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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Ellis Island - Field -> Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to stare at Kwassi for a moment and glared at him, then winced slightly from the pain where her eye was she wanted to speak her mind to him, but knew that right now wasnt the right time really either. She looked between Folly and Alexander for a moment, then remembered that the two did know each other in some way. "I agree, i'd rather her not do anything well crazy. We can drop her off at Serval then." Cass said, and nodded slightly towards Bonnie, they really could use Niah right now since Bonnie's test didnt really work on the skrulls. "Just keep an eye on you, dont use any weapons until we can figure out if you are a skrull or not." Cass said towards Jakobson.

She gave Matt a smile, though she was still new to piloting she was kind of missing an eye at the moment, so her vision was impaired at the moment as well to. "Hawkeye can pilot, I dont have 50-50 vision anymore right now I can co-pilot for the time being." Cassandra pointed out looking at Bonnie and nodded towards her. "I'll give them a call, could use your help with cleaning out my wound to." Cass said to Bonnie as she turned and made her way onto the Avenger's Quinjet. Cassandra then took a seat pulling out her phone sending a text to both Oliver and Niah.

To Oliver & Niah
"Whats your guys status? We need you guys back as soon as possible, the skrull situation is getting worse now."

Nadia Freyrdattir

Location: Asgard, the Halls of Baldur
Skills: N/A

Maria was about to taunt Astrad some more with his lame threat, only for her to be teleported out of the room Nadia stood there a bit awkwardly while looking at the other Asgardians for a moment. "Well this was pretty interesting." Nadia said trying to break the silence she looked at Fosreti for a moment at Amelia's question, it really wasnt her sphere of domain really. "Mr. Grumpy Pants should find a suitable punishment for the shapeshifter." Nadia said and looked at Baldur and nodded she had been meaning to visit home for a little bit as well to.

"Sure thing, i've been meaning to visit my aunt anyway to." Nadia said as she stared a Raynor for a moment with his comment about the skrulls sounded troubling. "It was nice meeting all of you, see you around eventually." Nadia said as she started to turn around and making her way over towards the Bifrost Bridge to visit Heimdal and back to Vanaheim.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"Great... we now have HYDRA and shapeshifting aliens to worry about in Earth now. Best day ever." Astrad shook his head, now feeling much, much better after being healed by the Asgardian goddess as well as his own icy efforts to stop his bleeding from the traitorous stab wound that the fake Maria had given him. He then paused to lean on one of the pillars in the healing room, looking at Ray and then at Amelia. "If we're all set, we should head back to Earth and help deal with this shapeshifting problem." Asgardians had a way of getting to Midgard efficiently, right?

"But not before you get some clothes on, now that you're awake." He gazed at Raynor. "I'd like to beat up some of these shapeshifters that had defiled human soil myself too. In that regard, I think we'll agree on a lot of things."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: the Hall of Baldur
Skills: N/A

Sparky was starting to want to kick herself for even saying as much as she did, but the problem was it was kind of impossible to not just tell him, he was the god of lies after all so she wouldn't be able to hide anything from him. She should have known he'd flip out over it, and she had no idea what to tell him. Especially since he seemed to have ignored the fact that she had told him already that the Skrull who had replaced him was dead. Somewhat the one good thing that came out of Thanos' attack on Earth was the alien dying, even if it proved that Raynor was missing at the time.

"Ray..." she said calmly, taking a deep breath, "The Skrull who replaced you is dead, he was killed when Thanos' henchmen attacked Earth, okay?" There wasn't much else she could say about it, but she did get annoyed slightly with Astrad more or less seemingly butting into the conversation (well more of butting into Raynor freaking out) and just saying that they likely were going to agree on a lot of things. Well she was about to prove him wrong. "...You know if you want to get annoyed with someone right now get annoyed with him," she said to Raynor, nodding towards Astrad, "He attacked me when we first ran into him, which was immediately after I fell out of the sky and almost hit the ground."

Location: Ellis Island
Skills: N/A

"Wow are you really referring to me as the Fly?" Andrew asked, chuckling slightly at the nickname. There were worse things he could be called, but seriously that was the best that someone came up with? Well, it didn't really matter since right now they had bigger things to worry about still, namely the whole alien invasion thing. Of course, he was somewhat grateful that Hawkeye had an idea of what to do or where the group could potentially go and regroup or something like that, which would be nice.

"Thanks for you know, not shooting me," he said, before looking over at Folly when she made her comment. "I called you the crazed acrobat since you threw a knife at me for no reason and so I decided to forgo using your actual name, got it?" he said to her, more then a little bit annoyed with her. Yup, he had just walked into a completely screwed up situation that he wasn't even sure if he'd get out of alive at all. Since for all he knew, he was currently standing in the middle of a group of Skrulls or something and he was just going to end up wherever that transport ship had been heading.

"I can see about getting something setup," Andrew added in response to getting Folly out of this insane situation. "If you want I can send someone else along with the rest of you guys if you want the extra pair of hands," he continued with a shrug. Then again they didn't know who all the Skrulls had replaced, so half the people at Serval could be Skrulls for all he knew. However he personally wouldn't think it was really worth it, given the fact that X-Factor was more of second string to everyone else, so part of him was thinking that maybe the Skrulls might have left everyone else alone.

Alex's attention turned towards Cass and he rolled his eyes slightly, "Do I have permission to attack if someone attacks me first?" he asked. He was trying to get the point across that right now he was trusting the group completely, even though he knew that they could turn on him in a second, and maybe even just be more Skrulls themselves. This was a horrible situation and he wasn't sure what really to think or potentially say with regards to this. This was going to be one insane adventure, but at this point in his life nothing surprised him. He took a spot on the jet somewhat away from everyone else, when he heard the comment about flying. "If you guys trusted me even a slightest I'd offer to fly it."

