What he could remember were certain feelings, and vague memories of him fighting. From attacking poachers, to some kind of creature underwater, his memory was in patches.
After spending days navigating the forests, using his altered maps, he finally found what he had been looking for. The structure itself seemed like a small two floored pyramid, but the inside presented him with what seemed like a maze that went on forever. After a few minutes spent navigating the hallways a feeling began to call to David, a feeling he couldn’t ignore, following that feeling took him half an hour, but he finally made his way to a large room. The room itself was massive, paintings, scriptures, and all sorts of symbols adorned the walls around him. The centerpiece of the massive chamber held a large, almost rainbow colored, crystal which illuminated the entire room, waves of energy fell off almost like a heartbeat.
Upon touching the crystal David’s vision flashed to an entirely different scenario, a scene from the far past. A being pulsating with colors, similar to those radiating off the crystal, was floating above a battlefield of some kind. Various different looking tribesmen where flinging spears and arrows at each other and the being, suddenly lighting struck down onto every tribes’ weapons, destroying them in a violent light. The vision changed again to a scene of those same tribes, but this time they were eating together, and even dancing and drinking around the same crystal David was touching. Then the vision flashed onto modern day, with cars driving by, people walking past, and almost violently the scene changed again. This time there were no tribes celebrating, or people passing by, instead buildings lay in ruins, and the earth burned everywhere he could see.
“How..” David mumbled to himself, he then tried to pull away from the crystal with no avail, suddenly he heard a voice in his head “Danger comes. Change needed. Host needed.” Unable to pull away from the crystal David felt himself being swallowed. When he awoke he found himself exhausted and adrift in the ocean until a fishing boat drove by to pick him up. When they asked what happened David simply told them he didn’t remember, which wasn’t far from the truth as he realized he had a serious gap in his own memory. What he could remember were certain feelings, and vague memories of him fighting. From attacking poachers, to some kind of creature underwater, his memory was in patches.
Season 2 summary:
- Gained powers
- Encountered strange creatures, hints of the supernatural, but has not yet reached the true depths
- Met and befriended other characters in varying states of existence, do they remember him? I don't know, but he remembers
- Fought against the Hounds of Humanity
- His power has grown to stage 2 and is stronger for it
- Teamed up with Icon and joined the Guardians
Hero Type (Select one): Elemental (?)
Power Level (Select one below): World Level (With Cosmic Level potential)
Powers (Be Specific):
PyroKinesis: David can generate his own super heated plasma, along with using raw geothermal energy from the Earth and nearby heat from the sun to help add to his own attacks. With this energy he can simply shoot it, or he can shape, and expel it in a variety of ways. He can even control flames outside his body, to draw in to use with his own flames, or to enhance an attack.
Lightning Kinesis: David can create or choose to manipulate Earth's own EM field by using his own ability over gravity to focus and bend electromagnetic waves into extremely high voltage electromagnetic energy for his use. David's control over lighting means he can form and control this energy in any fashion of his choosing, much like his Pyrokinesis.
Pseudo-Cryokinesis: If allowed enough time to absorb enough nearby heat David can chill the nearby area to freezing temperatures, enough to form ice even. But to do this effectively at his current skill level he must maintain physical contact with his target.
Gravitic Emulation: Having been granted a portion of Earth's power David also has some control over gravity. Although he is unable to control the level of gravity others feel he can alter the gravity in his close vicinity. Meaning he can add mass to incoming projectiles or other's fists at close range, allowing him to slow these attacks down and lessen their damage. Along with physical attacks, David's gravity powers can also affect light and energy attacks much like how gravity affects the bending of light. He can also use this to make himself heavier or lighter.
Energy Manipulation: By channeling his will he can control multiple types of energy, such as solar, or even the energy he receives from the Earth. He can use this to form constructs, simple blasts, or redirect this energy however he chooses.
