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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 8 days ago

Aemoten would probably stick around until the group has left Zerul City, at least (we can assume Thaler stays in their little inn room ... not that she normally would, but I suppose it wouldn't be too much of a stretch with how - mostly mentally - beaten up she has been). He obviously wouldn't mind if Jaelnec wanted to come south with them, either. Aemoten doesn't intend to abandon the current quest, just assumes going south might be safer for Thaler and, with Gerald having mentioned it's demonic and can be "felt" by necromancers, potentially more productive if he goes consults someone who is both the old kind of necromancer and a friend of his. Aemoten also knows about the Sisters of Torment, so there is that. The guard told him.
Domhnall would probably stick with Iridiel, yeah, unless Iridiel decides to stick in one place for far longer than he'd like. (She might be wanting to help the refugees, so that's probably what she'll be doing for a while. Dom has things to sell, but is otherwise free to do as he pleases.) She's pretty much the only one he has known for years, and the only one who even can speak his language, if a different dialect.
Angora ... I don't know, unfinished business? Might just ask Legion. I'd not be too surprised if she went MIA.
Yanin and Jordan are free to be dragged in whenever, as long as it's not in the past...

So ... that about sums it up.
...It's also pretty much just us and maybe Lum.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Okay, I presume that means we still have Lum on board, though Claw is still awkwardly removed from the rest of the characters. Boa'Noktus sounds worryingly similar to various would-be and actual megalomanic deities, by the way; from the descriptions of her I'd heard, I had honestly expected her to be more... I don't know, reserved. Rational.

If I am to presume that Claw's trip to wherever is going to take more than the night, I guess Jaelnec and Aemoten (I think that's all that would actually participate at this point?) could start handling the business they have in Zerul City?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Okay, I presume that means we still have Lum on board, though Claw is still awkwardly removed from the rest of the characters. Boa'Noktus sounds worryingly similar to various would-be and actual megalomanic deities, by the way; from the descriptions of her I'd heard, I had honestly expected her to be more... I don't know, reserved. Rational.

If I am to presume that Claw's trip to wherever is going to take more than the night, I guess Jaelnec and Aemoten (I think that's all that would actually participate at this point?) could start handling the business they have in Zerul City?

That's an accurate presumption. He'll likely pop up roughly around the time Jaelnec and Aemoten have finished with their business in the city.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 8 days ago

I reckon that we're effectively time-forwarded now ... which means that Yanin and Jordan (and co - at minimum, Yanin's sister is there, too) are available soon, if not already. (I kind of had in mind that the confrontation with Morgan is in the morning; sun was up reasonably high, though, so more late than early morning.)

Dom will wake up with a mild hangover and will generally be around. Might go and try to sell stuff if nothing else interesting is going on. Might also stick with Jaelnec and see what he's up to, depending. Will skip describing Dom/Iri conversations in the evening, seeing she's not played for the time being. The two of them got drunk and had fun, is all.

Aemoten is going to have some likewise undescribed (for the time being) interactions with Thaler and then head out and become available. Probably also go buy some things in the interim. Potentially try to locate Sisters of Torment...

...So, in conclusion, what Dom does depends on Jaelnec/Iridiel, Aemoten will head out and do his own thing for a while, then try to figure out where Jaelnec and co went, and any one person from Yanin's side will run into any one individual already on the streets (though perhaps preferably not one of my own characters, since it's a collaborative writing effort and all).

Pinged Legion ... let's see whether we have a Dom with us or not and what Jaelnec will do. Then I'll forward Aemoten and Domhnall. Yanin's group will join once people are on the streets rather than hunkered down in their respective manors/inns.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jaelnec will probably try to find Aemoten (and Thaler), and Olan try to find Thaler (and Aemoten), heh. Trouble is, neither of them have any idea where Aemoten and Thaler went aside from "Zerul City," so chances are that they'll end up asking around the city together trying to track them down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Legion X51
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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Angora Serah Kelenwyn


Human (Inhabited by a fragment of the mortal soul of Kreshtaat, Lord of Darkness)



