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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

He couldn't help but smirk slightly when he saw his sister roll her eyes at him, since he found the sort of thing amusing. Sure, Megan was probably used to him and his cracking jokes all the time, but clearly she hadn't quite learned the fact that part of the fun of cracking jokes was to see everyone else's reactions to them. Like when someone groans upon hearing someone say a bad pun, that just typically made him want to crack another one just to bug them slightly. He somewhat understood what went through Colby's mind, but that didn't stop him from knowing perfectly well when isn't the time to be a little bit annoying and stuff like that.

Rosalia looked at Taylor and shrugged slightly at her response to the line into Camelot, and she glanced down into her bag, not being able to help but smile slightly at the little puppy that was nestled inside of it, sound asleep. The little guy was adorable to her, and she always had had a weak spot in her heart for animals of any sort or variety. Especially baby ones, since to her they were all cute, and she patted his head slightly, before addressing Taylor in a whisper. "I've only heard about the lines at the airport, never really been to one myself so I wouldn't know..."

"Well here's hoping Merlin's plan works," Jack whispered under his breath to Megan, since he wasn't sure how tight security would be in a place like this. For all he knew they had magic spells or something to detect if someone was lying, or something of that sort. However he was pleasantly surprised when nothing wrong seemed to happen and they were able to just pass through the gates with ease. That was a good thing, at least in his mind, since it meant that they could get on with this as quickly as possible.

She wasn't too sure what to think when they rather easily were waved through the front gates into the city itself. If her life on the streets had taught her anything it was that nothing was ever that easy. "That was too easy... If they have people at the gates, or if there is some war or whatever it is that's going on with the villains and heroes and all of them, why was it so simple to get in? Unless he used some sort of magic or whatever on them to make them believe him..." she whispered to Taylor, not letting her guard down for a second since she was not sure what to think of this.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Merlin didn't answer her question, but it didn't matter because the guards never asked. They didn't seem to care even. She was a little surprised. For a city that was being ruled by a false ruler that would have normally be controlled by the sword, it seemed that they were more open about letting random people in. Heck, their bags weren't even searched.

Rose could think of quite a few ways that could be used against the city. She always had been one to stand up for people's rights, she guessed that just meant she had a pretty good mind for ways of being a rebel. Rose wondered if that was genetic, or had her nearly forgotten early years engendered her toward that thinking.

Following Merlin Rose took in the sights and smells of Camalot. There is definitely something that could be said for modern sanitation. But the food did smell good too. Her stomach grumbled a bit and she tried to remember the last time she ate. It had been hours ago she realized. Before work. Before she had spoken with Sierra and met Willow. Food could wait though. First, they had to see what they could do about saving her mother.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

"Sure thing." Colby said to Serria. She walked away joining her friends. He liked to pretend as they were walking that it was just Matt and him alone. That the others didn't exist. He let it all drift away from him, all except Matthew. When they were stopped by the guards he got antsy. Colby didn't care for authority figures, obviously. And guards had sharp pointy things they could stab him with if they desired.

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding as they crossed into Camalot. This city wasn't his home. It wasn't his land. He was from Wonderland. It also didn't feel right. Everything felt like it was made of straight lines. He knew it wasn't but it wasn't home yet. He might be in the right world, but he wasn't in the right country.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

"I am pretty hungry as well to." Layla said towards her sister as she watched the bustling little market area as people were buying, selling and trading goods as well to. An elderly looking man would try and get into Colby and Mathew's face, his teeth looked rather nasty looking as he showed them some cheap looking jewelry. "Could I interest you guys in anything?" He asked smiling at the two of them, as Merlin looked at the man and quickly turned around and got in between the three of them "No, we are good just passing through." Merlin said as the man grumbled something under his breath and groaning. "Lets keep going." Merlin said to them, before continuing moving forward.

