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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

Cassiopeia watched Hansel and Gretel, figuring they would be the leaders on this outfit and would have to defer to their judgement. From how they had killed their captor when they were children, Cassiopeia was alright with them leading. Besides, with Layla and Rose by her side and their combined knowledge of hunting, stealth and other skills, Cassiopeia was confident they could get the job done.
”Let’s go save Red from the big bad wolf,” Cassiopeia replied and sipped her drink. The drink tasted just like beer from Earth. Cassiopeia wasn’t a huge fan of beer to begin with but there was something about this journey and this world that called for beer.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

With what was being suggested for the distraction team, Willow wasn’t sure she would be of much help. Maybe she could set charges for an explosion but maybe they wouldn’t need that with Merlin being the greatest Wizard of all time leading them. She figured he would tell them what they needed to do as they prepared to set up the distraction, so for now she didn’t have any questions.
Willow ended up declining a drink as well and just sat there in silence, thinking of all the things that were about to happen and that could go wrong when Sierra sat next to her. She would be going with the rescue team and that made Willow a little nervous. Willow had been attached to Sierra since they embarked on this journey. She was the only friend she had over here since Annabella decided not to come. ”Are you nervous?” she asked Sierra.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at the news that her brother was going to be on the rescue team. While he was a cop, he was a detective - and one that didn't even carry a gun. She had as much faith in his ability to hold his own in a fight as she did in, say, a talking mouse being able to best a dragon. Sure, there was a way in which it could happen, but it simply wasn't likely. Gretel asked for her to go with the rescue group, so at least she would be able to keep her brother from getting killed. Someone needed to look out for him, no one else would. She was a bit disappointed Merlin wouldn't be in the same group as her, but it made sense.

Besides, she appreciated that Gretel thought of her as the weird girl with the bones. She had watched enough shows and read enough books to know that kids of royalty usually had a hard time dealing with people thinking of them as princesses and whatnot. She didn't want to be a princess, and she sensed Merlin was more likely to be weird about it than Hansel and Gretel. Although, wasn't just about everyone in Disney royalty? Were there really any commoners left? "No more questions here."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Rosalia just listened as everyone else decided on where they were going to head off to and who was in what group. It seemed like everything was a bit evened out with who was on what team, though she did notice that a lot of people seemingly wanted to be on the distraction team. Wasn't too surprising with the group that they had, since everyone seemed to have a penchant for chaos and distractions, so of course everyone was going to be dragged in that direction. Things were going to be interesting.

Jack nodded his head slightly when Isabella had more or less declared that she was going to run the distraction as opposed to being on the same team as both him and Megan. In the long run, given that they didn't very much get along, he figured that it was probably for the best. He didn't need to have an instant where he got stuck in the middle of them arguing or something, plus he figured that would definitely end badly. Yup, them not being on the same team might be better in the long run.

She felt the little puppy start to nibble a bit at her hand, and she glanced down at the little puppy as she started petting him gently on the head. The little dog was super adorable, though she wasn't too sure if she actually wanted to have the dog potentially put in danger, and she was wondering if there really was a place where she could keep the dog where he wouldn't wander off or get hurt. That would make her feel horrible if something happened to Lucky, and she wanted no part in causing the puppy to get an injury.

"I don't have any questions, you guys more or less just answered everything that we really would need to know, he commented with a bit of a shrug towards Merlin. This was definitely going to be an interesting endeavor, and he wasn't sure what else to really say about it, given the circumstances. He just wished that they could just get on with it, but from the sounds of it their plan required them to head out in the morning, so that was going to be a fun thing to have happen and see the results of.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Matthew hadnt expected for Merlin to be joining them on distraction team. Figuring his expertise in magic may be needed for the rescue to either fight off arcane locks, traps, or even just goons with magic. There were still a lot of uncertainties that filled this plan that made him nervous. The bright side was that he could try and watch what Merlin did, study his movements and try to replicate it later when it was safer and away from civilians. As Hansel brought of the drink, Matthew looked into the tankard and his expression fell flat. He hadn't been expecting alcohol, though he supposed asking for water or a ginger ale was more out of the question than not. So instead he took in the scent, the hops filling his nose and leaving an acrid feeling before he finally ventured in for a sip. The taste was bitter, dry, and unpleasant. It made him wonder why anyone in the real world drank this.