Geokinesis: As Terra Firma, David can control the earth under him in any manner he wants. Meaning he can also control the size and form of the rocks he moves around. Aside from stone, and dirt David can also summon a specific mineral or crystal if need be.
Invisibility: Using his control over light with his gravity emulation he can bend the light around him, so that the light particles never touch him, giving him invisibility.
Supreme Durability: In his transformed mode David possesses high resistance to physical, magical, and energy attacks.
Agent of the Earth: This new powered form is the personification of Earth's desire to defend itself. This form merges with David's normal body, empowering him with the Earth's essense. This new body can feel soft like a persons body, to a point, but it is not flesh, nor does it have a need to breath. It's appearance is entirely due to David's unconscious mind, from the subtle 'breathing' motions, to the fiery energy flowing off him. By being attuned to the Earth he can direct life energy resulting in an ability to quickly encourage plant growth, along with receiving life energy as a resource.
Flight: In his powered body he is capable of flight.
Earth-Mind: Due to the origin of his powers he retains a constant two-way link to the Earth, this link allows him to feel life around him, and attune himself to forces he couldn't as a normal human. This is also the evidence of the ever growing connection between the two.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: Human 6'1, Terra Firma 10'0(Variable?)
Weight: 220lbs
Strength Level: 100+ Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 60 mph(Variable?)
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours
Agility: 20x
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Average
David’s bonding with the Earth isn’t complete and as such has limited defense against a psychic attack, depending on the severity of the attack the Earth may choose to forcefully disengage the link to spare either it's user or itself. In certain scenarios the Earth may choose to assume control. He can also be beaten down by an attacker if they were strong enough.
If defeated in his transformed body David would be unable to transform again until he has healed properly.
When he is a normal human he can hurt and be killed just as easily as anyone else, if not more so due to his reckless style.
Supporting Characters:
Dr. Carmine Williams: A colleague and like minded spirit David befriended the last time he lectured at Lost Haven University.
Sledge: Local small time hero, has named himself after a sledgehammer for obvious reasons.
Jones Family: A loving wife and daughter, he interacts often with them.
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Character you have created: Detective Richard “Dick” Hunter
Alias: Roadblock
Speech Color: 00aeef
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity:It is known there is an Detective inside, the actual identity is known only to those with police connections.
Character Personality:His friends in the LHPD describe him as an, prideful, and honorable man. He believes in doing the right thing, the right way, it’s one of the many reasons he became a policeman. Even in a world where people are continuing to be born, or gifted, with both amazing and terrifying powers, Richard believes that common men can still live just fine in the world.
Metahumans have been around for a long while, longer than even Dick, and the police’s effectiveness has always been in question with the presence of "superheroes". And with that he’s made it his life goal to make sure the people know they can rely on the police, even with individuals like Icon flying around.
Dick prides himself in being a detective, as such he wears a full, dark grey suit, along with a tie, a bright red one if he can help it. Occasionally throughout the week, depending on his mood, he may switch to striped patterns, or a tie with cats patterned across it. Richard is decently well built, he's not lanky, and he's not exactly overflowing with muscles, just somewhere in between. His hair is dirt brown, and he usually keeps it short and combed over to the side.

Origin Info/Details:
Season 2 summary:
Hero Type: Normal/Grey Matter
Power Level: Street/City/World
CKBLK v1.06 – Built to combat energy using metas of varying types, it surrounds it’s user with an invisible particle barrier that intercepts or diffuses incoming energy attacks. Higher level attacks may still bleed through, and physical attacks will pass through with little resistance.
Crystalline Composite Gel Layer –This synthetic gel layer alters it’s density to help absorb impact from stronger metahumans, as well as helping to regulate driver temperature.
Metahuman Specialized Foam – This foam hardens and sticks to most surfaces after being exposed to oxygen, intended to incapacitate metahumans in preparation for arrest. Usually carried in special canisters as fuel for the projector variant, but is also utilized in a small canister used as a grenade.
