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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The OMNI shrugged at Grace's "criminal" remark, not confirming nor denying. Rumi would've said something, but that would only fuel the chaos that people do when trying to speak all at once. Instead, he stayed silent as Grace moved on with her speech about Seraph's location and "real science".

"Wow, how dare you," Rumi exclaimed in mock offense. He was about to go to Powers' office and look for the necessary files as Grace suggested when something came tumbling towards the group. Rumi looked down to see a small canister at their feet, which the OMNI identified as a smoke grenade. Smoke began to pour out of it, enveloping them in a thick cloud. Rumi had the OMNI switch to its advanced thermal vision and scan the area. He quickly located a group of people from the other end of the hallway, all in various positions, and all of them aiming weapons at them. Leaping in front, the OMNI raised its left arm as if holding a shield. The nanobots at the left forearm began to shift and surge outward as a palm-sized device emerged from within. It was rectangular in shape, adorned with the face of Medusa. The Medusa's eyes lit up, projecting a blue-colored barrier of semitransparent solid light.

As time passed and the smoke cleared, there was no activity from the now easily identifiable Division X soldiers, though they continued to train their rifles at the group. Rumi continued to keep up his shield, cautious of another potential threat from them. The sound of metal footsteps that came from behind the soldiers only confirmed his suspicions. He briefly wondered who it could be, as Mr. Impressive was still trapped in Tar and had power-dampening handcuffs on. The answer revealed herself as a tall, blonde woman who was clearly well-acquainted with a soldier's line of work. What really stood out, though, was the rest of her body. It was clearly mechanical, though her head area appeared human, and her mannerisms made it unlikely for her to be an AI. That meant she was a cyborg.

She had the soldiers stand down and approached them in a friendly manner, even calling out some names. Rumi had the OMNI stand down as well, retracting his barrier back into its arm, and gave Cora an up-and-down examination. He nodded approvingly at the Custom-System TVS Endoskeleton 4000, though he did think there could be some improvements made here and there. It would have to come later, though, as Cora revealed some interesting information, particularly that about Powers being alive and Minijets having missiles.

"Cora, was it?" Rumi asked Cora. Extending a hand, Rumi introduced himself, "I'm Rumi Bers Polamor, Owner and Chief Engineer of Polamor Inc. If you ever have the time, feel free to come by the HQ. I'd be willing to give your cybernetic parts any repairs or custom upgrades you might like. A Custom-System TVS Endoskeleton 4000 only does so much."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Luckily, The Shocker was stunned enough by Starbright that Chad actually managed to land his charge. Both of them smashed into the side of the elevator, leaving a sizeable dent in the wall. Chad recovered from the impact very quickly and started to run out of the elevator. He paused briefly as a memory came to the surface of thoughts, and Chad ran his hand across the lower level buttons. The ring around the buttons lit up, and Chad jogged out of the elevator at normal speeds, fearful that the giant of a man would be getting up soon.

As the door closed behind Chad with a dinging sound, he smiled beneath his mask. As he felt a burst of electricity behind him, throwing Chad to the ground with the force behind it, Chad's smile quickly vanished. Judging by the burnt hole defacing the wall in front of Chad, the blast didn't hit him directly - even then, the pain was excruciating. Chad hadn't even thought of the possible damage the attack could have done to his suit, a shocking difference from everything else he had experienced in his Hero career. Surprisingly, however, Chad hadn't screamed yet.


Upon realizing he hadn't screamed yet, presumably out of shock at actually being hit, Chad released a very unflattering shriek. Surprisingly, despite being close to the shock, Chad's actual injury was far from debilitating - his suit had insulated his body and taken most of the impact from the glancing blow, although the plastic was severely burned. It was mostly limited to first degree burns and some minor abrasions.

Still, having burnt plastic against your back was far from comfortable. Chad briefly thought about taking off his suit, but decided against it as he realized The Shocker was still present, and not traveling the first 6 floors of HERO One. Chad winced as he turned around, feeling the melted suit cut into his back as he moved to look at The Shocker. He was clearly very upset about having a man-sized (and fabulous) spotlight shined into his eyes, and being slamned into an elevator at nearly 100 mph. And he definitely showed the damage that he sustained - he was crawling out of the elevator, seemingly not having recovered yet from his blindness or the tackle.

Before Chad had a chance to stand and sprint away at top speeds, The Shockers giant frame smashed into the same spot in the elevator, deepening the dent and causing the lights to flicker once more.

Another Hero had come to their rescue! A man seemed to float into the elevator after The Shocker, before hitting one of the buttons and causing the elevator to begin descending once more - this time before the inhabitant could stop it again.

Chad's breathing slowed as the Hero-turned-villain left their floor, going from hyperventilation to near-hyperventilation.

"Oh god, oh god, oh crap... Holy crap that was scary..."

"Alright, he'll probably just come back up again, so we should get out of here."

Chad coughed, pulled himself to his feet, and did his best to sound nonchalant.

"Y-yeah... Sounds like a plan. Anyone know where the stairs are?"

Chad didn't really remember the floating man that saved them, but Grace was with him and he did just save Chad from being vaporized, so the man was probably a good guy.

The hall was beginning to grow pretty crowded as more people showed up - a weird machine that Chad couldn't recognize for the life of him was leading a weird pink monster, another tall guy that looked much less intimidating than the Shocker, and FREAKING QUAKE!

Chad was stunned that he was meeting and working with an actual S-tier hero in the middle of a mission like he was a real big deal or something. Although Starbright was obviously an S-tier that didn't recieve his proper ranking, Quake was officially recognized - and easily was Chad's second favorite hero. If he thought he could ask for an autograph without his voice cracking or sounding like he was in pain, he probably would have in that moment. Instead, he chose to stand still like a Goober, waiting for someone else to take the lead.

"I don't want to work with criminals, If we do, we're hardly any better than Seraph is, right?"

Chad looked to the ground and tried to avoid looking directly at the pink monster - Villains were bad news, so Chad felt goosebumps grow across his skin. For all Chad knew, she was an Empath or some kind of mind controller, and that was why Quake and the other new arrivals were working with her. Of course, that wouldn't explain why she looked even more mutated than The Shocker did...

But Chad trusted her. Not because he was an inherently trusting person and was gullible as hell (he was both of those), but because Quake vouched for her. Getting an S-tier's approval was pretty cool, so the pink lady couldn't be, like, a bad criminal. Well, not a really bad criminal - all criminals were bad, that's what criminal means, right?

Chad kept Alien Angel in his peripheral vision for the entire time Grace was speaking, but he did cringe at the mention of Mini-jets.

"Hey, Portal Girl, do we really need to use the jets? Aren't there any other options? Because I don't think I'll be able to fly one properly, an-"

Chad nodded his head as the taller man spoke. Chad was god awful at driving cars, so the thought of driving something that could move on an entirly new dimension was causing him some major anxiety...

Chad jumped as soon as he saw the smoke grenades fly into the hallway, eliciting a shot of pain from his back. The pain was a momentary distraction, but it held him up all the same - before Chad could run, the smoke easily passed through his mask and caused him to enter a coughing fit. He also saw something he clearly remembered from countless action movies - a red laser appeared through the smoke, aimed directly at his chest.

Chad felt it was possible he could outrun the shooter's trigger finger... but when he saw a dozen or two lasers appear pointed at all the others in the group, the thought of running left his mind. Even if he could escape and find stairs, the rest of the group would almost definetly be shot.

So Chad did what his father always recommended if someone was pointing a gun at him - he slowly raised his hands in the air and tried to look as nonthreatening as possible for a 6'2 powerlifter-esque man dressed in all black. He released a massive sigh as the lasers fell from the group, and a woman walked forwards to meet them.

Ether seemed pretty cool, from what Chad knew about her - even if her friends (FREAKING DIVISON X?!?! WHAT?!) pointed there guns at them, it was just a precaution, so Chad didn't feel it was too bad. She apparently knew some of the people in their group, and best yet, she confimed what Chad lied to himself knew about the entire time - Powers was still totally alive! Really, the only thing he didn't like was that Ether also wanted to use Minijets...

"I won't be able to fly one of those things on my own though..."

"I don't think I can either... A-are any of the jets two-seaters?"

While Chad could run across water, he really wanted to avoid charging Elmore Island - especially considering he would be the only one doing it. Even if the jets had autopilot like commercial planes, he didn't know how to turn that on, unless there was a big switch that was labelled 'autopilot' like in the movies or something.

Chad chose to shuffle slightly closer to Starbright as Alien Angel mentioned hurting them. Chad hadn't even held Isolene before, let alone have a cuff made of it, but he really didn't like the idea of 'having a new hole to breath out of'.

Chad followed the group to the roof of the building, grimacing as he passed the burnt reamins of his cellphone. He leaned over to whisper to Starbright, the person he was standing closest to.

"Do you know how to fly a freaking minijet?? And can you give me a crash course before I... crash?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well this was a day, this was a hell of a day. First Starbright got kidnapped by his dear friends and then someone actually injured him. Like sure Starbright knew that this line of work entailed having a few scrapes but someone actually injured him. All he could really do was take pleasure in his attacker being dispatched with haste. The Bullet was a star in the making, Chad just didn't know it yet. But Starbright had the know how to make sure that became reality. Though that scream may take some work.

Just as The Bullet returned from the elevator, he noticed more people showing up. A couple faces he hadn't seen before, one that he honestly wish he hadn't, and oh! The other one was Rumi. Starbright immediately shifted his attention toward the 'tech guy.' "Rumi! So good to see you again. Listen you're a smart guy right? I got a new idea that I would pay bank if you could make it for me. So its like a microphone right, but instead when you turn it on..." Starbright remembered that Tom was with him when Cristina gave that warning, he wasn't about to risk his ass on Tom not being a nark. "Well we can go over the details once this whole thing is over. We better get a move on anywa-."

Smoke filled the room, and Starbright immediately started coughing. Starbright had never been so much as 30 metres within a cigarette so this was unpleasant to say the least. The introductions all past while he was still trying to regain his breath. "Division X? More like Division of being very rude, am I right? You should cool it with the smoke, these lung probably cost more than your..." Starbright immediately shut up when he saw the Moonbelt. He did not want it, he needed it.

It was all an interesting group, perhaps with everyone here Wings could be taken down today. Though he did try to ignore the threat from the strangely pink looking one. As if he knew what 'Eyesoleen', if he didn't know better he would just assume its the name of some very unfortunate girl.

Starbright's heart dropped at he saw the Moonbelt be tossed to Joseph. Of all the people, why Joseph? Like hell Starbright was going to ask Joseph for that Moonbelt, and it definitely soured his mood. But he quickly switched his face back to regular confident Starbright, he wasn't about to show anyone the satisfaction that he was jealous of someone. "Make that two ideas Rumi. I have two ideas."

Chad followed the group to the roof of the building, grimacing as he passed the burnt reamins of his cellphone. He leaned over to whisper to Starbright, the person he was standing closest to.

"Do you know how to fly a freaking minijet?? And can you give me a crash course before I... crash?"

Starbright had noticed The Bullets expression when looking down at his phone earlier and decided to address that first. "You didn't need that phone anyway. Did you see that camera on that? Only 12 Megapixels? Ugh, so last month. I'll be getting you a much better one after all this, so keep your head up.

"As for flying a minijet, well I have been driving fast sports cars since I was 16. I'm pretty sure its the same thing, right? All you have to do is floor the gas petal and steer out of the way of things."
This piece of great advice was the product of only driving on booked out race tracks for fun. The idea of Starbright having to drive himself anywhere as laughable.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: East Flank Hospital -> Brookside

Maxwell Matthews had just returned from visiting his sister, Juliette, in the hospital. He hated the fact that his sister couldn't spend time being a kid- doing what she wants. His mind flickered to his 'parents' as a frown stitched onto his face. Screw them, I got better things to think about. Right, due to his parents' money stipend declining and his sister's hospital bill racking up; he had steeled himself to become an actual 'hero'. Max didn't exactly think he was suited to it. Who would think they were suited to being a hero? Being the one responsible for saving actual human lives and stopping bad guys. It was alot of responsibility for one person, so he had a healthy respect to those who were heroes.

Max had little idea of how 'strong' his power actually is. He'd never really gotten into any spats that warranted the use of his power. Lifting a finger, he focused his power on the tip of his finger; the wind whistled as his powers manifested. How powerful could his power, that he learned on a curious whim, actually be? I can make atleast D-tier, right? Hopefully that'd pay enough. A drawn-out sigh escaped the boy's lips. He pushed these thoughts out of his mind as the taxi stopped and arrived in Brookside.

