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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


This wasn't exactly Mizo's thing, being in dress-up distance of her friend's ara~ara~ing mother and all, but it was fine, she wasn't exactly wrong when she said Mizo should've done better, but nothing can be done about that now. They were doing an espionage mission involving stealth, which meant that having Penrose, her teacher, on this mission was absolutely paramount. There's a reason Zeal is the Number One, but there's a reason Zeal couldn't ever stand a chance against catching Penrose, her quirk and her skillset made her the ultimate ghost in the night for things like this. "Maybe I should knock their door down and distract them, so you and Mei can steal information a little easier. Won't be too hard for me..." She offered to everyone. This isn't Japan, if Mizo barrels through the gates and makes a scene, they will shoot to kill, but the bad guys didn't know was that Mizo could take bullets, armor or no armor. If her armor broke apart her skin wouldn't allow bullets through anyway, and her bones were stronger than steel. This was the best role for a hero like her. All she had to do was punch until the job was done.

"Well, that does sound...distracting..." Talia, better known as Penrose to most, humored her student a little. She knew full well that this was Mizo's method of dealing with things, so she wasn't surprised, but she also knew Mizo well enough to understand that just because Mizo had a reputation for smashing things first before thinking, doesn't mean she wasn't smart enough to think about her situation. "I know you're not foolish enough to go in blindly, so I won't lecture about being careful, but we don't know what manner of weaponry they're hoarding behind those walls, if we did, we wouldn't be here in the first place. This is an espionage mission, which I have spent many years specializing in," she reminded her and Kimi, "during espionage, less noise results in more time. More time results in more information. More information results in us being able to combat Detgif easier. It's best you avoid the frontal assault tactic this time." Penrose crossed one of her legs over the other, she was in her hero outfit, all black, knee high boots, long knifes at her sides, she looked quite intimidating.

Talia knew full well what her two students were capable of, Kimiko's threads were a rather strange thing, it was unlikely any villains had seen a quirk with such control over another. Mei would likely stick with Mizo to keep her from doing something brash, and Aurora belonged with Talia, their skills blended well together, and the nature of Talia's quirk often made her wonder if she could override the pain of Aurora's quirk. "Aurora, you'll go with me when we sneak away, your quirk is the best one to team with me, and I was thinking about something. My quirk allows me to override the nervous system of anyone I'm subjecting to it, and I know how physically painful your own can be, perhaps, when we have a chance, we can discover if my quirk can compensate for that." Of course, Talia wasn't going to allow her student to test her quirk on her. It would be best if Aurora didn't peer into the hero's memories...

"Of course, we have plenty of time to think about what to do, we shouldn't rush this. These things take time."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 days ago

"I can get in and out without much harm to me if I keep my body somewhere outside of the fight. I can see through walls and the various structure of what is really inside... However, you do realize whether I am touching you of my own accord or you touching me.. I only get memories and the pain when it is skin to skin. I feel nothing with my quirk if your gloved hand touched my skin and vise versa. If you think there is some way of making such things easier then by all means I am willing to. Another thing it depends on my length of time using that part and I tend to fall asleep for that length of time afterward."Spoke Aurora listening to Talia as she shrugged listening to the plan. Aurora was never one to be blunt about her ability as she was still learning it to the best of her abilities. She adjusted her hood a bit in thought "I will do what is requested of me as I was brought here to get stronger and better. this is the best way"she added
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The mistrust between Detgif Board of Directors ceased.

Detgif CEO, Jalal Kastari brutally killed Thermohaul and the rest of the Board members for their revolt attempt.
"What a tragedy for rebelling, Thermohaul. Your Quirk is synthetic but who cares, we got more where that came from!"

Behind Jalal were blooming mass manufactured Quirks sealed inside the bottles, manufactured serums, accepted worldwide. The world has reached the Platinum Age, where the Quirkless are almost abolished, Detgif is one of the Quirk Supremacist organizations seizing that dream. Ignite is the name of the Quirk Serum sold in stores with the Doctor's prescription, it penetrates the blood stream and awakens the Quirk Factor. It comes in various duration so that anyone can inject themselves as they please, although a permanent one is made, it's not yet sold in the market but the black market.

His secretary remarked his manchild behavior and how disturbing it was. Jalal retorted,
"This is for the sake of my ancestor's dream, Mas Selamat Kastari. A world filled with the Quirkfull, a world without the Hero System."

Mas Selamat "Crime Lord: Rubik" Kastari (Quirk: Clairvoyance) was arrested by Indonesian anti-terror squads in Java and deported to Singapore. He was bombed Singapore Changi Airport in January 20XX, killed 130,000 people and, according to the Singapore Police Force, he had initially planned to do so by crashing a plane into the airport.

Instead, he used the cyber world and hacked into the security main frame, cloaked bombs. He was killed by the Amur Liger, ASEAN's legendary #2 Hero but Selamat's darkest deeds forever left a scar to Singapore's Hero Society, extending to some countries in Southeast Asia. Heroes should never be treated as celebrities and their identities should be hidden like the comic books.

Selamat went down as one of the world's most notorious criminals whose reputation was equal with All For One, Destro, Harima Ōji and Shigaraki Tomura.

Thus, indirectly starting the fire of the Alias Culture.

"You look like you need a Quirk. How are your peppy activities lately?"

@CitrusArms@BlackMaiden@Restalaan@Crow@Landaus Five-One@Blizz@Renny@Angry Bubbles
Tehtarik & Rendang
The town alarm rang that there's a supervillain attack within Tehtarik and Rendang Street. The fiend calls himself Dominatrix, terrorizing people by deconstructing their clothes, leaving people stark naked. We can hear the people scream in terror with the turn of events.

So much clothes were wasted and ravaged.
"Hahahaha! There's no way to run if I have break your dresses to kingdom come!" Supervillain, Ishmael Bin Ahmed, Quirk: Sadism. The more he brings pain to others, specifically breaking their clothes, he gets stronger. He cast his finger with the shape of an L on his forehead, thinking that he's an all star to play such games. "All hail Meta Liberation!"

But there's something wrong, he wasn't a supervillain before, he didn't have a Quirk either. Ahmed was a small time street voyeur who inflicts his sadism on night clubs, what lead him to such extent?

"If you really wanna work with me, go ahead and follow me from behind!" Zeal told his interns to buckle up and fight the supervillain.

He sprung into action and burned away his casual attire into Hero attire.

A technique that magnifies all Fire Quirk-users. Since that day, a certain Hero from Japan put up a dojo that taught such high level fire.

"Flashfire Fist...." Zeal invoked the Flashfire Technique on the criminal.

[However, Dominatrix wasted no time inflicting sadistic energy blasts at his interns.

Tsundere noticed a shift in thermal vectors that Dominatrix moved in an instant, leaving Zeal to deal with an afterimage.

