The roar of wind. The rush of colors below. The ebony sea, dotted with tiny diamonds, above her head. These were only a few of the things that Hestia Quintell loved about flying. It was like she was meant to be riding upon Apollo's back; as if the fates had destined them to soar through the sky together. If she didn't know any better, she would have told Chairman Amaranth that she might have been considering a start in training Flying-types. The old coot would surely have a heart attack there and then, with everything else he had to deal with. As Apollo wings caught the night breeze within their azure membranes, Hestia leaned forward in her seat and brushed her fingers against the Charizard's neck. His warm scales vibrated beneath her fingertips as he gave her a low rumble. Nah, she thought to herself as she turned her gaze back to the sky, Fire-types are more of my thing.
Something shiny flashed in the distance, which brought Hestia's attention back to what was in front of her. Past the rolling fields and tiny towns was a large city. Ah, there's Motostoke, she realized. Multicolored lights shone up towards the sky from its depths, and the closer she got, the more she could hear the music that reverberated around the town. It seemed like its citizens had already started the party without her. "Fly lower, Apollo!" Hestia called out to her Pokemon in a laugh. Apollo roared loudly and dipped down towards Motostoke, only stopping his decline when he was just above buildings themselves.
As they drifted above the roofs of the buildings, several surprised faces looked up towards her. Some of them smiled, while others laughed and waved at her. Some of them even called her name as she passed. Hestia's smile stretched wide as she waved back at them. She wondered if any of them were part of the lot of new trainers that signed up for the Gym Challenge-- she hoped they were, at least. While she was only the second major league Gym Leader in their path, that didn't mean she was a pushover. She had worked hard to secure her spot as a Gym Leader and wasn't about to let some kid get an easy pass during their battle.
After spending some time traversing the city's streets upon Charizard-back, Hestia found herself nearing the Motostoke Gym. It was there where the crowds were at their thickest and concession stands dotted the streets more frequently. Apollo snorted at the smell of food, making Hestia chuckle. "You'll be able to rest when we land, boy," she told him. "Let's go land right there, near the front of the gym. We should make our landing something special for the crowd, eh?"
Of course, being a rather snobby Charizard, Apollo's definition of special was to be loud and scary as to provoke a reaction. So, the alloy-scaled beast suddenly swept down on the crowd before he suddenly pulled upwards, drawing startled cries from the people below. After a few moments of gaining altitude, he descended upon the gathering again, this time in a low and leisurely circle that ended with his claws touching the ground. Finally, he spread his wings and opened his maw to let out another loud roar that split the air. Hestia chuckled nervously from his back, somewhat disoriented. "That's a good boy," she grinned at him as he leaned down to let her off of him. "I wonder where the others are. They should be here by now... I feel bad for them if the Chairman finds out they're runnin' late!"