"Yeah the secruity is like really laxed just getting in." Taylor said towards Rosalia as some people were stopping and offering them random goods, she got a little bit of a mischievous look. Taylor snuck over towards one of the food vendors while no one was looking she snatched two kabab looking things. She sniffed it and took a quick bite out of it, and instantly enjoyed the taste of it as she turned to look at Rosalia. "It's pretty good actually." Taylor said offering the second one to her.

Isabella looked around at the other vendors luckily none of them tried to stop her or anything like that at all as she looked at some of the clothes they did look rather interesting. "I wonder what kind of money everyone uses." She said mostly to herself as Merlin led the group down an alleyway and knocked on a door. A view port on the door opened up, as a pair of eyes stared at the group, the person on the other side of the door instantly recognized Merlin. "C'mon in." He said as soon as the door opened, inside was a really old and dingy looking bar of sorts, with a bunch of shady looking people as well. "Please take a seat i'll get the boss." He said as soon as everyone was in the door was closed and locked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Matthew became a bit startled when a crazy old man approached him. He wasnt sure if his missing teeth and appearance were due to this world or time periods knowledge of dental health or if he was more impoverished than the others around him. Glints of jewelry flashed before him before a looming shadow cut off their dazzling glare and stopped the line of sight from Matthew to thr Jewelry. Merlin had stood in the way of the two and ushered the boys to move along, as well as the salemen. He wasn’t sure if it was just Merlins haste to save someone from his resistance or if this man was the equivalent of a scalper from his world. Matthews left hand reached out partially, not quite leaving his side yet as his fingers twitched before Carroll decided to jump off his shoulder and loop around his ankles.

The meowing grew insistent until Carroll began to follow the group and Matthew simply bowed out the old man and followed suit. They walked side by side as he kept an eye on the curious cat. Perhaps Carroll had a bad feeling against the salesman? Either way once they were far enough away they began to paw at his leg to lift him up once more. Flecking his shoulders and collar with a bit of dirt from the ground they walked on. Matthew looked towards the daughter of the would be executed and clenched his fist, just hoping that they could get there in time for her parents and her sake.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Things were rather odd. The lack of security had been picked up by most members of the group. She wondered if things had always been like this in Camelot and if they had been, it certainly explained what it had been so easy for someone to depose King Arthur. Her father. Megan's lips quivered ever so slightly into a frown at the thought. She had to remind herself that her only real connection to him was biologic - and, she supposed, the magic sword that she now possessed. The next stop on their trip was at a rather dingy tavern, complete with a guarded door and the mention of someone called the boss.

The door locked behind them as they entered and Megan's frown only deepened. She didn't know if there was another exit, another way to get out of this tavern if they were in a hurry. She also wanted to know who the boss was. She assumed it wasn't King Arthur, as Merlin would have mentioned if he were in Camelot. She tried to think of other fairy tale beings and for a brief, fleeting moment she wondered in amusement if Peter Pan were about to stroll on out and greet them. At any rate, she was tensed and guarded, prepared for anything.

She took a seat at a table, her hand resting on her scabbard.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Rosalia partially wanted to see about snatching something from the people in the city itself, however it seemed like Taylor had the same idea and beat her to it. She smirked slightly at her when she came over with some food that she had managed to snatch from one of the stalls and took it from her. "Funny, you kind of beat me to the idea of what I had been thinking of doing, but hey, at least someone else thought to steal something so that it might not have just been me," she whispered to her with a bit of a laugh.

Looking at the skewer with a bit of curiosity, she sniffed at it slightly, before taking a bite out of it and chewing on it. The meat tasted like chicken to her, or something like that. It was a bird of some sort, what type of bird it was she had no idea, but it tasted alright to her, and that was all that mattered. "Eh, this isn't half bad, it's edible and not killing me so guess that is a good thing," she said as she took another bite from the skewer as she followed along after all of the others.

Everything was a bit strange to him as they wandered through the streets of Camelot, since of course, being around in a medieval like city was not something he typically did. Jack had never even been to one of those renaissance fair thingys where just about anyone would dress up in weird outfits like that. It didn't matter for him though, not at all since he might as well be walking through a really really big one of those things right now. That certainly was something interesting to think about now wasn't it?