He pushed his tankard aside, Carroll stepping up to it and recoiling at the scent as they moved away from the liquid and curled into Matthews chest against the table. If anything maybe Colby would fancy drinking it instead. The idea was to cause a distraction with fire, something he could easily do. So could Merlin or any number of them he was sure. The rescue team was built and everyone knew where to meet up incase anyone was lost or they needed a quick escape. That meant they could all relax and retire to their rooms for the night. He hadn’t actually thought of it, but looking around there was quite a few of them there. Were they all getting their own rooms or would they be grouped up? Males and females? Two by two? His face began to flush as he thought of sharing a room with Colby. His voice cracking as he barely got out his question. "Um, so what's the rooms arrangement going to be like?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose drank her beer without some much as taking a second glance at it. Draining the cup in one go. She was used to beer and this tasted like anything else she would have found at home, or rather, back on Earth. That was just fine with her. In fact, a part of her appreciated the normalcy of the whole thing. It made everything else settle down in her mind, made it all seem less strange.

"I've asked my questions." Rose said after she had finished her drink. She set it back on the bartop, sliding it toward Hansel. "Thanks for the drink I needed that." She smirked at Cass's joke. She leaned on the counter and put her chin in her hands propping up her head contemplating what they had to do the next day. "I'm gonna get some sleep, we do need to know the room arrangement." She said agreeing with Matthew. Rose didn't care if she ended up in a room with strangers, she just hoped Cass would be one of the people in her room no matter how it turned out.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby grimaced as he drank his beer. He had never had a beer before. He did not like it, but he drank it down as quickly as he could bear. His stomach twisting as he did. The alcohol hit his stomach like lead and he regretted drinking it, but it was too late. He burped, stood, went to the bar, and slid his now empty glass copying Rose's movements.

It didn't sound like anyone was sitting out the adventure. Colby realized. Everyone seemed to have claimed a team. He didn't quite remember everyone's name and thought maybe a quick round of reintroductions would be good before they got going. Or codenames so they wouldn't say their real names while on the mission. Not that any of their real names actually tied to who their parents here were. His name definitely didn't. He didn't say any of what he was thinking.

He did however smile at Matthew when he nervously asked about sleeping arrangements. There was no one else he wanted to share a room with so he hoped they would be able to pick and just it be the two of them in a room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

"There are rooms upstairs for you guys, three to a room max I dont really care who you want to pair up with the bedroom situation just pick whoever you are comfortable with." Hansel said as he stood up and motioned for everyone to follow him upstairs, Sierra turned to look at Willow for a moment, she was slightly nervous but she was also a bit excited to as well. "Maybe just a little bit." Sierra said softly as she got up looking over at her for a moment. "Want to share a room?" Sierra asked, figuring that she would ask first really other then Rose she didnt know anyone else really.

Taylor looked at Rosalia for a moment, she was the only person that she did kind of trust though she had only really known her for a few hours and offered her a place to rest as well before Maleficent's goon tried to kill them or something. "Want to be roomies?" She decided to ask her as she gently pet Lucky on the head as the pup licked her hand as well. "Sounds like a plan to me." Layla smiled towards her sister and Rose as she got up and followed Hansel up the stairs.

The second floor had several rooms down the hall, as he looked over at the group. "So each bedroom has their own bathroom and shower as well, and three beds in there as well so feel free to pick which room you guys want. And dont worry about the pets they will be taken care of while we are all out tomorrow." Hansel said as he pulled out a set of keys and started to unlock all of the rooms for them to choose from.