"Watch out guys, he's right behind us!" Tsundere created an erected barrier of heat ray and cold ray but she was too late, kicked aside as Dominatrix throws a multiple grenades to them.

Zeal have startled everyone with his fast reflexes but he decided to stay put and called out to them.
"Remember what we discussed, formations. Don't approach the bad guy just because you wanna fight!"

Can they counter and mitigate public damage?

Dominatrix' about to lay a sadistic punch to Harimau!

The Holo TV broadcasted in Tehtarik Cafe about the villain attack, the customers and those outside were forced to take refuge due to the lockdown.

During villain attacks, the town is forced to proceed with high alert lockdowns. This is to ensure safety of the public and private society from harm's reach. The Military Police's Anti Quirk Response Force will then work along side Heroes.

The girls are forced to stay inside.

Kuudere noticed that some were attempting to break the law and go outside the protected premises.

"Ara~ ara ladies~ Kimiko-chan. Do these people a favor and get them at ease. Penrose-san, Oracle-chan. At any cost do not go outside, we support types are meant to be here. Doombreaker, don't do anything unless I tell you, your strength is dangerous. Stay close to Kimiko-chan."

Kuudere demonstrated her leadership and critical thinking skills. The standard protocol of evacuation, battle and rescue system.

She dialed the phone of Amur Tiger. "Tiger, don't forget to send back up. I understand that you want to spend time with your son, please come here to Tehtarik Street and get out of Rendang Street immediately."

Support Type Heroes were similar to medics and support type people. They lack the charisma to pacify a public on panic despite the presence of Penrose.

She turned to Aurora.
"Oracle-chan, please watch the live broadcast while I have one of my sidekicks over the phone. We need you to analyze that felon's movements, with or without your Quirk."

Ice Hero, Blizzard, Kuudere's daughter spotted the Hero Crysalis in the kitchen. "You know, I can bail you outta here if you want a piece of the action. Malaysia is such a paranoid place".
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@Renny@Lord Indra@Landaus Five-One

Harry felt the disturbance through the air even before the alarm blared, making him winced from the sudden sharp noise but neck snapped towards the direction where the incident happened.

The food street where it came from, had the appearance of loud noise, shouts and screams. A quick sniff of the air had him felt relief as there's no blood drawn.


Moving side by side the number one hero in the SEA region, the latter proved himself to the name as he was already on the move by the time Harry had just finished processing the information. His body shot forward as powerful muscles propelled him, the air rushing past his face as he tried to keep up with Zeal.

Rather than moving just with legs, Harry combined it and ran with his arms as well. A swift kick to the ground had him leapt upwards to the side of a building before switching to his legs, momentum and speed allowing him to wall run onto it. Taking the high ground allowed him to survey the villain quirk.

Don't recognize him, seems to be targeting clothes only, yet also getting stronger the more he strips a person. A quirk that boosts the user from emotions? Was it pleasure or adrenaline that fuels it perhaps? Lou Fu quickly ran through the list of possibilities before heading to the side in order to cut off the villain route of retreat.

"Phantasm, Mei! Quick off the sides! Tidal, support Zeal!" Harry decisively roared his orders even as he jumped from the building side and landed on all fours of the sidewalk, claws leaving a gash behind his grip even as he steadied himself.

Then the wind shifted and moving out of a sharpened instinct, Harry turned to the back just in time for Mei to notice that the dominatrix villain had enough speed to move and left an afterimage behind right in front of the number one hero.

A quick flip of his legs and he was moving towards the villain. Not to assist Mei, she can more than take care of herself but to follow up on her attacks.

A deluge of grenades however cut it short as his hair stood on its edge, the pit of his stomach warning him of the danger posed by it.

Fear is natural. Harry spat to the side even as he somersaulted backwards, his bright orange tail flicking forwards and batting the grenade upwards. Sending it's payload where it would detonate safely without any casualties.

Courage is a choice. Blood rushed in his blood even as the wind and sound crashed past him. Forcing him to lay low and gripped the asphalt tightly, yellow slitted eyes narrowed as he sighted his target.

Only to be met with a rapidly oncoming fist, the fastest he had seen.

At the edge of his hearing, Harry could hear something about the formation and not engaging the villain. Through clenched teeth, Harry had to force the bestial roars down even as the world slowed to a crawl. His lowered stance on all fours had him dipped down even lower that he was millimeters from the ground.

Muscles relaxed for a moment, letting loose of all tension before it coiled and tightened. Like a spring compressed to its edge, Harry burst forward like a bullet. The speed of the punch seemed slow as Harry was already shooting past the villain and right between the legs to come out on the other side.

Wind whipped past him and vision lengthened before it came right to a halt, leaving a slight mark on the ground as claws strong enough to tears flesh and gash steel find purchase on the ground. Then using the leftover speed and with a gentle slap on the ground with his hands, Harry leaped onto his feet and joined Mei sides in one swift motion.

"I can distract him, you find a way to incapacitate his movement. The moment that chance comes, I'll take him down in one blow." He resisted the urge to click his tongue as he would normally give the villain a swift and powerful kick to the gut but there's too little information he can work with for now.

Harry had to trust the other two to find a way to slow or opportunity before he can finish the job.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yukimura Shinon

"Tidal Surge" | 15 |
Quirk: Tidal Wave

@Lord Indra@Restalaan@Renny

Shinon had a smile on her face, which she was grateful that she gave a good first impression towards Furious Five. She nodded towards the Tiger only because in the hero’s life, usually the action comes to find you. ’ I hope that will be the case in dealing with the villains. It is what my mother told me anyway, and I guess I should be more focused on the outcome of this fight overthinking myself into a corner.’ She thought with a happy look on her face. However, she hoped she didn’t really jinx herself in thinking about the action that comes to find you.

Some time had passed, but Shinon had noticed that the Tiger noticed a disturbance sooner than her. She realized what it was when the town alarm rang throughout the town, telling of a Supervillain attack within Tehtarik and Rendang Street. It caused her to sigh somewhat only because she had the time of her life, jinxing herself with her mother’s wisdom sometimes. ’ I shouldn’t have tried thinking that… Oh, whatever, I should actually help my Uncle out with this. My mother would probably scold me, with jinxing myself by thought.’ She thought with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

Shinon focused slightly, which pushed a switch in her head that slightly differed from her usual bubbly, sweet, and kind self. She knew she had to follow her uncle Zeal to keep working with him, which he is definitely pretty quick for the #1 Hero. It was all she can do to keep up since she did enjoy running, but swimming would be quicker, but that would cause much damage if she tried it now. She had noticed the Tiger keeping up with Zeal by getting on all fours like a tiger.

Shinon had kept up with everyone rushing to aid the civilians in this supervillain attack. However, the one thing that made her embarrassed was what the supervillain was doing to get stronger by stripping others of their clothes. ’That is so debauchees… What in the hell? Better to get rid of this villain as quickly as possible.’ Shinon thought with a disgusted look on her face. It didn’t take her long to hear the Tiger’s voice first. ” Yes, Tiger, I will support Zeal!” She exclaimed in acknowledgment of his order. It was the best idea to do since she is definitely a combat, specialized quirk hero.