"Wait seriously?"

"Yeah, I said I'd never flown an alien ship, never said anything about man made, I am a pilot, was a pilot first before I ended up in any sort of organization or in politics. Still fly on occasion too..." he mused, just leaning back slightly in his seat, since no one currently trusted him he wasn't going to just flat out offer to fly the ship or anything.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Quinjet

Matt nodded, made sense that Cass didn't want to pilot. Hawkeye could though. He wasn't certain he trusted the 'president' to do it right now. But he'd let Cass decide. She leaned toward Hawkeye piloting. They had a history, it seemed like she had a history with the president too, but it was less formal. He took a seat.

"We're all on edge. For now, we just have to get along well enough to get somewhere where we can figure this out. And make a plan. I actually recommend we accept we have to trust each other to get through this. Cass is right. The Skrulls want us fighting each other. We also definitely need Oliver back. He was the one who had the theory first, he's been digging into the Skrulls the longest. Hope they got some answers." Matt said, advocating that they accept they all need to just work together as that gave them the best hope of surviving this and making it through to fix the damage.

As he sat there in the Quinjet he considered his beliefs. He still believed in Hill's Law even if they came from a potential Skrull. There should be structure and a safety net. Training and accountability. It was his opinion that even after they dealt with the Skrull's they should still work on a building something that would make 'Heroes' a truly good thing.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet

Kwassi ignored both Agent Moss's irritated mood, and Agent Reeds one eyed glare. They were on a mission together whether they liked it or not, and missions were no place for sentiments or feelings to get in the way of logical thinking. Ofcourse Reed couldn't pilot in her condition, at the very least she saw that and appointed Hawkeye. "Good. Hawkeye can fly this bird then. As for you..." Kwassi moved the gun and inch closer to The President. Making it a point that je was to sit still, and his help piloting wouldn't be necessary. "Just sit tight until we can sort this all out. No offense but I'd rather not take the risk of you crashing this jet into the ground. So if you would just sit there and be patient we can get this all over with." His tone was cold, uncaring, and void of emotion. He was distancing himself from the situation, making it easier to strike any of them down should they turn.

Not wanting to leave the Serval man unanswered Kwassi coughed out a response. "So whats the name?" There was a brief pause, his question a bit unclear as to who or what he was directing it to. His gaze never met Andrews, keeping his sights trained on The President as he said he would. "If you're not 'The Flyn' then whats the name? The Amazing shrinkman? Pretty sure Antmans taken, so I went with an equally statuered creature, except yours is capable of flight it seems." To say it was difficult to be in his situation was an understatement. Any one of them could've been replaced by Hill and none of them would know it. The only ones he could trust were the two that sided with him and the Cap. Rogers must've sensed something was off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location:Oliver's Mother's room
Skills: N/A

Oli was amazed to see his mom's heart rate grow stronger, fully expecting them to be near the end. He smiled at his mom, drying his eyes,, but something prickled in the back of his head. He was practically sent here by skrulls, and now his mom, on her deathbed, was stable? Something wasn't adding up. His eyes turned to the doctor, before he cleared his throat and said, "I take it you're the one in charge of my mother's care?" His eyes catching the off tinge of the blood transfusion, before he continued, a bit on edge, "I must say, I'm impressed with how well you've taken care of her, what have you been doing, exactly?" He felt defensive, but whoever this was, they seemed to be keeping his mother alive, so he'd remain peaceful, for now.

"No, I'm not," Dr. Larson said. "I'm.... I'm here as a favor to Nick Fury. You might want to sit down," she then added, pointing to a chair.

At the name Nick Fury, Oliver turned his head a bit, surprised anybody had managed to maintain contact with him. He wouldn't normally be so quick to believe somebody with a claim like that, and he didn't completely, but he played along and sat down, "So, what's Foxtrot want?" he asked, resting a hand on his mother's as they spoke.

Dr. Larson stepped the rest of the way into the room, closing the door. Oliver's father looked incredibly bewildered, alternating between looking at his wife, his son, and the doctor. Oliver's mother gave his hand a squeeze and while she was doing better, she was still rather frail and not up for much of a conversation. "He wants to stop the skrull invasion. I've been helping him, as my people have been at war with the skrulls for generations - I should stop and explain that I'm a kree... It's my blood that healed your mother. And my people eons ago were the ones to create the first inhumans here on Earth."

Oliver looked over at the blood, and then back to her, then over to his dad, "Sorry dad, work stuff." He then returned a look to Dr. Larson, before saying, "So what do you want from me? The best I know is that somewhere along the line, the Illuminati probably were the vector the Skrulls came in through. I take it that's what the blood is for? I give you what you need, and you save my mother?" Oliver wasn't much of an optimist for his relationships with strangers at this point, and he figured that, all things being equal, nothing in this world was free.

"Work stuff?" Oliver's father mouthed to his mother, who just sort of shrugged in response. Dr. Larson looked a bit sad at Oliver's cynical and jaded worldview. "I don't want anything in return. Fury didn't ask me to save your mother - I did it because I wanted to, no strings attached. I don't need anything from you, Oliver.... It's more the other way around. I'm here to help you reclaim your planet, before it's too late - before the skrulls or the kree take it."

Oliver's eyes widened a bit, this would be the first purely good news he had in a long time, "Well, in that case, I have nothing to say but thank you." He responded earnestly, before continuing, "So you're not batting for the Kree's side? Alright, team human needs some help, if I understand the situation correctly. What'd you have for me?"