Isabella didnt really say to much as she watched Hansel unlocking the rooms all of the questions have been answered for her as she looked at both Megan and Jack. "You guys want to share a room or nah?" She asked, she wasnt sure if they would want her to, but she would end up finding a room for herself anyway. Layla headed down the hallway just as Hansel unlocked one of the rooms and quickly went inside the room looked pretty much like a hotel room really a closet, a dresser a couch and a few chairs as well to. She went over to one of the beds setting her things down and flopped down on the bed and stretched out slightly letting out a slight yawn.

Sierra did the same as she picked out a random room, the room was pretty much the same as well as she set her things down on the bed and stretched slightly. "Also if any of you are hungry just come down to the bar the food is on us also be up bright and early its going to be a busy day tomorrow." Hansel said.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

At the mention of rooms and sleep, Cassiopeia realized how tired she was. They had been moving all day and although Cassiopeia was used to hikes, all her senses had been heightened for a while being in a new place. She leaned against her sister, knowing they would be sharing a room. Cassiopeia grinned when she heard there would be three to a room. ”Care to join us Rose?”
Cassiopeia picked up her things, including her cat carrier and headed upstairs, following behind Layla and walked into the room she picked. Cassiopeia tossed her bag onto one of the beds before setting the carrier down and opened it up. ”Alrighty Arty, take a look around love. We may be here for awhile.” Cassiopeia had never really traveled with her cat before and hoped they would handle the travel well. They had been awfully quiet thus far.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

Willow looked to Sierra when she asked her if they wanted to be roommates. She found her cheeks warming a little as she nodded. ”Sure,” she agreed, thankful to have a friend to be able to share a room with. She wasn’t sure who their third would be but Willow was okay with any one of them. Merlin mentioned each room having their own bathroom and Willow was instantly excited to be able to clean up a little. She had a pair of pants in her bag that she would wear along with the dress but this way if she had to tear the bottom half of the dress off, she was covered.
Willow walked into the room behind Sierra and looked around. It wasn’t the Four Seasons but there was a bed and the ability to clean up. Willow set her things down on a bed and glanced around. ”This feels all so surreal,” she commented. Willow felt as if she were dreaming and it was just really vivid.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

Colby didn't seem to notice Matthews gesture, or at the very least he didn't understand what he meant by it. Slamming his own ale down before handing it off to the barkeep. Matthews thumbs twiddled as he wondered what to do next, thinking about the three to the room and being unsure of who he trusted to be the third especially with their two cats with them. As Hansel made for upstairs, keys jangling in hand, Matthew grabbed his tankard of ale and followed suit, taking sips at the frothy drink as the bitterness coated his tongue making him regret every one. Every room was more furnished than he anticipated, it was medieval fantasy but he hadnt expected it to be like this. As others started pairing off into rooms and asking those around to share, Matthew became more and more nervous about what was to come.

Either he and Colby would share a room together for the night, or Colby would choose to be alone and Matthew would have to sleep with two strangers. His thumb glided against the cold metal that wrapped around the wooden tankard, rubbing it slowly as he stood by an open door nervously watching. People seemed to be grouping up left and right and Matthew in his hesitation and nerves grabbed hold of the handle and down the bitter drink before holding Colbys hand and tugging gently on it in the direction of the room. "W-w-would y-you like to share a r-room with me?" He spoke softly as he nodded towards the unoccupied space behind him. His cheeks were flushed red with either the warmth of ale, the embarrassment of asking, or the idea of sharing a room with Colby.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan snorted slightly as Isabella asked if she wanted to share a room with her and Jack. Megan would rather put a fireplace poker through her brain than sleep in the same space as Isabella, not that she really slept anyways. She had always been an insomniac as long as she could remember. It had been helpful in medical school as she only needed a few hours of sleep in order to function, giving her more time to complete assignments and study for exams. Now in her adult life, she tended to use her extra time watching horror movies and true crime documentaries. She lived with her brother and knew that Jack was used to her strange sleeping habits. "You can sleep with Jack. You don't need my permission to do that. I can, however, help you with a coffin fitting if you think that would help you be well rested," Megan said tartly.