Shinon had a slightly shocked, serious look on her face when Tsundere spoke that the villain was behind them by leaving an afterimage. ”Wait… What? You got to be fucking kidding me; how the hell does that villain have the ability to do that?” She questioned that it was completely annoying to her. The next thing that happened was; specifically, the Dominatrix threw multiple grenades at them. She somewhat hesitated, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to be afraid now since her mother and father weren’t that types of hero.

It annoyed her to no end, which she decided to move out of the way of the grenades; hopefully, they weren’t movement activation grenades. However, in her annoyance, she remembered her Nitrogen flute, which she started to use since using her quirk right now would probably not be a good idea at this moment. She started to play the Nitrogen Flute, which caused her to produce icicles and launch them at the Dominatrix. Shinon remembered that this flute could help her control her quirk, which she did sense a body of water nearby. It made her want to activate her quirk to make a Tidal Wave to come for the foe. As such, the Tidal Wave wasn’t to its maximum height, but it was still taller than the Dominatrix by at least 20 to 25 feet tall. Half of its usually Maximum height of 50 Feet, which was much less dangerous than the maximum Tidal Wave. ” Eat My Tidal Wave, Bastard. You deserve it.” She said towards the Supervillain for throwing grenades at her.

Shinon heard the Tiger’s voice again, which she was fully in control of her Tidal Wave, thankfully by the support item she was using. ” Hopefully, you Tiger can get the final blow… unless my Tidal Surge drifts him away to the ocean.” She said with a slight smirk on her face while keeping the flute close to her lips. Serious, Aggressive, and always a bit more competitive in this type of personality of the raging storm. She was playing her Nitrogen Flute to keep the Tidal Wave controlled while she was moving away from the grenades since it wouldn’t be a good idea to get exploded. ’ I will make sure this sick bastard gets what he deserves. No one deserves to be humiliated as he had done to everyone else in this attack.” She thought a bit angrily at the whole thing. It was mostly because she protected her sanctity and didn’t want her hero outfit to be destroyed.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 days ago

"Bing bong!" taunted the villain taking two more grenades tossing them underneath him allowing himself to be propelled through the air onto a roof above the tidal wave letting out a maddening sadistic laugh "Your society will never be safe from me. suffer the humiliation!"He roared in maniacal laughter avoiding their attacks before launching more grenades in every which direction, some landing in the various buildings with openings "Bing bong! Time is running out of heroes! better suffer the humiliation and lose the dresses of defense!" Dominatrix laughed from his perch on a building. the Manic looked around before pulling out another surgeon, feeling a dying effect "I forget what these are again...Oh well, I got several, and let's see what this one does."He tossed injecting himself

Aurora listened to Kuudere's orders as she nodded closing her eyes focusing as a split imagine a bit more transparent formed behind her where she stood looked around. "alright I am live."She added looking up at the ceiling towards where the villain was laughing his but off posting about the power he felt racing through him "I see, he injected himself again...Kuudere, watch my body, I need to get closer, I will be fine, my quirk can't be touched if my body is safe, so my clothing should be fine.." she said as her transparent form disappeared only to reappear a few feet behind the villain moving to cover watching him before hearing the clinging of metal

"what?' she asked herself seeing another figure standing on a building above the villain "There you are Dominatrix. How dare you run from your punishment...Sealer. Time for you to do your thing" Spoke the voice belonging to the 3rd rank Hero, The metal Hero: Chariot. Her silver hair flowed freely as her bright red eyes pierced through the shadows darkening her face. her signature rapier out at her side.

"Wait...Chariot is here? How? Why?" asked Aurora before returning her attention to the villain only to notice he was leaning over her cover "Is it just me or the drugs or are you really a ghosty girl. Hm? I wonder what you look like under that dress defense."He said with a laugh as Aurora moved away, knowing she was safe from getting harmed but it was best not the give that advantage away
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yi, who was standing behind Chariot a few feet, did not waste a moment. He rushed forward and launched himself off the higher rooftop as Dominatrix was distracted by the girl hiding on the same rooftop. Rolling as he landed, Yi was back on his feet in an instant, using the momentum to deliver a quick jab to Dominatrix's kidney. Instantly allowing his quirk to seal his opponents abilities.

However, he didn’t stop there. Using his middle finger knuckle he started jabbing what seemed like random spots, from the back of the arm, to the shoulder, to under the armpit. Then suddenly grabbing the man's arm and twisting it, while twisting himself to send the man into a painful throw. Nearly throwing him off the roof.

Yi then calmly said. “Yeah…. I’m not going to let you even try to attempt that with her Dom...” He stopped as he walked over towards Dominatrix and shook his head. As he started to laugh.” I cant even say your ‘name’! Funny you should prattle on about suffering from humiliation. You do realize you’re calling yourself a ‘Dominating woman’? .”

Pausing again. He put his finger to his lip as if he had a thought. ”Oh...I guess it would be fitting when you’re in prison though….

He kept his eyes on the man, ready for anything. But with his quirk’s sealed… he wouldn't be much of a threat...especially when dominatrix realized what happened to his arms.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Crysalis had the window open to vent the strong scent of bacon, from his cooking bacon and eggs. His plan was to scramble to egg part way after letting it cooks just a little bit. But, as it started to cook, he thought he heard something. It was faint, hard to hear past the sizzling. Sometimes his eggs screamed at him, but... No, it wasn't that. There it was again. It was from outside! "Damn!" He cut the fire and dumped the contents of the pan onto his plate. Sunny side up, bleh. Oh well.

Someone addressed him, he turned, the second of two sunny-side up eggs hanging out of his mouth, "Mm? Mm!" It was Blizzard, asking if he wanted to join the fight outside. He slurped it up and swallowed it. "Yeah, sounds like they could use a hand." He took the bacon from his plate and put his plate in the sink. No time to clean up, unfortunately. He'd have to come back.

He heard explosions and turned toward the sound. These guys didn't care about collateral, either, apparently. Those kind of guys are the worst. "Before they cause any serious damage. Ruffians." There was a good street vendor near here, he'd stopped there for a bite to eat before. Crysalis took the kitchen exit to the alley. "Where'd this guy get all the-" another wave of explosions cut him off, this time with the sounds of breaking wood and shattering glass. Cliff thought he saw something leap up to the top of the building, and he thought that's where he could hear the villain now, too. But... He didn't exactly have the best offense, so what was he gonna do? And getting up there posed a problem. Another hero could get up there. For him, there were likely people on the street in need of help that he could get to efficiently. There were likely some injured, but hopefully no casualties.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


What kind of quirk is that?

