"When there's darkness and blizzards all around you, that's when your inner fire should blaze the brightest!"
Hestia Quintell
Twenty-three years old.
Rose gold
147 lbs
Even though Hestia comes from place with a cold climate, she hardly ever wears sweaters and coats. She's most often seen wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck with an amber teardrop necklace and some simple denim jeans. When in sub-zero temperatures, she's sometimes forced to wear a long, white fur coat that reaches behind her knees, though she always removes this when in battle.
During the summer, she's seen wearing tanktops, dresses, short shorts, sneakers, and other outdoorsy choices of clothing.
Rose gold
147 lbs
Even though Hestia comes from place with a cold climate, she hardly ever wears sweaters and coats. She's most often seen wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck with an amber teardrop necklace and some simple denim jeans. When in sub-zero temperatures, she's sometimes forced to wear a long, white fur coat that reaches behind her knees, though she always removes this when in battle.
During the summer, she's seen wearing tanktops, dresses, short shorts, sneakers, and other outdoorsy choices of clothing.
Hestia is a flamboyant young woman-- an individual with what seems like an endless source of energy. She appears to be passionate about everything, no matter what it is, and her curiosity often drives her to be overbearing and overeager. Among the rest of the gym leaders, she is arguably one of the most active in the public eye, and can usually be seen roaming around Galar on her off time. Despite her fiery attitude, along with her being a giant show off, Hestia is actually quite friendly and accepting of those who respect her.
Ambition is one of the things that drives Hestia past her boiling point much of the time. She strives to be the future champion and while she admires the rest of her colleagues, she believes she has the potential to be a better champion than all of them could be. Because of this, she often challenges them to battles. When she loses such a battle, her fiery attitude sometimes melts away; there have been times where she hides away in Circhester after a defeat, even after battles with aspiring Gym Challenge trainers.
Hestia was born in Circhester to a very loving couple. Her father was a humble lowland farmer, while her mother worked as a nurse's assistant at the local Pokemon Center. Because of this, her parents were almost always busy-- but luckily, she had her elder brothers to play and go on adventures with. Her eldest brother, Kenneth, always brought her along when her two other brothers were reluctant to take care of their little sister. Kenneth was the one that taught her a lot of what she currently knows about Pokemon-- where they're found, what they like to eat, and how to take care of them. When her parents were around, they would further explain what Kenneth taught her, which earned her quite the knowledge of Pokemon when she was around eleven or twelve.
It was when she was fourteen that she told her parents that she wasn't interested in being a farmer or a nurse. Instead, she wanted to go on her own journey and begin the Gym Challenge herself. While disappointed, they decided that they would let Hestia follow her dreams and strive for something greater. Unfortunately, Kenneth stayed behind, but gave her a parting gift; a very heavy Pokemon egg. And so, Hestia was off on her journey.
During her travels, Hestia had discovered that, while she had been surrounded by Ice-Type Pokemon all of her life, she had little to no interest in their fighting style. They were too delicate and fancy, more like glass cannons than anything. As her rivals began to pick and choose what typings to focus on, she found that she harbored a deep passion for Fire-Types-- their fiery attitudes and behaviors inspired to keep on pushing on, no matter what the cost. And, as if premediated by some otherworldly force, Kenneth's egg hatched to reveal a Charmander inside. With her team of Fire-Types, Hestia quite literally blazed up the ranks, and many thought that she would crush her rivals and take the spot of the current Champion herself.
The time came when her final challenge laid at her feet. Hestia was certain of her future victory, and her mind became filled with visions of grandeur and celebration. What would she do when she was Champion? Would she have time for fun and games? Or would she have to spend much of her time making public appearances and announcements and interviews? No matter the case, she was excited for what the future held for her. Unfortunately for her, this momentary bliss would not come through to reality. She lost in the final battle against her rival, and was left in the dust.
Hestia returned home to Circhester and spent a long time working with her mother at the Pokemon Center. Even though her spirit had been crushed, helping her mom out with her job and getting to lend a hand to injured Pokemon calmed her down a little. Years passed, and as Hestia grew older, she also became very bored with her job. Deep inside, a passion was being reignited. Spending much of her free time around her Pokemon only fueled it further, and after a long time of thinking, she decided to set out again. However, this time she had a clear goal in mind-- instead of becoming a champion, she could be a Gym Leader.
She spent about four years out on the field and honing her skills with Fire-Type Pokemon before she came back to Circhester to start a Fire-Type Gym. Currently, Hestia lives by herself within the same city, though she is usually not found there when she has free time away from her duties as a Gym Leader.
Apollo (Gigantimax Charizard)- Apollo is one of Hestia's main team's combatants, and he pretty much knows it. He has a cocky, arrogant attitude that can be hard to deal with at times.
Hades (Houndoom)- Despite being a Fire-Type, Hades is quite calm and aloof in temperament and is quite literally Hestia's shadow.