Angora stands somewhat taller than the average human female, at about five feet and nine inches; her frame is lithe, agile and well-suited for hunting through dense forests or dark alleyways and ambushing her targets. She has a decent level of musculature, but not bulky - perhaps the best terminology would be 'athletic', with a relatively well-proportioned chest area: estimates as to her weight would place it at around 160-170 pounds. Her skin is pale, with few markings or freckles; her raven-black hair falls roughly about to her upper back, rarely seen fettered by ties or knots, whilst her eyes are a shade of emerald green, with heavy lids and an odd blackening around the edges of the eye (possibly a physical effect from the fragment of Kreshtaat). Her nose is sharp yet rounded, and her mouth is medium-sized, her lips relatively plump and a pleasant shade of red, usually accentuated with lipstick. Her teeth are straight and in good condition, being mostly straight and fairly white, with a slight overbite of the front teeth. Overall, Angora would be considered rather pleasant to look at.

Angora has changed quite dramatically over the last six months. From her old self, to the melding, to the restoration of her mind, Angora has had to endure quite a bit, but for the moment, it seems that she is free of the fragment's influence over her. As a result, Angora's personality is one that can best be described as determined, yet optimistic. Despite, some would argue, her criminal background, Angora is dependable and loyal to her friends, and truthfully her time away from her life of crime has allowed her to re-assess her priorities, and she is determined to at least try and lead a life of legality and decency. Angora is a lively and outgoing woman who is able to read a situation and act accordingly - she is able to both turn on the charm (with a flutter of the lashes, no doubt) and also turn up the heat, depending on what the current matter requires. However, the fragment's presence still makes itself known - Angora can be quick to anger, and quicker still to draw her sword in defence of her friends, and she is prone to entering a semi-berserk state in combat.

Angora Kelenwyn was born to a middle-income family in the better areas of Zerul City's suburbia - her father, a smith working with rare and mysterious metals, including gold, silver and other precious metals; whilst her mother, a courtesan amongst the city's lower elite classes, as well as a part-time thief and filcher of items from those who contracted her services, intending to sell them into the black markets. Angora had three siblings - two older and a younger, all brothers - her elder brothers Yvann and Reikard were more akin to their father and martially-inclined; Yvann held aspirations to join the City Guard, whilst Reikard sought to join the ranks of the Duchy of Zerul's sergeants-at-arms. Karl, the youngest of the four children, was an accident. Angora's mother fell pregnant after visiting one of the city's nobility, and gave birth to a bastard child - the nobleman acknowledged the son and occasionally visited, before recommending that Karl join the Zerulic Academy of Magic.

Angora, however, took more after her mother, both in looks and in her skillset - from an early age she displayed a talent for stealing items (though she often landed herself in trouble) and she sparred with her older brothers, though both of them were far more delicate swordsmen than the young Angora, who tended to wield a sword "as if she had little regard for her own safety" according to Reikard. Angora's true skill was with a flutter of the lashes, and with a knife behind her back. This led Angora down the path of the seductress assassin, and as she grew up, Angora delved into the world of organised crime. Prices were placed every so often on members of society, and it was doing this that Angora honed her skills of ambush attacks - she would often scope the area that she was due to kill the target in before the time came, and would hide in nearby alleyways or darkened streets, walk out behind the target and plunge her blade through their back and into their vital organs, sometimes through the spine. Then, she would take them down to the dockyards and dump the body in the sea. The victim would be sometimes still be found dead, but nobody would be any the wiser, the death blamed on the gang violence inherent in such poor and deprived areas.

Angora's jobs eventually started taking her outside the city, and one day she was assigned a very important task - a group of penin had unearthed a most rare and unusual artifact - the Black Sword of Klorr, an ancient and failed experiment by the demigod which was designed to tap directly into the Spirit Realm for magical energy, instead of relying on material sources of magical power. However, unbeknown to all except Klorr himself, the Black Sword was also inhabited by something... a fragment of the mortal soul of the Lord of Darkness himself, the dreaded Kreshtaat. The fragment's presence in the sword generated a strange aura about the weapon that drove those nearby to desire to possess the weapon, to kill and maim and burn. This aura eventually led to the downfall of the penin transporting the Black Sword, as they began to bicker and desire the sword for themselves, leaving the convoy open to Angora's ambush. It was over in only a couple of minutes, the penin having been hacked to death in the middle of the night one by one, and then Angora could claim her prize; the Black Sword.

