Name: Celestine.
Primordial or Conceptual: Conceptual.
Domain: Soldiery.
A town without guards is liable to be raided and overtaken by any who see fit. A kingdom that lacks an army cannot enforce any of its claims or protect its citizens. A nation with an ample army might give protection to a lesser neighbor, or it might use that army to seize the land for itself.
Thus, to Celestine, soldiers are people who form the backbone and beating heart of any society.
However, due to the nature of conflict, it is inevitable that two soldiers who are both faithful to Celestine will end up on opposite sides of a conflict. It is with this in mind that Celestine chooses to remain largely neutral in conflicts. Instead of favoring one side over another Celestine chooses to encourage honorable combat and fair duels with the promise that the honored dead will find reward for their courage and gallantry.
Portfolio: Knighthood.
Those who choose to become soldiers are often held to higher standards by either their peers, their community, or themselves. For many people, becoming a soldier is only ever temporary. For some, being a soldier is something that they dedicate themselves to wholly. These are people that Celestine dubs knights.
Should a soldier accomplish an extraordinary deed, they open themselves up to personal recognition from Celestine. Should Celestine wish to extend her favor onto someone, she will appear before them using an illusion and formally knight them. As a part of this knighting, a finely made steel sword is awarded as a gift, along with the title of “Ser.” In addition, the blessed would find that this sword would be quite resistant to damage while it was in their possession.
However, Celestine holds the people she knights to high standards. She expects them to continue to exemplify chivalry. A falter can be repented through corrective actions, but continuous failings to follow her commandments or blasphemy against her will earn Celestine’s disdain. This disdain is represented by the gifted sword becoming brittle and dull in the hands of the cursed. Such a curse can only be forgiven by Celestine through a valorous and selfless act in battle.
Celestine’s chivalry commandments:
1: Show honor and respect towards all you encounter, especially other warriors that are faithful to Celestine.
2: After a battle, give aid to those who can survive and end the suffering of those who cannot.
3: Respect the dead and bury them honorably.
4: Do not take equipment from fallen warriors.
5: Keep yourself and your equipment in good condition.
6: If mercy is honorably requested, grant it.
7: Do not lie or cheat.
8: Do not exaggerate your deeds.
With her authority over knights, Celestine has an easier time bestowing the title of “Ser” to certain individuals, teaching mortals her commandments of chivalry, granting a steel sword, and blessing/cursing single mortals who earn her favor or her scorn.
The title of Ser has the following effect: 1DP - Chivalric Community: This character has been granted the power to easily identify other knights they can see.
This title can be awarded for free to individuals with no more than two free titles, but if an individual has two free titles then 1 DP must be paid.
Their Realm: Celestine's realm has been renovated. Please see
this post for full details on what's been changed. Also see
here for when she modified it a little bit again.
Celestine’s realm is fairly mundane compared to some of the more absurd realms that other gods have conjured. Those first arriving to the realm would find themselves at the end of a cobblestone paved road that led towards a large conical hill crested by a large concentric castle. The castle is built from relatively plain white stone that has little in the way of excess decoration and is smooth to the touch. Celestine refers to this castle simply as “The Bulwark”. At the base of the hill the road splits into three distinct paths: One leading straight towards the castle, and two more going around the base of the hill. On the other side of the hill is a long valley with a wide but shallow river. Dotted along this river are small towns. Within each town is a sizable population of Virtus Elves. Each town is fairly generic, but also houses a school dedicated towards teaching one aspect of Celestine’s chivalric commandments, and in addition to that each town has a training ground for one of the martials aspects of knighthood. For now, most of these focus around swordplay and effective use of armor, but there are clear spaces for expansion into fields such as horseback riding, jousting, cavalry training, and so on.
The castle itself is also a point of interest. Not only does it have Celestine’s personal chambers it also holds within its large central courtyard a complicated arena of wood and stone where various martial competitions may be held, including a large space for group combat.
Most of the rooms in the castle are fairly uninteresting to most, but there are two that have a notable presence. The first and most notable of these is also the largest, and takes up a large central portion of the castle keep. The Longhall is Celestine’s refuge for knights who die in battle, and is an endless feast to honor them. The feast is tended to by dozens of Virtus Elves that come and go carrying trays of food and drink from seemingly hidden doors all around the room. The souls are permitted to stay for as long as they like, but there is a
fog shrouded corridor with no distinct end located at end of the room which connects one-way to the realm of Thaa, below a platform with a simple throne. Within this throne frequently sits Celestine, watching over the honored dead as they enjoy a reward for their struggles within their mortal life. When a soul wishes to enter its final rest, all they must do is walk down the corridor. This is frequently accompanied by a moment of silence by the rest of the populace.