He was sticking close to his sister for the most part, since she and Isabella were really the only two people that he trusted at all. Partially because the younger ones in the group were causing a whole bunch of problems (from one touching a skull he was told not to mess with and the other proceeding to push him into a lake) yup, things definitely were interesting over all. Jack took a seat at the table by Megan, figuring it best not to ask too many questions as to where they were or what they were going to be doing right now, since he was putting some faith in Merlin on this one. Hopefully they weren't all going to be murdered soon or something like that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose took in the sights and smells, and people of Camelot. How many of these had her mother seen and might never see again if they didn't succeed? She paid little attention to the food-stealing the group did. She was more concerned with getting to their next destination. So much of what they had been through today had been just getting from one place to the next. Rose hadn't had a chance to digest what was going on. Her stomach growled.

When the old man with the jewels got into Colby and Matthew's face she saw Colby's fist clench, but then Merlin was there shooing the old man away and getting the group back on the path. Rose made note of the fact that there was no code phrase or any other apparent code exchanged between the door guard and Merlin. Magic could change appearances she knew that already, so why were they so trusting?

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot
Skills: Stealth & Slight of hand

It was a good thing for the sake of the old man that Merlin had gotten between Colby and him. Colby had been about to deck the old man out of reflex. He had been considering getting some food, but it wasn't like he had any of whatever type of money was used here. Taylor stole some and that seemed like a way to get some too.

Colby used a bit of the confusion around Merlin and the old man to steal a bit of his own food. He snatched two kebabs like things and handed one to Matthew when attention was no longer on them. He bit off a small piece and tasted it. It was pretty good actually. He pulled a bit off and gave it to his cat on his shoulder.

Inside the secret bar, he took a seat away from the others who sat down first giving room between himself and them. "Who's the boss?" He asked quietly to Merlin, then took another bite of his food.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

"Two minds think alike then." Taylor said looking at Rosalia and smirked slightly as she took another bite from the skewer, she actually was enjoying it quiet a bit as she found a table. Isabella went and sat down with Jack and Megan, as much as Megan did annoy her she and Jack were the only people that she actually did know pretty well. "Yeah who is the boss anyway?" She asked looking over towards Merlin who was leaning against the bar slightly waiting for their host to actually appear. He was about to answer both Isabella and Rose' question when a pair of siblings came down the stairs. "That would be us, Hansel and Gretel nice to meet you guys, also if you want we can set up a room for you all to stay as well to." Hansel answered as he looked at the group of kids in front of them, seeing that some of them had some food already.

Sierra took a seat next to Willow and leaned forward slightly eyeing the two of them, she imagined that the two of them would have been a lot younger, and fatter as well to. "I thought you two would be a lot younger and stuff." Sierra said as she eyed the two of them, as Gretel held up a scroll and then unrolled it which was a map. "We grew up obviously." Gretel said sarcastically as she looked over at Rose for a moment knowing who she was.

"So the execution is gonna be scheduled for tomorrow, we mapped out a map of the sewers for you guys and will take you guys there tomorrow early in the morning." Hansel said, as Merlin nodded towards the two of them. Layla sat there eyeing the map for a moment seeing map and seeing where it would go. "So questions and stuff? We'll be facing some guards once we get into the prison, Red will be in one of the cell blocks."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

Cassiopeia was tempted to steal something to eat as well but she wasn’t much for light fingers and so watched Isabella and Rose eat their stolen goods with slight envy. The market was interesting, a type of place Cassiopeia would like to visit on another day where she could look at the products and haggle over prices. So far, Cassiopeia didn’t seem to mind the lifestyle of Camelot. She was used to rugged conditions and could do without a lot of things, like running water and other luxuries.
Cassiopeia was pulled from her thoughts when they reached a door and a slide opened enough for a pair of eyes to look through. It slammed shut a moment later and they were ushered inside.
”Said every mob movie ever,” Cassiopeia whispered to her sister. They walked inside and were told to wait for the boss. Ominous but Cassiopeia did indeed took a seat and put her feet up and looked around. A moment later two people came walking down and introduced themselves as Hansel and Gretel. Sierra mentioned thinking they would be younger to which a gorgeous looking Gretel replied sarcastically.
”And a little less gorgeous,” she noted as she looked at Gretel appraisingly. They brought out a map though and Cassiopeia quickly remembered the task at hand. She glanced at Rose when her mother was mentioned and then quickly went back to memorizing the route with her sister.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