Dr. Larson nodded. "I've lived among humanity for a while now - I'd fight for your species any day," she explained. "The situation is complicated, to say the least. Fury believes that the skrulls are going to replace world leaders at the UN Summit in Geneva this week. If that happens, then your world will be lost and it will be ruled by the skrulls. You could call the kree for help, but then you would be ruled by them and be a part of the kree empire. And if you beat the skrulls too decisively, the kree may become afraid of the threat Earth poses and decide to attack your planet anyways... I believe the expression being caught between a rock and a hard place is a good descriptor of the situation."

Oliver rubbed his temples, processing what he was told. Playing politics while fighting for the Earth just made things harder. This also meant that they couldn't just strike early and beat the Skrulls before any damage was done, they needed losses in some way, or at least make it come very close. "So, I tell the team I have it on good authority that the Skrulls are aiming for Geneva to be their checkmate, suggest we move on them then. Use the coming days to prepare, beat them back at the last moment. The Kree don't become scared, the Skrulls are defeated, and humans remain free. Am I missing anything?" He asked. This was stressful, but this at least gave him time to come up with a game plan. "You're doing humanity a big favor here, I can't tell you how much this means to all of us." He added, giving her a mile. He didn't want to seem cold, or jaded, but it'd been a rough few months, and he was walking the tightrope of hope and despair.

“Yes, exactly - you’re a quick study,” Larson said with a soft smile. “I’ll assist any way that I can. There’s unfortunately no way we kree have found to prove someone’s a skrull or not, I’m sorry to say.”

Oliver smiled at the complement, "Well, I expected as much to be honest, if people could identify skrulls, they wouldn't be an interplanetary threat." He agreed, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, "Look, I really appreciate what you're doing here; not just for humanity, but for my mom. If you need anything, please reach out, I owe you one here." He said, before typing out his number and showing it to her.

"Please, the pleasure's all mine. I should warn you - your mother may want to go to hospitals used to dealing with the superhero community, as she's now genetically half-kree. Her blood will be blue like mine. Might raise a few eyebrows."

Oliver nodded, "I'll be sure to fill her in on what that means." He said, before looking between his two parents, and giving a smile, "You both probably have a lot of questions, and I'll explain what I can, but... hold on." He said, before his phone buzzed, and he got a text from Cass. Responding quickly, he wrote

"Things went tits up over here, Niah's leg got banged up pretty badly, and I got some intel in the Skrulls. I'll tell more when we can meet up in person, can you guys make it over here? I need to check on Niah's condition before I can tell you when we'll be able to move."

Sliding his phone into his pocket, he sat back in his chair, and actually smiled. There was a task ahead of all of them for sure, but this meant his mom was going to live, a fact that hadn't totally settled with him yet. He grinned to himself, before taking a long look at his mom, unable to believe he wasn't going to lose her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:00 A.M.

"Half-Kree?" Oliver's father blurted, no longer able to hold back his questions. "What.... your mother's an alien now?" he asked, completely shocked. His head was bobbing around like a bobblehead, as he couldn't decide where to look. Oliver's mother had fallen asleep again, otherwise she likely would have been participating in the conversation as well.

"Yes, Half-Kree," Dr. Larson confirmed. "Don't worry. Most Kree don't have supernatural powers or abilities, although we are stronger and more durable than the average human. Your wife will live a normal life," she promised.

"Wha.... Powers...."

Niah's surgery came to completion. She was placed in a room to recover, with nurses monitoring her and ready to call a doctor to come once she woke up.

Ellis Island - New York: 9:00 P.M.

Folly pouted slightly, hearing that pretty much everyone didn't want her on this job. Insane or not, being excluded still hurt her feelings and it was probably for the best that she only had one knife at the moment, as its twin was still over by Jakobsen. "You're going to regret this," she muttered, before skipping on over to her other knife and retrieving it.

"Yeah, I am going to pilot, as I'm not giving the coordinates to this location to any of you," Hawkeye confirmed. He seemed a bit defensive over the entire matter, as if he didn't really want to take them to this safe house, but he had little choice in the matter. "That means no co-pilot either, sorry Reed. You'll all have to stay in the back of the ship, like I'm a goddamn Uber driver." Hawkeye didn't give anyone a chance to argue with him, before he boarded the quinjet and headed to the cockpit. The quinjet belonged to Iron Man, so it conveniently had a button that let Hawkeye put down a privacy barrier so no one could see him up front. The only downside was the privacy barrier was a stylized picture of Tony Stark.

"You can't co-pilot anyways," Bonnie agreed, looking at Cass. "Doctor's orders," she then added. "Come to the medical station, and we'll get you sorted - see if the Avengers have any spare eyes rolling around." She then sighed slightly, looking at Folly who was still missing one arm. "You as well, kid. I'll stitch that back on."

"Yippee!" Folly cheered, before running to medical. It wasn't too hard to find - it was across from the brig, where the captured Avengers were still unconscious. Agent 13, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier set about getting the chains and cells opened up, although they didn't try to wake the sleeping heroes. They needed to recover from their injuries, so rest was going to be the best medicine.

Bonnie made her way to medical and started looking through the supplies, setting Folly's detached arm down for a second. The girl didn't seem to be in any pain, so she decided to treat Cass first. "Hmm, damn. No eyeballs here, although there is an eyepatch," she said, setting that one out and getting it ready. Cass would just look like a pirate for a little while longer.

Asgard - Breidablik: 1:10 A.M.

Nadia left to go visit Freya, and before placing a kiss on his wife's cheek, Baldur left as well with Forseti in tow. It was just the Midgardians, Raynor, and Nanna left in the healing meadow of Baldur's hall. Raynor, of course, was still in the nude as no one had offered him any clothing - and the goddess of creation had left, so there was no quick fix to be had there. "I can fetch some robes - I will be but a moment," Nanna said, before leaving the room.