Humiliating people by tearing their clothes apart, only to grow stronger. A strange quirk that a decent human being shouldn't inflict upon others. This Dominatrix person clearly needed to be dealt with, but no one could get close to him. Mizo could simply charge him, but that wasn't what was most important. There was another hero already giving the bad guy the works, and she could see Aurora's ghostly image not far from that, they had it covered. This was where Mizo was most needed right now. A Hero with a suppression quirk was best suited for dealing with that villain, while Harry, Tidal Wave, and the rest were working on the scene doing damage control, she and Penrose were inside with the civilians. They were scared and needed reassurance. Everyone, including Kuudere and Puppeteer were hiding in a building with chairs and tables barricading the door. Penrose was beneath a window, occasionally peaking out above to look for any threats coming closer. Mizo wasn't even trying to hide, she was staring out the main door's small window. Everything was fine outside, as far as fine went. "We will be safe in here. Don't worry." Penrose said out loud, to no one in particular. Mizo wanted to blast out of the doors and across the street, to send that fool into orbit. That wasn't the best strategy, Mizo would have plenty of chances to fight herself. "Doombreaker, I know you are eager to go out there, but your strength is best needed here..." Penrose looked up at Mizo, though she had her helmet on, Penrose could see that Mizo was itching to bang knuckles with that villain "They have this, what we need to do is make sure these people are safe." Fighting is only half the battle when civilians are at risk, and this was something Mizo knew, but the urge to charge was all she thought of until now. Mizo looked out the window, seeing them all out there. They were all capable heroes in their own rights. Mizo took a breath and turned away from the door. Behind her was a crowd of civilians, some young, some old taking shelter from the mess outside with the group of heroes. They looked scared; she took off her bulky helmet, showing her face to the rest of them as she tried to find the world deep down to reassure them as best she could. With her helmet off, Mizo's face was visible to everyone else. She was young. Like some of them. Her expression was cold and stoic, but she was far from uncaring about them all. Everybody could see the nasty scar on her eye, her hair was put up so it wouldn't fall out while she was wearing her intimidating set of black and white plated armor.

"You are scared, all of you. I know..." She spoke loudly but calmly for everyone to hear, "I know it looks bad outside, and I know some of you are too young to understand what's happening, but look at me. I'm young, but I stand here for the sake of all of you, that is why you have nothing to fear. I am Doombreaker, and no matter how far the enemies of society come, the final stand is not one step further than where I stand. If that bastard dares to set foot in here, I will be the last thing he sees. Not one of you will come to harm, I swear on my life!" Her voice grew in intensity as she attempted to assure the crowd that victory was coming. Some of the civilians in the building were children, who needed calming the most. "I will not let anything happen to anyone here." She stood tall and proud among those hiding, like a rock on violent shores yet unbroken. Penrose was smiling to herself from her hiding spot as she watched her student handle things the way she was, she had confidence in Mizo, proud of her valiant student's bravery in this moment. Mizo would never let her words ring empty. The Honorable Hero was unmoving at her core, her heart was her greatest weapon...

And a heart made of steel never dulls when sharpened against the bones of evil.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

芽衣 = Mei (Elder Triplet)
命 = Mei (OG)
鳴 = Mei (Youngest Triplet)

The impact of the grenades were mitigated by simultaneous temperature absorption.

Mei reacted thrice as fast with the issued commands by their class president and aspiring leader, Harry Harimau. She started talking to herself and arguing with herself as if she was three separate individuals.
"Come on, you were too scared to deflect the bombs, quit being a puss."

"Oh shut up! You were too slow to conjure those shields and Mei had to do it, if I haven't evacuated the citizens, they'd be dead by now."

"Would you two stop arguing for a second!" The origin Mei shouted at herself. She spotted two heroes, a martial artist and a white haired woman, there's no mistaking that it's the #3 Hero.

"Oi..Chariot's intern, he's hot."

"Shut up, we got outed from Emulator's class because of the deed you put us through, if it weren't for father, we would have been expelled right now."

"This isn't the time to talk about it. I'm under control." Mei shut her siblings out by using the Cerebral Localizer support item to make her brainwaves dominant, she waves her Thermokinetic Wand and distributed warmth to the naked civilians.

Zeal overheated, a backlash that caught up to him for a week without sleep. The arrival of the Siaruyan Heroes surprised the Flame Hero, Zeal prepared his Quirk Dampening Handcuffs.

"Chariot!" He said in a surprised tone.

Kuudere looked after the civilians and her interns and sidekicks do the same.

"Tiger-san, send some of your men to our location. Please assist my husband and arrest that villain."

Blizzard and Zest are with Crysalis and were disappointed for missing the action. "Looks like dad and that metal woman put an end to this farce. The internship is not yet over, let's continue moving forward. You look like an interesting one, Crysalis." Crysalis had Blizzard's attention.

Zest joked about. "Calm down sis, he's just a kid. "

@BlackMaiden@Restalaan@CitrusArms@Aerandir@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As Crysalis came out from the alley, he noticed he had two pros following after him. "I think I saw something ascend to the building top." He looked, all he could see was the overhang. "I think it was the villain, I heard him. I can handle a little rescue work, if you want to chase the-" thump! Crysalis looked up toward the noise. "Oh, someone's got him? Hmm. What's his Quirk, anyway...? It's gross." The student hero looked around, thoughtful, for just a moment. "If he's got this many grenades on him, he may have something else up his sleeve." He bounced on his feet as he turned and moved toward the shop next door. He heard the announcement from Doombreaker, but she was across the street. It didn't seem like anyone had come through this building. Despite the blown out glass, Crysalis propped the front door open. Safer than people stepping through it. It looked like three grenades had landed in here, but anyone in the front room had the good sense and was fit enough to run away, apparently. They'd also had the time to do so, which meant... Something, but he was too busy to figure it out just then.

"Is anyone in here? I'm a hero, here to help." He smiled and greeted the few people that came out, but learned there were more people inside. It didn't seem like damage from the grenades went too deep into the building, but there was also another floor above him. Just as he was thinking that, he heard the ceiling starting to give way. He worked whipped around to see, wondering if it was a person or furniture. If it was a person, he'd have to catch them. He moved quickly, and heard no shrieking or anything. A filing cabinet fell through! It fell mostly upright, but poised to fall over on someone from tilting. He deflected the heavy thing away from the citizens, relieved he didn't end up crushed himself from being too eager to catch a person.

"I need to clear out the upstairs. This room isn't safe, so come in past the damage and we'll go together to Doombreaker when I come back down." If either of those pros were still following him, he'd feel a lot better if one of them could see them safely across the street. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he had a bad feeling this had been too easy.

Upstairs, he had to contend with a weakened floor. The shockwave from those grenades just have done it. The upper floor was a maze of cubicles, but he could see where the filling cabinet had fallen through. "Jeez, talk about the labyrinth of work. Anyone in here?" Crysalis tried to remember the floor plan from the floor below, and stick as close to those walls as possible. Further collapsing the floor would only make things more dangerous, and his crystals and gear made him heavy.

