Nadia Petrova

Character Quote: If you get knocked down get back up again.
Character Summary
Name: Nadia Carmen Petrova
Aliases: Nadi
Age: 18
Birthday: August 2nd, 2002
Death Date: December 1st, 2018
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birth Place: Anchorage Alaska
Godly Parent: Frey
How Many Years At Hotel Valhalla: 2 years
Gender: Female
Languages: English, Old Norse

Height: 5'5
Weight: 129lbs
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Light
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Scar on her stomach from when she died, both of her ears are pierced
Personal Style: Nadia's usual choice of clothes are usually hoodies, of some kind of the occasional jean jacket or even a leather jacket, usually preferring to wear warmer clothes whenever the weather is colder. She will usually wear a simple white tshirt under everything else, and some torn blue jeans as well Nadia will usually wear boots of some kind or even sneakers as well. Nadia's hair is usually down and flowing past her shoulders, with a small crownlike braid on either side of her hair.

Cheerful * Compulsive * Adventurous * Troublesome * Confident * Naïve
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Nadia is usually seen as a pretty cheerful person whenever you first get to meet her, and usually is pretty friendly to those that she just meets. Though she tends to end up getting herself into some trouble and always very adventurous and carefree about most things as well. Nadia is always very confident about herself. She is usually pretty compulsive as well which usually does get her into quiet a bit of trouble a lot of the time as well. She sometimes likes to joke around and will sometimes pull a prank on someone as well Nadia can also be a bit naïve as well sometimes, which sometimes others will take advantage of her over as well.
Fatal Flaw: Impulsiveness
Habits: Whenever Nadia is nervous or is lying to someone she usually tends to play and twirl with her hair a little bit. Whenever she is bored Nadia will usually be seen tapping her hands on either a surface or the sides of her legs.
Hobbies: Hiking, music, hunting.
- Draugr
- Spiders
- Drowning
- 80's Rock music.
- The outdoors
- Hiking
- Swimming
- Cooking
- Warm weather
- Thunderstorms
- Rainy days
- The undead
- Classical music
- Spicy food
- Bullies

Demigod Abilities:
- Vitakinesis
- Season Alteration
General Skills:
- Guitar
- Tracking
- Alf Seidr (Elf magic)
- Cooking
- Swimming
- Driving
- Norse Mythology
Combat Skills:
- Hunting
- Sword Fighting
- Rifles
- Shields
- Spear Fighting
Magic Item:
- Årstidens sverd (translates to Sword of Seasons) A bone steel sword with runes along the blade and hilt of the sword, which glows a different color corresponding to the current season, yellow for summer, red for fall, light blue for winter, pink for spring. It also takes on an element from that season, fire for summer, wind for fall, ice for winter, and water for spring. And when thrown it will fly towards its intended target and return to her right away.
What Do They Carry On Them:
- Clothing - Leather jacket, grey hoodie, white t-shirt, torn blue jeans, leather belt, wool socks, and a pair of black boots.
- Purse/Wallet - 23 USD, Nadia's old drivers license.
- Sheath for her sword
- Bag of cheetos
- Årstidens sverd
- Picture of her family
- Bone steel shield
Possessions In Hotel Room:
- Picture of her family, during a family reunion a few years prior.
- Her first hunting rifle given to her by her father
- TV
- Hiking books
- Fictional books
- Xbox Console
- Hotel Valhalla clothes
- Towels
- Video Games
- Hiking equipment
- Taxidermy deer head from her very first hunting trip.

Biography: Nadia was born in Anchorage Alaska with her younger brother a year younger than she was. Her parents had met each other while in college classes, and instantly hit it off they both were going into business and decided to create a hotel. One night Nadia met a blonde guy, and they had a one night stand to this day she hadn't told her husband that she had slept with someone else. And eventually Nadia was born.
Her father also really enjoyed hunting, and when she was old enough took Nadia on one of his yearly trips out into the Alaskan wilderness with a few of his friends as well and stayed in a hunting cabin with them. She would always go on the trip every year which she enjoyed and also went out hiking with her father which she instantly took a liking to.
Nadia during her school year she would usually end up getting pretty distracted as well fairly easily, which got her into some trouble with her teachers. Though for the most part Nadia did well enough in her school work, though there was the occasional argument with another student or a small fight with another student. But she stuck up for some of the other students who were being bullied as well. Nadia didn't really take any after school activities either but every summer or winter she'd go with her dad on the hunting trips, while also helping her mother out with the hotel business to just outside of the city.
How Did You Get To Hotel Valhalla: It was the dead of winter while her father and some family members went to their hunting cabin for the holidays. It was the dead of night when Nadia heard one of her cousins call out for help. She went out to grab her jacket as well as her dad's hunting rifle thinking that it was actually a bear or something. When she caught up to her cousin, Nadia noticed a bunch of undead looking creatures. Her cousin having a spear of some kind on her, and the two fended off the draugr together but there were to many, and told her cousin to head back to the cabin before being stabbed by one of the draugr. She fought a little while longer before dying from her wounds, and then waking up in Hotel Valhalla a few hours later to find out that she died and has been there ever since.

Additional Information
Theme Song: Balance Slays the Demon - Old Gods of Asgard - Memory, Thought, Balance, Ruin
Extra Information: Aesir & RP Post
Cousin to Kristin Reynolds.
I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.
Nadia Petrova, Daughter of Frey

" If you get knocked down get back up again."
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
💙 Arnora Skadidottir, Daughter of Skadi 💙
"For someone who has been around in Hotel Valhalla since the Viking ages she's actually pretty cool, unlike the other older people here."
Arnora and Nadia have been friends since she came back as an Einherjar, and has been known to sneak out of Valhalla with her just for fun and a change of scenery.
Symbol Klara Blake, Daughter of Thor Symbol
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Symbol Runa Johansson, Daughter of Balder Symbol
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Symbol Dalisy Bautista, Daughter of Heimdall Symbol
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"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
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