Amelia couldn't help but agree with Astrad - they really did need to get back to Earth and fast. If shapeshifting aliens were on the loose, she couldn't imagine what sort of chaos they could cause. She loved chaos - anything that got her adrenaline going through the roof was a victory in her book. Fighting off the skrulls? It'd be the most fun she had ever had in her life - and of course, it was for a good cause as well. There was nothing more noble than defending the entire planet. It was part of the reason she had joined SHIELD originally - she wanted to help the world, not just one nation.

Raynor's eyes narrowed. He didn't like that Thanos' goons had been the one to kill the skrull. He wanted to have done it himself. Had they not already gone through so much hell due to time travel, he would have been looking for a way to go back in time right that instant so he could kill the skrull with his own bear hands. However, Sparky offered a substitute - apparently one of the agents with her had the audacity to attack a pregnant woman????

He raised his hand and summoned a ball of light - much weaker than what he was really capable of doing, and it wasn't because he was showing restraint, it was just because he'd been in a coma near death for so long. He sent a small blast at Astrad, knocking Astrad over and sending him onto the ground. "Even think about hurting Sparks again and you'll wish you were never born," Raynor threatened.

There was a slight cough at the door as Nanna returned with some robes - best described as the sort a Jedi would have worn during the prequel trilogy of Star Wars. "There is to be no fighting within these halls," Nanna reminded him. Raynor lowered his head a little guiltily, like a child being scolded by their mother (which, to Raynor, was exactly what was happening there). "Sorry, Ma-Nanna."

"Here, these should fit you," Nanna then said, handing over the robes. Raynor slipped them on, looking a bit like a discount Obi-Wan Kenobi. "I have a ship ready to take you to Midgard outside - please do be careful with it, it has sentimental value."

"I call piloting it!" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes lit up with a bright and fierce intensity. She loved piloting any craft that she could get her hands on, but an Asgardian space ship? That was the Holy Grail of ships. She couldn't help but imagine how jealous her other pilot friends would be. It was already a big deal to get to fly in space using Earth tech, much less tech made by alien gods.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad was back on his feet just as fast as he had been thrown to the ground; he had gotten used to getting shot at raher quickly in the last few hours. He didn't display any signs of annoyance, or any other emotion, for that matter; it was just that people throwing electricity or light at him has become a highly common occurrence. "I was literally told to shoot her and her friends in the head from a distance by my superior. I decided not to, you're welcome. Now can we all please just go back to Earth so that we will part ways and hopefully never see each other again. And maybe kick some shapeshifters at the face." Astrad would just sigh rather dejectedly and went away, going towards the direction that Nanna had pointed. Amelia was the only one he had any measure of liking at the moment now, except of course for their Asgardian hosts. Nanna was nice. Very nice.

"Let's just go already..." He didn't want to stay around the hostile couple any longer. But again, it was his fault that the pregnant woman was so mad, but... Astrad just didn't have a choice back there. His superior was rather strict. And speaking of Sitwell... what could have had happened to him and the other agents in the Cube anyway...?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Ellis Island - Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Cassandra stared at Hawkeye for a moment as he made his way towards the cockpit and closed himself off from the rest of them, seeing the face of Tony Stark on there made her shake her head slightly. "He still has a huge ego having his face plastered everywhere doesnt he?" Cass said turning to look at Alexander and Kwassi, letting out a slight sigh. "Kwassi, just lower the gun you or anyone else here could be a potential skrull for all we know." Cassandra pointed out, she really hoped that no one else here was a skrull hat would be really had for all of them, when she felt her phone going off a reply from Oliver hearing what happened to Niah didnt sound good at all.

To Oliver & Niah:
'I'll give you the coordinates to where we are once Hawkeye gives us the okay to, things arent good here really right now.'

Cassandra stood up and nodded towards Bonnie, making her way over towards the medical area of the Quinjet and took up a seat letting out a slight sigh, eyeing Folly for a moment. She was still grateful that Folly wasnt dead, she didnt like the idea of having killing the kid was really bad. "Sorry for killing you Folly, it really was an accident.." Cassandra said looking over towards Folly as Bonnie went to get an eyepatch set up for her turning to look at Bonnie. "I guess i'll be the new Director Fury." Cassandra said jokingly as she watched the others starting to remove the restraints of the other fallen heroes. She still thought that Hill's Laws were still a good idea minus the listing of secret identies part, there had to be a middle ground where both parties were happy everyone had to be held accountable no matter what. Cassandra then took her phone out again to text Sparky and Maria.

To Sparky & Maria:
'What is your guys' status right now? There are more skrulls out there now.'
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: the Hall of Baldur
Skills: N/A

Sparky had to try not to giggle slightly at what occurred with Raynor attacking Astrad. She really did not like the guy, and typically first impressions were everything. Which in his case he had not left a very good one with her, yes orders were one thing, but she clearly hadn't been a threat since she had fallen literally from the sky! Yeah no she definitely had been a threat clearly, even when she obviously was not in any real condition to fight back at that immediate moment. Of course she had retaliated once her brain had stopped spinning.

"Oh almost forgot," she said, after Raynor had gotten into his makeshift Jedi Robes, "I believe this is yours," she told Raynor before she handed him Lyting, the dagger was his after all. It had been fun to use the dagger to channel her powers, but she figured that Raynor would want to have it back. "I'm all for heading home, we have to go deal with the shapeshifters back on Earth, can't leave everyone high and dry now can we? Also makes me wonder if the others have tried to get a hold of us or something..."