He walked very carefully as he called out. He got a few responses, but there were also weak sections of floor in his way. After considering things for a moment, he got the idea to use the cubical walls to support his weight. If it would support him, it should support them. With pathways laid, he brought the civilians down from the second floor and out the building. "Alright, let's go."

He looked over his shoulder at the rest of the street. Damn... Did they get the rest of the buildings already? Or was there work to do? Crysalis put himself between the small group of civilians and the threat, hopefully still up on the roof.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Dominmatrix was not prepared for the newcomers "oh no they found me bing bong....damnit!"he called seeing a youth leap from behind the shadowed figure. He tried getting at the male but unfortunately he wasn't quick enough stumbling backwards as his arms hung limply at his side "what did you do to me?"he asked "i can't move my arms!"he called twisting left and right wildly in rage "No! Nononononono! I was told i was going to be strong be able to humiliate all yoy damn heros!"he yelled in disillusional ramblings as some of the grenades on him rolled off his belt from his thrashing "i will humiliate your dresses of defense...Fear me!"he roared allowing the bombs to explode around him and yi, crumbling their roof top foot hold

"Simple he did as his name says. He sealed your quirk and your chakra in a sense.."spoke chariot jumping down on to the same roof top before moving to the edge looking at zeal "oh look good old number 1 still watching me clean his messes. Thank you for helping us catch him..."she spoke walking off the edge before a dozen bbs of metal moved under her feet forming a staircase formong in front and disappearing behind her "by the way zeal, did you have more kids or are you actually taking interns. If the latter i want to say you love copying me"she teased in playful banter before looking back to the roof "Sealer. Send him down here please and get down here as well please."she spoke before hearing the explousion giving an annoyed look "i am not paying for that damage "she mumbled not too worried about much. She sighed looking around "Yo! Support heros...quit hiding and get out here with your frontliners...time to reacue that villian!"called chariot feeling it was time for see what her intel showed. Maybe there was potential.

Aurora winced moving from the fight at a good distance watching the one side fight, kinda fewling bad for the villian in his tantrum. She gaspes seeing the bombs allowing the rooftop to cave in. She phased through several floors managing to stop herself under two floors of rubble"...hm...well i could call back but i need to see where they are"she said to herself not having an issue being in the rubbel glad this form wasnt fully physical but hated all the damn lines and colors of the various caved in debris making it hard to tell the damage in this form. She was glad people were black sillhoutes in the maze of color "they are above me...both are alive.."she spoke from her observarions

Aurora physical body remained still as she spoke calmly of all her other form was speaking of.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yukimura Shinon

"Tidal Surge" | 15 |
Quirk: Tidal Wave

@Lord Indra@Aerandir@Blizz@BlackMaiden

Shinon got annoyed badly by the Dominatrix’s taunt, which kind of felt like a ping pong, instead of what he said. However, what he did next was shocking and felt a bit dumb, but villains are somewhat dumb in all honesty. ” You bastard, get back here, or I will definitely wreck your day… Because I will never want to suffer, you’re humiliation.” Shinon said with a tendency of getting a bit too aggressive. It only happens when she’s around her cousin or uncle Zeal, but this time she’s around both. The Reckless bastard is causing damage to everything with his grenades; it annoyed her to no end, constantly being a slippery bastard. She did try to keep from being hit by any of the grenades by moving carefully before they exploded near her.

Shinon got shocked when Oracle had mentioned Chariot, and the 3rd Ranked hero, one rank above her own father, the Zen Hero: Darklight. However, there was an intern with her, called Sealer; what does that mean? She hadn’t really a clue. It would be pretty obvious in what it means when Sealer does what he will do. However, Shinon kind of recognized Sealer, he was on the TV spot with Chariot the #3rd Hero Interview. It made her grateful to know that he’s here to seal the bastard’s quirk. ”Thank bloody god… No more losing clothes by that sicko, thanks, Sealer!” Shinon said happily and basically said that to Sealer. She sees everyone as a friend and only a friend because her classroom rules are so strict. ’ Thankfully, Yi is here, and I can’t believe he’s working for Chariot… I do wonder why, though. Ugh, I am thankful I don’t really see boys as what they should be… I wonder if anyone else is like me? I will only accept a marriage proposal from a man though… but right now I’m happy being a girl into other girls.’ Shinon thought with a smile and waved towards Sealer as she’s happy to see him. However, she’s much more than meets the eye, while all the times she refused every single advance by the opposite sex.

Shinon did look around and wondered what was going to happen next, which she saw her cousin doing what she always does. In terms of fighting with her other personas, Mei's triplets are somewhat always a pain in the ass to deal with. She sighs slightly at the whole thing because of what one of them said. ” Uhh, Mei, can you please stop fighting with yourself?” Shinon questioned her cousin. However, Shinon was a bit embarrassed only because of what one of them said, and it makes much more sense why Mei was demoted now. She sighed thankfully, and she’s like one of the few girls in Emulator’s class to not break the rules. However, Mei does stop arguing with herself, which helps.

It took Shinon to hear an explosion happened on the roof, which made her face go to worry instantly because that’s where Sealer and Chariot are. ” What the hell happened now? Don’t tell me the idiotic villain tried to explode himself… also, Are you okay, Sealer!?” Shinon said with a dramatic level of worry. She doesn’t really understand Chariot’s whole reason why the Sealer is constantly getting in danger. Hopefully, Yi would answer her since it would be definitely a bad thing if Sealer died since he seals quirks. ” Oh god, oh god, should I go help? I could always use my Tidal Wave to free him. Wait… that would be a bad idea...” Shinon said, realizing that would definitely make Sealer drown. It wouldn’t be a good thing for a hero to do to cause bodily harm to another hero. However, out of all this, Chariot is definitely good compared to probably what happened to Sealer. Sometimes, Heroes can be a bit crazy nonetheless but, Villains are absolutely bonkers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yi sighed when the guy didn’t even react to his jokes. As chariot explained his quirk he glanced back at her pulling his head back with a confused look when she said she cleaned up his messes. ”I’m pretty sure I did most the work….” He said to her, though she acted like she didn’t hear him and continued down to the street level to rub this into the face of Zeal.

Despite her ‘taking his credit’ he did feel pretty awesome he caught the guy instead of “Zeal and his unbeatable flame quirk.” Well, really any time he was able to show up a flame user he felt pretty awesome. He looked back at Dominatrix as he started going crazy and slapping him self with his dead arms. Moving closer to bring the villain down to the street level as Chariot asked, he noticed the Grenades slipping from the man's belt a bit too late. His heart jumped up into throat when he noticed how easily the pins came off. This guy was absolutely insane! Impact Grenades?!