However, Angora would never make it back to Zerul City. Over the next week, Angora's personality began to shift and warp, as if the outsider within the Black Sword was attempting to move into her own consciousness. Fighting back against the fragment, Angora inadvertently set off a strange magical chain reaction that instead of pushing the outsider out of her consciousness, began to merge Angora and the outsider together in a strange hybrid of the two of them. Thus, the Untamed was born. Angora's memories of her old life faded away into a grey shroud, the names of her parents and her brothers little more than words that she remembered but didn't know the significance of, whilst her view on the world altered and changed radically - no more could she recognise the different factions within Rodoria, be they the Crusaders, or local farmers or townsfolk. No, instead they were all threats to the Untamed, threats that had to be dealt with. Though her memories of her old life had been destroyed in the merging, Angora still knew how to ambush, how to hunt and track, and how to kill. She took the Black Sword as her own - it became almost part of her, and magic flowed through the sword from the Spirit Realm, just as Klorr had initially intended for it to. Over the next few months, Angora's attacks on travellers within the woods slowly grew in knowledge. The method of assault was almost always the same - the travellers would be ambushed and killed at night, whilst they were unable to defend themselves meaningfully in the face of the bloodthirsty frenzy of Angora, before their corpses were stripped of any valuable items and clothes, and their flesh would be hacked from their corpses - likely to be used as meat in the various fire-pits that were found next to the bloodied skeletons that served as the grisly remains of the Untamed's victims. Even the Crusader's Guild weren't safe from Angora - a couple of Crusader patrols were also ambushed and killed by Angora in her murderous frenzy, slashed into pieces by the Black Sword of Klorr. After some six or seven months, Angora finally came upon a fight she could not win, when she attacked the group, then led by Aemoten. After a brief, brutal and almost fatal engagement, Angora was subdued, but instead of finishing her off, the Eireannach Iridiel Caomhanach, favoured of Sulis, intervened to subdue the influence of the fragment of Kreshtaat within her. Following this, Angora has joined the group in their quest for an answer to the Withering. Angora swore a blood oath to help in this in whatever way she can - perhaps to soothe her guilty conscience for her (albeit unwitting) part in her crimes as the Untamed, but also to repay the group for saving her from a much more grisly and bloody fate than she might otherwise have suffered. As a result, she has accompanied the group to Zerul City, but the fragment within her begins to stir once more...

Physical Skills:
Angora's physical strength and stamina is undeniable. Though she lacks the raw muscle of, say, a penin or a lohk, Angora's frenzied bloodlust allows her to keep fighting even when others might have run out of energy or been subdued by the enemy. Her adrenaline-fuelled fury also renders her virtually immune to pain until the end of the fight, or perhaps even afterwards - Angora acts similar to a berserker in this regard. She is a fearsome warrior to face down, especially with the Black Sword of Klorr at her side; though less skilled with a blade than, say, Jaelnec or Aemoten, Angora instead relies on her ferocity and brutality to overcome her enemies. Angora also has a puzzling talent following the melding with the fragment - her voice has taken on a strange, ethereal tonality to it, and this can be utilised as a weapon itself, for Angora is also a capable ambusher, skilled at concealing herself within cover, be it a dark alleyway, a line of trees with undergrowth and bushes, or simply blending into the background as best she can. Angora most often is able to get the drop on whoever it is she is hunting, something that definitely works to her advantage when it comes to her fighting style, as enemies often are unable to react in time to Angora's attacks: with fatal consequences.


The Black Sword of Klorr / Dreamcatcher:

The Black Sword of Klorr, also known as Dreamcatcher by its creator, is a very powerful sword constructed from obsidite that Angora stole from the penin who were attempting to conceal the weapon from all mortal eyes. The sword is a (originally-failed) experiment from the legendary craftsman Klorr, meant to siphon infinite quantities of magical energy from the Spirit Realm without the infusion of a soul. The sword, which had absorbed a small portion of the mortal energy of none other than Kreshtaat, mightiest of all immortals, was discarded by Klorr into the material plane as a failure, whereupon it was discovered by the penin, and was on it's way to the academy when Angora attacked. As Angora kept the sword with her, the fragment of Kreshtaat gradually melded itself with her, but consequently turned into something not quite one or the other; Angora seemingly went insane, and lost both her memory and her mind, devolving into a crazed, animalistic butcher solely devoted to bloodshed and destruction, all due to the fragment of Kreshtaat's influence. The process cleansed the sword of the fragment, however, and as a result it now acts as a conduit between the magical power of the Spirit Realm and the material plane. Though the Black Sword lacks any inherent magical enchantments (currently), it is still a very powerful (and consequently desirable) item. Admittedly, to get it, you have to get through Angora first, a feat much easier said than done.