Location: Ellis Island
Skills: N/A

"Ummm... You do realize that some species of ants actually can fly right? So what you just said does not make sense completely. I mean yes the name is taken or whatever and I wouldn't dare even think about using it, but saying what you said sounded like you were being a bit mean to the ants that actually do have wings. Not to mention there are a million other types of insects with wings and you had to be not very creative with the Fly? Seriously? If you must know typically go by Angstrom, which is a very very small unit of measurement equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter."

Alex was just sitting back at the conversations and he glanced towards Folly, a bit concerned when she went over to grab her other knife, especially after the words that she had said out loud to everyone. Yup that was definitely a death threat to everyone, and not just him. It was a little comforting to know that it wasn't just him who seemed to be getting threatened by Folly, who seemed more then a little excited at the idea of having her arm stitched back on. Yeah, he was glad that everyone else seemed to agree with sidelining Folly.

Andrew glanced over at Cass when she made a comment about Stark's ego and he couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Yeah not sure he knows the definition of dim down the ego a bit." Kwassi seemed hell bent on being threatening towards Jakobsen (who for all they know was exactly who he said he was) when he spoke. It was starting to get more then a little bit annoying to him. "Lighten up alright? Since remember this, we don't know if you are a Skrull or not. We have no idea who actually is one or not, so stop with the threats since for all you know you could actually be talking to the guy who is who he says he is."

For him, he had expected not to be trusted, and he leaned forward in his seat, looking squarely at Kwassi, and his own expression seemed dead as he stared right at him. "You can threaten me all you want, I don't know if you are who you claim to be either but know this, if you are one of those things well... Let's just say I'll enjoy dealing with you the same way I dealt with the ones I ran into on that ship. Just so we're clear. I don't know who the hell you are, you seemed to defend me and then try to turn it around, makes me not trust a damn word out of your mouth. I put my faith in this group here, since I know perfectly well any one of you could try to kill me, so how about instead of sitting there threatening you pay attention to those around you. How can you be so sure that everyone here is who they claim to be, answer me that." his words were just as cold, and if Cass had been paying attention she might recognize his tone of voice as how he seemed to have been when she last saw him the year or so prior to their current situation. He leaned back in his seat again slightly, but he was still glaring at Kwassi, not taking his eyes off of him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: St. David's Hospital - Cardiff - In surgery, very unconcsious

Niah found herself sitting in her childhood bedroom. It had been the room she had shared with her sister most of her life. She looked around at all the things that had been who she was. The little girls who had slept in this room had been through so much. Changed so much. She turned and saw the small desk she had used to do homework at. Unexpectedly she was sitting at it, not child her, but adult her.

”Uh. Hello?” The other version of herself looked up and smiled

“Ah. You’re here. Finally. I’ve been trying to talk to you for a while. I suppose getting heavily drugged will make it so you can talk to your subconscious.” Niah blinked surprised at hearing her own voice.


“Come on Niah you’re smarter than this. You’ve seen a lot. Done a lot. Where has your head been lately? You were paranoid about things that weren’t a threat and now the things that are a threat are knocking at your door and you got yourself hurt. You could have avoided this. You’re better than that and you know it.”

”A lot has been going on.” Niah said defensively. ”Which I’m sure you’re aware of. I’ve had a lot on my mind other than dealing with some vague threat.”

“Rich coming from someone who probably would be the only reliable person to tell who is a Skrull or not. You have to pull yourself together. Stop focusing on the past. That’s what the whole bear situation was about. Your self-doubt made you afraid of doing the wrong thing. And the bear fed on your fear. You almost got yourself killed.”

”I noticed. I was worried I was going to die anyway.”

“Good thing you were in a hospital. Also, you’ll be different now.”

”Different?” The double stood and tapped Niah’s chest.

“Here. You have a lot of scars here, but you are healing. You can heal. You have to want to heal though. I have something for you.” The double’s hand went up to Niah’s forehead. “A dozen years of memories of a happy life. You have so many lives in your memory, don’t you? Two whole worlds and now I’ll give you the memories of the world you created.” A cool chill went through Niah from the point where her double’s hand touched all through herself. “And a warning. Don’t trust yourself. You’re kind of a dick.”


“You’ll figure it out.”

”You mean in another world. Like from where Dalisy had been?”

“See you are smart. It is there, you can figure it out.”

”Well, you’re kind of a jerk.”

“You’re too worried about keeping the facade up. That’s why you’re the ego. Keeping things from going mad. You do a good job of keeping it all in check too. You were always trying too hard. Tried to be friends with Tinley before she got the stick out of her ass. When you were finally close with her she forgot and then she died. So you became scared and hurt. Everyone you had gotten close to had died horribly. You let it tear into your heart. You can’t save everyone. You can’t protect everyone and yet you still keep trying. I know that as soon as you get to the point where you are good in the field again you’re gonna go at it again. Just keep trying to save the world. You’re like Atlas, instead of the sky, you carry the world. You could have stayed, but you knew it was wrong so you fought and that’s all you do. Fight what you believe is wrong. Stand against injustices that you have no control over, demanding that control. Even when you step back you are cursed and something bad happens. That’s what you believe isn’t it?”

Chills went down Niah’s spine. This double knew more about how her mind worked than she did. The Id. That’s who she was talking to. Her own subconscious. Not the superego, but the Id. She took a deep breath, one she realized might be unnecessary but completely reflex at this point.

”You seem to know an awful lot.”

“That’s because I see and know everything you do, but have time to think it over. You already know what I am.”

”What am I supposed to do with this information? Why did you give me memories of the re-written world? Why tell me anything? Why now?”

“Now, because you’re really unconscious and will probably handwave it as a wild hallucination brought on by the anesthesia. What you do with the information is up to and why is because you needed it. Next time you see your parents they are going to talk about stories you need to know. Also, it makes you the only person on the planet with three sets of memories all belonging to you.”

Niah sighed. Her double wasn’t being very helpful, but she could at least work with it. ”Alright. Now, what then?”

“You wake up.”

Location: Quinjet

"Nice first impression." Matt said shaking his head at Kwassi and then followed Bonnie and Cass toward medical. He didn't step in, but was standing nearby. He didn't want to crowd the area but wanted to be near Cass and make sure she was okay. "Was that Niah and Oliver getting back to you? Are they okay?" He didn't like how long it had been since either group had checked in. They had no idea what Sparky was up to.

"Bonnie if I can help with anything let me know." He didn't have much medical knowledge, but he could get things for Bonnie if she needed anything grabbed. Too bad his paralytic power didn't work on Folly, if it did he could keep her still while Bonnie reattached her arm. A ghost of a smile crossed his features as he thought about how ridiculous this whole situation actually was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet

Kwassi knelt down so that he was eye level with the President. Looking him dead in the eyes and matching his tone. "I'm doing exactly what I said I would be doing. I said you seemed to be telling the truth but that I'd watch you out whole ride there. And that's exactly what I planned to do. I also said I'd have my sights set on you." He moved the ICER slightly to show it was trained on him still. "And would you look at that I seem to have done that as well." He stood back up, looking over the President and the others in the ship before twirling his gun and placing it back into his holster. "But by all means if you who seemed too happy to not only follow a Skrulls orders but also fight alongside them wish to leave him unattended then so be it. Any blood shed by his possible Skrull hands will fall on you."

With that Kwassi made his way out of the room and into another. Searching the ship for parts that would help patch up old tech and upgrade some new ones. All he could find was some steel left behind, a slight groan as he wished to use vibranium to fix his staff but would handle the lesser metal. He pulled out the Escrima that had been snapped by Skrull Flynn and began to work on it. It would magnetize just fine but he would need more time to help with the nanotechnology he had previously imbedded into his staff. Kwassi pulled out his domino mask, tapping it lightly as he searched for some form of tech to help boost the old piece. Luckily Tony's ability to pack rat tech came in handy as he found an old unused AI chip with the words PHIL on it. Utilizing the tech and lab within the ship, Kwassi managed to install the AI into his Domino mask, tapping the right side of his temple to boot it up. As it went live he simply asked "Hey PHIL, what can you do?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location:Oliver's Mother's room -> Niah's Room
Skills: N/A

Oliver turned and nodded to his dad, "Some things are going to be different, some things are going to be the same, but one thing we know for sure is that this is better than her dying." Oliver said, before smiling down at her, and then back to his father, "I know you have a lot of questions right now, but I need to make sure you won't walk about this for the next few days. There are some big things about to happen, and secrecy is important. I'm sorry you had to hear all of that, but a conversation in here with you two was much safer than a conversation any of the staff or patients could hear."

Oliver looked down as his phone buzzed again and he grimaced. "I really hate to come and run but..." He exhaled, rubbing his temples, "I promise I'll come back and explain everything I can next week, I'm on a clock and people need me." He gave a sad look between his parents, and then back to Doctor Larson, quickly saying "Thank you again." and getting up, and heading out of the room. He had to get to Niah and find out what kind of state she's in, and if she'd be able to join them. Looking into rooms as he walked, he eventually found Niah's, and took a step in, looking between the nurses, "Sorry, I'm a friend of hers, I brought her in, is it alright if I come in? I'm going to need to talk to her."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:10 A.M.

Dr. Larson went with Oliver to Niah's room, after bidding farewell to his parents. She remained behind Oliver, looking at Niah with some curiosity. A thought occurred to her and she stepped into the room, fishing into a bag she kept next to her. Dr. Larson then pulled an impossible object out of the small bag - it must have been a bag of holding or something. She then set what looked like a cyborg's leg down on the table. "For when she wakes up," Dr. Larson explained quietly.

??? - Quinjet: 9:10 P.M.

In the medical bay portion of the quinjet, Bonnie finished tending to Cass' wounds. It mostly was a matter of her cleaning up the eye socket, which would sting like crazy, bandaging it, and then putting the eye patch on top of the bandages. "You'll need to clean and change the bandages twice a day - I'd give you a shot to boost your immune system, but shots don't mix well with you," Bonnie admitted. "If you're in pain though, we've got the good stuff and you can take it orally."

She then picked up the arm and sighed slightly, patting a chair. "Folly, sit here and be still, please," Bonnie said. "Do you need anything for the pain?" she asked. Some enhanced people had a weird interaction with drugs. Since Matt's powers hadn't worked on her, Bonnie was guessing that Folly was one of those people.

"Nope, though I do expect a lolly," Folly said, sitting in the chair. "So let's get stitching, doc, at this rate I'll have a new one grown in faster!"

Bonnie looked at Cass - a clear look of why - before she picked up surgical thread and started the painstaking process of sewing Folly's arm back on. Everyone seemed to have gravitated down towards medical, with the exception of Agent 13, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier being across in the brig area dealing with the unconscious people. "If you're all going to argue, then you need to take it somewhere else, got it?" she told them. "Thanks, Matt, but I think I'm good here."

In the tech bay, P.H.I.L. responded to Kwassi's request: "User is unauthorized. Self destruct sequence initiating in five, four, three, two...

Asgard - Breidablik: 1:20 A.M.

Raynor wasn't a citizen of Midgard, but he knew enough of its history. "You were just following orders then?" he asked, filling up with more rage. "I guess we know who the HYDRA spy is, then, since that's what the Nazis did - they just followed orders!" he screamed. If it hadn't been for Nanna's rebuke, he would have tried to kill Astrad then and there. Instead, he made a mental note to wait for an opportunity to arise when they were on Midgard. The second he had a chance to take vengeance, he would - with extreme prejudice.