Willow shuffled along with the group, only moving with them since she was in the middle but she could have easily been distracted and wandered off with all the interesting sights and sounds. They approached a door and Willow stood closer to Sierra as they entered the forign place. It seemed to be a bar of some sort with only a few people and them within the establishment. She didn’t look around much as the infamous Hansel and Gretel greeted theman. She was surprised by their appearance as well but Willow figured nothing they knew of these characters would be true from the stories they grew up on. After all, they weren’t characters in a book, they were real.
Gretel started going over the plan and Willow watched a map being rolled out. She held onto her dress a bit and frowned a little. ’The sewers?” she questioned. Willow wasn’t excited about the idea of walking or crawling around in muck but she supposed they couldn’t just waltz through the square and into the jail to take Rose’s mom. Perhaps wearing a dress wasn’t such a clever idea. Hopefully, they would get a change of clothes for after.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Surprise colored Matthews face when Colby approached him with some kebabs. He was a bit apprehensive to eat them, given that sanitation wasn't huge in the middle ages, though he supposed that may not be true for a fantasy realm. He gave the food a smell before taking a small bite. It wasn't nearly as horrendous as he expected, tasting much like street fare food he would find back in the Kansas Fair. "Thanks. I could use a bit to eat and having no money kinda puts a hamper on things." He took another bite as he watched Cassiopea glance about for what he could only assume was food. Between all those who had snuck a bite to eat she must've felt left out. Given her moral stance earlier she may not be up for a little five finger discount, an idea that did give Matthew an anxious pain in his stomach.

Matthew fidgeted for a moment, deciding what to do until the door had opened up before them and he followed in. Once they were all settled Matthew looked over towards Cassiopea, then down at his half eaten kebab, and made his way over to her. "No sense saving people on an empty stomach. Here, take the rest of mine, i had a decent lunch before coming here." He extended his hand out for her to take the stick, watching as Hansel and Greek introduced themselves as well as the plan for how they were to proceed. It looked like they had less than a day to plan and get ready. The sewers were their way of transport and Matthew was not looking forward to it at all. So long as there were demonic rats, or anything like that then he supposed it was fine...to a small degree.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan tried not to laugh slightly, learning that Hansel and Gretel were the boss. She remembered their tale involved nearly being eaten by a witch who lived in a house made of candy. Megan had always rooted for the witch whenever her adoptive parents recounted that story - it seemed so much more interesting to be a cannibalistic outsider than a gullible child. Hansel and Gretel didn't look like children though. They also weren't nearly as plump as she would have expected. Perhaps they decided not to eat candy anymore. "I assume the witch is dead - that's a pity, I would have liked to meet her," Megan murmured quietly. She still hadn't taken her hand off the hilt of her sword.

"Yes, several questions. Should we somehow become separated, where should we rendez-vous? Do you have the remains of the witch who tried to kill you still and if so may I have them? Does, erm, Red know to expect us? What level of resistance should we expect from the guards - I assume they're trained?" Megan asked seriously, hardly blinking an eye as she requested her answers. "And once we've got Red, where are we going to bring her - back to here? I assume we'd flee the city."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

"Great minds clearly do," she commented to Taylor with a bit of a smirk, she took a seat at the same table as Taylor, taking another bite of her skewer. She wasn't too sure what to think of everyone else in the group still (plus there was the idiot who probably would be better off to the group either staying behind or just dead or something). Now apparently they were all going to band together (the idiot supposedly included still in that) and go stop an execution. That was going to be fun, and likely going to end horribly knowing their string of luck. Especially with the one idiot still around!