Angora's Knife:
Since her return to Zerul City, Angora has been able to purchase new equipment and clothes for the first time in months. One of these purchases was a silvered-steel stiletto knife, with an eight-inch triangular blade, specifically designed for thrusting through thick cloth, padded armour and even finding its way through mail or the gaps in a knight's helmet. The knife as a whole measures some 15 inches, including the handle, and features a plain crossguard. This can usually be found on Angora's left side, attached to a leather belt.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melpomene
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Greetings. I somehow stumbled upon this thread while browsing around. I had roamed around in the Compendium for quite a while (more or less deciding on and planning out what character I wanted to make) before going here to the last page of your OOC to declare my interest in joining you only to discover that it had been quite a while since the last post. This discouraged me a bit, but when scrolling up to examine the reason for the death of the game, I realized that it seems that there has been lulls like this before and the game simply resumed after.

So, long story short - is this dead?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I suppose that's a matter of debate and perspective, isn't it? I know that the remaining players - Shienvien, Legion X51 and ASTA - say that they want to continue the RP and assure me that it will continue (we have a Discord-server, so it's not quite as bad as it seems from this thread). I really want the RP not to be dead and occasionally push, such as posting fast-forwards and the like, hoping that the change in the scenario is enough to motivate people to post again.
To anyone looking in from the outside? I can only imagine that it looks quite dead, and I have only hopes and promises assuring me that it isn't. I am still the GM, and I will continue as long as even a single player remains. If a new character was introduced to the story I, at the very least, would let the story of that character play out, as a GM should.

Long story short, the RP is hibernating. It appears dead, but can continue at any time. I am always ready.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Something about this RP, I don't know what it is, but it always draws me back.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Heh, hey yoshua. I know the feeling... I also keep wanting to continue this RP or - more likely since I have to accept that it is well and truly dead by now - reboot it. If I ever did so, however, the setting would be somewhat different from what it was originally. In the years since I created the RP-world I have begun rewriting the story it is based on, you see, and I have made changes to a lot of various things about the world in a way I think works much better and makes a lot more sense.
I've also learned a lot about being better GM in the meantime, so that would probably be rather different in a new iteration, too.

The main thing stopping me is the fact that I honestly struggle to have faith in my hypothetical players anymore. The primary reason I prefer to GM in the first place is to avoid the potential issue of the GM abandoning the RP and leaving the players hanging dry... but knowing that I will always be around as GM doesn't help much when the players abandon it instead.
Obviously I don't mean to blame anyone for leaving; no one should feel forced to participate in an RP if they no longer feel like it, and as I have always said real life comes first. But twice now on just this site I have put in huge amounts of work to make RPs (The Prophecy and Night of the Hunt) only for them to peter out and die because the players just stop posting. Stuff like this really kills my motivation for this kind of thing... so unless I someday come upon a group of thoroughly dedicated players that assure me that they'll stick around for the long haul, I don't know if I'll want to put in the work all over again.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Heh, hey yoshua. I know the feeling... I also keep wanting to continue this RP or - more likely since I have to accept that it is well and truly dead by now - reboot it. If I ever did so, however, the setting would be somewhat different from what it was originally. In the years since I created the RP-world I have begun rewriting the story it is based on, you see, and I have made changes to a lot of various things about the world in a way I think works much better and makes a lot more sense.
I've also learned a lot about being better GM in the meantime, so that would probably be rather different in a new iteration, too.

I'm already curious what a rewrite would end up making this already deep and fascinating world look like and I'm sure you've improved (somehow) with the passage of time. I know I have, that's for sure haha.