Max handed the driver money before nodding and steeping out of the car. Why was he in Brookside; one of the criminal hotspots of Castleburg? Well, he was starting one his part-time jobs was there. Not many places really accepted a college student drop-out. He took three part-time jobs to cover his sister and his own expenses. Still, this was Max's first time at Brookside. The atmosphere was choking. He walked through the weirdly empty streets. Is this related to the bird, EAGLE thing I saw on the hospital T.V.?

A shriek scratched his ear. Without a moment's hesitation Max traced the sound despite already being late to his job. A huddle of yellow-garbed men faced off against another group of men that Max couldn't make out. Before he knew it one thing led to another and shots rang throughout the street. A group of teenagers caught up in the crossfire between these two gangs.

Max pulled his hoodie up and placed a hospital mask on his face. With an action that would forever surprise him, he jumped right next to the group, propping up two shrieking walls of wind. The wind walls faced both sides of the gangs, causing bullets to deflect away safely, some even ricocheting off and hitting the aggressors on their feet.

"Hey. You four, run that-a-way." Max said bluntly. He pointed to the open pathway he made that led into an alleyway. "Er- ah, don't touch the wind."

The teenagers wordlessly ran through the opening before disappearing into the alleyway. The other group who faced against the yellow-garbed men had retreated, apparently suffering from the stray shots more than the other gang.

A taller gentleman walked up to the wall, his glare bearing down on Max. The boy kept his face as neutrally as he could as the man seemed to size him up.

"Who the fuck are you? Some kid playing hero?" The man spat, his veins visibly showing. Needless to say, he was pissed.

Not many people I have crane my neck up to. Max thought uselessly. "Well, I'm Ma-" He stopped himself. He wasn't a hero yet and what he was doing was technically illegal, he thought atleast. What was that name his sister gave him as she cooed about his choice of being a hero? "Wind... song?"

Max blushed and cringed at his own reluctance. He had to own it, dammit. He quickly changed the subject. "So, who are you guys, endangering people all willy-nilly?"

"You really don't know who Iron George and the Brookside Bruisers are-" George was visibly getting angered as the conversation continued.

"Nope." Max replied flatly. He wasn't exactly versed in the criminal underworld, hell he didn't even know Brookside was a hotspot for it.

One of George's gang member has had enough and tried to forcibly pass through the erected barrier. The man was only met with endless cuts, dropping to the floor as me made it through

"Woops." The purple-eyed boy said. He dropped the wind walls, the whistling turning into a lull. "I did warn you guys not to touch the wind. Better get that dude some medical attention, eh?" Max actually warned the civilians and not them.

Guns trained onto him now. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to drop the wall. He erected a circular barrier around him. He noticed some of the gang members eyeing a duffel-bag he was next to. "Is this what you want?" Max asked incredulously."Seriously? You had a shoot-out in-front of people just for this?"

Max's anger bubbled. He had half a mind to simple tear up the bag and throw it into the ocean but decided against it. "Piss off before you get it worse than that guy."

"Who the fuck do you think you are, kid?" George piped up, now beet red in rage. "Open this fucking wall up and give us that duffel-bag."

"No thanks." Max replied once again. "I'll give you three seconds to get lost."

Iron George now lived up to his namesake. His skin turned iron as he tried to push his whole body through the barrier.


Max stared blankly at Iron George. He had to hand it to him, he had some durability. He figured that he wouldn't die from what he was about to be subjected to.


Max slashed horizontally, the deafening whistling intensified. A scythe-like slash of wind pushed out from his barrier and collided against George's iron skin. It sounded like a buzz-saw was going off on his chest; the pain likely being comparable. The rest of his gang looked on in horror as George was pushed back and violently thud against the wall. The wind ceased as the man slumped over, bleeding from his chest. Max was right. Iron George had impressive durability, even if he did tone down his power's cutting.

The gang tripped on themselves as they ran way. Fortunately they took Iron George and the other unconscious gang member with them. Max kept the wind's whistling as they scurried away, only stopping once they were out of sight. With a sigh, he slung the bag over his shoulders. Phew. That was exhausting... I should probably hand this over to the police or something?

Max knew that he was likely fired. Whatever. He had to get this duffel-bag to the authorities. But what a day it's been. Hopefully no one would be mad at this bootleg act of vigilantism. It's just some drugs... right?

Wait... How was he supposed to explain how he got this bag full of drugs to the police?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
Avatar of Hitman

Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Grace quickly snatched Tom's hand as soon as Cora had walked off, making sure to give an annoyed glance at the robot girl before clinging back onto Tom. "Yes, yes, very good idea," Grace said swiftly. "We're staying on the same jet, right? I mean, of course we are, that's a stupid question. You obviously don't need to ever use jets, right? So I guess I'll fly. I have some experience flying, you know, we had some jets similar to these in PHANTOM. Much cooler, obviously, and they had a much better weaponization, but I think in terms of mechanics they're roughly the same..." Grace said, mostly to herself but also to Tom, as she made her way over to the hangar.

Cora was already there, standing in the midst of the large room full of mini-jets. She folded her arms as she addressed the group. "Alright. Jets are pretty simple to use. Just flick the switch labelled ignition and pull out of the hangar. Sam-...the AI will do the rest," she said to the group, before her eyes fell to Rumi. She took his hand, somewhat warily, but giving a friendly smile nonetheless. She winced inside as he said 'repairs' and 'upgrade,' but it hardly showed. "Thanks for the offer," she said, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "You look and sound qualified enough, maybe I'll stop by. Just make sure you don't screw anything up. I need everything to be working so I can live, you know," she said as flippantly as possible. "But thanks again! We'll have to wait until after this whole coup d'etat thing is over, though," she said with a smirk as she made her way over to a Minijet. "Why don't you come with me? Saves us a plane," the cyborg noted as she stepped into one of the minijets, revving the ignition. "Let's get ready to fly."

Grace made her way over to a Minijet as well, gently clambering into the pilot's chair. Every Mini-Jet was, well, mini, and there was really only room for two passengers in each one, and hardly that. "Are you comfortable back there?" Grace asked, looking over her shoulder as she examined the controls. She had a fairly decent idea of how to fly, considering PHANTOM often operated over water, and the control panel before her looked much simpler than an actual fighter jet. Grace flicked a red switch that was labelled as 'ignition,' and a loud roar soon filled the hangar, one that was joined by a chorus of revving engines as everybody else eventually figured out how to use the jets.

Grace felt up the controls of the jet when she suddenly heard the cyborg girl's voice in her ear again, having somehow hijacked the plane. "Check, one, two...alright, I think you all should be hearing this. Great. Alright, so, your jets should be coordinated towards our destination, meaning that the autopilot will be doing most of the work. There's a gas pedal on the floor, kind of like a car, so visualize that. Just make sure you don't hit a weather balloon or anything and you should be fine! Let's do this."

Grace nodded stiffly as her foot found the pedal (very strange of an airplane, but she supposed that it did have to be dumbed down a bit for people like Jamie) and, with a quick push, sent the plane skidding forwards before soaring out of the hangar, taking to the skies. The miniature airplanes zoomed after Cora, who was leading the pack, like geese in migration. Grace smirked as the plane soared across the skies of Castleburg. "This is great! Flying is just so incredible...I don't think you understand just how lucky you are just to be able to do it whenever you want," Grace gushed as she zoomed over skyscrapers. The jet twisted and turned expertly as Grace gently guided it to follow Cora. As she did so, Grace seemed more concerned about Tom's comfort. "Are you sure you have enough leg space back there? I can move in a little bit," the young woman said as she moved her piloting seat in a few clicks, giving Tom enough space to actually move his legs while practically pressing Grace against the steering wheel. These jets were obviously not designed with couples in mind.

The looming figure of Elmore Island and the massive building came into view, and Grace couldn't help but shiver. "It looks more...evil in person," she whispered as the planes slowly glided towards it. Her eyes fell towards the dashboard, which had a rearview camera displayed on one of the panes, and Grace noted that a dark plane was trailing behind the rest of the group. This plane was rather different from the Minijets- it was larger, darker, more menacing-looking. Grace narrowed her eyes at the camera. "Hey, that looks like Blake in there-"

The Minijet then shook violently as it was clipped by a missile from behind.

Alarm noises sounded within the cockpit as the Minijet began barreling downwards, shooting towards the building on Elmore Islands at high speeds. Grace was cursing a storm, pulling at levers, flicking switches, but it was no use. Blake had blown one of the wings of the Minijet clean off, and it was currently spewing smoke and flames as the vehicle crashed towards the building. A cursory glance out the window confirmed Grace's fears- the rest of the group was being picked off, one by one, like targets for a skeet shooter, and the entire cohort of planes began to spiral directly towards Elmore Island.

Grace was about to say something, anything, but she had no time as the plane smashed directly through a wall into the Hawthorn Correctional Facility.

If HERO had cheaped out on their Minijets, Tom, Grace, and the rest of the group that was midair would have been crushed into a bloody pulp and probably burnt to cinders. Thankfully, Hugo Powers' Minijets were some of the best that there were, equipped with some of the finest gear that there was, and one of these pieces of equipment that saved the entire gang was an emergency defense mechanism called a safety gel dispenser. Samantha had detected that all of the planes were in danger and had released a thick emerald goo from the nose of the plane that coated the entire capsule. And so, thanks to this life-saving feature, Grace opened her eyes to find that she was barely hurt.

Grace took deep breaths, quietly wondering how she was alive for a moment, before turning her head back to Tom. "Tommy, you're...good, you're OK," she said, relieved. "Holy shit, your best friend just tried to kill us," Grace said in bewilderment, before repeating the phrase with more anger in her voice. "Holy shit, your best friend just tried to kill us! What the fuck is going on here...this is such a mess..." Grace bewailed as she punched the blue button on the slightly-dented dashboard, causing the cockpit to slide open and covering Tom and Grace in thick green safety gel. This, strangely, seemed more traumatizing than almost dying in a plane crash. "EWW!" she shrieked, trying to brush the goop off her clothe. She was only partly successful, with globs of green goo dislodging from her clothes but a layer of gelatin still remaining on her clothing, and chunks of unsightly goop having become tangled into Grace's hair.

Grace seemed incredibly dismayed, but her mood changed when she was what Tom looked like. "Tommy, you're covered in..." Grace began, before beginning to laugh hysterically. "Oh my god, you look so silly," Grace cooeed, moving over to help remove a massive glob of goo from Tom's hair. "Here, here, let me help with that..." Grace said with a coy smile, prying a few chunks out of Tom's (now very messed up) hair. They were standing right in the middle of the room Tom had been shown by Seraph before, albeit there was now a massive hole in the wall thanks to the Minijet. There was one Wing of Law that was standing on guard, but it seems he had been blasted by the impact against the wall, and he was currently stuck to the wall and covered neck to feet in the safety gel. Grace didn't seem to mind the circumstances, though, or at least at this point. Once she was finished with her job, she smiled proudly. "Much better!" she said, looking over at the Wings of Law hero, who was groaning. "Should we do something about this guy? Also, I feel like I should've asked earlier, but what the fuck happened to Blake? Why is he trying to murder us?"


"Ah, fuck me..."

Cora and Rumi had landed much higher up, their plane having jutted into one of the towers and lodged into the wall, oozing green goop from the sides. Cora lifted a hand, pressing it against the top of the cockpit, and with a loud shrieking noise the metal dislodged itself and slid open precariously. Cora then turned a bit, pointing two fingers at the OMNI. "This might dent your robot," she said apologetically before using her magnet powers to roughly yank the OMNI out of the back of the cockpit and throw him into the room. Cora then stepped out of the plane carefully, clambering out and observing the room they had stumbled into. It seemed to be some type of interrogation room, with a simple table and two chairs sitting in the center of the room, a large metal door on the opposite side, and also a guard that was pointing his gun at Cora. Wait, a guard pointing his gun directly at Cora!

Even with the element of surprise, the scattered goon was way too slow for the S-tier heroine, and the man was yanked by his gun directly towards Cora, screaming. With a single fluent motion, Cora grabbed the man by the collar and slammed her head into his, dazing him, before casually throwing him towards the OMNI and discarding his gun. "Why don't you ask this fellow some questions, while I work on the door," Cora said, moving over towards the steel door that blocked the room, still dripping with goop as she made her way over.


Meanwhile, Jamie and co's plane barrelled much farther downwards, crashing through a fence and into the ground floor, smashing clean through the wall before spinning across the reception area like a Beyblade, spewing green goop everywhere as it twirled around. It stopped its spinning as the busted plane rammed into a thick metal wall, causing it to bounce off and slide into the middle of the room, still oozing safety gel and smoking like crazy.