Jack was finding the whole area that they were in interesting still, but he shrugged his shoulders slightly when Isabella asked out loud who the boss or whatever was. He certainly had no idea, and hell was he surprised when it turned out to be Hansel and Gretel, who he typically didn't envision as being adults, just the kids from the story. They apparently weren't that anymore, but then again he hadn't thought that fairy tales were real either, so that was something else too. This was really really really weird, and still going to take a bit of getting used to too.

Now, Rosalia was only familiar with a few of the basic fairy tales, having never really been told any growing up aside from just the basic plots of the stories. Hansel and Gretel were supposed to be kids right? Or she supposed from what they were saying, apparently they had grown up fairly quickly. The idea of them being adults was a bit strange still, but this was going to totally be alright wasn't it? All they had to do was go deal with stopping an execution, somehow anyway. She still wasn't entirely sure how that was going to go.

He wasn't at all surprised that his sister started speaking up, and in his opinion she was sort of rambling a bit. Some of her questions made sense, a few of them were oddball ones, but since he had known her for as long as he could remember, that sort of thing from her was not at all surprising. Jack had to fight back the urge to laugh when she asked about the remains of the with from Hansel and Gretel's story, since that whole idea was hilarious, and once again, not all surprising that she'd ask for them considering she already had a skull that she had made friends with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose raised an eyebrow as Hansel and Gretal spoke. Their story paralleled her own mother's in a way. Children lost in unforgiving woods. A shiver went down her spine, would children tell stories about what she did in her life? Would she become a fable? How did that all work? She shook her head to stop her mind from wandering. She could ask those questions after they had her mother safe in hand.

"Bouncing off Megan's questions. How many guards? What sort of training? Should we expect magic users among them? How many on our side? Not counting us. We have several ranged fighters, and I guess a novice magician, his boyfriend is a melee idiot." Rose hoped this wasn't the whole resistance. She didn't sit like the others. She was too nervous, which made her worry she'd not get enough sleep. At least she was used to sleeping weird hours, and often not enough hours since she tended to burn the candle at both ends with work at the bar and the restaurant. "And can I have a drink?" She was used to dive bars. This place didn't bother her that much.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby munched on his food. Thankful he had swiped it. No one had said anything about it. That was better than what had happened so far. Since as far as he could tell no one was going to let him live down the skeleton thing. He could say he wasn't the first to steal food if someone gave him shit but not Taylor.

Rose was talking and he glared at her when she called him an idiot, but she didn't seem to notice or if she did she didn't care. He was paying attention to Hansel and Gretel though. If he was going to be involved in a jailbreak (which was cool), then he wanted to know what he was up against too. He'd wait to take his turn with the map. "Is the sewer your only plan? No distraction?" Distraction was what sleight of hand was about. You had them looking where you wanted them to be looking and they wouldn't see the card change or the coin being palmed. If these guys didn't have a distraction planned, he'd have to see about making one himself. And he was very good at distractions.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

Sierra looked at the map for a moment as she looked over towards Hansel and Gretel as some of the others started to ask the pair some questions. "Well we are going to need two teams, one will be the distraction, while while the others go in and rescue Red." Hansel answered Megan's first question as he leaned up against the bar slightly looking at the group Gretel looked a bit weirded out asking about the remains of the witch who tried to fatten them up and eat them.

"Nope there arent any remains, if we do get separated then we meet up at Merlin's tower that will be our rendezvous point as well as our staging area to retake the city. We'll be sending some calls for others once we get Red back, she isnt expecting us and expect some heavy resistance once inside of the prison. Some of them are magic users yes, so expect them as well to." Gretel answered, as Layla listened to the plan looking at the others for a moment. Hansel nodded as he went to get Rose a drink as he looked at the group. "Anyone else want a drink?" He asked the group.