She went down the hallway and picked an empty room, going inside and inspecting the area. It was more of less exactly what she expected for a place like this. She closed the door, figuring that if Jack wanted to share a room with her he could just open it up and come on in. She drew excalibur from its sheath and examined it, running her fingers down the blade almost experimentally. "What do you think, Mina" she asked the skull, setting it down on the bed. "I see. That's rather wise of you to advise."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Jack was still just listening in on what it was that was being said, considering the fact that most people seemed to be asking very few questions aside from at this point where they were all going to sleep. Which now that he thought about it wasn't a horrible idea of any sorts since today had been more then a little whacked out. Isabella asked about potentially sharing a room or whatever, and he was going to respond with something when he heard Meg's answer and he rolled his eyes at his sister. "You really had to respond in one of the weirdest ways possible didn't you?" he asked her.

Rosalia was only half paying attention to everything (yet again anyway) when her attention was drawn back when Taylor asked her a question. It took a minute for her brain to register what it was that had been said to her. Then she realized Taylor had asked her about sharing a room at the inn or wherever they were. "Sure, that works for me, not really sure who else to room with, just saying, since all of these people are still weirdos in my brain, but that's just me," she responded to her with a bit of a shrug, not sure what else to say about it.

"Think I'm going to stick with Meg," he said to Isabella after a few minutes, and he ended up following the others upstairs to where the rooms were. He saw his sister head off into a room, and went after her, opening the door, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. "So that was a little bit weird, you didn't have to make it sound so strange or whatever you know," he commented to her with a bit of a laugh, saying nothing else as he looked around the room before sitting down on one of the beds.

She headed up after everyone else to the upper floors, and picked a room that no one else had claimed yet and stepped inside, "Come on let's go," she commented to Taylor with a shrug, leaving the door open as she walked over, set the puppy onto one of the beds, and flopped down next to the dog. "So today has been one hell of a day, I'm perfectly fine with the idea of sleeping until we have to actually get up in the morning to go deal with stuff, that's just my thoughts," she said, petting the puppy, not really talking to anyone in particular.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

"I'm in." She smiled at Cass. She was glad Cass had asked her. Rose's other choice would have been Sierra and Willow, which would have also been fine. But she was fond of her faux-enemy on the shooting range, in a different way from Sierra. Hopefully, whoever Sierra's thrid was wouldn't be too imposing.

The room was nice and she considered if they could push the beds together, but kept her thought to herself sitting down on the edge of one of the beds and removed her shoes. She had finished her beer and the slightly fuzzy feeling was setting in. There was a lot she missed of home, but she could say her friends were here to back her up in a crazy situation.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

"Yes, absolutely." Colby said quickly to Matt. He had no desire to share a room with anyone else on the team and since Jack was sharing a room with Megan and the other cop that left Matt and Colby as the only guys left. That was funny, he considered, did fairy tale characters make more female kids than male on average, or was their age bracket unusual?

Once in the room, he sighed relieved. It was just him and Matt and the cats. He flopped onto a bed sideways, Jack (the cat) leaping of his shoulder as he started to fall and landing on a pillow. Then the cat paced a bit before curling up on the pillow. "We should probably feed the cats before we fall asleep. I've got some cat food in my bag." The bag, he had unceremoniously dumped on the floor near the bed before he had laid down.

"I'm glad you were chill with sharing a room. I did not want to room with strangers that hate my guts." He said out loud. Colby flopped his arm over and held it out for Jack to sniff. The cat ignored him. "Great my cat hates me now too." He joked.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

The sun slowly started to rise early the next day everyone would be able to hear the slight pattle of rain hitting the windows, Sierra was approached by Isabella if she could crash for the night. She didnt really know the woman all to well, but she didnt mind sharing either, she stretched slightly as she yawned a bit. "Sleep well?" Sierra asked Willow and Isabella who just groaned slightly and slowly got out of bed as well. "Thanks for letting me crash." Isabella said. Sierra nodded as she watched the woman going to the bathroom and freshen up some, when she heard a knock on the door it was Gretel. "Breakfast is ready, come down whenever you are ready." She said, as she did for the other rooms as well.