As Jamie, Joseph, and Angela Terra stepped out of the plane, they would find about 10 armored guards, all aiming scary-looking guns at them and looking a combination of frazzled, pissed, and just plain scared. "Don't you even dare move!" one of the ballsier guards said, aiming his gun at Jamie and pretending that he wasn't quivering like mad. "You are under arrest! For, like, at least ten crimes! This whole thing has to be worth at least ten, right?"


Lastly, Starbright and Chad's plane veered upwards like crazy, the wind carrying it skywards and landing it almost perfectly in the center of the large helicopter pad on one of the towers, against all odds. It was still spewing tons of green goop everywhere and had smoke coming out of the engine, mind, but it was still an impressive, if totally lucky, landing for the celebrity and his pseudo-protege. Standing by the elevator was a very annoyed Sea Serpent, grumbling to herself. ”How the fuck did this happen...” she mumbled to herself, resting her forehead in her palm. ”How in the fuck do you get this to happen...”


Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
Avatar of Jumbus


Member Seen 1 hr ago

The second Starbright got into the jet, he first made sure THE BULLET was in safe, but then he put petal to the metal. The Minijet zoomed off almost crashing into some of the others out of the gate. This was the prime example of reckless and dangerous flying, not like Starbright would have any clue. At one point during the flight, he even took his hands of the controls to adjust his hair in the mirror. "See I told you Chad, no different from driving a sports car. You want to have a spin on it? Its a fantastic time." The plane dipped up, passing all the other mini jets, to the top of the tower. Then begun a surprisingly rocky landing, or at least surprising to Starbright.

"Ha ha ha, boy am I glad that the jelly stuff filled just the back. If it ruined my outfit, I would have been so annoyed." But there was something right in front of the mini jet that was more concerning than the prospect of ruined clothes, as hard as that is to believe. It was Sea Serpent looking mighty annoyed at such an excellent display of flying. How could you not be jealous of such a masterful flight? Starbright was very thankful for the tinted windows giving a cover to his shocked expression before he could compose himself. "Shit, oh shit, oh shit. We need to do something quick otherwise this plane is going into the ocean."

Starbright had to think of a plan and quick. Maybe they could fight Sea Serpent and win, but it was more likely she would come out on top. At the very least, she was a great deal stronger than Starbright even without the injured ankle. He would need something more tricky. He also search around for something to restrain her, on the off chance they won. But he couldn't find anything to use, at least not anything other than his belt. But would that even work? The belt brought the whole outfit together, would Sea Serpent recognize that something is wrong if Starbright exited with a sub-optimal style of dress? It certainly would work on Mr Impressive, who had the worst fashion sense in Wings, but it he couldn't imagine it would work on Seraph. However, it was a risk that had to be taken.

Starbright took off the belt and handed it off to THE BULLET. "Here, use this to restrain her when you get the chance. I'll do the talking, just do your best to back me up. Oh, and look as confident as possible. You know, puff out your chest and all that stuff. It will help with selling it." It still takes a good tug for Starbright to release his grip on the belt. It was a fabulous belt, and was a fashion life saver. Starbright was sad to see it go, but heroism demands the greatest of sacrifices.

Starbright composed himself under the veil of tinted glass before hoping out of the mini jet. "Another smooth landing as always, wouldn't you agree BULLET?" He turned his gazed over to Sea Serpent. "Oh! Sea Serpent, didn't expect to see you there. Are you happy to see me still alive? I can't imagine you do ha ha, have you heard what its like over there?" Starbright gestured over to the mainland Castleburg behind him. "I'm sorry to say, but EAGLES is fucked. They will eat you alive over there if you so much as step on the mainland again. It pains me to say it, but justice will arrive sooner or later."

Starbright slowly approached Sea Serpent as he said the next part. The whole thing being a ruse to have her drop her guard. "I mean justice will be arriving for Seraph, right? And his creepy thumb head lackey. Where does that leave you? Of course, you are clean in all this. I know because you have been sending me information to betray EAGLES, haven't you?" He was deliberately proposing a made up situation where Sea Serpent could get out of this scott free. "Oh no, but in the up coming battle my burner phone was smashed so I don't have any record of it. But surely to can take my word for it Mr Judge, she is innocent. It was that awful Seraph forcing her to do everything, I swear." Starbright was only a few metres away now. "You did do all of that, right? And my dear friend THE BULLET also saw you stand aside and let us into the tower to bring an end to EAGLES."

"You don't need to go down with the ship. Let shake on it, you know, between heroes." Only a metre away, he reached out his hand to accept her handshake.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"As for flying a minijet, well I have been driving fast sports cars since I was 16. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing, right? All you have to do is floor the gas pedal and steer out of the way of things."

Chad nodded to himself as Starbright spoke - he had no clue if Starbright was correct since Chad had never driven either a minijet or a Sports car before. However, Chad had watched some racing movies, and those always showed the driver pressing hard on the gas - Starbright couldn't be far off because of that.

The room they ended up in was a bit different from what Chad was expecting - he had never been in a hanger before, so even he wasn't really sure what he was expecting. Still, Chad was relieved to see that the minijets themselves were large enough to carry two passengers. Chad continued to follow Starbright - even with the quick guidance that he was given, Chad didn't feel confident in flying the jets in any real capacity. Considering they were going to be flying a sizable portion of the city, Chad really didn't want to run the risk of crashing.

And besides, of all the people that were present, Chad felt that the multimillionaire was probably the one who would know the most about flying a jet. Despite the small size of the jet and his rather large build, Chad managed to squeeze himself into his seat quite well. Once he was secured and Starbright started the plane, Chad was awestruck - they managed to outpace all the other jets within a few seconds, and Starbright had started climbing to a higher altitude as they approached Elmore Island. Chad couldn't really see that well when he ran at his max speed, so actually looking outside the jet as they flew was exhilarating.

"See I told you Chad, no different from driving a sports car. You want to have a spin on it? It's a fantastic time."

"Well we just passed Kingsdale, so I guess I could try for-"

Chad was cut off as an explosion rocked the plane from behind - Chad suddenly felt very nervous as the plane rapidly began to fall. Against all odds, the jet had been nearly above a tower before it was hit by blake's missile, and a strong updraft carried them almost directly on top of the helipad. Chad, surprisingly, was not left shocked by the crash or terrified about nearly dying.

"Wow Starbright, you're even better at flying than I thought!"

It probably helped that Chad thought Starbright landed the plane on purpose, rather than crash and get lucky.

"Ha ha ha, boy am I glad that the jelly stuff filled just the back. If it ruined my outfit, I would have been so annoyed."

It was only after Starbright mentioned this that Chad realized he was soaked in a strange green goo. It must have been part of the coolant or something, right? Chad never worked with a car let alone a jet, so he had no clue if it was even safe for him to be covered in the weird gel.

More importantly, it further ruined his costume, as if the lightning blast from The Shocker hadn't already left the torso portion of his suit ruined. Chad tried fruitlessly to shake his arms off as Starbright handed his belt over to the younger hero.

"Here, use this to restrain her when you get the chance. I'll do the talking, just do your best to back me up. Oh, and look as confident as possible. You know, puff out your chest and all that stuff. It will help with selling it."

Chad nearly said 'Restrain who?' when he looked up and saw Sea Serpent standing at the elevator. He almost immediately began to freak out, realizing that Starbright was asking him to restrain an A TIER HERO. With a belt.

Chad tried to calm himself as he tore the belt from Starbright's firm grip (it took a few tries) and the latter began to climb out of the jet. If it was a direct confrontation, Chad would have felt his chances of restraining Sea Serpent were near nonexistent - she was an insanely good hydrokinetic, and no matter how much people shitposted about them on forums, hydrokinetics were pretty good at stopping people from getting close to them. Being several stories in the air made Chad even more thankful that Starbright was with him - if anyone could defuse the situation, it would probably be him.

Chad followed after Starbright just as he started talking, and Chad did his best to appear more imposing than he really was. While his all-black outfit was normally somewhat intimidating on its own, the fact that it was half melted and covered in green goo really made him look quite silly. Still, Chad was pretty tall for most men, so that combined with his build helped to offset how stupid he looked. Chad tried to keep his body at an angle to Sea Serpent, hiding the belt Starbright had given him behind his leg.

"Another smooth landing as always, wouldn't you agree BULLET?"

"Definitely! Looks like we got here before the others too."

"Oh! Sea Serpent didn't expect to see you there. Are you happy to see me still alive? I can't imagine you do ha ha, have you heard what its like over there? I'm sorry to say, but EAGLES is fucked. They will eat you alive over there if you so much as step on the mainland again. It pains me to say it, but justice will arrive sooner or later."

"They've already gotten The Shocker, haven't they?"

Starbright began to approach Sea Serpent, causing Chad to cringe - which made Chad very thankful he was still wearing his mask. Chad followed Starbright's lead and began moving closer to Sea Serpent, but he was much slower in his approach.

"You did do all of that, right? And my dear friend THE BULLET also saw you stand aside and let us into the tower to bring an end to EAGLES."

Chad didn't speak out, but he did nod his head as Starbright said this. Chad was nervous that if he said the wrong thing, he'd ruin their plan or end up looking like an idiot. His grip on the belt tightened when Starbright reached his hand out, however - if she agreed it was great, considering both Chad and Starbright were injured and winning a fight against Sea Serpent would be very difficult. If she didn't, then Chad was lucky still very lucky - Sea Serpent was standing close to the elevator, so Chad had somewhere to crash into if he missed her.

Compared to The Shocker, she was physically a lot weaker. But because of this, she was also much easier to accidentally kill - Chad really hoped things didn't turn violent. If she wanted to fight, Sea Serpent would definitely have the advantage, considering they were on an island surrounded by water.

But if she did want to attack, she would probably attack Starbright first. That was Chad's blessing - out of everyone at Elmore Island, he was the one that EAGLES probably knew the least about. She'd think Chad needed a dozen or so seconds to close the distance, and so she'd attack the person within arms reach of her.

Of course, that was assuming she didn't read whatever file HERO might have on Chad, or that she didn't attack both Chad and Starbright at the same time. She definitely could attack them both, considering how much water she had at her disposal.

Chad tried to avoid that thought. If they were lucky, he was worrying about fighting for no reason - Starbright was a really persuasive guy, wasn't he? Sea Serpent probably knew by now that if she was attacked within only a few hours of EAGLES being publicly announced, the group probably wouldn't last to the end of the day and would jump at the chance for an out..
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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The city was practically burning down. Riots everywhere, EAGLES and ex-HERO agents going at it, and all Midas had to do was sit back and take advantage of it all. Right now he was in a place that was just about quiet when it comes to crime and civil war, Kingsdale. It was almost as if the sheer amount of money here guarded everything from bad happenings. It made Midas just about want to puke. But he had to be here today, he was treating someone very special to a meal.

About two months ago, a rising star in the fighting pits came for the king himself. Always ready for the next fight Midas accepted. It was a great fight, one of the closest Midas has had in years. But unfortunately it ended with him putting her in hospital. Out of respect, Midas paid for the hospital bill and invited her to come to the Harrington Road restaurant to offer a spot in the gang. He was happy to hear it was accepted.

Despite not wearing his costume and instead wearing a very high price suit and fur coat, Midas was still very recognizable. This drew some looks from civilians in the restaurant but they were quickly returned when he looked in their direction. That sort of thing never really bothered him, still he found it funny how long they stare for. In Brookside, people knew better than to stare like that at anyone for too long. Did they have no sense of danger? How could someone hold this much money with so little sense of self preservation? In Midas' mind, they were like children. Still oblivious to the way of the world. It was a lesson Midas would love to teach if he wasn't already busy.

The fighters stage name was Spectre, although he had yet to get her full name. Both that and the matter of her placement into the gang would be discussed over lunch.

Half an hour into the meeting a Bruiser wearing full colors burst into the restaurant. Asking to see Midas urgently. "Oh for fucks sake, its alright hes with me." Letting the waiter know everything was alright, but he went quick to scold his lackey. "What are you thinking, wearing colors in a place like this. This better be worth my time."

It was worth his time. The Bruiser had shown Midas a video of the shoot out in Brookside. Seeing it be interrupted by Windsong, although Midas had no clue on the heroes name. "Iron George again then? And who the hell is this guy? No affiliations? Not EAGLES or ex HERO? Alright, good work bringing this to me. Now scram."