Metahuman Tracker – An integrated sensor unit used to track down suspects, capable of tracking targets through multiple spectrum, connects to NEROS.
Mounted AC-107 Blast Launcher – An experimental energy weapon, a condensed burst of energized particles is launched at supersonic speeds, usually used on high level targets, highly concussive.
Mounted Machine – A powerful multi-barrel machine gun, can also switch ammo type such as armor piercing, and even flares.
Variable Arc Launcher - A large specialized rifle, the gun sends a burst of electricity directed at the targets nervous system to induce pain and muscle contractions. Works much like a taser would just without the physical elements, different power settings for variability.
AI Module – Where Artemis, the LHSCD AI, resides in. Her existence is a closely guarded secret, but this part serves to house her, and connects her to the suit.
NEROS – (Neurological Emulating Responsive Operating System) - Designed to emulate the human brain and the nervous system, allowing its operating processes to meld more smoothly with its user, the NEROS system relays certain data as sensory information, allowing its user to "feel" what the machine feels, giving them heightened awareness, and faster reaction times. But the strain this would normally put on the human mind would be deadly, requiring the use of the AI to modulate and filter what is and isn't used.
Model R4DBL-K Armor AKA "Roadblock" - The newest mechanized suit developed by the LHSCD, developed from the previous proto-suit, originally meant to be a heavy armor add-on, it has since evolved into its own design for general use.
Polarized Armor Plating - The armor has an underlying layer made up of two or more electromagnetic plates separated by insulating material, creating a magnetic matrix. In operation, he armor's power source charges the armor and reinforces it by creating a repulsive magnetic reinforcement.
Grapple Wire - A steel cable that can be launched out in order to hamper foes, or in an attempt to incapacitate suspects. Can be electrified, voltage varies.
Jump-pack - This backpack equipment allows Richard to continue pursuit even into the air, however, the jets aren't strong enough for a full on chase, and instead are usually just used to help him get around faster. The Jump-Pack can also be traded out for several other utility options.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Outside of his suits he can be killed just as easily as anyone else, it not more so due to his job.
It takes time to suit up, and if he’s on the field away from HQ he must wait for it to arrive via armored transport.
He may be the driver of the suit, but he does not know how it works. If he for some reason has to repair it he would have to rely on others.
Supporting Characters:
The other members of the LHSCD: Comprised of his coworkers and background support team.
Captain Kelly: A slightly overweight man, jovial and warm. He's also the commanding officer for the SCD.
Jennifer Cahill: Richard's partner, and also senior officer inside the LHSCD.
Dr. Fraiser: Leader of the development and support team for the LHSCD’s needs.
Artemis - The LHSCD's secret AI. She calls herself Artemis, gaining inspiration from the goddess of the hunt. Richard gets the feeling there's more to it but hasn't had the time to look into it.
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Sample Post:
Alias: Roadblock
Speech Color: 00aeef
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity:It is known there is an Detective inside, the actual identity is known only to those with police connections.
Character Personality:His friends in the LHPD describe him as an, prideful, and honorable man. He believes in doing the right thing, the right way, it’s one of the many reasons he became a policeman. Even in a world where people are continuing to be born, or gifted, with both amazing and terrifying powers, Richard believes that common men can still live just fine in the world.
Metahumans have been around for a long while, longer than even Dick, and the police’s effectiveness has always been in question with the presence of "superheroes". And with that he’s made it his life goal to make sure the people know they can rely on the police, even with individuals like Icon flying around.
Dick prides himself in being a detective, as such he wears a full, dark grey suit, along with a tie, a bright red one if he can help it. Occasionally throughout the week, depending on his mood, he may switch to striped patterns, or a tie with cats patterned across it. Richard is decently well built, he's not lanky, and he's not exactly overflowing with muscles, just somewhere in between. His hair is dirt brown, and he usually keeps it short and combed over to the side.