Taylor heard the knock and slowly stretched out letting out a slight yawn looking she looked over seeing Lucky had pretty much just curled up in Rosalia's arms which was really adorable. "I'm gonna get some breakfast see you down there." She said towards Rosalia as she started to head out of the room rather quickly eager for some breakfast. Layla slept pretty well for the most part she enjoyed the company with Rose and her sister to.

She went and started to get dressed just as she heard the knock on the door she was eager to get started and go on their little rescue mission. "Don't worry we will find your mom." Layla said looking over at Rose and smiled towards her, as she went to get dressed gently petting her cat, figuring that they would be safer here. Once everyone was downstairs there was a large table full of food, from eggs to sausage even some pancakes and muffins as well to. Hansel was just finishing setting up the table as well, making his way over towards the bar and filled himself a drink from the bar itself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

Cassiopeia had slept well but not nearly long enough. She heard the knock on the door and started to stir. Artemis meowed in protest but eventually stretched before jumping onto the floor and looked at his food bowl expectantly. Cassiopeia pushed herself up and looked at her room companions.
Unsurprisingly, Layla was already up and ready to go. Cassiopeia shook her head and threw her blankets back before she went into the bathroom to clean up a little, including getting in a shower. Once that was done, Cassiopeia dressed quickly in her clothes from yesterday and fed her cat. She was looking forward to the task today and meeting Rose’s mom.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

Willow yawned and ran fingers through her tangled hair once she sat up. She looked over at Sierra and shrugged. ”Alright, you?” She watched Isabella walk into the bathroom and decided to get dressed first. Willow had bathed the night before at least so it wouldn’t take her long to get ready.
Willow gathered her clothes, having slept in modern clothes and turned her back to Sierra to change. She didn’t mind changing in front of others but she also felt a little shyer in front of Sierra for some reason. ”How do you think it’s going to go today?” They were on separate teams and Willow was a little nervous to be apart from Sierra, simply because they had grown close but she was also worried for the fighting and conflict that would ensue. Willow had kickboxing training but she had never had to fight for real before. She thought she always tried her hardest when training but Willow was about to find that out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Camelot

The days events had tired Maddy out, having gone into the bedroom and laid down on his side, watching Colby play with the cats. A smile remained on his face as he laid there and slowly faded to sleep. The following morning he was woken up, his back against the wall as he looked towards where Colby slept. The smile crept back on him as he watched how sweetly he slept, getting out quietly from his bed and going towards the extra where Carroll slept. He petted Carroll gently on the chin before making his way towards the shower. Matthew stopped a few feet away from it, looking himself in a mirror as he sighed slightly.

Part of him had wondered if it was a weird dream, if all of what had happened was nothing more than a delusion caused by bad Chinese food, or a fever dream brought on by the weather. But judging by where he was now it was clear that it wasn't some fantasy. He paced back and forth, his bare feet tapping against the cold hardwood floor as he debated on where to proceed. He wanted to shower, get cleaned up from the catacombs and the trekking, but then he risked being in a shower while Colby slept in the other room. His faced burned red as he turned on the shower and began to rid himself of the dead.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan was only lightly asleep when the sun rose, her eyes snapping open at the sound of the knock at the door. She felt tired, but no more tired than she usually did at the start of a day. She was an insomniac, meaning that deep and restful sleep was a rarity for her. She had learned to function without it for medical school and thus far, it hadn't caused her to become seriously ill at any point in her life. She hoped that they had coffee her, although she suspected that they wouldn't. It didn't match the aesthetic.