He cursed as he slammed himself down against the concrete roof. There was no time to even think about jumping away from the grenades. As they explode upon impact. The sudden explosion was the last thing he heard before an overwhelming ringing was the only thing he could hear. The roof below him began to shift and move, which the feeling was surreal as he couldn’t hear the concrete crumble, or it crash into the floor and furniture below it. He tried to scramble up the roof as it was crumbling in, to somehow reach the more stable part of it. But he wasn’t quick enough, as he reached up to the sky and quickly was swallowed up into the darkness from the concrete dust spewing up and out of the newly formed skylight.

When things stopped moving, he tried to breath. Coughing instantly at the thick blanket of concrete dust that surrounded him. His eyes teared up as his body tried to get rid of the dust in his eyes. Squinting, he tried to look around the room. While still uncontrollably coughing. He stood up slowly, but winced as all the pain suddenly rushed his body. He winced as he felt pain in multiple parts of his body. Looking down he could barely see the darker, wet looking spot on his sides. That stood out starkly in comparison of the pure white/grey dust of the concrete that caked his body.

He chose to ignore it for the moment as he pushed himself forward. Looking for the villain. It didn’t take him too long to find him. Yi was suddenly tackled from his left, the bigger man screaming and slamming him into the wall beside him. Not that Yi heard the screaming to help alert him to his impending attack. The mans arms were still useless, but he quickly knee yi in the stomach a couple times while using his upper torso to pin yi to the wall. Not wanting to stay and fight Yi he tried to flee.thinking that the few hits would keep him from following. But his feet got caught up in some heavy extension cords and tripped him up. Causing him to fall flat on his face.

Yi didn’t waste a moment as he jumped on the man, placing a knee on the back his head while using the rest of the power cord to hogtie him. Then while the man was still struggling to get up Yi yelled ”Trying to get away? Let me help you!” Not that he heard himself. But he picked him up and dragged him through the window with a leap with a wordless yell.

The end of the extension cord was stuck under a large concrete slab, and with how much of the cord he used to tie the man up. He quickly came to a stop half about ten feet off the ground. Looking like a pinata. And quite alive as could be heard from his screams.

Yi didn’t PLAN on jumping through the window, it just kinda happened. His reflexes were quick enough he didn’t land flat, but it wasn’t the most graceful of rolls. Coming to a stop face down on the pavement. A muffled ”Oooooowww…” could be heard coming from Yi. He started to feel all the cuts and bruises from the grenades and falling through a concrete roof.

The sides and his back were peppered with fragments of the Grenade, a large gash in his thigh from a rebar he slid past on his fall.and to be sure a few broken bones. Nothing was life threatening, But it was still serious.Though he didn’t care how he looked as he tried to continue to focus on not passing out and keeping the quirk sealed. His head started to throb after everything he went through.

After a moment of panting he pulled his head up and looked at Zeal and Chariot. His maskless face made it easy to see a tired smile form on it. He then Yelled once again. “I brought him down!” He looked back to the hogtied Dominatrix. No doubt enjoying his predicament with how he was struggling and the name he chose for himself. Yi looked back to Chariot and finished yelling. ”Mostly.. before resting his head on his hand. The ringing in his ears slowly went away.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@BlackMaiden@Landaus Five-One@Lord Indra

The Tiger : Harry Harimau

Harry snarled even as other grenades went into play, dodging those were child play but he spotted it as the villain seemed to inject more syringes into themselves. The effect was instantaneous as his nose caught the increase of musk, heightened sweat and increased breathing.

He's juicing himself?! That would explain why this no named villain obtained the power to actually leave the top hero behind.

Teeth bared and blood rushing to the head, Harry decided that he'll end this right now.

That's when a new presence made themselves known, a quick glance had him recognizing the 3rd hero in the SEA region.

Followed by that, another person came and finished the battle by poking the villain repeatedly and then placing them into a submission hold.

That won't work. Harry was already bouncing in between the building gaps and spaces as he hurled himself to where the villain was. Ready to attack the ensuing villain until the latter began to panic. The strength and power once possessed seem neutered or gone.

A quirk that seals other quirks? Harry pondered as he landed gently next to the new hero, his brain searching and wracking up the name of him but fell short.

Ah well. If I remember, I'll remember.

"Yo, Harry Harimau." Two fingers raised as he cordially saluted Yi and introduced himself. @Aerandir

That's when Harry picked a familiar scent even as a near-silent thud landed behind him, hair raised, back stiffened and Harry stood straighter as he turned himself around.

"The situation's already under controlled?" The new figure quietly said as he stood up, slowly rising as Harry's neck craned upwards and saluted formally.

"All under control, dad-I mean, sir." Nervous words stuttered out before clamming up as similar yellow slitted iris focused down onto him.

The Amur Tiger

Looking down with a slight frown at Harry and wearing both a mix of detective and police clothing, the white hair and beard moved in slight disapproval before he turned to the number three and one hero.

"Apologies, I was on the other end of the city when I heard the commotion and came as fast as I can." The number two hero bowed his head forward, ears folded down and being the only similar color shared by Harry even as the pure white distinguished himself.

Harry resisted the urge to inwardly clicked his tongue, not at his old man but at himself. He was certain he would've taken at least ten minutes to reach here from the other side of the city.

The fight, however, barely lasted ten.

"I've dispatched backup on the way, they should be arriving right now-" Amur didn't turn to look even as the distinct siren of police officers and medics finally came, quickly pouring out from their cars and moving as they brought out special equipment and gears to arrest dangerous quirk villains.

Followed closely were the medics as they moved to help out in clearing the collateral damage and find any injured civilians, their bright orange vest and green camo pants standing out as they got to work.

@BlackMaiden@Lord Indra

"We'll be needing your report and testament as usual, file them to the usual section." Amur addressed his fellow heroes, an eye glancing to the interns and stopping to rest on Harry for a moment longer before turning away. "We'll also analyze who this villain came into contact with, previously they're barely a blip on the records but judging from the current scenario, this is no longer the case."

"Now, pleasantries aside-" Amur cleared his throat before nodding his head towards his son. "Thank you for taking care of my son, I hope he hasn't been causing you too much trouble."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Yukimura Shinon

"Tidal Surge" | 15 |
Quirk: Tidal Wave

@Lord Indra@Aerandir@Blizz@BlackMaiden@Restalaan

Shinon sighed in frustration when she saw Sealer do something completely like a dumb ass would do, trying to get ladies' attention. The look on her face, while he was injured and face down on the ground after flying out of the window of the building he fell in because of Grenades, wasn’t amused. ” Sealer, are you a dumb ass or what? Like a move like that wouldn’t make me swoon over you for being an idiot.” Shinon spoke with a bit of a mean tone to that. She noticed he was injured but decided to go help him out since it would be rude to allow him to lay there injured. It was all over her face in frustration and a bit of annoyance that Sealer stole her uncle’s capture of the villain. ” I might as well ask, are you alright?” Shinon asked a curious question. Not really worried about Sealer making a move on her, she would smack him across the face, hard at a moment’s notice, and it was the look on her face too.