The main thing stopping me is the fact that I honestly struggle to have faith in my hypothetical players anymore. The primary reason I prefer to GM in the first place is to avoid the potential issue of the GM abandoning the RP and leaving the players hanging dry... but knowing that I will always be around as GM doesn't help much when the players abandon it instead.
Obviously I don't mean to blame anyone for leaving; no one should feel forced to participate in an RP if they no longer feel like it, and as I have always said real life comes first. But twice now on just this site I have put in huge amounts of work to make RPs (The Prophecy and Night of the Hunt) only for them to peter out and die because the players just stop posting. Stuff like this really kills my motivation for this kind of thing... so unless I someday come upon a group of thoroughly dedicated players that assure me that they'll stick around for the long haul, I don't know if I'll want to put in the work all over again.
Dark Jack

Yeah, I definitely understand how demotivating that can be. That's actually largely why I tend not to GM, especially wholly original settings because the reality tends to be that the average person has more trouble connecting with things that aren't familiar in some large way. That's not a failing, it's just a sad reality I've discovered based on my personal experience. Still, at the same time, I've come to realize that from to time it's better to try anyways, because otherwise it leaves you with this...sort of unfulfilled longing? I don't know if you relate to that at all, but I thought I'd put it out there.

I will say that my problem when I fell off--as I believe I told you--had less to do with you and everything to do with the fact that I'd made a character that didn't have enough intrigue/staying power to keep me invested in his story. Furthermore, I then fumbled the process of creating a new character who would keep my interest, much to my chagrin (ah Ilitas, if only I could have finished you). If it means anything or would help, I've got virtually nothing on my plate in terms of RPs or writing at the moment and I'd love to explore a new and improved version of the Prophecy's world.

I've got a Bleach Fandom RP I'm GMing that I need to figure out in the coming months, but my players are being startlingly patient with my current situation (IRL has some stuff going on that is a bit rough) and as I'm sure you know, GMing takes a much greater toll than being a player does. So yeah, if you'd be at all interested in doing something like that, I'd love to work with you! It might also be possible that I could rope in some friends of mine if you got us a Compendium 2.0 to work with. I know Shien still has it saved somewhere even if the current link no longer leads to anything--though she hasn't yet responded to my request for a link to the new site so I can look at things again.

Anyway...that was long and rambly, but here we are haha. I'll leave it at that until you get time for a reply :)

P.S. If you have anything like a Discord I'd love to chat more one on one as well.

P.S.S. I think my problem with I'onriyi was very much that he was a little too...unambiguously good and I've found I have a much greater enjoyment for characters who are either morally grey (with or without some good leanings) or outright evil (with shades of grey thrown in to make things interesting). So I'm confident I could make a character that--along with your exceptional GMing--would keep me around for some time :P Okay. Now I'm done lol.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 8 days ago

I'm around, safe to say. Will probably be around for more than half a century, with some luck. Actually had a direct relative hit 106, and a couple more over 100, not adjusting for scientific advancements since, so there's that.

But yeah ... the current state of the RP is a bit of a mess. Two branches of my characters are essentially deadlocked due to the other characters, so the only one who actually can do something without commandeering others (and while I know where to find Legion, Nessa hasn't be around for a while). Might keep Yanin for a reboot and leave Aemoten and Dom to their own devices for a while, if we go that route (unless we go with the modern version of Reniam that was briefly mentioned years ago, which would make reusing Aemoten more interesting)... Otherwise we're in the same place before 2021 happened. (I don't appreciate 2021 happening.)

As for the Compendium - I noticed that the Compendium had become detached from the DNS again, in addition it being rather hit or miss whether or not the automatic payment for the server worked that month and them rising the price yet again, so I figured I should maybe update it a little and move it to a Pi on a private public address. So running on this decade's software and all under my control. Maybe on Monday if nothing intervenes.

Also, can I invite Yoshua to the slumbering Prophecy discord?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm already curious what a rewrite would end up making this already deep and fascinating world look like and I'm sure you've improved (somehow) with the passage of time. I know I have, that's for sure haha.