"Rise and shine, starshine," she said teasingly to her brother. She put Mina the skull back into her back and made sure that her sword was in its sheath, before strapping excalibur to her side. She didn't really have much else in the way of possessions - so there hadn't been any need to change into say pajamas the night before. She had just slept in her traveling clothes. "Do you suppose they have a Starbucks here?" she asked, waiting for him to be ready.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack Gold and Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Jack typically didn't sleep well, after all, he was used to working at odd hours and even being up at a moments notice. It didn't take much to wake him up, especially since he was in a weird place that he'd never been before. Seriously who would have thought that he'd be at an inn or whatever in Camelot, in order to go save Little Red Riding Hood. Yup, if you told him that a week ago he probably would have asked if you had escaped from a psych ward. Since even though it was actually happening, he still didn't believe it entirely.

"I'm awake Meg, you are so nice to me," he said after a moment sitting up off of the bed and rolling his eyes at her. Jack couldn't help but laugh slightly when she commented about Starbucks. "I honestly wish that they did, since I don't even know if coffee is really a thing here or if they just drink water and booze or something like that. Coffee would be nice though, somethings kind of suck about this place," he added, not sure what else to say on the subject given what they had to go off and do now or something like that.

Rosalia when she had gone to bed had put her arms around the little puppy, and when she woke up in the morning, the little dog was still in her arms, clearly sound asleep in her arms. She smiled down at the dog, not too sure if she wanted to disturb Lucky or make him wake up and get out of her arms so that she could go get some food. "Alright, I'll meet you down there once I get the furball out of my arms," she called to her, before looking once again at the little puppy that was in her arms and let out a sigh, she really didn't want to disturb the little puppy.

She waited a few minutes, before deciding the fact that it was better to get up and moving then to just let the puppy stay there all day. After all, there was stuff that she needed to do in this weird magic land of actual Camelot. "Alright Lucky, sorry about this but I need you to move so that I can get up and get started with the day okay?" she said to the little puppy, before she gently moved the dog so that she could get up off of the bed. "Now, let's see about getting food yes?" she said to the puppy, before picking him up and heading out of the room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sierra Finley & Layla Hood

Location: Camelot

"I'm not really sure honestly." Sierra said as she took a seat at the table and looked over towards Willow for a moment and gave her a slight smile, she just hoped that everything would be okay. Sierra started to fill her plate up with a biscuit, as well as some scrambled eggs and some sausage and bacon to. She leaned back and started to eat and enjoyed the rather large breakfast now as she watched Rosalia and then Taylor coming down as well. Lucky started to drool in Rosalia's arms as it started to sniff the food in the air and whimpered slightly wanting to get something to eat.

Isabella was already eating breakfast as she looked over at Jack and Megan for a moment, she did feel slightly annoyed that they let her sleep with complete strangers that she didnt even know. "Did you two love birds sleep well?" Isabella asked jokingly as she took a bite out of her piece of toast and poured herself a cup of coffee as well, looking over at Hansel, Gretel and Merlin as well as the two of them talked amongst themselves. "So what is the plan exactly?" Isabella actually asked, figuring that the three of them knew what they had planned actually.

Layla was sitting at one of the seats waiting for her sister and Rose to actually show up, she just grabbed a bunch of bacon and started to eat it. She was also curious what they had planned anyway to, she watched as Gretel came back with the little map and rolled it out on an empty part of the table. Layla leaned forward slightly as she looked at the map, while looking over at the woman for a moment before hearing her plan.

"So the rescue team is going to be going through the sewers or catacombs whatever you guys want to call them under the city. While the distraction team will be topside and try and lure as many guards away from the prison as possible while the rescue team is in there." Gretel said as Layla nodded slightly while looking over at everyone else to see what the others had to say.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose hadn't slept all that well, she had stripped down to the underwear she had kept on under the dress she had had to put on. She was worried. Worried about someone she only vaguely remembered. Rose thought of the bandaged woman she had remembered earlier in the day. The woman holding her and running with her. Where had they been running to? Or what had they been running from? Was that what had led to her being Kansas?