"I'll take one." Layla said as Hansel nodded as he started to pour the two drinks. "We will get some rooms set up for all of you, if theres any other questions feel free to ask." Hansel said as he handed Rose and Layla their drinks. "We are going to start it first thing in the morning to if anyone of you want to sit out thats totally fine."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

Cassiopeia looked at Matthew, startled by his approach and his offer. She smirked a little though when he mentioned lunch. That was the first time the four of them had met after all. ”Best Chinese in town,” she declared and took the offered meal from him. She wasn't sure the entire incident was behind them but they had made it this far despite what Colby did and they were about to embark on a true dangerous mission where a lot of risk would be involved. It made more sense to be on the same side with everyone than at each other's throats. ”Thank you Matt.” She took off a couple pieces before handing the rest off to her sister.
There was a bombardment of questions and Cassiopeia listened while she munched on the food, her stomach thanking her as it prepared to receive sustenance. ”I’d like to be on the rescue team,” Cassiopeia stated and glanced at Rose. She knew there was no way Rose would sit out rescuing her long-lost mother. ”Oh, I would also enjoy a drink.” She wandered over to Hansel to receive her own mug.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

Willow found a chair and took a seat. She sighed, crossing her arms and thought a little about the situation they were in. Willow had some fighting skill, having been in kickboxing for several years but she had never actually used the skills in a real fight. Still, she thought she would be a better part of the distraction team, even if that did sound riskier. The idea of the sewers still was not appealing to her but she didn’t have much choice.
”I guess I’ll sign up to be on the distraction team,” Willow volunteered. She was a little hesitant to take a drink. She didn’t think they had vodka here and Willow was much of a drinker on her worst day anyways. Willow remained silent while others asked for a drink.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan was disappointed there weren't any remains of the witch. She would have liked to see if magic use impacted the corpse. Remains could tell a story of how a person lived their life, indicating whether or not they broke their wrist as a child - maybe there would be some evidence that they knew how to cast fireball. The news that they would be sending calls for others after this mission told Megan two things: 1) they weren't going to get any backup on this and 2) they had to be the most qualified people for the job. She knew her way around a sword, but she was hardly impressed with the lot assembled.

She decided to pass on having a drink. All she would have wanted was tea and she wasn't particularly thirsty or hungry. She'd find something during the night. She was an insomniac after all and likely wouldn't be able to sleep much, but she was used to functioning that way. Her mind was always just active when the moon was shining. "I don't have a preference. Put me with whatever group needs me and my sword," she said. "Jack should be on the distraction team though. He has the muscle mass of a limp noodle."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Matthew gave Cassiopea a small smile as she took the offered olive branch. He hoped that this small act was taken as it was meant and that she understood the merits to standing together as opposed to falling apart from strife. His attention was quickly snatched by the barrage of questions coming out of everyone's mouth, some...weirder than others. He listened in to the plan. Gathering as much information as he was able to but not really sure as to what was needed to be asked. After all so much had been questioned already it left little room for him to think of anything pertanent. When Hansel asked if anyone else would care for a drink Matthew lifted his hand sheepishly hoping these were on the house.

He leaned over and looked at the map, trying to absorb as much of the information as possible. It sounded as if the sewage team needed someone defr of hands, but he didn't quite like the idea of being separated from Colby. Both sides were likely to have magic users as a threat and the best bet was to have Merlin on the rescue team and himself out distracting the guards. "What kind of distraction should be pulled? Does it need to be a grand gesture with magic and danger? Or something small like a scuffle, looting, or something of the like?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Rosalia was just listening to the ideas that were more or less just flying back and forth. One thing was for sure, she was likely better off not in a fight at all. She preferred to think about not fighting and dodging out of the way, or maybe using her skills to trip people up. There was a reason that as a thief she tried to stay far away from conflict or try to find a way around it. That was just her personal opinion, fighting was probably not the best option, at least directly. Problem was she wasn't sure which team would be the least likely to have any bad run ins or something like that.