Oh, so many small and big things, including some that I wanted to do even while this iteration of the RP was still running, like fixing a bunch of the confusing and misleading labels I had on things. For instance, "demon lords" are no longer a thing, nor is clearly defined good and evil; all deities save the creator spirits are "gods", and pretty much all of the beings that were previously labelled "demons" are now just variations of "angels". The class of beings previously confusingly labelled "immortals" - which would now be gods, angels and demons - are now "divines", and "demons" are "lesser" divines that, unlike angels, do not have a patron god and thus require alternative sources of power.
I've changed rune swords, a lot of the rules of magic (especially favored power)... so many different things. I even changed the fundamental structure of the world:

I'm around, safe to say. Will probably be around for more than half a century, with some luck. Actually had a direct relative hit 106, and a couple more over 100, not adjusting for scientific advancements since, so there's that.

But yeah ... the current state of the RP is a bit of a mess. Two branches of my characters are essentially deadlocked due to the other characters, so the only one who actually can do something without commandeering others (and while I know where to find Legion, Nessa hasn't be around for a while). Might keep Yanin for a reboot and leave Aemoten and Dom to their own devices for a while, if we go that route (unless we go with the modern version of Reniam that was briefly mentioned years ago, which would make reusing Aemoten more interesting)... Otherwise we're in the same place before 2021 happened. (I don't appreciate 2021 happening.)

As for the Compendium - I noticed that the Compendium had become detached from the DNS again, in addition it being rather hit or miss whether or not the automatic payment for the server worked that month and them rising the price yet again, so I figured I should maybe update it a little and move it to a Pi on a private public address. So running on this decade's software and all under my control. Maybe on Monday if nothing intervenes.

Also, can I invite Yoshua to the slumbering Prophecy discord?

Oh shit, hi Shien. I honestly haven't even installed Discord on my new PC yet, but of course you can send yoshua an invite. Also, maybe hold off on restoring the Compendium? As nice as it is to have it's not as though we need it with the RP in its current state, and I would hate for you to waste money on it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 8 days ago

Eh, the only thing that wasted money (not too much, or I'd have remembered to do it sooner) was not moving it. I already have a Pi 2 I found in a drawer. If it struggled, I also have like 5-6 old computers which ... I probably should sell about four less useful ones of on eBay because a minimum of three of them seem to have become tables ... never seems to be enough tables; maybe Rimwold wasn't exaggerating that much, after all (should probably still buy more real tables). I also already have a private public address, and the domain name is free, so the entire cost of the thing would just be about four hours. Then you can spend the next month actually updating it to reflect the new state of the world while we figure out if/why/how much needs redoing overall.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Oh, so many small and big things, including some that I wanted to do even while this iteration of the RP was still running, like fixing a bunch of the confusing and misleading labels I had on things. For instance, "demon lords" are no longer a thing, nor is clearly defined good and evil; all deities save the creator spirits are "gods", and pretty much all of the beings that were previously labelled "demons" are now just variations of "angels". The class of beings previously confusingly labelled "immortals" - which would now be gods, angels and demons - are now "divines", and "demons" are "lesser" divines that, unlike angels, do not have a patron god and thus require alternative sources of power.
I've changed rune swords, a lot of the rules of magic (especially favored power)... so many different things. I even changed the fundamental structure of the world:

Okay first of all, props, that's a really cool graphic. Simple, but elegant even if I don't remember some of the terms lol. These changes sound fascinating and have further piqued my curiosity.

Also, I just found out that I've had you added on discord this whole time like a fool and never had a proper chat with you. We should change that, especially since we're both such avid worldbuilders haha.

There is one thing that still really fascinates me in particular about your world, and it's the idea of making bargains with Demons, for power and whatnot. Just the idea of having to go through a contract like a lawyer, and the margin for error (and the cost of such errors) being so high is absolutely intriguing to me. I remember I was going to do something with that in regards to Ilitas, but I'm thinking I'd design a different character, but keep that throughline since it intrigues me so much.

So that's where my brain's at. I'd love to hear some of the changes for various things. Like the Laws of Magic in particular :3
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Okay first of all, props, that's a really cool graphic. Simple, but elegant even if I don't remember some of the terms lol. These changes sound fascinating and have further piqued my curiosity.