Not currently in use.
Strength Level: Proto Armor: 50 Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 50 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, the suit itself can go on for 12 hours of continued use
Agility: Proto Armor 20x
Strength Level: Proto Armor: 50 Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 50 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, the suit itself can go on for 12 hours of continued use
Agility: Proto Armor 20x

Origin Info/Details:
Dick comes from a long line of policemen, each family member able to has always expressed an interest in the police force or the army, so how could Dick say no when it was his time. And for a few years he and his partner, Jennifer Lloyd, served with an intense dedication to the force, and the admiration of some of their colleagues. They both believed that a policeman’s duty is to the people, protect and serve. However, the events of D-Day would test them both, and only one would emerge alive.
Others tell him it was bad luck, or a bad call made on someone else’s part, but Richard blamed himself for her death. He continued to serve through the rest of D-Day and with every event after that, but never again with the same vigor.
After so many metahuman events the people, of course, began to push the police for more protection. And with Pax Humana giving birth to so many new metahumans, the higher ups decided they needed to step up measures as well. The police were always busy with both meta and regular cases, and thanks to the humana event they found that they were quickly falling behind.
It was at this time a generous benefactor made himself known by donating a large sum of money, and pushed the idea of a new dedicated department for handling these cases. A specialized unit suited for handling special cases, and for combating criminal metas without the reliance of other metahumans.
Upon hearing of this a few self-professed super genius’s and regular genius’s alike applied to support the LHSCD, and after several intense screening sessions a few of these people were selected to help design and maintain the equipment the LHSCD would need.
Months later Dick found himself being transferred in, to replace a former member, he felt that it was a mistake; he didn’t deserve this new chance at life, a new chance to make a difference. But on that same night he received his transfer orders, he received new evidence that showed undeniable proof he was innocent, that he wasn’t responsible for his partner’s death. And even better, he believes that this new clue could help him find her real killer. This reignited the spark that fueled his old police spirit, causing him to accept his new position in the LHSCD.
They are known as the Lost Haven Special Cases Department, and these are their stories.
Others tell him it was bad luck, or a bad call made on someone else’s part, but Richard blamed himself for her death. He continued to serve through the rest of D-Day and with every event after that, but never again with the same vigor.
After so many metahuman events the people, of course, began to push the police for more protection. And with Pax Humana giving birth to so many new metahumans, the higher ups decided they needed to step up measures as well. The police were always busy with both meta and regular cases, and thanks to the humana event they found that they were quickly falling behind.
It was at this time a generous benefactor made himself known by donating a large sum of money, and pushed the idea of a new dedicated department for handling these cases. A specialized unit suited for handling special cases, and for combating criminal metas without the reliance of other metahumans.
Upon hearing of this a few self-professed super genius’s and regular genius’s alike applied to support the LHSCD, and after several intense screening sessions a few of these people were selected to help design and maintain the equipment the LHSCD would need.
Months later Dick found himself being transferred in, to replace a former member, he felt that it was a mistake; he didn’t deserve this new chance at life, a new chance to make a difference. But on that same night he received his transfer orders, he received new evidence that showed undeniable proof he was innocent, that he wasn’t responsible for his partner’s death. And even better, he believes that this new clue could help him find her real killer. This reignited the spark that fueled his old police spirit, causing him to accept his new position in the LHSCD.
They are known as the Lost Haven Special Cases Department, and these are their stories.
Season 2 summary:
- An somewhat accomplished detective joins a high tech department for metahumans
- Meets Fletch, Racheli and Hound during a HoH attack
- Meets Blacklight who had a short talk with Artemis
- Loses his HQ to an HoH attack and is now sharing a building with the closest station
Hero Type: Normal/Grey Matter
Power Level: Street/City/World
CKBLK v1.06 – Built to combat energy using metas of varying types, it surrounds it’s user with an invisible particle barrier that intercepts or diffuses incoming energy attacks. Higher level attacks may still bleed through, and physical attacks will pass through with little resistance.