Jack rolled his eyes slightly at his sister with her comments, "Wow Meg, you are so nice to me," he said with a slight laugh. Truthfully he preferred not to be much of a fighter, since talking his way out of situations just came a hell of a lot easier to him, but that didn't really seem to matter, at least not at the moment. Both teams were going to result in him probably having to fight, despite what Meg seemed to be saying. Distraction likely was going to be the one drawing the guards or people away anyway if they did their job correctly.

Thinking for a moment, Rosalia spoke up, "I think I'll have more fun with the distraction team, so that's the group that I'll go with." She thought that if she did end up getting killed (which at this rate was probably going to be likely based on the world they were in) she might as well help come up with a distraction that could be hilarious and make a fool out of their enemies. That's how she viewed this situation, they all were likely going to die anyway, so why not just roll with it or something? If you were going to die, might as well have some fun.

He listened to the groups that everyone else was saying, and he noticed one thing, that being that several people had jumped at the idea of being on the distraction team. Not too many people were volunteering for the actual rescue itself, and he glanced over at his sister, "Despite what she's suggesting, I'm not going to go with the distraction team, based so far on how everything is being balanced out, I'm going to go on the rescue one instead," he responded, deciding on a group to be in. Though if he was being honest, a small part of it had been decided by Meg saying he should be on the distraction team instead, yay for being slightly spiteful about it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

"I am obviously going on the rescue team." Rose said. She took her drink from Hansel and took a quick sip to get a feel for the drink. Once she had she drank another large sip. She looked around at the group. They had been given a chance to back out so she appreciated them all for sticking around.

"Thanks y'all." She said out loud to them. Rose looked at Cass and gave her a soft smile. She was happy her friend was here. With both Sierra and Cass, she felt like they'd be able to do anything as a group. Her attention was then drawn to Colby who was asking about pet wranglers. She snerked and almost spit out her drink when he said it.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby wanted to say something as nearly everyone volunteered to join the distraction team. Even though he had been the first to say he wanted to be on it basically. He was a little surprised that they weren't all going on the rescue team just to be rid of him and hope he got himself arrested. "Well if it wasn't obvious I'm Team Distraction." He wondered if Hansel would let him drink so he said. "I'll have a drink too."

He then looked at Matthew nervously. Would Matthew want to share a room with him? He had never shared a room with anyone other than his adoptive parents a few times in hotels. And when he was a toddler and had no memory of the incident. Even in the apartment, he had gotten his own room, not that his flatmates hadn't gone in and out of his room with no regard for personal space. "Oh, and what should we do with the animals. I don't know about the others, but I don't want to bring Jack along for something that might get him hurt or killed. If we're fleeing the city right after we get uh Red was it you called her? Then we should have a pet wrangler." If it were just cats he'd offer, but with the dog in the mix he had no desire to be the pet wrangler. Dogs were annoying.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

"Thank you." Layla said giving her sister a smile as she took the bit of food that her sister had offered and listened to everyone as they started to say who they wanted to go on the mission for which task. "I'll go with rescue to." Layla said as she looked at everyone else before Gretel answered. "Something bit like a fire or explosion will do just fine the weird girl asking about bones can go with us for the rescue." She answered, as she nodded towards Hansel who gestured to get the group some drinks those who wanted one anyway. It was just a basic beer that would taste normal to them, nothing really changed from Arcadia or Earth taste wise for the beer.

"I'll go with the rescue team to." Sierra said as she went to sit down next to Willow looking at her friend and smiled towards her before turning her attention back towards the three adults. "You all can keep them here for the time being they will be in good hands." Hansel said, as Layla nodded feeling relived that those who brought pets would be okay.

Lucky finally stirred and woke up sticking his head out of the purse and nibbled at Rosalia's hand and barked towards her, Isabella thought for a moment. "I'll go with distraction." She said deciding to not work with either Jack or Meg to give them some space as well. "I'll go with rescue." Taylor said giving a slight shrug. "Alright then sounds good to me." Merlin said finally as he stood up. "Hansel and Gretel can go on rescue and i'll go on distraction." Merlin said thinking that should be fine for now. "Anyone else have any questions?" He asked the group.
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