Thanks. One very likely reason that you don't remember some of these terms is that they're new. Reniam was always just Reniam, but in theme with giving the planes "-realm" names I gave it its secondary name of the Corerealm. The Ether/Dreamrealm is essentially what was called the Spirit Realm in the previous iteration, and Stupor is still pretty much what Stupor always was: the space between realms. The Divide is also pretty much the same thing, with the main difference being that it is no longer between Reniam and Hell, but rather between Reniam and all other realms and keeping out all gods rather than just the "bad" ones.

Tidall and Drigall are both "new" in a sense, though there is somewhat of a relation between them and the old Hell and Heaven. Essentially in the new version, the creator spirits divided the gods and angels between those two realms rather than the "upper" and "lower" planes. The gods who vied for dominion over the other gods, Reniam and the "mundane" (the class previously labelled "mortals") became the Everbound and sent to Tidall the Everrealm, and the gods that fought to preserve peace and freedom became the Neverbound and sent to Drigall the Neverrealm.

The sun and moon are probably self-explanatory, but the Voidband is probably the most significant new addition aside from just the complete change of structure. You see, Tidall and Drigall are actually semispheres encompassing Reniam, as depicted, and can be seen in the sky. Not in the sense of "there is the crust of another planet outside the planet", since those realms are semi-metaphysical, but in the world the "stars" are powerful magical presences in Tidall and Drigall, meaning that in the space that separates the two realms there is a completely vacant stretch of sky at night that is just uniform black (clouds notwithstanding). I have a lot of little interactions in mind with this new mechanic, but among other things this new sky-structure has an easily observable effect on how Reniam sees the moon. When the moon shines through the Voidband it is white; when it shines through Tidall it is orange; and when it shines through Drigall it is green. The sun also takes on different hues depending on what it shines through, but its more intense light makes it somewhat less noticeable than with the moon.

There is one thing that still really fascinates me in particular about your world, and it's the idea of making bargains with Demons, for power and whatnot. Just the idea of having to go through a contract like a lawyer, and the margin for error (and the cost of such errors) being so high is absolutely intriguing to me. I remember I was going to do something with that in regards to Ilitas, but I'm thinking I'd design a different character, but keep that throughline since it intrigues me so much.

Heh, that one is hardly unique to The Prophecy, it's just an existing concept I adapted because it suited the Grand Master.

So that's where my brain's at. I'd love to hear some of the changes for various things. Like the Laws of Magic in particular :3

I actually don't think I've changed the Laws of Magic specifically, though I would have to check my notes to be sure. It's more that I've pondered the origin of magic quite a bit - where do spells come from? Why can spoken words invoke specific effects? That kind of thing - and addressing those unanswered questions made me reconsider some of the mechanical aspects of spellcraft. The short version is that internal magic (elemental, arcane, black (no longer called that) and summoning magic, as well as necromancy and the Art of the Warden) has become much more closely tied to the Dreamrealm.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Thanks. One very likely reason that you don't remember some of these terms is that they're new. Reniam was always just Reniam, but in theme with giving the planes "-realm" names I gave it its secondary name of the Corerealm. The Ether/Dreamrealm is essentially what was called the Spirit Realm in the previous iteration, and Stupor is still pretty much what Stupor always was: the space between realms. The Divide is also pretty much the same thing, with the main difference being that it is no longer between Reniam and Hell, but rather between Reniam and all other realms and keeping out all gods rather than just the "bad" ones.

Tidall and Drigall are both "new" in a sense, though there is somewhat of a relation between them and the old Hell and Heaven. Essentially in the new version, the creator spirits divided the gods and angels between those two realms rather than the "upper" and "lower" planes. The gods who vied for dominion over the other gods, Reniam and the "mundane" (the class previously labelled "mortals") became the Everbound and sent to Tidall the Everrealm, and the gods that fought to preserve peace and freedom became the Neverbound and sent to Drigall the Neverrealm.

The sun and moon are probably self-explanatory, but the Voidband is probably the most significant new addition aside from just the complete change of structure. You see, Tidall and Drigall are actually semispheres encompassing Reniam, as depicted, and can be seen in the sky. Not in the sense of "there is the crust of another planet outside the planet", since those realms are semi-metaphysical, but in the world the "stars" are powerful magical presences in Tidall and Drigall, meaning that in the space that separates the two realms there is a completely vacant stretch of sky at night that is just uniform black (clouds notwithstanding). I have a lot of little interactions in mind with this new mechanic, but among other things this new sky-structure has an easily observable effect on how Reniam sees the moon. When the moon shines through the Voidband it is white; when it shines through Tidall it is orange; and when it shines through Drigall it is green. The sun also takes on different hues depending on what it shines through, but its more intense light makes it somewhat less noticeable than with the moon.