Spectre spoke up "I like the kids style, he could have been good in the ring. Its a shame your boys tried to give him a beat down." "Its a damn shame to let an asset like that just slip through my fingers. You know, I just about grew up with Iron George, he was with me since day one. But I can't have him doing this anymore, not with the way the Bruisers are going. George is a fighter without a brain, hes loyal and honest but he is without a brain nonetheless. I can't have that anymore. Where we are going, a fighter without a brain will only end washed up on the Watervale shore.

"You'll be taking over Iron George's position. Don't bother going after the kid or anything. I know George will want to hunt him down, but exercise caution. Get some info on the kid, see if he is anyone we need to worry about. If an example needs to be made, an example can be made. But that is up to you to decide. Don't disappoint me on this."

Mentions: Wingsong @Inertia
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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It wasn’t often that Jamie got to pilot Mini-Jets, so to say that she was excited was an understatement. She was prepping herself for a fight, of course. They would have to fight the Wings and whoever else was in there to take H.E.R.O back. It wasn’t going to be easy. But Mini-Jets were still so fun! After listening to Cora talk for a minute, Jamie stepped into the jet, grinning. Her seat was fine, up in the front, but the room in the back was not enough for two people to sit comfortably. “Sorry about that, you two,” she apologized to them, craning her neck to make eye contact. “It’ll be a short ride anyways! You’ll be out in a couple minutes, just maybe… stretch afterwards?”

Jamie fiddled with the buttons and levers for absolutely no reason for a moment before taking off. Practically bouncing up and down in her suit (God, she loved flying!), Jamie shifted the jet into gear and pressed down hard on the pedal, sending the plane soaring into the cloud-choked sky. “Woohoo!” A buoying sense of exhilaration filled her, and she threw her hands up. They bonked the ceiling, of course, so she put them back on the steering wheel. “Isn’t this the best, you guys? I mean, yeah, we’re about to battle our former colleagues, but flying is sooo fun! You can fly, right, Angela? I’m so jealous. That must be so cool…” Jamie sighed wistfully. She turned on the windshield wipers as the rain started to fog up the front window.

Now that she could properly see the outside world, Jamie took a good look at their destination. Hawthorn Residential Center was imposing, casting a dark shadow over the bay. Or it would’ve if the sun was out. The Wings of Law probably lurked inside. Hopefully they hadn’t seen the Mini-Jets coming for them. Surprise attacks were always best. Looking at the building further, Jamie guessed they would land on the helipad. It was really the only viable place to land on the tiny island. They were nearing closer and closer- hopefully this thing knew how to land!

Just as Jamie was steering the Mini-Jet towards the helipad, an explosion sounded nearby. She whipped her head to the left. What she saw made her stomach fall to her feet. A Mini-Jet, hole in its side, careening out of the sky and right into the building. “Shit! Shit, shit shit! Grace and- Grace and Tom just went down!” Jamie’s voice echoed around the small space, shrill and a mixture of confused and concerned. She glanced around frantically for the perpetrator. She sighted a dark, menacing-looking plane behind them. Was that… Blake inside? Jamie was soothed a bit by the presence of her friend, but her blood ran cold when he pointed the barrel of his missile right at them. That couldn’t be Blake. Frantically, she swerved, and screamed, “Guys, we’re under atta-”

She didn’t even get to finish her sentence before the missile crashed right into them. With a horrifying rending sound, it smashed right into the wing, sending them careening down, down, down into the island. Jamie shrieked in terror. “Ohmygod ohmygod we’re gonna crash!” Alarms blared, the lights turning red, and Jamie realized that any attempt to save the plane was futile. They were going to crash- it was just a matter of surviving. “Brace for impact!” she yelled, curling into a ball in the front seat with her hands over her head. She shut her eyes tight, and prayed to whatever god was out there that they would make it.

When she opened her eyes, Jamie was shocked to find that she was… completely okay! A couple possible bruises from being slammed into the side of the cockpit aside, Jamie was fine. Not dead, certainly. She laughed, incredulously, before taking a few deep breaths to calm her shaking body. “Are you two alright?” she called to the back, turning her head to find Joseph and Terra alright. She sighed in relief. “Woo, that was, uh… that was scary! We’re all fine though, we’re all fine…and I think we’re here!” Jamie tried to look out the (very damaged) window, but couldn’t see because of a film of green goo. She tried to wipe it away, but discovered it was on the outside. “I think we’ve gotta get out,” she told Joseph and Terra. With a press of the blue button, the cockpit window slid open, and the group stepped out.

They were, of course, almost immediately greeted by 10 armored guards pointing guns at them. “I’m not really sure about that,” Jamie said, mildly, not raising her hands. She was really tired of having guns pointed at her. Despite a mild fear, Jamie rolled her eyes… and brought down her foot. Vibrations went rumbling through the ground beneath them as she tried to knock the guards off their feet. She wasn’t sure they could fight ten at once, but if they could get them on the ground and run… well, that might be a bit easier.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Yeah, you better be the one flying..." Tom responded to Grace as the pair made their way over to the hangar. "The closest I've ever come to flying a plane was when Jamie let me use her remote controlled helicopter... And even then, I fucked it up and had to use my powers to stop it from breaking." Tom laughed at the memory as they reached the hangar, seeing that Cora was already there and waiting for them all. He looked around the room at all the minijets assembled there, luckily seeming enough for the whole group to take and fly over to Elmore Island, before proceeding to listen to what Cora was saying about the minijets. He shot a quick glance at Grace to make sure that she was also listening - Tom really didn't want to crash less than 10 minutes after getting into a new relationship.

The pair headed over to a minijet, Grace slipping in first so she could get into the drivers seat, Tom getting into the backseat. He immediately noticed the cramped conditions, having to press himself up right against the back wall, also having to bend over slightly - and Tom wasn't even really that tall. Even so, when Grace asked from the driver's seat. Yeah, yeah, I'm good!" He said, giving her a small thumbs up before she started the minijet's engine, bringing the vehicle humming to life. He tapped his leg up and down as Grace waited for the signal to get the minijet in the air. And then it happened, and the plane zoomed away.

Tom cheered excitedly as the plane zipped through the air, looking out of the window and seeing the other planes not too far way. He looked over to Grace as he spoke to him. "When this whole thing is over, I'm gonna take you flying with me all the time..." He said eagerly, smiling, before looking down again at his lack of leg room. "Well, I guess that I could probably do with a little bit more room..." He said honestly, before Grace clicked forward which now gave her no space. "Wait, Grace, that's too much, now YOU have no room!" He began, stopping as Elmore Island came into view.

Grace was right. It did look pretty evil. He hadn't really noticed it the first time... Probably because Priestess was trying to smush her face against his the whole journey last time he was here. He leaned forward and glanced into the rearview camera feed, spotting the plane and raising his eyebrows. Was one of the minijets a different model? Tom hadn't really paid much attention, but he remembered they all looked the same. "Hmmm... Odd..." And then Grace dropped the bombshell question. "What... What are you talking about, Blake?" Tom questioned, before the missile hit the ship.

Tom yelled out and instinctively leaned forward to grab Grace's shoulder before the jet crashed directly into the wall of the facility. For a second Tom expected to feel blinding pain or to hear Grace screaming. But he opened his eyes to find that he was still sitting in his chair. His leg felt a bit sore, but aside from that nothing was wrong. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thank god you're okay too..." His relief was short lived before he remembered what had just transpired. "I don't know, what the fuck? I think... Wait, let's get out and then talk." Tom watched as Grace opened up the cockpit, quickly unbuckling himself and standing up just in time to feel the goo fall all over him. He couldn't see, and he stepped out of the cockpit, wiping some of the goo out of his eyes so he could.

"God dammit..." He looked at Grace (who didn't look that covered in the goo), who looked back at him and proceeded to laugh hysterically. "Oh, stop it..." He began, before he let a grin fall over his face, and then he started laughing too. He leant down a little to let Grace pick some of the goo out of his hair, before glancing at the Wings of Law guy. "Just leave him there, I don't think he's gonna cause us any issues at the moment." He groaned as she mentioned Blake. "Shit, I don't know. The Wings kidnapped him, they must have... I don't know, done something to him, like brainwashed him or something... There's no way he'd willingly decide to attack us like that!"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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"Sure," Rumi said, following Cora into the Mini-jet. He was a little concerned with how well the Mini-jets would get them to Elmore Island, considering they were not originally designed to be used in battle, and the island would very likely have some heavy opposition waiting for them. With the current downtime, he decided that he would take a small break. "I'm going on standby, be back in a few," Rumi said to Cora before disconnecting himself from his mask, letting out a deep sigh as exited the capsule he had sealed himself in and began to stretch his muscles. Controlling a humanoid machine through a remote neural link like that was taxing on his body, mostly his brain. The use of his Overclock had not helped things either. Fortunately, there were a few energy bars and a bottle of water nearby, and Rumi tore into them as his body felt the need to recover.

While Rumi was resting, his mind was racing, thinking of potential strategies to take the paths of the least risk and hopefully keep everyone alive. It was a prison island, after all, and if that dumbass Snake Pitt was anything to go by, then there would be many would-be EAGLES members there. He sighed again, figuring he would have to wing some of it while he was there, and decided to quit dawdling and get back to controlling the OMNI. He got back into the capsule and placed the mask back on, connecting his mind to the machine. The lights on the OMNI flickered before flashing back on, and it lifted its head.

"I'm back, anything interesting happen while I was-" Rumi began to ask Cora before an explosion cut him off. Rumi couldn't feel anything through the OMNI, but the visual shaking was enough to confirm that something was very wrong. Rumi held onto his seat, fearing the worst, but soon found themselves unharmed, albeit crashed into a strange location and a large amount of green safety gel around the OMNI and Cora. "Well, glad to know that we're still alive," Rumi remarked as he began to wonder where to go next. It seemed Cora was a step ahead of him on that front, as Cora used her magnetic powers to throw the OMNI out of the cockpit and into the room where the jet had evidently crashed into. The OMNI had landed roughly, and Rumi took a second to reorient himself as he found himself in what appeared to be an interrogation room, as well as a punk with a gun pointed at them.

"Cora, there's a-" Rumi was about to warn Cora before she sprung into action, disarming the goon and dropping him. "Ok, never mind," Rumi shrugged as the OMNI walked up to the fallen goon and held up a hand, which transformed into a large taser. Electricity visibly coursed through the two prongs as Rumi began to interrogate, "You heard her. Tell us everything you know, and I may go easy on you."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Grace shook her head frantically, folding her arms and looking down solemnly. "This is all looking really bad," Grace said with a hearty amount of pessimism. She tapped her foot against the ground. "Well, we ought to stay on the move and re-group with them, make sure everybody is OK," Grace said, thinking, stroking her chin as she thought. "Well, we ought to stay on the move and re-group with them, make sure everybody is OK," she said, moving towards the doorway, when all of a sudden the door swung open, revealing an angry blonde sight. Priestess.

"You bi-" Priestess started, her wings folded behind her as she made a beeline towards Grace, but the violet-haired heroine reacted quickly, her arm springing up and causing a swirling portal to open behind Priestess. The winged woman was sucked backwards towards the portal like a speck of dust into a vacuum. She flapped her wings in vain, but it was no use as she was pulled into the portal, entirely helpless. The sounds of loud cawing and squawking resonated throughout the room, echoing from the portal, as Priestess was pulled back. She could only give the pair a nasty look before being pulled all the way through, shrieking before vanishing entirely from sight. The portal promptly closed, though not before a couple tropical birds fluttered out of the portal, flying into the rafters of the room. Grace grinned, a touch of an evil look in her eyes.

"She’s in a more fitting place now," she explained to Tom, a smirk on her face, as she enveloped him in a hug from the side. "You know..." she said quietly, looking up at Tom, still tightly wrapped around him. "...you’re just the best. Really. I mean, me over Priestess..." she sighed, closing her eyes, a circle of tearwater forming on the edge of her eyelids. "You’re incredible. And I wanted...to let you know..."

It was at that moment that Grace fell asleep. She slumped over, falling into Tom’s arms, her body limp but most certainly alive, as evidenced by the quiet, subdued snores coming out of her mouth. A man had silently entered the room, through the same entrance Priestess had just burst into the moment before. The man was tall, even taller than Powers and Will, and could’ve given Samson a run for his money. The huge man’s body was covered in a thick black cloak that shrouded nearly every inch of his body, the exception being his armored legs and his masked face. His eyes were bright red and, if Tom was paying attention, he would notice that the man’s eyes had vertical slits instead of pupils, making him look like some sort of reptile.

"Thomas Rees. Spacewalker, as you’ve been referred to as well. A pleasure.” The man had a deep voice, ominous overtones dripping from each word that came out of his mouth. "It appears that you have developed a romantic attraction to Grace Mok, or Bypass. Interesting. I will keep that in mind for later..." the man said, as thought he was speaking to himself. He then looked up again. "Apologies for the mental intrusion to your significant other, but it was necessary for her to be subdued in order to tamper with her mind. She will be of great use to me and my allies at Zero. As for you, however...well, I only have a limited demand for brute strength. Still, it could be useful to keep one of you on retainer...it is settled. I will have the two fight it out," the man said, hovering between talking to Tom and talking to nobody. The man then stepped aside, revealing a very familiar face to Tom.

Blake looked different; there was no denying that. He still had the same figure, obviously, and the same scarlet hair, but everything else was totally foreign. His casual, spry posture was now rigid and formal; his regular, casual, slightly beaten-up clothes were replaced with a black, threatening-looking costume, complete with a flapping black cape. His eyes had the same unnatural reddish tinge to them, but his irises were jet black. An alien crimson glow emanated from each eye, and his pupils were strangely ragged, with sharp edges instead of a smooth circle. A familiar but oddly menacing heat was radiating from his body.

The cloaked figure stepped back. "We will see which one of you proves superior," he said again, gesturing with a gloved hand towards Blake. "Firebird, do what you do best.”

Blake nodded mindlessly, lifting his own gloved hands, two spheres of fire swirling in each palm. "Kill," he droned, before sending the fireballs hurtling right at Tom, scorching everything in its path to cinders.


"Ah, fuck me..."

The poor Wings of Law goon looked at the OMNI, then at the taser, then at the robot again, before finally squealing like a pig. “Listen, I dunno anything! I swear! I just got hired to work here, and this job paid much better than working the kitchen at Bloopers, OK?! I just heard a TV ad from Seraph and I thought, ‘cool!’ I didn’t do anything illegal, I swear!”

Cora lifted her hands from the steel door. "Not worth it," she said dismissively as the metal door slid open effortlessly. Cora smiled at her handiwork- before the accident, opening locked doors was her specialty, and she was glad the talent had stuck around (unlike some other things). "Leave him be. We have to catch up with the rest of the group...knowing Jamie, she’s probably gotten herself into a bad situation." Cora stepped into the hallway, and as soon as she cleared the doorway, a series of rapid, high-pitched beeps echoed through the area. "Oh shit, get back-" she started, her arms spread out by instinct, right before the bomb went off.

The trip mine was not large, and as such the explosion hardly resonated throughout the facility, but the explosive was enough to pack a serious punch, and it sent Cora whirling back, slamming roughly into the wall, moaning. Cora’s new body had some significant modifications over the regular human body, and her exoskeleton not only provided significant defensive capabilities to the cyborg girl, but also dulled her nervous system significantly. That being said, the explosion still hurt like a motherfucker, and while Cora was not dead, she had sustained a bit of damage. Her jacket was somewhat scorched, and some of her right forearm and hand were badly damaged, the synthetic skin having been blasted clean off, showing Cora’s metallic, skeletal hands. The right side of her face had also sustained some damage, with the fake skin on her lower right jaw having been cracked, but overall, Cora was fine. At the very least, she was much more fine than she would’ve been if she had been organic.

Cora dislodged herself from the wall. ”You OK? I mean, well, you’re a fucking robot, but still..." She dusted herself off, noticing the damaged arm. She clenched her right fist. "Flesh wound," she said meekly, before quickly taking a different course of topic. "Well, it looks like somebody installed some defensive measures in this hallway. Maybe you could have your robot here scan it? Or, alternatively, you could use it as a decoy, trip as many mines as possible, and maybe show up in the flesh. Two humans are better than one, after all," Cora said to the OMNI.

Not two humans, one human.

Cora looked down at her metal fist. "That’s just my suggestion, but a plan would be nice. We have to get out of this booby-trapped hallway, and if I remember correctly, you’re the brains here. So get that brain working."


To say the guards put up a very bad fight would still feel like an overstatement. The guards were scattered across the lobby like leaves blown by the wind, landing in all manner of awkward positions and groaning almost as a collective. Only one of the ten guards even bothered to stand up again, but as soon as he realized the rest of his squad was downed, he just decided to play dead, falling limp to the ground again.

A sudden cold began to fill the room, as if somebody had very abruptly smashed the thermostat down to zero, and the elevator dinged to reveal an interesting character. He was tall and gaunt, with handsome looks but a cruel facial expression. He had a sharp chin and bleach-blonde, almost white, hair that was swept to the side of his face to avoid covering up his electric-blue steely eyes. He was wearing a black turtleneck and a white lab coat and pants, and looked for all the world like some sort of hot scientist. Moving quickly and deliberately, he removed his square glasses from his face, tucking them into his breast pocket as he stepped forwards. He then swiftly spread his arms and, with a spiteful, stern voice that belonged to a Disney villain, said coolly, "Winterfall."

As soon as the words escaped his lips, a harsh cold fell upon the entire room, enveloping all of the lobby in a nail-biting cold. Frost began to form on the walls as the temperature went from cold to colder. Winterfall seemed to not be perturbed by the cold in the slightest; if anything, he seemed to relish in it. He lifted both his arms dramatically, pointing one finger across the lobby and drawing one arm back like he was nocking an invisible arrow on an invisible bow. He then added, with a specialty cruelty in his voice, "Rime."

A shard of ice, thin but sharp, launched from his hands and shot across the lobby at breakneck speeds. The small shard of ice was only just larger than a sewing needle, and the frozen construct glistened brightly as it shot through the air. It hit Jamie with the force of a bullet, piercing through her torso and ripping out the other side, the blue crystals of ice now splattered with the crimson droplets of blood as the projectile smashed into the opposite wall and shattered. A splash of blood splattered into the air on contact, leaving a large puddle on the linoleum tiles, as Winterfall stepped forwards. "An easy target," the man said, holding his hands up as the air around him condensed. A sabre of ice formed in his hands, and Winterfall twirled it a few times before assuming a fencing stance.

"I’m afraid I don’t have all day, and doing this sort of grunt work does bore me, so I recommend making your dying action useful and simply falling on my sword," Winterfall said coldly. "At least then, I can finish you all quickly. Or I suppose you could try and fight to the death...but I warn you that I will make it hurt much more than a shard of ice to the side. Now..." His eyes danced from Terra to Joseph. "What shall it be? Volunteers? Or victims?"


Sea Serpent acted like she was pondering Starbright’s comment for a moment, before smiling cruelly, her hand stopping just short of taking Starbright’s. ”How about...never!” she suddenly snapped, an evil smile on her face, as water suddenly rushed out behind her like a broken dam. The water, like it had a mind of its own, smashed into Starbright, knocking him out of the way like a bowling ball would a bowling pin, before targeting Chad, the person that Sea Serpent knew less about. She was positive that Starbright was an incompotent from experience, and she assumed that his sidekick would be just as much so, but it was better to be safe than sorry, and so Yama decided to neutralize him quickly. The water quickly formed Sea Serpent’s signature move, the Breathing Bubble, and formed a massive sphere around Chad. Of course, this sphere was full of water, and as such Chad would most definitely not be able to breath. The Breathing Bubble was actually quite an ironic name, actually. Which is why it was so perfect.

”The Great Starbright, huh?” Sea Serpent said, gesturing with her hand. The Breathing Bubble, with a drowning Chad in tow, moved towards the edge of the helipad. Chad was now floating, suspended in a bubble of water, thousands of yards over the rough sea. ”What’s the Great Starbright going to do to save his protege? Leave him to drown or fall to his demise? Cry like a little girl? Beg to save his sidekick? Or, most likely, would it be to secure mercy for yourself at the expense of your little friend?” Sea Serpent smiled cruelly. ”Choose wisely, you so-called ‘celebrity.’”


Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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His plot had not gone as he had expected at all. In the snap of a moment the tide turned and The Bullet was under the threat of drowning. Had she seen through Starbright's plot to have her lower her guard? Had she planned to do this from the get go? It would explain how she conjured the water so quickly this high up from sea level.

Starbright's heart rate was going up, this was one of the few times he felt genuine anger. What he said was true, EAGLES was over. They are done. It was only a matter of time before the world came crashing in on them for public murders, whether fake or not, and they would see justice for the countless crimes that went unseen. There was little hope for someone like Sea Serpent in Starbright's mind. He expected her to have some sense of self preservation and take his offer. Instead she took it as an opportunity, to try taking another life. Someone who had done no wrong at that. It took all of Starbright's effort to not show that anger. But showing anger meant he had lost control, and losing control over the situation means that both himself and Chad were dead. It is only by raw ability he kept the regular Starbright facade.

"The Great Starbright, huh?” Sea Serpent said, gesturing with her hand. The Breathing Bubble, with a drowning Chad in tow, moved towards the edge of the helipad. Chad was now floating, suspended in a bubble of water, thousands of yards over the rough sea. ”What’s the Great Starbright going to do to save his protege? Leave him to drown or fall to his demise? Cry like a little girl? Beg to save his sidekick? Or, most likely, would it be to secure mercy for yourself at the expense of your little friend?” Sea Serpent smiled cruelly. ”Choose wisely, you so-called ‘celebrity.’”

"I am a celebrity thank you." Starbright stated calmly with no sign of the recent events having an effect on him. "Unlike you and the other losers that work at this place, I actually have an interest in having people like me. Though I'm shocked at you refusing my offer, I guess this means we will have to fight. Though I will say, if you don't put him down and focus you're attention on me and me alone. You will lose." Starbright looked her dead in the eyes, his expression dropped any sense of playfulness he initially had. Was it a bluff? That would be for Sea Serpent to choose. "Instead of taking some way to save yourself, you instead try to continue killing. You are the lowest scum imaginable and I'll have you rotting away in Coldwater before the day is over." He couldn't hold back the anger after all, but at least it was composed.

"Now, make up your mind. I have a meeting with Seraph after this."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 26 days ago

Alien Angel

Terra watched as Quake quickly dispatched the supposed "soldiers" that were enforcing the law. Needless to say, Quake had things under control.

It was when their next "opponent" showed...an ice user it seemed.

But to Terra's horror, she watched as a shard pierced Quake's torso.

"QUAKE!", Terra called and quickly floated to her despite the room temperature rapidly dropping.

For Alien Angel, such ice cold torture or even extreme heat wasn't anything new. Even in her days as a lab rat, the "lab coats" as she called them subjected her to such tests just to see if her healing factor could hold up to it...and whether she liked it or not, it did.

Pushing those memories out, Terra quickly unslung her pink backpack and produced, of all things, a First Aid Kit it looked but the special symbol on it looked as if it was designed for super hero injury care.

"...Joseph...take care of Quake...I got first dibs on this cyromancer...any of the special equipment in there has instructions if you need help..."

Now, slinging the pink backpack on, she then approached Winterfall after he made his threatening speech.

"...so basically, were all dead...uh not yet...but after all the s*** I went through once upon a time...who knows? Maybe you can torture me worse than those lab coats playing god on me and so many others..."

On that, Alien Angel started floating only an inch off the ground but beared her claws...

Then suddenly flew right at Winterfall.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 days ago



This was turning out to be a really bad day, all things considered. He already had issues with flying, but the fact that they ended up getting shot down, crashing through a few walls in the process? Well, that really just slammed that last nail into the coffin...

Then came the guards, who while also annoying, didn't really give him that much time to react before Jamie took them down. This was perhaps the best outcome for them, as they had looked like a pretty decent way for Joseph to work out the frustration that had been building up inside over the last couple of hours. That being said, he managed to calm himself down when he reminded himself that these were just normal guards, who probably didn't even realise they were working for the bad guys here. He watched as one of them nearly tried to put up a fight, before realising just how bad his situation was and decided to drop back down again. With that last thought in mind, he was actually rather glad that he chose that path. On an unrelate note, it made it easier to take one of what he had to admit were some very nice guns.

However, he was interrupted before he could do so by the ding of the elevator, and looked over to see a scientist. Just from the way he moved, Joseph could tell he wasn't going to like this guy. Then again, maybe it was the way the temperature dropped significantly right before he entered. Even through all the layers of clothing that made up Joseph's general outfit, he could still feel the chill.

And then, with a flourish not unlike an actor on the stage, the man introduced himself as Winterfall, and shot a needle of ice through Jamie's stomach.

Joseph's eyes widened as he watched her stumble back, somehow managing to remain on her feet long enough to attempt a blast at the man before crumpling to the ground.

Joseph decided he would kill this man.

Before he could make a move however, he was interrupted once again. This time it came from Alien Angel, who threw him a first aid kit and told him to take care of Jamie, saying she had 'dibs' on Winterfall. Despite the fact that he really wanted to some rather painful things to the cryomancer, the vigilantes words managed to snap him out of his rage, at least temporarily, and he nodded.

"Be careful. I'll be back soon." He said, before gently scooping Jamie up in his arms and running behind the plane. It wasn't the best cover, but it didn't look like it was going to explode any time soon, and it was close enough that a quick dash got him behind it without getting hit by any needles Winterfall might have fired at him.

From there, he got to work. He laid Jamie on the ground as gently as he could manage, before quickly inspecting the damage. It was bloody, and the area she'd been shot through made it likely that it had pierced the small intestine. That meant that it would be all but impossible for him to heal her fully, first aid kit or not. He could temporarily stabilise her, give her an extra hour or two, but they needed to get her to a hospital as soon as possible, or she'd die. The thought alone was enough to terrify him, but he forced it down as he got started.

"Don't worry Jamie, you're gonna be fine. You'll be fine." He said, as much to himself as to her, as he tore the clothing around the entry points open just a little more. He then took his knife from it's sheath and cut the tip of his index finger, using the blood to draw a circle of runes around the wound. This runic array would help slow the bleeding by encouraging the blood to flow along the path it would normally follow, and hopefully this would extend to the contents of the intestine too. Once that was done, he took a tag from his chest pocket, and placed it directly over the wound. This array would help prevent infections, which would definitely be important with a hole in her intestine, and would also serve as a decent, though temporary substitute for a bandage. Finally, he wrote a second ring of runes around the first, which would numb the nerves around the area. They couldn't be numbed too much, or else it could cause complications with the messages they were meant to send between the brains and the organs, but at least it would be enough to slightly dull the pain.

And then he smiled sadly at Jamie.

"Sorry, but this is probably going to hurt." He said, before lifting her up again and laying her down again, this time on her stomach. Like before, he tried to make it as painless as he possibly could, but he'd seen what gut wounds could do to people, so he knew there was next to no way to make it any better than just 'mildly unbearable.' As much as he hated it though, it had to be done if he wanted to take care of the exit wound the same way. Thankfully, the second painkiller array would make the pain easier to handle, as long as she didn't move too much, and he turned her over onto her back once again.

"We'll get you out of here Jamie, I promise." He said, taking her hand and trying to look reassuring and confident despite the turmoil that was whirling around in his own gut. "After all, we still need to go see that movie!"

He hesitated for a moment, gave her hand a quick squeeze, before getting up and moving back towards the fight.

As he approached the fray, he could feel the emotions he'd been stifling until now beginning to re-emerge, this time with a vengeance. He let it happen, feeling any sign of the emotions he was feeling fading away, only to be replaced by a cold, silent fury.

Winterfall wanted to kill them. He nearly did kill Jamie. If they didn't finish this quick enough, he might still end up being successful.

Wide eyes focusing on the man in white, Joseph pulled a number of tags from one of his side pockets with one hand, his other taking hold of a black pistol from his belt and lifting it to aim squarely at the man. His plan was simple. Using his guns and his tags, he would kite his opponent into positions that left him open to Alien Angel's attacks, cut off any attempts to escape and, if he happened to end up escaping into the right spot, activate the runes painted onto the bullets, causing them to explode even while embedded in the wall. If Winterfall decided to turn his attention to him, his clothes had enough runes on them that he would likely be able to take a few hits before they actually started piercing the skin. He would have to incapacitate him fast though, hopefully using the surprise of the first failed attacks to catch him off guard. If he didn't, he'd end up dead regardless of how strong his runic defense was.

And so, with his plan in place, he flung the runes out to the side, all the fury he felt leaking into his voice as he uttered a single word.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Jamie watched, satisfied, as her move turned out just the way she wanted to. Although she hadn’t tried too hard, the prison guards went flying across the room, slamming to the ground in a crescendo of clatters and groans. A grin flashed across her face. It was always good to do something. When one of the guards stood, she put her hand out in a threatening manner, but he dropped back to the ground anyway. Good. She hadn’t really wanted to hurt anyone.

“Let’s go, you g-” she started, approaching the elevator, before it dinged and opened. A tall, pale man stood in the elevator. Suddenly, chills ran up Jamie’s back. Whether that was because this guy creeped her out (he did) or if the temperature had just dropped a few degrees (it had) alluded her. Her hands went up anyways. But then they went down again to rub her arms when the temperature dropped some more. Her teeth chattered. She glanced to the walls, covered in frost. Was this guy a Wing of Law, then? That had to be it. Bastard. She narrowed her eyes and held out her hands, ready to crush him.

She didn’t even see the shard of ice before it barreled into her stomach.

A sudden, horrible chill went right through her, and then the force of it knocked her straight to the ground. At first, Jamie thought she had been hit with a block of ice or a cold punch to the gut. Not that bad. Certainly more painful than a normal punch, but not that bad. Why was Angela screaming her name? She was alright. Fit to fight.

That was when Jamie looked down. Standing, the young woman caught sight of her stomach- ripped through and dark red with blood. She gasped, strangled, and touched her hand to it. Her pale, lily-white fingers came away stained dark-red. Had that guy just… shot her?! Over the years, Jamie had suffered a lot of injuries, but she had never once been shot.

That made her angry.

Narrowing her eyes and gritting her teeth through the intensifying pain, Jamie raised her hand and blasted Winterfall, eyes full of fury. But it didn’t even last one minute before she screamed and crumpled to the ground again, clutching her stomach. “AAH!” Her abdomen burned as she bled. This is it. This is how I die. All because of fucking Seraph and his little ice minion. She’d kill him if she could stand and use her power without screaming out again.

Joseph came running towards her almost as soon as she fell, scooping her up in his arms and setting her behind the plane. Her breath came out in gasps- not because of her injuries, but because of her panic. What Joseph said reassured her, though. He was smart. Of course he knew. “You’re sure? I don’t feel fine…” Jamie laughed, a high-pitched sound. She looked down at her wound, feeling woozy as she saw her blood again. But Joseph was doing something odd… “Why are you smearing your blood all over me?” she asked. The pain faded a little, not making her want to pass out now, and she sighed in relief. “You’re weird. You know that?”
“What’s gonna-” She didn’t finish her sentence, only gasped sharply. He flipped her onto her stomach, and she cried out once again. It hurt like a bitch, but she grit her teeth and tried to get through it. Besides, she was usually hurting anyways. “Why’d you have to do that?” she complained, face against the ground. “You’re really mean.” Of course, Jamie didn’t mean it, but a wound like that and all-encompassing pain didn’t exactly make her very cooperative.
Or nice.

She was flipped over again, leaned against the side of the plane. Strangely enough, Jamie felt… sleepy. Almost as if she was tired, but… she wasn’t. Jamie didn’t realize it, but she was sweating bullets (ha), too. Laying there, in her blood-soaked costume, she leaned her head against the cool metal of the Mini-Jet and smiled at Joseph, faint. “Duh. Of course I’ll be fine. Fight good for me, alright?” And with that, Joseph disappeared, leaving Jamie behind the jet, alone. She could hear the sounds of the fight behind her, and wanted to join in, but thought better of it. She was out of the game, for now.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Yeah, it's not looking great." Tom said, sighing and shaking his head, flicking some goo off of his body absentmindedly as he stood there. He still couldn't believe Blake. Those Wings of Law bastards had obviously done something to him. Tom just hoped that it was something that could be reversed. If his best friend became evil forever, Tom would be very very upset. All those good times and memories vanished due to some fucked up brainwashing. He nodded at Grace, agreeing. "Yeah, you're right, we need to go and find the others." He followed Grace, about to take her hand again when the door suddenly and dramatically swept open, and in walked a very angry looking Priestess.

"Oh, shit-" Tom began to say, preparing himself to take Priestess down, but Grace took it upon herself to leap into action with a ferocity that he had not seen from her before - but he definitely liked. Priestess was sucked up into a large portal, her yells being muffled by the chirping and caws of birds coming from beyond the portal. Then it closed, and Priestess was gone, now enjoying some quality time with some furry friends. Tom looked up at the tropical birds, very impressed. Then he felt a hug envelop him from the side, and he looked down at Grace, a totally smitten look on his face as she told him how amazing she thought he was.

Tom smiled, and was just about to reply, when Grace suddenly fell asleep. Tom was so surprised that he almost dropped her, quickly grabbing her again a second later. "What the hell?" Tom exclaimed, just as a man walked into the room. A very (very) tall, very (very!) creepy looking man. Tom instantly knew that this man was not good news. He tenderly laid Grace down on the floor before standing up angrily, already prepared for the fight. "You get your fucking head out of my girlfriend's mind, and go back to Zero, or I'll beat the hell from you." Tom paused, assuming the man was referring to Grace. "I'm not fighting her! So you can just fuck-"

And then Blake walked in.

Tom was stunned, but he probably shouldn't have been. He should have known that Blake would not be far behind them after he shot their ship down. But he was still shocked. Blake looked... Weird. He looked creepy. It looked like someone had taken Blake, cloned him but taken away all of the positive things about him. Brainwashing was only temporary, right? He could get through to Blake. They had known each other for 4 years, if anyone could get through to Blake right now, it was surely Tom. "Blake..." Tom began. "This isn't you dude, they've done some fucked up stuff to your mind... It's me, Tom, your best friend! Come on, snap out of it, and turn on that asshole behind you!" Tom pleaded.

But it was obviously not working, because Blake began to raise his hands, and Tom knew what was coming next. Tom quickly scooped Grace off the floor in his arms and flew out of the way just in time before a massive blast of fire blew past them. Tom put Grace as close to the wall as he could, before looking around frantically for something to use. There was still a lot of that safety gel on the floor. He quickly floated over, lifting a bunch up into a massive, man-sized clump, before sending it flying at Blake, while Tom flipped onto the wall and ran along it towards him.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rumi continued pointing the taser at the unfortunate goon for a moment, then sighed and disassembled the weapon back into the OMNI's arm. "Stay out of trouble," Rumi advised him as he walked over to Cora. When Rumi heard the beeping, he instinctively activated Overclock to give him some time to think. Cora had activated a booby trap, a trip mine by the sounds of it. Even with Overclock enhancing the OMNI's speed, it wasn't possible to move fast enough to shield her from the blast. All Rumi could do was hope that the mine wasn't strong enough to severely damage Cora's body. After she slammed into the wall, the OMNI darted to her side and performed a quick diagnostic scan. "I'm fine, the blast didn't even reach me. I'm more worried about you," Rumi replied. It seemed the right side of her body took most of the damage, and fortunately, the damage was minimal. Her right arm was still operational, but it wouldn't last long in any strenuous situations. Repairs would be simple, but would also take time they didn't have right now.

Rumi looked out at the hallway, wondering who the hell built this building to be so nonsensical. A hallway filled with traps on this high a floor seemed so incredibly nonsensical to him. He couldn't imagine what this tower would be guarding that it would need to have explosive traps installed into it. And what was that solitary Wings of Law member doing in here, anyway? The OMNI knelt down and placed its left hand on the ground, the arm detaching itself from the elbow. It then broke down into a pile of nanobots and reassembled themselves into a group of small, four-legged drones. The OMNI's visor also began to glow blue, having switched to an x-ray vision-like filter to more easily see any hidden traps. Once one of the drones found a trap, it would detach a piece of a leg and have the nanobots enter the trap and disable its trigger mechanisms, then move on to repeat the process.

"This will pave a way for us," Rumi said, the OMNI turning its head to look at Cora. "I'll go first this time. This machine is just a little more expendable than you, and the last thing I need to see is for you to ruin that pretty face of yours again."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Negotiations, unfortunately, did not turn out as planned. Chad nearly jumped as a wave of water flew from behind Sea Serpent, smashing into Starbright. As the wave shifted course towards Chad, the younger hero barely had time to start running - he didn't make it far before being caught up by the current, however. Whether it was because he was shocked by the sudden attack and didn't move fast enough, or the poor traction caused by the rain, it didn't really matter. Whatever the reason, he was now stuck in a giant ball of water - that's what mattered.

Chad, luckily, had the time to hold his breath before being submerged. If he hadn't, things would have been a bit worse for him. Of course, holding his breath didn't buy him much time. Even as an athlete who trained his lungs to help him run faster, Chad never held his breath longer than 3 minutes before, and the last time he got close to 3 minutes he nearly passed out and got yelled at by his mom-

Now wasn't the time to be thinking about pointless things. The sphere of water he was trapped within was moved over the edge of the helipad, hovering over open air. Chad displayed a surprisingly calm reaction as he realized the chance of him dying within the next few minutes were incredibly high. He expected the chances of him dying to be really high - that's what he was warned about several times, both in his Psychological evaluations as well as from actual heroes.

But dying right now, hovering over the side of a building while drowning... That was kinda lame, right? Even if it was Sea Serpent's Signature Move, Chad always imagined THE BULLET being killed in a blaze of sacrificial glory, and to later have a statue built after him in a park. And since this was his first official mission, he definitely wasn't going to get a cool statue after dying from this...

Maybe he was actually super freaked out by dying, and his coping mechanism was thinking about incredibly stupid crap? Chad was focused on something else now - How to escape. The Problem: He was hanging in a ball of water, controlled by one of the strongest Hydrokinetics in the country, and was hundreds of feet above the ground. His backup was Starbright, who while incredibly powerful, couldn't fly and save Chad from falling to his death. Chad was unable to swim, and not only that, everything Sea Serpent and Starbright were saying was distorted to the point Chad couldn't understand clearly.

Chad assessed his situation within 9 seconds. He lucked out in that regard - time was his biggest enemy right now. And it left time for the much harder part - finding a way to survive. Chad's vision was a little distorted by the water, but he could see decently enough. Starbright was saying something that Chad couldn't make out. Maybe he could use that as a distraction? Activating his power, Chad tried swinging his arms and legs as hard as he could to escape.

It was almost disheartening how pathetic his attempt was. Maybe if he actually knew how to swim and Sea Serpent wasn't so skilled Chad could have escaped so simply, but flailing like a toddler just ended up burning precious seconds of oxygen. Now Chad definitely wasn't going to last 3 minutes in here. It didn't cross Chad's mind, but it was probably for the best his escape failed - he would have ended up falling to his death, or grabbed onto the ledge of the helipad only to be trapped again. Chad continued to look around - if Sea Serpent noticed his failed escape attempt, he couldn't see her reaction. Chad was about to begin pretending that he was already drowning, if only to get Sea Serpent to skip her monologue (she's a villain now, and villains have to have monologues!) and show his 'corpse' off or something.

However, something caught his eye - one of the minijets was partially sticking out of the wall of the building. It was a pretty big distance to fall, and Chad would have to try really hard if he realistically wanted to land on it. But falling a few dozen feet was far better to falling hundreds - if Chad was lucky, he might even avoid breaking any bones. And even if he wasn't lucky, landing there at all would mean he was closer to allies, who would be able to help him if he lost consciousness from the fall. And Sea Serpent probably wouldn't expect Chad to try and swim towards his death - maybe she would even let him, thinking he was trying to kill himself? Objectively speaking, that was the best plan he had thought of thus far.

Chad didn't do it. He had no intention of doing it either, in fact. That would be running away - and while Tactical Retreats were perfectly fine for heroes, running away was only something villains did! Starbright hadn't left yet because he knew that, and leaving Chad alone against Sea Serpent wasn't something a hero would do. Chad wouldn't be able to race back to Starbright if he landed on the minijet - not only was there a high chance he'd break his leg, but he'd have to run through floors that almost certainly have guards.

It's been just over 30 seconds. Chad only had one option left open - or, at least only one he had managed to think of. He just had to survive long enough for Starbright to defeat or distract Sea Serpent. If given a chance, and he used his power well enough, he might be able to launch himself to the ledge of the helipad. Chad tried to slow down his racing mind - he overthought things when he was in a bad situation. And right now, the last thing he needed was to stress himself out. Chad could feel a slight strain in his chest begin to form. How much longer would his breath last - a minute and 30 seconds? Maybe two minutes, if he could slow his heart down. Chad would have to hope Starbright could somehow distract or defeat Sea Serpent.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Alpha / K Nine

Pandora narrowed her ears at this girl who dared question her. "I told you," She said severely. Pandora took a step forward and extended her thumb and index finger forward. With a matter of moments the air between her thumb and index finger condensed into an ice cube, and the ice cube changed into the shape of a coin, and then a few seconds later it became a genuine copper penny. "I can do whatever I want." She concluded. "Take anything, and turn it into something else. In this instance, turn concrete into liquid and then back again wherever I go, allowing me to swim through the very Earth itself." Her eyes glittered, in not a nice way, with the possibilities of her fate-granted powers.

Patricia gulped and shifted around where she was sitting, refusing to meet Pandora’s mildly threatening glare. On second thought, maybe she shouldn't have asked. Even though Pandora’s power was kind of cool to watch. “Alright, I get it…” she muttered. She was still a bit curious, but she supposed she’d just have to look Pandora up on the employee database or maybe ask Christina later. There were about a million burning questions swirling around in her head, but she supposed that asking anything else wouldn’t go well.

Wanting to change topics back to the mission, Patricia looked out into the street and across the way to Club 27. “We should probably get moving into the building soon,” she whispered. “It’s only a matter of time before Chief Woofs or someone else finds our little hiding spot over here.” Patricia ducked back behind the dumpster. “Everybody’s ready?”

”...standing by...will talk to Bulldog...maybe I can use my enhanced senses to locate that secret room...if any...just so you know...I trust you all...I put my CPD and HERO badge in your hands…”, K Nine monotoned.

Pandora crossed her arms, sighing and nodding at Alpha. "All right," She said, rubbing her chin. "Go talk to Bulldog, distract him, like I said. It might be a little awkward at first but just take one for the team. I’ll probably stumble into the secret room while I’m swimming around." Pandora continued, but it was almost like she was talking to herself towards the end.

Blinking, she looked at everyone else in the group. "We need to find safe spot so I can make a hole in the wall. Let’s try an alley between the club and another building, with as few sightlines as possible." She said.

“Okay…” Patricia looked at both ways out of the alleyway. One, of course, went directly out into the street in front of Club 27. They could technically sprint across, she guessed, but they would probably be right in front of the cops if they did that, and the chance of getting caught was a bit high for comfort. The other way, though, led out to another major street. It would be easier to snake around and get to the club without getting caught that way, even though it’d take a bit and they’d be out in the open for longer.

After thinking for a short moment, Patricia raised her head. “We should go out that way.” She pointed to their left, to the street unoccupied by cops. “Sprinting for it probably isn’t the best idea, so we can just walk on the sidewalk and snake around to the back of the club and get in from there.” Patricia smiled, smug. She had finally had a good idea! Now it was just time for the execution. “We should get going,” she said, glancing at the street again. “It looks safe.”

”I feel no extra vibrations across the ground from automobiles, nor hear any other voices. Whoever is in this closed off section of the block, is who will remain, so long as nothing drastic happens. Samson reopened his eyes after focusing on his surroundings. With that said, it was clear that he was willing to go along with the plan with no issues.

Following Patricia’s suggestion to take the road that his back was initially facing, Sam nodded in agreement, leading the way to the outside of the alley.

"Very well then. Let’s get a fuckin’ move on," She mumbled that last part, swearing like an old habit. The group, with Alpha’s assistance and Samson’s advanced perception, navigated their way stealthily to the walls of Club 27. An isolated spot, the western wall with the narrowest alley. Confirming with Sam that there was no one directly on the other side of the wall, Pandora stuck her pretty face directly through the break. She barely emerged from the other side. Going by the implements on the outside of the building, it was as she predicted. It was the ladies restroom. Perfect. Pandora took a step back, cockily rolled her neck, and clawed her fingers into the brick wall. She turned it all into wet paper and tore it easily away in a matter of moments. The way was clear. She ushered Patricia and Samson inside, Alpha most likely having gone the front way. She sealed her entrance way shut and wiped her hands clean.

"Right. Here we are. Righty-o, Aria. Kanati and I will start bagging and dragging these cops. An isolated bathroom around a turn or two is just what we need. Samson, signal to me when you’ve captured one but can’t deliver it to Aria. I’ll drag him back here." She spoke in a hushed tone. "Most of these pigs can’t even see their toes when they’re standing up straight, so I doubt they’ll be able to see us coming." She joked mean-spiritedly.

Patricia snorted at Pandora’s comment. She was leaning against the golden bathroom stall, which was, as far as she could tell, quite literally made of gold. The women’s bathroom in Club 27 had smooth, pristine white marble flooring and gold-brushed stalls. Fancy for a bathroom. There was shrubbery and even a leather sofa by the door, and the room had a pleasant smell to it.

“Alright, then.” Patricia nodded at Sam and Pandora. “I’ll just hide in here while you guys go kidnap some cops. Hopefully nobody else will wander in here, but I can always just do a little bit of mind control. No biggie. I’ll be fine.” She fiddled with her water-logged, dripping hair as she spoke, wringing the rainwater out. Droplets fell onto the tile. “Just… please be careful. I know that you know what you’re doing, but one fuck-up could blow this whole thing and get us all shot full of isolene and carted off to god knows where.” Patricia took a shaky breath in. They were going to get out of this insane operation alive. They had to. “You two should get going now. There’s only so long that we’ll be able to keep this up without being caught, so we need to be quick. Good luck. I’ll be here.”

Pandora nodded and peaked through the walls at floor height to get a peak. With Alpha’s help, the path was clear, and Kanati would be able to begin his stealth in the furniture laden rooms and lounges of Club 27. There would be many places for him to hide and attack from. Meanwhile, Pandora sank into the floor. She could strike from anywhere, at any moment, pulling police officers under the ground silently. She was the first to bring an unconscious officer to the ladies bathroom, his body flopping out of the tile and in front of the teenager lying in wait. She was smiling brightly, excited about something for the first time in a long time.

"Here," She said simply. "Make sure this one doesn’t wake up." She was still in the ground up to her waist.

Patricia, sitting on the couch, jumped with surprise. “Aah!” she yelped, quietly. She hadn’t been expecting Pandora to just… pop out of the floor like that with a body. She stared at the cop and at Pandora for a second, startled. “Christ, you scared me…” She squatted down, looking at the officer laid out in front of her. With care not to wake him, she finessed the bulky headphones he was wearing off his ears, casting them to the side. If he woke up, she wanted him to be able to hear her sing. She looked back up at Pandora after doing this. “...Okay. I’ll just put him back to sleep if he does.”

As Pandora left, Patricia sat down on the leather couch again and watched the man lying on the floor. It occurred to her that, in a few minutes, she’d likely have a host of sleeping cops lying around.

That would be weird.

Then, Pandora sunk back under the waves of the sparkling bathroom, vanishing from sight. When Kanati subdued an opponent, he could signal for Pandora to approach and ferry them under the surface. One by one, a collection began to form in the bathroom. It was, at least in Pandora’s opinion, quite funny.

"You holding up in here, love?" Pandora asked on her eleventh drop off. The term of endearment was said in an offhand way. For the first time since they had met, Pandora seemed to be in a good mood. "I think one of them is about to radio and check in. Do you think you could wake one up and get him to answer his radio? Give the Sergeant the all clear?" She asked.
In Patricia’s eyes, the piling up of the cops in the bathroom was also pretty funny. But, in a way, she felt guilty, too. But they’d wake up soon, she reassured herself. For most of the time that Pandora and Kanati were gone, she sat on the leather couch, staring at the eleven or so people she was keeping unconscious. It was boring. Unused to not having her phone on her, Patricia thirsted for her headphones or some Instagram to browse through or something. Like clockwork, every few minutes one would wake up, and she’d have to rush over and sing them back to sleep before they made a peep. So far, nothing had happened. She’d had a few close calls, but everything was as it should be.

Patricia didn’t jump when Pandora entered this time. She was, however, a bit taken off guard with the term of endearment. Love? That was odd. The woman had been a bit more than bristly towards her since the beginning, but now she seemed to be in a super good mood. Odd. Did knocking people out put her in a good mood? The cop flopped down next to one of the ones she had just hypnotized to sleep, and Patricia once again squatted down and took off his headphones. She shrugged at Pandora’s question, not meeting her eyes. “I’m a fugitive hanging out in the ladies’ room with eleven unconscious cops. What’s not to like?” she quipped, dry. “It’s going fine. They keep waking up, though, so I have to keep hypnotizing them. Which is good, because that means you didn’t give them permanent brain damage.” She stood back up, tossing the headphones into the corner with the rest of them. Her eyes met Pandora’s, and she wrapped her arms around her own waist. “You’re sure nobody is noticing their coworkers up and disappearing?” she asked, doubt in her voice. She couldn’t imagine that no one was noticing- she’d sure notice if she was doing work and then turned around and her friends were gone. “One phone-in and I’m toast. We’re toast.”

“You want me to- you want me to what?” Pandora’s next question took Patricia off guard. She immediately started to sweat. This would either go really well or they would be arrested.

"You know, radio in, or something." Pandora said nonchalantly, pretending to be unaware of Patricia’s nervousness. "Break radio silence, so no one gets suspicious."

“Okay. Okay. I'll just, um, uh…” She searched the room for a suitable officer, kneeling down next to what she thought was the sixth or seventh one who had landed. She had already woken up and been put back to sleep, so Patricia was confident she could wake her. With a grunt and a heave, Patricia turned the woman onto her back. The officer was a short, young woman with brown hair pulled into a bun. The name badge on her chest said Burke. “I’m going to wake her up and have her give the call. If you’re gonna stay, do me a favor and pop your earbuds in. You know, the ones I gave you like half an hour ago?”

Then, with great care, Patricia clamped her hand over the woman’s mouth and shook her awake. “Hey. Hey! Wake up.” This was the riskiest part, Patricia knew, so it was vital that the woman not make any noise. The cop’s eyes fluttered open, groggy at first, but then wide-eyed and panicked. Within seconds, she began to struggle, reaching for her taser and pistol, but wasn’t fast enough to stop the power of Patricia’s singing from washing over her. With a single, prolonged note, Officer Burke’s eyes grew dim, and she relaxed. Patricia kept the hand over her mouth, but she smiled, thin-lipped. This was one of her favorite feelings, even though it made her feel guilty. Using her power was exhilarating. “You’re safe,” Patricia told the officer. The woman nodded. “I’m your friend. I didn’t do anything. You want to help me.” Officer Burke nodded again, eyes wide and calm. “Good. I’m glad you think so too. Don’t speak unless I tell you to, and only say what I tell you to say. Don’t tell anyone I or anyone else besides yourself and the other police officers are here. Don’t scream, don’t make any noise louder than what someone outside could hear. Don’t leave the room. Don’t attack me or my friend here.” She pointed to Pandora. “Don’t do anything unless I tell you to. Understood? Tell me if you understand. Yes or no.” Patricia removed her hand, finishing with the rattling off of commands. It sounded as if she did this a lot.

The woman, wide-eyed and looking dazed, nodded. “Yes, I understand.”

Patricia smiled and patted the officer on the head. “Good. Now pick up that radio there,” she pointed to the officer’s radio, which she promptly picked up, “and switch to the channel or dial the number or whatever for Sergeant Bulldog. You know, the cop that looks like a dog? Call him.”

Officer Burke looked a bit confused at first, but switched to the channel anyways.

Officer Bulldog’s gruff voice came over the radio. “Burke, glad you’re checking in. Can you give me the code we agreed on? To ensure that there’s no mind control going on over there?”

Patirica nearly short-circuited, having no idea what the hell to say. After a second to think (she really only had that), she leaned in to tell Officer Burke, “Tell him the code.”

“The code,” Burke repeated, and Patricia felt her brain explode.

“...” There was an awkward silence on the other end.

Seeing no other alternative, Patricia snatched the walkie-talkie from Officer Burke, holding it up to her own face. “Tell me the code,” she hissed, and Officer Burke gave her it in a dazed, dull voice. It was pineapple. She took a deep breath in and began to speak. Oh God. This has to work. “Sorry, Sergeant!” she said, in a strangely modulated female voice. “You know Officer Burke! She’s such a joker. This is, um…” She gazed around the room, settling on a female officer. “Officer Miller! The code’s pineapple. I’ll just give it back to Officer Burke now…” Patricia made a sharp exhale, her eyes bugging out, before passing it back to Officer Burke.

The conversation continued much like it had before, with Patricia whispering the responses in Officer Burke’s ear and the woman spitting them back out at Bulldog. Thankfully, there wasn’t another mishap, and they ended off the radio call with Officer Bulldog thinking everything was fine.

Once it was over, Patricia leaned back and groaned, and then sighed with relief. “God, you cops are really stupid, aren’t you? You won’t remember any of this. Go back to sleep.” She waved her hand, and the woman fell back into dreamland.

“I did it. Happy now?” Patricia looked back at Pandora, who had just witnessed that entire trainwreck. “God, okay… well, you keep doing your thing. That went okay. Nobody’ll come in any time soon, we’ve got time.”

Pandora was resting her chin in the palm of her hand, grimacing. She had removed one earplug. "Whuf. Hard to watch, that was." She commented plainly, smirking smugly.

“Oh, shut up. Mind control is really complex, you know!” Patricia crossed her arms and huffed. “Don’t you have something to like, go do?”

Pandora shrugged, turning her palm upward in a confused gesture. "What’s so hard about it? Just tell them what to do and they do it, Officer Miller." She poked.

Patricia rolled her eyes, and stood up from the ground. “Oh yeah, because you’ve so mind-controlled someone before, woman who moves through walls and flooring. Most people are stupid. They think you say one thing when you mean another.” A smirk. “Same thing would happen if I tried it on you. I won’t, obviously, but it would.”

Pandora leaned forward, somehow, even though she was sticking halfway out the ground. She put her hand up as if to tell Patricia to stop. "Wait wait wait," She chuckled. "Are you blaming the people that you mind control for their misinterpreting your commands? You are literally subverting their free will." She snapped her fingers, looking for an apt analogy. "It-it’s like playing one of those video games, and blaming the little man on the screen for losing. You are in complete control. If one wants to stop the stupidity one must look only to the source, yes? I have no doubt that if you were me, I would look like an idiot." Pandora responded, getting a kick out of all this. She didn’t seem bothered in the slightest that they were on a ticking clock, that Kanati and Alpha were out there in the sharks den surrounded by enemies. This was just a good use of her limited time as anything else.

Patricia blushed, flustered and defensive. She crossed her arms and uncrossed them, stuttering. “W-well, I… yes! They’re not just avatars, they’re people too, they’re just people that have to do everything I tell them to. Basically, if we use a computing analogy, all I’m doing is reprogramming them to do what I tell them to. That doesn’t overwrite any of the previous code. I can be unspecific at times, but… well, that’s how it works.” Patricia then realized what Pandora had really implied, and turned even brighter with anger. “Are you calling me stupid?! I’m not- I’m not- you don’t know what you’re talking about!” She gave her best death glare, wanting to stick out her tongue but feeling as though it might make her come across as even more immature.

Pandora chuckled, clearly getting a kick out of all this. She winced sardonically, like Patricia’s death glare actually had a physical effect on her. "No, I’m not calling you stupid. You are calling you stupid." She explained with Level Four condescension, using simplified grammar like she was talking to a child. Now she began to slowly lower herself into the ground, with the intention of accusing Patricia of wasting her valuable time if the teenager tried to get the last word in.

Pandora’s work insulting Patricia was certainly paying off. Patricia, in typical fashion, fumed. She had never regarded herself as a genius, but she did regard herself as an intelligent person. Had to be to use her power. “No I’m- no I’m not! You’re just… not smart enough to understand what I’m saying. You’re the stupid one.” Patricia crossed her arms, triumphant with her insult that was effectively “no u”. She then did stick out her tongue.

Pandora submerged as Patricia talked, and then re-emerged, looking confused. "What?" She asked. ”Sorry, I went underground. I don’t know if you know this, but I’m kind of in the middle of something here." She replied.

“We all are!” Patricia whisper-yelled, growing irate. “Maybe you shouldn’t insult my intelligence while we’re in the middle of a covert oper-”

"Shhh! We’re in the middle of a covert operation!” Pandora interrupted Patricia, looking earnest all of the sudden. ”Do you want them to hear you? Be quiet. I have to go. Stay focused, Aria." She looked at her pointedly. She rolled her eyes, as if she couldn’t believe she had to put up with all this nonsense, before sinking back below the bathroom floor and vanishing from view.

“I-I- argh!” After Pandora disappeared, Patricia made a quiet noise halfway between a roar and a yell, and sat back down on the leather couch. She crossed her arms and bubble with rage. She’d watch over her group of unconscious cops until someone told her she could leave. Until then, she’d sit there and seethe.

Meanwhile, Kanati stalked the halls. So far, Pandora’s plan was going successfully, though there was still an issue in terms of finding this secret room. There were only so many places it could actually be. He had long removed his ear-plugs and had been hearing everything up to this point; the voices of policemen, Alpha and Bulldog, as well as some of Pandora and Patricia’s back and forth.

So far, though, the only thing that seemed to irk him truly, was the distant sound of a draft. Like air coming in through a vent separate from the rest of the club. Likely where the room of interest was. As he was nearing the sound, which was definitely coming from somewhere in one of the next two rooms, two sets of foot falls came from behind.

Going by the ear being the left mostly, he could tell that they were soon turning the corner. In turn Kanati immediately jumped up and planted his fingers into the ceiling, pulling his feet up into something of a ball. Hanging upside down, the giant watched a pair of cops walk beneath him, looking around. Clearly they had heard him, and then his hair drooped down just in their eyeshot. Just as they looked up, the hunter dropped.

Landing on one of them directly, he snatched the other down by the face with one arm. Covering the officer’s eyes with two fingers and clamping their mouth shut with the other two, Kanati had the officer pinned to his chest, the struggling being not much more than an annoyance. For a moment, he waited to assure no other approaching sounds. With relative silence in this area being the response, he caught a glimpse of the officer beneath his knee trying to go for his radio. With his free hand, he plucked the man in the temple with just enough force to knock him out.

Gauging how to get them out of eyesight, Sam picked a room and dragged the officers to the door. It was locked...One forceful twist of the knob and a busted lock later, he was inside. The sound of the vent was much louder now. The pinned cop’s struggling had only gotten worse as they desperately tried to break free, but to no avail. The hunter’s annoyance level had reached enough of a peak though to pluck that one to sleep as well.

Now able to focus on where the sound was coming from, Sam planted an ear to the ground. It was definitely there, though he couldn’t hear anyone inside initially. Standing up and looking around the small, somewhat out of place office space, in a club no less, he walked around the computer desk. He could only guess that from movies there had to be some sort of special code to reveal the secret location. However, he also caught sight of a closet door. Knowing full well that this was the room, Sam kept in mind that there could be some traps laying about. Likely a good measure for their Spirit woman to investigate.

Thus, leaving the two cops behind the computer desk in the room, Sam knocked on the ground to get Pandora’s attention. Perhaps now they’d actually get an idea as to what was going on.

A few moments passed and the woman emerged partially from the floor. She glanced around, looking for unconscious or captured cops. ”Think we finished all of them. You get these two?" She asked rhetorically. Clearly, he had.

Pandora looked up at him expectantly, raising an eyebrow. There must be something else.

The giant eyed the ginger with a wandering soul, pointing to the ground. “What we are looking for is below.”

Pandora raised both eyebrows, making a faux- impressed face. "Yes, I see. I shall report to Aria." She mimicked his cadence temporarily before vanishing under the surface. A few moments later, she reappeared in the ladies bathroom.

"That’ll do it then, Officer Miller. Job done. Kanati found the room, and everyone in the building is now in this room." She debriefed Patricia. For the first time in a bit, she clambered out of the floor and stood on her bare feet, twisting her back a little.

Patricia gave her best glare. “It’s Patricia.” But she stood from the couch anyways, walking over to Pandora and standing beside her. For the last half hour or so, she had just been watching the sleeping cops, and she was bored. Singing and saying “sleep” was getting old. So, finally, they were going into the secret room. Whatever was in there, well… Patricia had a feeling they were in for a fight. “Awesome,” she said, dry as to not show the nervousness coursing through her veins. “Let’s go.”

Pandora led her out, through the empty lobby, and into the room Kanati had indicated. She gave Alpha a thumbs up along the way and wove for him to follow, aswell.

Once they were all gathered, she looked to Kanati. "Below, is it?" She asked, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck.

Patricia waved to Kanati. “Hey, Sam! Thanks for helping out, again. You might wanna put your earbuds back in before we get in there- and that goes for all of you. I think there might be something we’ll have to fight in there.”

With everything settled, Pandora kneeled to the ground and placed her fingers in the carpet of the office space. Sticking her tongue out one side of her mouth as she focused, the floor sank down and opened up in a strange, liquidy way. The hole grew and grew and Pandora followed with it, eventually sitting down entirely like she was sliding. The decline was at an angle, and one shallow enough to climb on with only a little effort. There were little places to grip one’s hands and feet, as well.

When the tunnel was done, Patricia gulped, staring into the darkness. She was a bit scared to go into the secret room, but it was necessary, she knew. They need to find more evidence. Now or never. She glanced to the rest of the group and, seeing no one else going for it, she stepped into the tunnel and walked down after Pandora. They emerged in the basement after less than thirty seconds, standing before the secret room.

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