Crystalline Composite Gel Layer –This synthetic gel layer alters it’s density to help absorb impact from stronger metahumans, as well as helping to regulate driver temperature.
Metahuman Specialized Foam – This foam hardens and sticks to most surfaces after being exposed to oxygen, intended to incapacitate metahumans in preparation for arrest. Usually carried in special canisters as fuel for the projector variant, but is also utilized in a small canister used as a grenade.
Metahuman Tracker – An integrated sensor unit used to track down suspects, capable of tracking targets through multiple spectrum, connects to NEROS.
Mounted AC-107 Blast Launcher – An experimental energy weapon, a condensed burst of energized particles is launched at supersonic speeds, usually used on high level targets, highly concussive.
Mounted Machine – A powerful multi-barrel machine gun, can also switch ammo type such as armor piercing, and even flares.
Variable Arc Launcher - A large specialized rifle, the gun sends a burst of electricity directed at the targets nervous system to induce pain and muscle contractions. Works much like a taser would just without the physical elements, different power settings for variability.
AI Module – Where Artemis, the LHSCD AI, resides in. Her existence is a closely guarded secret, but this part serves to house her, and connects her to the suit.
NEROS – (Neurological Emulating Responsive Operating System) - Designed to emulate the human brain and the nervous system, allowing its operating processes to meld more smoothly with its user, the NEROS system relays certain data as sensory information, allowing its user to "feel" what the machine feels, giving them heightened awareness, and faster reaction times. But the strain this would normally put on the human mind would be deadly, requiring the use of the AI to modulate and filter what is and isn't used.
Model R4DBL-K Armor AKA "Roadblock" - The newest mechanized suit developed by the LHSCD, developed from the previous proto-suit, originally meant to be a heavy armor add-on, it has since evolved into its own design for general use.
Polarized Armor Plating - The armor has an underlying layer made up of two or more electromagnetic plates separated by insulating material, creating a magnetic matrix. In operation, he armor's power source charges the armor and reinforces it by creating a repulsive magnetic reinforcement.
Grapple Wire - A steel cable that can be launched out in order to hamper foes, or in an attempt to incapacitate suspects. Can be electrified, voltage varies.
Jump-pack - This backpack equipment allows Richard to continue pursuit even into the air, however, the jets aren't strong enough for a full on chase, and instead are usually just used to help him get around faster. The Jump-Pack can also be traded out for several other utility options.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 6’0
Weight: 225
Strength Level: RDBLK Armor: 100+ Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: RDBLK Armor 60 MPH, 100+MPH reaction with NEROS System
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, the suit itself can go on for 48 hours of continued use
Agility: RDBLK Armor 20x
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources:Average, police department and support team provides materials
Weight: 225
Strength Level: RDBLK Armor: 100+ Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: RDBLK Armor 60 MPH, 100+MPH reaction with NEROS System
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, the suit itself can go on for 48 hours of continued use
Agility: RDBLK Armor 20x
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources:Average, police department and support team provides materials
Outside of his suits he can be killed just as easily as anyone else, it not more so due to his job.
It takes time to suit up, and if he’s on the field away from HQ he must wait for it to arrive via armored transport.
He may be the driver of the suit, but he does not know how it works. If he for some reason has to repair it he would have to rely on others.
Supporting Characters:
The other members of the LHSCD: Comprised of his coworkers and background support team.
Captain Kelly: A slightly overweight man, jovial and warm. He's also the commanding officer for the SCD.
Jennifer Cahill: Richard's partner, and also senior officer inside the LHSCD.
Dr. Fraiser: Leader of the development and support team for the LHSCD’s needs.
Artemis - The LHSCD's secret AI. She calls herself Artemis, gaining inspiration from the goddess of the hunt. Richard gets the feeling there's more to it but hasn't had the time to look into it.
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Sample Post: