
Bio: Very little is actually known about Cain, what precious little records that exist amounts to him having been in the service of Renovation and its Emperor since before Michael officially inherited the throne. Anything of his past before his service in Renovation is completely shrouded in mystery. Whether Cain is unable or unwilling to share is not known, and even the Emperor and Empress have had little success in discovering his innermost secrets. But Cain has proven a loyal and valuable asset to Renovation, so he is still trusted regardless of his status as an enigmatic figure. Much of what Renovation has learned about Heartless and Nobodies came in part from Cain, who seemed to have such an intimate knowledge of the subjects that proved invaluable to the research of men like Hakim and even of Leo at one point.
Age: ??
Skills: Mostly kept classified, but suffice it to say Cain has often been described as "The Emperor's secret weapon". He rarely enters the fray, preferring to stay behind the scenes, but when he does decide to fight...
Cain's strength and agility almost seem beyond human capability, leading many to incorrectly assume that he must be a Nobody, however that is not the case. He seems to possess an array of the highest tiers of water, fire, ice, and thunder magic imaginable in addition to a frightening mastery of Darkness, namely The Corridors. And while Cain does not have the power to summon Heartless, he does still have another mysterious breed of creature at his beckoned call. They are similar to Heartless, but are born from negative emotions and feed on them to grow more powerful, Cain calls them the Unversed.
Cain is a known Master of the Keyblade. A little known fact was that he was once an Apprentice Wielder alongside Leo. But for reasons unknown, has not called upon his blade even once since Leo's betrayal. This could be because he lost the ability to summon it, or it could simply be by choice. No one actually knows for sure.
Personality: Cain is shadowy enigma, plain and simple. He is cold, calculating and very much ruthless when he needs to be. He also has an infamous reputation for keeping his cards close to chest, often keeping secrets even from the Emperor himself if doing so serves a more strategically valuable purpose.

Bio: Very little is actually known about Cain, what precious little records that exist amounts to him having been in the service of Renovation and its Emperor since before Michael officially inherited the throne. Anything of his past before his service in Renovation is completely shrouded in mystery. Whether Cain is unable or unwilling to share is not known, and even the Emperor and Empress have had little success in discovering his innermost secrets. But Cain has proven a loyal and valuable asset to Renovation, so he is still trusted regardless of his status as an enigmatic figure. Much of what Renovation has learned about Heartless and Nobodies came in part from Cain, who seemed to have such an intimate knowledge of the subjects that proved invaluable to the research of men like Hakim and even of Leo at one point.
Age: ??
Skills: Mostly kept classified, but suffice it to say Cain has often been described as "The Emperor's secret weapon". He rarely enters the fray, preferring to stay behind the scenes, but when he does decide to fight...
Cain's strength and agility almost seem beyond human capability, leading many to incorrectly assume that he must be a Nobody, however that is not the case. He seems to possess an array of the highest tiers of water, fire, ice, and thunder magic imaginable in addition to a frightening mastery of Darkness, namely The Corridors. And while Cain does not have the power to summon Heartless, he does still have another mysterious breed of creature at his beckoned call. They are similar to Heartless, but are born from negative emotions and feed on them to grow more powerful, Cain calls them the Unversed.
Cain is a known Master of the Keyblade. A little known fact was that he was once an Apprentice Wielder alongside Leo. But for reasons unknown, has not called upon his blade even once since Leo's betrayal. This could be because he lost the ability to summon it, or it could simply be by choice. No one actually knows for sure.
Personality: Cain is shadowy enigma, plain and simple. He is cold, calculating and very much ruthless when he needs to be. He also has an infamous reputation for keeping his cards close to chest, often keeping secrets even from the Emperor himself if doing so serves a more strategically valuable purpose.

Called Ozzy by his closest friends, Osvaldo was born in Renovation's version of Italy within Royal Family's branch line. That meant that while he was indeed of noble blood, his aspirations were limited to the service of the main line Royal Family, those actually in line for the throne itself. His own family being royal keepers of the Treasury, Osvaldo himself had little to aspire to. He was the fourth son, and his elder siblings were the ones groomed to take over the family businesses and duties. This left Osvaldo as something of an anomaly, growing up initially as a mere layabout. That was until opportunity came in the form of his distant cousin, Maria, the soon-to-be-Empress of Constantinople once her marriage to it's young Emperor was completed.
Never having much to keep busy, Osvaldo had always had free time on his hands to visit his various cousins and friends, Maria chief among them. In fact she was the person who first started calling him Ozzy, and that nickname stuck around among their friends and relatives. Maria had told Osvaldo that when she was married, she would need to relocate to Constantinople, and that this prospect was understandably frightening. She asked a favor of Osvaldo, that he would join her entourage as the head of its security. This meant he too would have to relocate to another country, but Maria would at least have someone from her own family to accompany her. Osvaldo, never one to be able to say no to his cousin, accepted with surprisingly little hesitation. After all, there wasn't much he was aspiring to back home, so maybe a change of scenery was exactly what he needed?
After the wedding and relocation, Osvaldo found himself living in the Byzantine Palace, still acting as Maria's personal bodyguard. He met an assortment of characters, all of whom were servants of Emperor Michael, and he befriended a few of them. But there was one whom Osvaldo avoided at first... Cain. A Royal Scientist and former Keyblade Master, something about Cain intimidated Osvaldo. But eventually the man approached Osvaldo himself, saying he'd been observing him and that he apparently wanted to help Osvaldo truly awaken his potential. And so, to the utter surprise of the Emperor as well as Tocsax, Cain made Osvaldo into a Keyblade Wielder and took him in an his apprentice.
Osvaldo has been training under Cain ever since. He became a stalwart Wielder, eager to prove himself.
Age: 17
Ozzy is a skilled warrior of the Keyblade. He can be a bit aggressive and overzealous in his fighting style, but otherwise has proven reliable overall. He favors physical techniques, putting his all into powerful, hard hitting strikes to overwhelm his opponents. But in a pinch, Osvaldo's Keyblade can transform into an arm cannon form that can be used to fire powerful projectile attacks, including the powerful Ultima Cannon attack.
Osvaldo is an eager young man with a desire to prove himself to those around him. These traits didn't surface until after he began training as a Keyblade Wielder, and without that he likely never would have found a passion or ambition to aspire to. He's also taken to referring to himself as a knight, which is... technically true, though not actually official. He's also designated Tocsax as his rival, taking whatever opportunity he can to try and goad him into sparring or even competing in the heat of battle.

Called Ozzy by his closest friends, Osvaldo was born in Renovation's version of Italy within Royal Family's branch line. That meant that while he was indeed of noble blood, his aspirations were limited to the service of the main line Royal Family, those actually in line for the throne itself. His own family being royal keepers of the Treasury, Osvaldo himself had little to aspire to. He was the fourth son, and his elder siblings were the ones groomed to take over the family businesses and duties. This left Osvaldo as something of an anomaly, growing up initially as a mere layabout. That was until opportunity came in the form of his distant cousin, Maria, the soon-to-be-Empress of Constantinople once her marriage to it's young Emperor was completed.
Never having much to keep busy, Osvaldo had always had free time on his hands to visit his various cousins and friends, Maria chief among them. In fact she was the person who first started calling him Ozzy, and that nickname stuck around among their friends and relatives. Maria had told Osvaldo that when she was married, she would need to relocate to Constantinople, and that this prospect was understandably frightening. She asked a favor of Osvaldo, that he would join her entourage as the head of its security. This meant he too would have to relocate to another country, but Maria would at least have someone from her own family to accompany her. Osvaldo, never one to be able to say no to his cousin, accepted with surprisingly little hesitation. After all, there wasn't much he was aspiring to back home, so maybe a change of scenery was exactly what he needed?
After the wedding and relocation, Osvaldo found himself living in the Byzantine Palace, still acting as Maria's personal bodyguard. He met an assortment of characters, all of whom were servants of Emperor Michael, and he befriended a few of them. But there was one whom Osvaldo avoided at first... Cain. A Royal Scientist and former Keyblade Master, something about Cain intimidated Osvaldo. But eventually the man approached Osvaldo himself, saying he'd been observing him and that he apparently wanted to help Osvaldo truly awaken his potential. And so, to the utter surprise of the Emperor as well as Tocsax, Cain made Osvaldo into a Keyblade Wielder and took him in an his apprentice.
Osvaldo has been training under Cain ever since. He became a stalwart Wielder, eager to prove himself.
Age: 17
Ozzy is a skilled warrior of the Keyblade. He can be a bit aggressive and overzealous in his fighting style, but otherwise has proven reliable overall. He favors physical techniques, putting his all into powerful, hard hitting strikes to overwhelm his opponents. But in a pinch, Osvaldo's Keyblade can transform into an arm cannon form that can be used to fire powerful projectile attacks, including the powerful Ultima Cannon attack.
Osvaldo is an eager young man with a desire to prove himself to those around him. These traits didn't surface until after he began training as a Keyblade Wielder, and without that he likely never would have found a passion or ambition to aspire to. He's also taken to referring to himself as a knight, which is... technically true, though not actually official. He's also designated Tocsax as his rival, taking whatever opportunity he can to try and goad him into sparring or even competing in the heat of battle.