Dazzler (Salazzle)- Dazzler is quite the voracious eater and always demands attention-- because of this, she's almost as flamboyant and flashy as Hestia is. She has a bitter rivalry with Apollo.
Spitfire (Pyroar)- Spitfire is another of Hestia's Pokemon that has something to prove. As her trainer's youngest Pokemon, she has a little difficulty following directions, but is very affectionate towards her partners.
Sunburst (Volcarona)- Possibly the most quiet and timid Pokemon on Hestia's teams. He doesn't like fighting, but he always wants cuddles. It's a good thing that he's so fluffy and warm.
Nova (Flareon)- Nova is another of Hestia's Pokemon that constantly demands attention, but he's rather calm and is a perfect lap Pokemon.
Hades (Houndoom)- Despite being a Fire-Type, Hades is quite calm and aloof in temperament and is quite literally Hestia's shadow.
Dazzler (Salazzle)- Dazzler is quite the voracious eater and always demands attention-- because of this, she's almost as flamboyant and flashy as Hestia is. She has a bitter rivalry with Apollo.
Spitfire (Pyroar)- Spitfire is another of Hestia's Pokemon that has something to prove. As her trainer's youngest Pokemon, she has a little difficulty following directions, but is very affectionate towards her partners.
Sunburst (Volcarona)- Possibly the most quiet and timid Pokemon on Hestia's teams. He doesn't like fighting, but he always wants cuddles. It's a good thing that he's so fluffy and warm.
Nova (Flareon)- Nova is another of Hestia's Pokemon that constantly demands attention, but he's rather calm and is a perfect lap Pokemon.
Quiver (Talonflame)- Quiver is an aloof Talonflame, having had quite the hard time as a wild Pokemon in his past. He doesn't really know how to have fun.
Torch (Centiskorch)- Quiver's rival, and a rather grumpy Fire-type. He hates being bested, no matter if there's type advantages or not.
Aries (Arcanine)- He's a bit lazy, but gets the work done when he has to.
Ignis (Pyroar)- Spitfire's brother. He's more down-to-earth than she is, and they often swap spots between one another depending on how Hestia wants to handle her battles.
Vulcan (Typhlosion)- A huge sweetheart and probably the Pokemon who sucks up to Hestia the most. He's a little protective over her, and gets jealous when he sees others get too close to her.
Torch (Centiskorch)- Quiver's rival, and a rather grumpy Fire-type. He hates being bested, no matter if there's type advantages or not.
Aries (Arcanine)- He's a bit lazy, but gets the work done when he has to.
Ignis (Pyroar)- Spitfire's brother. He's more down-to-earth than she is, and they often swap spots between one another depending on how Hestia wants to handle her battles.
Vulcan (Typhlosion)- A huge sweetheart and probably the Pokemon who sucks up to Hestia the most. He's a little protective over her, and gets jealous when he sees others get too close to her.
Arrow (Fletchinder)- Arrow's a little timid, though he always looks for opportunities to impress his trainer.
Trailblazer (Rapidash)- one of the most passionate and wild of Hestia's Pokemon, Trailblazer is the type of Pokemon who isn't knocked out easily. She doesn't let anyone else ride her but Hestia herself, even if they share a saddle.
Etna (Charmeleon)- Apollo's adopted little sister. She's a curious Charmeleon, and often gets into trouble. Sometimes, she can be found in the strangest of places...
Wisp (Lampent)- A scaredy-cat. Hestia jokes that it's funny that he's partially Ghost-type, but is scared of his own shadow.
Trailblazer (Rapidash)- one of the most passionate and wild of Hestia's Pokemon, Trailblazer is the type of Pokemon who isn't knocked out easily. She doesn't let anyone else ride her but Hestia herself, even if they share a saddle.
Etna (Charmeleon)- Apollo's adopted little sister. She's a curious Charmeleon, and often gets into trouble. Sometimes, she can be found in the strangest of places...
Wisp (Lampent)- A scaredy-cat. Hestia jokes that it's funny that he's partially Ghost-type, but is scared of his own shadow.
Smokey (Houndour)- Smokey is the eldest of Hestia's youngest Pokemon, and he kind of knows he's the leader among his peers. He can be a bit of a snob sometimes.
Bandit (Salandit)- Bandit's name really fits him. He's very much a troublemaker, and only pays attention to Hestia because she gives him snacks.
Tobu (Larvesta)- Tobu's a cuddly guy, but he's always out for attention. He's known for poking out of his Pokeball so he could curl up on Hestia's lap or crawl up to her shoulder.
Bandit (Salandit)- Bandit's name really fits him. He's very much a troublemaker, and only pays attention to Hestia because she gives him snacks.
Tobu (Larvesta)- Tobu's a cuddly guy, but he's always out for attention. He's known for poking out of his Pokeball so he could curl up on Hestia's lap or crawl up to her shoulder.