Shinon looked around and noticed the Amur Tiger, which is Tiger’s father, and was utterly shocked, how many Pro Heroes are in this mission. ” Hi Amur Tiger! How are you doing?” Shinon questioned, being really friendly and kind towards Tiger’s pretty cool father. Even though none can beat her uncle Zeal’s power and strength, hopefully, Sealer will be healed by someone who can heal his injuries unless The Chariot wants to allow him to grin and bear it. ” I might as well say, Tiger, your father is so cool!” Shinon said, feeling like there’s a bit of downtime before the primary operation against the Incorporation.

Shinon kept a small eye on the hogtied villain, which Sealer captured and shuddered to think about what would happen if he was able to do what he said he could. ’ Ugh, the thought feels so unsavory I don’t want to think about it. Since a woman’s body should be shown to the one you love after marriage, right now in public...’ Shinon thought with a definite shiver down her spine. However, another thought popped into her mind, and she smacked Sealer on the left cheek really hard. It was mostly because she shudders to think what he would do if she had that happen to her by that creepy villain.

An audible sigh was heard nearby, on an awesome looking motorcycle, the Water Slider Motorcycle, which transforms into a water ski. As well as a whistle to get Shinon’s attention. ”Daughter… What the hell are you doing? Why did you slap that poor hero who’s injured? He wasn’t going to do anything wrong to you.” Rei said, with a heavily annoyed look on her face. She is also wearing her hero outfit that is a massive exception to most Heroes wear, which shows off what she is, an hourglass shape and hot to boot.

Shinon shivered down her spine when she heard her mother’s voice, the Water Hero: Glaser. It made her remind her that her mother was going to check up on her progress at this internship since she has much to do to make her parents proud. ”M-Mom… I thought you had to do something else than keeping an eye on me!” Shinon exclaimed to her mother.

Yukimura Rei

"Water Hero: Glaser" | 40 |
Quirk: Water Geyser

Rei got off her motorcycle, walked over to her daughter, and looked at the injured boy Shinon was helping up. ” I seriously apologize for what my daughter has caused to your face. She can be a bit overzealous when she’s trying to protect herself from touchy feel types.” Rei said, with an honest apology to Sealer for her daughter’s outburst.

Shinon was embarrassed heavily by her own mother’s straightforwardness to apologize to every single man, and she slapped him across the face. ” M-Mom, you don’t have to apologize for my actions...” Shinon said deeply sighed. It's one thing to deal with your overzealous apologizing mother, but thankfully her father is incredibly busy in Japan with doing hero jobs there. ” I shouldn’t have slapped Sealer… on the face, or this wouldn’t have happened...” Shinon thought with a massive regret on her face, and she does look sorry to slapping Sealer.

Rei slightly laughs at her daughter’s reaction to her apologizing to Sealer, the Chariot’s personal bodyguard. ” You know daughter… if you were a slight bit more forward with your feelings with people, you wouldn’t have to get this so protective about things… but I do know you don’t want to get kicked out of 1A.” Rei said with a devilish looking grin on her face like she always enjoys her daughter’s reactions. It is a mother’s duty to embarrass your child, and that’s what Glaser is doing right now. ” Oh yeah, Chariot, how goes your project doing with Sealer’s Training? I hope you aren’t pushing him too hard. Because he’s quite cute and would be such a waste for him to die during one of your training regimes.” Rei questioned Chariot. It’s always a thing with the Metal Hero, pushing her interns, trainees, or bodyguards to the brink of death.

Shinon looked at Sealer and wondered how her mother knows the 3rd Pro Hero and couldn’t really help like she is out of a loop or something. ” Uhh, mom, can you please stop embarrassing me.” Shinon said, blushing a bit heavily. All this talk about cute makes her remind her of her plushie collection in her toy box. It basically turns her switch off and causes her to be much cuter and less competitive, and shy about her outbursts. ” Umm, Sealer, I am sorry for your face feeling a bit worse for the other me hitting your face. Also, Mom, why do you have to bring up cute? Don’t tell me you bought another plushie for me?” Shinon questioned, a bit curious, and smiled happily.

Rei laughed at Tidal Surge’s cuteness and nodded. ” You do have another plushie waiting, but it's at home, and you will be on this internship for awhile sooo, do good so I can buy you another two!” Rei exclaimed happily. Before she walked back to her motorcycle, support item, she waved at Mei the triplet terror and gave her a slight smile about, please tell your mother I was here, Mei. She got back on her motorcycle and drove off since she should be in Japan dealing with something more pressing, her husband’s constant annoyance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Fumiko looked at the scene around her watching the building yi just fell into listening to the sounds. she zoned out focusing on the mess inside watching as yi made a grand exit of jumping out the window with a hogtied villain. She smiled watching some of the students and heroes move over to him as she herself moved over to him as well. she stopped hearing Glasier ask her about her training with Yi "I don't put him through anything I wouldn't put myself though. He is more built than me and has dealt with a lot more then I have, I train him to ensure he holds that strength inside him" said Chariot before she continued forward nodding to the fellow heroes as she smirked towards zeal making it over to yi "You held yourself well, though you could have gotten killed, I am glad you are alright." she said "and it seems you get to have a few friends before you even start school."She teased raising a hand resting it on top of his head "Be more careful or it will be 500 pounds a weight when you get back ya?" she asked in a teasing manner allowing a playful smile to rest on her lips.

She looked around at the crowd and the group around. she hated the celebrity part even though where she was from, that was what she was considered "Listen up Interms and Zeals Team, from this day to the end of your school year, my pupil Yi will be joining your class on my behalf to help the investigation on this new drug that is running rampant in not only this country but the country of my own. I hope you teach him lots of your culture and ways and assist in helping him grow to the potential I know that is hidden inside him."She said deciding to make the announcement now instead of later just so they can get all the casual talk and wonders of what they were doing here in Singapore.

Aurora watched from within the rubble curious of what was happening. seeing yi and the villain exit the building through a window. not a way she would go but she was glad to see both got out alive and somewhat not harmed..ish. She deactived her quirk allowing her ghostly figure to disappear as physical aurora took in a breath of fresh air opening her glazed over pastel blue eyes. She decided against moving from where she sat seeing everyone moved from her so that told her she was alone, which was fine. she never cared for attention anyways.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yi suddenly heard someone say "Yo, Harry...." He rolled his head to the side and saw a guy about his age with a mutation quirk salute him….. ”Im not Hairy… he said in a loud confused tone. What an odd guy. Who salutes someone on the ground and calls them hairy? The odd dude turned and started speaking with The Amur Tiger. Who looked really similar...perhaps they were related?

He didn’t think too much about it, instead he focused on sealing Dominatrix quirk. With his injuries, and the amount of quirks he was suppressing surprisingly in one man, he was starting to get a headache. He then heard a girl speak up.He pulled his head back in confusion when she asked if he had a numb ass…. What the hell is up with students in this country? Does everyone ask weird and personal questions like this? She even mentioned swooning over him for being an idiot… Yi blinked a few times. Confused like hell. Talk about switching gears and being so forward….