<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Heh, that one is hardly unique to The Prophecy, it's just an existing concept I adapted because it suited the Grand Master.

<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
I actually don't think I've changed the Laws of Magic specifically, though I would have to check my notes to be sure. It's more that I've pondered the origin of magic quite a bit - where do spells come from? Why can spoken words invoke specific effects? That kind of thing - and addressing those unanswered questions made me reconsider some of the mechanical aspects of spellcraft. The short version is that internal magic (elemental, arcane, black (no longer called that) and summoning magic, as well as necromancy and the Art of the Warden) has become much more closely tied to the Dreamrealm.

Ah, but as a fellow worldbuilder, I know very well that even seemingly "small" changes can end up having a big impact on how things truly function in a world. At the very least changes to magic--particularly deeper explanations--tend to lead to a better general understanding of how things work, which makes interacting with the systems much easier and more engaging.

Fantasy Cosmology, as always--at least to me--is something I always find almost endlessly intriguing. So the addition of more specific realm details regarding where certain gods and entities are located in the planar sense is something that catches my attention, in addition to you adding the Void band. Definitely curious about that little planar substrate, as it were and what sort of properties it might have as a metaphysical plane.

I like the change in regards to the "heavenly bodies" in regards to the planes actually having a tangible effect on the sky--night in particular. It gives a cool bit of flavor to the world by changing something very familiar in a fairly simple way. Plus, the fact that the stars are actually divine presences that are just far away (or otherwise so powerful that the "light" of their power leaks into the visible spectrum of light in Reniam's night sky). That reminds me of something my friend and I incorporated into our own world (Tir an Fhairn) actually.

Tir na Fhairn doesn't have a central planet or heavenly bodies, instead its material plane is an essentially flat literal plane. It has three metaphysical planes that overlap with it. Two of those are spheres, that overlap in the middle like a Venn diagram. One of them is like is something that separates all the planes, existing more thickly where any plane would meet, but equally existing everywhere for the most part. There's also a sort of "pseudo-plane" that provides physical structure to everything else and also literally dictates the laws of physics and magic and whatnot.

Anyway, the point is, there are sort of "domains" that beings in the spherical realms create, and those manifest as stars of various hue in the material plane. The "Sun" as it were is actually a giant magical construct crafted by one of the two groups of "gods" that exist in that world. Anyways, back to the Prophecy haha.

I know the idea of contracts is something more adapted to the world than something distinctly unique to it, but it nonetheless grabs my attention. I also like that the magic is structured, and seeing as you've found deeper explanations for spellcraft in particular I'm very interested in what the reasoning for how spellcraft works ends up being.

Sidenote, I found you on discord. Turns out I already had you added haha. Granted, I know you tend to be more active here on the Guild than you are on discord haha. Legion showed up in the discord last night, so that's neat. No idea if he'd be interested in a reboot, but I figured I'd let you know incase you were unaware. I also reached out to two very reliable friends of mine, letting 'em know that if this gets rebooted I'm going to throw it their way to see if they'd join with me so we can have some adventures and whatnot :3

So yeah, I guess the question is, do you have any interest in doing that, or does it feel like too much effort on your part without any idea whether it will last a significant amount of time?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Figured I'd save this somewhere else. This is the stuff I've got for my character for the potential reboot.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Man, hate to...what, triple post here, but I just thought I'd say that I really enjoyed our conversation last Sunday @Dark Jack. Definitely hope you pop back on tomorrow or whenever possible. Even if we don't talk about Prophecy stuff, I'm sure there's some subject that could be fun. Plus, I always love to share my own worldbuilding stuff with people of like minds :3

Anyways, I know you're busy with Uni, but I do wonder...do you teach there or have you just taken a lot of classes over the years because I swear you were in University ages ago too, so it makes me ask "Why so long?" Haha ^^;
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