"Mate, if you compare someone to the Nazis you instant lose," Amelia couldn't help but say. "Now let's turn down the I'm-Anakin-and-I-hate-sand vibes and let's go kick some green ass and save Earth," she suggested. Nanna opened the door from the healing meadow for them all and Amelia went back into the hallway, hoping that Raynor wouldn't throw a dagger at her while her back was turned.

"... I like the new girl better than the new guy," Raynor told Sparky. Holding Lyting in his hands, he ran his thumb along the blade, before putting the dagger in the pocket of his new space robes. He looked at Nanna for a moment, not sure what words to say to her. "Thank you, Nanna... I hope the Norns smile upon you and give you many blessings," he said earnestly. He felt a bit crazy with how fast his emotions were swinging back and forth, as he spoke to his dead mother and left the healing meadow, emerging into the hall proper, and then he went outside with Amelia to see a giant canary yellow spaceship with flowers painted on it.

The ship's actual shape was like a giant sphere - or a giant flower? The stem would have been the boarding ramp. Amelia stared at it, her eyes wide as she tried to figure out exactly how the thing was able to fly. It didn't look aerodynamic at all. "She's beautiful... And impossible," she whispered, before running up the ramp. The inside of the ship was just one level. The pilot's chair was normal with a console in front of it, but the rest of the seats were.... "beanbags!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Cassandra fished out her phone and handed it over towards Matt, he would be able to see the reply that Oliver had given her and the text to both Sparky and Maria who hadnt replied yet which was a bit worrying. "Niah got hurt somehow, once Hawkeye gives the okay i'll send them our coordinates." Cass answered Matt as she gripped the sides of the seat tightly hissing in pain, overhearing the conversation that Kwassi and Alexander were having. She wanted to really chew into Kwassi, since he instantly decided to jump ship and joined the team that allowed child soldiers into the fight pretty much.

Hills Laws even if it was made by a possible Skrull was still something that she thought would be a good thing, minus the revealing of someones secret identity everyone needed to be held accountable but there had to be some kind of compromise of sorts. "You'd probably end up going through your whole needle supply to." Cassandra said jokingly as Bonnie finished bandaging her up she couldnt get injection medicine the normal way due to her dermal armor, she nodded slightly as she adjusted the eyepatch somewhat she looked over at Matt. "So how do I look?" She asked as Cassandra stood up looking over at Folly and then over at Bonnie and gave her a slight shrug, where did Cap even find her anyway.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad just rolled his eyes as Raynor reacted quite aggressively to his answer that orders were given. Why, he disobeyed a direct order from Sitwell of all people! It would be better if these people just stopped screaming at him and forgot that he ever existed. After he, he has always been a shadow, forgettable and rightly so. "Pffftt... I won't even bother answering any more of your queries, as anyone with more than an elementary knowledge of our history would know the difference between myself and the things you just compared me to. We should go back to Earth and see each other never again." The Swede crossed his arms as he walked towards the ship that the Asgardians had prepared for them.

"Bean bags. How quaint." Astrad simply commented as he sat upon one of the seats, expecting no one to sit beside him. And to be honest, he just wanted to go back and be alone again, just like always.

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: The Quinjet

"Ow..." Nathaniel slowly got up from the floor of the Quinjet, with the unconscious bodies of the Alchemist and the others all around him. He would come face to face with the Winter Soldier, whom he gave a nod to. It won't be long, however, before he noticed that members of Team Iron Man were also there, though no one was cuffed. The fact that the Winter Soldier, Agent 13, and Falcon were up and running proved that their conflict earlier had not endured unto this hour.

His head hurt like hell, probably because he had been knocked no less than twice out of terrible luck, and Nathan could barely focus at the moment. "So I'm guessing you all became friends and chums while I was out?" He then coughed, and asked Agent 13 for aspirin for the headache.

He did take pause, however, when made out the president's face in the gathered group in the section further up. "Mr. President...?", he said, rather slurredly as he was still having that headache. "Can someone give me a recap before I panic and tear the fabric of space and time...? Si?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: the Hall of Baldur
Skills: N/A

"Ray calm down a little bit would you? Mainly because we have bigger things to worry about then him okay?" she said, trying to partially calm him down a little bit. They did have bigger things to worry about with regards to the Skrulls attacking and invading. That was bad, really really bad, and they had to deal with that before anything else. Of course, there still was the issue of getting back to Earth, but that probably was solved by Nanna who had come in and let them know that there was a ship to take them back to Earth. That was nice of her, though the goddess had that sort of aura around her where everyone felt calm or whatever it was that she did, so that helped.

She followed along after Amelia and the others, sticking close by to Raynor as they reached the ship and Amelia instantly started fangirling over the ship which she found somewhat amusing. There was another thought that crossed her mind and it was one that she wasn't going to say out loud, namely since she liked Amelia as a person. That being that technically Amelia had been assigned to the team to replace Raynor as the groups pilot. Yeah no, she definitely wasn't going to say anything regarding that out loud, since she didn't want Raynor to get pissed off at anyone else aside from Astrad. Honestly, she could probably drop the grudge against Astrad if she wanted to, but the problem was that the guy didn't own up to his own actions, and that was her main problem with it. His apologies weren't really apologies since he kept passing off the blame to his superiors. All it would take was for him to actually apologize and not blame anyone else but himself for what happened and she'd be fine being within 20 feet of him.

Walking onto the ship (which to her looked a bit odd) and she saw the beanbag chairs scattered about. Honestly she at the moment preferred those chairs to the ones they typically had in the quinjet, and she immediately walked over to one and more or less flopped down onto it, "Let's get going then and hopefully see if we can get in contact with the others... Hopefully they aren't all Skrulls or something..."