The next room of interest is Celestine’s personal chambers. Central to the room is an exquisite four-poster bed with silver sheets and thick ivory colored curtains tied to the headboard. Being a goddess, Celestine doesn’t need to sleep, but she likes to emulate the act to have some time to herself to think. Also within the room is an armor mannequin that holds Celestine’s armor while she sleeps. Beyond that, a bookcase filled with books covering various aspects of chivalry and knighthood sits against the wall, and atop this bookcase sits a sword rack that holds Celestine’s sword and scabbard. On the opposite side of the wall is a simple desk with an accompanying simple chair. Upon this desk are several neatly organized stacks of paper. This is where Celestine manages her realm. She doesn’t need to, and could simply exert her will without any form of physical activity, but Celestine enjoys the process regardless.
The last room of interest is a medium sized visitation chamber, located in a separate building that stands apart from The Longhall and her personal chambers. Within this room is an ornate throne, and dotted around it are many doors of different shapes, sizes, and materials. Through these doors Celestine and other gods may come and go to visit other realms and confer with other gods on various subjects. Celestine also uses this room as a sort of resting place when she is actively managing her avatar upon Galbar. She doesn’t need to, but like with managing her realm she enjoys having a distinct process for it.
Persona: Celestine is a perfect reflection of her chivalric values. She is constantly as polite as she can be, and any offense is quickly apologized for and repented. Celestine insists upon remaining neutral in most if not all arguments, and her reason for why is that due to her position as a goddess of soldiers neutrality is mandatory so that she doesn’t abandon any of her followers. Celestine is also insistent that the personal choices of her followers do not reflect upon her, and does her best to maintain good relations with gods and goddesses that might have knights slaying some of their creations, such as a god or goddess that might created a monster that naturally disliked civilization due to its impact upon the natural world that ended up being slain by some of her knights in order to protect a town.
That being said, Celestine does not take kindly to repeated insults against herself or her creations and while she will likely not show it, she does keep track of those who seem to dislike her.
Base Form:

Celestine’s form is that of a Virtus Elf. All other Virtus Elves, created by echoes of her power within her realm, are similar in appearance. Unlike most gods, Celestine doesn’t regard her form as being very malleable, and instead presents herself similarly across both her base form and her domain form. Should a time come that Celestine must engage in combat personally, then she’ll likely change her size to reflect the size of her opponent, but outside of that she has little reason to change her outward appearance.
Usually, Celestine’s form is approximately seven feet tall with an athletic build. Her ears are approximately six inches long, and her eyes are dark blue in color. Interestingly, her hair is extremely long, with the longest portions reaching her calves. It presents an obvious weakness in combat, but Celestine usually just immediately cuts it should someone attempt to grab at it. An interesting fact with Celestine’s hair is that it grows back nearly instantly and thus doesn’t retain any damage to it for long.
Celestine’s typical attire is a full suit of silver plate armor with a full suit of chain armor underneath. Underneath that is padded leather and cloth to cut down on chafing. Finally, she wears a simple tunic and long pants beneath all of her other armor. Along with her armor, Celestine frequently wears a large red and gold hooded traveling cloak.
The last notable part of Celestine’s appearance is her ever-present longsword. It is kept in a red and gold scabbard that is tied firmly to her right hip. Celestine refers to this sword as Fides, and aside from the name it has no obvious special properties that set it apart from the rest of Celestine’s equipment.
Domain Form: Celestine’s domain form is the exact same as her base form, as Celestine doesn’t personally believe in having many different appearances.
Avatar: Celestine’s avatar, much like her domain form, is an identical copy of her base form. Though it is naturally massively disempowered compared to her full deific might. It retains the quirk of Celestine’s hair regrowing very quickly, as well as a full copy of her armor, sword, and hooded traveling cloak. This avatar also has no will of its own, and is little more than a divine puppet for Celestine to manage as she pleases. Since this avatar is merely an extension of Celestine’s will, it too bears the name “Celestine.”
Musical Theme:
In Courage And Gallantry