In the morning she yawned. "Hope they have coffee. I know we'll find her. I have faith that everything will be okay." She said pulling on the dress and stuff. She rinsed her face and then went downstairs. The food looked great and she took a seat and filled her plate. "Thank you for a place to rest, the help, and food." She looked over the map that Gretal put down.

"Should we expect more skeletons coming to life if someone is an idiot?" She asked as Colby joined them. He didn't say anything. In her opinion she was just glad he was on team distraction, he really did seem better cut out for that than anything that required thinking things through.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby was not a morning person. He was not a wake-up and function person. After Maddy got in the shower he still wasn't woken up. After the door was knocked on he still wasn't awake. Jack irritated with his human's lack of movement or food. Decided to sit on Colby's chest. When that still didn't wake Colby up. Jack very carefully leaned in and bit Colby's nose. That woke Colby with a start and Jack was already halfway across the room looking proud of himself. "Jerk." He said then got himself ready to go downstairs.

He put food on a plate and sat down munching on some bacon. "I remember reading once that police could handle a thousand-person riot but not ten hundred person riots. Not suggesting we do ten hundred person riots, but thinking maybe we can spread the chaos. Do several hit and run type things that cause a lot of drama."

"And what is your idea for causing chaos?" Rose, the girl who was the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and today's drama was all about.

"Start a fire or something, maybe steal something and get a bunch of guards' attention like we're Alladian or something." He suggested annoyed with Rose, it was too early to get into a fight though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Camelot

Cassiopeia followed Rose downstairs and breathed in as they walked into the room they were in yesterday and happily filled her plate with food. She sat down next to Layla and ate happily. Food always made Cassiopeia happy and she would need to have her strength up for today. Cassiopeia hoped the day would go well for them. So long as no one got hurt, then it would be a good day.
Rose spoke up when Colby walked in and Cassiopeia smirked but didn’t push the subject or reply. Rose asked what Colby thought a distraction would be and that’s when Cassiopeia spoke up. ”Let’s just keep our mind on how we are going to save your mom. A split mind would keep us focused,” she stated. Cassiopeia’s mind would wander sometimes while hunting, she never made a kill when that happened.

Willow Jones

Location: Camelot

Willow matched Sierra’s little smile and nodded. They couldn’t really speculate and Willow had to remind herself not to worry about the things beyond her control. It was a bit different though in this situation. It was more of a life or death thing, Willow thought. Being the distraction was also dangerous, especially if people were running after them.
She helped herself to some food, munching on toast when talk about how to cause a distraction came up. Willow was curious about this herself but she didn’t want to cause destruction like a fire would. She drank some milk it looked like and moved onto different food. ”What about releasing animals through the street. There must be a stable nearby. It might be less destructive than a fire but just as chaotic,” Willow suggested.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan wrinkled her face in disgust at the idea of consuming alcohol this early in the morning. While she was an insomniac, that didn't mean she wanted to pound shots bright and early. Alcohol was firmly an evening beverage in her opinion - maybe it would be suitable for breakfast at a wedding or a graduation ceremony or a funeral, but those were the main exceptions she could think up. Oh, she supposed it would also be suitable for an early morning murder. "I'd rather drink rat poison this early," she commented, before leaving the room and heading down the staircase to the main part of the inn.

There was one other thing she didn't like first thing in the morning - Isabella. She was clearly obsessed with Jack and now she was accusing Megan of sleeping with her brother? That was disgusting. She forced a sweet smile and sat down next to Isabella for a brief moment. "Aren't you funny?" she asked, although it wasn't really a question. Megan put some eggs and toast on her plate, before picking up a fork and she turned to Isabella, stabbing her in the hand with the fork. She left it there. "Oops. I'm so dreadfully sorry, let me help you. I know an old remedy for easing pain in flesh wounds," Megan apologized. She roughly yanked the fork out, grabbed the salt shaker, and started vigorously adding salt to Isabella's wound.
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