Location: Quinjet
Skills: N/A

"You know when all of this is over you might get a few visits from some people agent, aside from me showing up and ready to kick your ass despite being I'm pretty sure older then you are," Alex responded, following Kwassi along with his eyes, "And might I remind you no one on this ship knows if anyone else is for sure not a Skrull, yourself included, so maybe lighten up a bit on the wording if you know what's good for you." Yup, when this was all over he was going to see if he could have Kwassi thrown in jail for a little while for threatening his life and all. Sure, it was a bit petty, but it definitely was an amusing thought that he couldn't get out of his head.

His attention was drawn away from Kwassi though towards Bonnie as she made the comment about the argument. "My apologies, I do have to agree that perhaps now is not the time for arguments such as this. We do have bigger problems at the moment then this, since we don't know who to trust, even in all honesty each other. These other agents of yours, hopefully we don't have to worry about them being the aliens either, but I suppose that we'll cross that bridge once we come to it." He wasn't stupid, pissing these people off was the last thing that he wanted to do. However he did have to agree that now wasn't the time for fighting since they had bigger problems.

Andrew was somewhat glad that the president had decided not to continue arguing with Kwassi, though he hoped that the feeling would be mutual and Kwassi didn't argue back and keep the fighting going. There was a bit of an alien invasion going on, and if the president was currently in the quinjet with them (the real one and not a fake one, he was looking on the bright side of things) then that meant that at least one world leader had been replaced by a Skrulls. Which meant that others could have been replaced as well. He turned to look towards Nathaniel as he got up, and remembered that the guy was the kind of creeper who had an obsession with Agent Reed. It wasn't all that surprising that he seemed confused since he had been knocked out most of the fight.

"Well where exactly to begin with that... Oh right, well apparently there is a group of aliens who can shape shift who have been kidnapping and replacing people or whatever. So after you got knocked out that was discovered, the president crash landed a spaceship that seemed to take out all of the Skrulls who had revealed themselves who were all still alive... Um am I missing anything? Don't think so... Oh and sorry for knocking you out twice, thought I'd say that too." Andrew was rambling a little bit again, but that honestly was not all that surprising.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Kwassi Asokho

Location: Quinjet

Kwassi had paid what Bonnie said no mind. Hed already removed himself from the situation and realised that the commander and cheif of this nation was nothing more than a tyrant and child. Had it been his king back in Wakanda, then surely he would understand the dangers that posed to be too friendly with an enemy that has yet to be vetted. But thar wasn't his issue at the moment, this AI was. P.H.I.L. had threatened to self destruct and given their altitude and situation, a new hole in the ship wouldn't do at all. Kwassi tried to think about how Tony's mind worked, had he ever heard of a program named P.H.I.L. before? Would it have such a sequence on boot up from a mere user identification? He scrambled and searched but nothing came to mind, shock clearly taking place as he was caught blindsided by this new issue.

Kwassi cleared his throat, trying to gather himself as he though of how best to disarm the bomb. He searched the AI program and used every trick he could think of coupled with thoughts of how Tony's egotistical mind might work, but it all fell flat as his situation grew worse. The counter was now at 3, he scanned the room quickly to see if any container could hold the blast, localize it so the ship would stay intact. 2, nothing seemed to stand out so Kwassi did what he was trained to do. He took off his mask and pressed it tight against his stomach, jumping down to the ground and curling up so that his body would soften the blast. As he lay there in a fedal position he called out to the others "Any of you know of a program named P.H.I.L.? I'm in a bit of pickle and running out of time!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: St. David's Hospital - Cardiff

Niah felt very heavy. Her whole body was weighed down. Slowly she started to be able to move. Oliver, she heard his voice. She opened her eyes. "Hey. You're here. Why?" She asked, her voice a little muddled. Shouldn't he be with his mother? Had something else happened?

She didn't recognize the other person. Her mouth felt dry. Everything was so heavy. She had more questions. It was just really hard to put those into coherent thoughts at the moment. "Everything ok?" She finally settled on. What all had happened? How much of what she remembered was a horrible nightmare and how much was real?

Location: Quinjet

Matt winced at the mention that Niah was hurt. Sure he didn't particularly care for her, but she was hurt. He gave Cass a reassuring smile. "I'm sure she'll pull through whatever it is." He said. When she asked how she looked he resisted winking at her, instead, he let his smile change from the reassuring one to one of gentle love. "I think you look beautiful."

He looked over as Kwassi called out asking about some program named P.H.I.L. Kwassi was curled up on the floor of the jet. That was confusing. "What are you doing? I don't know about any P.H.I.L." He glanced at Cass, wishing Sparky was with them. She'd probably have an idea of what Kwassi was talking about.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Niah's Room
Skills: N/A

"A good bit's happened while you were under." Oli said, walking over to her and sitting by her bedside. His eyes flicked over to the leg and the bag; under normal circumstances his mind would go wild considered the capabilities and science behind a bag that was clearly bigger on the inside, but he couldn't afford to let himself get distracted. They were on a clock again, a situation that was starting to become familiar. "Firstly, thank you for asking, thanks to Dr. Larson, my mother is on track to recover." A smile touched his lips as he said that, looking back over at the good doctor.

Oliver leaned in close, and whispered then, not wanting the nurses to hear, "On the other hand, the end of the world is nigh." He said, with a bit of a sigh. "I have a plan, but we gotta get out of here, and back with the team. If you're not up for it.... I get it, but your help would doubtlessly be indispensable." Oliver didn't want to pressure Niah into doing anything, she had just lost a leg and all, but there were big things at stake. Her abilities were one of the few that could hopefully identify skrulls, without that, they'd have no idea who they were even fighting.
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