She looked annoyed at him...but then asked if he was ok. He hesitated for a moment before nodding, ”I should be ok... With a tired smile. She offered to help him up at which he took her hand, but a few seconds later before he could get his legs under him. His head snapped to the right. Falling to the ground once again. An almost inaudible question could be heard. ”Whhhhyyyyyy????” He was completely clueless on what happened, why did she slap him? Did he do something wrong?

Yi looked up when he heard another woman calling this girl daughter. Who then turned quirky to him and apologize. Yi felt his cheeks warm at the sight of this hero. When she mentioned her daughter being overzealous to protect herself from the touchy feely types. She was picking ME up.” He thought to himself, slightly worried when she started to help him up again. When Rei mentioned she should be straight forward with her feelings with people he raised an eyebrow. What the hell was that supposed to mean??

Rei Turned to Fumiko and started asking how his training was going. But he was split between two conversations when the girl helping him suddenly apologized, acting completely different. Now, more cutesy than anything. He shook his head while he was brought to a kneeling position. ”I’m fine, I just wasn’t expecting it… I appoligize if I...did...anything wrong?”. He was also paying attention to what Fumiko was saying. Which was why he hesitated at the end of his apology for what ever non existent thing he did.

She wouldn’t put him through things that she wouldn’t do…. He was sure he could think of a couple things…. But he held his tongue as it was true she did focus on different types of training. She turned towards him saying he did well, placing a hand on his head, while she spoke to him. but he needed to be careful. He would have been fine if the lunatic wasn’t carrying poorly secured impact grenades. Though he probably should have just gone straight into pinning him so he couldn’t move at all.

While he always felt good when she praised him, it quickly went away with a blank face when she mentioned he needed to be good with his new friends...or he would get heavy weight training. Not that he didn’t mind a challenge...but she tended to go overboard with it.

He quickly stood up when Fumiko mentioned he would be joining their class. Not that he was trying to stand tall for an introduction. But remembering there was a girl on top of that rooftop. Completely ignoring what Fumiko was finishing saying he turned around to the building and looked around. Did she get trapped in there?

Almost at the moment Fumiko stopped speaking he spoke up. Looking to the others quickly. ”There was a girl all in white up on the roof. Did she make it out? We gotta go get her.” sounding a bit concerned. Worried that he just left her in there. If she had fallen down with him. It would be his fault if she got hurt even worse during that time he jumped out till now. He started to make his way back to the building pushing past the others. Grunting inwardly at the pain from all his wounds. But quickly pushed it down deep to ignore it.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The situation on the roof exploded! Literally. Crysalis readied himself for the villain to emerge again. The last civilian he was guiding entered the gathering area, and the care of the heroes and authorities there. Still no commotion from the villain, was he done? Ah, he'd been tied up. That was good... Now for damage control. He saw a response vehicle with an officer inside, on the radio, he'd just arrived, and must be communicating the situation. Crysalis approached him and explained the situation as he knew it. He saw rescuers and medics approaching, and turned his attention.

He should see what the story was with the villain.

He approached the gathering group of heroes and quickly spotting the injured hero on the ground. Crysalis hurried to his side and looked over his injuries. "You got hit by those grenades? Oh, jeez, dude. You, uh... You want me to call you a medic?" He seemed to be laying rather leisurely, as though his injuries weren't serious. "I'm gonna call you a medic." As he looked around for a medic, he spotted the villain hanging inside the building. "Aaand the capture squad."

He flagged down the appropriate responder teams and volunteered to accompany the capture team to apprehend that... Gross villain suspended in the building.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
Avatar of BlackMaiden


Member Seen 9 days ago

@CitrusArms@Aerandir@Landaus Five-One@Restalaan@Lord Indra
Fumiko looked around allowing zeal and his actual heroes to take the spotlight while looking around at the various students and aides around. She looked towards Yi listening to his concern about speaking to respond only for a much lighter voice to speak for her "I am quite alright if it is me that you are asking about. My quirk doesn't allow me to be hurt if my physical body isn't in danger."Spoke a hooded figure allowing a long white ponytail to flow from the back of the hood as a white mask reset on her face "I am the Scouting hero: Oracle. But My name is Aurora"She spoke with a soft voice. her outfit seemed simple with a black hoodie with form-fitting leggings. She lifted a hand from her pockets pulling off her mask allowing her equally white skin and light but pale pastel blue eyes to show briefly before placing the mask back on

"I am sure your teachers probably did not like your choice as I believe that you would be a considered support hero right?" asked Fumiko
" You are right, they would not and probably will scold me for using my quirk in the early stages of my training to understand but my teacher told me to gain info on the villain to find anything I can about them. it was the easiest way of doing so." she spoke " So I didn't really disobey using my quirk in the way I did."She spoke "though I will say there were and probably still l are two isolated people on the rooftop two blocks from here from what I could tell that seemed to not care to evacuate as they were told. I just don't know if they are still there or not." she spoke

"they probably felt safe, It hell getting anyone to listen to evacuation orders where we are from isn't that right yi?" asked Fumiko before addressing the other students "interns of zeal's. I want to say as the third rank hero chariot. you all did well in your own ways, handling and trying to minimize the range of quirks you all hold or probably hold is nothing more than a grand feat, and no matter what you should be proud of yourselves for actually catching a villain...with that being said. I am giving you all the rest of the day off regardless of what zeal and your teachers want. so that way they can tend to the needed paperwork and media. If any of them say otherwise direct them to me."Spoke Fumiko giving her orders making her words seem absolute.


"Aw! Domi-Kun got defeated and I put so much effort in stabilizing his body for those quirks. They were so hard to isolate... But at least I am in the right direction."Spoke a teen with a smirk sitting on a rooftop two blocks away watching through binoculars. "Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk, I got more than enough from that research project and so many more new avenues to explore...Doctor Ameiko will be visiting you all soon my children..."Spoke the teen licking her lips allowing a giggle out "we will have such a grand time learning about each other you will be happy when I make you all such perfect beings." she said to herself with a laugh standing up on the edge. she held a local school uniform with a bag hung over her shoulders. a hip halter of knives and needles rested on her left hip. her crimson red eyes and single large red horn poking out the left side of her head glowed lightly in the light "Come on grand chariot...do what I think you will. set them free in this city. give me their juicy time and effort." she teased speaking to herself as the cloaked figure behind her sighed "you make everything sound wrong." he spoke
"you couldn't understand what I want from them." she said "So much new research subjects.." she added
"still making it sound wrong and I am sure the boss already said you need to behave while outside doing this remember. there is a reason I am stuck babysitting you" he added as she jumped off the edge, disregarding his warnings as he sighed following "why the hell does the boss put up with her." he asked himself
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